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I thought that the EPs were serious about presenting Ray as a viable alternative to Oliver, but I'm not sure why Felicity would go for him at this early stage. He's smart, rich, and seems like an OK work colleague, but I'm not seeing any sparks there. It definitely seems way too early for a kiss, but I guess that we have to move through their relationship quickly so they can break up before season's end.

Hopefully yes. They can have their five episode romance arc, like after The Lunge in 2x13, and that takes us to....3x12. Please lord, don't let it go longer, my liver can't take the abuse.

  • Love 3

Yeah, my issue is not Felicity trying to move on or kissing someone else - it's the fact that a) it's happening so quickly when I've not seen any progress towards romance there and b) it's happening with Ray. His actions are seriously questionable and I can't forget that even if he is nerdy and charming and completely oblivious to social boundaries.


Ah. Whatever. I'm trying to be over it. Nothing we can do but watch and see how it plays out. 

Edited by Guest

Yeah, my issue is not Felicity trying to move on or kissing someone else - it's the fact that a) it's happening so quickly when I've not seen any progress towards romance there and b) it's happening with Ray. His actions are seriously questionable and I can't forget that even if he is nerdy and charming and completely oblivious to social boundaries.

Ah. Whatever. I'm trying to be over it. Nothing we can do but watch and see how it plays out.

Focus on the fallout when she finds out that Ray has secrets. It eases the pain. ;)

  • Love 5

Now I am really curious about 3.09 since it looks like Oliver is missing from SC in 3.10-3.11 (maybe 3.12) based on SA's remarks and the fact that he is not working for 10 days. AK tweeted something about watching SA & EBR acting their butts off during this episode. To me, I expect this to be a highly emotional/intense scene. (I could be wrong but why tweet about it if it's not.) Wonder if it's a good scene or one of those where you say things you later regret but don't know if you will ever have a chance to make it right if he goes missing. If things don't look good for them at the holiday break will certain viewers return in January? Seems like this (holiday hiatus) was a jumping off point for some fans last year.

I saw some people commenting on that too. Not only is Felicity wearing a blue dress on her Ray date but she was also wearing blue when she first met him at Tech Village. She always seems to be wearing red or a dark shade of pink when she dresses up in Oliver's presence. Could just be a coincidence, but it's a funny one.

I think he's tossing the stuff because he finds out that Thea has been allied with malcolm all along. I think he would be far more angry about that than felicity kissing ray,


I would say that Felicity kissing Ray is cue for Oliver to mope in the dark and tell himself he can never be happy. Like so many things are. But this time, with extra mope. He wouldn't throw stuff around, that would be far to extrovert and crass. Manpain is all about silently absorbing the cruelties of the world and squaring your jaw for more.

  • Love 7

interesting trailer I liked it. Cupid actually looks interesting and I wasn't really looking forward to her at first lol. And interesting about Ted being a former vigilante. 


God I really hope that Oliver isn't throwing a temper tantrum because he saw Felicity kiss Ray. 


How come the marketing waits so long to release promo pictures now? They were releasing them more than a week ahead before but  It's already Friday afternoon lol. 

Edited by ban1o
  • Love 2

How come the marketing waits so long to release promo pictures now? They were releasing them more than a week ahead before but  It's already Friday afternoon lol.

Short staffed maybe? LOL! This promo covers 3.05-3.07. 3.05 aired last Wednesday. By that standard they should be releasing them after 3.06 airs. I think we were just spoiled. At one point they were being released the Tuesday before a different episode aired. It never made sense to me that they did that because then people were talking about the next episode instead of the current one.

Edited by Sunshine

I think he's tossing the stuff because he finds out that Thea has been allied with malcolm all along. I think he would be far more angry about that than felicity kissing ray,


He could be, but Fernlicity's grand return, right next to Felicity's chair in the foreground is what makes it feel like she's involved. Could be that he finds out about Thea and is mad and then decides he needs to find Felicity, to talk to someone instead of just raging, and then he sees the kiss. Episode 7 feels a little early for him to find out about Thea though, but that raging scene could come from any 3A episode. 

