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7 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I haven't liked him since he kept cutting off EBR at SDCC with nonsensical rubbish comments. That pissed me off so much!

OMG, this is me! It was so annoying that I think it’s when I really began wanting Curtis off the show.

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As long as it isn't Felicity or Diggle... I have no faith its one of the noobs I guess if Thea really is exiting he could have been wishing WH/CH good luck. Show runners visit for other things than to tell people they're being let go though, don't they?

He could also have popped in after potential LOT business. 

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Everyone loves working with EBR - from the TVLine article posted by @Starfish35 in the New Spoilers thread:


Emily Bett Rickards, who plays Felicity, is no less than “awesome,” Moore effuses. “The scenes with her are really natural, I enjoy them so much.” (Moore adds that he, like William, likely would lean on Rickards for homework help in a pinch!) The young actor also formed an instant kinship with Willa Holland once Aunt Thea came out of her coma, as evidenced during their playful dancing during the “Olicity” wedding reception. “She is so much fun,” he reports.

Edited by tv echo
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I had to laugh at the kid saying William isn't used to being lied to. His mother lied to him his whole life. Haha what.

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19 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I had to laugh at the kid saying William isn't used to being lied to. His mother lied to him his whole life. Haha what.

He's not used to finding out about being lied to.

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It would seem silly to kill Nysa if they are already send off Thea.   


Side question, how crazy is it that Willa will have only done 10 episode.   Unless they will let her pop up at the end of the year?

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Somehow it makes me sad to see her go even though I had the feeling that they never really knew what to do with her. Also, it makes me somewhat sad that Oliver's family from the beginning of the show just basically isn't anymore. Still to this day I miss Moira.

Maybe that is why MG is in Vancouver, because of Willa's final episode.

Edited by Belinea
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If they won't use her, I'm glad they are cutting her loose.

I wish they would do the same to PB. He deserves his own story but he has been stuck in a loop of alcoholism and dead daughter for 6 years.

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MG's book, Arrow: Fatal Legacies, about what happened between S5 and S6 is coming out Jan. 30. 

I wonder if 616 will refer back to any events that happen in the book (like, how Nyssa got off the island).

Edited by tv echo
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Hope they explain soon who the son is.. I hate how Oliver doesn't seem to care.. he doesn't ask and as far as i know he hasn't done any research on screen.

Not trying to rant but i do miss Oliver going out and interrogating ppl for info. Now all he does is sit around until he gets a call from felicity and then he moves.

I wish he went out more himself to gather intel. I'm sure he could interrogate one of the bad Guy's men and crack them to find out who the son is.

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1 minute ago, DeadZeus said:

he doesn't ask and as far as i know he hasn't done any research on screen.

To be fair, right after they found out, Felicity immediately found out who his son is. There's not much Oliver could do to find out, even if he beat someone up, that doesn't mean that anyone knows who the son is or how Oliver was involved.


Is there another clip out btw?  

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1 minute ago, WindofChange said:

LOL Arrow killing Pike in such a throwaway manner. THAT ISN'T RACIST AT ALL!!! First Waller and now Pike. I guess they need to make Dinah rise the ranks without needing to try at all? Arrow writers can be the worst.

Well she is the Black Canary, they either wait for someone to die or blackmail them. In Laurel's case it was both.

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Still hate the newbies. Still hate Curtis. Do not like any implication that Felicity needs Curtis' help - a.k.a. the headline, considering Felicity only says they should share information in the clip. 

Also, can someone explain to me what the newbies are actually doing as a team? They only know something's going on because Felicity calls. Then only decide to go somewhere when one of Curtis' T-spheres acts up. 

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So a couple of things from last night. I wondered if Chase killed James' son? If so, does that mean he's 10 Billion steps ahead? I'd rather Talia sent the message to James after figuring out a way to frame Oliver. Could explain Nyssa's return in 616 and this new "threat".

I bounced back and forth on Vigilante last night. I couldn't tell if he was playing Dinah or betraying James. At first I thought it was too early for a double agent reveal but, since we know James' story wraps up in 613 maybe we're right on track.

Of course there's that clip for Lance/Dinah where Lance says "No one deserves to die" and Dinah says "You're wrong". There are a few possibilities here. They're talking about Vigilante because he betrays her. They're talking about BS if she kills Vigilante (or puts him in a coma). Maybe that's why there's another Dumb Birds throw down and, Dinah is so pissed?

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I actually wonder if removing Pike is so Quentin can transition back to the police force.  I don’t really see Oliver being mayor full time going forward.  If Vigilante doesn’t die saving Dinah somehow he could be a candidate for the position too.  Assuming the teams reunite at some point we might see more BC than Dinah as police woman.

