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If you went by episode descriptions alone you wouldn't know Felicity or Diggle even exist. Hi Chico! ?

I'm here for the Roy stuff but we all know BS's decision isn't gonna be shocking in any way, shape or form. Yawn. ??

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Grabbing at a crumb from SA's facebook live chat today (posted in Social Media thread here) - clue?...

-- SA: "Hey, what's happening, everybody? Happy Friday morning from the Arrow set. Putting, uh, the starting touches on Episode 618, after putting the finishing touches on Episode 617, directed by my good buddy, Mark Bunting, uh, where I felt incredibly fortunate - more fortunate, uh, than usual to work with one David Paul Ramsey. Uh, we're also, on 618, getting into a super old school episode where - I don't know, since maybe Season 1 or Season 2, where I've been in the percentage of the episode that I'm in - like, 90 - I think there're like 55 scenes and I'm in like 52 of them. Anyway, long story short, (Runs fingers of both hands through his hair) this has become a situation that we gotta - I gotta figure this out asap. So anyway, happy Friday and, um, be sexy to one another. Alright, okay, whatever, bye." 

Edited by tv echo
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1 minute ago, Cleanqueen said:

Does the back to basics mean some sort of flashback to season 1/2??

It would have to be some sort of specific flashback since SA's hair is somewhat long and he was pointing that out (that and the grey hairs), so I'm thinking no. I just think that it means that it probably focuses on Oliver/OTA like s1/s2. Though that makes me wonder when this whole newbies thing would end, since I would guess that that would be 617 because of the title, but it seems to be more of a Diggle episode (plus SA doesn't seem like he's in it a lot for an episode that would get the team back together). If they still aren't together by 618, it seems like finally a good time to take advantage of just using OTA again.

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10 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

Stephen said he is in majority of the scenes for 6x18, he sounds excited considering hes been sidelined this year(somewhat) . Does the back to basics mean some sort of flashback to season 1/2??

I was thinking just OTA fighting a Criminal of the week. Maybe Oliver flashbacks to S1/2?

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if anyone is interested I did the episode counts.

618: 2/16 - 2/27

619: 2/28 - 3/9

620: 3/12 - 3/21

621: 3/22 - 4/3  (I added a day for Good Friday which I think is a Canadian Holiday)

622: 4/4 - 4/13

623: 4/16 - 4/25

Obviously these aren't perfect and without seeing holidays or episodes with longer filming schedules, this is more of a rough estimate.

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1 hour ago, Cleanqueen said:

Stephen said he is in majority of the scenes for 6x18, he sounds excited considering hes been sidelined this year(somewhat) . Does the back to basics mean some sort of flashback to season 1/2??

I'm hoping it means OTA tell NoTA to fuck all the way off and they go back to being a permanent 3-person team. I can hope, right?

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18 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I'm guessing Siren will either choose a life of crime or do a brief stint in Argus. Her deciding to parade as Laurel wouldn't be shocking since it happens at the end of 14. 

It happens in 14 but we havent seen 14 before they released this synopsis. Its like the 6x01-6x04 synopsis's where they were trying not to reveal diggle was the GA.


Stephen also just said there is surprise guest star for 6x18...he seems excited and wanted to keep it as a mystery but said it would be announced at a press release sooner than he likes. Wonder who it is.

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10 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Is there some rumour that they are bringing in Sara as guest star?

Could it be her?

Oh yeah, I think you’re right there was a rumor about a “mini crossover” with LOT so Sara could meet BS but it was thought to be false because that’s the same time as their finale? 

Edited by leopardprint
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19 hours ago, jay741982 said:

I remember Evelyns portrayer actually defending her Hypocrisy on Twitter SMH something like "Oliver was responsible for her parents death Promethus wasn't " never mind that Prometheus killed Innocent people and Oliver didnt. I SMH at her idiotic response

Ugh.  This annoyed me so much since Oliver actually wasn't responsible for her parent's deaths.  Damian Dahrk was since Oliver didn't even know they were being held prisoner so why should he be held accountable for their deaths?  It was the reasoning of someone looking for someone to blame rather than the real villain and that was Evelyn all over again with Chase, only she never snapped out of it when she aligned herself with Chase.  Yeah, I was all ready to let her be redeemed until she faked her death just so Oliver would be tortured by it.  There was no coming back after that for me.  I'd take Rene first back on the team and I hate Rene and will never forget his betrayal but Eveylyn is worse in my book.  

