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2 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I don't know that there is one, but if we just shut up and watch until 623, it'll alllll make perfect sense. <--future MG quote

Lol I had that thought too.

"Damn it! Another season I have to wait till the end to watch!"

Question, with Olicity back together and The Roach back, do I get Felicity & Friends? 

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, leopardprint said:

Dueling Canaries? The storyline literally no one is asking for. 

But it does make sense on a certain level to give Dinah her own villain to fight.  Maybe use BS as a mirror to her own life?     

5 hours ago, Trisha said:

Well, KC was at her best when she was playing BS, so I hope BS remains a villain in some capacity. I don't think she's menacing enough to be the main villain, but maybe one of their accomplices/henchmen? The thing that worries me is that the last episode that featured BS clearly set her up for a redemption arc. 


I just can't see her as anything than a higher level flunky.  As for redemption, I can't imagine they'd start with her trying to be redeemed.  So any real movement would have to be a lot later in the season.  Just keep her out of the bunker and I'm good for a while.   

5 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

The gif of Laurel putting on Sara's jacket. 

That only reminds me of how giddy KC was in getting what she wanted.  

5 hours ago, shadow2008 said:

The only thing that would have brought me back for a potential season 6 would have been Talia as the big bad. Maybe that could still happen in the form of a team up with Black Siren, but that scenario is probably the ultimate long shot. 

The problem with Talia being the big bad is she's supposed to be a grey character I thought, not a full on evil bad guy.  


35 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Just wondering with Black Siren being a regular if Quentin Lance is on his way out.  He doesn't have to be but I do wonder if an evil doppleganger for his daughter might be too much to bear?  He was conveniently absent for all her episodes to date in S5.    

I was more inclined to think that it would give him more to do and since he got some of KC's best performances out of her, I would hope he'd be the one she interacts with the most of the cast.  

1 minute ago, Chaser said:

Question, with Olicity back together and The Roach back, do I get Felicity & Friends? 

Are you sure we're even getting Olicity back? BS will probably be redeemed and Oliver will fall in love with the Laurel he knows is within her! KC will finally get that love interest role she's been desperate for! She's the female lead again, y'all!


3 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

But which comic canon relationship do they want? Oliver Queen/Laurel Lance (and not even the LL from S1-4)? Or Green Arrow/Black Canary? Because with KC returning as Black Siren and if JH is sticking around and becomes Black Canary ...  

They want BS/LL and BC/JH to get together romantically of course!

27 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Are you sure we're even getting Olicity back? BS will probably be redeemed and Oliver will fall in love with the Laurel he knows is within her! KC will finally get that love interest role she's been desperate for! She's the female lead again, y'all!


It's only Laurel's doppelganger, for SA to get past the NOPE, we'd need KC's doppelganger.  

(I know Angel12D that you aren't being serious but still...)

Edited by BkWurm1
  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

There is none. Just like her death was pointless. And setting up her whole "legacy" this season, too. Just one big waste of time.

This is the part that pisses me off. They totally negated the whole point of S4 and wasted so much time in S5. It doesn't matter if it's not technically her, it's KC. It's a cheat.

They broke up Olicity, killed Laurel and brought in new characters (including a new Black Canary) only to reunite Olicity, bring back KC and potentially get rid of newbies.

It's so frustrating. 

It would be one thing if I could understand bring back KC. BS is a massive hit. Ratings go way up when she was on. Trends and fan campaigns. Mainstream support. Okay. I would be annoyed but I would pout quietly cause I would get it.

This I don't understand. It's torpedoed the narrative for what?

This is so bitter but the lack of anything kills me.

  • Love 20

When people can't read sarcasm.

As some one wise recently told me; they can change the characters name but nothing can ever change Stephens "Id rather be dead then touch this person- seriously why is she looking at me like that?" Amells NOPE face performance. 

