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If Felicity is arrested in 609, then maybe that's the catalyst for Team Arrow splitting into Team Oliver and Team Diggle? I can see the FBI holding Felicity without bail or any means of release (computer espionage? homeland security? domestic terrorism?). Maybe Samanda offers to cut Felicity a deal if she rats out Oliver and the rest of the team, but she refuses.

Oliver and Diggle both love Felicity very much (in different ways) and would both feel strongly about how to extricate her from that predicament. If they disagree on method, then their different viewpoints, if well-written, could make us understand each one's p.o.v. (like in Civil War). Dinah and Rene would likely be Team Diggle. Curtis and Thea would likely be Team Oliver. (There'd be no duplication of tech assist since Felicity would be imprisoned.)

Maybe part of the reason for making Diggle the GA for multiple episodes was to establish him as a credible team leader and make it plausible that part of the team would want to join him as opposed to Oliver.

Maybe Diggle would go to Lyla for ARGUS help, but Lyla wants to use Felicity as bait to recapture Cayden. Diggle disagrees and ends up having a fight with Lyla as well. Then maybe he and Oliver reconcile their differences and join together again to rescue Felicity and clear her, with Noah's assist.

ETA: I'm not sure how Dinah's story in 610 would fit into this scenario.

Edited by tv echo
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Vigilante shows up in 6A. If he is Dinah’s thought-to-be-dead partner, could the team split because she wants him to become a member?   If Oliver & Felicity both end up arrested at different times in 6A some might be skittish about anyone else knowing their identities.  Others might be reluctant to work with him because of his recklessness.

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Pej Vahdat is really all over the TV these days -- Bones, Arrow, The Good Doctor, Lucifer ...  I'm glad for him.  I'm worried that he's going to be the only Iranian-American actor that gets cast.

I don't want Noah to take the rap for Felicity and go to jail for her.  One big action doesn't erase all those years of not being there for her.

17 hours ago, leopardprint said:

I think it's a bit odd that Oliver retired from being GA and then two episodes laters he traipsing off to who know's where to save Slade's kid from who know's who. I wonder how they will explain it. 

He's not returning at as Green Arrow though, he's helping a friend in need, a friend who helped save them all on Lian Yu.  That's probably how he explains it in his mind even though I'm pretty sure William would disagree.

I think all debts to Slade were cancelled when he refused to save everyone and chose to just save himself but that's just me.

6 hours ago, tv echo said:

If Felicity is arrested in 609, then maybe that's the catalyst for Team Arrow splitting into Team Oliver and Team Diggle? I can see the FBI holding Felicity without bail or any means of release (computer espionage? homeland security? domestic terrorism?). Maybe Samanda offers to cut Felicity a deal if she rats out Oliver and the rest of the team, but she refuses.

Oliver and Diggle both love Felicity very much (in different ways) and would both feel strongly about how to extricate her from that predicament. If they disagree on method, then their different viewpoints, if well-written, could make us understand each one's p.o.v. (like in Civil War). Dinah and Rene would likely be Team Diggle. Curtis and Thea would likely be Team Oliver. (There'd be no duplication of tech assist since Felicity would be imprisoned.)

Maybe part of the reason for making Diggle the GA for multiple episodes was to establish him as a credible team leader and make it plausible that part of the team would want to join him as opposed to Oliver.

Maybe Diggle would go to Lyla for ARGUS help, but Lyla wants to use Felicity as bait to recapture Cayden. Diggle disagrees and ends up having a fight with Lyla as well. Then maybe he and Oliver reconcile their differences and join together again to rescue Felicity and clear her, with Noah's assist.

ETA: I'm not sure how Dinah's story in 610 would fit into this scenario.

I want all of this.

If Dinah's love interest isn't Vigilante, maybe it's someone she knows from before that she goes to for help with Felicity's situatin.

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56 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

He's not returning at as Green Arrow though, he's helping a friend in need, a friend who helped save them all on Lian Yu.  That's probably how he explains it in his mind even though I'm pretty sure William would disagree.

I think all debts to Slade were cancelled when he refused to save everyone and chose to just save himself but that's just me.

I think there was no debt because Slade killed Oliver's mom...however he did free him and give him the info on his son. Slade is just so high-maintenance. 

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I’ll be shocked if he’s not Vigilante now. But he may or may not be Dinah’s “dead” ex or just a new LI. 

