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2 minutes ago, Chaser said:

KP's twitter is interesting. He implied MG may not be truthful about the flashback sex, he is going to wait and see. Makes me really curious about that call sheet (and episode).

Maybe the post-sex chat is in the present and one of them will mention not talking after the last time (meaning the FB sex)? 

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4 minutes ago, Chaser said:

KP's twitter is interesting. He implied MG may not be truthful about the flashback sex, he is going to wait and see. Makes me really curious about that call sheet (and episode).

Hmmm the plot thickens. Perhaps there was something on there that indicated or referrenced something that couldnt have been a flash back.

Or Or what if its the ultimate troll from MG and it is technically a flashback but from the night before/day before.

Ha! I mean Im not going to risk eating a shoe over this theory but its interesting that Ken doesnt believe its not a FB and that Yonku told Reddit to brace themselves. Hmmmm


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Just now, BkWurm1 said:

Or he's trolling now.  

I'm sticking with FB sexytimes, but I wouldn't be shocked if we got present day kisses.  

And if MG does turn out to have been lying, I'll welcome it this one time, lol.  

Life is still good babes! We're still debating what kind of sex! Tis the sort of problem one wants to have!

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1 minute ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Has Guggie ever outright lied? I can't remember. He's very careful with his phrasing but I don't think he has deliberately provided false information. I'm sticking with FB sex, too.

Thats why Im hoping in the faintest whim that maybe hes being careful because the flashback is something that happens within the episode.

Like Olicity have a talk in the bunker and its left up to intepretation what happens cut to commercial break stuff happens and then there is a flash back to them having sex in the bunker..... a girl can dream cant she?

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37 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Has Guggie ever outright lied? I can't remember. He's very careful with his phrasing but I don't think he has deliberately provided false information. I'm sticking with FB sex, too.

The thing is... I really doubt he'd give Jbuffy the entire picture... He's never lied because the way he's worded things have always given him a n out

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MG doesn't lie but often words things in a way that is open to interpretation..if he outright told her there's a love scene but it isn't present day than I believe that but that doesn't mean there can't be a kiss or a post sex chat (that the paps read and seem to be up in arms about). A post sex chat isn't a love scene technically even if just because we don't see it doesn't mean the love scene didn't happen.

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I don't think Guggie is lying but he could be telling half truths or not giving the whole picture. Or perhaps Ken just got the call sheet wrong?

Honestly, I would LMAO if there's 2 sexy Times. For instance, the sex scene is a flashback but, then you cut back to present day and that's where the post-coital chat takes place.  

I'm not saying that's what's happening but, it would be really funny and make both sides correct/honest.

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47 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Honestly, I would LMAO if there's 2 sexy Times. For instance, the sex scene is a flashback but, then you cut back to present day and that's where the post-coital chat takes place.  

Now I'm picturing it happening like the Oliver/Slade fight in 223 that was intercut with the flashback fight with the same choreography!

We'all only be able to tell the difference between past and present while their clothes are still on. . . Then it will play out like glorious Olicity sex that's double the pleasure, double the fun! :-)

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Regarding the "mending fences" SA quote that's been mentioned upthread, here's the actual quote...

-- On whether he thinks Oliver & Felicity can ever be a couple again, SA: "Sure. Of course. We know what came between them; it was a lack of trust. Felicity walked away, and Oliver let her. I mean, we live in a television world. Fences can always be mended." (Feb. 21, 2017 Entertainment Weekly article, page 53 of Spoilers thread) 

Edited by tv echo
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I get the KC look with the hair. The styling and the way it seems to be getting lighter and lighter. It's like they have a look for their BC and they are just going to turn her into it. Smh. They take that creepy factor to a whole other level.

lol other than that it's a good pic. DR is pic happy. Hope that means an OTA one is coming.

I don't think MG is lying about the FB sex. There is just more to it all. KP is right, he isn't going to give it all away. Lol but I am curious about how detailed these teases to jbuffy will be.

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10 minutes ago, strikera0 said:

Cute shot. BTW, is anybody else wondering if Lyla's going to survive the season? 

I wasn't until a couple of posters said the same thing.  Since she's a regular on another show I guess it's a possibility. That said, she and Argus are usually more of a factor towards the end of a season so I don't think shooting from that standpoint is a major factor.

I know after 5.11 originally aired there was spec about Dinah's partner/lover not really being dead.  Jokes about coming back as a zombie.  Maybe we should throw him into the spec of who is Vigilante.  There was a bit of focus on her by him in 5.15.