4 minutes ago, Chaser said:

This is the part that pisses me off. They totally negated the whole point of S4 and wasted so much time in S5. It doesn't matter if it's not technically her, it's KC. It's a cheat.

They broke up Olicity, killed Laurel and brought in new characters (including a new Black Canary) only to reunite Olicity, bring back KC and potentially get rid of newbies.

It's so frustrating. 

It would be one thing if I could understand bring back KC. BS is a massive hit. Ratings go way up when she was on. Trends and fan campaigns. Mainstream support. Okay. I would be annoyed but I would pout quietly cause I would get it.

This I don't understand. It's torpedoed the narrative for what?

This is so bitter but the lack of anything kills me.

Season 5 Arrows version of Dallas it was all a dream plot.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Cleanqueen said:

OMG does that mean they'll bring her to SDCC or will they keep her away...one can only hope.

Of course they will. She's a series regular. They'll probably present her as the special guest of the evening.  

4 hours ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

You wouldn't. Someone that came back after getting fired, replaced by a new girl right after and that got questionable material when she made an appearance I'm not sure would care. I imagine she'd want to stick around instead.

Even a potential villain arc could lead to redemption and a return to her own universe in the end. Then they could spin-off KC/BS into her own show and make her the BC of Earth-2 if they so choose.* Honestly, that's what The CW should have done with Laura Vandervoort's Kara/Supergirl after she travelled to the future in the final season of Smallville. I still rue all the potential they wasted when they passed that up. 


(*) Not that I would want to watch it, but it is an idea that popped into my head. 

I've got 2 theories:

1. Either she has something over them and they are forced to bring her back

Or the more likely theory

2. They didn't want to lose the buzz she generated even if it wasn't huge. Didn't she have very loud fans? So I'm guessing they did a reset, brought her back to keep those fans happy. 

I'm fascinated as to what they'll do with Olicity going forward. I think they will give us Olicity, snare both sides of Fandom.

If they go back to LL/OQ I'm guessing she had some good sh$t to blackmail them with!

Question: If they killed off Felicity, would you want EBR to move onto another job or have her haunt Arrow for eternity?

I love Felicity to bits and I really like EBR from what I've seen but I'd honestly not want her back if they killed her as much as I adored her character.  I'd hope EBR gets a decent new job!

  • Love 1

I find the whole thing odd, but things rarely make sense on Arrow so it is like icing on the cake of ridiculousness. This seems like a way to mollify fans but also to annoy almost everyone? If you just like KC the actor whatever the role, then you're probably good. But if you like KC as BC and Laurel well then she's going to be neither of those things. If you like Dinah as BC then you'd have to be annoyed that another metahuman with a Canary Cry is coming to possibly suck up screen time or horn in on the BC role? And if you didn't like BC or Laurel well now instead of one person filling that role there's two of them - a BC and an evil!Laurel.

I have nothing paricularly against KC but she isnt the strongest actress so I can't see her being the season big bad. Which either makes her an evil minion or on track for a redemption arc with whatever illogical actions from Oliver that will be required to being that about.

Edited by sara1121
  • Love 3
Just now, Mellowyellow said:

I've got 2 theories:

1. Either she has something over them and they are forced to bring her back

Or the more likely theory

2. They didn't want to lose the buzz she generated even if it wasn't huge. Didn't she have very loud fans? So I'm guessing they did a reset, brought her back to keep those fans happy. 

I'm fascinated as to what they'll do with Olicity going forward. I think they will give us Olicity, snare both sides of Fandom.

If they go back to LL/OQ I'm guessing she had some good sh$t to blackmail them with!

Question: If they killed off Felicity, would you want EBR to move onto another job or have her haunt Arrow for eternity?

I love Felicity to bits and I really like EBR from what I've seen but I'd honestly not want her back if they killed her as much as I adored her character.  I'd hope EBR gets a decent new job!

