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Unless his first name really is Myson.

My nephew's best friend's name is Tyson.  Myson isn't that different, lol.  Seems like stranger things have been true.

Edited by BkWurm1
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Is it too much to ask for some new promo pics of my faves? It's been a hundred million years. Haha.

4 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Maybe BS is here to specifically harass all of the B team.  

I think BS is just gonna be a pain in everyone's ass tbh with a little more focus on Dinah and Quentin. 

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3 minutes ago, Chaser said:

That's an weird combination. 

Can I hope that Curtis is joining up with BS??? It would make FF so much easier. 

Wonder what other pairings we will get....Thea and Quentin....WD and BC....OTA....Olicity.

If you want weird pairings, let's hope for Delicity, Thelicity, or Felicitin.  (Yikes on that last one I made up) Those are the far rarer birds.  ;)

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1 hour ago, wonderwall said:

So I guess I should stop saying "my daughter" when speaking about my daughter? 

Because I do this all the time especially when I talk to people I barely know or when I talk to someone online or when I talk to people who don't know her name...

The writers kept using "my son" because that kid isn't written as a real person, all he is is Oliver's son. I don't know what real people and the language we all normally use have to do with the redundant dialogue they chose to use in the finale..

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15 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Does it bother anyone else when female action characters are in shoes that they can't be action-y in?

Yes, it does! Much more than loose hair. But how will they power pose if they can't wear heels.

10 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

The writers kept using "my son" because that kid isn't written as a real person, all he is is Oliver's son. 

Yup, all that's important is #1 "my" and #2 "son". 

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1 hour ago, Chaser said:

That's an weird combination. 

Can I hope that Curtis is joining up with BS??? It would make FF so much easier. 

Wonder what other pairings we will get....Thea and Quentin....WD and BC....OTA....Olicity.

Yeah, I think it would have made more sense to pair Mr. Terrific with Rene and BS with BC. 

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I'm actually wondering if they took a photo together to post but the shots are individual. BS with anyone doesn't make sense too me. She's a villain.

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17 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I'm actually wondering if they took a photo together to post but the shots are individual. BS with anyone doesn't make sense too me. She's a villain.

a BS/BC photo would make sense. They're always doing those flash/(evil villain of the week) posters over on the flash. 

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2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

If you want weird pairings, let's hope for Delicity, Thelicity, or Felicitin.  (Yikes on that last one I made up) Those are the far rarer birds.  ;)

Even Dig and Lance haven't shared anything significant in a while, have they? The last I remember was when lance turned on Darhk early-ish last season.

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What's hilarious to me is this:

Fanboys: We don't want anymore romance! THIS IS A SUPERHERO SHOW!!!
EBR/KC say they're open to a love triangle between Siren/Oliver/Felicity
Fanboys: Well it makes sense because it gives the show buzz and could be interesting as long as Oliver ends up with Siren

I've seen a few people turn completely around on the whole romance thing just because LL will be a part of it. Like I said, it's hilarious and sad at the same time...

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Well we all knew that skit of the "romance is gross" was really just code for "Olicity is gross because it's not comics" So I'm not surprised by the agenda driven articles trying to promote a triangle.

But seriously they'll make Oliver a homosexual so they can have a triangle with Curtis before they'll go there. 

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21 hours ago, leopardprint said:

Yes, it does! Much more than loose hair. But how will they power pose if they can't wear heels.

Boots.  If teeny tiny Summer Glau can run around every tv and movie set in bad ass boots with her poor broken feet and still look powerful anyone can do it. 

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11 minutes ago, Delphi said:

Boots.  If teeny tiny Summer Glau can run around every tv and movie set in bad ass boots with her poor broken feet and still look powerful anyone can do it. 

Begin shoe derail/

Speedy wears the wrestling boot hybrids that GA wears. That's what everyone should wear! 

I actually don't like wedges as the "practical" heels that they put women in like Felicity in 519. That's a recipe for rolled ankles. Running in wedges is not fun. 

I wonder if they will but DD in wedges or in stacked combat boots like she has now with the stacked heel getting higher and higher. 

I was about to write that at least Arrow has never pulled the removing the stiletto from heels suddenly makes them functional flats but they totally did it to China White.

Summer Glau was a ballerina, iirc, so she's probably used to torturing her feet. 

/end shoe derail 

Has there been any discussion if DD is getting an entirely new costume or LL's? I don't think those buckles will work with her wallet chain. 

Edited by leopardprint
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So SA said at HVFF-London that the theme of S6 would be "family." 

Remember this WM spoiler from SDCC two summers ago, that we thought would apply to S4 but really didn't?...


