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I'm not taking anything happening right now seriously. Ep 11-13 have been farcical. I'm tuning in for Slade, but probably until Suicide Squad I'm out.

Therefore Oliver being a donut, Felicity's bitterness, Diggle being a background shadow, LAWWWREL in all her glory, Malcolm's ridiculous story. None of that has happened as far as I'm concerned. Anything that happens with Ray and Raylicity will receive the same treatment.

I like your thinking. I don't understand why MG ruins a good thing. I wish the ratings would take a hit and that his two most popular characters would stop being used as props I'm already kinda depressed about fans turning on Felicity

MG originally indicated that we were going to get Thea/Felicity scenes during the Brick story-arc, then they were "pushed back". To me Thea /Felicity scenes are like the Felicity backstory promises of season 2.


I still believe those scenes were "pushed back" because the initial outburst after Oliver's 'death' and the Buckle Trilogy announcement made the EP's worried some people may actually quit - so they added extra scenes with Oliver. They were not long, but just about to ave some other things cut. They couldn't cut Buckles, because they are bent on oversaturating us with her awesomeness, light and strength, so Thea/Felicity bonding found its way to the cutting room floor.


Just my theory, but I'll stick to it.

I wonder if Ray is much more aware of what’s going on around him than maybe he lets on. Would you say that?

BR: Well, I think he’s a smart enough guy to know there are things that he doesn’t know, I would say. To my knowledge I’ve not been told that Ray has any insight into Oliver, who he is, who Arrow is and Felicity’s involvement, though he had the wherewithal to know who Felicity Smoak was and her history and the legend of Felicity Smoak. So maybe he does know something and that will be revealed but I just think he knows and trust that if she has something to do, she needs to be out of work for whatever reason, that he trusts himself that she’s not cheating on him or whatever else. It’s valid, whatever reason it is.



Not cheating on him? I thought maybe they'd date, but I guess we're going full-on. Although maybe not, since BR seems to be under the impression that Anna was his wife.

I see BR thinks Ray was doing the good kind of stalking.


I try not to judge his commentary on the stalking, because he can't really be truthful regardless of what he thinks. Chances are he really does think what Ray did was harmless, but on the off chance he doesn't, it's not like he can actually say he thinks it was gross. He's trying to keep his job.

  • Love 2

So Felicity is gonna be hiding Team Arrow from Team Atom? And vice-versa? And Crazy Eyes will be ~great and accept she's mysterious and secretive because reasons. But not cheating? I wonder if this is part of actual dialog, because LOL.

A relationship with a dude she won't be honest with because the plot needs her to keep all the secrets, totally the kind of romance Felicity always wanted in life, amirite?

  • Love 12

UGH. 315 Lunge anyone? It's happening.

Also it really does sound like BR will become a regular in s4, by which time I won't be watching at all.

We don't know that yet. I'll be pissed and sad if it does cause 1 we don't need a repeat and 2) Raylicity is gross I HATE that I'd rather her be single than with him and 3) this hate she is getting is depressing if oliver wasn't a goddam fool they would be together


Ray dizzy huh? He just basically confirmed they're dating. Perhaps he's just a very secure in himself kinda guy, or nigh too arrogant to think she would cheat, but if your guy or girl flees dates and cancels lots of things you know aren't work related, what are you to think? Perhaps not cheating, but this person isn't comfortable sharing parts of their life with you.

It's not normal.

  • Love 5

We don't know that yet. I'll be pissed and sad if it does cause 1 we don't need a repeat and 2) Raylicity is gross I HATE that I'd rather her be single than with him and 3) this hate she is getting is depressing if oliver wasn't a goddam fool they would be together


Well, we don't know for sure he'll be in s4 but all this fuss over his suit for nothing, for him to just leave at the end of the season? Doubtful. And I really don't think he'll get a spin off so s4 regular is looking more likely, IMO. 


As for Raylicity, yeah, it's happening. BR just said in an interview that Ray knows Felicity isn't cheating on him, or words to that effect, which means they're dating. 


