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I think it's gonna be The Arrow. I just keep thinking about us seeing shades of his s1 self. 


Yeah, I think the dream sequence at the beginning of this ep is a clue that for the meantime Oliver is dead. But then...he was just so soft-spoken and kind of hopeful almost it doesn't compute.

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The fact that Ray is at the wedding means that he's Felicity's +1. And that just spoiled all my excitement for the episode.


I have a feeling I'm going to end up hating everyone on the show by the end of the season.

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Yeah, I think the dream sequence at the beginning of this ep is a clue that for the meantime Oliver is dead. But then...he was just so soft-spoken and kind of hopeful almost it doesn't compute.


There's the canadian promo on tumblr and it just gave the impression that the team find out he's alive in the middle of the big fight, presumably near the end of the episode. It just makes me think if he was fighting for Oliver Queen, he might have gone to see Thea or Felicity first - the two people who link him to his humanity/OQ. Instead he jumps right in to fighting because he needs to be The Arrow to get things done. Maybe?

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After tonight's ep, I'm honestly conflicted about what I think he's going to do when he comes back. I can't tell if he's going to go full Arrow or fight for Oliver Queen. 

small spoiler but in the Canadian promo they showed oliver in the Arrow costume.

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Oliver has to go to the Foundry first to get his Arrow gear, so hopefully Felicity's down there and they have a private reunion before he appears on tv, because I don't want her to find out he's alive from the news. 

After tonight's ep, I'm honestly conflicted about what I think he's going to do when he comes back. I can't tell if he's going to go full Arrow or fight for Oliver Queen. 

Tonight's ep made me think that he would choose to be Oliver Queen, but Tatsu's line in the promo, "To defeat this man, you must be like him" made me change my mind. If she's referring to Ra's, then I think Oliver's going to choose to be just the Arrow. 

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The fact that Ray is at the wedding means that he's Felicity's +1. And that just spoiled all my excitement for the episode.


I have a feeling I'm going to end up hating everyone on the show by the end of the season.

Now you know Felicity and Oliver will be eye fucking each other at that wedding

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Aah that's interesting. And yeah I can see a lot of similarities. :) That's odd though Isn't "Dawson" the main character..."Dawson's Creek" lol. Did he end up alone? 


He did end up alone, and I laughed and laughed. Man, I hated Dawson. That show also made me hate "soulmates." 


Back on topic, of course, Felicity will catch the bouquet. Of course, she'll be torn between Crazy Eyes and Oliver because Oliver can't have anything nice. I'm over this season and nothing coming out makes me want to watch. I wonder if they'll manage to pull it back together in the last few eps like they did last year. 

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Now you know Felicity and Oliver will be eye fucking each other at that wedding

I can imagine few things I'm less interested in watching.  (Laurel and Ray are too of them though.). I grew out of kitchen sink drama a long time ago, and I have no interest in two idiots.  (Also, I hated Romeo and Juliet.).

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small spoiler but in the Canadian promo they showed oliver in the Arrow costume.


Oh, I know he's still going to be Arrow, I was just wondering if we were back to the Oliver Queen v Arrow thing and whether he was going to come back and fully ditch Oliver Queen for Arrow. He kind of half-assedly did it in the first ep.

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Oh, I know he's still going to be Arrow, I was just wondering if we were back to the Oliver Queen v Arrow thing and whether he was going to come back and fully ditch Oliver Queen for Arrow. He kind of half-assedly did it in the first ep.

ooh okay

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It just makes me think if he was fighting for Oliver Queen, he might have gone to see Thea or Felicity first - the two people who link him to his humanity/OQ. Instead he jumps right in to fighting because he needs to be The Arrow to get things done. Maybe?


I'm hoping it's simply that he only arrived just in the nick of time while the fighting is already going on and he didn't have time to do anything than jump right in.


Of course that would make you wonder how he got the suit (although really, they should all have spare costumes - can you imagine, "Oh, can't go out and save the world tonight, my suit got blood on it and is at the dry cleaner's").

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I can imagine few things I'm less interested in watching. (Laurel and Ray are too of them though.). I grew out of kitchen sink drama a long time ago, and I have no interest in two idiots. (Also, I hated Romeo and Juliet.).

Same. I'd just be incredibly uncomfortable if Oliver and Felicity flirted whilst she's with Ray. Frankly the fact that they were already flirting in ep 11 before Felicity's tears were dried makes me nauseous.

