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I think it's just going to end up being that TR deserved better than what he got. They needed a reason for Oliver to date Susan, so they had Felicity date first. (But are we going to see him call her his girlfriend when Felicity had problems with the word boyfriend after months?) They needed something to kickstart Felicity's 5B arc and give Oliver another reason to feel guilty, so they killed off her BF (even though they probably could have given her the same motivation to go after Prometheus if she hadn't been dating Billy and she had just wanted to go after him for manipulating Oliver - the quote about her hurting for Billy, Oliver and herself - especially if Oliver is busy with other stuff and not completely focused on Prometheus). I wonder what TR knew about the character going in: "So you're going to be in 1 scene in the episodes you're in, until the episode we kill you off. Then we'll give you a couple more." 

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I think TR deserving better than what he got depends on the reason why he signed up in the first place, which we'll never know. It could be that he had something else going on and the minimal time commitment was one of the reasons he took the role. 

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If it turns out Mayo is Prometheus, then I really need him to be time-traveling demon spawn set on daddy revenge, so I can laugh and laugh and laugh forever that Felicity was sleeping with Oliver's kid.

Edited by dtissagirl
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...maybe Felicity is recruiting an all-female suicide squad...Suicide Sirens...maybe Carly Pope ends up being in it, too - I mean, if you are going to make a team to send on suicide missions, who better to choose than your ex's new girlfriend?

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3 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

If it turns out Mayo is Prometheus, then I really need him to be traveling demon spawn set on daddy revenge, so I can laugh and laugh and laugh forever that Felicity was sleeping with Oliver's kid.

I would also need him to rip off his mask at one point and say "Hi Dad." And then creatively destroy his old Green Arrow action figure.

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

I would also need him to rip off his mask at one point and say "Hi Dad." And then creatively destroy his old Green Arrow action figure.

And the Emmy for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series goes to Tyler Ritter.

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Before Billy died, I would've been good with him being Prometheus. But now that he's dead and we've seen Felicity mourning, I'm off that train because Felicity's been through enough and they'd probably focus on how Oliver feels about it since he thought he killed an innocent man.

6 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I would also need him to rip off his mask at one point and say "Hi Dad." And then creatively destroy his old Green Arrow action figure.

If Prometheus is time-traveling William, I now need him to take out the GA figure mid-fight and destroy it. Preferably mid-flip.

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6 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I would also need him to rip off his mask at one point and say "Hi Dad." And then creatively destroy his old Green Arrow action figure.

Whips out his plan for revenge...it's in crayon.

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17 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

Well since Carly Pope seems to be in NY i don't think she started filming since the show came back. 

Going by KPs responses, that's true. He did say she isn't done yet. Who knows how long Reporter is sticking around.

25 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I think it's just going to end up being that TR deserved better than what he got. They needed a reason for Oliver to date Susan, so they had Felicity date first. (But are we going to see him call her his girlfriend when Felicity had problems with the word boyfriend after months?) They needed something to kickstart Felicity's 5B arc and give Oliver another reason to feel guilty, so they killed off her BF (even though they probably could have given her the same motivation to go after Prometheus if she hadn't been dating Billy and she had just wanted to go after him for manipulating Oliver - the quote about her hurting for Billy, Oliver and herself - especially if Oliver is busy with other stuff and not completely focused on Prometheus). I wonder what TR knew about the character going in: "So you're going to be in 1 scene in the episodes you're in, until the episode we kill you off. Then we'll give you a couple more." 

I joked about Reporter having Ray-like tendencies but it sounds like Ray is going to be the most comparably Temp relationship here. Ray was doing some shady things around Felicity, looks of side eyeing from the audience but he was totally a good guy. Felicity is "All in" with him and he is totally "feelings" with her and then JELLO.

Maybe Reporter and Oliver will break up in the same ep Olicity has The Sex (lol - Supernatural) in.

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Carly  Pope seems to have those 1 day shoots for the episode she is in. Expecting for her to get a little bit for the episode she leaves. After 5x09 i expected for her to be there till around 5x14 and 5x15. 

