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56 minutes ago, Soulfire said:

SA's nope face never stops being amusing --

That tweet took me out. I'm deceased. See? It really is like S1/2.

21 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

That clip where Thea tries to rescue Roy and it cuts to OTA gave me a nice dose of nostalgia. But LOL at Oliver snatching Thea out of the window, couldn't he have done that with Roy? Haha.

I howled at Thea being snatched out through the window. We need more of that on the show.

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So, does Stephen’s tweet from last week mean he’s waiting to see if Arrow gets a season 7?  He was cast in Feb 2012 so he then would have been hoping/waiting to see if Arrow was picked up.

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3 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Oh no - in the preview for the next ep, Nyssa's talking about not being able to run from her father's legacy just like Thea can't run from her's. She's going to life-changing realization Oliver into daddy drama, isn't she

But imagine if instead of Oliver giving up GA again, he decides to train William. LOL God that would be awful.

I still prefer the LOT version where John jr is GA.

Edited by JJ928
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38 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Oh no - in the preview for the next ep, Nyssa's talking about not being able to run from her father's legacy just like Thea can't run from her's. She's going to life-changing realization Oliver into daddy drama, isn't she

Noooooooooooooo don't say this.

34 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

If 615 proved one thing, it's that I'm right to be dreading 619 with Dragon and BS. Please let there be lots of Anatoly to make it bearable.

If their scene was anything to go by there is NO WAY I'm gonna be able to stomach a whole episode of them together. It was gross.

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Didn't he comment somewhat positively about days off when Diggle had his upcoming episode filmed?  Might be why he has the time off that is irking more than having it off.  

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18 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Didn't he comment somewhat positively about days off when Diggle had his upcoming episode filmed?  Might be why he has the time off that is irking more than having it off.  

He's probably a lot more generous about his good friend David and Diggle a character he likes getting some focus then #Kidvicious and cohorts. 

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6 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Didn't he comment somewhat positively about days off when Diggle had his upcoming episode filmed?  Might be why he has the time off that is irking more than having it off.  

I think it's a combination. In the past he's been happy with days off when an episode focused on Dig or Felicity but, he still had a role to play on those episodes even if it was reduced.

He seems to get annoyed when his role is sidelined entirely, like in S3 for KC, he only filled a couple of scenes per episode maybe a day's worth of work. The same is for 619, where according to KenP he filled a single scene. 

I think that's what upsets him. He's OK with going from 7 filming days down to 3. He's not OK with going from 7 down to 1 of 1/2 day of filming.

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When he says “I used to...I used to...” I thought for sure he was going to say “be on a show called Arrow.” Cause he looked like he was going to make a sarcastic crack before the other guy cut him off. 

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I think that’s the life-changing decision too. It is probably also the lead into Diggle’s episode and we’re finally going to discover why he’s hung up on wanting to be GA.

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11 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

After watching the Olicity scene I'm thinking (sadly) that Oliver's life changing decision that Nyssa helps him with that that he wants to be GA (again) because apparently it's still in doubt.

Yeah, that was my thought too when I read the episode description, but even more so after everything with Diggle last night. I really hope that in 617 we get exploration and resolution of why Diggle is so hung up on being GA.

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I have a question: Doesn't SA have every Monday of this season (maybe even the previous season) by his own request to spend more time with his family? After all these years as the main character, does he or doesn't he have any say in his storyline or screen time? 

I am torn on this because I didn't like the flashbacks after S2 but it feels as though they don't know how to fill the time they now have. The storyline doesn't feel tight at all but mostly made up as you go along. The storyline in earlier season focused primarily on Oliver's present and past but apart from the few episodes in S3 that weren't that well received, I believe (even though SA hyped them back in the day as very strong) the show always suffers when it doesn't focus on Oliver or a beloved character like Diggle. People like to watch characters they care about. It is not rocket science. Therefore I don't understand why at the end of the season they'd sideline all their main characters for what is probably an exposition episode for the villains. I don't get why the writers make the shower weaker than it needs to be. They still have all the ingredients for a great show but they don't seem to use it by choice. 

