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Yeeeah the way MG phrased that makes it seem like he tracked her down with the sole intention of using her brain for his vigilante life.

CAN THEY JUST FIND SOMEONE WHO WANTS FELICITY FOR HERSELF AND NOT WHAT SHE OFFERS THEM????? Is that so hard? And whoo hoo it will turn romantic because it's so romantic that he'll fall for her. And she'll fall for him. And I may be slightly bitter because this is not what I thought Felicity's love life would be like.

  • Love 2

I'm starting to feel like the only person not worried about the spoilers. :) Of course, I am a soap opera refugee, so it would take one hell of a crazy outlandish plot twist to surprise me anymore. Felicity and the rest of the team moving on if Oliver is missing and maybe presumed dead is pretty much SOP for television shows.   Plus Ray doesn't bother me that much so I can't get worked up about Ray/Felicity's placeholder relationship.

Edited by MsSchadenfreude
  • Love 1

I just don't think they will introduce a character who wants Felicity for who she is because they don't want someone who is a real threat to Olicity. These are the producers that had their original plan blow up in their faces and they had to spend 2 years reworking their story. They even had to go so far as to refilm the exact same scenes but with a different person. These producers probably have night terrors of the Olicity fandom switching sides.


 So they want to do a love interest for Felicity storyline but not one where half the fandom starts shipping it. Ray is a decent guy who wants to be a hero, the creepy stuff is added so people don't get to invested. I'm sure these producers are terrified of having another Lauriver on their hands. Felicity is shippable with just about everyone and even something minor as her flirtation with Barry got people shipping it so they went overboard adding weird to Ray's personality.  That's one of the reasons I don't get upset about Ray's weirdness I'm not suppose to love him with Felicity and I don't, but I could appreciate what he does for the storyline if the writers would ever be consistent with it.

  • Love 4

Yeeeah the way MG phrased that makes it seem like he tracked her down with the sole intention of using her brain for his vigilante life.


I hope so because that's all he knew of her when he first started hearing her name around QC. As Brandon Routh said, Ray didn't know how "fetching" Felicity was when he first sought her about.  (And speaking for myself, I'd love to see a woman on TV desirable for her brain rather than her looks or her bra size.)


When Felicity finds out about the suit and Ray's desire to be a superhero, I hope she says "No, just no.  I will help you with this suit and your vigilante plans but I am not getting involved with another person who is going to put his crusade ahead of his feellings for me."


At least MG is giving Oliver and Felicity a theme song:


"[blake] wrote this beautiful, beautiful cue for Oliver and Felicity for a very emotional scene that they have together where it's sort of like soaring and orchestral," Guggenheim teases. "It's these strings and it actually feels really big and epic. If I was an Olicity fan, I would tweet at Blake mercilessly and get him to release that cue online."

That must mean something.

  • Love 1

So to recap:


Oliver is going to fight a man with a gut who claims to be the most dangerous assassin in the world, and lose. He may 'die' and come back as crazy, but at the very least will have more hits to the woobie-meter, to see him through to the end of the season without needing to refill his Felicity-meter.


Felicity, meanwhile, will get over the supposed death of a guy she may or may not be in love with by boning her creepy boss who appears to have built the world's most expensive cosplay costume (billionaires just waste so much money). And when Oliver returns, either crazy or woobied up to eleven, she'll have the perfect excuse to keep boning said boss, all the while trying to convince Oliver that he's really a super swell guy who they should totally let into their hero club. Can he have a mannequin in the Arrow Cave too?


Laurel will dig up Sara's corpse, hoping there's enough left for her to Weekend At Bernie's her parents for a few more weeks.


Diggle and Roy will... ah what the hell ever. Like those two guys ever get to be more than occasionally chatty scenery, anyway.


Seriously, this is the show I thought I might miss by not watching? Jesus fucking christ.

  • Love 6

Regarding Oliver and Felicity's new "theme"...




I was just going to say exactly that (i.e. they already had a theme). I seem to recall there was a very specific short piano bit that played during certain pivotal Oliver/Felicity scenes last season and it was a bit varied for their 3x01 dinner scene. Glad that BN is adding to it because I really like the old theme a lot.

I was just going to say exactly that (i.e. they already had a theme). I seem to recall there was a very specific short piano bit that played during certain pivotal Oliver/Felicity scenes last season and it was a bit varied for their 3x01 dinner scene. Glad that BN is adding to it because I really like the old theme a lot.