As much as I love Felicity, if she was killed I wouldn't want her back. EBR would move on that I have no doubt about. She won't hang around like a annoying fly. Death needs to mean something and this show is now a joke, no one stays dead if you are a Lance.  I want Moira back but ST has moved on.

  • Love 7
32 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Are you sure we're even getting Olicity back? BS will probably be redeemed and Oliver will fall in love with the Laurel he knows is within her! KC will finally get that love interest role she's been desperate for! She's the female lead again, y'all!


I know you are joking, but it truly amazes me how many Laurel/KC fans are already dreaming of a GA/BC endgame again. I mean, what does it take for them to realize that carrying the Black Canary mantle isn't anything worth striving for on this show? Didn't the fridging of Sara and Laurel and the lack of proper character development and screentime for all 3 (or 4 if we count Evelyn) iterations of the character make that freaking obvious already? As an actor/character, you have a much better chance to flourish if they hire you to play some obscure F-list character (like a Black Siren or a White Canary). At this point, I can only assume that it's an ego-thing for most of them. 


13 minutes ago, Chaser said:

This is the part that pisses me off. They totally negated the whole point of S4 and wasted so much time in S5. It doesn't matter if it's not technically her, it's KC. It's a cheat.

They broke up Olicity, killed Laurel and brought in new characters (including a new Black Canary) only to reunite Olicity, bring back KC and potentially get rid of newbies.

It's so frustrating. 

It would be one thing if I could understand bring back KC. BS is a massive hit. Ratings go way up when she was on. Trends and fan campaigns. Mainstream support. Okay. I would be annoyed but I would pout quietly cause I would get it.

This I don't understand. It's torpedoed the narrative for what?

This is so bitter but the lack of anything kills me.

To be fair, they pretty much did that with season 3 already when they brought back Sara from the dead. That's why I said it looks like somebody is hella determined to kill whatever shred of credibility this series has left because at this point, Arrow has essentially lost most if not all of it's rewatch value. That's what happens when you're not sticking to your guns and keep overturning/retconning major plot developments. 

  • Love 9
13 minutes ago, shadow2008 said:

I know you are joking, but it truly amazes me how many Laurel/KC fans are already dreaming of a GA/BC endgame again. I mean, what does it take for them to realize that carrying the Black Canary mantle isn't anything worth striving for on this show? Didn't the fridging of Sara and Laurel and the lack of proper character development and screentime for all 3 (or 4 if we count Evelyn) iterations of the character make that freaking obvious already? As an actor/character, you have a much better chance to flourish if they hire you to play some obscure F-list character (like a Black Siren or a White Canary). At this point, I can only assume that it's an ego-thing for most of them. 

It doesn't surprise me tbh. For almost a year now I've seen LL/KC fans say how KC deserves better than Error but now it's all "Yes! Arrow is awesome!" It's a fickle game, IMO, but I think they just want her to be lead again, on all counts, and that includes a romantic endgame, I guess? Plus some will never let go of the comic canon thing.

I'm more surprised by the fact that some think the writing for LL will magically change after 4 seasons of being written badly. Curious indeed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by Guest

Guys, just a little perspective:

She's Black Siren not Black Canary

We don't know that she's even going to be redeemed or an adversary.

We have already got confirmation that Oliver and Felicity are getting back together from David and both David and Stephen were talking up weddings and babies at the con this weekend.

Stephen and Katies lack of chemistry will still be there with a name change.

If Oliver wouldn't go there when saintly Laurel was throwing herself at him literally on her death bed, when he wouldn't even go there during an alien forced fever dream; would he really go there with her evil doppelgänger who when his ex fiancee punched out it turned him on?

  • Love 7
27 minutes ago, shadow2008 said:

I know you are joking, but it truly amazes me how many Laurel/KC fans are already dreaming of a GA/BC endgame again.

I heard that KC had prints of Laurel in her wedding dress from the 100th episode at her autograph table to give to fans to get signed. I don't find it surprising her fans follow her lead.

