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I guess he could have but it's not that complicated of a question: Are Laurel and Quentin in The Flash part of the crossover with both Katie and Paul @'d. It's a yes or no question and he said yes. 

He's done it on at least one other occasion (misread a tweet).  I thought F1.08 was filmed the same week as A3.07 as TF was a week ahead because of the pilot being shot last April.  KC was at Fashion Week.  Unless there is a cut scene somewhere she wasn't in 3.07.  The only 3 mentioned by any one on The Flash were SA/DR/EBR.  Oliver FB to the pregnancy news? Small scene could be shot when she got back I suppose.  I guess we'll know soon enough. 


He's done it on at least one other occasion (misread a tweet).  I thought F1.08 was filmed the same week as A3.07 as TF was a week ahead because of the pilot being shot last April.  KC was at Fashion Week.  Unless there is a cut scene somewhere she wasn't in 3.07.  The only 3 mentioned by any one on The Flash were SA/DR/EBR.  Oliver FB to the pregnancy news? Small scene could be shot when she got back I suppose.  I guess we'll know soon enough.


Heh, I'll be happy as a clam if she's not in it, but I'm just saying they kept Sara's death locked all the way down, there's no reason to think they didn't keep this down too, or that they didn't film an "insert".

We've seen a picture on the Flash of the future and Queen Consolidated was in it, so that indictate that the company returns to it's original name. 


I'd be JUST FINE with a slip of Oliver & Felicity Queen.


I can't fathom Laurel getting a metahuman anything and then returning to Starling City. Arrow is not that show.  So if she does end up with a Canary Cry I think it would be something like an 'new & improved' version of whatever Sara had. Does anyone even have the gadget Sara used?  So perhaps Cisco and Barry come up with something for Laurel.  No metahuman but a cry none the less.


This is the only scenario that I can think of that could fit into the Arrow-world and still (sort of) satisfy the Canary Cry requirement.


There's no reason whatsoever for Laurel or Quentin to be involved in the Central City parts of the crossover unless he has to do with Dinah, and we know she's coming to Starling City for Christmas as a surprise for Laurel.


I keep hoping that all mention and memory of Oliver's child disappears

A beautiful, well placed beam of light shines down on Oliver's child, who's playing in a field of poppies blowing in the wind. He must have OLIVER JR. embroidered on his shirt or...something.

And, just like that, I have a vision from "The Natural."

Edited by writersblock51
  • Love 2

Regarding that tweet of MG's in the spoiler only thread: when's the last time PB was on set? I just want to make sure I'm prepared if Laurel finally tells Quentin and he does have a Redd Foxx style heart attack and drops dead.


I know he's probably talking about Oliver leaving or dying or whatever, I'm just trying to guard myself from all angles.

I'm with Sunshine in thinking MG misread the tweet. Or, as Velocity23 mentioned, it could just be Oliver calling Quentin and Laurel separately to check on something. But I don't see the logic of trying to shoehorn 2 characters that have no connection (yet) to the Central City folks in an episode of The Flash. And I don't count having Dinah in Central City as enough of a connection.

  • Love 1

If Laurel is on The Flash, beyond having nothing to do, I'm not too sure about what her interactions will be with Team Flash.


One of the reasons Felicity fit so well in the show was because she's a light and happy character, like Cisco and Barry and to a certain extent Caitlin. 


Oliver and Diggle have a purpose in the episode, so despite the fact that Oliver is quite a broody character, he'll fit in because he has to.


With Laurel, I don't really remember seeing her smile much (beyond creepy 'The Canary' face), so I don't think she'll be insta friends with Cisco, Caitlin or Barry. She's not really a happy character, and (assuming she has nothing to do), there wont be anything there as a buffer for them to get along. 


Like, I'm assuming with Oliver, we'll get a few annoyed sarcastic quips, a few rolled eyes etc, because he's that type of character, but he'll have to get along with Team Flash at some point, because they're working together and everyone's contributing to get the bad guy (and this sort of acts as a buffer). So it doesn't really matter that he's a different type of character to what fits in on The Flash. 


