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I agree with you. Thought went into making that poster. There's an unusual but flattering angle and the composition is deliberate and sensical. The slogan isn't really that big, so I don't care about that part, really.

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I like the poster, it's much more artistic than The Flash one.  And thank goodness it's just Oliver and not a mish-mash of the many masks this show is now acquiring in its season of returning to basics.

As for the Arrow's visible sign of his love for the city, that seems to be a recurring problem.  I remember one reviewer asking why Oliver seemed to be so physically attracted to Ra's up on that mountain top.

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7 hours ago, Chaser said:

I was actually wondering about Felicity's role in 5x02 because she is also appearing in Flash 3x02. I'm curious if that's Flashpoint related. I'm leaning towards no because that seems to be wrapped in the first five, but the timing is interesting.

Remember that Arrow started filming a week before Flash and that 5x01 and 5x02 were blocked, so they could have shot the Felicity scenes early.  If anything, Felicity will be less in 5x03.

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Like others here, I think the new S5 poster is visually stunning.  However, like others here, the words on the poster took me aback somewhat - "His Fight, His City, His Legacy" - because they seem contrary to Oliver's character journey from solo vigilante to leading & working with a team and even the repeated lesson that he shouldn't go it alone.  They also seem to diminish the other team members (see EP quotes about other characters' legacies) and other people who also fought for Star City (on multiple occasions). Finally, they undermine somewhat Oliver's big speech in 423:

Oliver: "Stop! Please. I know what you're feeling right now. I'm feeling it, too, the sense of - of helplessness, of hopelessness. I don't know how we even begin to process what might happen to us right now, but there are a few things that I do know. I know that this city has been through tough times before, and we have pulled through. We survived the Undertaking. We survived the siege. We survived the outbreak, and somehow, someway, we will survive this. A friend of mine told me that living in Star City, it takes a special kind of tenacity, but we do live here, because this is our home. This is our home! It is our friend, our family, our lives, and we will not - we will not throw those precious gifts away by descending into chaos. We will look to each other for hope. We will cling to each other for strength, and if we do that, no matter what happens, then we can all stand here united."

The words on the poster just seem to be in response to internally and externally expressed dissatisfaction that the show had lost its focus on Oliver Queen.

Edited by tv echo
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I'm taking the poster as a bit of a callback to the original s1 poster with Oliver alone. Regardless of whoever helps him, harms him, works with him, works against him, it's Oliver's story.  I have zero problem with him being alone here. I don't think it's denigrating or dismissive of anyone else.  It's telling me, the viewer who started watching for the Oliver Queen story that it's getting back to being about...Oliver Queen.

They better not screw it up!

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I agree with @tv echo's point, and I love how clearly Oliver's inspirational speech underscores her point. This show is infamous for its messy inconsistencies, most of them harmful to Oliver's characterization and especially his growth.

And yet, my hope from seeing such an assertive focus on Oliver in this poster is that the writers will be much more cautious in making Oliver behave stupidly or in ways that are counter to his hero's journey (they've done that so many times).  I can only champion "His Fight, His City, His Legacy" being the writers' mantra from now on if it means we get the most awesome version of Oliver Queen we've seen yet.

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I don't mind the lines on the poster tbh.It should be about Oliver especially when it comes to the saving the city part. I don't think people complaining about the show being too much about Felicity for their liking are the only ones who thought the show lost sight that it should be about Oliver.

I hated how they tried to make it look like the whole team was equal to Oliver in everything even people like Laurel and Thea who have been there for less than a year. They really tried to show he wasn't the leader of his own team and I don't think that worked at all.I think adding all those newbies won't turn out to be a good thing because the show has proven they can't handle a big team but it looks to me like at least it's clear that Oliver will be the leader to them and a mentor instead of being yelled at whenever he tries to give some advice to people who are just starting out.

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30 minutes ago, EmeraldArcher said:

I can only champion "His Fight, His City, His Legacy" being the writers' mantra from now on if it means we get the most awesome version of Oliver Queen we've seen yet.

Is it necessarily the writers' mantra? How closely do they work with marketing people?

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15 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Is it necessarily the writers' mantra? How closely do they work with marketing people?

Ideally, the marketing people would generate promotional materials based on information from the writers or EPs about this season's direction. But, my comment was more about the writers' clumsy handling of Oliver in the last several seasons and my hope for something better for him.

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In a poster with just Oliver, it'd be weird if the poster said "their fight. their city. their legacy"... The poster saying it's Oliver's fight, city, and legacy doesn't exclude it being anyone else's fight, city, and legacy.

If the CW had more money to promote the show and we got multiple individual posters I'd expect each character to get their own mantra. 