If he is the dead ex, they introduced him before introducing Dinah, which is weird with all the “you’ll recognize him” and connection to a member of the team talk. 

See, this is what happens when you drag out a reveal, give what I’m sure the EPs thought were great quotes about Vigilante’s identity and then also talk about casting the role. It’s probably not going to live up to any of the hype they think it will. 

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26 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I’ll be shocked if he’s not Vigilante now. But he may or may not be Dinah’s “dead” ex or just a new LI. 

If he is the dead ex, they introduced him before introducing Dinah, which is weird with all the “you’ll recognize him” and connection to a member of the team talk. 

See, this is what happens when you drag out a reveal, give what I’m sure the EPs thought were great quotes about Vigilante’s identity and then also talk about casting the role. It’s probably not going to live up to any of the hype they think it will. 

The most ridiculous thing is, the EPs are going to pretend that they had it all thought out and always intended for Vigilante to be Dinah's "dead" boyfriend when we all know that's total hogwash. If they had always intended to do that "twist", they wouldn't have let that character be portrayed by a bit player actor when he originally appeared in Dinah's flashback. The original casting gives it away that Vinnie wasn't meant to be more than a minor throwaway character and the EPs made it all up as they went along, which I wouldn't even mind that much if they were at least honest about it. 

Edited by strikera0
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18 minutes ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

I'm confused, wasn't Vigilante introduced/targeting the team before Tinah appeared? So, it wouldn't really make sense for him to be connected to her?

Technically Vinnie 'died' and Dinah got her powers years ago, so if the speculation is that undead Vinnie took up being the Vigilante he had  like 3-4 years to go from being fake dead to Vigilante.

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So is everyone still getting a villain this season?  If new guy is Vigilante (and possibly her ex) does that means she gets two bad guys?  I thought BS was her villain.   She barely rates one (which is why BS is a good match).  Or is she dating Vigilante, doesn't know it, and someone else on the team is fighting him?

Then again the more scenes she has with BS and random new guy hopefully the less scenes she has with characters I actually care about so - welcome new guy! I hope you and the screamer will be spending a ton of time together!

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Just now, Mrs. de Winter said:

Then again the more scenes she has with BS and random new guy hopefully the less scenes she has with characters I actually care about so - welcome new guy!

IDK she seems to have a monopoly on scenes with Diggle this year it seems. Grr... It's so annoying.

But here's hoping!

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I think Vigilante is either her undead boyfriend and theyre doing a very poor mans Buffy/Angel thing or making whoever Vigilante is also Dinahs new love interest so they can do the whole bad boy disapproved of by the Team conflict trope. 

Edited by LeighAn
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 They've really been pushing the (repetitive) Scream vs Scream fights but maybe BS is Quentin's villain.


Here’s me totally not flexing (I’m totally flexing). Getting ready for Vancouver and a very exciting part that I can’t yet discuss... #training #abs #readytorumble #work #fun

He has a sense of humor! 

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I just really love how it took what... 3-4 years for Felicity/Diggle to get an arc/storyline and it only took Dinah and Rene less than a year to get one :)))) I'm not bitter at all :) :) :)

Edited by WindofChange
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14 hours ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

So is everyone still getting a villain this season?  If new guy is Vigilante (and possibly her ex) does that means she gets two bad guys?  I thought BS was her villain.   She barely rates one (which is why BS is a good match).  Or is she dating Vigilante, doesn't know it, and someone else on the team is fighting him?

Vigilante isn't a villain. People just think of him as such because he was also fighting Team Arrow, but he's actually more of an antihero in the vein of the Punisher. Also, if I remember correctly, his mask was part of the Legion of Doom's trophy case in the Doomworld episode - right next to Arrow's, Spartan's, Black Canary's and the The Flash's. 

Edited by strikera0
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11 hours ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

So is everyone still getting a villain this season?  If new guy is Vigilante (and possibly her ex) does that means she gets two bad guys?  I thought BS was her villain.   She barely rates one (which is why BS is a good match).  Or is she dating Vigilante, doesn't know it, and someone else on the team is fighting him?

Then again the more scenes she has with BS and random new guy hopefully the less scenes she has with characters I actually care about so - welcome new guy! I hope you and the screamer will be spending a ton of time together!

