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14 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Did we hear anything about Felicity's individual storyline? I know there are hints that Michael Emerson is Cayden James (no certainty yet though) so that means she'll be involved with that but fans sent tons of questions everywhere about Smoak Tech and I've not heard a single thing about it. *Humph*

I'm frustrated honestly. The vast majority of questions I saw get sent in were Felicity or related to (Olicity/OTA). But that stupid cliffhanger. EBR joked around with EK instead of answering anything or she would refer to WM who wouldn't answer either.

Willaim, Slade, DD and BS seemed to be the only approved subjects.

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10 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

Is this based purely off the trailer or something else?  I ask because what I saw from William in the trailer seemed fairly age appropriate, such as it was. He had, like, one and a half lines. I have two eleven year old nieces, and I would not be concerned about their development if I saw them act and say the same things that William did in that trailer. 

Not to mention that the kid just went through a very traumatic experience, he isn't going to be acting happy go lucky or completely normal. He was kidnapped, saw someone die right in front of him, saw an island blow up with his mother on it who probably isn't in tip top shape. He acted like a kid who is going through something and I doubt Oliver has him in therapy to help deal with it. 

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

I believe MG said during the panel that they are 2 different characters.

They are two different characters. I'm saying I read Emerson is playing Dragon. Don't know about who is Playing Cayden James

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2 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

@Hiveminder It was both based on the trailer and how they've written William in the past. He comes off as more of a plot device than an actual character, so he still comes off as a toddler to me than as a kid about 10 or 11. I don't think he's actually special needs or anything, I just think he's badly written. 

For me it's also the way Oliver talks to him..I found the "who do you think the bad man is?" line and William's reaction funny when it was supposed to be touching..

I'm around kids that age every summer (summer camp) and they are all very different..And wouldn't like if anyone talked to them like that, LOL. Maybe it's also the fact that the child actor is and looks older than 11..

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12 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

@Hiveminder It was both based on the trailer and how they've written William in the past. He comes off as more of a plot device than an actual character, so he still comes off as a toddler to me than as a kid about 10 or 11. I don't think he's actually special needs or anything, I just think he's badly written. 


6 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

For me it's also the way Oliver talks to him..I found the "who do you think the bad man is?" line and William's reaction funny when it was supposed to be touching..

I'm around kids that age every summer (summer camp) and they are all very different..And wouldn't like if anyone talked to them like that, LOL. Maybe it's also the fact that the child actor is and looks older than 11..

I think the writing for William has been inconsistent unless the only consistency you're looking for is to have him written as a plot device, (They should have just named him plot device.) and his lack of awareness of stranger danger after being kidnapped the first time is evidence that he's a bit of a dumb dumb. Plus, the actor looking older and not seeming to have a lot of range doesn't help. However, I have two nieces who are about the age William is supposed to be, and my very large extended family is quite fecund. Children mature at different rates. William seems to be a young 11/12 ish, but nothing about the trailer seemed terribly off to me especially considering, as @Primal Slayer pointed out, his recent trauma. 

Oliver asking William where he thought the bad man is is on Oliver, and, frankly, if my niece were recovering from some kind of trauma and we were talking about her nightmares, I would probably talk younger to her. 

Now, I'm not saying William won't prove to be a complete moron written to act as a two year old in the rest of the season. I'm just saying that he's perfectly age appropriate in the trailer. 

Side note, was that, "Where do you think the bad man is?" William points exchange supposed to be touching? I read it as William was pointing at Oliver to say that Oliver is the bad man. You know, to show that William blames Oliver at least partially for what happened. 

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23 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

For me it's also the way Oliver talks to him..I found the "who do you think the bad man is?" line and William's reaction funny when it was supposed to be touching..

I'm around kids that age every summer (summer camp) and they are all very different..And wouldn't like if anyone talked to them like that, LOL. Maybe it's also the fact that the child actor is and looks older than 11..

