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Was it a stick? Thought it was a sword...but maybe I just had Katana on my brain.

I also couldn't figure out who was drawing the bow...it's a toss up (for me) between Roy and Malcolm. Initially went with Roy but on repeat viewings started to question if it was Malcolm.

I think it's definitely Roy. Looks like Colton Haynes.

Edited by ban1o
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? Also Lance

Laurel may kind of see Thea as a little sister..how will she feel?


I can't imagine why Laurel would even care about Thea that much or rather I don't know why Thea would care about Laurel anymore. I don't think they are particularly close. And Laurel already has her own little sister.  I would totally be rooting for Thea against Laurel no matter what.  I love me some Thea

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See, I was a teeny bit of worried that after all the buildup of Olicity for 2 seasons that perhaps when they finally did kiss it would seem wrong or even come off awkward, but that 3-second blurry promo definitely put those fears to rest. They didn't even make contact yet it still looks sexy. Damn. Add me to the list of those who think it's going to get interrupted though.

That's definitely the purple boob cutout dress so it makes me laugh that Oliver doesn't even make it to their first date before attempting to plant a kiss on her. The boy is a goner.

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I don't know if they'll actually lock lips, but I don't think it's a fake out or dream. The CW would get their offices burned to the ground if they tried that after the fake out in the finale. 


It would be a refreshing change to have their first kiss in 3.01 since they're only going to break them up. It'll give the shippers (like me) a bit of appeasement. 

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I can't imagine why Laurel would even care about Thea that much or rather I don't know why Thea would care about Laurel anymore. I don't think they are particularly close.


No, they didn't really interact in s2 true..but they did in s1 and Laurel seemed to at least like Thea. Other than Oliver and Roy...would anyone else have a reaction?

Laurel imo should. 

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IF this is real, it has to be after the asking (since MG said she replied with "a date date?" If he had kissed her like that, surely she'd know he meant a date date), but before the date. Although them kissing before the date takes all the tension out of it, but then again maybe the producers/writers wanted to do something unexpected? And maybe they wanted to give the audience a kiss since they're going to be breaking up by the end of the ep.


I think it would nicely fit in after he asks her on a date date.  They both have such a sweet, happy expression on their faces. I'll take it since I know all that happy goes away quickly. 

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While I think Laurel would care, she definitely wasn't there for Thea in her time of need which is why I can see Thea being bitter towards Laurel and her self-involved downward spiral. 


Then again, Laurel didn't really care or worry that her sister skipped town with no warning or no apparent reason, so I don't think she'd care that much if Thea were back. And Laurel was only there for Thea at her mother's funeral? That's it and then she went her separate way. She wasn't there for Thea whatsoever this season and I can't imagine Thea being happy to see Laurel again :/ 

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I don't mind if they kissed before the date. In fact, I don't even care if they actually sleep together before the actual first "date date" because it's pretty damn clear to me that boy is twitterpated and even if he slept with her before going out with her, he's not going anywhere with anyone. No way, no how.  And it wouldn't make Felicity pathetic if she did choose to have sex with him.  I don't care how they get as long as they get there.

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Can we discuss EBR's arms here? Damn she's buff. Also, this is so sweet. I would've preferred them  not to kiss until later, but still... It's sweet :)



Well, the promo stops short of a kiss. Who knows how it will go in the episode. It won't end with "Oh, Felicity, if only there was someone out there who loved you," at least, because Disney would sue the crap out of them. I wonder where they're at, too. A.R.G.U.S. lobby? Haha. eta: Damn, ya'll are quick!


I'm super excited about the prospect of Thea chopping people. Someone come up with an affectionate yet violent-sounding nickname for her. And I'm glad that they recast Katana with Rila Fukushima. Her role in The Wolverine was my favorite (the best imo) part of that film. I'll admit to not being well-versed in Aoki's work, but I don't know if I've ever seen her emote in anything.