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I assume CJ leaves when Felicity manages to prove Oliver’s innocence. In that case, I wonder how he leaves, simply says oops, I guess there was no need to kill those innocent people after all? Does he wire back the millions he’ll have collected by then, helps out with the FBI case?

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2 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I assume CJ leaves when Felicity manages to prove Oliver’s innocence. In that case, I wonder how he leaves, simply says oops, I guess there was no need to kill those innocent people after all? Does he wire back the millions he’ll have collected by then, helps out with the FBI case?

Last night, I was thinking maybe suicide?

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Maybe if the killer really is Chase, but if it’s someone still alive, I’d hope he’d go after them. Minus the innocent casualties that really had nothing to do with his son’s death either way. Though I wouldn’t count suicide out now that you mention it. Maybe it fells him down when he realizes how far he’s fallen, since this isn’t really what he was supposed to stand for at all, at least according to Alena.

3 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Last night, I was thinking maybe suicide?

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It sounds like Thea's last episode is 615 and not 616 (KL/Nyssa's return) if the cast was having good-bye cake yesterday and they wrapped 615 yesterday - unless they started shooting 616 before finishing 615.

Edited by tv echo
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10 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Maybe if the killer really is Chase, but if it’s someone still alive, I’d hope he’d go after them. Minus the innocent casualties that really had nothing to do with his son’s death either way. Though I wouldn’t count suicide out now that you mention it. Maybe it fells him down when he realizes how far he’s fallen, since this isn’t really what he was supposed to stand for at all, at least according to Alena.

I guess it depends on who killed James' son.  We know it happened in Star City during 511 (offscreen).  If it's Chase then I think James commits suicide because of how far he's fallen in his need for vengeance. If it's someone else, then i would assume it's the new threat revealed in 616.  The problem is, Michael Emerson is gone after 613 (unless he comes back at the very end or next season).  So this plot/story must wrap up in 613 and seems unlikely to be tied into Nyssa's 616 return (I'm all of the map here).

After last night, i don't think i could accept James just walking away, i wouldn't be OK with that.  I think he went too far to let bygones be bygones.

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10 minutes ago, tv echo said:

It sounds like Thea's last episode is 615 and not 616 (KL/Nyssa's return) if the cast was having good-bye cake yesterday and they wrapped 615 yesterday - unless they started shooting 616 before finishing 615.

Or they threw a party when they knew most people would be around to attend?  

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9 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:


After last night, i don't think i could accept James just walking away, i wouldn't be OK with that.  I think he went too far to let bygones be bygones.

That’s what I was trying to say as well, possibly unsuccessfully. Because this went so much further than Cayden just going after Oliver or the team. He killed who knows how many people just going about their day, targeting the ill and children. Just stepping away doesn’t do it.

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18 hours ago, Cleanqueen said:

Maybe hes asking for the 10 million to make him desperate enough to have Felicity do something illegal while trying to come up with it. He definitely knows Oliver doesnt possess that kind of money.

It was the city's money.  

11 minutes ago, bijoux said:

That’s what I was trying to say as well, possibly unsuccessfully. Because this went so much further than Cayden just going after Oliver or the team. He killed who knows how many people just going about their day, targeting the ill and children. Just stepping away doesn’t do it.

Yeah, at this point, he doesn't just step away.  So I'm back to assuming the one that set up Oliver to get Cayden involved is the one that once he is no longer useful for whatever reason, is the one that will kill James and take over the big bad spot and it can't be Anatoly since he and Oliver were still friendly a year ago. So that leaves Richard Diaz/Dragon unless they do bring in someone from last year.  

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Boots is dead.

Cayden James appears to be gone after 613.

Vigilante is working undercover.

That leaves BS or Ricardo Diaz “Dragon” to be the big bad.  

So far, Diaz hasn’t been shown to be much more than a street punk. Perhaps he is simply biding his time? In the comics, he was trained by the League of Assasins.  He becomes a master martial artist and living weapon.  He places a $30 million bounty on Green Arrow.  (Ha! Could this come from the $10 million a day ransom CJ is asking for?!) I’m thinking this might be MG’s Gotcha! moment. Every season has at least one.

EK said in an interview that it would take a Crisis on Earth-X type of event to reunite the team.  A bunch of bad guys with LOA training might do it.  Anatoly and the Russians might help too.

Nyssa knows about it so comes to warn Oliver and Co but doesn’t stick around.  (KL’s appearance is 1 episode).  Who knows Talia could have had a hand in this too.

KC is the series regular which would normally be a clue but BS is too angry & impulsive to be much of a leader IMO.

Edited by Sunshine
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BS and Dragon come across as mercenaries for hire. I don't understand their motivations outside of a payday for them (well money for Dragon and bodies for BS). I'm not sure the point of them after Cayden.

Edited by Chaser
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