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Well, I do get it. Usually new characters would be thrown Felicity's way so that the audience will care for them. The producers can't/won't do it with Dinah. She needs someone else. So you could either take Oliver or Diggle. They decided on Diggle because his wife is only around every 5 episodes. So in the meantime it is Diggle's job to make Dinah more integrated. She is after all the Black Canary and she cannot/won't be sidelined like Wild Dog and Curtis. It is funny though that, to me, the show after all these seasons still only needs OTA to make it work. Everything else is not necessary on day to day basis. At least, I wouldn't miss Wild Dog or Curtis all that much. But they want Dinah to work so they try to make her 'family' and with Diggle's help they think it might work. 

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11 minutes ago, Belinea said:

She is after all the Black Canary and she cannot/won't be sidelined like Wild Dog and Curtis.

And now we go back to why BC cannot be on Arrow anymore. Because she no longer fits in. Not after the show swerved. Can't be sidelined? Why "because comics"? (I'm not really asking you-you, just pointing out that that's the reasoning generally given as to why BC needs to be GA's equal on the show.) LIke you said, all the show needs is OTA and trying to push BC in that same level will probably end up hurting the show and pissing off fans. 

16 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Oh god. Clashing Canaries all season? I won't make it. I won't! ? ?

Yeah, a season of them screeching at each other. This is gonna be painful.

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29 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Seriously Juliana Harkavy is cut from the same cloth as Katie Cassidy with the pushing her own agenda thing when it comes to interviews. Sheesh. If Olicity weren't getting married I bet she'd totally be pushing Oliver being her soulmate. 

Lol what did anything that she said come off as pushing her own agenda? Whose toes is she supposedly trying to step on now?

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3 hours ago, Belinea said:

Did I miss them becoming BFFs? Maybe I did, I don't remember S5 all that much.

Well, just about every time Dinah has had a more personal conversation with someone on the team, it has been with Diggle. So looking at it from a character perspective, I can see why Dinah would probably think of him as her best friend. Family is too strong of a word to use, though. 

Edited by strikera0
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I don't know how much mileage they can get out of Battle of the Beaks, it's just super repetitive and they basically don't like each other because they have the same powers? What a compelling storyline for their only female fighter. 

I mean I was tired of them screaming at each other prior to 601 but I do think it's going to grow tiresome for the general audience eventually. 

I think they are positioning her as leader because OTA is distracted with personal and professional problems but I'm guessing she goes off the rails or becomes overzealous. I think a big problem with Dinah is they are trying to do too much with her like @SmallScreenDiva says and she has to be everything to everyone. (except Felicity, because Arrow can only pass the Bechdel test once every season) 

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LMAO at Quentin just mowing those shooters down with the van. I love it. It's just like Felicity's move. ?  I do enjoy Anatoly, too, so that's good.

49 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

I don't know how much mileage they can get out of Battle of the Beaks, it's just super repetitive and they basically don't like each other because they have the same powers? What a compelling storyline for their only female fighter. 

I mean I was tired of them screaming at each other prior to 601 but I do think it's going to grow tiresome for the general audience eventually. 

It has the potential to become as boring as when Oliver went up against Damien Darhk in s4. Oliver would shoot an arrow and then Damien would stop them mid-air with his magic. Rinse and repeat. ?

Edited by Angel12d
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2 hours ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

But is pairing them up with Felicity or Diggle working to make those characters more popular? I wonder..

I know pairing Rene with Lance last season definitely made him a lot more tolerable, so I get why they do this. I think one of the reasons Curtis (initially, at least) and Rory clicked so quickly with audiences is because they both connected with Felicity.

Re: the new sneak peek. I guess the press is fully aware of William's existence, since Oliver mentions him in the media scrum. I wonder if there was a bit of a scandal but it's already over, or if we'll still see something? Also, Oliver really, really has to be nicer to the press. In all of these previews he's coming off as such a jerk to them! That's not how to get them on your side.