Sorry if this was a bit rambly.

Regarding that tweet of MG's in the spoiler only thread: when's the last time PB was on set? I just want to make sure I'm prepared if Laurel finally tells Quentin and he does have a Redd Foxx style heart attack and drops dead.

I know he's probably talking about Oliver leaving or dying or whatever, I'm just trying to guard myself from all angles.

He posted all those behind the scenes photos from 311 on Facebook. Quentin lives!!!! Or he's in flashbacks? Nope, not going there, he lives!!!

  • Love 2

Regarding that tweet of MG's in the spoiler only thread: when's the last time PB was on set? I just want to make sure I'm prepared if Laurel finally tells Quentin and he does have a Redd Foxx style heart attack and drops dead.


I know he's probably talking about Oliver leaving or dying or whatever, I'm just trying to guard myself from all angles.


Oh gosh.  I was thinking about Oliver disappearing.  I didn't even consider Quentin.  Dinah shows up and Lance drops dead of a heart attack.  That would be fricking awful.


You know, thinking about it, when we pick up in episode 10 after the winter break, we could have Oliver flashbacks to the moment he disappears (I'm assuming it's going to appear as if he may be dead at the end of nine).  We would see what he was enduring beginning two months ago and taking us up to present day.  It would sort of leave his fate up in the air because if he's alone in the wilderness, maybe he won't survive (of course he will, this show is called Arrow).  When we hit episode 12, that's when they could change from flashbacks to current Oliver and his rescue/return to Starling City.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit

Not sure if this has already been discussed, but the description for "The Climb" was posted in the Spoiler Only thread.  I found this part interesting



Meanwhile, Ray (Brandon Routh) tries to make amends with Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Oliver sets a meeting with Ra’s al Ghul.


Since Ray isn't in 3x08, something happens in 3x09 that drives Felicity away from Ray.  I like the sound of that (not that I dislike Ray - I dislike Felicity with Ray and she's my favorite so it drives me nuts).


Since Ray isn't in 3x08, something happens in 3x09 that drives Felicity away from Ray.  I like the sound of that (not that I dislike Ray - I dislike Felicity with Ray and she's my favorite so it drives me nuts).


If he "makes amends" successfully (which he probably will), then I'd guess he'll be spending a lot more time with Felicity. Got to have something to keep those 'shippers hooked over the hiatus, right?

This shipper has one foot out the door and can find better stories that are more thought out in the land of fan fiction. They're going to have to give me something good with Olicity (since everything else I like is a failure at the moment) to make me excited about coming back after the holidays. This most amazingest, spectacular, emotional Olicity scene better be worth it. 


Why can't I quit you, Olicity?!

  • Love 9

Pretty sure the making amends refers to the kiss. If he does something to piss her off that calls for amends in this episode, they would have lead with that not jumping ahead to the amends part. That sentence makes sense in my head. Lol

Does one need to make amends for a kiss?  (In that case, Thea's DJ has a lot to make up for.)  


Or is it amends for walking away at a time when Felicity feels like she's being rejected by everyone?


I'm still hoping it's amends for using her to get the mine so he can make his suit while she was singing his praises as a good guy to Gardner.

This shipper has one foot out the door and can find better stories that are more thought out in the land of fan fiction. They're going to have to give me something good with Olicity (since everything else I like is a failure at the moment) to make me excited about coming back after the holidays. This most amazingest, spectacular, emotional Olicity scene better be worth it. 


Why can't I quit you, Olicity?!


It always seems to me that showrunners think all 'shippers just love angst, and want their characters to be forever apart. Sadly, there are plenty of fans who do seem to want that. 


