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"Bugged" could work if the FBI plot is still going on or if Helix is involved. (Have to admit, I would have thought some villain would have at least tried to bug the bunker by this point considering how easy it is to break in. BS has had multiple opportunities to do so, just in 509/510 and 601.)

Also, sort of random thing I've noticed is that Felicity's wearing her glasses in situations where contacts would fit or she has worn contacts in the past - in the field in 604 (vs. 519), on the date in 604 (vs. 301), Iris' bachelorette party in The Flash 405, the interrupted wedding in the crossover.

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'Arrow' EP Describes How Villains Will Challenge Team Arrow In Season 6
by Russ Burlingame | October 26, 2017


"I feel like Oliver underestimating his antagonists tends to be a bit of a theme in Arrow," Guggenheim told ComicBook.com. "We're trying to write Oliver from a more proficient place, which is not to say he's always going to make the right calls, and he's not going to make mistakes...but generally speaking we're trying to have Oliver raise his game from a tactical perspective. And you guys will tell us how successful we've been and how successful Oliver's been. For sure, we are keeping with the grounded, you know, there's no metahumans -- there's street-level crime. Sometimes it's street-level crime with a high-tech component, as we've occasionally done on the show, other times it's street crime, with a very low-tech component and we really sort of mix things up this year."
*  *  *
"There's a method to our madness in terms of all the various differing casting things we've announced," Guggenheim promised. "We've got David Nykl back as Anatoly; that's going to provide a specific kind of antagonism. I will say Kirk Acevedo as Ricardo Diaz is absolutely phenomenal. He is just such a terrific, terrific character and a terrific bad guy. With season six and the way we're handling the enemies of Team Arrow, we're playing a bit of a long game, we have sort of a long-term plan that hopefully we can execute. But we were definitely recognizing that, coming into season six, we can't do the tried-and-true, easily meet the big bad in the season premier or the mid season finale. We have to change up our normal paradigms and then you build up the big bad in the back half of the year."

Edited by tv echo
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13 hours ago, way2interested said:

First thing I thought was the FBI plot, although that might be wrapped up in 607. Then again, is the team supposed to be separated by then as well from 609? 

I don't know why but, I've locked into my head that the FBI plot wraps up in 607.

Although, based on the Mayor Queen story in 603, it seems that those protestors in (BTS Pics/blogs) for 607 have little to do with Oliver being outed as GA (as originally spec'd) and, more to do with the city-wide pro/Anti vigilante vote.

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Just now, Morrigan2575 said:

I don't know why but, I've locked into my head that the FBI plot wraps up in 607.

Although, based on the Mayor Queen story in 603, it seems that those protestors in (BTS Pics/blogs) for 607 have little to do with Oliver being outed as GA (as originally spec'd) and, more to do with the city-wide pro/Anti vigilante vote.

I think that makes sense simply because at some point they'll have so much going on that it would probably be wise to wrap up some of the stories up to move on to the next ones. Plus, since it looks like that vote is probably what they were all voting for in 607, Oliver looks like he gets arrested in 607, Oliver's back in the suit in 608 and looks to be at least in the lair in 609, Lyla's coming back in 607, etc, it would be easy to wrap it up then (Oliver gets out, city ends up being pro-Team Arrow, family Thanksgiving feelings and Oliver feels like he can come back to the team while Diggle's secret is outed and confronted). It could keep going, since for all we know maybe Diggle or Felicity gets arrested or something or maybe the FBI agent is in on Team Villain or something, but I at least think something might get wrapped up for that in 607.

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35 minutes ago, way2interested said:

I think that makes sense simply because at some point they'll have so much going on that it would probably be wise to wrap up some of the stories up to move on to the next ones. Plus, since it looks like that vote is probably what they were all voting for in 607, Oliver looks like he gets arrested in 607, Oliver's back in the suit in 608 and looks to be at least in the lair in 609, Lyla's coming back in 607, etc, it would be easy to wrap it up then (Oliver gets out, city ends up being pro-Team Arrow, family Thanksgiving feelings and Oliver feels like he can come back to the team while Diggle's secret is outed and confronted). It could keep going, since for all we know maybe Diggle or Felicity gets arrested or something or maybe the FBI agent is in on Team Villain or something, but I at least think something might get wrapped up for that in 607.

I've been having kind of a bad morning so far but the thought of SA's face if they'd told him they were carrying on with the Diggle as GA storyline for now so he wasn't required for the crossover made me laugh.

