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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

I do think that Berlanti and friends opinion of Bam's ability is colored by familiarity,  but for the sake of argument, maybe he brings something positive to the filming process that can't be seen.  Maybe his behind the camera time comes with something that offsets his middling results behind the camera.  I think his efforts, while not spectacular, were all passable so maybe his knowledge of the show and makes what he doesn't do less important in his direction. 

I do agree with that, since shows have repeat and house directors all the time. I think that he does probably bring a lot of convenience and familiarity that can help with the hectic schedule that will come with the crossover, and if it helps them get it done, then I'm all for dealing with Bamford (especially since I didn't think 414 was too bad, the writing aside, and the idea that he was probably set to direct that episode only out of convenience as well). My main issue is just that he's already done 501 and 502 and now will be doing 508 after Berlanti had his goal for diversity for directing on his shows. If it were just 508, I wouldn't have any issues at all, but now it's just a bit hypocritical to me. It does make sense convenience-wise too in 501-502's case, since they can shoot straight through two episodes, and but ehhh. The idea of convenience can only go so far before it becomes lazy and conforming in a way.   

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Well, I don't really care about who is directing most of the time but I'd assume that if the stunt coordinator all of a sudden is the director that the stunts would at least be good. But I feel like as though the action seems to be only so-so often enough and it bothers me that you want to be this action show but your stunts look like you thought of them five minutes ago in some cases. Best example is the awful punch shot in the promo which they are still using in the newer promo. Either it is part of the plot or they really didn't care that it looks bad.

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So GB says they tried to get more female directors for his shows. Going by twitter the female directors think it's too much of a boys club and it's not worth it. So Bam is getting a lot of work. But why not more minority directors? And at the same time find out why it's too much of a (white?)boys club and fix it. 

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1 hour ago, Angel12d said:

I'm worried about wibble baby Sara. I hope they haven't replaced the little girl with a boy. That's just ehhhhhhh.

I've accepted that it's going to happen. I just hope the show surprises me and doesn't go that way.

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So with the teaser quote for 508 and the spoiler that DR is going to wear the GA outfit soon, any chance that 508 might be that "What if?" scenario for Oliver while the rest of the team/crossover team try to fix everything, kind of like Supergirl's episode? Idk, it is reaching, but it's an episode set-up that I've kind of always wanted for Arrow and it would be a neat time to do it (100th episode and all). Or, my brain just makes strange connections with spoilers/teasers and the new season really needs to start so Flashpoint-y-like twists and ideas can be said and done already.

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Just now, Morrigan2575 said:

I'm in a restaurant and can't play it. Could someone quote it?

We cant stay here, Thea... 

Or something to that extent iirc

Also Steve's responded to someone on Facebook a while back about 3 words to describe 508 and he said 

"wait they're where??? "

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It does kinda sound like maybe they crossover to another earth? Oliver saying "We can't stay here, Thea" did make me think they were somewhere where everyone they've lost is still alive. But I'm not sure tbh.

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43 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

It does kinda sound like maybe they crossover to another earth? Oliver saying "We can't stay here, Thea" did make me think they were somewhere where everyone they've lost is still alive. But I'm not sure tbh.

Please Moira, please Moira, please Moira.

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4 hours ago, tarotx said:

So GB says they tried to get more female directors for his shows. Going by twitter the female directors think it's too much of a boys club and it's not worth it. So Bam is getting a lot of work. But why not more minority directors? And at the same time find out why it's too much of a (white?)boys club and fix it. 

Wonder if the camera operators and crew don't like taking orders from a woman. 

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2 hours ago, thegirlsleuth said:

Please Moira, please Moira, please Moira.

Having Moira would mean asking Susanna Thompson to come back and while Arrow may want to bring her back, she might not want to come back. (And I wouldn't blame her at all)

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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Maybe Dramamine is footing some of the cost of the crossover?

I get the logistics of using BamBam for the crossover. I just wish he was better. He's not horrible but I was hoping for more than fast food on Arrows big 100, especially since we're already getting short-changed. 

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13 hours ago, tarotx said:

So GB says they tried to get more female directors for his shows. Going by twitter the female directors think it's too much of a boys club and it's not worth it. So Bam is getting a lot of work. But why not more minority directors? And at the same time find out why it's too much of a (white?)boys club and fix it. 