For me the pointing was not something a kid his age would do.  That seemed really juvenile, like bringing out  a puppet to show where the owie was.  At 11, if they are reluctant to say anything, they don't say ANYTHING.  A much younger child might use a gesture even if they don't want to speak but IMO not a preteen.  Anyone really scared might point rather than say out loud the thing they are afraid of but they are not going to do so if the one asking is the one they are afraid of.  It just didn't ring true.  It demands that William both be afraid of Oliver and not afraid of him.   

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I don't think it means William has to be afraid of Oliver. It just means he has to blame him, which is the most realistic reaction for him to have given his situation. And he wasn't reluctant to say anything. He said, "Here."  He just also pointed, and I don't think pointing has an age limit. 

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1 hour ago, Angel12d said:

I'm pretty sure Samantha is gonna die. But if they're gonna send William offscreen and bring in Raisa to look after him (I'm assuming), why didn't they just keep Samantha alive and he can go be at his mom's? Oliver could still be a father and have father/son scenes and they could still show him struggling and not be very good at it. IDK, it's just making me think William won't be getting sent offscreen like Diggle's kid and is actually gonna be a massive part of the season, and I couldn't possible want anything less. Haha.

I'm kind of leaning this way too. They built the kid a set, a really cheap looking set, but they built one. Wishful thinking is the cheapness means it's temporary. I just wish they would think about how this makes Oliver look if he has a severely traumatized child who doesn't know him and just lost his mother and he's running around at night as vigilante. Perhaps that's why Diggle takes up as the Green Arrow. I feel like this storyline is going to end up like the reporter storyline. 

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It's all subjective I guess..to me the scene looked ridiculous..I'm not exaggerating when I said I felt like laughing. I might change my mind about him, who knows, but it would help me "feel" the scenes more if they realized they have an actor that looks older and think about that when writing their scenes..or not. Arrow is such a dark show maybe having inadvertently funny scenes wouldn't be so bad.

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From Seat42F's video of MG's press roundtable interview (posted in New Spoilers thread)...

-- MG: "I can tell you that, on Monday, we're going to go in and pitch the crossover to the studio, that I'm really excited about the story that we are hoping to do, if we can get the studio to agree with us that it's a good story to tell. If we end up doing the story that we're doing, uh, it will - I think it will be bigger than last year's. And, quite frankly, we really went into the crossover discussions for this year without a lot of confidence that we could beat aliens. Like, how do you top aliens? But I actually think we got an idea that is even bigger and cooler than aliens. And at the same time, we got some really big, I will say, emotional moves that will happen in the crossover. So the crossover is gonna be something that is really game-changing for all five shows - I'm sorry, all four shows. Uh, I was thinking ahead to next year where it's probably five. Uh, but it's pretty big and we really - every year we try to do the crossover bigger and more ambitious than the previous year. And we're on track to do that again this year." He also confirmed that we'll see more of the crossover in Supergirl. MG: "This year it's a true, four-way crossover... This year it is truly across all four shows."

-- On S6 theme, MG: "Yeah, um, it's family. Uh, it's both biological families and found families. Last year was very much about the building up of this team, Team Arrow. Uh, you know, we saw new faces in the bunker and, uh, by the end of the season, that fraught relationship with Oliver and the recruits had really gelled into a very cool, you know, working relationship. Um, but off the events of the season finale, we're, you know, we're screwing up that a little bit. We're playing around with it. So, I would say, last year we built a car and this year we're taking the car out for a spin."

-- On the challenges of bringing in and avoiding the pitfalls of having a kid on the show, MG: "That's a great question and it's a question we've spent a lot of time talking about, because, you know, it is a huge third rail, you know, bringing on a kid - especially with a superhero show that's grim and gritty. Um, I will say, I gotta to give a lot of credit to Stephen. Um, watching dailies between him and Jack, who plays William - um, it's great. It's like, oh, this could've been a disaster, but the performances really ground it. And that's the answer to your question. It's like we can write whatever, but like if we don't have great actors who really sell the reality - the emotional reality of that relationship, it falls flat. So, um, thanks to Stephen and Jack for, you know, helping us avoid what could be a serious ending mistake."