  • Love 1

I think he's tossing the stuff because he finds out that Thea has been allied with malcolm all along. I think he would be far more angry about that than felicity kissing ray,

I don't think it's about the kiss either, but it seems like it's a little early in the season for Oliver to find out about Thea. I suspect it has something to do with Roy and his confession. The earlier promo made it look like Diggle was pushing Oliver to do something about Roy - maybe he's reacting to that.

Although it begs the question - even if Roy is guilty, which I doubt, what exactly do they plan to do to him? Execute him? They can't turn him over to the authorities for Sara's murder, because no one knows Sara's dead. *facepalm*

  • Love 1

, but that raging scene could come from any 3A episode. 

It's from 3.06 or 3.07.  SA said on his FB that the promo doesn't cover 3.08-3.09 and he thinks those are the best episodes they have ever done.


PSA: If you didn't like 2.15 The Promise you might want to take that statement with a grain of salt.  Your viewing tastes might differ from his. 

  • Love 7

Short staffed maybe? LOL! This promo covers 3.05-3.07. 3.05 aired last Wednesday. By that standard they should be releasing them after 3.06 airs. I think we were just spoiled. At one point they were being released the Tuesday before a different episode aired. It never made sense to me that they did that because then people were talking about the next episode instead of the current one.

lol I am just spoiled. But I don't really care I want promo pictures! 



I don't think it's about the kiss either, but it seems like it's a little early in the season for Oliver to find out about Thea. I suspect it has something to do with Roy and his confession. The earlier promo made it look like Diggle was pushing Oliver to do something about Roy - maybe he's reacting to that.

Although it begs the question - even if Roy is guilty, which I doubt, what exactly do they plan to do to him? Execute him? They can't turn him over to the authorities for Sara's murder, because no one knows Sara's dead. *facepalm*

Yeah I wonder what Diggle is telling Oliver to do about Roy. Like what could they do to him? 

Edited by ban1o

It does feel too soon for Felicity and Ray to get involved but I can see them as a couple. I wouldn't mind a lot more of them sparring and getting to know each other, though. They are fun to watch. If Oliver is throwing stuff at her chair/the fern in jealousy, good. He knifed Felicity in the heart in Russia when he slept with Isabel so I'm glad he gets a taste of that back. About time a female made him work for it. The new promo is pretty awesome - cannot wait for Wednesday.

  • Love 4

I think there is a good chance his raging involves Felicity and Ray. The Fern is kinda put front and center. We know he goes to QC in Ep. 7, one of the EPs was asked if Oliver would be jealous and he answered something like why would he have a reason to be? then Yes. I think something happens with Cupid and Oliver as the Arrow goes to QC to check on her (I think its a natural response to check in on loved ones in that situation) and witnesses the kiss (they are in front of a big ass window). He first reaction is to lash out. I'm okay with that initial reaction because it is a nice contrast to the non reaction of Laurel and Tommy. As long as it stops at initial reaction and he does not take out any hurt or anger on Felicity.


As for Felicity and Ray, yeah its really fast. Still not a fan. Wishful thinking: she backs off due to reasons and he respects her choice and they form a really awesome friendship. The rest of his arc is building super secret awesome tech stuff with Felicity. Big Wish here.


Cupid looks a lot better then I thought she would. Actually looking forward to that storyline. 


Don't care about Laurel. 


ETA: I didn't like the fact that the only new scene of Felicity was with Ray.

Edited by 10Eleven12
  • Love 2

It's from 3.06 or 3.07.  SA said on his FB that the promo doesn't cover 3.08-3.09 and he thinks those are the best episodes they have ever done.


PSA: If you didn't like 2.15 The Promise you might want to take that statement with a grain of salt.  Your viewing tastes might differ from his. 

The only one I agreed on him with was Three Ghosts every other episode he's deemed the bestest eva!  Usually sucks, IMO.  I also can't take his Best Episode Ever comments seriously since he declares 3-4 episodes each season as The Best Ever!