Felicity has become an even stronger woman this season which means people hate her. She's also cried a lot which clearly means she's the worst. A strong, emotional woman? Ugh. No one wants that! Not to mention they've had her say and do some questionable things which some find off-putting. I'm not surprised by the hate, which saddens me. People are so easily led. 

Edited by Guest

Small rant: I'm really not happy with this "he was only pinging her phone for work purposes" explanation. That was already an arguable issue in the first couple of episodes, but in "The Climb," Ray pinged her phone and followed her to Verdant to discuss a kiss. I guess, yes, sure, you could argue that he wanted to make sure things weren't going to be awkward at work, and this led to the suit revelation which is work related, but the actual discussion he wanted to have with her was about a kiss and his previous relationship, which are not work related conversations.


That's apart from the problem that a billionaire building a secret suit with miniaturized weapons really should be concerned when the employee helping him build said suit keeps vanishing for whatever reason.  That, actually, I'd be happy to have Ray investigate - in fact, if the show had given that as his reason ("Look, Felicity, you discussed hacking into a federal database for a friend while I was standing right in front of your desk. I got suspicious") I'd actually be more ok with that.  Or even if he'd tracked her because he was worried about her - Oliver's done that to both Sara and Laurel.  But that's not what happened in the script.  They kissed; Ray thought she was uncomfortable because of that (reasonable assumption); she said she didn't want to talk about it; and he pinged her phone to force her to have that conversation.


There's been exactly two scenes in Arrow that have made me feel uncomfortable as a viewer: the dinner scene in "Time of Death," the bit where Ray said, one week after Felicity said she had lost someone who was more than a friend, that he was building a suit to take care of her. But I don't think that last bit was just because the timing was inappropriate: it's because in Ray, I'm seeing someone who seems to be using Felicity and crossing her boundaries. I know that some of that was also happening in the first season with Oliver - the boss' stepson coming to ask her for favors which were difficult to say no to, given who he was - but somehow, it didn't have the same feel.


I realize that this show is trying to repeat Arrow's success with Ray - repeating the formula of the wealthy guy with issues who turns to the cute IT girl for help - but beyond the problem that I saw this already in the first season, it still feels creepy to me.


Ok, that rant wasn't so small. Sorry.

  • Love 13

Well, we don't know for sure he'll be in s4 but all this fuss over his suit for nothing, for him to just leave at the end of the season? Doubtful. And I really don't think he'll get a spin off so s4 regular is looking more likely, IMO. 


As for Raylicity, yeah, it's happening. BR just said in an interview that Ray knows Felicity isn't cheating on him, or words to that effect, which means they're dating. 


Felicity has become an even stronger woman this season which means people hate her. She's also cried a lot which clearly means she's the worst. A strong, emotional woman? Ugh. No one wants that! Not to mention they've had her say and do some questionable things which some find off-putting. I'm not surprised by the hate, which saddens me. People are so easily led. 

I suppose it's possible that he means he doesn't think she's cheating on him with another company...this is the guy who can't remember he wasn't married.  It's just the slightest bit possible still. 

Edited by BkWurm1
  • Love 2

Well I've found strong, emotional women to be smelly. Not to mention icky.


And please no to Ray being in the fourth season. I'm hanging on for that in the hope we go back to what made the show not only watchable, but enjoyable. Dig, Felicity and Oliver ... Team Arrow.

If the show does pull Oliver doing a peace out on Arrow, you can be sure Ray will be back in the fourth season at least for a little.  Even if he doesn't, if they don't get a pilot for the fall, they'd probably at least keep him a reoccurring player until they know for sure about a spin off. 

  • Love 1

I suppose it's possible and he means he doesn't think she's cheating on him with another company...this is the guy who can't remember he wasn't married.  It's just the slightest bit possible still. 


True but everything else is pointing at them being together. Vomit.


Was Anna not his wife then? I honestly don't remember because Ray talks and I stop listening haha.

Well, we don't know for sure he'll be in s4 but all this fuss over his suit for nothing, for him to just leave at the end of the season? Doubtful. And I really don't think he'll get a spin off so s4 regular is looking more likely, IMO. 

