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Just now, HighHopes said:

Question for those who are still shipping Oliver/Felicity. If this is a reunion, but the characters/writers don't actually address the reasons for the break-up or lack of reunion as of yet, or really, any of the issues, would the reunion work for you? I'm honestly curious, because unless they rehab Oliver hard these next 4ish episodes, I just won't find it believable. 

Honestly, I should care, but at this point, I don't. The reunion at the end of S3 was ridiculously rushed, and I suspect this one will be, too. With this group of writers, I don't expect to get anything deep or introspective. Olicity won't be together, and then, they will be. Why? Who knows. I just want to enjoy this show again until the S6 boneheaded move occurs. 

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10 minutes ago, HighHopes said:

Question for those who are still shipping Oliver/Felicity. If this is a reunion, but the characters/writers don't actually address the reasons for the break-up or lack of reunion as of yet, or really, any of the issues, would the reunion work for you? I'm honestly curious, because unless they rehab Oliver hard these next 4ish episodes, I just won't find it believable.

I won't care because their breakup was so poorly handled that I'm fine with a poorly handled sudden reunion.

OlicityIsDead. Long Live Olicity!

Edited by catrox14
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3 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

Honestly, I should care, but at this point, I don't. The reunion at the end of S3 was ridiculously rushed, and I suspect this one will be, too. With this group of writers, I don't expect to get anything deep or introspective. Olicity won't be together, and then, they will be. Why? Who knows. I just want to enjoy this show again


I still watch this show, so my standards are obviously low, just let me be happy again.


until the S6 boneheaded move occurs. 

Shhhhhh. You ziP. the liP.

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3 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Nah this is Arrow! I've got zero standards. I just want to see pretty people snog and lots of heart eyes. The rest I fix in my head!

Seriously, any credibility this show had died the moment they had Felicity walk out her wheelchair. 

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10 minutes ago, HighHopes said:

Question for those who are still shipping Oliver/Felicity. If this is a reunion, but the characters/writers don't actually address the reasons for the break-up or lack of reunion as of yet, or really, any of the issues, would the reunion work for you? I'm honestly curious, because unless they rehab Oliver hard these next 4ish episodes, I just won't find it believable. 

I really, really need to like Oliver again before I feel like Iike I'll get super swept away and swoony over a reconciliation.  Even though 320 seemed rushed, there was a lot of build up and character beats in the preceding episodes that I'm going to want to see here. And an apology would be a good start. 

I'm really hoping there's something to SA's comment about the bags under Oliver's eyes lately being deliberate. Like, I want there to be an actual explanation for his behavior. 

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Oh my. I thought maybe that Ken guy was trolling at first but if CG is mad and threatening to quit? Praise! Haha. Guess I'll be eating some hats or shoes or maybe both because I really didn't think this was happening. I definitely don't ship Olicity as much as I used to but I'm still pretty happy to be wrong. :)

I hope they fix robot!Oliver in the upcoming episodes though. 

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1 minute ago, Trisha said:

I'm really hoping there's something to SA's comment about the bags under Oliver's eyes lately being deliberate. Like, I want there to be an actual explanation for his behavior. 

He can save Susie from imminent danger, dump her, then walk into the lair and be like, "Am I an idiot or what?"

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10 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

Honestly, I should care, but at this point, I don't. The reunion at the end of S3 was ridiculously rushed, and I suspect this one will be, too. With this group of writers, I don't expect to get anything deep or introspective. Olicity won't be together, and then, they will be. Why? Who knows. I just want to enjoy this show again until the S6 boneheaded move occurs. 

This is where I'm at.

If they're going to write for plot (which I think everybody on this board has agreed is a distinct possibility) then just plot me an Olicity reunion. I'm not going to hold it to higher standards than the other SL's on this dumb but strangely addictive show. Arrow is not going to change and clearly I have a hard time giving it up and I'm happier when Oliver and Felicity are together so just hurry the hell up and maybe I can enjoy the last few eps of this season and start back watching live in s6. 