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Now that's a stunt!  Enough of the Runway Walk of Superheroes, Quentin bowling through bad guys line nine pins is awesome!  And great appearance of Anatoli.  Whoever directed this episode is already better than Bam Bam.  (According to imdb it's Laura Belsey.)

Looking forward to the episode now.

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17 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I could see why they would think that Felicity being the one helping Oliver with his son could be considered surprising for some. I think it goes back to Myson being part of what broke them up and there are still a lot of people out there who (wrongly) believe that Felicity's problem is with Myson and not with the whole lying/not including in her in decisions thing.

Have a question about the key ... we're thinking it's they key to Oliver's apartment, right? But Oliver's apartment is a redressed PT/QC set with extra walls per @quarks. it doesn't really make that much sense for Felicity to join them there. Because that's what a key usually signifies, right? Unless in Arrow world it's a "come and visit me and Myson in our apartment anytime" key. Will Felicity turn around instead and say, "hey I have more space in the loft of bad juju, just move in here"?  

What does PT/QC mean again? 

3 hours ago, LeighAn said:

Seriously Juliana Harkavy is cut from the same cloth as Katie Cassidy with the pushing her own agenda thing when it comes to interviews. Sheesh. If Olicity weren't getting married I bet she'd totally be pushing Oliver being her soulmate. 

What did she say? And everyone pushes their own agenda. But I cannot form an opinion on her interview since I haven't read it yet. 

Edited by Simba122504
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1 hour ago, Trisha said:

I know pairing Rene with Lance last season definitely made him a lot more tolerable, so I get why they do this. I think one of the reasons Curtis (initially, at least) and Rory clicked so quickly with audiences is because they both connected with Felicity.


On Lance I agree but he isn't exactly a fan favorite and I think he made Rene better because PB is a very good actor and the dynamic was good. (It was Roy/Lance 2.0 but no one can accuse the writers of being too original, lol)

I'm not sure those characters worked because of Felicity or because the writers found an enjoyable dynamic to watch..because Curtis' popularity isn't what it used to be (judging from fandom and reviewers) and he still gets paired with Felicity. What I was wondering was if pairing them with them works in general or it only works if you create a good dynamic that doesn't take away from others the audience already likes. But at that point it can be created with every character like it happened with Lance/Rene.

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2 hours ago, leopardprint said:

I don't know how much mileage they can get out of Battle of the Beaks, it's just super repetitive and they basically don't like each other because they have the same powers? What a compelling storyline for their only female fighter. 

I mean I was tired of them screaming at each other prior to 601 but I do think it's going to grow tiresome for the general audience eventually. 

I think they are positioning her as leader because OTA is distracted with personal and professional problems but I'm guessing she goes off the rails or becomes overzealous. I think a big problem with Dinah is they are trying to do too much with her like @SmallScreenDiva says and she has to be everything to everyone. (except Felicity, because Arrow can only pass the Bechdel test once every season) 

At first I thought it was just snark but thinking about it, you're right, they can only pass the Bechdel test once every season.  Season 5 was Thea going to Felicity to get her help taking down Susan.

I don't know if it's because they think that Dinah would bond with Diggle based on their guns & orders background, because they're throwing spaghetti at the wall (Diggle, Quentin, Oliver) or because DC is telling them they had to make Black Canary into a major player.  If it's DC then it's interesting in terms of a power level but cuts down the quality of what's on my screen.

I am already sick of the Canary Battle. They scream, they fight, they scream they fight some more and it ends in a draw.  There's no intelligence or subtlety, or even storyline to it.

Interestingly, trying to make Diggle and Rene bond failed massively even with their shared background.  It was when they put Rene with Quentin in more of a mentoring role than he had with Diggle that he finally clicked.  Are they trying to recreate Quentin And His Daughters with Dinah?  I sure hope not.

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10 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

At first I thought it was just snark but thinking about it, you're right, they can only pass the Bechdel test once every season.  Season 5 was Thea going to Felicity to get her help taking down Susan.