-- On whether there's going to be a redemption arc for Black Siren, MG: "Having given a lot of thought both to getting the question and to the question itself, I'm kinda like - you gotta understand, it's been five years of Arrow and five years of a lot of, like, 'when are Oliver & Felicity going to get together?', 'when is Laurel going to become Black Canary?', 'when is Black Siren going to be redeemed?', and I'm like - I'm sorta like much more interested in answering and talking about the stories that we're telling now, as opposed to the stories we may tell in the future - or may not tell in the future." When reporter commented that it sounded like they weren't going to redeem Black Siren, MG: "We talk a lot about, you know, whether or not we should redeem her, how we would do so, um, but again, right now, it's - ... You know, one of the advantages of having a show, knock on wood, that you know is staying on the air, um, you can have a long con, you can make long-term plans. I mean, look at the - like, the William storyline. That storyline started out in Season 2 and it's really only coming into fruition in Season 6. So, that to us is - you know, the thing that excites us as writers, we really like planting seeds that, you know, don't come to fruition for a couple seasons. At the same time, uh, it's again - it's the advantage of having a long-running show. You know, I've worked on shows where you were like always on the verge of cancellation. You had to do everything immediately. And now we get a chance to - we get to take our time with it." 

-- MG: "I think you're going to get an answer to who Vigilante is sooner rather than later. Um, but we were really enticed by the idea of having a mystery that didn't resolve itself during the season... We've never actually done that before... We've known from the start who Vigilante was, but we've really enjoyed just waiting for the right moment to make that reveal." When asked if the reveal will catch fans off guard, MG: "You know, that's always the goal. I mean, truth be told, like, you know, we sort of go into every mystery knowing that there's a lot of smart people out there, someone's going to figure it out. Um, but, uh, no one - I mean, people will occasionally tweeted me with guesses. No one's guessed correctly yet. So that makes me slightly hopeful that we'll be able to still surprise some people." 

-- MG: "It remains a very high priority for me to have Megalyn on Legends, uh, so that her iteration of Vixen can interact with Maisie Richardson's iteration of Vixen. That's definitely on my, you know, creative bucket list, for sure."

Edited by tv echo
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To me it's like the way they write Samantha. They are trying to show she's a great mother by wanting to find her son no matter what. Instead she just looks moronic running off by herself into the exploding forest with no ninja skills and no idea where her son is!

I'm sure they were trying to convey a touching scene with Crayola but it came off as very staged with Oliver using simple baby dialog (I do not talk to my 4yo like that) and the kid (who I already think is super slow) responding in a very basic child like manner. 

I only know 3 to 5 yos and they are all super sharp so for my own personal viewpoint I expect an 11 yo to be/act more alert and not so simple. 

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Wow, that whedonopolis video with EBR and EK was annoying.  It's one thing to joke around but they didn't answer anything. No wonder you could hear the reporters' frustration. The one (only?) thing EBR addressed that I found interesting was that she talked to the producers about the fact that Curtis has stolen all of Felicity's best lines. She positioned it very sweetly, saying she pitched that the characters should share more screentime so that they could share the jokes instead of them all going to him, but I'm glad she said something at least. And it supports a hint she gave in the ET interview about Felicity getting a new job where she works with him. 

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36 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

It's all subjective I guess..to me the scene looked ridiculous..I'm not exaggerating when I said I felt like laughing. I might change my mind about him, who knows, but it would help me "feel" the scenes more if they realized they have an actor that looks older and think about that when writing their scenes..or not. Arrow is such a dark show maybe having inadvertently funny scenes wouldn't be so bad.

I actually did laugh. 

The kid's been through some shit, and would rightfully blame Oliver. Of course he'd have nightmares and have difficulty coping, and there would be issues. I think context is important (like, did William talk about the bad man, or did Oliver summarize William's explanation of his nightmare or whatever?), but I'm also not entirely sure that they know how to write age-appropriate dialog for a kid (especially when they struggle writing it for the adults), so there's a lot of things up in the air here that just made that line funny to me. Which is more emotion than I've felt toward William before, so...good, I guess?