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3 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

I know after 5.11 originally aired there was spec about Dinah's partner/lover not really being dead.  Jokes about coming back as a zombie.  Maybe we should throw him into the spec of who is Vigilante.  There was a bit of focus on her by him in 5.15.

That might fit into them not revealing who Vigilante is until S6. Maybe that's something they're considering, but they want to wait and see if Tinah's a regular to do that? Although the Vigilante reveal could have to do with scheduling in general.

Have there been any mentions in interviews about Vigilante popping up again (in any significant way) in the rest of S5? I've only seen the "not revealing him until S6" bit. It's like once they revealed Chase to be Prometheus, it became "Vigilante? Vigilante who?" 

29 minutes ago, strikera0 said:

Cute shot. BTW, is anybody else wondering if Lyla's going to survive the season? 

Don't suggest such a thing! (I don't think they'd kill her off, but I am a bit worried.) I'm going to need some Lyla and Dyla teases for the upcoming episodes.

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30 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Regarding the "mending fences" SA quote that's been mentioned upthread, here's the actual quote...

-- On whether he thinks Oliver & Felicity can ever be a couple again, SA: "Sure. Of course. We know what came between them; it was a lack of trust. Felicity walked away, and Oliver let her. I mean, we live in a television world. Fences can always be mended." (Feb. 21, 2017 Entertainment Weekly article, page 53 of Spoilers thread) 

From the same interview, here's why everyone is assuming the sex flashback will be from the past summer:

Do you think Felicity and Oliver can ever get back to where they were in terms of a solid working relationship?
SA: I mean, there was a distance in the early part of the year. And I never want to sail over something as traumatic and significant as the fact that Oliver was tricked into killing Detective Malone and everything that that’s putting Felicity through. I do think that there are a lot of unanswered questions in terms of how did they get from where they were at the end of season 4 to where we found them in season 5, and I am positive that we answer those questions.

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3 hours ago, Sunshine said:

I wasn't until a couple of posters said the same thing.  Since she's a regular on another show I guess it's a possibility. That said, she and Argus are usually more of a factor towards the end of a season so I don't think shooting from that standpoint is a major factor.

I know after 5.11 originally aired there was spec about Dinah's partner/lover not really being dead.  Jokes about coming back as a zombie.  Maybe we should throw him into the spec of who is Vigilante.  There was a bit of focus on her by him in 5.15.

The problem with killing off Lyla is they've got Baby Diggle to deal with and they lose their Argus connection. Seems like more of a hassle than it's worth. The only reason to do it is to free up Diggle as a LI, presumably, for Dinah. But, spec two regarding the return of her dead BF as Vigilante is much more intriguing to me and negates the need to free up Diggle. I'd like to see this pan out because it gives her a needed storyline and has the added bonus of calming down other sectors of the fandom. 

Edited by finnaire
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8 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Didn't something really gross happen with his character? I can't remember exactly what, but like...arms and legs snapping off or something? Or Oliver severed some ligaments that made him unable to move? 

Cut his Achilles heel? He cut something on his legs so he couldn't stand/walk

Just checked the transcript, Arrow sliced Samson's tendons


Just because you can't feel your tendons being sliced doesn't mean you don't need them.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I wonder if the Olicity past/ present will be like

Felicity shows up and wants him to distract her, and he says 'your not gonna use me like you did last summer'

then it cuts to flashback of last summer where she is having a rough night so they get drunk and sleep together, and she wakes up the next day and says it's a mistake.

Cut back to present day and they turned to a real conversation about her dealing with everything. 

It looks like Lexa Doig is doing the press duty this week in advance of 516, which is shaping up to be a key Talia episode where she appears in present day. (LD's ComicBook interview is posted in Spoilers thread, and she also did two not-yet-published interviews with Laura Hurley/CinemaBlend and Icon v.s Icon.) From her careful replies and pauses in the ComicBook interview, I think that Talia will have some connection to Chase/Prometheus, as we've speculated - perhaps not just training him, but maybe also helping him against Oliver, as revenge for her father's death.

In the 516 promo video, Talia is the one who tells Oliver that Prometheus is Adrian Chase. But maybe that's part of her plan (their plan?) - to make Oliver think she's his ally when she's really now his enemy.  We don't know when Oliver discovers that she's an al Ghul. I don't think he knows yet. However, I think we can assume that Talia now knows that Oliver killed her father.

If both Talia al Ghul and Adrian Chase have been using their collective brain power against Oliver, then, yeah, Oliver is definitely out-matched.