I mean, technically no. Thea had scenes with Susan, Thea asking Felicity for help, the female villains together, Felicity giving Dinah her mask, Nyssa and Talia fighting (don't remember off of the top of my head if they mentioned R'as, but if not), Dinah vs BS.

I hate the Bechdel test but they still pass it more than once even if it isn't as much as people want, and that's not even counting the scenes with Felicity talking with Samantha (mostly about William, not even Oliver), Thea and Felicity's scene (about fathers not Oliver), and possibly Nyssa and Talia (again, about their own father).

Edited by way2interested
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11 minutes ago, way2interested said:

I hate the Bechdel test but they still pass it more than once even if it isn't as much as people want, and that's not even counting the scenes with Felicity talking with Samantha (mostly about William, not even Oliver), Thea and Felicity's scene (about fathers not Oliver), and possibly Nyssa and Talia (again, about their own father)

Those are all men. ?

I actually think most of the S5 Dinah/Felicity scenes passed (the few there were). 

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Thea's scenes with Susan were about Susan stabbing Thea in the back to get the goods on Oliver so I don't think that qualifies.  Ditto Dinah getting a mask to join Oliver's crusade. Dinah vs BS and Nyssa and Talia fighting were fight scenes,  I think the Bechdel test is meant to be about a conversation, not a superhero fight scene.  Also, I think Nyssa and Talia wouldn't have been at odds if it weren't for their father.

The female villains would count if it wasn't just a stunt.

28 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

JH talked in an interview (maybe a month ago or so?) about Dinah and Lance having a father/daughter relationship so I'm going with yes.

Quentin mentors Rene and acts like a father figure to all the young women on the show (Laurel, Sara, Thea, Felicity and now BS) and occasionally to Oliver while regaining his celibate status.  Ageism at its finest.



I actually think most of the S5 Dinah/Felicity scenes passed (the few there were). 

I think to pass the test there has to be something substantive.  Dinah and Felicity were co-workers, ships that passed in the night and mentioned work stuff.  There was nothing even as substantive as Diggle asking Dinah if she'd found a place to stay yet, or Felicity talking to Rory..

Edited by statsgirl
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30 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Are they trying to recreate Quentin And His Daughters with Dinah?  I sure hope not.

I've an ickier idea, given the vibes Tinah (or JH, can't really tell) was giving off during her scenes with Lance. Didn't the EPs pretty much rejected a Dinah/Diggle hookup? And that the love interest for her would be a lot of fun and surprising? So, what if it's Tinah/Lance? I mean, these are people who thought setting up their epic romance with sister swapping was an awesome idea. So, Lance romancing the woman who shares the same name as his former wife and a dead daughter seems par for the course. 

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Just now, leopardprint said:

Those are all men. ?

Not the first list I had. The second list was to show how inadequate the Bechdel test is since it doesn't count those scenes simply because a man is mentioned or part of the conversation. Literally all Thea and Felicity have in common (besides Team Arrow) is Oliver and evil dads, eliminating a lot of their interactions.


Just now, statsgirl said:

Ditto Dinah getting a mask to join Oliver's crusade. Dinah vs BS and Nyssa and Talia fighting were fight scenes,  I think the Bechdel test is meant to be about a conversation, not a superhero fight scene.

But Oliver wasn't mentioned in the scene. And Dinah and BS and Nyssa and Talia still talked. If we want to be so picky then literally none of the women would ever pass the stupid Bechdel test. By that nitpicking most of Felicity and Thea's scenes in 417 wouldn't count because the thread of "Thea wants Felicity to come back to Oliver's team."

Why can't the Sexy Lamp test be used instead? 

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8 minutes ago, way2interested said:

But Oliver wasn't mentioned in the scene. And Dinah and BS and Nyssa and Talia still talked. If we want to be so picky then literally none of the women would ever pass the stupid Bechdel test. By that nitpicking most of Felicity and Thea's scenes in 417 wouldn't count because the thread of "Thea wants Felicity to come back to Oliver's team."