Edited by JayKay
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Well, the promo stops short of a kiss. Who knows how it will go in the episode. It won't end with "Oh, Felicity, if only there was someone out there who loved you," at least, because Disney would sue the crap out of them. I wonder where they're at, too. A.R.G.U.S. lobby? Haha.


Don't you dare even put that out into the universe!


(and they're at a hospital)

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I'd been wondering if there'd be a kiss, especially after Stephen Amell at the Nerd HQ panel teased that his favorite Olicity scene happens in the first episode of S3. If they were thisclose to including a kiss in S2, I figured first ep in S3 wouldn't be impossible. But man, I still didn't expect it.


ETA: I just saw the news about Devon Aoki ... been wondering why we weren't getting any news about her or from her. I mean, Karl Yune has been tweeting about being on the set. I liked Rila in "The Wolverine" so I'm actually more interested now.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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I'd been wondering if there'd be a kiss, especially after Stephen Amell at the Nerd HQ panel teased that his favorite Olicity scene happens in the first episode of S3. If they were thisclose to including a kiss in S2, I figured first ep in S3 wouldn't be impossible. But man, I still didn't expect it.


Well, they don't quuuuuuite get there. Some white-coated bastard is going to walk in and interrupt them and then he'll take her out and their dinner will be blown to smithereens, so they might not actually kiss. But here's me hoping, yet being a cynic in a sea full of optimists.


Also, is the kiss for sure episode one? Because given the fact that Thea's in the promo and she allegedly doesn't come in until ep 4, maybe it's a mashup of stuff they've filmed so far?

Edited by apinknightmare
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"Oh, Felicity, if only there was someone out there who loved you," at least, because Disney would sue the crap out of them



I'm not catching on to what is being referred to.  What's that line from?

Edited by BkWurm1
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Yes, that could definitely happen ... burst my bubble, why don't you? ;) I'm thinking it will, though. Because there's also supposed to be a kiss between Felicity and Barry in "The Flash." And I think "Arrow" will want to show Felicity's first onscreen kiss on well, Arrow.

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SA said that his feelings about Felicity will be absolutely clear in the first episode. What better way to make it clear than with that near kiss?


I'll take the kiss, but I'm hoping that he flat-out tells her (which it seems like he will, based on the "declarations" comment).

Edited by apinknightmare
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Ah! I got goosebumps.


She's in the purple dress from their meeting at QC. But he's changed out of his suit into a sweater. They are in a hospital and she's smiling. So I'm going to guess that after the Ray Palmer scene and the scene that the Canadagraphs guy got with Oliver and Felicity walking down the stairs, he leaves and goes home to change and she goes back to work. They both get the call about Digglet and meet up at the hospital.


I always get confused by people saying such and such is to soon. These two have been working together day and night for almost 2 seasons. They have been in life and death situations with all the adrenaline that is involved in that. He told her he loved her 8 months ago. Most couples would be picking out an apartment together at this stage. Add in all the longing looks and, I don't know how you could possible see the kiss as to soon. To me that just seems like someone who didn't want to see the build up during the second season and feels bind sided by it. Frankly I've been waiting for the kiss since he saved her in Queen vs State so this seems right on schedule to me.

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Ah! I got goosebumps.


She's in the purple dress from their meeting at QC. But he's changed out of his suit into a sweater. They are in a hospital and she's smiling. So I'm going to guess that after the Ray Palmer scene and the scene that the Canadagraphs guy got with Oliver and Felicity walking down the stairs, he leaves and goes home to change and she goes back to work. They both get the call about Digglet and meet up at the hospital.


I always get confused by people saying such and such is to soon. These two have been working together day and night for almost 2 seasons. They have been in life and death situations with all the adrenaline that is involved in that. He told her he loved her 8 months ago. Most couples would be picking out an apartment together at this stage. Add in all the longing looks and, I don't know how you could possible see the kiss as to soon. To me that just seems like someone who didn't want to see the build up during the second season and feels bind sided by it. Frankly I've been waiting for the kiss since he saved her in Queen vs State so this seems right on schedule to me.

well considering he was dating Sara for most of season 2 I don't think there was much build up and the love you thing although probably had some truth to it was to lure Slade and they debriefed that at the end of the episode. I hope all the development in their relationship from that point to episode 1 of season 3 won't only be in the arrow 2.5 comics. 