I agree, but at the same time, everything pointed to Sara sticking around a lot longer too. I don't think any of us guessed that they would spend a full season's worth of development on a character that they killed off in the first episode of the next season. Not saying they're going to kill Ray off - just saying, their decisions don't always seem to follow our earth logic.

  • Love 4

I agree, but at the same time, everything pointed to Sara sticking around a lot longer too. I don't think any of us guessed that they would spend a full season's worth of development on a character that they killed off in the first episode of the next season. Not saying they're going to kill Ray off - just saying, their decisions don't always seem to follow our earth logic.


Good point! Though I always thought they'd kill off Sara at some point. I just had a feeling, even though I didn't want it to be true. 


I really hope I'm wrong about him being in s4, not just because I think he's irrelevant and wasting Felicity's screen time but also because I think he is completely out of place on Arrow. I can see him over on The Flash, easily, but the ATOM suit and all that it can do (he flies FFS!) just makes Oliver and his arrows redundant. You can't make the hero of the show redundant. It's ridiculous. 

Edited by Guest

I'm so sure she was his fiance. I remember thinking "AW that's so sad, he had to watch her die." Then a few seconds later "someone wanted to marry him?!"

I don't hold much to what he said being Felicity cheating with another company. It's a hope I cannot grasp.


The only reason I suggested it is when I was reading what he said, this part:  "So maybe he does know something and that will be revealed but I just think he knows and trust that if she has something to do, she needs to be out of work for whatever reason, that he trusts..."   I was fully expecting the sentence to end with "and he trusts she has good reasons" or "that she's not off selling corporate secrets"  I just didn't pick up in the lead in that he would end with, "he trusts himself that she’s not cheating on him or whatever else. It’s valid, whatever reason it is."

The thing I can't get past is that it really looks like the entire Felicity/Palmer relationship is from the dude's POV. I understand his motivation, I see how he benefits from being with Felicity, and it feels like they're framing it from a "oh lookie lookie how magnanimous he is to ~allow Felicity to keep her secrets, OF COURSE she's not cheating on him, haha, what a silly idea" standpoint.

And I just. Poor Felicity hiding a hugeass part of her life, of who she is, because apparently she rilly rilly wants to be in a relationship, so any one will do, and if he just happens to remind her of Oliver a lot, and of Barry too, then bonus, right? And: NOPE. This is the opposite of okay.

  • Love 11

I didn't think she was totally safe - I figured she'd die at some point during the season. But I never guessed it would be that soon, especially with the LOA storyline on the table.

Anyway. Ray may indeed end up being a regular, who knows. But he may not. He may get sent over to The Flash - maybe that's why the crossover, to test him on that show. (Not saying I'm hoping for that as a Flash fan, but still).

I don't know why I'm trying to be positive here, considering my feelings toward this show at the moment. Sorry. :)

Edited by Starfish35

The fact that BR has mentioned the stalking thing in a couple of interviews leads me to believe that it's not just a few of us on here complaining about it, so that's good.  But I can't forget all of the creepy shit that he's done, and I resent the fact that a ton of Felicity's screentime is spent supporting his story, so I will never be a fan of the character.  


With BR basically confirming things that haven't happened on screen yet (Ray and Felicity dating), I'm starting to wonder if there's something more to KC's triangle comment.  Hope not because I'll have to poke my eyes out with a stick and then stop watching forever.

  • Love 4

And I just. Poor Felicity hiding a hugeass part of her life, of who she is, because apparently she rilly rilly wants to be in a relationship, so any one will do, and if he just happens to remind her of Oliver a lot, and of Barry too, then bonus, right? And: NOPE. This is the opposite of okay.


That seems to be how it's coming across in these spoilers. She supposedly loves Oliver, according to Guggenheim (although she's never said it), but because she's mad at him she's going to date her creepy boss. Why? How do the writers think this makes Felicity look good at all? Oh wait, they don't care if she looks good, as long as they get to make Oliver miserable and 50 Shades gets the validation of being able to nail the fan favourite character. Sometimes there just aren't enough facepalms in the world.


At the rate they're going, Felicity will be rivalling Laurel for being disliked, amongst some of the fans of this show. You can't have your sympathetic love interest character hear "I love you" from the hero and then go and start seeing someone else. It doesn't work. It will just create antipathy to the character.

