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I guess this guy (he's an accountant?) never saw a photo of LL? Maybe he didn't move to Star City until after she died/they built a statue since I'm sure everyone was probably talking about the woman who had a statue built for her and the fact that she was Black Canary? Because that wig does nothing to hide what BS looks like.

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26 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:


I guess this guy (he's an accountant?) never saw a photo of LL? Maybe he didn't move to Star City until after she died/they built a statue since I'm sure everyone was probably talking about the woman who had a statue built for her and the fact that she was Black Canary? Because that wig does nothing to hide what BS looks like.

It's a show where a simple domino mask keeps people from figuring out Oliver's identity. Kara wears glasses to conceal her identity. A wig does the same thing. Especially since Laurel is dead, they could chalk it up to someone having similar features.

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Everything about this is so dumb. Quentin got handed the idiot stick this season wrt the "there's a little bit of Laurel inside this doppelgänger" - Oliver hasn't really indicated that he has an issue differentiating between the two since he had the idiot stick in 5x10. 





I weep.

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Yeah, we haven't seen any indication from Oliver about seeing Laurel in BS since 510 so why is this being bought up now? This is so dumb and boring. 

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2 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Siren having the money makes no sense. When did she get it? Did she steal it from CJ? if so why did she stick around?

Like...if Dragon set this whole plan in motion by using James as his stooge, how does he not have access to that account? How on earth would he ever let himself lose millions and millions of dollars? Even if Black Siren had been somehow working with him to create a distraction, she took the money out in bearer bonds, so...he's still a fucking idiot. I hate this so much, haha. 

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29 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Dinah, I'm pretty sure that Oliver didn't see Laurel in BS when he left her for dead on the island. But at least props to Oliver for being aware enough to not be able to say killing is bad willy-nilly.

As dumb as this storyline is, I love that they're giving Oliver self-aware lines like "I understand that I don't have the most credibility when it comes to telling people not to commit murder." SA said before the season started that we'd actually like Oliver again, and I really do!

It's dumb that BS is the one who took the money. If anyone in that group beside Diaz would have made sense, it would have been Anatoly, since he mentioned that his main reason for aligning with Cayden is the Bratva's money woes. Also, I hope that the Reddit spoiler guy forgot to include a mention of the city getting it all back at the end of this episode, because if they bring all this up and then the money isn't eventually recovered, what's the point?  (Unless it's to make Oliver even more weakened in his position as mayor before the indictment, but they've seemed to have forgotten about that plot...)

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2 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I hope that the Reddit spoiler guy forgot to include a mention of the city getting it all back at the end of this episode, because if they bring all this up and then the money isn't eventually recovered, what's the point? 

Since she got the money out in bearer bonds, I wonder if they're just going to have them switching hands until Oliver finally gets them back...whenever. Like, Laurel will tell them where she left them at the end and Oliver will go to get them and they'll be gone. 

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Can't Dick Dragon 3D print some money? Can that be his thing? 3D printing whatever he needs at the moment? Needs a bomb capable of taking out Starling City? Fire up the 3D printer. Hungry for a good burger and all 39 locations of Big Belly Burger are closed for renovation? To the 3D printer he goes.

Edited by calliope1975
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3 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Maybe BS is working with someone else still. 

The real big bad who doesn't let his setup man nearly destroy the city he's trying to take over? PLS

Edited by apinknightmare
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44 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Also, I hope that the Reddit spoiler guy forgot to include a mention of the city getting it all back at the end of this episode, because if they bring all this up and then the money isn't eventually recovered, what's the point?  (Unless it's to make Oliver even more weakened in his position as mayor before the indictment, but they've seemed to have forgotten about that plot)

In the Reddit guy's spoilers, Oliver gives a speech about failing the city because he couldn't get the money back. Then it's revealed that the SC DA is in Dick Dragon's pocket and is working with the dirty cops to bring Oliver down. They mention the missing money as a way to "nail" Oliver. 

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8 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

In the Reddit guy's spoilers, Oliver gives a speech about failing the city because he couldn't get the money back. Then it's revealed that the SC DA is in Dick Dragon's pocket and is working with the dirty cops to bring Oliver down. They mention the missing money as a way to "nail" Oliver. 

I really hope the missing money is part of a larger setup and that BS stealing it isn't an oversight that they conveniently use to put the screws to Oliver. That way Triple D-ragon is only guilty of one count of criminal idiocy and not two. 