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I'm thinking right now that I don't want Olicity to have sudden 3x20 sex when he's still got Reporter Cooties.

On the good side, if Susan isn't done yet, as that Ken guy says, then the odds for Oliver sleeping with Tina goes down. Other than that, I got nothing.  In terms of anything positive I'm looking forward to.

Tyler Ritter deserved better in terms of being a good actor and even better off-screen tweeter.  I'd still prefer Prometheus to be a time-travelling Billy, or Pike, or really anything over a rando I don't know or Colin Donnell whipping off the mask for 3 minutes after Prometheus has been played by a stuntman for  the rest of the season.

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The biggest argument: Tyler Ritter

Ritter is a fairly substantial get for the show, given that he was just the major star of another in “The McCarthys” and likely had many different opportunities leading into this season. Why choose “Arrow”?

Wasn't Chad Coleman (Tobias Church) also considered a "substantial get" for the show?  And they really majorly talked up his character and then he only ended up in, what, four episodes?   

I mean, maybe it's just me, but I would have considered CC to be a bigger name than TR.  

I'm not saying he's not Prometheus. At this point, nothing would surprise me really, including Prometheus being actually who they said he was (except maybe it actually being Tommy). But I'm not sure Tyler Ritter is a big enough name for that argument.

Edited by Starfish35
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Just saw a tumblr post saying that SA told them that around episode 15 or so that Felicity’s character was going to parallel Oliver's in that she will have a secret that she will be keeping - other people will know about it and Oliver will be kept out of the loop.

I'm curious about what Oliver will say about it since he already set the precedent in 5x04 that he's ok with keeping people out of the loop if he knows they won't agree with his decisions/plans, so...

Assuming this secret is about Felicity going dark...Even if the team ends up trying to spin it like Felicity is doing the same thing as Oliver did with the BMD, I just can't agree that Felicity keeping it a secret that she is working with another team to take Prometheus down being remotely the same thing.

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So Felicity will learn that it is ok to keep secrets instead of Oliver learning that one shouldn't lie. Maybe everybody should once and for all learn that keeping secrets in this circle of friends always backfires. 

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1 minute ago, ComicFan777 said:

Just saw a tumblr post saying that SA told them that around episode 15 or so that Felicity’s character was going to parallel Oliver's in that she will have a secret that she will be keeping - other people will know about it and Oliver will be kept out of the loop.

I'm curious about what Oliver will say about it since he already set the precedent in 5x04 that he's ok with keeping people out of the loop if he knows they won't agree with his decisions/plans, so...

Assuming this secret is about Felicity going dark...Even if the team ends up trying to spin it like Felicity is doing the same thing as Oliver did with the BMD, I just can't agree that Felicity keeping it a secret that she is working with another team to take Prometheus down being remotely the same thing.

Unless Oliver and Felicity are back together, engaged and actively planning a wedding by then and Felicity is lying to him about where she's going, no, it can't be the same at all and I don't care what the show tries to tell me. 

That does make me think that 510-512 is going to be what leads to Felicity's arc, so seeing Oliver more focused on BS, recruiting Tina, Bratva/Susan storyline/whatever that ends up being, etc., leads to her looking elsewhere to take down Prometheus. 

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1 minute ago, Belinea said:

So Felicity will learn that it is ok to keep secrets instead of Oliver learning that one shouldn't lie. Maybe everybody should once and for all learn that keeping secrets in this circle of friends always backfires. 

This is how they will reunite O/F. Felicity will learn that sometimes you think keeping a secret is the best idea even if it might not be. She will come to understand Oliver's reasons for keeping secrets/not telling her about William and will forgive him. Boom. They redeem Oliver and show that he was right to lie and make the woman be in the wrong and admit it. That might not be their intention (Re: Women always being in the wrong) if they tell that storyline but that's how it will come across if they in anyway have Felicity understand and forgive Oliver for his lies. They will also validate all of the beliefs about how Felicity was selfish and wrong to break up with him (Views I have seen from Olicity and Non-Olicity fans). 

