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1 minute ago, Chaser said:

EK comment about it being Gotham City like this season - reference to a rogues gallery of villains?

I want to send Curtis back to the lab and get Thea back in her suit.

I was trying to figure that out. I know people are using Willa' s comment to say Echo goofed and, gave away a huge spoiler but, I'm not sure it's anything more than we already know. 

I have to say, this is an intriguing theory, because it would indeed tie into the family theme and also parallel the Quentin-Laurel doppelganger angst...

A Totally Crazy Theory Of Who The Vigilante Is On Arrow
Posted by Dan Wickline September 3, 2017


Yeah, my though [sic] is what if the Vigilante is Robert Queen from Earth-2? We saw in The Flash episode in season 2 that Oliver Queen died on the Queens Gambit and that Robert Queen returned home and became the protector of Starling City and like Oliver here, they started calling him the Vigilante. How much of a shock would it be if they pulled off that mask and we say Jamey Sheridan underneath? How much of a gut punch would that be to Oliver and Thea (Willa Holland)?
*  *  *
It would play very well into the theme of family as Oliver must face off against a carbon copy of his father who is doing the exact same thing he’s doing… and now Oliver see that through the eyes of a son as he tries to connect with his own son.

Edited by tv echo
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8 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I was trying to figure that out. I know people are using Willa' s comment to say Echo goofed and, gave away a huge spoiler but, I'm not sure it's anything more than we already know. 

Or a reference to the Arrow family being like the bat family?

I got the impression Willa was teasing because Echos comment was so vague.

1 hour ago, tv echo said:

I have to say, this is an intriguing theory, because it would indeed tie into the family theme and also parallel the Quentin-Laurel doppelganger angst...

A Totally Crazy Theory Of Who The Vigilante Is On Arrow
Posted by Dan Wickline September 3, 2017

That would be amazing - which means it's never going to happen.  

I've seen some spec that Vigilante is Dinah's boyfriend who "died" but IDK.

Or, not so out-there theory, it's E2 Oliver. I know he's supposedly dead but this is Arrow so, haha.

I also have no idea what EK meant by saying this season was like Gotham City. But they're still going with the Batman comparisons which makes me laugh. 

Edited by Guest
16 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Unless the FBI agent is crooked, would she really be labelled as villain? Even if she is going after Oliver, wouldn't she be his antagonist more accurately? I don't think Lance was labelled as villain for going after the Hood in season 1.

Probably, but I don't think SA was really thinking about semantics. 

I think SA meant it in terms of antagonist because sometimes he is not too good with the words.  Although we did have a villain who went after Oliver Queen rather than GA with Damian Darhk.

I think Vigilante is for Rene because he didn't seem that important to the city or the team last season.  So this is my list...

Richard Dragon -- > Diggle first, then maybe GA or maybe GA gets another antagonist

Cayden James -----> Felicity

FBI agent ----------->Oliver Queen

Black Siren ----------> Black Canary; maybe also Quentin

Vigilatante -----------> Wild Dog

Audience Reaction -----> Curtis

ETA:  Considering that everyone except EBR, PB and JH are at a con, I can't believe how few spoilers we're getting.

Edited by statsgirl
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2 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Who all did Viglante interact with last season? I only remember Oliver and Dinah.

I think Vigilante at least shared a scene with everyone except Felicity last season, but main interaction did seem to be Oliver and Dinah (though the latter could be attributed to the nature of the scene maybe?), hence the spec about him being her ex. 

Does anyone know the first time anyone was quoted saying we'd recognize Vigilante? Was it after Dinah's intro or before?

1 hour ago, Chaser said:

That was my thought. 

My current guesses:

Vigilante/Oliver - set up in S5

Cayden James/Felicity - set up in S5

Richard Dragon/John Diggle

Black Siren/Black Canary - set up in S5

No clue about Rene and Curtis.

Vigilante/Green Arrow- set up in S5

Anatoly/Oliver - set up in S5 ?

Cayden James/Felicity - set up in S5

Richard Dragon/John Diggle

Black Siren/Black Canary - set up in S5

Curtis/ ??

Wild Dog/ ??

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5 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

How did it end for Cody Rhodes' character again? Couldn't he be the villain for Wild Dog? Didn't they sort of get into it at the end of S5? 