Why can't the Sexy Lamp test be used instead? 

What is the Sexy Lamp test?

I think Felicity/Thea scenes pass even if they are about Team Arrow because they have a relationship.  Thea cares about Felicity as a person and vice versa. They've been through a lot together.  Felicity and Dinah still don't know each other (does Dinah even know about Billy? Donna?  Does Felicity know if Dinah has familiy?) and have nothing in common that we know of but the Team.

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Just now, statsgirl said:

What is the Sexy Lamp test?

I think Felicity/Thea scenes pass even if they are about Team Arrow because they have a relationship.  Thea cares about Felicity as a person and vice versa. They've been through a lot together.  Felicity and Dinah still don't know each other (does Dinah even know about Billy? Donna?  Does Felicity know if Dinah has familiy?) and have nothing in common that we know of but the Team.

Taking to relationships thread

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Interestingly, trying to make Diggle and Rene bond failed massively even with their shared background.  It was when they put Rene with Quentin in more of a mentoring role than he had with Diggle that he finally clicked.  Are they trying to recreate Quentin And His Daughters with Dinah?  I sure hope not.

Since this season's theme is family (bio family vs. found family), I think they're going to spend all season with Quentin trying to save his "bio daughter" Black Siren, but ultimately realizing that his "real" daughter is now someone with no blood ties to him - Dinah.

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The writers are really stupid if they dont have felicity and Dinah share any scenes. Even if its mundane, they have to start building a bond between them. Thea isn't around and Dinah is the only other female member on the team. 

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‘Arrow’s’ Juliana Harkavy on Season 6: There’s a Lot of ‘Bad Blood’ Between Black Canary and Black Siren
By Jacob Bryant   OCTOBER 19, 2017


“The time they had together on Lian Yu definitely brought them together as a team,” Harkavy tells Variety of how Dinah has settled in to the team in the six months between Season 5 and Season 6. “She’s also been fighting, training and had time to develop her craft. It’s been six months together and six months getting stronger for her.”
*  *  *
Was Dinah ready to officially take over the mantle of Black Canary or was their some hesitation?
I think that’s one of the biggest things that has changed for Dinah this season: she’s let go of her reluctance to fill that position and has become a solid part of the team. She realizes that the team wants her there, and she wants to be there. Her duty is to justice – her duty is to protecting the city and making a solid team. She’s embraced it and become proud to be the Black Canary.

Diggle (David Ramsey) was the first person to really welcome Dinah into the fold. In the sixth season premiere, we saw there is clearly something wrong with him. Does Dinah take it upon herself to figure out what that is and how she can help?
She does. Dinah really honors the fact that he was one of the first people to take her in. They have a close friendship, and they’re a team, so when one person is affected, everyone is affected. She takes it upon herself to make sure he’s OK and and get to the bottom of what’s happening.

Since they work so closely together out in the field, is she concerned about him being next to her when he clearly isn’t at 100%?
She is. I think that’s partially why she wants to get to the bottom of what’s going on with him. She knows that she – or anyone on the team – could get hurt if something’s wrong with him. She’s concerned and maybe just a little bit annoyed.

She and Lance (Paul Blackthorne) also seemed to have grown a lot closer since Lian Yu. How does that relationship evolve this season?
Their closeness does come from their time on Lian Yu. They were together on the island, and together they kept the secret of Lance shooting Black Siren from everybody, and because of that they developed a closer friendship.

Is there any weirdness between the two of them about Dinah becoming the Black Canary?
Because Dinah did take up that mantle – and she is so connected to Lance’s daughter – I think there is a paternal relationship with him. I think he gets a sense of closeness from Dinah because there are similarities to Laurel.

There were some great scenes between Black Canary and Black Siren in the premiere. How does that rivalry play out in the episodes to come?
It definitely doesn’t die down. There is a lot of bad blood between Siren and Canary. It’s fun to watch those fights – they’re very charged because of the history of where they came from and what they’ve been through. People who like those fights can definitely come to expect more of them, and they’ll get bigger and better.

