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Even if you look at the SDCC trailer that they can control, the trailer singled out Diggle, Felicity, Thea, and Samantha as characters to be concerned for on what happened when the island exploded, along with Oliver looking down at presumably a dead body. That trailer was pushing the "who lives? Who dies? Where do we go from here?" angle with only subsequent talking points and promo (which they can't control) being "ONLY TALK ABOUT THIS"

I'm thinking that they would have promoted Rene and Diggle as GA (and consequences he's suffering from the island) for at least the added visual bonus, but then the CW probably told them to do BS and BC instead for that female demograph that they're fighting back to get.

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My take on the promotion strategy. Olicity OTA Felicity is a sure bet, The CW knows where it stands on that regards. So they are promoting what they think needs selling not what's the most easily sellable or enticing. Sort of like the endless newbie promotion last season. They were shoved into every promotional material because they needed to sell the audience on them. Remembering The CW held a focus group after the low numbers of the premiere around the newbies from memory. 


Im not sure if that's how network marketing should work, Im no expert, but that's how I'm interpreting it?‍♀️ 

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4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Nice.  That could be intriguing but the crossovers are generally so shallow in terms of characterization that the best I can hope for is an off hand remark.

I can handwave a lot in sci fi and fantasy genre and I have but this "same characters but really really different people" drives me crazy.  It's just so utterly impossible.

If the Nazis had won, it's doubtful that Robert Queen would have been a rich man unless he and his father were both corrupt enough to support the Nazis. So either he would have been poor or he wouldn't have felt the need to atone for what he did so Oliver wouldn't have grown up the way he did. The only way it makes sense for Nazi Oliver and Barry to secretly be doing a Schindler and protecting the people in trouble.

For Black Siren, you don't suddenly turn that evil.  Either she always had it in her to be the kind of person who wishes she could hear her victims scream, in which case E1 LL also has that evil, or she would be morally conflicted over what she does. You can't have it both ways.

Utterly impossible? How many Earths have you been to? lol

If Nazis has won, Robert would've had a totally different life experience then what he had. Who knows if Oliver even grew up with Robert, he could've been sent to some kind of training camp or whatever. But this isn't the same "realistic" show that it was back in the first two seasons. It's more comic booky then ever. 

We are living in a world that has magic, advanced technically, multiple dimensions, things don't work the same. The odds of Oliver becoming a killer if he hadnt been on the boat are probably slim to none, he would've been a different person. We don't know Sirens full backstory and whatever happened to her seem to make her a little unhinged and someone who is afraid of being vulnerable. But it doesn't just apply to her, Caitlin and Barry also shared quiet a few similarities with their E2 dopples,

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So KC still doesnt know if BS will be redeemed. 


However, most of the audience wanted to know about Arrow and what might happen for her character. One questioner laid out how Black Siren could be redeemed.

“I really hope they decide to do this…there is a chance of redemption for her…I think that it would be interesting and really hard but a lot of fun at the same time.”


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I feel like we're going to be stuck with the "will she be redeemed?" question all season long because they will probably never say, "no, she won't be redeemed," or even "yes, in fact, you'll see her big redemption moment in episode X." 

That's going to get really annoying, especially since it seems to be all they're talking about when it comes to Black Siren. 

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Just now, jay741982 said:

There's no question about it. True love for him is the gorgeous Briliant Blonde

But we still pretending everybody else is dead so we cannot name the person who will be important in Oliver big story of true love during the crossover. 

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2 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

But we still pretending everybody else is dead so we cannot name the person who will be important in Oliver big story of true love during the crossover. 

I think The CW has just reached peak promo stupidity. 

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According to Arrow executive producer Wendy Mericle, the crossover is "really Oliver's (Stephen Amell) story... It's Oliver and one other character in the Arrow-verse's story. It really explores the question of true love, and what does that look like? It's emotionally really compelling, and you're going to be surprised by what he learns and how he learns it and who he learns it from. It's pretty crazy stuff, I'm not going to lie."

Evil Nazi Oliver is going to teach him, right?

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3 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Evil Nazi Oliver is going to teach him, right?

Yes, yes he will.  Or evil Nazi Prometheus.  Or maybe evil Nazi Oliver and Prometheus are in a loving relationship that shows Oliver the way. 

Dear show - thanks for being standout crazy even in these crazy days. 

Edited by Mrs. de Winter
he maybe a Nazi, but I should still spell his name right
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15 minutes ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

Yes, yes he will.  Or evil Nazi Prometheus.  Or maybe evil Nazi Oliver and Prometheus are in a loving relationship that shows Oliver the way. 