9 hours ago, Trisha said:

Yeah, I don’t mind him usually either but it’s weird how he just copies the same camera work over and over. I remember really liking his first fight scene because it was so different - really low cameras, over the shoulder shots that made you feel like you were there, a long one take. But they’ve since become harder to follow.  Too much focus on shaky cams and one-takes, not enough on blocking scenes in a way that make sense visually. At this point, I much prefer fights directed by Lexi Alexander or Wendy Stanzler. 

I do like how Bam shoots the bunker though. I don’t know if it’s because he loves wide shots, but it always feels more impressive and larger in his eps. 

I usually don't notice anything about the directing unless it's some cool transition but I have found myself repeatedly during his episodes getting to the fight scenes and running into some kind of problem while watching it.  It's how I figured out he directed the last episode, it was all going on fine and suddenly what looked like could have been a cool fight if only the dumb camera had actually let me see what was happening.  Too often this happens, I go online and yep, it's a Bam Bam episode.  


8 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

In the Comics Dinah Drake marries Larry Lance (Quentin's first name) soooo......

I used to want this but after the way she beat him up in the last episode, I'd worry about spousal abuse.  Though, I guess her half trying to kill him would assure the comic purist that theirs is a true and noble love.  

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3 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

It could be Helena, they did name drop her in 610 and MG did say he had an idea for Helena later in the season. Of course he says that every year so who knows? ?

I'm definitely leaning more towards Helena right now. I wouldn't put it past them to do a mini BoP subplot but with Dinah instead. ??

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4 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

It would be cool if it was Moira. Not back from the dead but, flashbacks to S1 or S2 with SA and ST. 

I've been watching Seasons 1 and 2 again over the past few days, and I just miss her so much. She made everything better. I would suspend all kinds of disbelief if they brought her back from the dead. I don't care.

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49 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

I've been watching Seasons 1 and 2 again over the past few days, and I just miss her so much. She made everything better. I would suspend all kinds of disbelief if they brought her back from the dead. I don't care.


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6 hours ago, Angel12d said:

I'm definitely leaning more towards Helena right now. I wouldn't put it past them to do a mini BoP subplot but with Dinah instead. ??

I'd be interested in seeing Helena, but no to the mini BoP subplot. Haven't they already scratched that itch back in S2? No more subplots for Dinah please. IDGAF about her. Hey, what about a subplot featuring Felicity Smoak? 

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MG seems to want Helena to come back so badly. And if she does, I'd much rather it be in a plot for Dinah (and maybe Helena can escort her off the show) rather a plot with Oliver.  And with Thea gone, there's really no one else for her to interact with.  I can't see Diggle caring about her any more now that Oliver isn't sleeping with her, Felicity wouln't care about her, ditto Curtis.  If Rene wants to run off with her, I'd cheer them on but he doesn't seem her type. That really only leaves Dinah.

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6 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

It would be cool if it was Moira. Not back from the dead but, flashbacks to S1 or S2 with SA and ST. 

I know she came back for 523 and that should have brought everything full circle but, I'd like to see her again.

If this happens she needs to say something like "my greatest hope/fondest hope for you came true." In regards to William and Felicity. Also in regards to him finding his humanity again.

Edited by EmilyBettFan
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From SA's facebook yesterday evening, after he apparently got a haircut and shave (posted in Social Media thread here )...

-- SA: "There! What a simple, easy and effective way to get ready to face your day. Just have a personal hair stylist and a personal makeup artist, not that I wear a ton of makeup. Anyway. Yeah. Episode 618. Directed by the formidable Ben Bray. Guest starring someone who will be named in a press release way before I want them to be. Aaand - that's it. It's one of the ones I'm very excited for. It's one of the ones that's a marathon and not a sprint. It's one of the ones where you might see a bunch of me or you might not hear from me for two weeks. Exciting times. Season 6. Haircut. And what have you."