I thought about Star Dust for Wild Dog, especially since Drug Dealers were part of Rene's backstory. I'm not sure since I think Star Dust was a B-Team takedown (Dinah and WD, maybe Curtis).

PS - I don't remember the character name, just that the drug he sold was called Star Dust (wink, wink) 

Edited by Morrigan2575

I really hope whichever villain is matched with Curtis that it is someone who likes to kidnap and hold people hostage for extended periods of time.  I have waited too long for this story line for Felicity to have Curtis make it unwatchable. 

Massive love for DR for not playing the stupid Diggle (and/or Felicity) might be dead card when it comes to next season. 

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30 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Smoak Enterprises? 

Im still confused as to why it can't be Smoak Tech. I was expecting Smoak & Holt at this point.

Because it's not a tech company?  I don't know I'm running on empty here. ?

ETA just saw the above convo. Boo! I had hoped we finally got the name.

Edited by Morrigan2575
21 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I read it as the name of the business but reading through the tweets, I don't think he meant it that way. Small 'e' not capital 'E'.

Yeah. I'm just fully expecting Curtis to be involved seeing as they can't let Felicity have anything that's solely hers since he arrived. So that's the main reason why I don't think the company will just be Smoak Something. I'd love to be wrong though. Haha.


2 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Interesting and well within character/ story.  Shocker!

I wonder if this is due to Oliver letting Slade go?

Edited by Guest
1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

I wonder if this is due to Oliver letting Slade go?

I kind of hope so. It's something that's semi-big to cause a rift, but not big enough (like kidnapping Lyla and leaving Baby Sara alone) for him to be as mad with Oliver as he was in previous times, along with being consistent in something that separates him and Oliver's way of thinking concerning ends justifying the means. Plus it would at least give Oliver some narrative punishment for releasing Slade and at least show to me that the writers don't think that that is ultimately without consequences.

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55 minutes ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

Massive love for DR for not playing the stupid Diggle (and/or Felicity) might be dead card when it comes to next season. 

"Sorry, I can't talk about the new season. I might still be dead. You are supposed to be on the edge of your seat about that one - nobody is?-oh well then ..." ;-)

I don't know if the producers actutally believe that they convinced the audience that everyone died. Even SA sometimes gives tongue in cheek answers because he knows that people aren't buying it. Same thing happened with the "Is Oliver dead" cliffhanger. 

Edited by Belinea
53 minutes ago, Belinea said:

"Sorry, I can't talk about the new season. I might still be dead. You are supposed to be on the edge of your seat about that one - nobody is?-oh well then ..." ;-)

I don't know if the producers actutally believe that they convinced the audience that everyone died. Even SA sometimes gives tongue in cheek answers because he knows that people aren't buying it. Same thing happened with the "Is Oliver dead" cliffhanger. 

I just hope they don't take that as a challenge next cliffhanger time and issue "an original will be 100% really dead this time!" to show us.

1 hour ago, Belinea said:

I don't know if the producers actutally believe that they convinced the audience that everyone died. Even SA sometimes gives tongue in cheek answers because he knows that people aren't buying it. Same thing happened with the "Is Oliver dead" cliffhanger. 

I sometimes wonder if the EPs/network are trying to swing the pendulum completely in the other direction from say s4 when a lot was spoiled, and this cliffhanger gives them an excuse to be extra secretive for surprises and twists to actually try to have an effect/create buzz. 

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9 minutes ago, Trisha said:

-Here's how she says the convo went down. When he was signing my bag he asked if she was excited for the new season. She was like, "I am but I'd be even more excited if I knew that I was going to actually like Oliver again." He chuckled and she added "Cause last year was a bit rough." He stopped and looked at her and said "Yeah, last year was rough. I know what you're..." Then he kind of stopped himself and said, "I know, but I'm telling you, you're going to like him again. I guarantee it. I know the first five, no wait, six episodes and you're going to be happy." She thanked him and went to move on and he was like "I'm serious. I GUARANTEE it! Trust me." She says he was very emphatic about the whole thing.

 Glad you had a good time, @Trisha. Thanks for the rundown!

I love this question!  I'm really glad someone asked it because I found Oliver pretty unlikeable at times last season. Robot!Oliver. Haha. He was really hard to root for. So I'm glad he's aware there was a problem and that will change in S6. Fingers crossed. 

(Also interesting to me is that they only ever acknowledge the problems after the season is over, haha.)

Edited by Guest
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