  • Love 6

I just watched the preview and am I the only one who just finds it so...laughable, IDK that this Ted used to be a vigilante? I mean hilarious because his mask and brass knuckles and line delivery when he admits it.


It does look like Oliver's carrying Laurel away from that explosion. I wonder if afterwards he gives her that talk about realizing that what they do isn't a game? This storyline, ugh.


Felicity's rebounding hard with Ray. Poor bastard. And the Cupid storyline looks like it might be more amusing than I expected.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 2


Ray at the moment is the only one who (so far at least) isn't backing out after telling her that he's interested in her.


Right Barry admitted, and Felicity had already intuited, that he was hung up on Iris, and Oliver is unable to commit in a way she requires. Honestly I love the Ray situation because her real feelings lie elsewhere, I don't care how many people want to label him a stalker, she will be mainly be *using* him to get over/past Oliver, and I'm fine with that. But I also think she'll realize she's  using him and face up to the fact that no matter how disappointed she is by Oliver, she can't get serious with Ray. 

Yeah I hope Oliver starts to fight with her and openly declare I was an idiot, I want you let's be together, and that she still doesn't take him back even after she's effectively dumped Ray.

  • Love 5

The actor who plays Ted grant is just so bad :/ from the few scenes we got from him he was so boring and monotonous. He has zero expressions on his face. His mouth barely moves when he talks. And he looks like he's reading a teleprompter all the time. Not looking forward to any Ted grant scenes. I would if the actor was better but it's bad enough I have to sit through laurel as it is.

  • Love 7

Right Barry admitted, and Felicity had already intuited, that he was hung up on Iris, and Oliver is unable to commit in a way she requires. Honestly I love the Ray situation because her real feelings lie elsewhere, I don't care how many people want to label him a stalker, she will be mainly be *using* him to get over/past Oliver, and I'm fine with that. But I also think she'll realize she's  using him and face up to the fact that no matter how disappointed she is by Oliver, she can't get serious with Ray. 

Yeah I hope Oliver starts to fight with her and openly declare I was an idiot, I want you let's be together, and that she still doesn't take him back even after she's effectively dumped Ray.


I think you're getting your hopes up only to have them squashed. I can't see these writers allowing themselves to write Felicity like that. She'll end up falling for Ray, because they won't want to let anyone interpret her actions as callous or selfish. And also, there's nowhere near enough drama if she's just able to dump him at the drop of a mask. I'd lay money on the fact that, if Felicity ends up in a relationship with Ray, it will be written as her having very genuine feelings for him, which will then enable them to postpone Oliver/Felicity even longer, and write Oliver as the martyr again, staying silent and broody so she can be happy.

  • Love 2

The actor who plays Ted grant is just so bad :/ from the few scenes we got from him he was so boring and monotonous. He has zero expressions on his face. His mouth barely moves when he talks. And he looks like he's reading a teleprompter all the time. Not looking forward to any Ted grant scenes. I would if the actor was better but it's bad enough I have to sit through laurel as it is.

You may be in luck. I think this is the episode he tweeted that he had wrapped filming for now. The tweet was deleted if I remember correctly because he had to go film for his regular show. Don't know if he is coming back or not.

Edited by Sunshine

@Ban1o : Something about him I can't take seriously. A large part is the acting. Another is the writing. In his introduction, it was cliched and cocky and I just found myself rolling my eyes. I can't take him as this bad ass fighter who is going to train the Black Canary. 

aah okay I see. I kinda agree. I was a little disappointed in his characterization and I expected him to be more buff haha. 

I wonder if something will happen to him in 3x06 though. Ramirez was a regular on another show and apparently 3x06 is the last episode he`s in for awhile. will Laurel just stop training with him or something? Will he go to jail? Will he die? Who will train Laurel after that? 

Edited by ban1o

My problem with Ted is his acting...he doesn't have any emotions.  He always sounds like he's reciting his lines.  Doesn't look like he gets any better based on the small scenes of him in the next episode.  He wasn't that bad on Emily Owens when I rewatched his scenes prior to this season.  Maybe this is why Ted isn't going to be around much this season.  They probably intended for him to have a larger role and be Laurel's love interest, but possibly scratched that after watching him in action.  Yikes!

