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That's actually what do thought would probably play out, but I'm being selfish because Oliver walking would be fuuuuuuuuuuuun.

But overall the tone looksfar lighter than Arrow and that's a plus.


ohh I want that too! i'm gonna bet now that this scene takes place before the Oliver/Barry training scene in that barn :-P

because that would explain Oliver tone to "i heard you heal fast".

can tuesday and wednsday come already?

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I hope Oliver doesn't. That would be overkill and cheapen all the feelings; he'd be thinking Felicity is making out with every guy but him, and then Felicity would have to placate him.  I'd rather it be played for laughs between Barry, Felicity, Cisco and Caitlin.


Thanks, New Zealand promo makers.  You guys always come through.

Barry has zoomed plenty of people around before though, without their clothes bursting into flames (putting aside the question of it's damaging the cloth why isn't it affecting their skin) so conveniently it happens to do it this one time to the woman he had a crush on, in front of the guy she had a crush on?

My thoughts exactly. Also, it bothers me that whenever Felicity appears on The Flash they seemingly have to find some way to make her the object of the male gaze. She is already loved by the audience on both shows but this is going a bit overboard. What's the point of it? To sexualize her? Isn't she already sexy in her own right? It bugs but I'm trying to keep an open mind until I see the scene in context.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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Considering the quantity and quality of manflesh TPTB have provided those of us who admire such things, I can't have a problem with admirers of the female form getting serviced a bit. And lbr, Felicity's is the form the vast majority of those folks want to see.

I think the piece of info Barry accidentally reveals to Oliver per GG's interview is about the kiss, and Oliver will probably hear about/see this here bra incident - and will understand it's innocent, but those two factoids combined with the Ray thing are just too much, and Barry's back will pay the price.

Considering the quantity and quality of manflesh TPTB have provided those of us who admire such things, I can't have a problem with admirers of the female form getting serviced a bit. And lbr, Felicity's is the form the vast majority of those folks want to see.

I think the piece of info Barry accidentally reveals to Oliver per GG's interview is about the kiss, and Oliver will probably hear about/see this here bra incident - and will understand it's innocent, but those two factoids combined with the Ray thing are just too much, and Barry's back will pay the price.

Oh I have no problem with the showing skin (bring it on, IMO) but what bothers me is that, unlike the scenes with Oliver and Digg where they're working out and you can see they're sweating profusely, there's really no practical reason as to what they're doing with Felicity here. As @KirkB said, Barry has zoomed dozens of people without their clothes catching afire but suddenly they do in Felicity's case? It would be one thing if these scenes were spread out over time but in both her appearances she has now flashed skin. Isn't that the definition of "gratuitous" for a character who besides a penchant for short skirts hasn't been known to flaunt her body? Again, trying to keep and open mind here but it just rubs me the wrong way. I'm sure I'll get over it.

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If they play it purely for laughs and don't include any manpain for Oliver later, I think I'd enjoy the scene. I mean, it looks funny from the two seconds I saw with Barry trying to put out the flames by furiously patting Felicity's chest and Felicity channeling Superman there. It's slapstick! I even like the idea of Oliver hearing about it and getting a little bit of payback later ;)

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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Yes, it is like slapstick and Arrow needs that.  EBR seems to do it well, which is why the EPS were all about how wonderful her scenes with BR are (except no, they're not).

My thoughts exactly. Also, it bothers me that whenever Felicity appears on The Flash they seemingly have to find some way to make her the object of the male gaze. She is already loved by the audience on both shows but this is going a bit overboard. What's the point of it? To sexualize her? Isn't she already sexy in her own right? It bugs but I'm trying to keep an open mind until I see the scene in context.

That was kind of what Ryan McGee was saying in his part of the Ryan and Ryan report, that now that they've realized how popular Felicity is and how good EBR is, they're doing overkill with her.


Has anyone seen the Canadian promo? I can't find it anywhere, but I read on tumblr that it shows a bit of a Felicity/Wells scene. 

I saw it but I don't remember any Felicity scenes at all. The Canadian promos rarely have Felicity in them; I have to look at the New Zealand ones for that.

  • Love 2

I'm weak. I clicked.


ETA: Lots of shots of Barry smiling. There are also shots of Captain Boomerang fighting. A shot of a boomerang embedded on a wall with Diggle in the background crouching (don't know if he's hurt). There's a shot of Barry looking pleased in a room full of knocked out bad guys (I've a feeling Oliver isn't going to be happy with the help). Another shot of Barry catching a boomerang.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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Oh I have no problem with the showing skin (bring it on, IMO) but what bothers me is that, unlike the scenes with Oliver and Digg where they're working out and you can see they're sweating profusely, there's really no practical reason as to what they're doing with Felicity here.


Hmmm, I'm going to have to disagree.  There have been many times when there was no real reason, practical or otherwise, why Oliver was shirtless. And the idea that it's okay when it's Oliver, but too much when it's Felicity just seems like a double standard to me.

