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I think that's one of the problems with milestone episodes - they feel the need to bring people back. And as much as I'd like to see some past characters, I don't want the entire episode to be about them. What about the 3 full seasons between S1 and S5? And what would they have done if they couldn't get actors back (like with Colin Donnell)? 

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10 minutes ago, Lily-n11 said:

I agree. They used to call it "a love letter to the fans" now WM in that interview called it "a love letter to that season [season 1]".


I love (you know I mean hate, right?) the way it's getting ever more reductive. At first it was 'for the fans!', then it was 'for the show!', now it's 'for season 1!'- wait some more and it'll be "a love letter to 5 minutes in the pilot - the bit where Oliver's with his mom, where he kicks some ass, and the bit when Tommy exposits for us that Laurel is actually Dinah Lance (GASP! said no-one)".


8 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

For me, the problem with all these teases of what's coming is that I'd be interested if they were giving me what I want, which is basically most of 4A.  When you get your basic needs met, there is the flexibility to accept new things.

But I'm not getting what I want.  Oliver is off in some way, or maybe it's SA's acting, Felicity is sleeping with Mayo, and he's called Mayo for a reason, who at this point seems to be an awful plot contrivance, Diggle was away so there's barely been any OTA, Thea is in the hinterlands doing some plot with Lance, and my screen is filled with a bunch of new characters most of whom I don't like and who can't act.

If Oliver and Felicity were in the relationship they were in 4A, I'd love to see a Queen Family episode, a what if?.  I might even tolerate seeing Oliver as the groom to Laurel's bride. But I'm not getting what I want, and the idea that the 100th will be about the Queen family and sideline Diggle and Felicity some more just makes me ragey.

Yes to everything, but mainly the parts in bold.

I mean, the last time we had Felicity in a relationship, Oliver lost his shit. He was teenage boy sulky when all she did was go to dinner with Ray, and when he saw them kissing there was angry sweeping stuff off tables and losing his temper.

Now, when he should be angrier, because he lost the love of his life, we have a shrug. And Felicity has been replaced by a bubbly, cheery, pod person. Seriously, all that teasing of Oliver and Susan Williams sittin' in a tree, that's sister stuff. Which is why Thea was doing it. Not an ex-fiancee. Ok, that was in the script. But was it in the script that Felicity had to act like she was super-fine with the whole thing? Ugh.

And the new characters - well, I've probably said enough about them already. But all the screen time for Evelyn last episode just made it more obvious that Madison Mclaughlin cannot act. Those scenes were painful to watch. 

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15 minutes ago, arjumand said:

Now, when he should be angrier, because he lost the love of his life, we have a shrug. And Felicity has been replaced by a bubbly, cheery, pod person. Seriously, all that teasing of Oliver and Susan Williams sittin' in a tree, that's sister stuff. Which is why Thea was doing it. Not an ex-fiancee. Ok, that was in the script. But was it in the script that Felicity had to act like she was super-fine with the whole thing? Ugh.

This is my main problem with this story/Oliver/Felicity. They act WEIRD, as in "all is normal" weird. And I don't know is it actors or script, but just big NO to all of this. Do better writers!  

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4 minutes ago, tangerine95 said:

I think the reason Oliver and Felicity have unrealistic reactions to each other dating other people and are acting fine with it is because that's the way the writers think they're avoiding drama and writing them as mature, by basically making the characters seem emotionless. Imo they'll be written that way until pretty close to the episode they get back together and maybe then they'll be allowed to act like two people who almost got married.

I think this is spot on. 

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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

I think this is spot on. 

Its not even the first time they've done that.Like anytime I read an interview where SA or the EPs say Oliver and Felicity will deal with their relationship in a mature or adult way I know that means their relationship will be ignored and they'll be acting like it's all fine. 

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in that case, I would prefer if writers would just stop writing this "mature, it'all fine scenes" in future, and spare us of watching them. What was point of that scene, anyway? Some people saw snark, but I didn't. 

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16 minutes ago, tangerine95 said:

Its not even the first time they've done that.Like anytime I read an interview where SA or the EPs say Oliver and Felicity will deal with their relationship in a mature or adult way I know that means their relationship will be ignored and they'll be acting like it's all fine. 

Ironic that they push forced drama when it's not warranted and withhold it when it is.   

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The thing is that if they'd actually talk about issues like normal people said issues could be resolved. If you don't talk about it, you can't deal with it.

So apparently they had the talk off-screen and what you see is the cool crew of people being totally cool whether that makes sense or not. They probably consider you the idiot if you don't get it. 

As far as I am concerned emotionally coherent storytelling has never been there strong suit and they won't try change that anytime soon.

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39 minutes ago, Belinea said:

As far as I am concerned emotionally coherent storytelling has never been there strong suit and they won't try change that anytime soon.

This is true but didn't it seem like they gave enough in other areas to balance out their faults?  