You're right -- I think 0:50 to 2:06 (especially the latter part) of this is what's considered the Olicity theme. It played during the "You are not done fighting!" Tower Scene in 2x22.

  • Love 1

You're right -- I think 0:50 to 2:06 (especially the latter part) of this is what's considered the Olicity theme. It played during the "You are not done fighting!" Tower Scene in 2x22.

Actually that one's a little different than the one I'm referring to which plays in the S2 finale in both the mansion and the beach scene. It starts at 0:55 in this clip:

  • Love 1

So what exactly does Lazarus Pit do?

I mean it is for people who are close to death and a swim will cure them or can it revive totally dead three week old corpses? I need some clarification on that.


keep you young/healthy, prolong life, heal the sick or dying and resurrect the dead...the ladt part can drive you mad.

  • Love 1


(I will never not type that name in all caps)

I'm gonna try really hard not to get my hopes up so i won't be disappointed.

Maybe the surprise at the end of tonight episode is Tommy?!!!

Also, aren't they shooting episode 14? Which is titled "the return"?

Soo the return if Tommy maybe?

Edited by foreverevolving

So it is official and ZOMBIE TOMMY IS A GO? Guggenheim tweeted "The Return" is not Oliver nor Slade.


well obviously he's got a penis so of course he can come back. I mean this is getting rridiculous.

Congrats show you managed to hit every point we dismissed as stupid...unfreaking believable.

I swear if Nyssa doesn't use that fucking pit to bring Sara back I'm gonna cut a bitch...

  • Love 3

The cold will slow the bleeding enough so that Malcolm can stitch him up, good as new.  And we didn't actually see how far Oliver fell, maybe it was only 20 feet.


I'm not a Tommy fan, so I'm hoping that he doesn't come back.  But if he comes back, then I want Sara and Moira back.


ETA:  Amended to add Shado, too.  She was awesome.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
  • Love 1

The cold will slow the bleeding enough so that Malcolm can stitch him up, good as new.  And we didn't actually see how far Oliver fell, maybe it was only 20 feet.


I'm not a Tommy fan, so I'm hoping that he doesn't come back.  But if he comes back, then I want Sara and Moira back.

Yooooooooooooooooooooo, you know what would be INSANE?! If Moira came back all crazy and tries to kill Oliver every chance she gets. 


lmao because apparently Lazarus Pit makes people insane? IDK

  • Love 2

So, how long before Guggenheim starts damage control, assuring us that Oliver's not dead?  I mean, obviously we know that but casual viewers might have heard about Buckle suiting up, so maybe they think that she's replacing Arrow in 2015.


This episode just reaffirmed my opinion that I will not not not be OK with Felicity moving on with Ray while she thinks Oliver is dead.  He's not dead unless you see his body in person, Felicity.  I'm not sure why she and Diggle won't be looking for him, even if they think he's dead?

  • Love 5

So, regarding Felicity and Ray...anyone think that maybe she agrees to work with Ray Iron Man-ing in order to fucking annihilate Ra's if she thinks Oliver's dead? Like, maybe they don't get closer romantically at this point(although I know it's coming), but Felicity's going to somehow convince him that he needs to neutralize this threat and END HIM?

  • Love 8

Yeah, I'll call complete bull if Diggle and Felicity aren't looking for Oliver's body at least. What, are they gonna pull a Laurel and tell people he's backpacking through wherever?

I'm not gonna say anything until I know the extent of their knowledge. I hope they still believe Oliver is alive and still on his mission, but it possibly may not be the case. However, all I have to say is I think timing is important and whether there will be a time jump in the next episode... If Oliver's been gone for 2 months, yeah I would raise an eyebrow if I were Felicity and Diggle. BUT I won't berate the writers for this fail just yet :) 

So, regarding Felicity and Ray...anyone think that maybe she agrees to work with Ray Iron Man-ing in order to fucking annihilate Ra's if she thinks Oliver's dead? Like, maybe they don't get closer romantically at this point(although I know it's coming), but Felicity's going to somehow convince him that he needs to neutralize this threat and END HIM?

You mean a whole "My name is Felicity Smoak, you killed the love of my life, prepare to die" situation? Because that would be AWESOME. 