What I find most ~interesting~ is that there is a nice pool of Vancouver/Canada-based female directors who are constantly getting US network work, even a lot of CW work, but not DCTV work. Mairzee Almas, Holly Dale, Norma Bailey, Deborah Chow, Annie Wheeler, Lee Rose [who seems to be directing an episode of Riverdale?], hell -- Amanda Tapping, which would be a cool name, and who has A LOT of experience directing genre.

I do wonder if they all noped the frat boy crews.

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Didn't GB say all the female directors had to run home to their kids in that article where he spoke about trying to get more? No wonder they passed if that's the kind of attitude he has.

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15 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Didn't GB say all the female directors had to run home to their kids in that article where he spoke about trying to get more? No wonder they passed if that's the kind of attitude he has.

I don't think he ever went that far. IIRC he just mentioned a scenario where they would ask 20 female directors who then told them that they couldn't do it and then keep on asking a 21st, 22nd, and 23rd female because that's how dedicated they were (*sarcasm* implied). It only got shady once Lexi's tweets went out.

Edited by way2interested
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6 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Didn't GB say all the female directors had to run home to their kids in that article where he spoke about trying to get more? No wonder they passed if that's the kind of attitude he has.

That interview he gave with the excuse about using so few women directors because the women were hesitant to come to Vancouver because of their families, really pissed me off. 

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5 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Didn't GB say all the female directors had to run home to their kids in that article where he spoke about trying to get more? No wonder they passed if that's the kind of attitude he has.

Yup. He framed it as LA-based directors not being able to travel, but what about local Van women? It's shady.

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20 minutes ago, way2interested said:

I don't think he ever went that far. IIRC he just mentioned a scenario where they would ask 20 female directors who then told them that they couldn't do it and then keep on asking a 21st, 22nd, and 23rd female because that's how dedicated they were (*sarcasm* implied). It only got shady once Lexi's tweets went out.

I'm pretty sure he did go that far, unfortunately. He mentioned their families as a reason why he struggled to get more female directors. It just came across as so icky. 

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16 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I'm pretty sure he did go that far, unfortunately. He mentioned their families as a reason why he struggled to get more female directors. It just came across as so icky. 

Yeah, I guess I didn't see the interview/quote y'all are talking about so I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. I think it would be alright if a bunch of the directors they approached gave him that reason and he's just repeated their reasons, but if he framed it as a generalization as to why all female directors don't want to work there or why all the ones they asked don't want to work there, then it would not really be a proper/respectable answer.

The thing is, for me, that it is okay to admit that they are having trouble and that they want to find more diverse directors and that they'll try their best to be an open place to work. It's this whole vow that GB made mixed with the tweets mixed with words like these mixed with the fact that they got an inside man to direct now 3 episodes within a few months that make it look a lot more shady and sad instead of looking like well-meaning attempts.

Edited by way2interested
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4 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Yeah, I guess I didn't see the interview/quote y'all are talking about so I was giving him the benefit of the doubt.

I don't think that part got printed? Maybe I missed it. But Berlanti said it in the DCTV panel at TCA. A couple of the journos present tweeted about it. And right after, in response to him saying 20 women told him no, was when Lexi Alexander made the oblique comments about women not wanting to work with frat boy crews.

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It must be hard being in this business, especially as a woman and she obviously isn't afraid to call people out. There was a even a rumor that she tweeted something not so nice about SA after his whole 'Texas is hurt over being stereotyped' thing. 
Regardless, I am sure that they could have had other people but they like him and therefore he gets to do the job. We will see how well it will turn out. 
Is anyone else curious how long the new team will stick around. I already want most of them to be gone... Which is a bad attitude, I know...
Edited by Belinea
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Here's the GB quote regarding women directors that's being discussed (I believe)...

How Do You Create a TV Industry That Supports Women Directors? You Try
Liz Shannon Miller  Sep 7, 2016 10:32 am


Another collection of shows that have been dedicated to inclusivity behind the camera is, believe it or not, the DC TV universe spearheaded by executive producer Greg Berlanti. The showrunners behind “Arrow,” “The Flash,” “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” and “Supergirl” have all tackled this issue, with producer Marc Guggenheim announcing at this year’s TCA press tour that 50 percent of the directors on “Arrow” this upcoming Season 5 will be diverse, and that the other DC shows are equally committed to the cause.