Felicity's would probably be: Her fight. Her [insert whatever word]. Her Legacy

Diggle: His fight. His [insert whatever word]. His Legacy


Edited by wonderwall
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12 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

Since one of the writers keeps coming to Twitter to assure people that no, they haven't forgotten the rest of the regular characters exist, I'm thinking maybe the marketing went too heavy on the concept even for them. 

I don't think it's the focus on Oliver which lead to that, but showing the newbies in the promo. 

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7 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I don't think it's the focus on Oliver which lead to that, but showing the newbies in the promo. 

I think it's a mix of the two..because hammering that it's Oliver's show can give the feeling they are making sure no one makes the mistake of thinking it's "Felicity and friends." LOL.

I think it's just the marketing that needs to calibrate a bit better their messages because I feel like in school when they tell you the same concept 164892 times even if you already got it the first time around.

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5 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I think it's just the marketing that needs to calibrate a bit better their messages because I feel like in school when they tell you the same concept 164892 times even if you already got it the first time around.

I don't disagree with your point, but as someone who is currently commenting on papers and in danger of banging her head--repeatedly--on the table because of the number of students who have done things I told them 164,893 times not to do, I feel some sympathy for the marketing people. :) 

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2 hours ago, MuuMuuChainsmoker said:

I'm a 12 year old because I'm still thinking about immature tag lines for that poster:

  • His Fight, His City, His Dong
  • Season 5: The Excitement is Swelling
  • Vote Queen: the Morally Erect Candidate.  

Please, never stop :)

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20 hours ago, bijoux said:

I agree with you. Thought went into making that poster. There's an unusual but flattering angle and the composition is deliberate and sensical. The slogan isn't really that big, so I don't care about that part, really.

In the other shows thread we were talking about the Flash poster (hahaha it's awful) and I mentioned something I saw in yt video about film: the 'looking up at the character from below' is known as the 'hero shot'! I like that very much. I also like the composition and the framing, the way his bow bisects the frame, etc. Wow. Looks like they actually paid money this time, rather than give the task to an intern on a Friday afternoon like they usually do.

Re. captions - how about:

  • Say Hello to His Not-So-Little Friend!
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Two weeks of vaguely worded tweets to overanalyze and freak out about. I'm so bored this actually sounds like fun. Lol

I wish Hurley was getting one but I don't think she works for that publication anymore.

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8 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

Nah ... still think the Constantine episode leaked on purpose. They were most likely testing the waters.

Agreed. Same with the Flash pilot leak. They wanted to get people excited for the Flash and to get people talking- and what better way than an episode leak? More people were made aware of the show, so more people probably watched the pilot leak and then the pilot again when it aired.. 

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I think we can probably guess what they're gonna say tbh. Something about Olicity fans not being happy. Then a vague mention about flashpoint and how it plays into Arrow. And probably a few tweets about how the stunts and flashbacks are better this year. Anything else? LOL.

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I'm sure the line about Olicity will be "Olicity fans won't be as happy as they were during the last year's premiere, but don't give up all hope just yet! There's a scene that will reassure you fans!"*. Then a Flashpoint line-- something about "just you wait to see what Barry caused!!". Possibly a tweet about "a surprising return!" (Which will probably end up being about Diggle coming back? Anatoly?). And of course "A real season one feel! *Something something* like the pilot. Stunts and directing are the best the show has ever produced". 

*This scene will probably end up being nothing, and just a look between the two or Oliver looking at Felicity when she's at the computers or something. 

Edited by HighHopes
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I don't expect anything positive about Olicity in the season premier, not with all the pre-season promo trying to downplay it. If anything I think there will be more "Felicity has a boyfriend, Olicity is done, look at how much better they are broken up" teasing. 

I think the media will play up LL's last words and her statue, the "return to grittiness", and Bratva. Probably hype Oliver's solo fights. Newbies don't show up in full force until 502, right?

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MG just posted a picture of the 100th episode table read and the actor who plays Robert Queen is there. I'm definitely going with my original thought that they're going to an alternate earth.

No DR though. Hmm.

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 The fucking Noobs are in the Crossover?!  I swear this is what's going to get me to quit Arrow S5. Can't we have just one fucking episode without the billion masks I don't give a shit about?! ??

As for Robert Queen, I've been hoping they'd have Oliver/Robert interact ever since we learned that Robert was the Hood on E2. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I'm betting DR, PB and MM are filming or something. I can't imagine DR and PB not being in the 100th. Glad to see Sheehan (isn't that the actor who plays Robert?). 

Im hoping the noobs have like one line or something. They should not get a focus. 

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