Edited by ban1o
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well considering he was dating Sara for most of season 2 I don't think there was much build up and the love you thing although maybe had some truth to it was to lure Slade. I hope all the development in their relationship won't be in the arrow 2.5 comics.

It didn't have "some truth". It had all the truth. He absolutely meant it even as part of the ruse. I agree with Orion and I've said it myself, that in State v Queen, he broke his no kill policy. He would only do that for someone he loves, which IMO is why he was so utterly flipped out when he got back to the courthouse.

I think it is possible to love different people for different reasons so him being with Sara does not necessarily preclude him from harboring unresolved feelings for Felicity that he didn't want to acknowledge or wasn't yet clear to him.

And in Unthinkable, maybe didn't really know exactly how much or what it meant but no one will ever convince me that he didn't mean exactly what he said, "Love you".

He's saying her name, nevermind

yes I watched it that long

I think that is actually the best thing I could imagine. Him saying "Felicity" as he holds her face in his hands and goes in for the kiss....Mother may I!? Whewwwwwww....holy cats Edited by catrox14
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I that is actually the best thing I could imagine. Him saying "Felicity" as he holds her face in his hands and goes in for the kiss....Mother may I!? Whewwwwwww....holy cats


It's either "Felicity" or "I love you." But I'm going with "Felicity."

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I think a kiss is just a kiss. It's a way to show someone you have feelings for them and I think this is what this scene represents. It doesn't necessarily means that Oliver loves Felicity because I think it would be jumping the gun, but I think it definitely shows that Oliver is now open for a romantic relationship with felicity which is why he is the one who initiates the kiss (I say he initiates it because of the way he's holding her face). I think some people put too much meaning and weight behind kisses that it would never seem like the appropriate time for any two people to kiss.


Did Oliver date Sara in season 3? Yes. But that was 8 months ago in the arrowverse. Why is it so wrong that he realizes his feelings for felicity in the meantime and is open to starting a relationship with her? Sara seems to be all for it. And to be fair, I don't think Oliver was in love with Sara in season 2, he was just comforted by her and had a lot of affection towards her. 

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well considering he was dating Sara for most of season 2 I don't think there was much build up and the love you thing although probably had some truth to it was to lure Slade and they debriefed that at the end of the episode. I hope all the development in their relationship from that point to episode 1 of season 3 won't only be in the arrow 2.5 comics. 


Just a little correction Sara and Oliver dated for 5 episodes. Not close to most of Season 2. 


I agree that the Sara relationship paused everything with Oliver and Felicity but the build up was there before and after. And it has been 8 months since S/O broke up. I'm going to have to go with what the EPs and SA said as far as the the" I love you," it was not a bait and switch and to quote Guggenheim, "they are in love with each other".  So I think it was a little bit more than just having some truth behind it. But YMMV

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well considering he was dating Sara for most of season 2 I don't think there was much build up and the love you thing although probably had some truth to it was to lure Slade and they debriefed that at the end of the episode. I hope all the development in their relationship from that point to episode 1 of season 3 won't only be in the arrow 2.5 comics. 


I got curious about how long Oliver was dating Sara, "Heir to the Demon" aired Feb. 5 and they broke up during "Seeing Red," right? That aired April 23. So they dated almost 3 months.

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Add in all the longing looks and, I don't know how you could possible see the kiss as to soon. To me that just seems like someone who didn't want to see the build up during the second season and feels bind sided by it.


For me, it isn't that I haven't seen the build up and it isn't that I haven't been wanting the kiss, its that I don't feel like we've seen Felicity in that place where she is expecting the kiss. Oliver is sooooo there, but Felicity met his declaration of her being the woman he loves with a surprised "Oh!" 