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Also this is just extra funny when you think about Ken telling MG the other week how amazing this season is. LMAO. Congrats, you played yourself. 

Edited by Guest
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As far as I'm concerned, Arrow is a dumb show with pretty people that I watch to be entertained. When it stops entertaining me, I stop watching. If it decides to bring back what I enjoyed the most about the show, I don't really care why or how. 

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5 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

He can save Susie from imminent danger, dump her, then walk into the lair and be like, "Am I an idiot or what?"

That'll work.

I would even buy...no words...just idiots making heart eyes at each other, followed by hot monkey love next to Felicity's computers and/or under Sally

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50 minutes ago, HighHopes said:

Question for those who are still shipping Oliver/Felicity. If this is a reunion, but the characters/writers don't actually address the reasons for the break-up or lack of reunion as of yet, or really, any of the issues, would the reunion work for you? I'm honestly curious, because unless they rehab Oliver hard these next 4ish episodes, I just won't find it believable. 

They have to fix Oliver first. I'll take a Human Target / Earth 82 Fauxliver with a side of Real Oliver apologizing though. Really don't think that will happen, but I just want this whole season to have been Oliver's weird fever dream while he's been locked in that trunk . . .

Pretty sure this dark arc for Felicity will end up with her 'understanding' Oliver better and they'll reconcile. People will get rightfully pissed it's written that way and the writers will tell us we're watching it wrong because all they understand is plot/plot/plot and nothing about their actual characters.

Edited by GirlvsTV
Because there is an 'a' in 'about'
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Lol @ CG being like 'dream sequence'. He does realize that's still good for Olicity?

Also, that does kind of confirm it's about Olicity. Olicity isn't new to dream sequences.

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3 minutes ago, GirlvsTV said:

Pretty sure this dark arc for Felicity will end up with her 'understanding' Oliver better and they'll reconcile. People will get rightfully pissed it's written that way and the writers will tell us we're watching it wrong because all they understand is plot/plot/plot and nothing bout their actual characters.

One thing that gives me a tiny sliver of hope is that WM and MG have said multiple times that Felicity's dark arc will give her a better understanding of Oliver's actions in season one. So I think the understanding will be about his list and ruthlessness, which will tie into her actions with HelixBut yeah, if it actually leads to her understanding the baby mama lie and/or apologizing for the break up that'll be supremely uncool. 

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42 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

He can save Susie from imminent danger, dump her, then walk into the lair and be like, "Am I an idiot or what?"

I will still need grovelling though.  Or at least an acknowledgement that Suzie has been drugging him since ep 503.  Or Chase has been drugging him.  Or someone.  Any half-way decent, not-necessarily-believable explanation.

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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:


I could not possibly laugh harder. 

Whats the point of being a pap if you don't spoil things anymore? All CD does now is allude allude allude until someone spills the beans and he comes up running "I had the info but was beaten to spoiling it 1 minute before the episode airs"

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57 minutes ago, HighHopes said:

Question for those who are still shipping Oliver/Felicity. If this is a reunion, but the characters/writers don't actually address the reasons for the break-up or lack of reunion as of yet, or really, any of the issues, would the reunion work for you? I'm honestly curious, because unless they rehab Oliver hard these next 4ish episodes, I just won't find it believable. 

I'm not referring to him fighting for Felicity. Even just an apology and an him acknowledging that he was wrong to lie to her and not trust her completely. Because that needs to be addressed, his lack of trusting Felicity like a true partner, and this goes back to season three and him not letting her/the team in on his LOA mission. 

Still trying to keep expectations set to reasonable and not expect everything tied up in a bow (and I wouldn't want that given first choice) but I do think that at this point I don't need everything apologized for and accompanied by absolute proof of rehabilitation.  I just need Oliver acting like Oliver again, a line about needing each other or making each other better and them moving forward.