Dinah hasn’t spent much time with the heroes from the other Arrowverse shows. With her being a part of this year’s crossover, how does she react to meeting characters like The Flash (Grant Gustin) or Sara Lance (Caity Lotz)?
Last season Diggle mentioned aliens, and Dinah couldn’t believe it. Now she’s come to realize anything is possible. Her meeting the other heroes is just more of her stepping into this world and accepting her new reality.

Before you read any of the crossover scripts, was there any character you were hoping Dinah could interact with?
I definitely wanted to interact with The Flash. There is something about The Flash personally that I’m really drawn to as a character. I also think that his energy is so different from Dinah’s so I thought that would be a cool and funny combination. He’s so low-key and she’s so intense.

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'Arrow': Juliana Harkavy Teases Dinah's New Dilemma
Damian Holbrook October 19, 2017 12:00 pm


Trouble is never in short supply in Arrow's Star City and Thursday night, a disturbing new wrinkle sure to shake up Oliver's band of heroes develops just as Black Siren (Katie Cassidy) steps up her attacks on the team. Without spoiling the storyline, it has something to do with Diggle (David Ramsey) that only Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) is privy to...for now.

So how does the new Black Canary feel about keeping Digg's big secret? According to Harkavy, it sounds like she's more comfy throwing down with Black Siren than covering up for her colleague.

This is a very big action episode for you. Canary and Black Siren fight like three times! How intimidating is all of this?
You know, it's amazing because, well, when I first walked in, yes, I was very intimidated, I was very nervous. But Katie made it so—well, everybody in terms of the show—but in terms of those fights, Katie made it very comfortable and literally just the second I walked in and saw her she gave me the biggest hug and was like, "I just want you to know how welcome you are here and everybody is so happy to have you." She really was warm and loving. So immediately she made it easier and took away that sense of nervousness.
*  *  *
You get involved in a storyline this week that can really effect the dynamic of the team.
With what's happening with Diggle (David Ramsey)? Right, right. I think Dinah is very aware of that and wants to get to the bottom of it quickly. Because with this team, if one person is compromised the whole team is compromised and it's gonna be a matter of loyalty versus honesty. I think that's a really tough one for Dinah. Because she was keeping her secret with Quentin (Paul Blackthorne), it's like she doesn't want to be hypocritical, but on the other hand, somebody could get hurt.

Do you feel she's at that place now where all of her loyalty should lie with Oliver (Stephen Amell) or with the team?
I think it's always sort of a balance with the two. Oliver is always the head of the team and the very first thing the team needs to respect together in order to make it work is that Oliver is the captain. But on the other hand, as a member of the team, you also have to be sensitive to the other members of the team and if they have their own personal struggles and their own things. So it's a balancing act, being true to the team, true to Oliver and then also honoring what everybody's going through as an individual.
*  *  *
And what's ahead for Dinah's personal life?
I think it's time for her to find a little balance. She's so obsessed by her pursuit of justice, it fuels her. And while it's great to have that most of the time and for the show, it's great to see, I'm also really excited to see the other side of her. She's a complex person. I have my own little backstory for her that's just in my own mind, so to be able to maybe see it through is really fun. And this year, I think that a love interest would be part of that. I'd like just seeing another side, a softer side...
*  *  *
Oh, I'm just thinking comfort.
It's funny, because all the costumes are a lot more breathable and comfortable than they look. Even the shoes I wear are; they look like they have spikes at the tips but they're actually rounded tips you add on, almost like a prosthetic. And the costumes themselves, they're leather but there's all this incredible material that makes them feel like leggings. So we get to look really cool and be comfortable at the same time, which is more than you could ever ask for in a full-blown leather suit. [Laughs]

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I know that it is super rude but I just don't care that much about Dinah. I know that this is probably the story of the episode but maybe some other characters could also be included in the promotion. 