I know how you feel about not being able to quit them, though. I was like that about Castle and Beckett for a long time. I fucking hated the show, hated every bit of the writing, but the chemistry and the lingering goodwill I had for the two leads just kept me coming back. Until they decided to reveal that Beckett had been married all along, despite fans making such a big thing of her "one and done" declaration from the show's second episode. And they did it for nothing more than a bit of cheap drama and 'comedy' in an episode. Once they did that, I cut the cord and have never watched again. Turns out it's easy, in the end. It's been easier for me to stop watching Arrow, because while the Castle comparisons are glaring, at least the Castle writers never casually murdered a character I really liked to prop up another character that they really like.


Here's the question to ponder all winter though: If they do give Oliver and Felicity some great, emotional, fulfilling moment, and then in 3x10 she's dating 50 Shades because Oliver's not around, how the hell do the writers fix that?

I don't know that the kiss is anything that requires amends. They were on good terms when he walked away, and Felicity didn't seem upset by it. Maybe the amends is in the summary because what he did that upset her is too big to spoil or because there's limited space and by telling us he makes amends they're also letting us know that he upset her without having to spell it out.

Making amends in the 'crossing the line/not keeping it professional and then just walking away sense' kiss


I could see in the future Laurel going to Wells for a sonic cry (that line feels very punny to me). But not right now, Laurel is in no way connected to Central City or The Flash. Her knowledge of Team Arrow shouldn't give her automatic entry into knowledge about Team Flash IMO.


Speaking of the Sonic Cry, I would if Laurel even knows about it?

Here's the question to ponder all winter though: If they do give Oliver and Felicity some great, emotional, fulfilling moment, and then in 3x10 she's dating 50 Shades because Oliver's not around, how the hell do the writers fix that?


This is what I can't really figure out.


Oliver not being around in the present timeline leads me to believe that we're supposed to think he's dead. So, the team would think he's dead as well, so I honestly can't see Felicity dating Palmer unless she goes into some grief spiral and starts doing crazy shit. I don't think they'd go there.


If he goes off voluntarily with Ra's, then why would they waste the opportunity to show us what he's up to? If, before he leaves, he tells Felicity he loves her and wants her to be happy (because I think he'd believe he's not coming back), I could deal with her having a rebound with him since it's what, the fifth time now Oliver's pushed her away?


So, either Oliver's going to be presumed dead and nothing romantic is happening between Felicity and Ray during the eps where Oliver's gone, or Oliver leaves and whatever happens between them is...whatever. I wonder if the thing Palmer's supposed to be making amends for will allow for some romantic distance between them during the "missing" eps, so there's no romantic development there either (I really don't think he's making amends for that kiss).

  • Love 5

Even if Oliver leaves voluntarily, my problem with a Ray rebound is that it will only have been like two months or so.  Oliver is going to pour his heart out to her, say goodbye, and then Felicity will turn around and start dating Ray?  Too soon, too soon.  Maybe if there is like a six month time jump or something, but not after two months.

  • Love 4

Here's the question to ponder all winter though: If they do give Oliver and Felicity some great, emotional, fulfilling moment, and then in 3x10 she's dating 50 Shades because Oliver's not around, how the hell do the writers fix that?


I don't know that they could fix that to my satisfaction. Again, I guess it would depend on why Oliver leaves. 


I envy those who have been able to quit the show. I just love Felicity so very much. I did skip "Guilty" and just watched her scenes online, so I'm babystepping away. 


I can say that I'm excited for The Flash crossover. I want more Wells/Felicity scenes, and I want to see how the two teams work together. Based on that pic EBR put up on Instagram, this might be the last fun hurrah before all Laurel, all the time. 


Speaking of the Sonic Cry, I would if Laurel even knows about it?


Interesting question. I don't think Laurel ever saw Sara use it, wait, she did when she set up the Arrow to be ambushed. She might remember it from that time. 

  • Love 1

If he goes off voluntarily with Ra's, then why would they waste the opportunity to show us what he's up to? If, before he leaves, he tells Felicity he loves her and wants her to be happy (because I think he'd believe he's not coming back), I could deal with her having a rebound with him since it's what, the fifth time now Oliver's pushed her away?