“It’s a huge priority for all the shows, and for us as a company,” producer Sarah Schechter added.

Berlanti noted that in seeking out women directors, he ran into unexpected complications that led to women saying no. “We do most of our shows are out of town, and there are a lot of female directors who are actually not just the breadwinner in their house, but they’re also having to go home and take care of their kids,” he said. “So you’re going to offer them an opportunity out of town for two or three weeks, and it’s challenging for them.”

That meant the team had to stay committed to the cause and keep making offers. “On ‘Legends,’ I think we offered something like 20 women to direct that we got passes on. But we still kept our numbers up by just asking the 22nd, and the 23rd, and the 24th,” Berlanti said.
*  *  *
This “catch-22” of director hiring is one that Greg Berlanti also addressed at the TCA press tour, remarking that because they’ve been pushing to increase behind-the-scenes diversity in recent years, they’ve been able to create real ongoing change. “One of the rewarding things is that this year, in particular, a lot of the individuals that we’ve worked with over the past couple of years are booked and are doing other shows,” he said.

Edited by tv echo
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10 minutes ago, Belinea said:
It must be hard being in this business, especially as a job and she obviously isn't afraid to call people out. There was a even a rumor that she tweeted something not so nice about SA after his whole 'Texas is hurt over being stereotyped' thing. 
Regardless, I am sure that they could have had other people but they like him and therefore he gets to do the job. We will see how well it will turn out. 
Is anyone else curious how long the new team will stick around. I already want most of them to be gone... Which is a bad attitude, I know...

I'm telling myself that TPTB must be pretty pleased with 5x01 and 5x02 to let Bam have the crossover.  But they also sang the praises of his first outing, which I thought was quite mediocre.  Groan.

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I'm spitballing based on limited information and speculation, but GB's comments seem disingenuous or plain tone deaf. In an industry where it is notoriously difficult for women directors to get hired, 20 women were offered jobs and all said no ostensibly because of their children? Again, in an industry where everyone knows a large portion of shows are shot out of town? I'm way more inclined to believe Lexi and that the sets are not welcoming to women directors. I've worked with a guy who resented women in authority, and it was a nightmare having him around and trying to work with him. That was just one guy; I couldn't imagine if that the was general sentiment of most of the crew. And, if that is what is happening and why women are passing working on GB's shows, I don't see how he could be oblivious to that. Well, actually, maybe that's the one thing I can believe. 

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This is part of what Josh Friedman and Lexi Alexander were talking about a couple of days ago, I posted the link at Small Talk, but it's this same discussion.

How does a showrunner in LA makes sure his show's set out of town is not averse to women? He's not there day to day to see what goes on. This is the difference between diversity and inclusion. Just hiring women and minorities isn't good enough if the set isn't inclusive [meaning, a crew that welcomes women and minorities telling them what to do]. It also helps if the CREW is already diverse, which, most of them really really aren't. Arrow's production crew is particularly super white super male.

Edited by dtissagirl
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1 hour ago, Belinea said:

There was a even a rumor that she tweeted something not so nice about SA after his whole 'Texas is hurt over being stereotyped' thing. 

She tweeted something along the lines of "stop talking, you're digging yourself into a hole" while SA was having his Texas meltdown on Twitter but I don't think she actually mentioned his name. A lot of folks (including me) just sorta connected the two. I don't know if there was a more direct criticism. She seemed pretty complimentary of the cast during and after shooting her ep. Don't remember anything said about the crew.

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Hi guys

I'm not dropping the mod hammer on the "the culture for women directors in Hollywood is sucky" since it's nominally related to Arrow, BUT it really only is nominally related to Arrow spoilers.  

It's more of a Small Talk/Behind the Scenes subject.   I'd gently suggest continuing the conversation over on one of those threads. 

Hang in there.  Not much longer until the season starts. 


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Monday night, Supergirl:  "Look up! In the sky!"

Tuesday night, Flash: "It's a bird!"

Wednesday night, Arrow: "It's a plane!"

Thursday night, Legends of Tomorrow: "It's....wait. Isn't the other guy supposed to be getting this? Crap! We have to go fix the timeline AGAIN."

(Ok, I don't know.)

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