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36 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Yeah, that was my thought too when I read the episode description, but even more so after everything with Diggle last night. I really hope that in 617 we get exploration and resolution of why Diggle is so hung up on being GA.

It never crossed my mind because i thought it was settled after 611 with William being OK with Oliver being GA.

I had no idea that Oliver and/or Felicity still viewed the hood as temporary. I had no idea that Diggle was expecting to get it back since the whole reason any of it happened was William's fear after Samantha's death.

So 615, sets up Oliver deciding once again that wearing the Hood is who he is, in 616. 615 also sets up Diggle's storyline for 617 with Hood/No Hood issues, I guess.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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12 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Therefore I don't understand why at the end of the season they'd sideline all their main characters for what is probably an exposition episode for the villains. I don't get why the writers make the shower weaker than it needs to be

Yeah, the time for the villain episode would've been when they were first introduced as a team - to give us even the slightest idea why they all threw in together. That way we could've gotten to know 3-D better, and him coming out as the main wouldn't have been as out of nowhere as it seemed. If they manage to get up any momentum after the break, that's gonna kill it. 

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8 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Didn't he comment somewhat positively about days off when Diggle had his upcoming episode filmed?  Might be why he has the time off that is irking more than having it off.  

I think it's different here because with Diggle's episode, I'm sure Stephen was still in part of the episode. For 6x19, he's had over a week off so far and will still have a few more days until he has to go back to Vancouver. He's only in one scene in 6x19, while for Diggle's episode, I'm sure he has a few more. Plus, he does like David and he's being sidelined for a villain's episode. And I'm sure the only reason Stephen isn't missing the entire episode is so that they won't ever have to say that there's an Arrow-free Arrow episode. 

If you're a workaholic or have gotten into a pattern like Stephen may have, it's probably harder to have the time off. My mom's very similar in that she gets joy out of working and doing something. 

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He requested Monday's off last season but he has been filming a lot of Monday's this season. I don't think he requested any time off this year, it just happened because they had more focus on other characters and less flashbacks. I think this is probably the only episode where he's been away from work the longest and it's probably annoying him because of who the episode focuses on.

And yeah if this is a heavy siren and dragon episode this late in the season, someone has to die, it's the only way it's justified.

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6 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

If they manage to get up any momentum after the break, that's gonna kill it. 

At the moment, with all the drama, they have a hard time gaining momentum as it is. Because how is it going to end? Oliver will be out for this episode, we will get to know the villains, the team comes back together because they realise that in order to outsmart Diaz they have to work together. 

I still don't know how BS will fit in. Maybe she plays them all and she will turn out to be the big bad. Because she seems to have a lot of screen time but apparently not a good storyline. And while I am not trying to be rude but a lot of BS and nothing else, really doesn't sound that appealing.  

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It's odd that SA would miss such a villain heavy episode. As a villain, I think Dragon is so disconnected from the mains that I'm having trouble caring about him. 6x19 isn't going to help.

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Hmmm maybe there is something else going on BTS regarding renewal or contract reups? MG seems completely checked out and isn’t WM working on another show as well? Idk, SA seems to pretty much toe the company line. 

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I agree with @Lady Calypso that SA is a workaholic and used to spending long hours working on the show.  Some people like Jennifer Morrison can use their down time on a show to produce and set up new projects but SA strikes me as someone who wants to be directed (in the broader sense) than organize other projects when he's not on set.

This show has always had problem with balance and I think it's a big problem in the season right now.  They were so focused on misdirecting the audience to get to the gotcha of the season's Big Bad not being Cayden James after all that they neglected to do a proper set-up for 3-D. And BS has been taking orders from men for so long, it's hard to believe it's going to be her.