Given that there's also supposedly a "civil war" type storyline brewing the fallout of 6.07 will probably lead into that with various people thinking various things should have been handled differently. It wouldn't entirely surprise me if it's as you say, Dig is left taking the fall (hey yet another person with close personal ties to Oliver being "outed" as the Arrow/GA (both of whom look like the same OQ shaped guy). It's a reasonable/convenient on going storyline for them, how many times did Lance suddenly become anti vigilante/sure it was Oliver? Though I would imagine their Legion of Doom will start to take more centre stage in 6b as they did with LOT, even if they aren't all aware they're a Legion/Team Villains group.

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Yep, I wasn't sure that info was right but, SpoilerTV had gotten good info before.

Divided makes sense, we knew Dinah was going to do something that would cause issues and DR talked about Civil War. 

My guess, Oliver/Felicity/Curtis vs Diggle/Dinah/Rene.

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11 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Yep, I wasn't sure that info was right but, SpoilerTV had gotten good info before.

Divided makes sense, we knew Dinah was going to do something that would cause issues and DR talked about Civil War. 

My guess, Oliver/Felicity/Curtis vs Diggle/Dinah/Rene.

I totally understand why Felicity/Curtis would be grouped together but I don't see how D/R/D can function without a tech person unless they use ARGUS resources? 

Unless Dinah also once went undercover with a hacker group. ?

Edited by leopardprint
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1 minute ago, Chaser said:

Yeah these sound like the Teams but I wish they would exchange Rene and Curtis. Skill wise it'd even it out and create a different dynamic.

You never know they could totally surprise us with a Rene/Curtis swap.

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1 hour ago, Velocity23 said:

-- DCTV's Hector Navarro: "Later this week on Thursday, on an all-new Arrow, the 'S' has hit the fan because Black Siren attacks, right when things were going swimmingly. Olicity is back and in full effect. That's right, Oliver and Felicity are back at it. And that's when Black Siren decides to launch an attack on the citizens of Star City. And Felicity - she might be spreading herself too thin. I'm going to be real - it's a lot to do. And Oliver knows from experience, it's a lot to try to have it all and do it all. That's why he's taking a step back and letting Diggle take the role of the Green Arrow. He stepped up. Dig is now Arrow. And what about Felicity? Where does that leave her? Well, she's still trying to do everything. She's Overwatch. She's now going to be the girlfriend role and Oliver is the boyfriend role, so now Oliver might have to help out Felicity in this. So we're going to see what happens. And guys, guys, I'm so incredibly excited about this - uh, one of my favorite actors of all time, from one of my favorite shows ever, is appearing in this episode of Arrow. And I cannot tell you who they are and what role they're playing, because it's a spoiler. But man, oh man, tune in and watch it, and maybe we can talk about it afterwards." 

Edited by tv echo
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Just now, Morrigan2575 said:


Felicity is the one balancing the team with her professional life along with balancing out personal relationships while a villain from her past shows up and causes trouble. Instead of dealing with it Felicity wears herself thin and doesn't want to use the team while Oliver is the one to give her support and tell her to rely on the team. Basically Oliver becomes Felicity and Felicity becomes Oliver for 604, like 519 but more in the narrative role sense rather than the emotional sense. That might be the main meaning behind the title "Reversal."

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I love how they're touching upon how impossible it is to juggle so many things (building a company, a relationship, tutoring/bonding with a kid, the team/saving people)... It's realistic that things will fall through the cracks because Felicity has so much going on. We don't really get to see this a lot with other characters who are on a similar boat so I really appreciate them doing this.

Edited by WindofChange
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I know you guys will be right about the teams being F/O/C & R/D/D, but to me it'd make more sense if it was OTA vs newbies. I know it won't happen and there's no point in even wishful thinking, I just don't know how we get from: conflict mostly likely between O/D in 7, to him marrying Olicity in 8, reception in 9 & whatever begins this arc, to Diggle separating from the team. WM said Dinah will do something that hurts the team in midseason, so it makes sense to me, that Dinah messes up and Rene sides with her. I can't imagine Curtis against FS, but he's tech and would even that team out. 

I guess my main issue is, I don't see Oliver turning Digg away for drugs, accidentally killing someone, or lying. At this point in the game it doesn't make sense, but this is Arrow so I'm not sure why I still expect logic. lol

Edited by JJ928
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6 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Felicity is the one balancing the team with her professional life along with balancing out personal relationships while a villain from her past shows up and causes trouble. Instead of dealing with it Felicity wears herself thin and doesn't want to use the team while Oliver is the one to give her support and tell her to rely on the team. Basically Oliver becomes Felicity and Felicity becomes Oliver for 604, like 519 but more in the narrative role sense rather than the emotional sense. That might be the main meaning behind the title "Reversal."