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Same. I'd just be incredibly uncomfortable if Oliver and Felicity flirted whilst she's with Ray. Frankly the fact that they were already flirting in ep 11 before Felicity's tears were dried makes me nauseous.

Wasn't that scene before the laurel and Felicity where Felicity started Crying obviously over Oliver

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So let me understand this...this Ray dude has known Felicity for like 3 seconds and her wants to become a costumed hero to protect her?

Alrighty then. :(

Another reason why she should never entertain being with him Oliver wants to protect more people than just her

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I'm a little concerned.  On MG's tumblr someone asked him when Oliver fell in love with Felicity.  He said he liked to leave that up to the fans to decide.  Then he goes on to say that he wants to see the fan's reaction to 3.14.  Slade is back in 3.14 but he doesn't interact with Felicity per another tumblr answer.  MG said earlier we would know if Slade thought her role in 3.23 was just a ruse.  So why no interaction?  Is he going after Laurel?  Is Felicity involved with Ray?

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Yeah, Thea actually spoke in Felicity's general direction in 3x08, when Felicity, Roy and Cisco went up to Verdant for a drink.

We're overlooking one thing about Thea being at John Diggle's wedding - why? They barely know each other at this point. She must know about Oliver now - is she kind of maybe on the team? 

My guess - Thea goes as Oliver's +1, since Felicity will be wasting her time w/ RP. Unfortunately, I think we may have to endure R & F spending more time together. Trust me, I want to be so wrong about this, its nots even funny. And generally, I hate being wrong about tv predictions. Im getting a headache & chest pains just thinking about it. But this will of course set-up the of so convenient slow dance between Oliver & Felicity that will hopefully reset the button on their relationships heading in the right direction... Head bobbles, spontaneous smiles, believable laughs & kisses that dont make people cringe.

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I'm a little concerned.  On MG's tumblr someone asked him when Oliver fell in love with Felicity.  He said he liked to leave that up to the fans to decide.  Then he goes on to say that he wants to see the fan's reaction to 3.14.  Slade is back in 3.14 but he doesn't interact with Felicity per another tumblr answer.  MG said earlier we would know if Slade thought her role in 3.23 was just a ruse.  So why no interaction?  Is he going after Laurel?  Is Felicity involved with Ray?

No interaction with Felicity? Oh bloody Hell!! I'm guessing he goes after Thea

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The stunt guy says the audience will find Laurels improvement was waranted. We are probably going to find out she has been training with Nyssa. Off screen

Edited by 10Eleven12
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My guess - Thea goes as Oliver's +1, since Felicity will be wasting her time w/ RP. Unfortunately, I think we may have to endure R & F spending more time together. Trust me, I want to be so wrong about this, its nots even funny. And generally, I hate being wrong about tv predictions. Im getting a headache & chest pains just thinking about it. But this will of course set-up the of so convenient slow dance between Oliver & Felicity that will hopefully reset the button on their relationships heading in the right direction... Head bobbles, spontaneous smiles, believable laughs & kisses that dont make people cringe.

Apparently guggie said on tumblr they don't dance together. I didn't see it for myself just hear. Which, yeah, leaves me nothing to look forward to.

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No Oliver/Felicity dance per MG.  Oliver doesn't dance.  (SA says this all the time too.)

Well Dammit I guess we will get Looks of longing between them

Apparently guggie said on tumblr they don't dance together. I didn't see it for myself just hear. Which, yeah, leaves me nothing to look forward to.

If they want this to be a believable triangle they need to do something at the wedding. Probably woobie eyes at each other

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See I am 30 something, life is too short for woobie eyes. If they want me to sit through the lets-lie-to-Quentin hour, I need more than woobie eyes

I wonder if bex soul purpose of coming back is to either a, stop the lies to Quentin or b, stop the lies to Thea....

However there is the unavoidable c, provide propping for buckles.

See I am 30 something, life is too short for woodie eyes. If they want me to sit through the lets-lie-to-Quentin hour, I need more than woodie eyes.

I wonder if bex soul purpose of coming back is to either a, stop the lies to Quentin or b, stop the lies to Thea....

However there is the unavoidable c, provide propping for buckles.

Edited by chaos is welcome
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I wonder if bex soul purpose of coming back is to either a, stop the lies to Quentin or b, stop the lies to Thea....

However there is the unavoidable c, provide propping for buckles.


I'm going with C. I'm sure Sara told Sin that Laurel's always trying to save the world or whatever crap line both Tommy and Sara spouted. Then, she'll give Laurel Sara's blessing by proxy to SWF her. 