-- On the theme for S4, WM: "We're exploring the idea of magic. But also, we're really exploring the idea of family. What does it mean - not just the Team Arrow family, but the Queen family, and Diggle's family, Felicity's family - we'll be expanding the univer - er, the characters to see what these people are like when they go home, see what their lives are like outside the 'Arrowcave'. And also what does it mean to be part of a family. And the difference between found family and biological family... what does that mean to each of our characters." (Unidentified video of media interview with MG and WM at SDCC 2015, page 161 of Behind the Mask thread; io9 article, page 64 of Starling City Times thread; and Eonline article, page 64 of Starling City Times thread)

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To be fair s4 did explore the idea of families for Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity since they brought in Oliver's kid, Diggle's brother, and Felicity's parents into play and explored the feelings that come into play when dealing with biological ties to people who might have negative effects on their lives. They didn't explore the differences between found family and biological family, but they did basically cover the idea of trusting them/trying to have a relationship with them simply because their biological and the consequences that came with that and what it means to them.

I think SA was just jumping on that because they're at least going to explain the kid situation and who knows maybe someone for Diggle and/or Felicity's dad comes into play.

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57 minutes ago, leopardprint said:


Has there been any discussion if DD is getting an entirely new costume or LL's? I don't think those buckles will work with her wallet chain. 

She'll be getting a new costume. She got a new mask so it only makes sense that she'd get something more tuned towards her personality.

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I just watched the Manu Bennett interview (MCM London Comic Con video posted on page 584 of Social Media thread). It sounds like Slade survived the explosion and might return in S6.  From that interview...

MB: "I mean, there's been no - there's been no, uh, agreements yet or any sort of sign-off on me returning to the show yet for Season 6. But, you know, I know their intention's to flesh out, you know, more of a storyline with Deathstroke. And the fans obviously want it as well. So, yeah, it'll be interesting the discussions we'll have in coming weeks to sort of see what the potential is."

MB: "With Slade in Season 6, you know, even though I don't know what the - what the current status of where they're going to take the character is, uh, there's incredible potential to, um - to really... put the audience in the hot seat, 'cause they're going to sit there knowing, 'wait up, Slade killed Oliver's mother,' you know, 'how can they be talking to each other, and be in the same space even?' You know, but the episode you're about to get in the U.K. [the S5 finale] is going to explain how that actually does start to happen, even in that one episode."

It also sounds as though he's no longer bitter over how Arrow handled his character because he now knows that there were some b-t-s politics at work...

MB: "Ah, it's interesting, you know, sometimes as an actor, you know, you kinda have to be thick-skinned and realize, you know, there's a whole bunch of things that are going on, that may or may not enable, uh, the producers to do, you know, certain things. Sometimes they're concentrating on other characters. You know, sometimes they're not allowed to - to involve your character, you know, which I found out from Marc Guggenheim, you know, that basically they had to hold off on Deathstroke because of the potential of him being used in the movie world. You know, he's going to be used in the Batman movie and whatnot. But, uh, since there's been an issue with that production, they got the opportunity to bring Deathstroke back. So, you know, it's a very popular character. You know, the fans are out there who wanted this return for a long time. Uh, you know, I've had really great discussions with Marc Guggenheim about the type of relationship that is going to emerge now - you know, now that Slade has supposedly evolved."

Edited by tv echo
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Interesting. MB credits the delays in the Batman stand-alone movie for allowing Deathstroke to come back to the Arrow-verse, but we already saw an example of DC loosening its "no shared characters" policy when Deadshot appeared in 504. I wonder what made them finally wise-up about how silly and arbitrary that rule was.

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I see that MG/MB had a good sit down to clear up MBs issues with the show. Good for them. 

I can understand embargoing a character while a movie is in theater but while the movie is in production? Who cares. If no promo is happening, let others play with them. 

The show is probably pissed that Gotham will be allowed to use Harley.

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I know that I'm pissed that Gotham gets to make their own Harley and Arrow didn't get to use the actual character. 

As for guest stars signing up,  I think that depends on how much they have planned already and what projects the guest stars have going on.   For example,  if Training Day had been renewed they would probably have locked in Katrina very early on so there wouldn't be scheduling conflicts and possibly to kill Nyssa off so that her absence wouldn't be glaring.  But then again, there's whoever plays Evelyn,  she'd probably get signed on a few weeks before production,  because clearly that actress will be free. 

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DR said at Harrisburg Comic Con last month that he and Bamford pitched Carl Weathers to play Diggle's father. That would be such great casting, if they could pull that off. "Apollo Creed as Diggle's father."

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39 minutes ago, tv echo said:

DR said at Harrisburg Comic Con last month that he and Bamford pitched Carl Weathers to play Diggle's father. That would be such great casting, if they could pull that off. "Apollo Creed as Diggle's father."

That would be awesome. 

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And cue all the handwringing about how this is going to tank the ratings (because Nielsen families are totally going to illegally download the episodes and stop watching live) and season 6 will be the last season, etc etc

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11 minutes ago, Proteus said:

Other CW show air a day early in Canada?

Reign did.