But I can't really see Felicity being open to any sort of relationship in the short term if she's just been given the 'I love you. Be happy. Goodbye' speech. She'd be completely determined to figure out how to get Oliver back home. She's never going to be stupid enough to not see that Oliver is leaving against his will or his best interests, is she? She wouldn't be interested in going on awkward dinner dates with the 'cute' stalker. At least, the Felicity from seasons 1 and 2 wouldn't. Even more so if she thinks Oliver is dead. She'd be a wreck, and surely not in any state of mind to take up with 50 Shades, no matter what pretty dress he might let her wear at Oliver's funeral.


In the words of River Tam, "it doesn't make sense". Still, I imagine that wouldn't stop the writers.

  • Love 8

But I can't really see Felicity being open to any sort of relationship in the short term if she's just been given the 'I love you. Be happy. Goodbye' speech. She'd be completely determined to figure out how to get Oliver back home. She's never going to be stupid enough to not see that Oliver is leaving against his will or his best interests, is she? She wouldn't be interested in going on awkward dinner dates with the 'cute' stalker. At least, the Felicity from seasons 1 and 2 wouldn't. Even more so if she thinks Oliver is dead. She'd be a wreck, and surely not in any state of mind to take up with 50 Shades, no matter what pretty dress he might let her wear at Oliver's funeral.


In the words of River Tam, "it doesn't make sense". Still, I imagine that wouldn't stop the writers.


I don't think she'd let him just leave and not try to find him, even if he did tell her to be happy and let him go. I think the most likely scenario is that they'll think he's dead and the romantic progression on the 50 Shades side will come to a halt.

  • Love 2

Speaking of the Sonic Cry, I would if Laurel even knows about it?

Didn't she see it in action when Sara saved Oliver from her at the police station?   Presumably they talked about it in their many conversations while Slade was attacking the  city last season.



If he goes off voluntarily with Ra's, then why would they waste the opportunity to show us what he's up to? If, before he leaves, he tells Felicity he loves her and wants her to be happy (because I think he'd believe he's not coming back), I could deal with her having a rebound with him since it's what, the fifth time now Oliver's pushed her away?

That's a really good point, especially as Laurel becoming BC is so controversial, so they'd want to keep scenes of Oliver to keep people watching the show.  So it makes sense that the people on the show worry that he's dead, and the audience is worrying too (except not).


With respect to Ray, I'm really hoping that now that they have used him to get Oliver jealous and move that plot forward, his main function will be science/CEO/Atom instead of Felicity's love interest.  Because as Danny Franks said, I can't see Felicity dating him when she's worried for Oliver.  Especially not if there's been a big scene between her and Oliver in 309.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 4

I'm trying to figure out if Team Arrow will think Oliver is dead before the 309 cliffhanger. That tweet David posted about Diggle being with the stunt team is throwing me off, because it leads me to thinking Diggle is out looking for Oliver in 310. Sure, he could be looking for a body, but if he doesn't find one [and he's not gonna], then well, Oliver's not dead. But why would he wait 6 weeks to look for a body? So when will they be thinking Oliver's dead?


Sorry, that was convoluted as Arrow. :)

Edited by dancingnancy
  • Love 1

I'm trying to figure out if Team Arrow will think Oliver is dead before the 309 cliffhanger. That tweet David posted about Diggle being with the stunt team is throwing me off, because it leads me to thinking Diggle is out looking for Oliver in 310. Sure, he could be looking for a body, but if he doesn't find one [and he's not gonna], then well, Oliver's not dead. So when will they be thinking Oliver's dead?


Sorry, that was convoluted as Arrow. :)


I thought we'd think he's dead at the end of 3x09, then the team would get a hit on him or some kind of clue that he might be alive at some point during the hiatus or shortly after the show comes back (since I guess it'll still be in real time?).

Edited by apinknightmare

Haha, trying to piece timelines for this show going only on spoilers, this is what I do on my day off.