 The issue between them has never been love.  It was trust and if Felicity finds she trusts him again, why should my desire for more closure get in the way of their happiness?  I believe that Oliver will never again be in that kind of situation again and I also believe he would do everything in his ability to not repeat anything even remotely like that again.  And while their relationship has been very work like this year, that is a partnership that both do trust.  So I guess, I do trust him in that and I do trust that if he believed he and Felicity could be together, he'd stop being this robot.  So there just isn't too much that I need done before I could enjoy them together.  They can tweak any remaining issue later.  

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Whats the point of being a pap if you don't spoil things anymore? All CD does now is allude allude allude until someone spills the beans and he comes up running "I had the info but was beaten to spoiling it 1 minute before the episode airs"

Then he would be giving Olicity fans something good and he hates them as much as Cruella Devil hates Dalmatian puppies ?

I'm just so happy we have a possible Olicity reunion AND Canada Douche giving up forever haha.

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Just now, statsgirl said:

Did the paps get a copy of the script?  How did they get a copy of the script? Was it leaked?

The paps tend to get call sheets. This particular call sheet must've gotten them shook lmao

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2 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

What is a call sheet?

It's the list of actors and what time they have to be on set for filming for a particular episode.

To clarify it's basically the daily schedule for the cast and crew.

Edited by catrox14
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2 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

What is a call sheet?

It lists the scenes of the day's filming I think?

And usually has a description I think...so:

Scene 20 Act 3: Oliver and Felicity have the hot sex up against the wall...

Or close to that haha

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2 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

It lists the scenes of the day's filming I think?

And usually has a description I think...so:

Scene 20 Act 3: Oliver and Felicity have the hot sex up against the wall...

Or close to that haha

Ick. I'd rather see Susan and Felicity have the hot sex up against the wall (no, I really wouldn't want to see that, either)!

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8 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Would the sex upset them so much?

Could be the quickie wedding muhahaha

If the universe loves me, the title of 520 would be, "Four Olicity Sexytimes and a Quickie Wedding."

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2 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Would the sex upset them so much?

Could be the quickie wedding muhahaha

I think it's the fact that they were CONVINCED that Olicity was DEAD and now it's probably not. 

4 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

Ick. I'd rather see Susan and Felicity have the hot sex up against the wall (no, I really wouldn't want to see that, either)!

Honestly no ones going to make me not enjoy the first good spoiler of the season.

In 3x15 Felicity had sex with Ray while knowing Oliver was going to hand himself over to Ras and essentially commit sucide and didn't really put up much of a fight to stop him. 

And hey I was still ecstatic and excited when we learnt about the 3x20 sex when the promo came out so *shrug*

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2 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

I think it's the fact that they were CONVINCED that Olicity was DEAD and now it's probably not. 

Honestly no ones going to make me not enjoy the first good spoiler of the season.

In 3x15 Felicity had sex with Ray while knowing Oliver was going to hand himself over to Ras and essentially commit sucide and didn't really put up much of a fight to stop him. 

And hey I was still ecstatic and excited when we learnt about the 3x20 sex when the promo came out so *shrug*

I will never be upset about an Olicity spoiler. Well unless it's HT!Oliver and Felicity...oh gods :( I'm so sorry I wish I had never thought that. :(

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1 minute ago, Mellowyellow said:

I'm going to confess that all those gifs of Felicity shagging Ray meant to horrify always make me smile and go squeeeeeee!

Season 3 was such a good season! The ratings agreed with me =p

Why are you like this? :'( 

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I look at it this way: we're more likely to get Oliver and Felicity talking to each other about what they need to talk about if they're reunited then we are right now. 

So while I'd be annoyed with a quickie reunion, I'm so annoyed with most of this season that I'd be okay with it. 

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If it's the call sheet, then it's either the title or a suggestive place (e.g. Felicity's bedroom)?