  • Love 2

Do you guys think that Oliver actually doesn't know about Felicity working for Ray, and maybe that angry reaction is him finding out about it? I can't imagine she would keep it from him, and I can't imagine that she would've lied about it and that he wouldn't have asked where her new job was, but who knows with this show? SA did say that Oliver does have feelings about it and we would find out what they are in the back half of the season.

Edited by apinknightmare

You may be in luck. I think this is the episode he tweeted that he had wrapped filming for now. The tweet was deleted if I remember correctly because he had to go film for his regular show. Don't know if he is coming back or not.

What I'm worried about is after Ted leaves who will train Laurel? I get the feeling the from the promo after Oliver has his chat with Laurel about how being a vigilante is not a game that he will be the one to train her... Smh I've always thought Oliver training laurel was the most stupid thing ever... I hope it doesn't happen that way.

  • Love 8

What I'm worried about is after Ted leaves who will train Laurel? I get the feeling the from the promo after Oliver has his chat with Laurel about how being a vigilante is not a game that he will be the one to train her... Smh I've always thought Oliver training laurel was the most stupid thing ever... I hope it doesn't happen that way.

The mere thought makes me nauseous. I will take Ted the Cardboard Vigilante Cutout any day over that.

Edited by Princess Vanellope
  • Love 4

Again Ray is nothing but rebound people. I've never met one person who rushes into a relationship after their heart have just been broken and have that new relationship not be rebound. very few times those new relationships ends up being the real deal. usually: Rebound. Also my experience is that rebound happens suddenly, it's not something that build up (especially not in TV land), you don't see romantic feelings or sexual attraction before it happens. which... is exactly what has been happening on Arrow at least that's my fanwank theory of this all things.


Someone on Tumblr pointed out that Felicity's wearing a blue dress with Ray, whereas she wore a red dress on her date with Oliver, similar to the red pen/blue pen observations earlier this season. I would kind of love it if the writers are purposely riffing on the red pill/blue pill.

could just be the wardrobe department making the decision, maybe it's their little wink at the fans, letting us know which side they are on :-P.

or it could be the writers too. Seriously someone really needs to ask the EP's about the blue/red thing.

Edited by foreverevolving

What I'm worried about is after Ted leaves who will train Laurel? I get the feeling the from the promo after Oliver has his chat with Laurel about how being a vigilante is not a game that he will be the one to train her... Smh I've always thought Oliver training laurel was the most stupid thing ever... I hope it doesn't happen that way.

With this show I wouldn't be surprised if she shows up costumed in 3.08 The Brave and The Bold. They could go with her training with the team (Diggle & Roy) as time goes on especially if Oliver is missing from SC for an episode or two. This would translate into 2 months given the break. Then Oliver will probably accept her and she'll continue training. This works better if they aren't romantically involved.

Although there have been no BTS photos and she wasn't around much for filming it doesn't mean she won't put in an appearance at a crucial moment. For a fight scene, Aitlin Mitchell (I am assuming she's still the stunt double) is going to do most of the filming anyway. They just need KC there when the mask is removed.

Edited by Sunshine

Again Ray is nothing but rebound people.

My problem with this is he's her boss. I know it happens in real life but I just find it ugh! I would feel better about it if she was an outside consultant or something. I actually would like it if after the kiss they both decide to back off but I am not holding my breath. It also seems like their mini JLA would work better if that happened too.

  • Love 2

Well, I'm glad I saw the shot of Felicity/Ray getting ready to make out, so now I know to avoid certain places on the internet for that episode.  Not here of course, but I'm sure that in "other" places, Felicity is going to be put through the ringer, for daring to move on, after Ollie squashed their thing.  Now, I'm not saying I want Felicity/Ray to be a thing already; way too rushed; but, I don't see anything wrong with Felicity for moving on.  But, I'm sure their will be hate.  Probably even worst then when Ollie/Sara rekindled the flame last season.  I hope Emily and Brandon are prepared, because I'm sure they're going to be getting a bunch of mean tweets and stuff like that, after the episode airs.