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I said it earlier but Felicity will probably be dancing with Ray, if we even reach the reception. Probably because they'll be dating by then or whatever. The show has depleted my ability to care. I think I might have reached a state of apathy after tonight.

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I wonder if they are tricking us and Sara is coming back. It would explain Katie Cassidy cancelling her cons as she went silent last season too when Sara was around. Today on twitter Stephen Amell said he already knows how the season will end, and Emily Bett Rickards said that they told her in January last year their plans for the season two finale. Katie can't back out of interviews most likely, but she can back out of cons as those are optional? 

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For context, the whole love triangle between Katie Holmes' character and the 2 other guys is essentially similar to one like Felicity/Oliver/Laurel. Not that Felicity/Oliver/Laurel are in a love triangle... But Dawson and Joey (KH's character) were set up to be this soulmate/romance of the century sort of thing (much like Laurel/Oliver) but it didn't pan out because of various reasons. However, the audience took more to the other romance pairing Joey/Pacey... And while the writers played out the Dawson/Joey 'soulmates' angle until the end of the series, Joey/Pacey ended up together. 


Hope that helps :)

I was in college at the time and my friends & I would get together and watch Dawson's Creek religiously. So my best friend and I made a bet of the best chicken wings in town as to who Joey would end up with. I chose Pacey, cuz it was obvious. She chose differently. I got myself some good wings the next week. Truly a fabulous victory! But I think the major difference between those triangles and the silly ones the use on Arrow, is that they were believable. U could make a case for most of all of the pairings that were used to promote the angst love triangles. The audience may have favored one pairing over the other, but when they were in relationships with other people, it made sense. They also generally skipped out on the whole lying, vigilante, death, because of the life I lead angles which probably helped. Its funny, cuz I feel like the Dawson's creek analogy comes up from time to time, I think it was even addressed in a KC interview (not sure tho) regarding soulmates. And it completely makes sense for the writers to draw upon that as a good example. I will to this day state that I think Dawson & Joey were soulmates. In fact, they barely ever even dated or were that physical. Just cuz some is your best friend, doesnt mean they need to be your lover. However, they were not romantic soulmates, partners in life. They were just 2 people who shared a common past & a common perspective. Joey & Pacey on the other hand were the romantic soulmates. They brought out the best in the other person and made them shine. It was not about them first, it was always about the other. They just had this fire about them that made everything seem worthwhile. To me Oliver & Felicity are romantic soulmates, which is why I just can't tolerate the insta RAY relationship. If you want to put them together then make it organic, show us how they actual blend. Not the BS that they are trying to pull off, its just bad soapy writing. If your gonna make me doubt the chemistry/ tv love I see between O&F, ur gonna have to make it good. As for Laurel's role in the great pairings. I can in some ways see her actually being Oliver's platonic solemate. They seem to want to fight for similar things and make really bad decisions but with the right intentions. The writers on Dawson Creek were very good with the character development that never made the triangles overwhelm the show. It was a sophisticated emotional hand with which the stories were crafted by Kevin Williamson (EP of DC). I do not have faith that AK or MG have that touch. They are more bull in china shop. I really wish Greg Berlanti would come back and help the writers be able to write with more sophisticated emotional hand. From some of his other projects, I feel like this is one of his strengths. Sadly, I think since he's focused his attention more elsewhere the show has lost some of the emotional undercurrents that made the previous seasons so great. Trust me I watch Arrow for the action & non-romantic drama, but what always drew me in was how relatable & human the characters were. I feel like the show has lost a lot of that and in its place has risen too many cliches. I feel like the next few eps will only deliver more cliches.... and in t

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I said it earlier but Felicity will probably be dancing with Ray, if we even reach the reception. Probably because they'll be dating by then or whatever. The show has depleted my ability to care. I think I might have reached a state of apathy after tonight.

If tonight is any indication I will barf if they get romantic I seriously vomit at Raylicity. She's known him for not even 4 months and these writers are trying to push that he can match up to her relationship with Oliver? Yeah fucking right!! If we have to endure a triangle do it right make Oliver fight for her!! Show her and remind her how much you love her and how she's his future. I bet he saves the she was the last thing he thought about until later this season

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I wonder if they are tricking us and Sara is coming back. It would explain Katie Cassidy cancelling her cons as she went silent last season too when Sara was around. Today on twitter Stephen Amell said he already knows how the season will end, and Emily Bett Rickards said that they told her in January last year their plans for the season two finale. Katie can't back out of interviews most likely, but she can back out of cons as those are optional? 