The "Oliver sets a meeting with Ra's" in the 309 official description is ALSO throwing me off, because that means Oliver goes to Ra's voluntarily. And then something has to happen for the team to think he's dead, even if it's Nyssa lying to them about it, or something. [but that's not good because "where's the body" would be Diggle and Felicity's first question.] Is someone else going up the mountain with Oliver and sees him fall off the cliff? Hmm, no, because then there's a search for him RIGHT THEN. But there's the literal cliffhanger. But but but. Is the audience not supposed to think Oliver is dead? Because if the literal cliffhanger is Oliver hanging off the mountain... then we'll know he's not dead. But we're not gonna see him for 2 and a half episodes afterwards, and instead the first half of 310 is Team Arrow thinking he's dead, *clue appears*, Diggle goes out looking for him, fails? And we still don't see Oliver except for flashbacks? That will be weird.


[ETA, sorry I just edited this 17 times in a row.]

Edited by dancingnancy
  • Love 2

I struggle to see the Network agreeing to a storyline that has the viewers in suspense about Oliver being alive or dead for more than a single cliffhanger. I just think they'd worry that viewers would genuinely believe he was dead. So if they go that route, I'd expect at least one present day Oliver scene per episode, just to 'reassure' people. If he's held captive, then a scene of him throwing a baseball at the wall and catching it (though this show would offend me if it riffed on The Great Escape, at this point) or something similar.


Hey, maybe they'll actually kill him, then Lazarus Pit him up again. Like they didn't do with Sara.

  • Love 2

The problem, I think, with having a story where Oliver is presumed dead (again) in present day is that the audience KNOWS he's not. So we're just going to watch the teams in SC and possibly CC spin their wheels, grieve and struggle.  Word to the show: that's not interesting when the audience is in on what's really going on.

Furthermore, he's been 'dead' before so I can see where his loved ones would not quite believe he's dead this time either.  So that puts Felicity in a very odd place in terms of what may be happening with Ray.


Also, his coming back (if presumed dead) should open the notion to everyone that, yet again, what does 'dead' mean on this show?  Moira? Sara? Tommy?


I think him going off and NOT presumed dead is the better option though I still think it stinks as well. Just not as badly as everyone thinking he's dead.  Thinking he's become a member of the LoA would be the best option, if the Team thinks they've lost him to the Dark Side and they have to fight to bring him back to the light.

  • Love 3

Is anyone actually going to sit around on for 2 months biting their nails going oh I hope Oliver survives.... I seriously doubt Oliver"dying" in 309 would have anyone freaking out.

You want to do a fake death and get everyone wondering it kind of can't be the lead actor. Look at Grimm, they ended last season with Renard shot, and ended the premiere with him flat-lineing...both of those were very real threats, he could have died and people worried about it.

One season prior Grimm ended with Nick (lead character) turned into a Zombie, held prisoner and bound for Zurich...no one worried if Nick was going to die or never be seen again. The only question was how long before he was woken up/rescued/escaped and if it would be interesting.

If the show actually tried to play the Oliver is dead card. ..no really, we mean it, pretty sure fan reaction would be a massive eyeroll.

  • Love 5

Unless SA lied about it, he specifically said there were a couple of eps where he only appears in flashbacks. So if we're not supposed to believe he's dead, why wouldn't they show him wherever he is?


Well I suppose they could flashback to "one month earlier" and show the resolution of Oliver dangling off of the cliff.  Showing us footage of any of the stuff that happens to Oliver in the month between episode 9 and episode 10 would technically be a flashback.  So we would know that he's not dead, but Team Arrow wouldn't know that.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
  • Love 3

Is anyone actually going to sit around on for 2 months biting their nails going oh I hope Oliver survives.... I seriously doubt Oliver"dying" in 309 would have anyone freaking out.

You want to do a fake death and get everyone wondering it kind of can't be the lead actor. Look at Grimm, they ended last season with Renard shot, and ended the premiere with him flat-lineing...both of those were very real threats, he could have died and people worried about it.