  • Love 5

Yeah, I don't really believe that KC coming back will affect Oliver and Felicity's relationship at all, not beyond the writers having them discuss BS at times.

 From a narrative standpoint, Oliver should not even be the one that is focused on her redemption. (IF that's even her primary story) The issue of Laurel and her legacy was supposed to be resolved in the arrival of Dinah, so let her be the one to pick up the ball and deal with BS. 

  • Love 3
53 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Guys, just a little perspective:

She's Black Siren not Black Canary

We don't know that she's even going to be redeemed or an adversary.

We have already got confirmation that Oliver and Felicity are getting back together from David and both David and Stephen were talking up weddings and babies at the con this weekend.

Stephen and Katies lack of chemistry will still be there with a name change.

If Oliver wouldn't go there when saintly Laurel was throwing herself at him literally on her death bed, when he wouldn't even go there during an alien forced fever dream; would he really go there with her evil doppelgänger who when his ex fiancee punched out it turned him on?

I agree with you. I do. The chances of BS becoming a viable LI are very, very slim, IMO. But we're coming on the heels of 3/4 a season where a TON of hopeful specs fell flat. 6 months alone together didn't make Olicity grow closer, he didn't help her deal with her guilt over Havenrock (which was completely glossed over), her dating Billy didn't make Oliver confront his feelings for her, nor did he dating Susan make Felicity do the same, Dinah was positioned as another BC instead of just a great kickass female character, etc. 

I do think that the spoilers we've gotten should leave us all pretty confident that good Olicity stuff is on the way, and I hope it's a strong enough foundation that we never doubt they won't break them up again. But I get why people are no longer willing to trust it. And if you're watching for more than just Olicity, this announcement is unnnerving when considering the overall direction of the show and the S6 villains. 

Edited by Trisha
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9 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I heard that KC had prints of Laurel in her wedding dress from the 100th episode at her autograph table to give to fans to get signed. I don't find it surprising her fans follow her lead.

That will never not be funny.

8 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Yeah, I don't really believe that KC coming back will affect Oliver and Felicity's relationship at all, not beyond the writers having them discuss BS at times.

 From a narrative standpoint, Oliver should not even be the one that is focused on her redemption. (IF that's even her primary story) The issue of Laurel and her legacy was supposed to be resolved in the arrival of Dinah, so let her be the one to pick up the ball and deal with BS. 

It's to early to get behind any concrete spec but that's kind of where my heads going right now. That Black Siren will be about connecting to or reinforcing Dinah's Black Canary evolution by having her face the literal doppelgänger (evil or not) of the legacy she's been pushed to take on.

But I think we will have to see on what capacity they bring her back this season to get some idea of how they will use her next season. 

  • Love 1
33 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Guys, just a little perspective:

She's Black Siren not Black Canary

We don't know that she's even going to be redeemed or an adversary.

We have already got confirmation that Oliver and Felicity are getting back together from David and both David and Stephen were talking up weddings and babies at the con this weekend.

Stephen and Katies lack of chemistry will still be there with a name change.

If Oliver wouldn't go there when saintly Laurel was throwing herself at him literally on her death bed, when he wouldn't even go there during an alien forced fever dream; would he really go there with her evil doppelgänger who when his ex fiancee punched out it turned him on?

Listen, I get it. I totally see your point and I agree with it deep, deep, deep down. There's nothing to say that Black Siren will become Black Canary. I don't see any way that Stephen is behind Oliver/Laurel, I don't. 

I just don't trust this show in any way to follow logic. Even as a non-Laurel and non-KC fan, I can even see that the show's just been tugging her fans around. It's like they dangle her fans a bone, and then take it away. And then they do it again, and they take it away again. She has been treated quite horribly, if you really look at it. So, even with her return, who's to say that she's going to fulfill any of her fans' dreams of her getting a good storyline where she becomes a hero or gets together with Oliver or whatever? 