Oliver is the only one getting two villains, everyone else (save maybe Curtis and Rene) get one.


Felicity/Cayden James

Oliver /Anatoly and GA/??? (Vigilante or Dragon)

Diggle / Vigilante or Dragon.

Of course maybe Vigilante isn't a villain, villain, I can't see him teaming up with the others after trying to stop all the bad guys (including Prometheus) last season.

So maybe Oliver get Anatoly/James (since he's the Big Bad) and Diggle gets Dragon and Felicity gets James/Helix as well.

Or maybe, as someone else suggested Dragon. is split between Diggle and Oliver because both are GA this season.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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3 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

So maybe Oliver get Anatoly/James (since he's the Big Bad) and Diggle gets Dragon and Felicity gets James/Helix as well.

Given DR recent interview (or it may be it was WM) it sounded like Dragon was Diggle's nemesis.  I assume everyone is sort of for Oliver, even if not directly for Oliver, since it is his show, but I wold have thought he would get his own big bad not share one with Felicity.  Vigilante for Oliver would have made sense to me, particularly as a counterpoint to the political story line they have going now.  

I would prefer that Vigilante stay in the bad guy group because team good guy is already too big for me.  Although it makes me wonder if this is at least part of what the team splits over - whether Vigilante is a "good" guy they can work with or a "bad" guy they need to stop (while the show tries to make him gray (hand-waving the fact that while he did try and stop some villains last year he also kept trying to kill the team too)).  

But my main goal now is to free Diggle from the self-righteous screamer - so as long as new guy does that I am not sure how much I care which side he is on.

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11 minutes ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

I would prefer that Vigilante stay in the bad guy group because team good guy is already too big for me.  Although it makes me wonder if this is at least part of what the team splits over - whether Vigilante is a "good" guy they can work with or a "bad" guy they need to stop (while the show tries to make him gray (hand-waving the fact that while he did try and stop some villains last year he also kept trying to kill the team too)).  


Not part of of Team Baddie doesn't mean he has to join to TA, there are options in between. Maybe just like last season he's on the outside and fights both Team Baddie and Team Arrow when they get in his way?

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I can just see the casting call -- attractive, abs, taller than SA.

If is Oliver/Anatoly & Samanda; Felicity/Cayden James; Diggle/Richard Dragon; and BC/BS, does that mean we still have to meet the opponents for Rene and Curtis?

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Hey, maybe Dinah's ex (Johann Urb) only appears in flashbacks, and we learn that he was a dirty cop.

Maybe the Vigilante and/or Dinah's new love interest is the new D.A. (Pej Vahdat).

Edited by tv echo
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Regardless of whether one likes it or not, they are really trying to give the other characters stuff to do while Oliver isn't the Green Arrow. That way they can stretch out the storyline of Oliver not being the GA for more than 2 episodes. I actually think that they put some thought process in this. 

Do I need to see Slade and Oliver looking for his son. Probably not but maybe it will be an entertaining episode. I generally think MB has a good screen presence and maybe I can handle him looking for his son. What I don't like however is that Oliver's son is now being raised by the nanny while Oliver does all these other things. 'Oh, what is William doing?' - 'He is with Raisa, she is with him at all times, even when I am in the bunker in the evening/at night'. That is the one thing I don't like about storyline with kids. 

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I won't be shocked if Felicity tells Oliver she'll keep an eye out on William as well, maybe visiting him during the day when she isn't doing Arrow stuff.

Do we know if Oliver is out of town for both 6x05 and 6x06

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31 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

Do we know if Oliver is out of town for both 6x05 and 6x06

I don't think for the entirety of 606, since I'm going with that "big decision" in 606's plot description might have something either to do with the FBI plot or choosing to be the GA again.

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I wonder if something that happens with Slade/Yourson is what drives Oliver back to being GA or if it's something like Felicity takes such good care of Myson (bleh), he's ok with it? I think Myson must be involved with Oliver's decision to suit up since he was why he retired. 

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2 hours ago, tv echo said:

"Myson" 2 - time to start another drinking game...


I'm probably not even gonna watch this episode live. There isn't much about it that sounds appealing--not that much Felicity (as far as we know), Oliver will probably be with Slade for most of the episode, Diggle will probably take a backseat to Dinah's BC since this is when Vigilante comes back (I think? I've never been interested about Vigilante, anyway), and I give zero fucks about Slade and his kid drama. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Man, I can't believe I'm more excited about The Flash (a show I quit watching a while back) than Arrow this week. Bring on the #feminism episode! lol.