Edited by tv echo
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8 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Hey, what about a subplot featuring Felicity Smoak? 

So...isn’t there supposed to be a Felicity storyline in 6b? 

After S5, “back to basics” is like a trigger for me and now I half expect Susan Williams to show up as the surprise character. 

Oooh maybe it’s JS? 

Edited by leopardprint
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27 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

So...isn’t there supposed to be a Felicity storyline in 6b? 

Yeah, didn’t MG say there was something coming up for her (other than bonding with William)? 

Honestly, I’m worried about them dropping Felicity’s company after the events of 614. As in, once they presumably have Felicity kick Curtis out because of what he does - because she better do that - that ends up being it. 

Didn’t EBR say something about how Felicity’s company will be brought up and then not be mentioned or something like that? Though that could just mean 610-613 and how the focus was on Cayden/BS/OTA vs NTA since I think she talked about it before 610 aired? 

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10 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Yeah, didn’t MG say there was something coming up for her (other than bonding with William)? 

Honestly, I’m worried about them dropping Felicity’s company after the events of 614. As in, once they presumably have Felicity kick Curtis out because of what he does - because she better do that - that ends up being it. 

Didn’t EBR say something about how Felicity’s company will be brought up and then not be mentioned or something like that? Though that could just mean 610-613 and how the focus was on Cayden/BS/OTA vs NTA since I think she talked about it before 610 aired? 

I haven’t been paying super close attention but it seems like there hasn’t been any discussion of anything Felicity-related going into 618. Please correct me if I am wrong. She did get some scenes with Alena which I wasn’t expecting so there is that. 

They probably cut her scenes for time to have Wild Dog say “This doesn’t change anything.” for the umpteenth time and Dinah smolder rage pose. 

Edited by leopardprint
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On Felicity in 6B...


-- Fan report on what MG said: "so yesterday i also asked what felicity’s 6b storyline will be and he said the company of course but he also said part of her storyline will be about deepening her relationship with william." (ACE Comiic Con, Dec. 10, 2017: amellxwood tweet, page 1679 of Spioler Discussion thread)


-- On what fans can look forward to seeing with regard to Felicity in the second half of S6, EBR: "In Arrow, they can look forward to sort of more relationship-building with her husband, who is the Green Arrow, and seeing where they can build that within sort of a broken alliance. Right now, they used to have a circle and I think right now they have half of it as the sort of (inaudible) has been on the other side. To relay it back, everyone has problems and these characters do as well. It’s just a different set of problems to distinctively work through it with (inaudible) purpose." (Jan. 19, 2018 Cultured Vultures article, page 13 of New Spoilers thread)


-- On whether we'll see more Diggle and Felicity moments this season, EBR: "First of all, call it what it is. Delicity... Second of all, we do have some good moments throughout the season. Have they already aired? I'm thinking if the episodes I'm thinking of have already aired, actually. Um, they have a good friendship." DR: "There's a lot of story. There's a lot of other characters that came in. Um, she found her other friend in Curtis... We have some good moments coming up in Season 6. Um, because there's been a fragmentation in the two teams, there's a lot more interaction between Diggle and Felicity. So I think we're going to get back to some more of what you've been missing." (HVFF-Portland, Jan. 14, 2018: Olicity OTA Arrow video of Arrow Heroes panel, page 661 of Social Media thread, and iloveyoursoul tweet, page 660 of Social Media thread)


-- On how Curtis will react to  Felicity's discovering a new kind of direction for the startup but without his involvement, EK: "Well, I think that they're good friends, but, you know, that's a pretty big deal to, uh, you know, cut out one of your partners in that sense... You want to be a cohesive unit where you both are equals and things like that. So I think you will see a little bit of friction between, uh, Curtis and Felicity, uh, in regards to the company, but I think it's something that can definitely be worked out and get past. And, you know, it's just one thing, like, even though you forgive your friends, you move on, but there will be a back and forth about that, I'm sure." (Nov. 22, 2017 KSiteTV video of EK interview, page 11 of New Spoilers Thread)

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Spec that 618 will be action-heavy, based on SA's facebook comments...