1 hour ago, Chaser said:

Are we going to be able to treat them like regular spoilers and talk about the episodes in this thread?

I think it's up to the Mods but when Reign moved to Fridays in the US it still aired on Thursday nights in Canada and the Mods on the Reign board would set the episode thread to open for the Canadian showing.  Basically it became a don't go in the episode thread if you don't want to be spoiled, same with Doctor Who, that thread opens several hours earlier than the East Coast viewing to coincide with the UK airing.

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3 hours ago, bijoux said:

It looks like the show will air a day earlier in Canada, meaning all the spoilers.


Ouch.  That's going to be rough.  I can't remember what show I went through this with before, but it's not easy avoiding spoilers, not with how fast Gifs and comments get thrown up on Twitter and Instagram.  24 hours of avoiding everything is hard, lol. 

On the upside, the episodes we are really dreading will get easier to face.  

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Lucifer generally aired a day early in its second season.  The episode forums opened after it aired there but there was a note that it hadn't aired in the US yet, so US viewers wouldn't accidentally get spoiled.  As a US viewer who loved Lucifer, I purposefully got spoiled.

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Will Helix be around in Arrow Season 6? —Stephanie
Having bailed on Felicity — immediately after using her to find and free their founder, superhacker Cayden James — Helix’s status is very much “a dangling thread, and we don’t like to leave those hanging around,” co-showrunner Wendy Mericle notes. “It’d be a great, sort of built-in story for Felicity to revisit these people, who are not very happy with her, let’s be honest. We left that open-ended on purpose, for sure.”

Sure, Wendy. Arrow is more fringe than carpet at this point. 

I hope Helix gets left somewhat ambiguous because it could be an interesting source of conflict between Felicity with her hacktivist sympathies and Team Arrow. 

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What I don't quite get is why Helix isn't happy with Felicity. She sided with them over her team. She stood in front of a gun to make sure they escaped with Cayden James. And then they left her. If anything, she shouldn't be happy with them since they just cleared out and left.

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“It’d be a great, sort of built-in story for Felicity to revisit these people, who are not very happy with her, let’s be honest. 

Were they unhappy with her?? I mean, Alena even left her a video message and that tracker to find Chase. I am confusion.

LOL these episodes totally just flew right out of my head as soon as they were over.

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3 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

LOL these episodes totally just flew right out of my head as soon as they were over.

I think they flew right out of WM's head too.

Maybe it's like WM's comments about how Helix were Felicity's "old friends" an episode after they met, how the General was Diggle's nemesis from a past season (or something like that) which wasn't true, and how it was thanks to Chase that Diggle was free when Felicity did all the work and got zero thanks. 

Edited by insomniadreams88
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Just now, insomniadreams88 said:

What I don't quite get is why Helix isn't happy with Felicity. She sided with them over her team. She stood in front of a gun to make sure they escaped with Cayden James. And then they left her. If anything, she shouldn't be happy with them since they just cleared out and left.

I took them leaving her as the "not very happy with her," since they see the fact that she's on a team (mostly just Oliver's interference in pretty much everything that prevents Felicity from helping them, even if she's choosing them over Oliver/the team) as a hindrance for them. It's just a flimsy description of it. 

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Sure, they'd prefer her not to be associated with a Team that could take them down without hiring mercenaries and would love if her loyalties were first and only with them, but even though the association ended, neither screwed over the other.  They just wouldn't be risking further association.  If they come back later and act pissy, it's not really going to make sense.

Hopefully they'll just be on opposite sides of something specific, not them seeking payback of some kind.

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Just now, BkWurm1 said:

Sure, they'd prefer her not to be associated with a Team that could take them down without hiring mercenaries and would love if her loyalties were first and only with them, but even though the association ended, neither screwed over the other.  They just wouldn't be risking further association.  If they come back later and act pissy, it's not really going to make sense.

Hopefully they'll just be on opposite sides of something specific, not them seeking payback of some kind.

Yeah, I'm not thinking "payback," more like adversarial, like them trying to do something illegal and Felicity and the team trying to stop them. It more of struck me of a "We're not mad, just disappointed" kind of ending to their team-up even though they both got what they wanted in the end, which could still be technically defined as "not happy." 

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2 hours ago, Angel12d said:

Were they unhappy with her?? I mean, Alena even left her a video message and that tracker to find Chase. I am confusion.

LOL these episodes totally just flew right out of my head as soon as they were over.

I don't think they hated her or viewed her as the enemy. However, based on Alena's goodbye, they view Felicity as a threat by extension. She's too connected/out there, she's rubbing elbows with Argus and Team Arrow and, Helix prefers to be on the down low.

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I wonder if they are going to continue trying to sell "Helix is terribad Evul", since they still haven't don't anything worse than Team Arrow. 

Oliver even broke someone out of ARGUS custody like 2 weeks later. Looking forward to his apology to Felicity for being a hypocrite. 

Edited by leopardprint
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