Dear show - thanks for being standout crazy even in these crazy days. 

As long as it’s not Barry, I’m good!

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32 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

According to Arrow executive producer Wendy Mericle, the crossover is "really Oliver's (Stephen Amell) story... It's Oliver and one other character in the Arrow-verse's story. It really explores the question of true love, and what does that look like? It's emotionally really compelling, and you're going to be surprised by what he learns and how he learns it and who he learns it from. It's pretty crazy stuff, I'm not going to lie."

The other character I'm guessing will be Kara, maybe?  Iris and Barry already have DENSITY!! on their side.  I do worry though that BS or another of Laurel's doppelgangers could still show up to be the unexpected person.  So far we haven't heard of her filming anything though, right?  

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6 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

The other character I'm guessing will be Kara, maybe?  Iris and Barry already have DENSITY!! on their side.  I do worry though that BS or another of Laurel's doppelgangers could still show up to be the unexpected person.  So far we haven't heard of her filming anything though, right?  

Why would she be there. Also why wouldnt they name those characters. 

Edited by Velocity23
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I put on a good front but I can far too easily dream up storylines that I would absolutely detest and still reasonably imagine MG or the others thinking would be super clever.  With the chance of doppelgangers, I remain braced for alt Laurel to somehow teach Oliver the meaning of true love.  Please remind me why that is totes cra cra.  

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54 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Maybe Evil Nazi Oliver became evil Nazi because he lost his Felicity :P

Oliver X responds to the death of his Jewish lady love by becoming a Nazi? ?

Who are we kidding? These writers would probably think that's a great idea. 

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42 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Oliver learning lessons from Nazis. Nope. Not surprising at all! 

But I'm sure they will handle the Black Lives Matter episode will be handled with sensitivity and grace. 

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2 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

With the chance of doppelgangers, I remain braced for alt Laurel to somehow teach Oliver the meaning of true love.  Please remind me why that is totes cra cra.  

? ?

Oliver learning through a version of Laurel that Felicity is his true love (which is weird in itself, he already wanted to marry her before) would be hilariously harsh. OMG. ?

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To preface this, I believe that Arrow's PR dumbness is caused by their PR professionals being dumb.  That said, I wonder if their Black Siren! Black Canary! Slade! promo is some sort of "spoon full of sugar" strategy with the comic purists who will have a meltdown when Oliver and Felicity marry. Dumbness is the logical reason, but the comics!!! promos might be an effort to cut off the "Felicity and Friends" complaints before they hit them with the big wedding.

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13 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I put on a good front but I can far too easily dream up storylines that I would absolutely detest and still reasonably imagine MG or the others thinking would be super clever.  With the chance of doppelgangers, I remain braced for alt Laurel to somehow teach Oliver the meaning of true love.  Please remind me why that is totes cra cra.  

It's cray cray because lets be real Katie/Laurel/Black Siren would have to be in the crossover :P 

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14 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Oliver X responds to the death of his Jewish lady love by becoming a Nazi?

Oliver X falls in love with her not knowing she is Jewish - and now regrets that he gave her up. 

Do I think this show will try and make Nazis seem sympathetic?  Well, given their previous decision making skills, I don't think they would not try and do so.   

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I think the "true love and what it looks like", if this is about Kara it will probably be about how Kara and Alex are in many ways the pure true love of Supergirl. So her lesson could be that true love doesn't have to be just romantic love. 

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How about from Stein?  He dies, having learned how much he loves his wife and now his newly-created daughter.  And SA said that he had been sharing scenes with Victor Garber.

7 hours ago, Featherhat said:

 Do more of a promo of Oliver trying to get Raisa to help him with the kid or something, that would at least be different.

Maybe they realize how little most people care about Oliver and his kid.

5 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

We are living in a world that has magic, advanced technically, multiple dimensions, things don't work the same. The odds of Oliver becoming a killer if he hadnt been on the boat are probably slim to none, he would've been a different person. We don't know Sirens full backstory and whatever happened to her seem to make her a little unhinged and someone who is afraid of being vulnerable. But it doesn't just apply to her, Caitlin and Barry also shared quiet a few similarities with their E2 dopples,

I can believe in magic more easily than I can that people who share characteristics could have turned out so differently.  Except in Barry's case; there I can eaisly believe that if he hadn't got metapowers he would have been the guy we saw on Earth 2.

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Re Katie's quote on BS getting redeemed. Obviously I can see why she'd really want it, it gives her more screentime, it gives her one last shot at getting back to that BC role she wanted and maybe even more of the leading lady role, gives her more time with Oliver, theoretically at least since LL always went to Oliver for anything big, not her family and screentime with the lead is considered important. But it's all very pie in the sky hoping from her quote, nothing that teases it happening in this half of the season at least. Though I do think they'll keep the possibility in their back pocket in case.