Edited by tv echo
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Just now, tv echo said:

I think that Talia will have some connection to Chase/Prometheus, as we've speculated - perhaps not just training him, but maybe also helping him against Oliver.

It kind of looked like she was trying to explain that she has scenes with "Chase" but not "Prometheus" (as in just Josh, not Josh in the costume), so that sounds right. Tbh, I forgot about Talia besides the idea that she tells Oliver that Prometheus is Chase in 516. If she is sticking around, she'd either have to be right at the end of the flashbacks (since it seems more like Oliver vs. parts of the Bratva for the next string of episodes), or she'll actually have to be around the present day plot. 

MG has confirmed that Talia shows up in present day Star City...


Is Talia going to appear in present-day Star City on Arrow? — Harry
Yes, and soon! “We will see her in the present day,” EP Marc Guggenheim teases. “What she wants from Oliver in the past is very different from what she wants from him in the present.” And yes, Guggenheim did confirm that Oliver has very purposefully never heard her last name. “Oliver couldn’t have heard it, because if he had, when Ra’s talked about his daughter he’d be like, ‘Yeah, the other daughter, I met her back in Russia,'” the EP says. “We were very cognizant not to retcon anything. So yes, she is Talia al Ghul, but Oliver obviously doesn’t know that.” Here’s hoping seeing her in present day offers an opportunity for him to find out!


Edited by tv echo
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Maybe Oliver disappointed her in s1 and so when Chase came to her a year later wanting revenge on Oliver, she thought she could do this one better.  Could get more of what she wants, whatever that is.  I'm not buying that she's training Oliver because she wants to help Starling City.


“The thing about Talia is she lives in the grey zone of morality. She’s not specifically always on the side of good or always on the bad. She’s more neutral in alignment. What she’s most concerned about is what she wants.”

“If what she wants to accomplish as an end result ends up being a good thing, then yay, but if what she wants to accomplish ends up being not such a good thing for a lot of people, I don't think she really cares. The ends always justifies the means to her.”

This is why I'm looking forward to more Talia. Maybe if Ra's had been a bit more shaded he wouldn't have failed so much for me.

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Would Talia have known/know Malcolm?  I wonder if their time in the LOA overlapped at all?  Sorry if this was covered - I admit I still zone out (sometimes) during the flashbacks  Could her goals, whatever they might be, link to MM's return?  I keep trying to convince myself there is some good reason to have MM back this season other than everyone loving JB.

In the episode with the Malcolm flashbacks, we saw him meet a young (9 years old?) Talia and he was dubbed The Magician because he did a magic trick for her (I think).  Since he trained with them for a number of years, they would have known each other fairly well.

That's a good guess for why Malcolm returns to Arrow, because Talia comes to town.

5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

In the episode with the Malcolm flashbacks, we saw him meet a young (9 years old?) Talia and he was dubbed The Magician because he did a magic trick for her (I think).  Since he trained with them for a number of years, they would have known each other fairly well.

That's a good guess for why Malcolm returns to Arrow, because Talia comes to town.

I thought that was Nyssa he did the magic trick for?   I thought Thalia was raised in the LoA in the 50's according to a LoT episode. 

I'm not sure, because I don't watch LoT, but I think someone posted it several threads back when the question of Talia's age came up.

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29 minutes ago, LadyChaos said:

I thought that was Nyssa he did the magic trick for?   I thought Thalia was raised in the LoA in the 50's according to a LoT episode. 

I'm not sure, because I don't watch LoT, but I think someone posted it several threads back when the question of Talia's age came up.

Yep, the girl in Malcolm's flashbacks was Nyssa, and Talia was the girl (mentioned by name) in the 50s in LoT, making Talia much older than she appears (hence the exchange about it in 511).

5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I was wrong. But the LoA connection does give a reason for Malcolm to be back especially if Thea is still gone.

I kind of wonder if the show's just kind of done with the LoA, since they had Nyssa disband it and have had no mention of it on Arrow (and since it seems like they're going to have Talia playing her own game away from the league). Maybe Malcolm's part of the "Dangerous Liaisons" for 519 and Oliver just gets him to come back and help stop Chase since apparently he thinks he needs to count on at least the Bratva to go against one person? Which episode(s) was JB back for?

I'm perfectly fine with Talia having her own agenda apart from anything to do with the LoA.  I hope whatever they do with her, they leave her character alive so that we have the possibility of a future Nyssa and Talia episode.  Not even sure how that would serve the show but I would be fine if the regular Arrow cast took a step back and we just watched their family reunion.  

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