I am really hoping Felicity's "going dark" storyline ends up actually being about her and her dealing with all of the shit that happened to her in 2016, but I fear it won't be. I fear it will be a 2 episode arc that ends up being about Oliver and not her. 

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Watch the whole point of this be to have Felicity apologize to Oliver... 

I'm going to try to have more faith in this storyline than that, I am, but it's going to be hard. 

Whatever happens, whoever ends up part of this storyline, I hope they give it a good chunk of screen time and the majority of it features Felicity and not the others talking about her. 

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I'm always going to be annoyed whenever they try to make it more complicated than it being all Oliver's fault because imo it really is. None of the reasons they gave made sense.Lying because Samantha said so and because it supposedly kept William safe while 3 people including Malcom knew, is just beyond dumb. I'm sure whatever Felicity hides won't be even close to being comparable to that since just because they're not a couple that is planing a life together she's not obligated to share anything with him if she doesn't want to. 

I think they're trying to do a see things from each others perspective kind of thing but I don't think they're going to blame it all on Felicity and say Oliver was right. Imo they'll probably try to make it look like he learned lying is the wrong choice and since she was put in that position she'll be more willing to forgive him.But I think the real issue is does she trust him not to do it again, since she seems to have already fogiven him and even said she understood it but thought he would never change. 

Edited by tangerine95
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I really like the idea of a Dark Birds of Prey, especially if led by Felicity.  If we can have the Legion of Doom, why not a women's team?  And I'd really like Tina to be allied to Felicity rather than yet another minion of Oliver.

49 minutes ago, HighHopes said:

This is how they will reunite O/F. Felicity will learn that sometimes you think keeping a secret is the best idea even if it might not be. She will come to understand Oliver's reasons for keeping secrets/not telling her about William and will forgive him. Boom. They redeem Oliver and show that he was right to lie and make the woman be in the wrong and admit it.

See?  General Hospital.

Question: If Oliver and Felicity get together through a storyline where Felicity learns that Oliver's William lies were justified, would that be acceptable?  The end (getting back together) justifying the means (Felicity saying Oliver is right.  (I'm thinking for me, no.)

17 minutes ago, tangerine95 said:

I think they're trying to do a see things from each others perspective kind of thing but I don't think they're going to blame it all on Felicity and say Oliver was right. Imo they'll probably try to make it look like he learned lying is the wrong choice and since she was put in that position she'll be more willing to forgive him.But I think the real issue is does she trust him not to do it again, since she seems to have already fogiven him already and even said she understood it but thought he would never change.

The reason (so they have implied) that Felicity isn't getting back together with Oliver is that she doesn't trust him not to do it again because it's his standard default.  I suppose that if it's well written (!!)  I supposed Felicity understanding Oliver's position and thus being willing to give him another chance might be a way of them getting back together.

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Are they trying to make this the season where everyone keeps something from Oliver? Evelyn hid how she really felt and joined up with Prometheus. Thea kept Lance's drinking to herself (even though Oliver just didn't do anything about it after he visited him in 501). Susan's hiding that she's investigating his Russian past. Now Felicity's not going to be telling him what she's up to. Am I forgetting anything? 

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31 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Question: If Oliver and Felicity get together through a storyline where Felicity learns that Oliver's William lies were justified, would that be acceptable?  The end (getting back together) justifying the means (Felicity saying Oliver is right.  (I'm thinking for me, no.)


Yes! At this rate I will settle for them getting back together no matter what! My standards have lowered considerably!

These are pretty terrible writers we are dealing with here and this season has been real squicky already. I would settle for your scenario because there could be SO MUCH more stupid sh@t they could potentially write to butcher Olicity. I'd say this was actually a good case scenario for this season and I'd feel like as a shipper I got off lightly!

Let them get back together, give me lots of cute Olicity scenes in s6, more Felicity screentime and my brain will blank all the other crap out! Happy days! 