  • Love 5

Yeah, I'll call complete bull if Diggle and Felicity aren't looking for Oliver's body at least. What, are they gonna pull a Laurel and tell people he's backpacking through wherever?


Is there any way they'll have a body? 

The only way I'll accept them not looking is...I don't know, because it wouldn't be too difficult to believe that Ra's would've bested him. Although the person delivering that news would have to be Nyssa, and why would they trust her word? 


3x10 being about Malcolm - are we going to get flashbacks of him saving Oliver or something, so that we have some clue he's still alive? 

  • Love 2

Maybe Oliver is basically like comatose as Malcolm cares for him.  I will gladly accept this over alternatives.  Wasn't there a spoiler about them teaming up to take Ra's down, or something?  Oliver spared Malcolm's life, Malcolm saves Oliver's life, and now they're even.  I'd actually love them as frenemies. 

  • Love 1

Maybe Oliver is basically like comatose as Malcolm cares for him.  I will gladly accept this over alternatives.  Wasn't there a spoiler about them teaming up to take Ra's down, or something?  Oliver spared Malcolm's life, Malcolm saves Oliver's life, and now they're even.  I'd actually love them as frenemies. 


Same. Although how he could team up with a guy who manipulated the fuck out of his sister who he offered himself up to death for is a stretch for me, even if he saves him. 

  • Love 1

What if The Return is actually the return of Tatsu in the present day? She was taken by China White in the flashbacks and we're all assuming that she's dead, Maseo included. Maybe she comes back? 


I'm not ruling out Zombie!Tommy though because this show is that dumb.


I'm just assuming it's Zombie!Tommy since he's filming for the show right now, haha

  • Love 1


Maybe Oliver is basically like comatose as Malcolm cares for him.  I will gladly accept this over alternatives.

Given his injuries, I'm not sure why purely magical medical measures is more welcome than a Lazarus Pit. Magical is magical and Oliver's surviving what happened will be nothing but that either way. At least Lazarus Pit is mythologically based in DC canon. We also had Magic Herbs on the island, and Mirakuru. Of all the things that annoyed about this episode the potential of a Lazarus Pit was my favorite. I'll take either extradinary medical miracles OR LP, but only one accounts for Zombie Tommy.


Zombie Tommy. Forever. 

  • Love 3

At least Sally has Fern to keep her company since Oliver has abandoned her. Fern has to be pretty disappointed with her parents as well. 


I was mostly jesting previously, but I kind of think Zombie! Tommy might really be happening. I guess it depends on how long the EPs are going to stick with Arrow not having any superpowers or mystical elements. 


I can't see Oliver teaming up with Merlyn after learning what he's done to Thea, but since that makes as much sense as Oliver putting Malcolm under his protection, I'm sure they'll be brunching and having sleepovers by spring.

So Slade, Tommy, Oliver, Malcolm, Deadshot all get to come back to life but Sara, Moira and Shado don't because....?

I love Tommy, I really do but if they bring Tommy who has been dead for 1.5 years back to life but Sara who has been dead for a couple of months is most assuredly dead, dead, and can never, ever come back...I'm going to be pretty pissed.

  • Love 7

Yeah, I'm now definitely of the opinion that Zombie Tommy is happening, but Sara's gonna stay dead.


Also, it seems like we've got three dead wives/mothers on The Flash too, right? And so far the only person to come back to life (not counting Barry, who was a close call) is Ronnie. So...yeah. At least these people are consistent. I mean, I know this is a comics-wide--hell, a culture-wide--problem, but damn. This is why you make a new interpretation of a thing. So you can update, put a spin on things, stop making the same mistakes.


Ahem. Anyway. As I've said before, I have no use for Tommy in any form, but if Zombie Tommy saves Oliver then at least he'll have done one good thing in his life/lives.

Edited by Carrie Ann
  • Love 6

So Slade, Tommy, Oliver, Malcolm, Deadshot all get to come back to life but Sara, Moira and Shado don't because....?

I love Tommy, I really do but if they bring Tommy who has been dead for 1.5 years back to life but Sara who has been dead for a couple of months is most assuredly dead, dead, and can never, ever come back...I'm going to be pretty pissed.

Sara can't come back because she was killed to further the Laurel plot and integrate her into Team Arrow. Because of that, Sara never gets to come back. Tommy coming back doesn't threaten Laurel as Black Canary and actually gives Laurel more reason to be part of the A-plot, so it makes sense they are bringing him back.

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