For example, I used to actually like all the characters on my screen.  (Minus Laurel but that happened day one so that was normal to me) I never worried about the day players or the bad guys, they were here to serve a purpose but I liked Thea even during her bratty days.  I was a fan of Roy even when he was just a purse snatcher.  Apart from the episode he zapped Roy in, I found Ray amusing and understandable even when he was tracking Felicity's phone.  Quentin, I had no problem defending at the height of his season 3 freak out.   

This season though, I feel overwhelmed by characters I'm "supposed" to root for, but I not only don't care about them, I active don't like them most of the time.   That's new for me.  And it's really tiring.    

Edited by BkWurm1
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22 minutes ago, BunsenBurner said:

I think either the woman reporter or Tina is Prometheus. It wouldn't surprise me if it was Tina. 'They' keep saying they want a woman villain so why not?

Idk about the reporter, but we're supposed to find out who Prometheus is in 509 while we don't meet Tina until 511 (and I think she was cast during/past 509), so I'm kind of ruling her out.

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25 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Idk about the reporter, but we're supposed to find out who Prometheus is in 509 while we don't meet Tina until 511 (and I think she was cast during/past 509), so I'm kind of ruling her out.

When did they say that about Prometheus?

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4 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

When did they say that about Prometheus?

The new EW article mentioned that the midseason finale is all about "Prometheus unmasked," they talked about revisting the villain and Oliver's reaction to it, and with 509 probably having a flashback to s1 (with SA's photo in the old suit while they were filming 509), I just assumed we would know definitely who he is by then.

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4 minutes ago, way2interested said:

The new EW article mentioned that the midseason finale is all about "Prometheus unmasked," they talked about revisting the villain and Oliver's reaction to it, and with 509 probably having a flashback to s1 (with SA's photo in the old suit while they were filming 509), I just assumed we would know definitely who he is by then.

Thanks, I must have missed it.

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209 is when we found out that it was Slade behind the plots so I guess it makes sense we find out who Prometheus is in 509.

I wonder if that's why they go looking for Tina.  (The more I find out about her, the less I want her on the show.)

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I know I'm being a pain but I find it so annoying that the CW hasn't bothered to release the episode descriptions for any of their post Thanksgiving shows.  You'd think they'd have it out by now (should have been released last Thursday or Friday)  given that it includes the big crossover episodes 

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36 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I know I'm being a pain but I find it so annoying that the CW hasn't bothered to release the episode descriptions for any of their post Thanksgiving shows.  You'd think they'd have it out by now (should have been released last Thursday or Friday)  given that it includes the big crossover episodes 

Yeah that bothered me too. Especially since they released descriptions for their other non-DC shows post Thanksgiving. Maybe they want to release a whole description of the event at once, but it's still annoying to already have a promo (from which episode even?) but no description.

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Grrr. The fact that they might be using footage over three episodes for one 30 sec promo makes it hard to make a timeline for this crossover. Like, the stuff at that airport warehouse has got to be from Flash since it has the introductions (along with "Best. Team-up. Ever." I'm guessing, since HR is there), the shot of Deathstroke has got to be from Arrow, but other that, kind of stumped how they can drag one VOTW for 3 episodes. I guess Tuesday has the mind control hero vs. hero fights, Wednesday has dream stuff, and Thursday is ultimate takedown? 

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4 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Grrr. The fact that they might be using footage over three episodes for one 30 sec promo makes it hard to make a timeline for this crossover. Like, the stuff at that airport warehouse has got to be from Flash since it has the introductions (along with "Best. Team-up. Ever." I'm guessing, since HR is there), the shot of Deathstroke has got to be from Arrow, but other that, kind of stumped how they can drag one VOTW for 3 episodes. I guess Tuesday has the mind control hero vs. hero fights, Wednesday has dream stuff, and Thursday is ultimate takedown? 

That's my assumption. I think that's the problem with having a 4-show crossover (so I guess we should be glad it's not one villain over 4 episodes?). But it does seem to give the show the time to have its "love letter" to whatever for Arrow's 100th with the dream stuff. 

 Also wasn't there a report somewhere (EW article maybe?) that Iris is in the airport hangar scene? I know she's only in the Flash part of the crossover, so that seems to confirm that. 

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Yup, time travel to boot.  Just before the new promo was put up I was reading from TV Echo's summarized list of what we know about the crossover and found this quote:


LoT EP Phil Klemmer: "Getting the script written felt like a small miracle unto itself. It's the sort of thing you're grateful for when it's done, or maybe on my deathbed. Seriously, looking down the barrel of it, it is really amazing. It's incredible that we get the opportunity to do this. We're already afforded such incredible liberty with what we do. The ideas that we've run past the studio and the network that they don't blink their eye at.. There's really no idea that's too insane. I think everybody's just been so desensitized to it all. You hand them a script and they're, like, "All right, there's Flash, there's Supergirl, there's Oliver, there's twenty-eight other Legends and bad guys, and we're going to travel through time..." They don't even blink at it."

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Well, Oliver is used to the idea of time travel...

