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7 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

The newspaper is called The Star City Star, so probably not.

Fair enough. :D I forgot who I was dealing with. I also noticed they got an "exclusive" that the mayor missed a city council meeting which...concerns me about the journalism happening in town.  

Edited by calliope1975
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The Ragman info sounds like a potentially good story for Felicity.

I'm just LOLing at months of back to basics and street level and urban grittiness or whatever discourse, but hey, there's a dude who can do magicks with pieces of fabric!

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6 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

The Ragman info sounds like a potentially good story for Felicity.

I'm just LOLing at months of back to basics and street level and urban grittiness or whatever discourse, but hey, there's a dude who can do magicks with pieces of fabric!


I thought the same thing :p But once something is on the show it can't be undone unless it's destroyed.  Has anyone watched the trailer? I wonder how they will go about this?. Will Ragman be mystical for whatever reason or was he in Central city for the particle accelerator? Or will they make Havenrock another particle accelerator type event?

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1 minute ago, tarotx said:

 Will Ragman be mystical for whatever reason or was he in Central city for the particle accelerator? Or will they make Havenrock another particle accelerator type event?

From that tweet, it sounds like he was the only survivor because he had mystical powers, not that he gained them from the event.  But, I agree that it's silly to bring that character in during a season promoted as back to basics.

Although I'm hoping it will be a good storyline for Felicity, it relies on the whole she-dropped-a-bomb-on-Havenrock rationale.  I resist any notions of Felicity's culpability in the deaths of those people. If the bad guys hadn't launched the nukes in the first place, she wouldn't have been in a position to desperately find a way to divert the missiles.  I won't mind if Felicity voices her guilt about it so that others can help her see it wasn't her fault, but I don't want the notion that she was responsible to validate any other character's quest for vengeance for Havenrock.

And, ugh.  Will Havenrock feel like Felicity's legacy? 

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The tabloid journalists in Star City suck. Do they think they are the New York Times?  Mayor McHunk would be a better choice.  Or perhaps Mayor Pretty Boy?

I am laughing at the magic.  Between that and the giant team this doesn't feel like season one/two at all.  I suppose if they repeat it enough it might fool some people.

The one consolation I have re: Felicity's storyline is that it is in the first half of the season, which they usually do well.  If it were in the B season I would be worried.

Edited by thegirlsleuth
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1 hour ago, EmeraldArcher said:

Although I'm hoping it will be a good storyline for Felicity, it relies on the whole she-dropped-a-bomb-on-Havenrock rationale.  I resist any notions of Felicity's culpability in the deaths of those people. If the bad guys hadn't launched the nukes in the first place, she wouldn't have been in a position to desperately find a way to divert the missiles.  I won't mind if Felicity voices her guilt about it so that others can help her see it wasn't her fault, but I don't want the notion that she was responsible to validate any other character's quest for vengeance for Havenrock.

And, ugh.  Will Havenrock feel like Felicity's legacy? 

Yeah. I'm super okay if Felicity feels guilty and responsible, and if she's internalized Havenrock as something she did. It's good narrative conflict for her, even. But any other character [that I care about] voices it in those terms and they're dead to me.

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If they do it well Ragman storyline could give much needed character growht for Felcitiy. She was put in no-win situation with Havenrock. If they were going to have her tackle the Trolley problem,  they owe it to her and audience to dig in and  give us her point of view, and not just more superficial BS. They've been shortchanging her for too long in favor of going for the melodrama cheapshot and its really hurting the character

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Throwing it out there, but it would be kind of cool having each of the newbies reflect something for the main 3 along with showing Oliver as a team captain/vigilante whisperer, since it kind of looks like that might be where they're going. Oliver with Curtis/Artemis, Diggle with Wild Dog, and Felicity with Ragman. Each of the newbies coinciding with where the three of them are going with their own stories/issues. It might be reaching a bit, but I could seem them doing a bit of connections in 5a.