From the new article article:

AKA we already know from the spoilers Olicity are getting married and teasing you, and we're not going to bother pretending she might be dead.


Oliver going on an emotional journey to explore the question of true love? Does that sound like the perfect set up for Olicity or what? Given that Oliver and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) will likely be guests at Barry (Grant Gustin) and Iris' (Candice Patton) wedding, here's hoping those wedding vibes will remind them of the not-so-distant past when they were in love and engaged to be married.


It would kind of be hilarious if BS/alt LL or whoever teaches Oliver about true love and he and Felicity turn around and get married seeing as people were insisting that last year's crossover fake wedding for alt!Lauriver meant they were soulmates, you know if he hadn't cheated on her with her sister and "died" just cheated on her with everyone else before that. 

They've had Nazi's on LOT multiple times and never tried to stretch their writing skills to make them sympathetic in the slightest so I *hope* that continues, especially if they are killing off the Jewish Stein during the battles. Especially since this is Comic!Book! fighting against bad guys awesomeness! but you never know I suppose. 

Edited by Featherhat
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 It really explores the question of true love, and what does that look like? It's emotionally really compelling, and you're going to be surprised by what he learns and how he learns it and who he learns it from. It's pretty crazy stuff, I'm not going to lie."

What if what he "learns" is there's no such thing as true love in the fairytale sense but it's something you actively choose and invest in and nurture?  I just wonder if they'd go that path to work around comic destiny.

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 Amell spoke with TVLine about the thrill of the (Adrian) Chase, Season 6’s newfound “maturity” and the new wrinkle awaiting Oliver and Felicity (if, you know, his lady survived that explosive finale).

William is the wrinkle but SA in the past added IIRC "In the best possible way".  I'm wondering if they are going to have some official reason why Felicity isn't living with him immediately after the island beyond concentrating on William. I wonder if his custody might be iffy at first to the point where unless they were married, she couldn't live with him  Clearly not how the world works but I wonder. 

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Just now, BkWurm1 said:

I wonder if his custody might be iffy at first to the point where unless they were married, she couldn't live with him  Clearly not how the world works but I wonder. 

I was wondering that too. Now with the wedding being a "twist" in the crossover, I'm wondering if 6a is going to have some foreshadowing up to that point kind of like 4a.

Just now, Velocity23 said:

I would guess its the only storyline that is not off limits at the time of the interview. 

Oh definitely so. I was just thrown off by his meticulous sounding approach (which isn't really off for SA though), along with his seeming need to promote how everyone loves it for some reason. Like, him saying he likes it is one thing, but bringing the network execs and the studio into it just feels weird for a single storyline that's just his instead of a character or a season or something.

On another note, SA not having scenes with KA yet makes me think that maybe Dragon is for Diggle.

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TVLINE | What does Oliver see and feel when he looks at Black Siren (returning series regular Katie Cassidy), and vice versa?
Oliver is, ironically, the most hopeful one despite the fact that she allied herself with Adrian Chase — who had offered to break her out of prison, so I understand where she’s coming from. But the fact is he’s sort of hopeful, “If there’s a bit of Laurel in there, I want to find it.” He’s more empathetic to the struggles for [Quentin] Lance, you know, and anyone that has a history with Laurel. He knows that [Black Siren] is not a good person necessarily, but he hopeful that there’s something in there.

TVLINE | Meanwhile, Oliver to her is nothing.

You know, I know that we know Lance is alive, but given the "nope, can't confirm anyone but BS, BC and Slade," I'm kind of surprised with SA's answer here since this basically confirms he's alive. 

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49 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

What if what he "learns" is there's no such thing as true love in the fairytale sense but it's something you actively choose and invest in and nurture?  I just wonder if they'd go that path to work around comic destiny.

That would be inconsistent with what The Flash is selling, wouldn't it? From what I understand, WestAllen is destined true love - and the shows share the same universe. Also, there's Laurel's line about how she knew that she was not the love of Oliver's life.

So SA is saying that Black Siren feels "nothing" for our Oliver. And the previous TVLine article said that, according to SA, "stone-cold Black Siren feels nothing" when she looks at the other Laurel Lance’s loved ones. That seems inconsistent with KC saying that Black Siren is at a crossroads and that the only thing that'll get her through is family. KC also said, iirc, that Black Siren and Quentin will develop a growing bond and that, as her back story is revealed, other characters will sympathize with her. I know KC is pushing for the redemption story, but SA's comments don't seem encouraging in that regard - at least not in the near future.