Edited by apinknightmare
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^^^This is why Curtis needs to go. They've taken away from Felicity's skillset so Curtis has stuff to do. She'll never get the chance to invent stuff which I thought she'd be great at in earlier seasons. Curtis says things that Felicity would've said. And now she'll probably have to share the Smoak Tech storyline if that happens. Can they not?

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Am I remembering incorrectly or don't the others know Oliver has William? If they do, does Samantha not believe that or something? Does she run off before Felicity tells her? Does she think she has a map of the island in her head just from being there for a short time and that's why she also thought that going with everyone to the plane and then leaving to find her son from there in the finale was a good plan? Do the writers simply not care and just want to kill her off to do the Single Father Oliver storyline?

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8 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Wow, that whedonopolis video with EBR and EK was annoying.  It's one thing to joke around but they didn't answer anything. No wonder you could hear the reporters' frustration. The one (only?) thing EBR addressed that I found interesting was that she talked to the producers about the fact that Curtis has stolen all of Felicity's best lines. She positioned it very sweetly, saying she pitched that the characters should share more screentime so that they could share the jokes instead of them all going to him, but I'm glad she said something at least. And it supports a hint she gave in the ET interview about Felicity getting a new job where she works with him. 

I love EBR but I couldn't make it thru the video because I was getting irritated.  I understand that they were limited on what they can say,  but I felt like her and EK were being disrespectful to the reporters. 

And Curtis can just go away.

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4 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Am I remembering incorrectly or don't the others know Oliver has William? 

No. Oliver didn't even know where William was until he was already on the boat, and he didn't communicate with anyone after he had him.

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10 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

^^^This is why Curtis needs to go. They've taken away from Felicity's skillset so Curtis has stuff to do. She'll never get the chance to invent stuff which I thought she'd be great at in earlier seasons. Curtis says things that Felicity would've said. And now she'll probably have to share the Smoak Tech storyline if that happens. Can they not?

Yeah, season 5 is why I'm wary of Curtis being involved in a potential Smoak Tech storyline. After season 4, I would've been all for it. But now I worry that it'll be more of, "wouldn't Felicity have done X a couple seasons ago before Curtis existed?" 

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I'm pro a Smoak Tech storyline for that reason -- it will give Curtis something to do outside of stealing Felicity's lines in the Arrow cave.  He's the engineer, let him make stuff.

54 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

For me the pointing was not something a kid his age would do.  That seemed really juvenile, like bringing out  a puppet to show where the owie was.  At 11, if they are reluctant to say anything, they don't say ANYTHING.  A much younger child might use a gesture even if they don't want to speak but IMO not a preteen.  Anyone really scared might point rather than say out loud the thing they are afraid of but they are not going to do so if the one asking is the one they are afraid of.  It just didn't ring true.  It demands that William both be afraid of Oliver and not afraid of him.   

This is why my money is on it being a misdirect and William is pointing at something behind Oliver, something to do with a new Bad.

At least, I hope that's what they're doing.

Edited by statsgirl
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14 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Get rid of Curtis and move Thea into the SmoakTech storyline. Felicity runs the Tech, Thea handles the business.

This is my most wished for storyline! Felicity and Thea then get to do something that has absolutely nothing to do with Oliver or Merlyn! 

39 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

To me it's like the way they write Samantha. They are trying to show she's a great mother by wanting to find her son no matter what. Instead she just looks moronic running off by herself into the exploding forest with no ninja skills and no idea where her son is!

I'm sure they were trying to convey a touching scene with Crayola but it came off as very staged with Oliver using simple baby dialog (I do not talk to my 4yo like that) and the kid (who I already think is super slow) responding in a very basic child like manner. 

I only know 3 to 5 yos and they are all super sharp so for my own personal viewpoint I expect an 11 yo to be/act more alert and not so simple. 

This is a major issue with these writers, they keep writing for the cool moment, Samantha the brave mother running off into the flaming forest to look for her son, but the fall down under the weight of unintended issues like Samantha is an idiot to run off since she doesn't know where she is going and Felicity is her best chance to find the kid. 

Did they say anything about the potential GA reveal? 