Sara coming back is legit the only way Laurel pretending to be Sara makes a lick of sense to me. It does Laurel no favors, now it's not doing Felicity and the team any favors. It makes zero sense unless they do bring her back. I mean, lie to him over the phone, sure, but to go and see him? They're just taking it too far, and there has to be a reason. It's either because Sara is going to surprise show up in Starling City, or to have Quentin get so fucking pissed off at Laurel for deceiving him that she feels okay running off to Nanda Parbat to train with Nyssa or something.

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Or make Quentin have an actual heart attack when he finds out the truth.

Self fulfilling prophecy.

I'd rather Laurel not be right that it would Physically kill him but knowing MG it just might happen

Does anyone want to talk about Ray giving Oliver a dirty look in the photo of them in their tuxes!

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Sara coming back is legit the only way Laurel pretending to be Sara makes a lick of sense to me. It does Laurel no favors, now it's not doing Felicity and the team any favors. It makes zero sense unless they do bring her back. I mean, lie to him over the phone, sure, but to go and see him? They're just taking it too far, and there has to be a reason. It's either because Sara is going to surprise show up in Starling City, or to have Quentin get so fucking pissed off at Laurel for deceiving him that she feels okay running off to Nanda Parbat to train with Nyssa or something.


I actually want this to be true because the alternative is just gross but…but they buried her. Are we to assume that Nyssa dug her up and put her in the lazarus pit or something? How would they get around that? 

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I actually want this to be true because the alternative is just gross but…but they buried her. Are we to assume that Nyssa dug her up and put her in the lazarus pit or something? How would they get around that? 


Oh, I think she'd absolutely be Lazarus Pitted. 

Also, now that I've seen the episode and saw Thea talk Malcolm into staying and fighting, I think Oliver does make a deal with Malcolm (I'd been stupidly holding out hope that he didn't make a dumbass decision like that but oh well), and yeah, I'm back to thinking that's what's going to come between him and Felicity. 


And also ALSO now that I've seen that episode, I can totally see Felicity telling Ray that she doesn't want to be a woman he loves. Odds are she says this to Oliver, but I'm still listing it as a possibility. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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I have a hard time reconciling that with how over-the-top giddy Katie Cassidy is with her role on Arrow right now and how hard the EPs are pushing for Laurel as Black Canary to happen.

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Do you guys think that the color of the dress Felicity is wearing in those wedding photos means something. Usually I never pay attention to the clothes and all that stuff because I think it is just a costume department choice (she looks great in pink, let's do that) but where I am from you are told not to wear red to a wedding because it is such a vibrant color that it might distract from the bride. Therefore I am torn on whether it is an actual choice that they made to have her wear red or they just thought she looked good in the dress. (Because she does)

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And also ALSO now that I've seen that episode, I can totally see Felicity telling Ray that she doesn't want to be a woman he loves. Odds are she says this to Oliver, but I'm still listing it as a possibility. 


Fervently wishing you're right about this. But still not holding my breath. Because "what's the worst thing we can do to Oliver?" Why pile on more drama on that angst plate so they can keep Oliver and Felicity apart, of course!


Have not seen the latest episode. From what I've read, it sounds like it'll just piss me off, anyway, so no big loss. But since, apparently, the writers do not care one iota about Quentin, I've been thinking about what'll happen when Laurel gets dosed with Vertigo.


It would make absolutely zero (ZERO) sense and I have no evidence to back it up but what if... the one Laurel is "fighting" turns out to be Quentin in 3x13? Like, Laurel hallucinates herself fighting off Quentin as Sara when, in reality, Quentin actually thinks she is Canary!Sara and is trying to calm her hysterical, Vertigo-ed self. Quentin blocking her blows turn to punches in Laurel's mind so she continues trying to "defend" herself from hallucination!Sara thereby escalating the fight. That's pretty much what happened between Diggle and Oliver when Oliver got drugged by Vertigo in the 2.5 comics (until Sara knocked Oliver out and dragged him back to the foundry). It would have the added bonus of Quentin Lance finally finding out that his baby, Sara, is and has been dead for months and his darling daughter, Laurel, is masquerading as her sister and lying to him. Epic Canary fight plus Lance family drama, where Quentin hears about Laurel's fears and reasons why she couldn't tell him about Sara so he can feel sorry for her. Two birds with one stone.


I'm really sorry for putting this out into the universe but it's the absolute worst case scenario I can think of. I will rage forever if this ever happens but, more often than not, the most WTF scenario seems to be the go-to option of the writers.

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