Edited by MsSchadenfreude
  • Love 5

I find myself more excited for the Arrow stuff happening Tuesday on The Flash than part 2 of the crossover on Wednesday, and that's kind of sad.  Arrow really needs to lighten up very soon.


Over on Guggenheim's twitter, he congratulated one of the writers for episode 13, Canaries.  Turns out that it's this writer's first episode of TV ever.  That's a bit worrisome considering some of the people that have been writing for this show for multiple seasons can't seem to get the characterization right.

  • Love 4

Over on Guggenheim's twitter, he congratulated one of the writers for episode 13, Canaries.  Turns out that it's this writer's first episode of TV ever.  That's a bit worrisome considering some of the people that have been writing for this show for multiple seasons can't seem to get the characterization right.


It was actually a writer's assistant. Some kid got a new job, let him/her be happy.

  • Love 1
Over on Guggenheim's twitter, he congratulated one of the writers for episode 13, Canaries.  Turns out that it's this writer's first episode of TV ever.  That's a bit worrisome considering some of the people that have been writing for this show for multiple seasons can't seem to get the characterization right.


It was actually a writer's assistant. Some kid got a new job, let him/her be happy.


Let's be honest, it might well be the best thing that ever happened to the character.  It's not like the current writers were doing such a bang up job with her. 

  • Love 16

Thanks for posting this:)

 I'm so curious about that exchange.."who is he under the hood?" Is it Tuesday yet?!?


So it seems like Wells is the only one from Flash Team that is in the dark about Oliver? Both Cisco and Catlin know.


Also, I guess the exchange refering to the fact that Barry has superpowers and Oliver just a bow and arrow takes place after Barry is affected by a 'metahuman' that changes his personality (Felicity looks mega-worried). And Oliver goes off to "calm down" Barry - which prompts both teams to speculate wheather a regular human can actually fight the Flash and win.


I also believe the fight will end in a draw (or that Oliver will manage to knock Barry down and maybe inject him with a tranqualizer). Barry is too cocky about his powers after the personality change.

Given that he's a guy who goes around in a wheelchair, pretending to be crippled, I doubt he's above a little duplicity concerning what he does or doesn't know about the Arrow.


I presume Caitlin and Cisco find out who the Arrow is in the first part of the crossover.

Edited by Danny Franks

It was actually a writer's assistant. Some kid got a new job, let him/her be happy.



Well, it's not like I was harassing the person on Twitter, I was just pointing it out.  I'm understandably a little concerned about one of the biggest episodes ever for my least favorite character ever.  But as BkWurm1 said, maybe it will be an improvement.  I won't be watching live, but I will certainly know from everyone's comments :)

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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I was thinking about what meets the criteria of a scene between Oliver and Felicity that the audience will need big box of tissues for; that Felicity knows "where Oliver is and where he isn't"; and that ends with Felicity dating Ray Palmer.  Having Oliver leaving and telling Felicity before he leaves that he knows she wants a relationship (Diggle's weird wording of 'Felicity doesn't want to be alone') and that she deserves one and since he can't give it to her, she should have it with Ray because he'll treat her well.   I will totally hate it as even more cheesy than Oliver seeing the kiss, but Oliver is that kind of idiot and MG would probably be thinking it's a brilliant twist to string out the agony 

Also, I guess the exchange refering to the fact that Barry has superpowers and Oliver just a bow and arrow takes place after Barry is affected by a 'metahuman' that changes his personality (Felicity looks mega-worried). And Oliver goes off to "calm down" Barry - which prompts both teams to speculate wheather a regular human can actually fight the Flash and win

I think the only reason that's in there is because the comic book boys, AK and MG and Geoff Johns, like arguing about it amongst themselves.


Wasn't it a Canadian CW channel that spoiled the kiss? I don't think it was CTV but I thought that specific promo was aired here in Canada first.. 

Yes, I think so.  But usually the Canadian promos are about the fights and hardly ever about Felicity. Even the Secret Origins promo only had a brief moment of Felicity saying that she wrote the program five years earlier and the rest was Arrow and Arsenal fighting.

Yes, I think so. But usually the Canadian promos are about the fights and hardly ever about Felicity. Even the Secret Origins promo only had a brief moment of Felicity saying that she wrote the program five years earlier and the rest was Arrow and Arsenal fighting.

Yeah, if CTV promos are to be believed, there are no female characters on the show, just guys wearing leather beating up bad dudes.

Edited by TanyaKay
  • Love 4

I was thinking about what meets the criteria of a scene between Oliver and Felicity that the audience will need big box of tissues for; that Felicity knows "where Oliver is and where he isn't"; and that ends with Felicity dating Ray Palmer.


Has it actually been spoiled that Felicity starts to date Ray once Oliver leaves or is that part still speculation?  I can't recall a spoiler saying Felicity dates Ray myself but I could have missed something before the two threads split. 