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I think I'm going to like Laura Belsey's directing. There are good shots in the city hall.

I love that Anatoly decided to come after Oliver during the day. 1. I can see stuff happening. 2. Smart thinking into pulling this at a time when GA doesn't usually appear, and the team is probably being extra careful at the moment.

I don't get how they writing whatever William's issue is from the preview. You're not here to help me. You're the Green Arrow. I don't get what one has to do with the other.

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Just now, bijoux said:


I don't get how they writing whatever William's issue is from the preview. You're not here to help me. You're the Green Arrow. I don't get what one has to do with the other.

I think they are bullying William because his dad is the GA and mocking him telling him he can't help him. It'd make sense if their parents are criminals he put away, otherwise drama for the sake of drama for me..

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Arrow’s Harkavy Sings Black Canary’s Praises, Teases ‘Year of Growth’
October 19, 2017   by Meagan Damore


Some of your most compelling scenes so far have been with David Ramsey. What was it like to work so closely with him?
Well, working with David has been amazing because he is truly one of the most talented, just kind and awesome people that I’ve met ever, anywhere. So it’s been really wonderful and an honor just working with him and learning from him. And the scenes have been really fun, because they’re really charged scenes, they’re really loaded, and Diggle and Dinah are two fierce characters. They’re friends, but there’s a lot of fire there, so I think the scenes have been fun to film for sure and, from what I hear, they’ve been fun to watch, so that makes me happy.
*  *  *
Will we see Dinah get to interact as closely with another character?
Definitely! I think this season the team is really going to come together, as a whole and then the individuals within it are going to develop as well and their relationships are going to get deeper. You’re going to see Dinah becoming close with, I think, many members of the team, but Diggle and Dinah, they’re friends, they’re close and I think that that’s the first relationship that we’re going to sort of see more of this season and it’ll change and it’ll grow.

What other characters would you like to see Dinah interact with more?
Definitely Felicity. I think that they’re the two women on the team and in the bunker together and I love Emily [Bett Rickards] and I love working with her, so — on a personal level and for Dinah’s sake — I think more interaction with her would be great. Honestly, other than that, I think I would just like to show a little bit of her relationship with everyone, because the team is so interesting because of the dynamics, so it would just be nice to explore all of them, you know? Curtis and Renee… There’s a comedic element there, and they bring out Dinah’s lighter side. Hopefully, we’ll get to see a little bit of everything.

Black Siren has taken serious umbrage with Dinah. Will we see more of that conflict in the episodes ahead?
I think so. I think that that’s a battle that hasn’t been finished yet, and they have so much history between them and there’s just so much to resolve. So yeah, I think we can probably expect a rematch.
*  *  *
Season 5 began to explore Dinah’s background. How will Season 6 continue to do that?
In Season 6, Dinah has more time to show herself as a whole, complete character, so other aspects of her life: her personal life, other sides of her emotionally besides just when she’s fighting on the team. So Season 6 is going to give her an opportunity to expand and fully develop. It’s been a lot of fun filming this year because she has a lot more substance and a lot more meat, and she’s dealing with a lot more on the team. She’s dealing with a lot more emotionally. So it’s just been a year of growth for her.
*  *  *
How is she settling into her job at SCPD? Will we see more of her as a cop as the season continues?
For sure, yeah. I think that the SCPD is really — she’s really passionate about it. She’s on Team Arrow and that’s sort of what she does off the clock, but that is her home. That’s her base. She’s a cop at heart, and she was promoted this year. She’s a good cop. She’s a detective, and I think she’s going to continue to blossom in her career. I also think she’s going to try to use it to help out Team Arrow and walk that line between being a cop and being a vigilante. It’s like a delicate balance, but she’s learning how to master it.