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I'm not jumping to conclusions yet on how this storyline will play out but I will say that if they are doing this storyline it's clearly for the purpose of serving the Olicity storyline- whether it's for bullshit reasoning is another thing- and shows continued investment in their relationship. Which kind of counteracts the they're over Olicity arguments.

They wouldn't be trying to parrallel Felicity and Olivers storyline if they didn't intend to use that in some way to further the relationship

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Wow, that's way more detail than I got in my one-on-one chances with them. I asked SA since he confirmed that the whole team goes to Russia again in 512 whether they were going to reference 206 or the things that happened in Russia (i.e. having sex with a woman who wanted them all dead) last time since "what happens in Russia stays in Russia." He did his SA smile and said "maybe," and I just took it as that they'll be a referential joke in 512 but ymmv.

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I think the parallel may be bigger than the lie. WM said something to the extent of Felicity having a better understanding of Oliver this season. 

Putting it all together: Oliver is going to be more active as Mayor while Felicity is going after Prometheus. Oliver looking for a ray of hope well Felicity is untrusting. Felicity is going to look outside the Team, keeping secrets.

It sounds like a role reversal of Oliver and Felicity. If so, I hope that's how they reunite Olicity. It's more than just Felicity seeing things from Oliver's POV, its Oliver embracing Felicity's and being there to help her find another way.

Edited by Chaser
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8 minutes ago, Chaser said:


It sounds like a role reversal of Oliver and Felicity. If so, I hope that's how they reunite Olicity. It's more than just Felicity seeing things from Oliver's POV, its Oliver embracing Felicity's and being there to help her find another way.

Yep which will hopefully get us finally to a place where Olivers pulling Felicity out of the darkness so to speak and maybe we might get a reversed 2x22 speech or the many other big speeches Felicity has given Oliver.

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I'm thinking of revising my Olicity return timeline since SA answered a request for a something for the audience to keep in the back of their minds by an answer about Felicity paralleling Oliver.  It may end up being the end of this season rather than the start of next.  And yay, he's aware of the frustration at the lack of Felicity on the show.

1 hour ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Are they trying to make this the season where everyone keeps something from Oliver? Evelyn hid how she really felt and joined up with Prometheus. Thea kept Lance's drinking to herself (even though Oliver just didn't do anything about it after he visited him in 501). Susan's hiding that she's investigating his Russian past. Now Felicity's not going to be telling him what she's up to. Am I forgetting anything? 

Everyone's always kept secrets from Oliver though, starting with Robert and Moira about the Undertaking.  I"m getting very tired of Oliver being stupid for plot.  (What is David Ramsey thinking???)

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The "OMG former military, so tough" always cracks me up. I'm former military. To graduate boot camp I had to do 18 pushups, 30-something situps, and run two miles in less than 21 minutes. We had ONE DAY with a bolt-action rifle. Zero hand-to-hand. Marine boot camp is harder than that, but you're still not going to come out a ninja. I mean, the Marines have tons of nurses and paper-pushers.

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6 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

It seems like they AREN'T glossing over Havenrock. I'm glad I was right in my whole wait and see approach. 

Hope they do this story justice. I'm already excited for it!

I guess that would mean that the subplot for 502-504 was just foreshadowing a bit? Like, establishing the idea that things like Havenrock are on her mind ("I'll have to live with that for the rest of my life") but without the background support (like how actually confronting a physical manifestation of what happened just led her to a new support through Rory), adding in a straw that breaks the camel's back (Billy's death), and rejecting Oliver's way of doing things in lieu of getting results (since it looks like this might be more of Felicity keeping it a secret from Oliver specifically rather than just the team) might just be the things that kind of just push her to a new level of determination that might overtake her normal way of thinking.

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Can't wait for Felicity to destroy the world! Can't believe Felicity's gonna invent going dark! 

Seriously though, I was dreading the possibility that they'd made her arc all about losing Mayo Bread so I'm pleased they're going to bring up Havenrock again. I'm still reserving judgment but it's the first thing that's made me vaguely interested in this season tbh so yay.

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Not worth it.

18 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I'm such a bad fan! I completely forgot about this momentous occasion.



Edited by wonderwall
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