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It seems like they don't have many sets of their own, so perhaps the Lair is the only true "Arrow" only set and therefore a place for cast to congregate during down times. Maybe its near the food truck?

I don't find the BTS photo locations to mean anything significant unless they are clearly on-location at a different venue like hotels and some of the outdoor shots. If its in lair or an existing living quarters set, I just assume the cast has wandered into a safe area to goof off for a bit - completely unrelated to the current script.

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5 hours ago, TrueMyth said:

That said, with Foundry Fridays back in S1 and 2, I gathered the lair scenes typically take about a day per script to shoot, meaning two-three days could be all they need for 5x01 and 5x02 shot in block.  But then, maybe more if there are more actors (therefore more cover shots).

That would be possible if they they shot 3-4 days on the Lair set.  There is no evidence to suggest that they spent more than 1, possibly 2 days there.  All we has is a picture from Echo that shows Felicity/Curtis/Willa (she was not in character) on the lair set. That could mean they were filming Lair scenes, could mean they were filming Felicity or Felicity/Curtis solo lair scenes (The scenes that are intercut with the Team in the field).  

There is also the possibility that Lair scenes were filmed on Tuesday since SA made that tweet about doing the Salmon Ladder in a suit.  Of course that could have been them goofing off in between takes or chilling in the lair.

We don't really have enough information to go on with only 3-4 tweets.

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Yes, I think that pic with SA and his family was from Tuesday as well. We really don't know much, but the few things we know are mainly about people I don't care about and that's where my lack of interest comes from. Has it always been like that and I forgot? Nothing about the main cast until SDCC?

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Posting here because, although it isn't a spoiler, it mentions previously reported spoilers (personally, I want Kevin Smith to stay away from Arrow)...

Arrow season 5 exclusive: Kevin Smith talks Onomatopoeia
Rob Leane 5 Jul 2016 - 05:58


Even more recently than that, I was lucky enough to spend 20 minutes chatting to Smith about his barmy new movie Yoga Hosers. I slipped in a couple of questions about Arrow, and the likelihood that the showrunners will take him up on the idea of an Onomatopoeia adaptation.

“Oh my god, I would love that so much”, Smith enthused. “I’ve not heard from anybody over there, even though I’ve talked about it in the press quite a bit and stuff.”

He added: “I know I’m going back to The Flash, first week of September, to direct episode 7 of season 3. Still haven’t heard anything back from Arrow. You know, I wish, it would be amazing because I would love to write and direct Onomatopoeia in the show. Um, but I know they’re doing – what is it? – Wild Dog this year, as well as Vigilante, so maybe they’re just like ‘we don’t need you’, or whatever. But, at the moment, anyone over there raises a flag; I’m like ‘please, let me in!’ That’d be fun as fuck.” 

Smith has previously said that Onomatopoeia’s tendency to verbalise his sound effects may not translate effectively into live action. But he’s now found a way to do it that could work really well... 
*  *  *
“Yeah, I’ve figured out a way to do it that is kinda bad-ass”, Smith told me, “and also connects to comics more or less. So instead of just doing the actual sound – which to me, in the real world, would be like the dude from Police Academy making noises with his mouth – he’ll just have little cards. Business cards that have typewritten words of whatever the fuck. So instead of him saying ‘blam’, you’d find this card on your desk and turn around and ‘blam’, he’d shoot you and stuff like that. Which I think is a little more chilly, you know, for doing it in live action. 

“On a comic book page, those big word balloons with a tiny word in it were so fucking sweet. It looks beautifully graphic, like, at the same time it creates an image of ‘this is weird’. But I don’t know if audibly making noises would ever work in the real world, so I think those cards would be bad-ass, man. So [you read] ‘slit’, and you’re like “slit?”, and then all of a sudden you turn around he cuts your fucking throat and dude just cocks his head Michael Myers style and watches you go down. So yeah, I’ve obviously thought about it a little bit, but it would be cool to do. Hopefully, hopefully they'll tap me.”

And finally, Mr Smith said, “even if they don’t, maybe I could do it on Flash, or Legends Of Tomorrow, or now Supergirl as well. There’s a couple of shows there.”