Edited by tv echo
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26 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

William is the wrinkle but SA in the past added IIRC "In the best possible way".  I'm wondering if they are going to have some official reason why Felicity isn't living with him immediately after the island beyond concentrating on William. I wonder if his custody might be iffy at first to the point where unless they were married, she couldn't live with him  Clearly not how the world works but I wonder. 

Well, William went through a life altering experience. His mother is most likely dead so seeing his father who he already barely knows playing house with a woman he doesn't know, it's probably best to let him get adjusted to Oliver before bringing in future step mom. 

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Well, William went through a life altering experience. His mother is most likely dead so seeing his father who he already barely knows playing house with a woman he doesn't know, it's probably best to let him get adjusted to Oliver before bringing in future step mom. 

Well, Oliver is a stranger as well.  They say it's best to do as you intend to do going forward.  If Felicity is going to be a regular part of William's life anyway, there's not much point in excluding her initially since the long term set up would include her.  It would have probably been easier to introduce William to the package deal that comes with his dad than have to add her in later just as he has a routine going.  But of course they want Oliver on his own at first.  


TVLINE | Meanwhile, Oliver to her is nothing.


Nice to get confirmation that BS was playing Oliver in 510

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23 minutes ago, tv echo said:

That would be inconsistent with what The Flash is selling, wouldn't it? From what I understand, WestAllen is destined true love - and the shows share the same universe. Also, there's Laurel's line about how she knew that she was not the love of Oliver's life.

So SA is saying that Black Siren feels "nothing" for our Oliver. And the previous TVLine article said that, according to SA, "stone-cold Black Siren feels nothing" when she looks at the other Laurel Lance’s loved ones. That seems inconsistent with KC saying that Black Siren is at a crossroads and that the only thing that'll get her through is family. KC also said, iirc, that Black Siren and Quentin will develop a growing bond and that, as her back story is revealed, other characters will sympathize with her. I know KC is pushing for the redemption story, but SA's comments don't seem encouraging in that regard - at least not in the near future.

That's KC's head canons for you.

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8 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Well, Oliver is a stranger as well.  They say it's best to do as you intend to do going forward.  If Felicity is going to be a regular part of William's life anyway, there's not much point in excluding her initially since the long term set up would include her.  It would have probably been easier to introduce William to the package deal that comes with his dad than have to add her in later just as he has a routine going.  But of course they want Oliver on his own at first.  

Nice to get confirmation that BS was playing Oliver in 510

He's met Oliver before and after the cliff hanger, he is a whole lotmore familia with Oliver then Felicity. 

I don't see that as confirmation she was playing him. Especially after he locked her up and she had to rely on Chase again. Not to mention that she never really showed as caring for him in the first place.

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ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What themes will Arrow be exploring this season?
MARC GUGGENHEIM: The theme is family. The way I would like to think of it is, last year we spent a whole season really building up this team, this new Team Arrow, and this year we’ve got the team in place — what sort of damage can we do? So much of Arrow lives in the challenges and trials that we put the characters through. I would say in the past five seasons, it’s always been, well, what meat grinder can we put Oliver through? And I think at this point, we’ve almost put him through just about every conceivable thing, so we got very intrigued by the idea of, what is Oliver’s reaction when the people closest to him go through something difficult?

What guilt is he dealing with in the wake of the island explosion?
Well, it’s not even just guilt, quite frankly, because the truth is, now we make a joke of it, like Oliver feeling guilty is a drinking game. We even make jokes of it in dialogue, like there’s a line about it in 604, he says he’s the foremost expert on guilt and regret, so it’s certainly a component of the show, but what is exciting for us about season 6 is we told a story in season 5 that was very deliberate about Oliver moving on and letting go of his past, and he kept saying — again that was another drinking game — “I keep being drawn back into the past, drawn back into the past.” Before the island exploded, I think he’d had these experiences, finally culminating with his conversations with Slade, where he was ready to finally put the past in the past and move forward, and we’re really continuing him on that forward trajectory to the point where the emotional stories that we’re telling with him this year are new, they’re from a fresher perspective, they’re not based upon the past, they’re based upon things that are happening to him right now in the present. So as opposed to a guilt-based story just by its nature is always backward-looking, because you feel guilty about something, these stories are much more perspective looking, or at least much more in the moment and in the present.