Well, BR isn't in all the episodes, maybe those will be ones where he isn't around much?  Either that or maybe it will be a time when he starts letting her in on his secrets. He would be a much more real threat if she dated him AFTER he came clean about what he's hiding.  (Or in my scenario, Oliver comes back and they just never get around to any real dating)

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Nops, it has not been spoiled yet.

I would absolutely hate it if we get a scene where Oliver gives Felicity his blessings to date other dudes. For one it would be déjà vu of season 1 where Oliver gave this blessing to Tommy for dating Laurel and I don't want any reminders of that triangle to tarnish Olicity. Secondly, Oliver's behaviour so far has been different with Felicity than any other Love Interest. It would be totally OOC for him to be so casual about her dating other men. Remember, he went ballistic when she went to. CC to see a poor comatose Barry.

Edited by TanyaKay
  • Love 4

Low as my faith is in the people who run this show, I seriously doubt MG would be selling the scene as a 9 out of 10 that only isn't a 10 because they don't have sex if it's about Oliver telling her she should date some other guy. They must tell each other how they feel about each other and talk about what could've/would've been-slash-what they would like to be if things were different or something of the like.

  • Love 5

Low as my faith is in the people who run this show, I seriously doubt MG would be selling the scene as a 9 out of 10 that only isn't a 10 because they don't have sex if it's about Oliver telling her she should date some other guy. They must tell each other how they feel about each other and talk about what could've/would've been-slash-what they would like to be if things were different or something of the like.


Which should then remove any chance of Felicity dating 50 Shades. Because if she and Oliver have had a "9 out of 10" scene, then there's surely no way she'd be emotionally available, even for a rebound fling. Talk about painting a character in a bad light! 'My heart's broken because I just lost Oliver... hey, fancy a quickie?'

  • Love 3

Add me to those skeptical that they would have Oliver encourage Felicity to date Palmer as their big emotional 9-out-of-10 scene. MG is pretty dense as to what's considered romatic but I don't think even he would believe that reinforces Olicity. The only way I see her dating Ray after any sort of confession of feelings between her and Oliver is if Oliver is presumed dead, but given he'll only be absent for 3 or 4 episodes, I don't know how Felicity would be able to overcome her grief in believing Oliver is dead enough to want to date Ray in such a short period of time.

  • Love 2

I guess if she has to start dating Ray it will be after Oliver comes back..who knows what they'll throw at them to push her towards Ray even more. As for Ray's secret hero plans, I'm expecting she'll find out, rather than being him telling her. Or. since they do love their parallels, he'll be injured and will hide in her car LOL

Edited by looptab

I guess if she has to start dating Ray it will be after Oliver comes back..who knows what they'll throw at them to push her towards Ray even more. As for Ray's secret hero plans, I'm expecting she'll find out, rather than being him telling her. Or. since they do love their parallels, he'll be injured and will hide in her car LOL


He'll be injured, but take the time to buy her a new car for him to hide in.


But yeah, Oliver missing or presumed-dead has to take him off the table as a potential date, otherwise Felicity's going to look so bad. 

  • Love 2

As for Ray's secret hero plans, I'm expecting she'll find out, rather than being him telling her. Or. since they do love their parallels, he'll be injured and will hide in her car LOL


Lolz at repeating storylines and parallels. 

Considering that Brandon Routh is even taller than Stephen Amell, Felicity will have to get a bigger car if more vigilantes end up in her car bleeding. That mini cooper will just not do.

  • Love 1

I guess if she has to start dating Ray it will be after Oliver comes back..who knows what they'll throw at them to push her towards Ray even more. As for Ray's secret hero plans, I'm expecting she'll find out, rather than being him telling her. Or. since they do love their parallels, he'll be injured and will hide in her car LOL

Well, there were these photos on twitter with Ray lightly injured and some "bad guys" with Uzis laying around as he was fixing his jacket (as if after a fight).

Well, there were these photos on twitter with Ray lightly injured and some "bad guys" with Uzis laying around as he was fixing his jacket (as if after a fight).


They're going to make him super competent at fighting, too, huh? He'll probably be an archer prodigy as well. Who is this guy?


Regarding the spoiler just posted about Quentin and Dinah - way to break some parents' hearts at Christmas! Jeez. I hope there's some consequences for keeping the death of Sara a secret. So stupid. If any one of these people had a heart, Sara's death would have been reported to the police immediately and her parents told so they could deal with her death. Finding her killer is a separate matter entirely. This is horrible. And what a fun holiday episode to look forward to! 

Edited by calliope1975
  • Love 10

So Laurel's going to give her parents the Christmas present of "Merry Christmas, Sara's dead!" Will she say it as callously as she did the last time when she sent her mother running from the room in tears?


"I already buried her in her old grave. So you're welcome on saving you money from for a proper funeral and burial for your youngest daughter that you thought you lost once before. She's dead and gone. You have to move on!" 


Are we really supposed to like that woman?


Or even better if she makes it about herself. "Sara left me just like Tommy left me. Everyone is always leaving me!"

Edited by Sakura12
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