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Ragman has mystical powers? Meh. I like that he seems to there to hopefully give Felicity some storyline, though it irks me when anyone says she was responsible for those deaths. Damien launched those nukes, he was responsible. I'm fine with Felicity thinking otherwise and feeling guilty but placing blame on her in any way is bullshit.

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Yeah I hope the thing with Felicity and Havenrock doesn't turn into another "Oliver chose Sara" situation.  That was annoying. Oliver didn't choose Sara - he just jumped in front of the gun.  But the show seemed to go back and forth on what we were supposed to believe on that.  

Edited by Starfish35
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At some point I pushed down the knowledge of Ragman ALSO being on the team. To quote Roy, When did we start selling admission to the Arrow cave?

The one promising thing is the indication that Curtis' contribution will have more to do with his brains. Although that doesn't explain why he gets a suit and goes into the field. I think the explanation I'd like best was that the suit was there just because he could make it.

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10 minutes ago, bijoux said:

At some point I pushed down the knowledge of Ragman ALSO being on the team. To quote Roy, When did we start selling admission to the Arrow cave?


Same. Can't keep up with the newbies. Though I like the idea that each of them serve as a mirror to the main team. Hope it actually goes that way.

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8 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

Yeah I hope the thing with Felicity and Havenrock doesn't turn into another "Oliver chose Sara" situation.  That was annoying. Oliver didn't choose Sara - he just jumped in front of the gun.  But the show seemed to go back and forth on what we were supposed to believe on that.  

Yeah. And remember Malcolm's sob story about looking in on Thea as a widdle baby? Which directly contradicted his season 1 finale "Your mother and sister will be following you soon"? Ugh. Good thing I never use my twitter - I'd be tempted to tweet at the writers / whoever: you know we watched this, right? We watched Oliver just putting himself in front of the gun.

I also had to laugh when I read a tweet here about the continuity person on Arrow, and what she does. LOL!

4 hours ago, TrueMyth said:

Helps explain why Paul was so down at ComicCon.  I really thought they'd have him be the Deputy Mayor... but I guess that went to Thea.

WHAT?! I've only been reading the spoilers here and there, ''cos I'm finding them depressing. But WHAT.

4 minutes ago, MuuMuuChainsmoker said:

I am laughing, *laughing* at the idea of a dude with Super Powered Rags.  

Oh, man. WTF. Imagined conversation in the writers' room follows:

"So, Havenrock. Let's say a guy was on a business trip out of town that day, and the nuke came down, and his whole family was killed-"

"No no dude." (sound of someone sucking on crack pipe) "He was there. He survived the blast. Because of his magic rags."

"I hate you guys."

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24 minutes ago, arjumand said:

Yeah. And remember Malcolm's sob story about looking in on Thea as a widdle baby? Which directly contradicted his season 1 finale "Your mother and sister will be following you soon"? Ugh. Good thing I never use my twitter - I'd be tempted to tweet at the writers / whoever: you know we watched this, right? We watched Oliver just putting himself in front of the gun.


WHAT?! I've only been reading the spoilers here and there, ''cos I'm finding them depressing. But WHAT.

It also contradicts the fact that Malcolm was supposed to have been in Nanda Parbat at that point.

To be fair, nothing like that gets stated in the preview, it's just that Lance isn't really shown and Thea is there for city functions - the pier and with the chief of police during some party or something. Shots we have already seen.

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Wait, so Oliver has to go to Laurel's gravestone to remind him that superheroes can die??? WTF? As if the 5 fucking years on the island where people died and fucking SARA dying too? Bah.

Making the Green Arrow more badass than he already is. I just want him to RETURN to being badass.

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It's really a shame Arrow passed on the musical episode because Ragman right now is screaming to be a mash up between Hard Knock Life and Heart's Magic Man. Actually if they could simply get the rights for Heart's song to play in the background while have him doing some psychedelic waving of his magical rags that would be so much a better use of their budget than crappy CGI.

Seriously its really time Arrow embraced the cheese. I'd prefer that over their insistence they are putting together a serious back to basics action drama.