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6 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I really hope the missing money is part of a larger setup and that BS stealing it isn't an oversight that they conveniently use to put the screws to Oliver. That way Triple D-ragon is only guilty of one count of criminal idiocy and not two. 

You know that we're going to waste time speculating better scenarios but the show is going to end up going with the dumbest, most nonsensical plan anyway, and the inconsistencies really are just because they didn't think things through.

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4 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

You know that we're going to waste time speculating better scenarios but the show is going to end up going with the dumbest, most nonsensical plan anyway, and the inconsistencies really are just because they didn't think things through.

This. With the right writers or even just the right planning, they could tie together everything even if nothing was different in the episodes we've already seen/614. 

But I have zero faith in the Arrow writers. After all, they made Vigilante, the person who showed up before anyone even knew about Dinah, her "dead" ex-boyfriend and said he was someone we'd recognize when they recast the role. 

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10 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

I can't help it. I giggled.

1 hour ago, Angel12d said:

Yeah, we haven't seen any indication from Oliver about seeing Laurel in BS since 510 so why is this being bought up now? This is so dumb and boring. 

It really is, especially because we saw Felicity and Oliver acknowledge that Black Siren isn't Laurel when they were discussing Earth X Tommy. I know Dinah wasn't privy to that conversation, but since we saw it and there hasn't been a single time since Dinah arrived in Star City that Oliver has manifested any belief that Black Siren has any semblance of Earth 1 LL, she just sounds stupid and vengeful. The episode hasn't even come on and I'm already sick of her.

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Why are they making NotTA so awful?

If there are lots of villain scenes in3x19, can we hope it's DDDragon flashbacks and he's dead by the end of the episode as Cayden James was?

6 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Without knowing the Context, I have no idea what he's saying. It's Arrow related since he auditioned in Early Feb 2012 but, wasn't filming (pilots film in March/April). 

So what he's referring to is still a mystery to me.

And he's been "home"lots of times since then, he even bought a new house in LA. Maybe it's something to do with Oliver.

ETA or he accidentally tweeted 2012 when he meant to tweet 2018

Edited by statsgirl
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4 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Why are they making NotTA so awful?

If the Reddit spoilers turn out to be true (and so far it looks like they are), I am really, really intrigued to see the general audience reaction tonight after Curtis intentionally injures Dig. Most reviewers/recappers are totally over Rene, and some are getting sick of Dinah, but there still seems to be a lot of goodwill towards Curtis. It'll be interesting to see if there's any way he can come back from this -- and what the heck the writers were thinking by assassinating the newbies' characters so thoroughly. 

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It's possible Curtis might come out of this somewhat unscathed because IIRC isn't he the one who actually warns the other two that he could injure Diggle? It's Dinah who is like IDGAF DO IT! I'm not saying it should be all on her, absolutely not, but I can see some thinking well, he was unsure at first, he hesitated. I guess we'll see.

This is coming from someone who hates Curtis and wants him gone. Haha.

Anyway, it blows my mind that the writers thought this civil war plot was a good idea seeing as they've made 99% of fandom hate the newbies now. I just don't know what they were thinking.

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3 minutes ago, Trisha said:

If the Reddit spoilers turn out to be true (and so far it looks like they are), I am really, really intrigued to see the general audience reaction tonight after Curtis intentionally injures Dig. Most reviewers/recappers are totally over Rene, and some are getting sick of Dinah, but there still seems to be a lot of goodwill towards Curtis. It'll be interesting to see if there's any way he can come back from this -- and what the heck the writers were thinking by assassinating the newbies' characters so thoroughly. 

Oh wow, I didn't get a chance to read THIS spoiler, but now I'm glad I did. I can be prepared for my feelings toward Curtis now. He's managed to get off looking better than Dinah and Rene up until now. Not great, by any means, but better than the other two. Curtis has mostly been whining and lying, but hasn't been sufficiently irritating in the same way that Dinah and Rene have. But now, with this spoiler, this surely puts him lower on the list of likable characters. He's always been low for me, but I know plenty of people who have still enjoyed Curtis. 

Seriously, I'm not sure what the purpose is to make NTA the most insufferable selfish little shits in the Arrowverse, but there's literally no coming back from their behaviour by the end of the season. 

15 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

And he's been "home"lots of times since then, he even bought a new house in LA. Maybe it's something to do with Oliver.