Edited by tv echo
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12 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Posting here because, although it isn't a spoiler, it mentions previously reported spoilers (personally, I want Kevin Smith to stay away from Arrow)...

Arrow season 5 exclusive: Kevin Smith talks Onomatopoeia
Rob Leane 5 Jul 2016 - 05:58

His card idea seems more compatible with The Flash than with Arrow to me.

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Hopefully Arrow's already booked all of their directors for the season? I really have no desire to see a "funny ha-ha" serial killer in any superhero media right now. Ugh.

Except with my luck they'll end up doing it anyway. Double ugh.

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9 hours ago, bijoux said:

When was Lance in the lair in S1? 

Episode 19, "Unfinished Business." A girl died after visiting Verdant and taking Vertigo, and Lance found some irregularities in Tommy's bookkeeping, so he got a warrant to search Verdant. Tommy moved various things in the lair so that it looked like it was just used to store chairs and beer.

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19 hours ago, AyChihuahua said:

Well, Empire is a hit.

On that note, how totally weird is that Jonathan from Buffy is the co-creator of Empire (and an otherwise very successful writer). I think it's impossible to figure out who's going to make it big, and he's a perfect example (along with Melissa McCarthy and Sebastian Stan).

Dean from Community is also a successful screenwriter, I think. But yeah. I mean, Bradley Cooper of all of Alias cast? Evangeline Lilly of all of Lost cast? So weird.

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My enthusiasm for the return of Arrow Season 5 is at an all time low. I don't think I've ever been at the "dread" level with what's to come for Arrow, but that is definitely what I am feeling. Has there been any good news posted, written, Twitted by any of the cast or magazines? My gut told me that "The Flash" second season would be sort of iffy and in my opinion it was. I have an even worse than "iffy" feeling about Arrow this season. Guess I'll stick with it after the premiere episodes or.....wait until I read reviews here and some other outlets before I continue to give up an hour of my life. Again, a lot of this will be determined by the premiere. hopefully it will be a good one but I'm having serious doubts! If this doesn't belong her just let me know and I will move it to wherever it should be. 

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Accidentally posted first in the Spoilers Only thread *facepalm*

Anyway, yeah.  I just heard about this Pokemon Go thing for the first time this morning on the news driving to work.  No, I don't live under a rock - it just seems that way some times. :)

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1 hour ago, Starfish35 said:

Anyway, yeah.  I just heard about this Pokemon Go thing for the first time this morning on the news driving to work.  No, I don't live under a rock - it just seems that way some times. :)

I just heard about the Pokemon Go thing in the last couple of days, I think. And now I see it everywhere. I'm old, but still. It seems like it's just suddenly a thing.

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5 hours ago, FurryFury said:

Dean from Community is also a successful screenwriter, I think. But yeah. I mean, Bradley Cooper of all of Alias cast? Evangeline Lilly of all of Lost cast? So weird.

It's always amusing to go back and see the actors (often playing secondary characters not leads) that become the break out stars. Like Chris Pratt from Parks and Rec, and Dylan O'Brien from Teen Wolf going from comic relief to Hollywood leads - they were both good on their shows, but at the time no one would have guessed they'd be the ones who'd become so well known. Wonder which/if any of the Arrow cast will be known after the show has finished.

2 hours ago, Ann Mack said:

My enthusiasm for the return of Arrow Season 5 is at an all time low. I don't think I've ever been at the "dread" level with what's to come for Arrow, but that is definitely what I am feeling. Has there been any good news posted, written, Twitted by any of the cast or magazines? My gut told me that "The Flash" second season would be sort of iffy and in my opinion it was. I have an even worse than "iffy" feeling about Arrow this season. Guess I'll stick with it after the premiere episodes or.....wait until I read reviews here and some other outlets before I continue to give up an hour of my life. Again, a lot of this will be determined by the premiere. hopefully it will be a good one but I'm having serious doubts! If this doesn't belong her just let me know and I will move it to wherever it should be. 