Edited by leopardprint
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If Curtis really needs to be here, keep him doing tech stuff, like building gadgets, and keep him and his stupid costume out of the field, and stop letting him steal Felicity's computer thunder. 

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I think it's realistic for Felicity to want to work with Curtis but even in season four, because Curtis was there, she didn't get to do anything with her skills at Palmer Tech.   Everything created was from Curtis.  And they overlap in computer skills.  So why can't they also allow Felicity to build and create things?

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According to that EW article, MG has already confirmed that Richard Dragon will appear in S6. They just haven't made a casting announcement yet (maybe he hasn't been cast yet?)...


Hence, we’ll also see the return of an-favorite actor David Nykl as Anatoly Knyazev, Oliver’s former Bratva mentor-turned-nemesis. “He’s coming back with a literal vengeance,” Guggenheim said, teasing that Richard Dragon — a character from the new DC: Rebirth run of Green Arrow comics — will also appear as part of this “villainous cabal.” “You’ll be seeing a lot of different villains through season 6,” he said. “These are characters we’ll be seeing really throughout the season.”

From Seat42F's video of press roundtable interview with SA (posted in New Spoilers thread)...

-- SA: "The only thing I can tease is that in we - in episode 601, we flash back to the immediate aftermath of 523." 

-- On what it's like playing off of KC's Black Siren in a new dynamic, SA: "We really haven't had a scene yet, actually. I'm so glad that Katie's back... I'm interested to see what they do. I don't know what's they're going to do with her character."

-- SA: "It's cool that we've given Oliver new things to play this year. We've never seen Oliver as a dad. And not only that, but a struggling dad. And, um, Jack, who plays William - I was incredibly nervous after reading 601 because he and I had never really done a scene together. I've sat with him while we played with toys. And I've held him very close on a boat. But have we ever done a scene? We hadn't, right? So my first day was 4 scenes with Jack, and I was f**kin' nervous, because that's a lot of angst in the William basket. And he was equal to the task. He was really good and continues to be really good. A really fine young man and fine actor."

-- On his social media promise that if they got to S6, we'd see Oliver with a goatee, SA: "I'm so sorry, but I had to - we flash back in 601 to the immediate aftermath of 523, so I had to take the horrible beard that I grew for hiatus and trim it down. That's not to say we couldn't grow one over the course of the year... Maybe."

-- SA: "We won't be able to match the emotional gravity of Season 5 until the final season of the show. Whenever that is. Not to say that Season 6 can't be better."

-- On the status of Olicity, SA: "Did she live? Uh, assuming [that she lives]... they're in a decent - they're in a tremendous place. William is a thing. In a good way. But William's a thing."

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19 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I think it's realistic for Felicity to want to work with Curtis but even in season four, because Curtis was there, she didn't get to do anything with her skills at Palmer Tech.   Everything created was from Curtis.  And they overlap in computer skills.  So why can't they also allow Felicity to build and create things?

Because she's in IT and not engineering?  The things that Curtis did in s4, creating a battery to save the company, building the chip for Felicity, are all engineering things.

Felicity was responsible for running PT. Between that, working with Team Arrow and helping Oliver run his campaign, there wasn't much time for creating new IT projects. 

It was in s5 that the trouble really began because they were both out of PT and in the Arrow cave and doing the same thing especially because Curtis is such a bad fighter.  It was ridiculous that Felicity needed Curtis' help running scans but that was because there wasn't anything else for him to do.  That's why  Felicity needs to create and run Smoak Technology and work on cyber projects while Curtis is in the lab inventing new biomechanics.  She needs to hire some new people to work there too.

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So it sounds like we really are getting our very own Cousin Oliver this season, at least for a bit. Because, you know, THAT has always gone so well throughout TV history. Give our best to Scrappy Doo and April from Gilmore Girls William! 

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41 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

This is why my money is on it being a misdirect and William is pointing at something behind Oliver, something to do with a new Bad.

I think I saw it suggested somewhere that that scene could be Oliver having a nightmare, and if it is, that means that this is how Oliver perceives his son, which I'd find amusing. (And if it is, maybe Oliver turns and sees himself? So he thinks he's the "bad man" for getting Samantha killed, even though it'll probably be her own fault for running off?)