But, I guess that's how it goes, when it comes to fandom.  There is positives, but also some negatives too it.  Just need to power through it!

Edited by thuganomics85

What I'm worried about is after Ted leaves who will train Laurel? I get the feeling the from the promo after Oliver has his chat with Laurel about how being a vigilante is not a game that he will be the one to train her... Smh I've always thought Oliver training laurel was the most stupid thing ever... I hope it doesn't happen that way.


Yes, I would certainly prefer most of Laurel's storyline to involve training with Ted at his gym.  Maybe things don't go so well for Ted in the next episode and Laurel's not able to prove his innocence so he gets carted off to jail.  I know that they said Laurel would have a love interest, so either it will be Ted, it was supposed to be Ted but that idea was nixed, or it's someone she hasn't met yet.  Maybe Ted's apprentice or Ted's father, conveniently named Ted Sr., can train Laurel and she'll fall madly in love with him.

  • Love 1

I think Oliver will probably just accept that Laurel is going to fight and train, and will let her train with them.  What else can he do, if she's so determined and Ted Grant is on the run?  I hope she would be training with Roy or Diggle, but since she's the leading lady, it's probably going to be Oliver.  MG will think that's so cool, to have Oliver train Laurel while Felicity is at her computers.


That fern looks like it had a dose of Miracle Gro since Felicity gave it to him in The Calm.  I hope his rage is about Thea not just talking to Malcolm but working with him over the five months. Second choices are Ray or Laurel for doing something stupid trying to be a vigilante.


I wonder why they get the casting so right sometimes (Charlotte Ross) and so bad at others (J.J. Ramirez).  He doesn't work either as a former vigilante or a love interest.  He was better on Emily Owens, but he had Michael Rady and Necar Zadegan to act off of.


I wish it weren't Laurel that Oliver was carrying in exactly the same way he carried Felicity last season.

umm? Pretty sure a lot of people are going to be calling her a slut now... And I'm NOT looking forward to that. I mean it already started on the facebook page. smh Honestly though. How does kissing 3 people make someone a slut? 

Because she just heard Oliver tell her again he cares for her?  Or more likely justification not to like her.


I'm amused because there is one second of Felicity and Ray in an 80 second trailer, but most of the comments are about Felicity kissing him.


Also, Felicity moving on so quickly from supposedly being in love with Oliver doesn't do her character many favours (not that it makes her a slut or anything), just like it didn't do Oliver many favours when he bounced from one woman to another in the first two seasons. Lazy writing for plot rather than for character.

I'm more worried now for Felicity bouncing from man to man since the ratings were so good for her episode this week.  Given the way these EPs think they're now probably going to keep writing her romantically while continuing to cockblock her.



 I hope Emily and Brandon are prepared, because I'm sure they're going to be getting a bunch of mean tweets and stuff like that, after the episode airs.


Brandon Routh went through this on Chuck.  Also, his wife is an Olicity shipper so I'm pretty sure he knows what to expect.


Do you guys think that Oliver actually doesn't know about Felicity working for Ray, and maybe that angry reaction is him finding out about it? I can't imagine she would keep it from him, and I can't imagine that she would've lied about it and that he wouldn't have asked where her new job was, but who knows with this show? SA did say that Oliver does have feelings about it and we would find out what they are in the back half of the season.

I don't see how she would have kept that a secret if he asked, and it's only logical to ask.  Also, Diggle called her on her workphone in Corto Maltese.


Oliver will probably be all sad that she's moved on from working for him to working for the guy who took over his company. I hope he gets a good look at her office, though, and her EA and feels somewhat abashed.


 Wonder if it's a good scene or one of those where you say things you later regret but don't know if you will ever have a chance to make it right if he goes missing. If things don't look good for them at the holiday break will certain viewers return in January? Seems like this (holiday hiatus) was a jumping off point for some fans last year.

I think it will be a good scene in terms of the acting at least, unlike a certain 'emmy-winning' scene from last season.