Arrow Season 6: Expect a Lot of Stephen Amell in Episode 6×18
Posted by Dan Wickline   February 16, 2018


... When you have so many regulars and recurring characters, it would almost be impossible to have an episode with a single actor being in the majority of the scenes anymore.

Which makes Amell’s video this morning very interesting. The actor took to Facebook to talk about how desperately he needs a haircut and how they just wrapped shooting 617 and were starting on 618. If you don’t know they way television episode numbering works, it’s simple. The first number is the season and the second is which episode in that season. 618, season six, episode eighteen. Since Arrow does 23 episodes, that means it’s five before the season finale. In the video he mentions that the episode is ‘old school’ in that he’s in a lot of the scenes. 52 of 55, he says.

55 scenes tells us it’s going to be an action-heavy episode. 55 scenes in 44 minutes of air time is less than a minute a scene, so it’s a lot of cutting, hence not a lot of character development. And to have Oliver in almost all of those scenes is kind of crazy. We don’t have a title or synopsis for the episode yet. But we can speculate when we’ll see it, likely March 29th unless the show takes any more breaks after returning March 1st. It sounds like it’s going to be a very interesting episode, but we’ll have to wait and see what else we can learn when the synopsis and title are announced.

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2 hours ago, tv echo said:

55 scenes tells us it’s going to be an action-heavy episode. 55 scenes in 44 minutes of air time is less than a minute a scene, so it’s a lot of cutting, hence not a lot of character development.

Thats just stupid as fuck. For those of you who don't know how American TV and Arrow in particular works they film more than they use! JFC how many times do they have to hear scene was cut for time. Dumbass, 55 scenes does not mean less than 1 minute per scene.

PS - I'm mocking that Dan guy ?

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3 hours ago, tv echo said:

On Felicity in 6B...

So judging from these comments and interpreting them through what has been said in the past about her storylines, my uncharitable read is that Felicity doesn’t have her own storyline that is driven by her character in 6b. It’s all about Oliver and William, quelle surprise. 

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Nothing till the end of the season anyway.

Thinking about it, I'm okay with that.  William needs someone to make him more likable, especially after the last episode when he followed Oliver into danger, and there's the whole Team split going on.  I'd rather get that and BS resolved than open up a new subplot for Felicity.  I also see why they might want to put Felicity in a support role for a while.  She's married to Oliver now so sending the comic book dudebros some reassurance that the show will stay the same and intruder Felicity and Friends won't take it over isn't a bad idea either.

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26 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

It’s all about Oliver and William, quelle surprise. 

The real surprise is that forgetting the weird nightmare thing in 601 (and the momentary lapse in 613, which was messy but honestly not as awful as it was initially described), that's the only plot that's been pretty consistent and actually good at giving good character moments and development from Oliver and even Felicity to an extent.

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12 minutes ago, way2interested said:

The real surprise is that forgetting the weird nightmare thing in 601 (and the momentary lapse in 613, which was messy but honestly not as awful as it was initially described), that's the only plot that's been pretty consistent and actually good at giving good character moments and development from Oliver and even Felicity to an extent.

I agree with you for the most part, I guess I think the Oliver/William/Felicity stuff should be coming out of Oliver’s time and not be designated to Felicity, if that makes sense. Messy family blending is probably the most realistic thing Arrow has done. I have Myson fatigue in general though going into 6b so I don’t want anymore time or motivation given to anyone’s son, not even Oliver’s. 

OMG, 3Dragon is going to end up wanting all that money in order to somehow 3D print himself a son isn’t he? ?

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I think I'm really sensitive about Felicity and her plot line/Smoak Tech story because of season 5.  Until the Helix storyline in the last episodes, Felicity went whole episodes where her only scenes were her sitting behind a computer. Yes, I started counting. Oliver and even Diggle would only acknowledge her when they needed her to spout information (and the Diggle part bothered me more than the Oliver part). And this season, she's not on William Island, but she is the bridge to bring William into the story. Last season she was ignored for much of the season.  This season, so far, her purpose is to get married and to be a catalyst for other's stories. It bothers me.

