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Do we know how many episodes Dolph has filmed this go round? I think he said he was in 3 episodes.  Anyway, assuming Oliver's secret is that he's a hunter I wondered if perhaps he & Anatoly lure Kovar & company to Lian Yu. There Oliver has set traps because he knows the island.  Anatoly might decide it's better if Oliver doesn't return to Russia. (Oliver was going to leave anyway before Gregor attempted to kill Anatoly.) 5.22 - 5.23 has Oliver alone on Lian Yu preparing to return to Starling to honor his father's wishes.

Edited by Sunshine
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7 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I imagine the announcement about KC is that she is appearing in the Arrow finale.

I think Matt M is making a bigger deal out of it then required. MG was asked if KC was coming back to any of the other shows before their finales, his reply was "I can't say anything". Which means she's probably back for a flashback or whatever on Arrow. Of course Matt M probably can't stand that he was so fucking wrong (and massively egotistical) over KCs contract after SDCC.

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6 minutes ago, Belinea said:

I highly doubt it but if KC comes back as BS, I would seriously question their writing choices... I mean, didn't she get fired? Why would you keep bringing her back over and over again. It isn't as though they know how to write their other regulars, so why add old ones to take away screentime. 

I don't think she's coming back as BS in the season finale. I expect they have bigger fish to fry. I think she'll be back in some form to tie 523 to the pilot, which is the one appearance I always expected

1 minute ago, EmilyBettFan said:

I'm so tired of hearing about her. Hopefully this is the end. 

I think you'll get one more appearance in S6. I don't see them resisting the opportunity to have a fully Black Canary Dinah smack down Black Siren. Of course as much as I can't stand Laurel and don't particularly like KC (crap actress) I do enjoy watching this cast/crew get their passive-aggressive on.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Was Matt M the guy fighting with people in the comment section about what a series regular contract is?

Yes he was.


BS seems to be where they get there passive aggressiveness on. LL is treated like a snowflake.

I don't know, I think snowflake LL is a plot device. LL as a character and KC as an actor is pretty much their passive aggressive punching bag. Why else have KC as BS (in both Flash and Arrow) degrade the character she played for 4 years? LOL 

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From today's TVLine Ask Ausiello Live facebook video (posted by @Trisha on page 55 of Spoilers thread)...

-- Matt Mitovich: "People always ask about Katie Cassidy. She, of course, is going to be on the Legends of Tomorrow finale. Um, Marc Guggenheim said it. She's in one pivotal scene and there will not be a dry eye in the house. And as far as any other Katie Cassidy news, yeah, he hinted at a - an announcement to come. So we'll be keeping our eye out on that."

-- Matt Mitovich: "Oh, here's one more little Arrow thing. People are asking about Olicity, as people call Oliver and Felicity... Stephen Amell told us that Episode 19 is basically being called Team Arrow versus Team Felicity, as she falls further down the Helix rabbit hole."


Edited by tv echo
Just now, calliope1975 said:

Challenge accepted.

I was thinking the same thing when I first read that, but I realized I might cry because of Sara.

Speaking of Sara, have I missed any references to her on Arrow to Tinah? Does Tinah even know she exists? Because I'd rather they spend time telling Tinah about Sara than any more LL mentions in the present. 

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It's a no brainer that she'll appear in the finale flashback just as it was a no brainer she'd appear as an illusion or whatever in the Legends finale, they arent that creative to come up with anything else. Is this the last we'll see of her in the Flarrowverse? Doubt it, I expect to see her at least 2-3 times next year which of course means we will continue to talk about her.

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Other then tying up the flashbacks now that they've got their brand new shiny Black Canary who is the realest of the real Canaries with the canary cry and the right name and everything, fulfilling Laurels death wish, I just don't see in what capacity or what purpose Laurel/Katie would come back next season, especially since it's more clear then ever the producers aren't particularly enamoured with the character and per the paps nor the actress. I mean her apperance in 5x10 was basically a shade on Laurel/Black Siren fest. 

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16 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Oh gods. Do you think they would kill off Sara and replace her with Laurel?

As much as I make fun of these eps IQs, even I don't think they are that dumb.

4 hours ago, calliope1975 said:

Challenge accepted.

I love a challenge. I think the closest I got to even having a little water in my eyes was when Moira said "close your eyes baby" so it will take alot for me to grab a tissue.

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I've never cried at an Arrow episode, or a Flarrowverse one.  Unless you count 3x22 which was so depressing I just curled up on my bed.  S3 did a number on me.

They may want to have KC back as the Black Siren at some point but now that everyone including Sara has said goodbye to Laurel and they're wrapping up Oliver's flashbacks, I can't see a story reason to they have her back.

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7 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

They may want to have KC back as the Black Siren at some point but now that everyone including Sara has said goodbye to Laurel and they're wrapping up Oliver's flashbacks, I can't see a story reason to they have her back.

The inevitable Black Siren: Tokyo Canary vs 2 Black 2 Canary battle royale for the title of Ultimate Blackest Canary (we mean it this time until we remember about Sara)?

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1 minute ago, BkWurm1 said:

I occasionally tear up at coffee commercials, so tearing when Sara says a final goodbye to her big sister is just about guaranteed, but it's purely because of Sara.  I didn't cry when Laurel died but did when Lance got the news and again when Sara found out on LoT.    

Same. I was more upset by their upset.

  • Love 2
Just now, wonderwall said:

I cried twice for Arrow. Once when Moira said "close your eyes, baby" and another time when Oliver/Felicity said goodbye to each other in 320 (I mostly blame the bottle of wine I had that night but still)...

I can't even read "Close your eyes, baby" without slightly tearing up.   But I swear, I'm emotionally stable!!! 

Oh, I tear up at a lot of things - I cried during the TVD finale even though I stopped caring about that show a few years ago -  so I'm pretty much guaranteed to cry during Sara/Laurel's final goodbye, especially since they seem to successfully hit emotional beats for Laurel better when it's about her family than about Oliver like in parts of S3 and S4.

Really, I'd rather see Laurel again on Arrow in a scene with Lance than Oliver-related, even though with the FBs ending, it's obviously going to be about him. (I'm still annoyed that we didn't get one last scene between Laurel and her father, even though PB basically destroyed me in the hospital after finding out Laurel died.) 

  • Love 3
Just now, LeighAn said:

Moiras last words and the watery eyes goodbye in 3x20 were probably the saddest moments in the show and if I wasn't dead inside I probably would have cried. 

That being said I did cry reading the Homeless Oliver fic haha

I still remember yelling during the Olicity goodbye in 320 "WHY MUST THEY BE TORTURED!!?" 

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, LeighAn said:


See I was like 150% positive they were going to get back together in the finale so even though it was sad and Stephen and Emily acted the hell out of the scene I new it was temporary.

It's no secret that I love season 3 but that scene made season 3 for me and tempered my Raylicity shipping. It was so tragic!

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2 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Think we already kind of guessed 520 was going to be a trapped in the bunker situation ... Now, the question is will there be danger involved? Like, do they have to get out of the bunker before it explodes or they run out of air. Or do they just hang around and talk and have flashbacks?

I'm good with either really, but I suppose they'll go with some kind of danger to make what the noobs are doing more important.  

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