I'm not sure what it could be with Oliver, though. It can't be Lian Yu related since he's gone back several times, and it can't be about the Queen Mansion. 

Maybe he means it's the first time since starting to film the show that he's been able to actually go home without it being during a hiatus? Even during his near death arc for the Black Canary arc, Stephen still had to stick around to film flashbacks. I can't recall if he actually got to go home during those episodes. This very well may be the first time he's actually had so few scenes in an episode that he got to fly home during the week. 

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Arrow - Episode 6.18 is now called "Fundamentals" (previously called "Back to the Basics")
Arrow - Episode 6.19 is now called "The Dragon" (previously called "Enter the Dragon")

Guessing there was a budget cut on episode titles.

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Curtis is annoying and irrelevant but he hasn't done anything that warranted my anger thus far. Dinah and Rene both need to leave the team ASAP because their actions just broke all the rules of partnership and team work. 

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according to wikipedia that is one of her aliases.  I've noticed that they keep giving her all these call backs from the comics when shes not even the E2 version of Black Canary...which makes me wonder why?

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14 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I was wondering what the significance of BS going by "Siu Jerk Jai" - apparently it means "Little Bird" and is one of Dinah's comic aliases? Someone correct me if that's wrong.

Don't know about the comics significance, but "Siu Jerk Jai" translates to "little bird" in Cantonese. And is also Cantonese slang for penis.

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Man, those two sneak peeks for 614 really don't make me want to watch tonight's new episode.

So Black Siren was "forced" by Cayden James to kill Vince, but she had no problem stealing money from him.

Edited by tv echo
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6 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Don't know about the comics significance, but "Siu Jerk Jai" translates to "little bird" in Cantonese. And is also Cantonese slang for penis.

LOL forever! 

I couldn't make it more than 30 seconds into that promo. Completely uninterested in anything those three have to say or do. 

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Yeah, this episode is a skip for me. Definitely looking forward to reading all of this board’s snark about it though, haha.

Also, is it just me or do 6x12, 13 and 14 pretty much all have the same plot? 

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Has Dinah always been crosseyed or does that just happen when she’s channeling her anger. She’s annoying as hell and needs to be taken down at least 200 pegs. I am absolutely shocked that Tweedledee and Tweedledum are showing some semblance of brain activity and caring for the city. Have they added fibre to their diet?

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Can I just say that I am hoping the episode won't turn out as bad as the description made it sound because otherwise I might yell in a very frustrated manner at the TV when NTA is coming back to OTA. Probably doing them a favour and all on top of it.

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3 hours ago, lemotomato said:

I'm just glad Bruce Lee is no longer being tarnished by association.

I’m now imagining Bruce Lee’s family lodging a complaint with the CW. “How dare you associate a legend like Bruce Lee with a legend only in his own mind.”

I don’t know why this storyline is dragging on and on...Can’t they just make NoTA disappear like Susan? Like I would pick watching Felicity file articles of incorporation and fight SEC charges for embezzlement 100 times out of 100 than this mess. 

Edited by leopardprint
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You know, if the writers were trying to deliberately make us all hate the newbies, I would give them a big round of applause, because I have rarely seen a whole fandom (especially this one!) so unanimous in their hatred of characters. I think I may hate these three yahoos more than I have hated actual villains before. Yeah they might not be as evil, but the annoyance, the hypocrisy, and if what the spoilers say happens tonight, the sheer spite, makes me want to break something.

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3 hours ago, apinknightmare said:


LOL, Curtis - who could crawl like that? Dumbass.

Also, Dinah's whispery Batman voice is...annoying. Like she is. 

I literally cant with these convenient gadgets of the week

1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

Aw. You guys finally got your bird reference! Achievement unlocked! ???


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1 minute ago, insomniadreams88 said:

You know what? I have an idea for torture to get BS to give up the money - make her sit there while the newbies whine and Rene repeats "this doesn't change anything, hoss." Not whatever Dinah is thinking. 

Not even BS deserves that.

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8 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

You know what? I have an idea for torture to get BS to give up the money - make her sit there while the newbies whine and Rene repeats "this doesn't change anything, hoss." Not whatever Dinah is thinking. 

It's funny, because I really need Rene to continue saying "this doesn't change anything, Hoss" every single episode now. It's annoying, but it needs to be done, because that's how funny I'm starting to find it. It doesn't even make me rage-y anymore, because everyone hates him saying it. 

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