Now that she’s really built a home into Star City, could we see a love interest for Dinah?
That could be in the cards too, you know? I think that definitely something that after all these months fighting and on the island and just sort of blowing stuff up with the boys, I think it would be nice to see her settle in a little bit to something. That could be on the table for her. I think where last season she absolutely was still grieving, she absolutely was kind of out of her mind a little bit, and so the team reeled her in, so that was not so much on the table for her. She needed to get herself figured out. Now, this season, she’s got her job going strong, she’s more settled into Team Arrow, and I think she might like a little personal time as well with somebody.
*  *  *
Recently, in the comics, Dinah has become something of a rock star. Would you like to see that side of her come out on Arrow?
It’s so funny you say that, because I always say that that’s one of those things that is in my head all the time, but you might not see one screen. In my head, Dinah goes home and she jams on her guitar and she likes music and I don’t know if that’s something that we actually would ever delve into on the show, but that’s one of my favorite parts about the character. I have a Dinah playlist on my phone that I listen to at the gym. I don’t know why, but that just really spoke to me when I found out she was in a band in the comics. I was like, “Oh, that’s amazing!” She definitely has a musical aptitude. That’s just one of those little things that we don’t have anything in there yet, but I think that’s one of my favorite parts about the character.

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Yeah definitely already sick of Dinah.And I really don't get them insisting Dinah and BS have history and things to resolve.They literally have none,BS doesn't even have history with the concept of BC.Their rivalry makes no sense and is so shallow there's barely a storyline there.They're basically making it up out of nothing and hoping the audience buys into it because both actresses played BC and have the same power and not anything that's actually on screen.

Edited by tangerine95
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I think the problem was beginning the rivalry last season and having that stupid "replace me" line in the finale. They could have still had BC vs. BS in the finale, just without that. Then they could have still had the 601 island FB, and maybe BS' problem with Dinah could have begun then, because Lance shot her to save Dinah. 

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Uh...did we really need four interviews with JH today? My god. Talk about overkill. Seriously, the more they promote her, the less I like her (the character, of course, I have nothing against JH who seems very nice).

Edited by Angel12d
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49 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

After all those interviews I'm starting to see the beauty in Myson's SL and want to hear more about that ?

Maybe that is their strategy. Getting you to a point where you'd literally watch anything else. 

Edited by Belinea
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"They said you're the green arrow. They said you're not here to help me."

Okay, I don't really understand the link between the two here. Unless this is just really terrible set-up for Oliver handing over the GA reins to Diggle for a few episodes. So sloppy!

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41 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

I think we’re probably getting a huge JH/BC push like they did with RG/WD in S5, both on the show and in promo.

I think they push what needs to be pushed. Just like they did with Westallen, they're gonna push the aspects they want to see succeed but aren't really getting the buzz they hoped for. 

Last year it was Wild Dog, this year it's Dinah. 

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2 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

So Dinah still hasnt gotten a love interest that was talked about as of the time those interviews took place. Shocked.

Why is that shocking? I thought it was obvious it'd always be in 6b tbh. Unless I'm missing something.

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1 hour ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I think the problem was beginning the rivalry last season and having that stupid "replace me" line in the finale. They could have still had BC vs. BS in the finale, just without that. Then they could have still had the 601 island FB, and maybe BS' problem with Dinah could have begun then, because Lance shot her to save Dinah. 

Yeah, that would have been better but IMO another reason why this "storyline" isn't working is that Dinah's already in full-blown Black Canary mode. When KC was made a series regular, I really thought Black Siren was supposed to be the physical embodiement of Laurel's shadow that Dinah's trying to overcome as she's slowly settling into the Black Canary role. IMO, a setup like this could have worked really well because it would have allowed us to see a more vulnerable side to the Dinah character, but now that the writers have conveniently moved her entire development off-screen, I really don't see how this storyline is going to develop her in any meaningful way. 

Edited by strikera0
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Just now, WindofChange said:

I think they push what needs to be pushed. Just like they did with Westallen, they're gonna push the aspects they want to see succeed but aren't really getting the buzz they hoped for. 

Last year it was Wild Dog, this year it's Dinah. 

They're Gretchen Weiner trying to make fetch happen. 

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