I just don't know how they're going to use her next season. Either she's going to be a full on villain with no chance of redemption and she'll probably have to die or be captured by the end of next season, which pisses off her fans yet again, or she's redeemed, put together with Oliver or Wild Dog, Dinah goes away so Black Siren can be the One True Canary and she's put as leading lady again, which pisses off other fans such as Felicity/Olicity fans. I guess the only winners are going to be the ones who legit don't care about Laurel Lance or Katie Cassidy in any way. They don't get disappointed nor do they get their hopes up.

I just can't decide which outcome is going to happen. 

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I just don't know how they're going to use her next season. Either she's going to be a full on villain with no chance of redemption and she'll probably have to die or be captured by the end of next season, which pisses off her fans yet again, or she's redeemed, put together with Oliver or Wild Dog, Dinah goes away so Black Siren can be the One True Canary and she's put as leading lady again, which pisses off other fans such as Felicity/Olicity fans.

I don't think it has to be one extreme or the other.  If they redeem her she could easily be sent back to the other earth or put on a bus to help another city.  Even if MG is the one that looked at KC as BS and saw something he liked, he liked her as the bad guy, not as BC again.  And being made a regular doesn't mean full time or a lead.  We don't know for certain how they are going to use her next season but we saw them decide not to use her as a full time good guy anymore.  I don't see any reason to think they've changed their minds about that.  

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I agree with you. I do. The chances of BS becoming a viable LI are very, very slim, IMO. But we're coming on the heels of a 3/4 a season where a TON of hopeful specs fell flat. 6 months alone together didn't make Olicity grow closer, he didn't help her deal with her guilt over Havenrock (which was completely glossed over), her dating Billy didn't make Oliver confront his feelings for her, nor did he dating Susan make Felicity do the same, Dinah was positioned as another BC instead of just a great kickass female character, etc. 

First- we are going to have an entire episode dedicated to what happened when Olicity spent 6 months together alone, when the show came back we saw them working as closely as they ever did, playing mum and dad to baby vigilantes with the ocassional touching and flirtiness, Oliver even opened up to Felicity about a time he doesn't open up to anyone about. It was only after Oliver learnt that Felicity wasn't leaving the door open for them and was dating someone else that they became somewhat emotionally distant from one another.

Second- Oliver did ask Felicity directly about Haven Rock and she didn't take up his opening. As has been shown repeatedly this season with EVERY character Felicity doesn't want to open up about her feelings to anyone and is pushing everyone away including Oliver the multiple times he's asked her if there is something going on with her.

There was a whole episode dedicated to Oliver learning about Felicity dating Billy and how it relates back to their relationship and Felicity shutting Oliver down when he directly asked Felicity if what she had with Billy was real and if she was holding the door open for them arguably is what pushed him to date Susan and which we then had the show say was because Oliver was lonely. Which therefore ties his loneliness to his reaction to Felicitys relationship with Billy.

Three the show basically had a scene where Felicity basically looked physically upset when calling Susan Olivers girlfriend and discussing their relationship, which was basically an anvil for Felicity doesn't like that Oliver is seeing someone which is Susan causing Felicity to confront her feelings.

Four, the seasons not over yet. 5x20 is an episode dedicated to Oliver and Felicity deal with their issues which may have the characters vocalise some of your concerns like Haven Rock, Billy, Susan etc

Five, the season started with Laurel asking for another Black Canary, 5x09 ended with Olicer saying that he wants to find another Black Canary and then Dinah came on the show with a Canary cry. People may have had doubts or hopes that she wouldn't be a Black Canary but the show didn't push that. 

Marc Stephen and Diggke have basically said Olicity are reuniting and the paps and Yonku who've seen the scripts are also acting like its a done deal so I don't know what's to doubt at this point.

Its been a crappy season no doubt but we've been given some great teases about what's to come and since Chase was revealed as the villian the storylines gotten slightly more interesting. I'm just personally not interested in letting Katies casting notice overshadow what there is to look forward to on the show. That just gives more power to those fans that are gloating over the news *shrug*

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Chaser said:

Why do people think BS will stay a villain? 