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I assumed they were going to say Felicity is out of town at the beginning of the ep and then walks back in at the end. 

Or are they going to mention her taking care of William in offscreenland?

Have Oliver and Felicity said "I love you" again yet? Will they show us? I just realised they haven't said it yet this time round.

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I think MB is a charismatic actor and he and SA have very good chemistry most of the time and yes it will give them breathing room on "Diggle as GA" and all associated plots. But I'm only mildly looking forward to "Myson 2.0" mostly because I thought 1.0 was crappy until very recently and even then I wish it was different. But Slade also had another son, Grant if LOT "Star City 2046" is anything to go by, does he exist in this timeline?

1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

I assumed they were going to say Felicity is out of town at the beginning of the ep and then walks back in at the end. 

Or are they going to mention her taking care of William in offscreenland?

Have Oliver and Felicity said "I love you" again yet? Will they show us? I just realised they haven't said it yet this time round.

I don't think they've said anything on screen but it's more than obvious. Perhaps Felicity might have a bonding/angry scene will William in 6.06 to establish whatever event they're going to in 6.07. Equally likely he'll continue to be mothered by Raisa in Offscreenville until then.

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I'm going to watch The Orville live this week and catch Arrow on the DVR.  

I am curious to see what we get about Vigilante this week and Dragon next week. I'm also looking forward to seeing how the Diggle!GA/Drug story plays out (assuming 606 is the breaking point).

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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

Have Oliver and Felicity said "I love you" again yet? Will they show us? I just realised they haven't said it yet this time round.

They haven't said it on-screen, but both SA and EBR have said Oliver and Felicity love each other in interviews. I feel like it's not a big deal and we know they love each other, but at the same time, I do want to see it on-screen. 

Edited by insomniadreams88
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12 minutes ago, Featherhat said:


I don't think they've said anything on screen but it's more than obvious. Perhaps Felicity might have a bonding/angry scene will William in 6.06 to establish whatever event they're going to in 6.07. Equally likely he'll continue to be mothered by Raisa in Offscreenville until then.

I agree it's obvious but I'm wondering if they'll indulge us with a nice onscreen ILY.

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I'm assuming the ILU will come during the crossover since the theme is supposedly Oliver learning the meaning of true love....a lesson he apparently hasn't learnt in the like 5 years he's been in love with Felicity but I digress.

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I am really intrigued about this "Oliver learns the meaning of true love" business. They have written him as hopelessly smitten already, completely stabilised the relationship in 604 so that Olicity are super well adjusted like an old married couple who are still going at it like bunnies.

I can't see what else they can do to explore "true love."

Unless he decides he wants to try for Olicitots =P

*exits the thread before she gets clobbered* 

I like my Olicitot speculation but it's probably just to do with getting married ASAP *sigh*

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I'm guessing learning the meaning of true love just means he decides he wants to be married and doesn't want to wait life is short yada yada but again ... he came to that decision in season 4 like two or three times haha.

4 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:


Unless he decides he wants to try for Olicitots =P

*exits the thread before she gets clobbered* 

I like my Olicitot speculation but it's probably just to do with getting married ASAP *sigh*

I don't need them to have kids on the show. I can live with right at the end It's revealed in a flash forward they do or something. I mean it'd be nice if it happens in a sustained storyline way but I'm not expecting it unless Emily gets pregnant in real life. But I do think with William in the picture they should at least be having the conversation of do you want more kids/kids with me? 

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10 hours ago, SleepDeprived said:


I'm probably not even gonna watch this episode live. There isn't much about it that sounds appealing--not that much Felicity (as far as we know), Oliver will probably be with Slade for most of the episode, Diggle will probably take a backseat to Dinah's BC since this is when Vigilante comes back (I think? I've never been interested about Vigilante, anyway), and I give zero fucks about Slade and his kid drama. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Man, I can't believe I'm more excited about The Flash (a show I quit watching a while back) than Arrow this week. Bring on the #feminism episode! lol.

The worse the episode, the more i need the live thread.  When it's dull, the snark gets me through.  Though if we designated a drink for every MY SON I suspect the whole thread would be sloshed by the end of the hour.  

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