Although looking at pics/gifs of Oliver using that flamethrower for reasons, it looks like Oliver is wearing the same clothes as the pod guy from DR's photo from the crossover, so that might have been SA, kind of further pushing the dream scenario idea for 508.

Edited by way2interested
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25 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

that's an insane amount of stuff to throw into this crossover 

I'll take everything and the kitchen sink as long as they keep the reincarnated love triangle of death this time around.  

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39 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

You want to see Oliver marry Laurel?

My latest speculation (based on the EW photo) is that they are in separate dream worlds and that the wedding (if it is O/L) is Sara's dream.

I think Oliver's dream (based on BTS pics) is in part a reenactment of 307 with a different ending. Obviously his parents being alive is probably another part of it.

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2 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

My latest speculation (based on the EW photo) is that they are in separate dream worlds and that the wedding (if it is O/L) is Sara's dream.

I think Oliver's dream (based on BTS pics) is in part a reenactment of 307 with a different ending. Obviously his parents being alive is probably another part of it.

Maybe the Queens are part of Thea's dream world? And he goes in it to get her?

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9 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

My latest speculation (based on the EW photo) is that they are in separate dream worlds and that the wedding (if it is O/L) is Sara's dream.

I think Oliver's dream (based on BTS pics) is in part a reenactment of 307 with a different ending. Obviously his parents being alive is probably another part of it.

307 was Draw Back Your Bow.  Because of Felicity's dress?.   What different ending were you thinking?

I can see that Sara might regret going off with Oliver and preventing Laurel form marrying him.   I like the idea of separate dream sequences but I think there would be bigger events Oliver's life that he might want to relive, although I can see these EPs thinking that if they tease Olicity in the dream, we would be appeased.

Edited by statsgirl
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6 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

My latest speculation (based on the EW photo) is that they are in separate dream worlds and that the wedding (if it is O/L) is Sara's dream.

I think Oliver's dream (based on BTS pics) is in part a reenactment of 307 with a different ending. Obviously his parents being alive is probably another part of it.


3 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Maybe the Queens are part of Thea's dream world? And he goes in it to get her?

These are much better plot lines than I was expecting. Fingers crossed. 

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2 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Maybe the Queens are part of Thea's dream world? And he goes in it to get her?

 Thea dreaming of her parents and being happy could lead to Oliver delivering The line about how they can't stay here.

Just now, statsgirl said:

307 was Draw Back Your Bow.  What different ending were you thinking?

Instead of seeing Ray/Felicity kiss and going  home to sulk, Oliver gets there before and you get an Olicity moment in 508.

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I can see why they might do that in an anti-Olicity season but if you were Oliver, wouldn't you rather change the moment you lied to Felicity by not telling her about William's existence?

It's going to make Oliver sleeping with any other women after that even worse.

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If the aliens are coming to attack Earth because of the metahuman/powered people, then I guess the dream world stuff could be a way to get some of the non-powered fighters out of the way (since we're talking about Oliver, Thea, and Sara having dream worlds)? IIRC, the Dominators in the comics could actually take powers away from metahumans, so it could be part of the plot to basically take all of the members of the team down.

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3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I can see why they might do that in an anti-Olicity season but if you were Oliver, wouldn't you rather change the moment you lied to Felicity by not telling her about William's existence?

It's going to make Oliver sleeping with any other women after that even worse.

Stop making sense! Besides, since the writers don't think Oliver did anything wrong lying to Felicity, I don't see them changing that. 

I do wonder how Deathstroke is going to play into this. Could Oliver seeing him make him realize he's in a dream world and snap him out of it? Make him realize he can't stay?

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12 minutes ago, way2interested said:

If the aliens are coming to attack Earth because of the metahuman/powered people, then I guess the dream world stuff could be a way to get some of the non-powered fighters out of the way (since we're talking about Oliver, Thea, and Sara having dream worlds)? IIRC, the Dominators in the comics could actually take powers away from metahumans, so it could be part of the plot to basically take all of the members of the team down.

Dig is there too. I guess they could trap the non metas in a dream world to keep them out of the way. Hopefully that means Felicity is leading Team Noobs to save the heroes


5 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Stop making sense! Besides, since the writers don't think Oliver did anything wrong lying to Felicity, I don't see them changing that. 

I do wonder how Deathstroke is going to play into this. Could Oliver seeing him make him realize he's in a dream world and snap him out of it? Make him realize he can't stay?

Could be their subconscious fighting back. Maybe that's where Malcolm comes in for Thea.

Is Darhk in the crossover? If so, I'll LMAO if he shows up at the wedding and kills LL again

Edited by Morrigan2575
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2 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Dig is there too. I guess they could trap the non metas in a dream world to keep them out of the way. Hopefully that means Felicity is leading Team Noobs to save the heroes


Could be their subconscious fighting back. Maybe that's where Malcolm comes in for Thea.

Is Darhk in the crossover? If so, I'll LMAO if he shows up at the wedding and kills LL again

I'm liking this scenario.

And NM was confirmed to be in the 100th episode I believe, so...

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