Someone on twitter suggested that maybe Oliver will be on the comms while Felicity is in the field. I really love that idea.

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10 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

Somone on twitter suggested that maybe Oliver will be on the comms while Felicity is in the field. I really love that idea.

Well, this is the episode that SA teased, where Oliver "hops" back in to help the team temporarily in a "surprising" and "different" way.

-- On whether Oliver is still active with Team Arrow in certain ways, SA: "He’s out. He’s totally out. We have an instance where he has to hop back in, but it’s not in the capacity that people would expect him to. It’s in an episode called 'Reversal.' He does have to hop back in, but other than the occasional visit, he’s out." (Oct. 19, 2017 Entertainment Weekly article, page 9 of New Spoilers thread)

-- Per EW's Natalie Abrams, Oliver is really out of Team Arrow, except for one time in an upcoming episode, where Oliver has to come back into the team "in a different way... Stephen says it's a surprising way that you wouldn't expect." (Oct. 20, 2017 Entertainment Weekly's Superhero Insider podcast, page 9 of New Spoilers thread)

Edited by tv echo
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9 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Well, this is the episode that SA teased, where Oliver "hops" back in to help the team temporarily in a "surprising" and "different" way.

Someone mentioned this to me but can you imagine Oliver being worried about Felicity being in the field for a change? He will finally understand how Felicity feels whenever he's out in the field. I think that's why he looked distraught in the bunker (when he's on sitting on the steps with Felicity). It's probably because of the mission?

I wasn't looking forward to this episode at all because I thought it'd be bird-centric, but it's really shaping up to be a Felicity-Centric episode and I love it!

Edited by WindofChange
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9 minutes ago, JJ928 said:

I guess my main issue is, I don't see Oliver turning Digg away for drugs, accidentally killing someone, or lying. At this point in the game it doesn't make sense, but this is Arrow so I'm not sure why I still expect logic. lol

Yeah, especially since Oliver accidentally killed a police officer last year ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Perhaps it's a disagreement over methods? 

12 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

Someone on twitter suggested that maybe Oliver will be on the comms while Felicity is in the field. I really love that idea.

I feel like putting Oliver on comms with Curtis in the field is a misapplication of skills, I guess they need both C/F to do whatever techy thing. 

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19 minutes ago, JJ928 said:

I know you guys will be right about the teams being F/O/C & R/D/D, but to me it'd make more sense if it was OTA vs newbies. I know it won't happen and there's no point in even wishful thinking, I just don't know how we get from: conflict mostly likely between O/D in 7, to him marrying Olicity in 8, reception in 9 & whatever begins this arc, to Diggle separating from the team. WM said Dinah will do something that hurts the team in midseason, so it makes sense to me, that Dinah messes up and Rene sides with her. I can't imagine Curtis against FS, but he's tech and would even that team out. 

I guess my main issue is, I don't see Oliver turning Digg away for drugs, accidentally killing someone, or lying. At this point in the game it doesn't make sense, but this is Arrow so I'm not sure why I still expect logic. lol

Didn't the newbies film a scene at the BBB food truck in 6x09? - could be them just hanging out or it could be newbies thinking about going rogue...

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As much as I want it to be OTA v Newbies I think that would be a really short sighted decision because the audience will always side with OTA because they're simply more invested in them. I also think it'll make it harder for the audience to root for them and maybe even turn the audience against the newbies completely.

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I like to imagine that when Oliver & Felicity lived together for all those months, he taught her some self-defense/field skills and she taught him some computer/IT skills. Also, just being on the same team for more than five years would've resulted in both of them learning stuff.

Edited by tv echo
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5 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

As much as I want it to be OTA v Newbies I think that would be a really short sighted decision because the audience will always side with OTA because they're simply more invested in them. I also think it'll make it harder for the audience to root for them and maybe even turn the audience against the newbies completely.

Maybe we're not supposed to root for them? Maybe it'll be more about OTA dealing with the split rather than the actual "pick a side" idea. The O/F/C vs. D/BC/R split makes more sense I agree (although so far, Dinah and Rene are the only ones to have shown actual hostility towards Diggle, but for all I know that might be the point so that they'll side with him later as a *twist*), but I guess it's just confusing to me that presumably at some point something has to happen to bring Oliver back on the team while also separating them, and I can't think immediately of a scenario where after Oliver is the one to put the most support for Diggle then becomes someone who is against him (unless, again *twist* but still why in this case?).