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Yeah, I'm not looking forward to Oliver's season long guilt trip about Dead Samantha when he had nothing to do with her being on that island, and she's the idiot who ran towards obvious danger to get to a kid she knows isn't there. 

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3 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Yeah, I'm not looking forward to Oliver's season long guilt trip about Dead Samantha when he had nothing to do with her being on that island, and she's the idiot who ran towards obvious danger to get to a kid she knows isn't there. 

I don't know, I think Oliver is partially to blame for the island blowing up since he bungled that last fight. He should have known that Chase always had another play by now. Blame is too strong a word but he did screw up. 

I also have a feeling he is not going to have a guilt trip because he has grown or evolved or whatever and will be giving advice. 

Edited by leopardprint
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But it was Oliver's fault!  He's the one Chase was targeting when he kidnapped Samantha and Myson.  Just like he was the one Slade was targetting when he killed Moira.

Yeah, the question of whether Oliver has really matured in s5 will be answered if he doesn't go on a guilt trip about Samantha (and Thea?) in season 6.

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26 minutes ago, tv echo said:

-- SA: "It's cool that we've given Oliver new things to play this year. We've never seen Oliver as a dad. And not only that, but a struggling dad. And, um, Jack, who plays William - I was incredibly nervous after reading 601 because he and I had never really done a scene together. I've sat with him while we played with toys. And I've held him very close on a boat. But have we ever done a scene? We hadn't, right? So my first day was 4 scenes with Jack, and I was f**kin' nervous, because that's a lot of angst in the William basket. And he was equal to the task. He was really good and continues to be really good. A really fine young man and fine actor."

Oliver's going to have four scenes with Myson in 601? Four?!? That's probably as many as he'll have with Diggle and Felicity combined. Let's hope they get bored of this storyline quickly. 

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Probably more. He said his first day was four scenes but we know they filmed on the island another day.

Watching the trailer again, they separate the group. Slade goes off, Thea runs after Samantha, Diggle and Felicity are running away, Lance and DD are probably together. 

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From Seat42F's video of press roundtable interview with KC (posted in New Spoilers thread)...

-- When asked about a possible partnership and friendship between BS and BC, KC: "I think that [BS/BC friendship] would be really interesting." KC then added: "As more time goes on... I think we'll gonna, you know, reveal more about Black Siren and where she comes from and why she is the way that she is. And I think there will be some characters that actually sympathize with her, empathize... with what she's gone through. Still have some redeeming qualities. Um, but in terms of the being partners, that would be awesome."

-- On what she's looking forward to with her character's new dynamic with Quentin, KC: "I think Black Siren - in terms of my back story, what I've personally done, you know, uh, she has a very - she lost her father, um, you know, when she was like 14. I think that they will start to bond and actually grow closer. I think there's, you know, a chance for redemption for her and, uh - you know, it's so funny, whenever Paul and I do a scene together now, we're just - we're like, 'what the hell?' I'm like, 'Paul, what do I do with this?' Literally, he''ll be like, 'I don't know, darling, I'm so confused right now because I'm so used to you being my daughter and now you're not, so I'm just as messed up and confused about it too.'  I think it makes scenes like that as an actor more interesting almost. You just have to be present and listen and, you know, you play off of one another. And as long as you've done the script analysis and done your part in working [unintelligible words]. That's why I love working with - sorry, I love working with Paul. Like, he is that type of actor and so it gives us a lot of time to play [plan?]."

-- On her new dynamic acting adversarial toward the heroes, KC: "It's been really fun. Again, um, it's weird. I also feel really silly sometimes when I'm the villain against the team. I'm like having to be all badass and like have these one-liners that are pretty funny. Um, but it's been good... It keeps everything fresh."

-- On whether she knows everything about what happened to Black Siren or whether she's learning it bits by bits, KC: "No, I think we're learning bits by bits. I've always [unintelligible words] uh, character, I had to make up my own back story, which is a lot of detail - would take hours, not that you would understand my notes or anything. Um, but I think this season we'll definitely learn more about where she comes from and her story." 