In my case I am just hoping!  Don't care for KC so I'd rather her be a villain so I can root for her downfall!  I'm really tired of all the anti-hero origin stories.  If you've seen one you've seen them all!  Oliver the serial killer whining over her like he was in 5.10 was more than enough. :-)

  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I don't think it has to be one extreme or the other.  If they redeem her she could easily be sent back to the other earth or put on a bus to help another city.  Even if MG is the one that looked at KC as BS and saw something he liked, he liked her as the bad guy, not as BC again.  And being made a regular doesn't mean full time or a lead.  We don't know for certain how they are going to use her next season but we saw them decide not to use her as a full time good guy anymore.  I don't see any reason to think they've changed their minds about that.  

Oh Black Siren has the potential to be a clusterfuck no doubt. I think right now she's a big question mark on how she fits into the show- especially in light of them having a character who serves the exact same purpose and seems generally likeable on the team already.

So there are questions of is she redeemed, is she evil and if so is it part of the big bad plot for next season or just a recurring type Villan role like Dead Shot Cupid and the Count? Or is it a combination of both?

All questions that need answers and could lead to totally dumpster fire resolutions or underwhelming results. Or microscopic chances of actually being interesting and enjoyable results.

I just don't think Olicity and OTA are anything to worry about in relation to this news because the writers had no interest in going there with the real deal and I don't think they'll go there with the doppelgänger look alike. 

But I could be wrong so I'm not going to make shoe or hat eating claims or anything. Just going to take it as it comes *shrug*

Sorry that was suppose to be a reply to @Lady Calypso and not @BkWurm1 

  • Love 2

Black Siren might be the big bad, or alternatively, they may come up with a redemption arc for her.  

I can't see how at this point Katie has any negotiating power left from her old contract, and doubt her lawyers forced anyone's hands. Strong arming Greg Berlanti seems as smart as keying Shonda Rhimes' car.   The powers that be gave this to Katie willingly.  Their ratings are falling, none of the new characters have caught fire, and while her fanbase is smaller than Emily or Olicity, it's still a fanbase, especially if they were looking for a comic book based solution to their problems, Black Siren.  Guggenheim was being very lawyer-esque in that they haven't brought her back from the dead, they have instead brought a doppelgänger meta human from another show onto their street-level gritty crime show where death has real meaning.  /sarcasm

I've never rage quit a show, but at this point I have a lot or anger.  I hate the writers for their emotionally and logically incoherent storytelling.  I despise their PR that treats shippers like second class citizens and ignore Emily, Felicity, and Olicity.

  • Love 11
50 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Why do people think BS will stay a villain? 

Also if she is not a villain, isn't she just Laurel again? Will they now know what to do with her? Also she will still not be relevant to them or be their friend because she is Laurel but isn't. She still won't have chemistry with most of the cast. She still won't be a better fighter. I really don't understand this decision.

Edited by Belinea
  • Love 7

I think I have to see how she's brought back this season before I make up my mind on whether she's the Villan or redeemed anti hero next season. If Marc's not lying when implying Juliana isn't going anywhere then I'm inclined to think she will be more Villan then hero just because logistically I don't see how it works having the two of them but who the hell knows.

What I do know is that the writers since killing off Sara have shown minimal interest in writing the Black Canary character whether it wear Katie Juliana or Madisons face and the one Occassion they wrote Black Siren it was truly passive agressive and didn't show a lot of love for the character even as a Villan so I'm not expecting a Villan or a redeemed Bkack Siren to be all that terribly well written or acted based on evidence of the past.....but I think Katie "I don't haven't even been watching the show" probably doesn't care too much about pesky little concerns like that *shrug*

  • Love 4

I also think BS will stay a villain for most of  the season because I don't think they plan on getting rid of Dinah and two would be pointless on the team.  Not so much because of the duplication of power, but because it's too much power and the rest of the team would be pointless.  