Although totally honest I'm just playing devil's advocate because I'd rather OTA vs. B team as well. 

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2 hours ago, JJ928 said:

I know you guys will be right about the teams being F/O/C & R/D/D, but to me it'd make more sense if it was OTA vs newbies. I know it won't happen and there's no point in even wishful thinking, I just don't know how we get from: conflict mostly likely between O/D in 7, to him marrying Olicity in 8, reception in 9 & whatever begins this arc, to Diggle separating from the team. WM said Dinah will do something that hurts the team in midseason, so it makes sense to me, that Dinah messes up and Rene sides with her. I can't imagine Curtis against FS, but he's tech and would even that team out. 

I guess my main issue is, I don't see Oliver turning Digg away for drugs, accidentally killing someone, or lying. At this point in the game it doesn't make sense, but this is Arrow so I'm not sure why I still expect logic. lol

I don't think Oliver and Dig have an issue in 607. I expect that to crop up post-wedding in 609 to kick off the Civil War-esque storyline after the break. 

I'm actually not that sure about Curtis. Maybe things change in the following episodes, but last week he was very quick to ask Oliver to take back the reins.

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1 minute ago, Sunshine said:

Maybe Dinah does something that results in a conflict with Oliver. Dig takes her side because she had his back after Oliver quit.

I really hope this isn't the case.

But I could see it happening, especially since they seem to love the Diggle/Dinah dynamic. 

Whatever does happen, I do expect Diggle and Dinah to be on the same side, and I could see it being because one of them has the other's back in whatever's going on, even if they don't totally see eye-to-eye on the conflict topic.

(I also expect Oliver and Felicity to be on the same side because I really think they're going to try to keep conflict out of their relationship as much as possible now that they're back together.)

Rene and Curtis are the wild cards. Kind of hoping Felicity and Curtis aren't on the same side just because I'm over Curtis.

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7 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Maybe Dinah does something that results in a conflict with Oliver. Dig takes her side because she had his back after Oliver quit.

If this is the case then the character is 100% over for me. That's a good way of killing any enthusiasm I have for Dinah... Which isn't very much to begin with 

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22 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Maybe Dinah does something that results in a conflict with Oliver. Dig takes her side because she had his back after Oliver quit.

Interesting spec, entirely possibly. Unfortunately I think it will backfire on the character. I get that they'd want someone from OTA to prop a noobs decision. However, I think having Dinah be the reason Oliver/Diggle are at odds will turn many against her. 

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1 hour ago, bijoux said:

I don't think Oliver and Dig have an issue in 607. I expect that to crop up post-wedding in 609 to kick off the Civil War-esque storyline after the break. 

I'm actually not that sure about Curtis. Maybe things change in the following episodes, but last week he was very quick to ask Oliver to take back the reins.

Stephen tweeted a quote during filming 6x7 about being disappointed, & Lyla returns. My guess is that’s when Digg’s issues come to light, but I’m just guessing.

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I thought the teams might be Oliver/Felicity/Rene and Diggle/Dinah/Curtis. Purely because in 603 I think they set up Rene to take Oliver's side. And Felicity and Curtis being on different sides might create some conflict building their company? IDK.

Oh, how I yearn for the OTA days of yore.

Edited by Angel12d
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5 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Considering Oliver and Felicity found, paid for and designed that bunker it's technically theirs.

Technically might be the key word.

Logically, it makes sense for Oliver and Felicity's team to get the bunker. But we know that logic doesn't always apply when it comes to this show.

For all we know, they'll have Curtis lock Felicity out if they're on different sides and Felicity won't be able to get in because that's how they want to write it. I won't buy it at all if they do that, but I wouldn't be surprised, just very, very annoyed. 

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14 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I thought the teams might be Oliver/Felicity/Rene and Diggle/Dinah/Curtis. Purely because in 603 I think they set up Rene to take Oliver's side. And Felicity and Curtis being on different sides might create some conflict building their company? IDK.

Oh, how I yearn for the OTA days of yore.

I actually prefer that combo, I hope.it happens

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Tbh even if they go the Civil War route, I don't think they'd go so far as to be against each other or lock each other or stop each other or anything. It'll probably be just differences in how to deal with an issue or say deal with something Dinah did or whatever and then they'll separate in a similar way as when Oliver, Diggle, or Felicity quit the team before. Just a split where they won't want to work together but still want to save the city.

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27 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Well I don't think Oliver paid for any of it...

He found it he helped design and it was paid with money from what use to be his company and in season 4 Oliver used Felicity's money freely with no objections from Felicity. They were together they considered the money theirs. It's their bunker.

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