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From Seat42F's video of press roundtable interview with DR (posted in New Spoilers thread)...

-- On the Spartan suit, DR: "There may be more iterations. Diggle's suit seems to be ever evolving, the helmet especially. So yeah, I think there's gonna be some more modifications of the suit and the helmet specifically." 

-- On Diggle's parents, DR: "You'll be seeing at least one parent this season."

-- DR: "The explosion affects all of us. It specifically affects Diggle in an emotional and physical way that's going to play out throughout the season... There's a long-lasting effect of what happened on the island for him, that affects him and the whole team... And it begins in 601. We flash back. We see the explosion. We see exactly what happens. And, um, my man Diggle gets some of that."

-- DR: "Diggle has, for the past six seasons, kinda been secondish in command, um, when Oliver's been gone - the de facto  leader of Team Arrow, right? Married once, divorced, married again to the same woman. Has a child. Four tours in Afghanistan. Sergeant-Major. Probably a more evolved character on the show. And there's a perception that he can get through it all. And, um, I think... and we talked about this to some degree, Marc and Wendy and I - I think we're going to see, uh, Diggle for the first time deal with some things that, um, he can't handle. Even greater than the death of his brother, the death of Canary, both of which he blamed himself for, went to prison for, got out. Um, Diggle's been a little bit of a Superman emotionally and even physically. And, um, I think - I think we have to see a broken Diggle. And I think you'll see that. And you will. Even beginning in 601, uh, Diggle's dealing with something specific he had that he's never had to deal with before." On whether we'll see PTSD, DR: "Oh yeah... You'll absolutely see Post Traumatic Stress... He'll definitely be experiencing that. Without a doubt... And this will affect the team." 

-- DR: "We have to deal obviously with the relationship between Diggle and Oliver. ... And I think also you'll see some role reversals, in terms of him having secrets as opposed to Oliver having secrets, and Oliver having to help him. You know, and now that relationship's kinda shifted a little bit, now it's Diggle that's in - that needs to be mentored." 

-- DR: "Diggle and Lyla, we have to deal with that. Him being married to the leader of ARGUS, who has a finger on the pulse of the Suicide Squad. We have to deal with that. That's gonna be some nice dramatic stuff." 

Edited by tv echo
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18 hours ago, Angel12d said:

EBR did a 2 truths/1 lie thing in one interview and it's confusing me. She said Olicity is a) already married, b) getting married, c) never getting married. We know they are getting married so IDGI. Haha.

Do you remember which interview had this? I'm playing catchup :) Thanks!

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2 minutes ago, tv echo said:

DR: "Diggle and Lyla, we have to deal with that. Him being married to the leader of ARGUS, who has a finger on the pulse of the Suicide Squad. We have to deal with that. That's gonna be some nice dramatic stuff." 

I feel like he said the exact same thing going back as far as last summer. I wouldn't be surprised if he's still saying it going into the S6 finale. 

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1 minute ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I feel like he said the exact same thing going back as far as last summer. I wouldn't be surprised if he's still saying it going into the S6 finale. 

But the at least delve into it already in 5x20.

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Just now, insomniadreams88 said:

I feel like he said the exact same thing going back as far as last summer. I wouldn't be surprised if he's still saying it going into the S6 finale. 

Except they did bring it up as a point of contention with Dig/Lyla in S5 and, it will probably come up again in S6 because there was no firm resolution to their differences.  It was a "we'll work it out" answer.

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Is there any chance that WHERE DO YOU THINK THE BAD MAN IS is part of a dream that Oliver has? That would make the dramatic pointing a little better and would give us a look at Oliver's mindset wrt how he thinks William sees him as a father, since they're obviously having issues. 

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Lord, that EBR/Echo interview is cringe worthy. Emily is always so professional and insightful in her interviews, that these have been a disappointment. I know everyone in the cast have had wtf moments but I wish it wasn't at this sdcc. This whole not revealing who lives is dumb, they're not TWD, no matter how many times they mention them.