I feel like they need to give us the longing looks from Felicity WITH this new awareness of Oliver's probable feelings.  To go from push aside the maybe fake I love you and concentrated on the status quo to skipping ahead to being in that really lovely and intimate kiss, it feels too good to be true. 

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The EPs are clearly on board the Oliver and Felicity relationship so why is everyone getting so worked up for a small kiss scene. Obviously at some stage they are going to be together.

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The EPs are clearly on board the Oliver and Felicity relationship so why is everyone getting so worked up for a small kiss scene.


For me everything the EP's have done and said still falls in the "do I really believe them?" category.  I want to but I have been burned before and I think I'd beaten back my expectations to a really low level and with the kiss, well, stuff is fighting to break loose and send me sky high which is great except for the very long fall I'm then risking. 

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I always thought the "real, raw" conversation and the "declaration" was going to happen after the date right before they break things off and be all angsty, but what if it happens while they're in the waiting room waiting for baby Diggle to be born, and that kiss is the culmination of it?

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I did not read any angst in that kiss so I'd say no, this isn't the culmination of their (date) night.  That kiss belongs to a couple still making plans to be together.

Edited by BkWurm1
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I did not read any angst in that kiss so I'd say no, this isn't the culmination of their (date) night.  That kiss belongs to a couple still making plans to be together.


No, I mean, what if that conversation isn't the angsty one? I always assumed that the declaration of feelings would happen during the scene where they were breaking things off. Something can be real and raw without being angsty (especially since I believe the quote was that they have a real and raw conversation about what they mean to each other), and what better time to lay it all on the line than when your closest friend is in the other room bringing a new life into the world? Then the date, then the break-up/break off.

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Also, WHAT is this about? Is the DA for real punching people in hospitals? What kind of justice?


That is hilarious. I hope there's some decent context but it would be great if Laurel really was just beating up ill and injured people in the hospital. 

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Why is Laurel beating up an already beaten poor, injured fella recuperating in the hospital? Perhaps, he is one of the guys that Laurel tried to go against on the rooftop and he almost killed her until her sister stepped up. Now that he is handicapped, Laurel is taking revenge on him. 

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I called it back in July that there would be a kiss in season premier - its not like they have not been circling around each other since the day they met - so I guess it is just about time and not too soon. They were this close to this before Sara and Oliver lunged at each other and had sex in 2x13.

It looks like Oliver initiated the kiss which is sweet.


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well considering he was dating Sara for most of season 2 I don't think there was much build up and the love you thing although probably had some truth to it was to lure Slade and they debriefed that at the end of the episode.


I would like nothing more for them to acknowledge WTF that relationship was about.


I don't think it's a dream sequence because, like someone mentioned above, The CW would have their offices torched. I'm persuaded to go with Layla just gave birth, happy feelings all around, now KISS.


Can we just talk about Laurel beating someone up In. A. Hospital. Bed. If this is the way Laurel is going I am all behind it. If she decides to make her own kind of justice and drop this goody two shoes thing I am there people.


And Thea!! She looked scared slicing with that sword. Can't wait folks.


...hang on where's Diggle?


BTW, that doesn't look like first kiss body language Felicity is sporting.

Edited by ArrowLimbo
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Wow. Like @NumberCruncher said above, I was a little concerned that despite the build up and their chemistry, Olicity's first kiss might be a little awkward but hot damn, holy hell. Just those few seconds and my fears are forever gone. That brief clip was seriously hot! I cannot wait to see them kiss properly.


As others have said, they are clearly in the hospital so my guess is baby Diggle was born and Oliver sees Lyla and Digg really happy and he wants to be with the woman he loves and just has to kiss Felicity now. I think this takes place after he's asked her out (especially because of Felicity's reaction to being asked out) but obviously before the actual date. I don't care when it happens, just that it's happening. Seriously, I'm not over how hot that is. Wowsa! 


As for the rest of the clip, I'm really excited about Thea's storyline now and I'm intrigued as to why Laurel, the DA, is beating up some guy in a hospital bed. If this is how she's going to be, then I am on board for it. Make Laurel a little devious and questionable and I would love it! 

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