Last season  2/09 ended on a high note so I think people were happy to come back, and then 2b happened.  This season, they're only batting 60% with me so it depends how the next four episodes are.

Well, I'm glad I saw the shot of Felicity/Ray getting ready to make out, so now I know to avoid certain places on the internet for that episode.  Not here of course, but I'm sure that in "other" places, Felicity is going to be put through the ringer, for daring to move on, after Ollie squashed their thing.  Now, I'm not saying I want Felicity/Ray to be a thing already; way too rushed; but, I don't see anything wrong with Felicity for moving on.  But, I'm sure their will be hate.  Probably even worst then when Ollie/Sara rekindled the flame last season.  I hope Emily and Brandon are prepared, because I'm sure they're going to be getting a bunch of mean tweets and stuff like that, after the episode airs.


But, I guess that's how it goes, when it comes to fandom.  There is positives, but also some negatives too it.  Just need to power through it!


I don't think it will be worse than Oliver/Sara was. This is generalising, but from what I've seen, most of the most rabid fans of this show identify most with Felicity, rather than with Oliver. So for many last year, that identification with Felicity led them to feel Oliver's actions were a betrayal of Felicity and of the fandom, thus the overriding hate. This time around, there's already the 'good for you' sentiment, to Felicity kissing 50 Shades.


Those who already hate Felicity won't be unhappy that she's hooking up with 50 Shades, but I'm sure they'll crow about how well suited the two of them are.


Divisions between 'shippers in a fandom tends to be where people get the most toxic, in my experience. And once it happens, I think some people never forgive the character they see as having wronged their protagonist.


Really, Oliver/Sara was just bad writing, and I remember being completely confused over how they just jumped back into a relationship, and then how the relationship turned out to be utterly pointless, because it gave us absolutely nothing about the characters that wouldn't have been learned if they were just platonic friends. It really was just, 'two pretty people, let them bang'.


I'm more worried now for Felicity bouncing from man to man since the ratings were so good for her episode this week.  Given the way these EPs think they're now probably going to keep writing her romantically while continuing to cockblock her.



Didn't they say that they weren't going to have Oliver hooking up with anyone this season? If they can't cockblock the relationship by having him sticking his in some random, three episode guest star, then they'll do it by having Felicity be the one who's unavailable. And it's not like they're shying away from it already. If 50 Shades doesn't work out, then they'll probably bring in some other minor DC character to 'explore what she's like away from the Arrow Cave'.

Edited by Danny Franks
  • Love 2

Haha, if Laurel turns up in 308 with a mask on I will laugh and laugh and laugh because no. A few boxing lessons does not make anyone a vigilante hero let alone BC.

Have we had any spoilers about Diggle? I need me some Diggle news.

Other than him saying something in the promo about everyone having the same rules, no. :(


I don't think it will be worse than Oliver/Sara was. This is generalising, but from what I've seen, most of the most rabid fans of this show identify most with Felicity, rather than with Oliver. So for many last year, that identification with Felicity led them to feel Oliver's actions were a betrayal of Felicity and of the fandom, thus the overriding hate. This time around, there's already the 'good for you' sentiment, to Felicity kissing 50 Shades.

I hope you are right.  Despite not being a fan of Felicity/Ray, I really, really don't want Felicity to get hated on for this.  As usual, I wish the writers did a way better job at this, but I think her moving on makes sense, even if it is with 50 Shades of Ray.


Trying to get back on topic: if Ted does leave for a while, I guess they could do down the "Ollie relents and starts training Laurel" path, which... I will only enjoy it, if Diggle is around to be like "Are you really sure you want to do this, Oliver?  Really?  Really?  And, why does she get to be in the lair, and not Baby Sara?  Answer me, Oliver!"

  • Love 3

Haha, if Laurel turns up in 308 with a mask on I will laugh and laugh and laugh because no. A few boxing lessons does not make anyone a vigilante hero let alone BC.


Have we had any spoilers about Diggle? I need me some Diggle news.