Edited by Danny Franks
  • Love 7

If Ray is to become a regular (using his suit) on season 4, wouldn't that make Oliver, Roy and Laurel obsolete? I just don't see how that could work over 23 episodes on a show called Arrow.


Maybe they plan on changing the name of the show as well? 


Simple, once the Arrow needs to be the star of his own show again, Ray gets a glitch in his suit he has to work out limiting it's function or taking it out of the equation completely. 

Just had a thought, maybe everyone gets a suit like Iron Man?  Could be the big game changer that's coming up...

I hope ala Oprah style:  You get a suit!  You get a suit!  You get a suit! 

  • Love 4

Please no to Oliver being in a triangle with Felicity and Laurel and in Felicity's Triangle with him&Ray. I hate it. Triangle's are so done any way and just wasting time on stupid. Then double that? The laying the ground work is bad enough.

I think the show should get Ray and Laurel Together They can bond being wannabes and over losing a significant other during the events of the privous seasons's final arcs. If Ray is going to be a fake Ironman I can see Laurel being his version of Pepper Potts. Comic books cannon be d@mnned!

And it's not because I ship Oliver and Felicity. I do like their energy but that doesn't have to be inside a romantic relationship. And I adored Sara and thought Oliver and her had a lot in common. I learned a long time ago not to ship. It ruins shows for me.

Also Laurel has light inside her? Since when? Maybe before the Queen's Gambit. But not at least since Oliver's and then Sara's return. She's been a ball of stress,anger and resentment. So no.

Edited by tarotx
  • Love 6

At the rate they're going, Felicity will be rivalling Laurel for being disliked, amongst some of the fans of this show. You can't have your sympathetic love interest character hear "I love you" from the hero and then go and start seeing someone else. It doesn't work. It will just create antipathy to the character


Reminds me of what they are doing on The Flash.  Barry told Iris he loved her but  of course he told her after she agreed to move in with her boyfriend so nothing changed but now just few episodes later, Barry is like, I don't have those feelings anymore, why would do you think (and more importantly, tell the new girl he liked) that he was still hung up on someone else. 


It's whiplash writing again but at the same time, I can understand the character's need to prove they've moved on from a seemingly hopeless situation and that's what I see Felicity doing if she dates Ray.  It wouldn't be motivated out of suddenly not having feelings, they don't go away that fast if they are real- but I can see where they would really like to stop feeling that way and hey, it might look like a viable option on paper at least until pesky feelings show up again.  

I'd rather see her wearing Oliver's leathers. Or at least a facsimile of them in her size. I think that would bear some objective scientific scrutiny.

Now I'm picturing Felicity in a hooded green leather outfit, carrying a bow in one hand and a mini-PC in the other, and running around an island.  I'd watch that show.


Ray & Felicity just gives me too much of an unpleasant Smallville deja vu vibe - where the popular, non-canon female character is pushed off on the supporting superhero male character.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 5

Also Laurel has light inside her? Since when? Maybe before the Queen's Gambit. But not at least since Oliver's and then Sara's return. She's been a ball of stress,anger and resentment. So no.


I'm never going to read the words "Laurel" and "light" and not think about the refrigerator light inside her.  There is probably a really good metaphor there, Laurel as a refrigerator. Something about a shiny exterior but cold and dark inside.  

  • Love 14

Ray & Felicity just gives me too much of an unpleasant Smallville deja vu vibe - where the popular, non-canon female character is pushed off on the supporting superhero male character.


Push comes to shove, I'll take Ray over Henry James Olsen.  That guy was horrid and cut Chloe's character off at the knees with his weakness and whining. 

I hope Felicity stands up to Ra's, but it'll probably be Waller.


Oh, MG really is a dick with his answer to 'what are Oliver & Felicity's chances' - so wish granted:

“I’m going to be a dick,” warned “Arrow” boss Marc Guggenheim. “I’m going to be a dick and say 50-50. In large part because I want to see what the internet does with that comment. I can see them losing their minds, but that’s part of the fun. That’s one of the perks of my job, is getting to see what the internet does.”
Edited by tv echo
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