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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

No. Oliver didn't even know where William was until he was already on the boat, and he didn't communicate with anyone after he had him.

They manage to get in touch before the explosion in the trailer. Oliver tells her where they should go. I imagine, I have William, should be part of that exchange.

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6 minutes ago, bijoux said:

They manage to get in touch before the explosion in the trailer. Oliver tells her where they should go. I imagine, I have William, should be part of that exchange.

Yes, but Oliver didn't know where William was at that point. Chase hadn't pulled William out of the cockpit yet. Oliver didn't talk to Felicity after he had William (I rewatched before I commented). 

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13 minutes ago, JJ928 said:

Lord, that EBR/Echo interview is cringe worthy. Emily is always so professional and insightful in her interviews, that these have been a disappointment. I know everyone in the cast have had wtf moments but I wish it wasn't at this sdcc. This whole not revealing who lives is dumb, they're not TWD, no matter how many times they mention them.

What really sucks is these are probably the only interviews we will get from EBR and they're terrible.

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From Seat42F's video of press roundtable interview with JH (posted in New Spoilers thread) - her first quote immediately made me think of Laurel's classic line, "I'm the justice that you can't run from!"...

-- On what Dinah is motivated by now (since she was motivated by revenge last season), JH: "I think she's motivated more by justice now than by revenge. And, because she is sort of part of a team and she's not on her own anymore. Uh, you know, she's fighting for her new family as well, so it's jst not like a solo mission anymore."

-- On what she's excited for in S6, JH: "I'm excited for, uh, you know, however the team reassembles itself, I'm excited for them to be a stronger unit. Um, you know, I think that we went through some trauma together on the island and the outcome, you know, is, uh - we're gonna need to put the pieces back together. And I think that just makes us stronger and better. So, just getting closer to everybody and the relationships being more complex, and delving into our friendships some more. I'm looking forward to that."

-- On the sweet moment in the finale when Quentin acknowledged Dinah as the Black Canary and what she'd like to see for her relationship with Quentin, JH: "Well, if Quentin is still around, um, then, I love that dynamic. I love that sort of, like - it's almost like a paternal thing that, you know, Quentin has with Dinah. Uh, I just think that's really sweet. I would love to see that continue. And I also love that they have the police force in common. They have a common goal. So, um, I think they're a great alliance."

-- On whether she practices the Canary Cry in front of a mirror and whether she does the full scream every time, JH: "Every day. No, I learned the hard way that that's not what you do if you want to speak the next day. But, um, what I do is, I'll usually mouth it. I will - I will practice in a mirror. But, um, if - it just depends. If you're already in an action scene and you have to scream, sometimes the scream will just come out, you know, and you go with it. Sometimes if you just have to stand there and scream over and over, you just want to sort of pretend. Um, but it's a silent scream. You know. It's an internal scream."

-- On whether Dinah's relationship with Oliver will evolve, JH: "Between Black Canary and Green Arrow? I - I think so.  I - you know, again, she's really part of the team now. She's decided to commit [come live?] here. She's got the costume on. And she's serious about it. So she's with Green Arrow. Like, he is the head of the team and that's the captain and she is - she's with him, yeah, so I think their friendship, their dynamic is going to grow and get closer, yeah. Not in a romantic - just as a team." 

-- On how her BC is different from the previous BC, JH: "I think - I feel like she's set apart in the fact that she has a different story... I mean, she comes from such a different place. You know, her back story, her reason for being on the team. Um, like we were saying, her motivation was revenge and she has this anger... I think that sets her apart. You know, they're just totally different characters, even though we're playing the 'same' character. We're so different. So I don't - it's not a conscious effort to be different. Um, it's just trying to be true to Dinah and who she is. Yeah." 

ETA: So both KC and JH think/hope that their respective character will bond/grow closer with Quentin in a paternal way. Poor Quentin.

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21 minutes ago, tv echo said:

ETA: So both KC and JH think/hope that their respective character will bond/grow closer with Quentin in a paternal way. Poor Quentin.

He's going to need color coding and name tags to keep them all straight. Imagine if he met Baby Sara. ( FU Barry!) 

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