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I wasn't that convinced that this photo was of the Queen mansion, but Bamford did post it while the crossover episode was in preproduction and he is, to my disappointment, directing it.

It's not exactly like the hallway from S2, the paneling is different for one, but it doesn't feel like that much of a stretch to imagine it's this place in some alternate reality.

Unrelated to this, according to Twitter to show has a casting call out for a principal recurring guest star role 'Tina' in the back half of the season with possibility of regular. People are talking about a script leak in which she is identified as a love interest, but I haven't seen it.

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

I'm pretty sure those are casting sides. And if that's the Queen mansion, I guess it survived thanks to FP? Or they forgot it burned down in the 2.5 comics?

My theory that they go to a different earth is becoming more and more realistic :) That's why Oliver says "We can't stay here, Thea" and Stephen said "What they're where?!" in a response to someone who asked him to describe 508 in 3 words

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2 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

My theory that they go to a different earth is becoming more and more realistic :) That's why Oliver says "We can't stay here, Thea" and Stephen said "What they're where?!" in a response to someone who asked him to describe 508 in 3 words

Yup. This is the most likely option currently. 

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Suppose it's not just crossover related, and the only effect of FP is that Oliver is no longer broke? Stephen dropped the billionaire thing often lately - while before it never got mentioned. Ha, maybe Barry's selfishness had Oliver not sign ALL HIS BELONGINGS to Isabel. It'd be nice if FP erased a really, really dumb, if not quite consequential thing like that one. :)

Edited by looptab
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There are two different kinds of casting sides:

Casting one off roles that have already been scripted: usually the sides are actual real pages of [early drafts of] the script. A version of these scenes can end up in the show.

Casting roles that haven't yet been put into an actual script yet [usually recurring roles]: one of the writers comes up with a couple of scenes that are meant to display what they want the character to be like. If they want to chemistry test, they'll write a scene for that too. Which is what we have here. One scene of action, one scene for chem testing.

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2 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

Casting one off roles that have already been scripted: usually the sides are actual real pages of [early drafts of] the script. A version of these scenes can end up in the show.

Casting roles that haven't yet been put into an actual script yet [usually recurring roles]: one of the writers comes up with a couple of scenes that are meant to display what they want the character to be like. If they want to chemistry test, they'll write a scene for that too. Which is what we have here. One scene of action, one scene for chem testing.

Have you seen the sides? Could you maybe sum up? Because all I'm seeing is a whole lot of oh, noes without much context.

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10 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Have you seen the sides? Could you maybe sum up? Because all I'm seeing is a whole lot of oh, noes without much context.


Scene 1: Rando alley. Tina fools a perp into thinking she's fragile, kicks his ass. Green Arrow observes, asks her to join the team again [the directions note this isn't the first time they met], Tina tells GA she doesn't like him, she doesn't want him as her team leader, it's super adversarial. Then he mentions some dude from her past and that the team can help her find him, and she starts to crack. "Show me something you can find that the FBI didn't, and I'll think about joining your team", or something like that.

Scene 2: at the Arrow bunker. Tina is pounding the gym bag, Oliver arrives. She's frustrated about some Prometheus thing, he is apparently "mr. disappearing act". Oliver says Felicity and Curtis will find a location. She's woe-ing about her past as a Marine, and that being good enough is not enough, it's pretty much a self-actualization video script. And then Oliver tells her she's the best fighter he's ever seen, and it becomes flirty. They almost kiss, but Oliver's phone beeps with a location.

Actual direction notes of this beat, because they're super lol:


They look at each other. Sexual tension palpable. Are we finally going to get an Oliver/Tina kiss? The tension broken by: PING! Oliver looks at his phone.

Edited by dtissagirl
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1 minute ago, Morrigan2575 said:

JFC another stupid mask?!  Those sides read like the Sara/Oliver scene in 213.

Yup! This is the part I find far more objectionable than the love interest part. And here's an actual scary thought. With military history, what if Tina is Dig's love interest? I'd loathe that.

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4 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Reading that "finally" bit...

Me: Finally? But she's likely only been on for 2 episodes at this point?!?!????!