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After the shot of all the villains lined up in 609, 610 should've been the villain-heavy episode. But they wanted their "Diaz kills Cayden" twist and then decided to torture us with the civil war plot instead. I still don't know why they've waited until episode 19 though. The only villain worthy of a whole episode of focus was Prometheus tbh. I might not have enjoyed s5 that much but at least the big bad was compelling and interesting. Diaz is the complete opposite of that with his constant mumbling and 3D printers. 619 is gonna be a chore to get through, I can tell. Haha.

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I feel like they haven't done a good job selling the victims this season, on-screen or off. The last time we had any quotes from the EPs about them was before/the beginning of the season, when they were still trying to sell the "everyone has a villain!" story. We saw what happened with that.

Dragon was set up to be Diggle's villain, but now he's Oliver's because Oliver's the main character/mayor/Green Arrow (though Diggle wants the hood back)/etc. 

Really, the show did a better job setting up the newbies as OTA's villains when I'm pretty sure that's not what they were going for with this storyline. 

Even if the EPs said stuff in interviews that we didn't see on-screen, at least we might have an idea where they're coming from? Sort of? 

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1 hour ago, Belinea said:

I have a question: Doesn't SA have every Monday of this season (maybe even the previous season) by his own request to spend more time with his family? After all these years as the main character, does he or doesn't he have any say in his storyline or screen time? 

They've always been very open to SA being involved with storylines and screen time but it isn't something they have to do. Letting actors having control over storylines/screen time is a very double edged sword. 

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51 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Hmmm maybe there is something else going on BTS regarding renewal or contract reups? MG seems completely checked out and isn’t WM working on another show as well? Idk, SA seems to pretty much toe the company line. 

I'd argue that's been going on as early as s4 when the big 3 went their own ways to expand the Arrowverse. When Joss did that with Buffy, SMG was very unhappy and same with Kevin Sorbo on Hercules.  They should've broughton a co-showrunner who can really dedicate the appropriate time to the show because it really shows.

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It feels like they gave away the whole plot with that title.

32 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Letting actors having control over storylines/screen time is a very double edged sword. 

ITA.  Tim Roth ruined Lie To Me when they gave him control over his character's behaviour in s2.  Poor Paul Ekman had to keep posting on his companion blog how what's on the show doesn't reflect the true science.

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3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

It feels like they gave away the whole plot with that title.

It could be talking about any of them at this point though. BS, Anatoly, even the newbies. 

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1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

It could be talking about any of them at this point though. BS, Anatoly, even the newbies. 

Or some of the cops, or the DA, or like...anyone. Maybe one of the newbies uses their professed hatred of Oliver to go to the 3Dark side and infiltrate. 

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37 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Shifting Allegiances? C'mon Anatoly - you can do it!

This would be the time to do a poll. Who will it be? Anatoly, Curtis or BS? I like your idea best but it could totally be BS.

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3 minutes ago, Belinea said:

This would be the time to do a poll. Who will it be? Anatoly, Curtis or BS? I like your idea best but it could totally be BS.

Oh it definitely could. But she’s always shifting allegiances. Seems dumb to name a whole ep for it, but that’s Arrow for ya. 

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Earlier this season before we really knew any spoilers I thought Anatoly might turn out to be a mole on the team of villains, one who was actually working for Oliver. That basically happened with Vigilante instead but I still feel, out of everyone, he'd shift allegiances. BS does it all the time so I can't really see it being her as the only allegiance she has is with herself. But then as @apinknightmare said, this is Arrow so it's always possible.

Then again it could be the newbies deciding to put their pettiness aside to work with OTA again. 

I always thought the FBI lady had potential to switch sides but that's gone nowhere. I mean, has SN even filmed again?

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I assumed Anatoly but, it could be the noobs. Maybe one of them remembers they're supposed to be protecting the city instead of sitting on their butts pouting about OTA being mean?

Maybe Rene comes back and wants revenge on OTA/Oliver and joints Dragon?

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