One season prior Grimm ended with Nick (lead character) turned into a Zombie, held prisoner and bound for Zurich...no one worried if Nick was going to die or never be seen again. The only question was how long before he was woken up/rescued/escaped and if it would be interesting.

If the show actually tried to play the Oliver is dead card. ..no really, we mean it, pretty sure fan reaction would be a massive eyeroll.

I don't think anyone would truly believe he's dead, that's why I think the EPs would be comfortable having him missing from a couple eps to get Laurel's and whoever's story going again without losing viewers. They'll be expecting him to show up (and he will, during sweeps).

  • Love 1

From the spoiler-only thread:


Marc Guggenheim: “I’ve always maintained that you’d find out the answer to who murdered Sara by the end of the year,” he says. “That said, I will say that the S.T.A.R. Labs team is going to end up providing a critical piece of information that cracks open the whole case, but that doesn’t necessarily happen in [the crossover].”


Dear Marc Guggenheim, the crossover is 308. From there until the end of the year there's only one episode left. I think adding one is not considered actual math.


This answer pretty much explains to me why this season is a convoluted contrived mess.

  • Love 2

Is anyone actually going to sit around on for 2 months biting their nails going oh I hope Oliver survives.... I seriously doubt Oliver"dying" in 309 would have anyone freaking out.


You'd be surprised. I remember comments on various message boards (not TWoP, thankfully. Those folks were smarter than your average board) where people were genuinely thinking that Beckett was dead in the season 2 two-parter of Castle, and even genuinely scared she was going to die at the end of season 3. People can be dumb sometimes, but I think Networks think they're dumber.

  • Love 1

I think the only way I can see Laurel ending up with the canary cry is if it happens much later, like when the make-shift prison full of meta-human baddies underneath S.T.A.R labs inevitably explodes or something, and Laurel is there. If it happens during the crossover I will laugh my head off and then roll my eyes so hard I'll do damage.


Also, there's no way anyone would be worried that Oliver is actually dead but the characters on the show might. As an audience we'll be like 'he's the lead, he's not dead' but Team Arrow won't know that so it ups the dramatic stakes a little.


I still think it's very strange to have Oliver only in flashbacks without Oliver in the present. If he's off with the LoA, why can't we see that? It's a really strange story device, that's for sure.

Here's the question to ponder all winter though: If they do give Oliver and Felicity some great, emotional, fulfilling moment, and then in 3x10 she's dating 50 Shades because Oliver's not around, how the hell do the writers fix that?


I actually don't know because the Felicity I know and love wouldn't just dismiss Oliver being with the LoA and happily go on to date Ray while he's gone. If that happens I will lose all respect for everything tbh. 


I'm hoping that whatever is happening with Ray is put on hold and he just becomes a supportive friend. The question of whether it could develop into more should be left for when Oliver returns. It's one thing for Felicity to try to move on after Oliver has told her they can't be together. It's another to move on when he probably confesses his love before sacrificing himself for Starling City. It really wouldn't put Felicity in the best of lights tbh.

Even if Oliver leaves voluntarily, my problem with a Ray rebound is that it will only have been like two months or so.  Oliver is going to pour his heart out to her, say goodbye, and then Felicity will turn around and start dating Ray?  Too soon, too soon.  Maybe if there is like a six month time jump or something, but not after two months.


I'm going to guess that if Felicity is looking for Oliver then Ray will in someway be helping her maybe without knowing who she is looking  for just that she is looking for someone. The writers will use that as an excuse to grow Ray and Felicity as friends without the romantic beats since Oliver will not be around to react to them, Oliver will return and Felicity will be happy he's back but hurt that he walked away after whatever conversation they have in 3X09 that is so heart breaking. As much as I don't want Ray and Felicity together if the writers are going to give her a real love interest this is their one shot to do it because once they pull the trigger on Olicity they can't have one of them go be with someone else. So I do think Ray and Felicity will be a "real" relationship. Oliver comes back with over 10 episodes before the finale.  In the writers stupid opinions they will want to wait for the finale.