Not to say they couldn't pull something off. I personally think that there's a 50/50 chance that Alena is the big bad.  If so, Felicity's story will be tied into the villain, and I could see the possibility where Felicity would get arrested because she's the leader of Helix.  Alena made that name suggestion for Felicity's company, and it's possible it could come back to bite Felicity.  

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I really hope Felicity has more going on later in the season than just bonding with William.I like that she did and it hadn't been some angsty,you're not my real mom type of mess but I definitely don't want that to be it for her for the rest of the season.Tho I haven't been hating it like I expected,I don't really look forward to any William related stuff.It's just not connecting with me at all.Especially in scenes with Oliver which is weird because I really liked for example Oliver and Thea where Oliver often acted more like a parent than a brother.The acting managed to sell a lot of dumb stuff when it comes to Oliver and Thea,but it's just not working on making me care about dad Oliver and William as a part of the show and Oliver's life.I even liked Oliver and the kid in flashbacks in season 3 more then I ever liked Oliver and William scenes so it's not even just that he's a kid.

But I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get much for Felicity on her own tbh,since this whole team split storyline started in 6.09 it has been dominating the entire show apart from the few William,Oliver Felicity scenes.I feel like none of the characters have a storyline apart from something related to the team drama,even Oliver.Like for example Felicity's company storyline is on pause,the investigation against Oliver as well it seems,Digg doesn't have anything personal going on rn.The storylines that are happening are mostly ones that seem to affect the team drama,like Dinah and Vince,BS and Lance and of course the newbies vs ota that has been playing out exactly the same for episodes now.I'm hoping once that's over with,we can go back to the personal storylines and less of a ensemble feel.I think that the ensemble stuff is mostly apparent and feels like too much when there's a team confrontation and once it ends it tends to settle.

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19 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

I agree with you for the most part, I guess I think the Oliver/William/Felicity stuff should be coming out of Oliver’s time and not be designated to Felicity, if that makes sense.

It is coming out of Oliver's time though. Oliver's only consistent plot this year is the William stuff, while even the show put off the indictment stuff until 614, just like how the show is putting off Felicity's business stuff. Oliver hasn't even had a focus episode to the extent that Felicity got in 604. Oliver was even cut off from a bunch of 6a to service other characters' plots (603-606) because of the William stuff. Meanwhile, being connected to the William plot actually gives Felicity more to do (603, 605, 606, 607, 611, and even scenes and references that at least giver her character more to do than say Rene who has had nothing to do except his big betrayal in 609) and is easier to add into the plot. That along with the fact that EBR/Felicity makes the William plot easier to swallow is probably why they'll be leaning into more (and is even probably why they had 611 in the first place after people became pretty receptive to the plot once 603 aired). 

If anything, the William plot is the best thing that can happen for Oliver and Felicity (for the audience and the writers) because it's the easiest to write in the midst of all plots that are being thrown/dropped/whatever, and it's the easiest way to get Felicity back into a main plot. I'm not saying it's the best idea or that everyone should like it, but it does make sense. If anything, it's the newbies (and surprisingly enough Cayden, who the writers needed to build up to a climax and resolution, which means more time building him up and less time on the others, including the other villains and even main characters) who have done the most damage to Oliver, Felicity and the other characters because they offer no benefits to them, other than making them look good while they are being petulant.

The long-short is that William is a supporting character, so him being involved in a plot automatically makes it more about Oliver and Felicity because he supports their plots. The newbies, being regulars, do none of that. Given that, I'd rather have more him than the newbies because at the end of it he's about Oliver's and Felicity's development. 

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4 hours ago, tangerine95 said:

,since this whole team split storyline started in 6.09 it has been dominating the entire show apart from the few William,Oliver Felicity scenes.

The team split is this season's Ra's al Ghul.  It overwhelms all storylines, it makes characters stupid -for-plot, and it's not nearly as delightful as the writers think it is.

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