Edited to say: yeah, what LeighAn said. 

Edited by BkWurm1
  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Chaser said:

I agree that she should stay a villain and it would make more sense but if she's a villain, then what does she do?

She won't be hanging out in the bunker with the Team. 

Give the other villains someone to talk to?  Stand in the street and squat occasionally.  Taunt Quentin.  Buy nailpolish. She doesn't have to be around any more than Billy for most of the season.  

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

First- we are going to have an entire episode dedicated to what happened when Olicity spent 6 months together alone, when the show came back we saw them working as closely as they ever did...


Yes, all of those things you mentioned happened but nowhere close to the hopeful, logical or non-OOC ways many people were expecting. Yes, the show came back with them working together and the recruits calling them mom & dad, but they weren't exactly close. At this weekend's con SA even characterized their 5A interactions as "cold and robotic." Yes, Oliver did once briefly ask "are you ok?" which may have been in relation to Havenrock but he didn't press her on it, even after learning about Rory's connection. That SL was basically nothing despite a writer teasing a big Havenrock arc for her in 503-505. Yes, in 505 they talked about Billy and there may have been heart eyes for a few mins but then he dropped and it moved on (because he was lonely - which we didn't even know until 516). SA even said in an interview that his reaction to Billy in 505 was more hurt that she didn't trust him rather than upset that she was dating. Besides, it shouldn't be her responsibility to make him sort out his feelings. He didn't fight for her at all. Meanwhile Felicity babbled about double dates and teased him about his "girlfriend" as if they were buddies. She didn't actually seem upset about him dating until he (grossly) asked her to fix his relationship. And yes, all of what I just referenced might get explained better in May but that's 20(!) episodes in - which is about 15 too late. And as for Dinah, Oliver literally told Quentin he wanted to call her the next BC so the show was indeed pushing that.

In terms of Olicity spoilers beyond 520, DR is the only one who's said anything. I still believe it'll happen by 523, but this season has been a MESS so I'm not judging those who don't. All I was saying is that it is perfectly normal not to trust the writers, and to question the future direction. For some viewers the journey is more important than the destination, and this journey has been rough. Adding the KC news is just salt in the wound. 

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I agree that she should stay a villain and it would make more sense but if she's a villain, then what does she do?

She won't be hanging out in the bunker with the Team. 

S6 big bad minion? Like Josh Gads character Le Fou was to Gaston in Beauty and the Beast who then in the final fight might switch sides? 

Note: I may have made a Beauty and the Beast reference simply cause I love that movie!

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1 minute ago, Mellowyellow said:

She's going to kidnap the Olicity first born with the  jacket scene smile on her face and scream at Felcity "This was supposed to be my child with Oliver on E2!!! Mine!!!!"

That'll give us all something to talk about!

Dear my best nemesis 


Please and thank you,

your friendly nemesis xoxoxo 


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@LeighAn you have to indulge me this week. 


Not only am I still trying to get over the fact that AUFelicity doesn't meet Ray, I'm nervously waiting to see if she's going to get punched!

Do you know how sad and disappointed I am at no Raylicity meeting?????? It's like if you guys were getting 10 LLs back. 

I'm still processing my disappointment and stressing about whether my darling is going to get punched!

Just now, Mellowyellow said:

@LeighAn you have to indulge me this week. 

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Not only am I still trying to get over the fact that AUFelicity doesn't meet Ray, I'm nervously waiting to see if she's going to get punched!

Do you know how sad and disappointed I am at no Raylicity meeting?????? It's like if you guys were getting 10 LLs back. 

I'm still processing my disappointment and stressing about whether my darling is going to get punched!

Hahaha 10 LLs vs Raylicity back full time that's a tough one? 

Okay I'll indulge you but only because we just bonded over our total shallowness over Olicity wedding details. It was a nice moment xoxo

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