Was 515 the "adult conversation"?  Where Oliver told Felicity to fix his relationship with Susan?  Or is that still to come?

30 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

In 3x15 Felicity had sex with Ray while knowing Oliver was going to hand himself over to Ras and essentially commit sucide and didn't really put up much of a fight to stop him.

I think she put up the best fight she could until Oliver and Diggle sent her away like a little child, or someone equal to Laurel and Thea.  Felicity went to Ray's thinking that maybe somewhere there was a man who would listen to her and who she could help.

3x15 was when Oliver and Diggle were going to save Malcolm.  3x20 was when he was going to hand himself over to Ra's to save Thea.

22 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Oooh can someone explain the Olicity triplets theory to me? I love the idea of Olicity babies but triplets boggle my mind. Just not practical!

It's a joke that started last year among the tumblr shippers.

Edited by statsgirl
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2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

If it's the call sheet, then it's either the title or a suggestive place (e.g. Felicity's bedroom)?

Was 515 the "adult conversation"?  Where Oliver told Felicity to fix his relationship with Susan?  Or is that still to come?

Call Sheets usually come with 1 sentence scene descriptions, so I'm thinking it's more of something very blunt that happens in the scene (that one could figure could be a dream sequence to CG)

Adult conversation didn't happen yet. I think it's assumed to be in 516, but it's supposed to be about Felicity's Helix secret IIRC, so definitely not 515.

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I will be okay with this reunion if Oliver apologizes otherwise I am I don't know how I will feel about it to be honest. Like I am so over Oliver right now that while I will be happy to see Olicity reunite, I will always have this voice going, "nope" in my head. Hopefully, they work on Oliver before 520. 

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Guys, so sorry to bring this up but someone reassure me and then we can go on celebrating:

Could these guys (who hate Olicity and I assume Olicity fans) be colluding to get us super excited with a fake positive spoiler? 

My mind says this spoiler, plus the dubious back shot and SA randomly mentioning Olicity in a rather cute way during his Q&A = possible good things for us

BUT I AM TOO SCARED TO BE HAPPY!!!!!!! This show has conditioned me to be a paranoid sad sack *glances around shiftily*

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They are pissed because they know its real. The only source of them claiming Olicity is dead was the MG article where he said they rushed Olicity in season 4. There has been no taunting of Olicity fans since 5b began. And now this meltdown, it is just glorious. 

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7 hours ago, HighHopes said:

Question for those who are still shipping Oliver/Felicity. If this is a reunion, but the characters/writers don't actually address the reasons for the break-up or lack of reunion as of yet, or really, any of the issues, would the reunion work for you? I'm honestly curious, because unless they rehab Oliver hard these next 4ish episodes, I just won't find it believable. 

I'm not referring to him fighting for Felicity. Even just an apology and an him acknowledging that he was wrong to lie to her and not trust her completely. Because that needs to be addressed, his lack of trusting Felicity like a true partner, and this goes back to season three and him not letting her/the team in on his LOA mission. 

I guess I shouldn't reply this because I can't find myself rooting for felicity to end up with a hideous character like oliver. The dynamic has been tainted way too much for my liking. 

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4 hours ago, LeighAn said:

I think it's the fact that they were CONVINCED that Olicity was DEAD and now it's probably not. 


This. They are pissed because they have been celebrating the end of Olicity since last year, LOL. (I wanted to reply to you and write a second post but they were merged, sorry if you got tagged in the second part too!!)


For me to be really happy I'd need Oliver to explain his pod behavior this season. I don't know if it's going to happen because acknowledging he looks like crap makes me think maybe, but also it was plot related so he can't exactly explain it like that, LOL.

About the apology that I would love after more than a year I gave up.

If we get no explanation I'll simply appreciate pretty people with amazing chemistry and I'll be genuinely happy for my friends. :)

Edited by Midnight Lullaby
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