Let’s talk about the cabal of villains coming in. Why do a group of villains?
It’s more along the lines of, if you’re going to do stories that are about this group, Team Arrow, tell a story about a group of antagonists. It’s not just about check off boxes in terms of like thorn, thorn, thorn; it’s more like group versus group. The theme of the season is family, but it’s all the different interpretations of the word family, and it’s about groups and about loyalties, and some of those loyalties are good and some of those loyalties are bad, and some of those people comprising the family are good people and some of them are bad people and some of them are conflicted people.

Is Black Siren part of this cabal?
I don’t want to say.

Cayden James?
I don’t want to say. Nice try. Nice try. Straight up, I know it’s hard to talk about season 6. It’s really hard. I feel the pain of those Walking Dead folks.

How can Oliver operate as the Green Arrow this season considering he was made Public Enemy No. 1 last year?
Honestly, I think there’s a good argument to be made that he can’t. I don’t think it’s a foregone conclusion that, at least for us, he can.

Oliver and Felicity seemed on the road to recovery. Is there anything you can tease about what their journey might look like this season?
I will say this: There is absolutely no kissing in the season premiere. There is not a single romantic kiss between any two characters in the season premiere.

Is it fair to say that you guys are going back down that path?
I can certainly say this: We put them on a very specific trajectory at the end of season 5. I think it would be very schizophrenic for us to suddenly take them off that trajectory.

Let’s talk Black Siren. We don’t know much about her life on Earth-2 other than she lost her version of Oliver. Is your plan to show us exactly how these two Laurels differ?
We definitely want to share with the audience Black Siren’s backstory and how the worlds are different. We’ve talked about, like, do we do a flashback? I’ll be honest, in my mind right now, and this may be sharing too much of my process, but it’s a little weird to do a flashback to a parallel universe on a show that’s not Flash, so until we crack that, I can’t promise that, but it’s very important for the arc of the year for the audience to understand where Black Siren is coming from. The thing is, we’ve really taken to just calling her Laurel, because this is Laurel. It’s just a different Laurel than the one we knew for four years.

You’ve teased a Slade Wilson-centric flashback. Are we going to get a lot more of these character-centric episodes, especially now that you’re not tied to the flashbacks?
Yeah, I mean, for us, that’s the beauty part. In the first five years, we always really enjoyed doing the character-centric flashbacks as opposed to serialized flashbacks, so we’re definitely going to do them. It’s another arrow in our quiver, and it’s another storytelling device that we have that we do enjoy going to. For us, it’s when it’s appropriate. We’re really doing it on an episode by episode basis. Just like last year in 513 for the gun episode, it was really helpful for the present day story about guns to tell the story about the roles gun played in the death of Rene’s wife, so when it’s relevant and informs the present day story, just as we always have, we’ll continue to do so.

Are there any particular comic book story lines that you’re being inspired by this year?
I can tell you I’ve been reading Jeff Lemire’s Outsider Wars. It’s very different from being necessarily inspired by it, because I don’t want people to read that and go, like, “Oh, they’re definitely doing Outsider Wars,” but that’s a story that I’ve been reading lately, and I did recently go back and re-read Longbow Hunters really as a tuning fork, to recapture the scent, if you will.

There’s no way you really killed everyone. If I asked you about any of the specific characters outside those we know for sure are alive — like Oliver, Black Siren, and Black Canary — what would you say?
I would just go dead, dead, dead, dead, dead.

If I said Thea, you would say?
Dead. Honestly, I don’t know how to do that without giving anything away. Part of the fun of the first episode, the structure of the first episode, is we jump ahead our traditional five months. We come in, it’s five months later. The first flashback is actually to — you saw the explosions from the point of view of Oliver on the boat. We’re going to go a few minutes before the explosions and catch up to that moment from the perspective of being on the island.

But there are people on the island that seem more obvious that actually died, like Artemis.
Oh, no. I wouldn’t assume that. Here’s the thing: It’s a weird position as a showrunner, because I feel like there’s more going on in the season premiere than just, “This person’s alive, this person’s dead, this person’s alive, this person’s dead.” It wasn’t the motivation behind us telling the story of the season premiere. At the same time, because of that structure — beginning in present day and flashing back to five months earlier — you’re going to get some card turns as a result of the flashbacks, and you’re going to get some card turns as a result of seeing someone in the present day.

Is this season more about the PTSD people will suffer as a result of what they went through?
I think there’s certainly a component of that, and PTSD can be a theme, and certainly a theme that is very present in the season premiere. At the same time, I do feel like now that we’re in the midst of breaking [episodes] 5 and 6, it’s safe to say that the season has its own identity. I always say season 5 is not required viewing for season 6. At the same time, I think in the sixth season of the show, you can pretty much assume that people are not jumping on having never seen the previous five years.


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