Frankly, I laughed.

They could actually be going for Oliver's love interest here if they're still doing Oliver being on Dig's trajectory. Dig got with Carly after his divorce from Lyla, and here we have Oliver and Felicity broken up. Dig also called Lyla up for help from time to time, and these two are still working together. Hey, maybe by the time May rolls around they can try and retcon that the breakup happened because of the stress of adjusting to SC instead of stupid lies. That way it could maybe, sort of parallel Dig and Lyla's break up being over the stress of adjusting to life stateside. It's almost too bad Laurel has croaked to be missing out on the awkward incest-y vibe. I mean, I think it's lame and don't want to watch it, but I could see them going in this direction. 

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17 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

She's been in zero episodes at this point.

I mean... If she's in 511, she's likely been introduced in 510. If they're still auditioning I don't think she can be in episode 9 :p

So for it to go hot and heavy after 2 episodes... It would've made sense for season 1 and season 2 Oliver but not season 5 Oliver... 

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12 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I just want to tip my hat to whoever manages to get the role based on what appear to be extremely lame and hilarious sides.

This kind of casting side that is written outside of actual script is always like this. No kind of creativeness or talent goes into them. It's not about the text, it's about what they're looking for in the role. Tina is a former Marine, she's the best fighter ever, she's snarky with the perp and GA in scene one, she has lost someone dear to her, she is introspective about her ~place in the world~ in scene 2, and she has to have sexual chemistry with an established dude on the show. It just paints a picture of the kind of character she is.

Minor roles in which sides = real script sometimes don't even get this much. I was reading sides for another show last week, from actual script, and this was for a regular character's doctor. It didn't even say if the doc was a man or a woman, and the dialog didn't specify. Just -- regular characters asking medical questions, doctor answering with doctor-y dialog. After they cast this doctor, they can adjust script.

Edited by dtissagirl
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This definitely feels like Green Arrow and Black Canary. Which makes me wonder if this is for the flip side and these are the bad guys? But of course, these characters don't feel like the bad guy because they don't think they are the bad guys. 

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14 hours ago, way2interested said:

Throwing it out there, but it would be kind of cool having each of the newbies reflect something for the main 3 along with showing Oliver as a team captain/vigilante whisperer, since it kind of looks like that might be where they're going. Oliver with Curtis/Artemis, Diggle with Wild Dog, and Felicity with Ragman. Each of the newbies coinciding with where the three of them are going with their own stories/issues. It might be reaching a bit, but I could seem them doing a bit of connections in 5a.

I like this idea, but I would post the pairings as follows:  Oliver/Prometheus (his dark mirror), Speedy/Artemis, Diggle/Wild Dog and Felicity/Ragman. And Curtis would not be paired with anyone.

I don't like the "Tina" spoilers.  If she really is a love interest for Oliver, those sides really sound like they're just duplicating S2's Sara/Canary story beats.  Similarly, the Prometheus storyline - if Prometheus turns out to be Adrian Chase, a potential frenemy - sounds like they're duplicating the Slade storyline.  Just because S2 got the most praise doesn't mean you have to clone it.

I'm really starting to lose interest in Arrow.  It just sounds like they're going to ignore the past three seasons of Oliver's relationship with Felicity and press reset, with Oliver starting up a relationship with a BC clone - basically caving in to comic "canon" (whatever that is).  I guess that they're "closing the chapter" on five seasons with their own tv Green Arrow "rebirth."

Honestly, at this point, contrary to expectations, I don't think that the EPs plan to reunite Oliver & Felicity as a couple ever.  All WM's talk of seeing where the characters take the relationship is just B.S.

Edited by tv echo
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11 minutes ago, tarotx said:

This definitely feels like Green Arrow and Black Canary. Which makes me wonder if this is for the flip side and these are the bad guys? But of course, these characters don't feel like the bad guy because they don't think they are the bad guys. 

I like your idea. Maybe it's for Adrian whatshisname?

Or...could be an LI for Malcolm, hahah.

Edited by looptab
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