I'm trying to figure out if Team Arrow will think Oliver is dead before the 309 cliffhanger. That tweet David posted about Diggle being with the stunt team is throwing me off, because it leads me to thinking Diggle is out looking for Oliver in 310. Sure, he could be looking for a body, but if he doesn't find one [and he's not gonna], then well, Oliver's not dead. But why would he wait 6 weeks to look for a body? So when will they be thinking Oliver's dead?


Sorry, that was convoluted as Arrow. :)


SA said in the Arrow After Show I believe that Diggle will be wearing a costume but not the costume we want or something along those lines. I took DR's tweet and that comment from SA to mean that Diggle is putting on the Arrow suit to keep up the appearance of the Arrow in SC. If the criminals stopped their crimes out of fear that the Arrow will come for them the power vacuum that would open up in the criminal underworld with his absence would be a problem.

  • Love 3

I don't think anyone would truly believe he's dead, that's why I think the EPs would be comfortable having him missing from a couple eps to get Laurel's and whoever's story going again without losing viewers. They'll be expecting him to show up (and he will, during sweeps).

This ^^ does not line up with below

Unless SA lied about it, he specifically said there were a couple of eps where he only appears in flashbacks. So if we're not supposed to believe he's dead, why wouldn't they show him wherever he is?

This is the comment I was responding too.

Yes, the show can play it that the characters think Oliver is dead but if they attempt to try and convince the audience that Oliver is dead, that's another story.

You'd be surprised. I remember comments on various message boards (not TWoP, thankfully. Those folks were smarter than your average board) where people were genuinely thinking that Beckett was dead in the season 2 two-parter of Castle, and even genuinely scared she was going to die at the end of season 3. People can be dumb sometimes, but I think Networks think they're dumber.

I don't watch the show but Beckett isn't Castle, she may be the female lead but as I understand it, it's Nathan Fillian's show, he's the only character that could never be in any real danger.

SA said in the Arrow After Show I believe that Diggle will be wearing a costume but not the costume we want or something along those lines. I took DR's tweet and that comment from SA to mean that Diggle is putting on the Arrow suit to keep up the appearance of the Arrow in SC. If the criminals stopped their crimes out of fear that the Arrow will come for them the power vacuum that would open up in the criminal underworld with his absence would be a problem.


I will give anything to see Diggle do more than be baby daddy and marriage counsellor and all knowing reaction shot in the background of whatever is happening. I want to see him really get involved in things again. I miss Diggle so much which is weird because he's there but he's not really. So fuck yeah to him putting on the Arrow suit!

Edited by Guest

Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) returns to Starling City and tells Oliver (Stephen Amell) that her father, Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable) has given Oliver 48 hours to find Sara’s killer or the League of Assassins will start killing the citizens of Starling City


From the episode description for the Climb. 


Apparently Ra's and Waller went to the same school of overkill.  How in the world do we go from him not even considering Sara a real part of the LoA and hence, they weren't going to bother avenging her death to if you don't cough up her killer we are going to kill random innocent citizens of Starling?  I can't fathom a scenario where this makes any sense. 

  • Love 1

From the episode description for the Climb. 


Apparently Ra's and Waller went to the same school of overkill.  How in the world do we go from him not even considering Sara a real part of the LoA and hence, they weren't going to bother avenging her death to if you don't cough up her killer we are going to kill random innocent citizens of Starling?  I can't fathom a scenario where this makes any sense. 


Shits and giggles?


If I was leader of a crazy bunch of highly trained assassins, I might be tempted to make threats like that. What else are they going to do with their time? But as for the logical, in-show reason? Maybe the writers figure no one will remember what has been said previously about it.


Just wait until Oliver joins the League and turns Nyssa straight with the power of his penis. I can't imagine these writers will want to pass up completely on the Daughter/Son of the Demon stories.

Edited by Danny Franks
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