It's starting to feel like an Oprah giveaway with Laurel and Ray getting masks.  "You get a brand new mask and you get a brand new mask!  You all get brand new masks!"  They need to slow down here.   

  • Love 6

I don't think they are moving too fast. Most other temporary romances start and finish in 5 episodes on this show. Even the famous Arrow/Canary romance started at the very last scene of 2x13 and ended in 2x19 the ones with McKenna and Helena lasted for 3 episodes. Laurel and Isabel were one night hook ups for Oliver.

If Felicity and Ray are kissing in 3x07, they have already taken more time getting started than the actual life of most other romances on the show so that is okay. I think it will be more than just a kiss, they most probably will hook up a few times and it will obviously end b/c BR is a guest star for 16 episodes and he will eventually leave. I am okay with Felicity experiencing that with someone and realizing it on her own that sometimes you cannot help but be still in love with a person who is not willing to commit (Oliver) and it happens in real life as well.


Another thing that no one is talking about is that if you see the last scene, it looks like Captain Boomerang has targeted Roy because he was lying on the floor with the boomerang in his body.

  • Love 2

Well, I'm glad I saw the shot of Felicity/Ray getting ready to make out, so now I know to avoid certain places on the internet for that episode.  Not here of course, but I'm sure that in "other" places, Felicity is going to be put through the ringer, for daring to move on, after Ollie squashed their thing.  Now, I'm not saying I want Felicity/Ray to be a thing already; way too rushed; but, I don't see anything wrong with Felicity for moving on.  But, I'm sure their will be hate.  Probably even worst then when Ollie/Sara rekindled the flame last season.  I hope Emily and Brandon are prepared, because I'm sure they're going to be getting a bunch of mean tweets and stuff like that, after the episode airs.


But, I guess that's how it goes, when it comes to fandom.  There is positives, but also some negatives too it.  Just need to power through it!


Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I don't think it'll be as bad as the reaction to the Sara/Oliver hookup. For one, this one is not totally coming out of left field, which I think was the biggest complaint about the S/O hookup. Although we haven't seen anything romantic between Ray and Felicity, there's the sense that Ray is being set up as a love interest for Felicity.


Also, the hate for the S/O hookup was coming from two fronts: Olicity fans AND Lauriver fans. One group has no interest in this hookup (right? Unless they think it'll free up Oliver?). Anyway, like Danny Franks mentioned upthread, a lot of Olicity are first and foremost Felicity fans and are very protective of the character. They won't let her get bashed too much.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva

I don't think Oliver flipping out is about the Ray/Felicity kiss either. But honestly, I won't totally mind if it is. As overwrought, cliche and dramatic as that would be, we know that Oliver has a tendency to act out where Felicity is concerned. It's one thing for him to hear that Felicity is moving on, it's a whole other story to actually walk smack dab into what that looks like.

Edited by Tangerine

I don't think Oliver flipping out is about the Ray/Felicity kiss either. But honestly, I won't totally mind if it is. As overwrought, cliche and dramatic as that would be, we know that Oliver has a tendency to act out where Felicity is concerned. It's one thing for him to hear that Felicity is moving on, it's a whole other story to actually walk smack dab into what that looks like.


IF that reaction is to the kiss, I don't think it's just about that. I wonder if Oliver walks in on them, then he and Felicity have it out in the foundry later. I can see him being hurt and questioning if she feels the same way about him that he does about her, and her basically telling him where to shove it because she was in it and then he backed out and she told him a) it was over and b) she wasn't going to wait for him to die, and here he is still trying to string her along with the "and you know how I feel about her." Then she walks out on him and he has a lil' fit and BREAKS FERNLICITY'S POT, then he replants it as a symbolic rerooting of their relationship (yeah, I just went there) in a BROWN POT, since he has, like, no flair when it comes to decor.


Whatever it is, I feel like it's personal since he's all alone in the lair, and it doesn't look like he's wearing his Arrow suit - I can't tell since it's so dark, but it looks like he's wearing his broody dark mourning v-neck and jeans.

Edited by apinknightmare
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