I think my hopes have just dropped after S4 and the BMD. S3 was still worse imo but I hoped it was just a weak phase and adjusting to losing show runners/launching the Flash at the same time. S4 has proved the poor writing is a trend and they're pursuing the criticised aspects of S3: Olicity melodrama, the BMD everyone loathed, the lair overcrowding, lack of non-vigilante stories, comics characters galore. They give nods to things that worked - like the OTA references - but it's all very surface level stuff. Getting rid of Laurel and actually having  Diggle/Felicity centric storylines are about the only real shifts they made to fix their mistakes. (And even those things had issues in the writing). 

Edited by TimetravellingBW
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I would have called Dylan O'Brien - he was by far the best of the younger actors on that show IMO.  But I'm not sure he's made it yet - the Maze Runner movies haven't exactly been blockbusters.  But yeah, I get what you mean.  Like Jason Momoa.  I'm not sure I would have called him to end up doing the best out of all the former Stargate actors. 

Edited by Starfish35
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Oh O'Brien isn't Chris Pratt level yet, but he's leading a movie franchise and people other than the Teen Wolf fandom know of him. And yeah I agree he was always the strongest actor of the cast. I was just thinking right at the beginning in S1 when he came in with basically zero acting experience the producers could never have imagined he'd be their wild card. By S3b with the nogitsune arc it was pretty obvious they'd realised what he could do and other directors/execs had too. 

I never would've called Jason Momoa either, though maybe that's because he wasn't given much range as Ronon. but I haven't seen the rest of the SGA cast in anything since.

So we'll see what happens with Arrow. I mean going in KC was tipped to be the rising star to bigger and better things. But we'll see what roles the cast get outside of Arrow. 

Edited by TimetravellingBW
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I have a "wait-and-see" attitude to S5.  I think that S4 started off well but then they got bogged down in setting up LoT (while Darhk conveniently waited in the wings).  IIRC, the 3-show crossovers also messed up and delayed production of Arrow episodes for the rest of the season, which might account for the season ending in more of a rushed whimper than a bang.  Really, the biggest flaw of the second half of S4 was the ill-advised BMD that was just a mechanism to break up Olicity and tie up that illegitimate child thread.  The Diggle's brother and Felicity's paralysis storylines could've been better executed, but the fault might have been due to the aforesaid delays caused by LoT/crossovers. Anyway, fingers crossed!

Also, I don't think all of the new vigilantes/characters are going to join Team Arrow.  My preliminary guesses:

  • Curtis Holt - joins Team Arrow this season and continues next season.
  • Adrian Chase aka The Vigilante - initially an adversary but becomes an ally (but not team member) by the end of the season, and then either dies or leaves Star City.
  • Wild Dog - limited story arc and exits sometime during the season.
  • Evelyn Sharp aka Artemis - limited story arc and exits sometime during the season.
  • Detective Malone - dies by the end of the season.
  • Susan Williams - limited story arc and exits sometime during the season.
Edited by tv echo
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If they do a Teen Arrow episode again once Roy comes back, and Artemis is heavily featured, I'm gonna assume they're testing out a Teen Titans/Young Justice show again.

I feel like expecting these writers to suddenly become better at pacing story arcs, or not defaulting to shocker epic game changer gotchas is completely unrealistic. I don't really like the fact that they don't know how to plan for 23 episodes, and I hate the gotchas, but I'm also aware that this is the show I signed up for. But my two MAIN problems with Arrow until now have been 1. Laurel and 2. flashbacks. They got rid of 50% of the things I wasn't willing to handwave in my viewer contract.

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1 hour ago, tv echo said:


  • Curtis Holt - joins Team Arrow this season and continues next season.
  • Adrian Chase aka The Vigilante - initially an adversary but becomes an ally (but not team member) by the end of the season, and then either dies or leaves Star City.
  • Wild Dog - limited story arc and exits sometime during the season.
  • Evelyn Sharp aka Artemis - limited story arc and exits sometime during the season.
  • Detective Malone - dies by the end of the season.
  • Susan Williams - limited story arc and exits sometime during the season.

And we'll get a whole NEW bunch of new people next season!

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Flashbacks will be gone after this season, right?  But I think SA mentioned flashforwards so I think it might be six of one, half dozen of the other.

The main reason I'm not looking forward to the new season at this point is because while we've had spoilers and promotions, they've all been about newbies.  Since I don't read the comics, I don't care one way or the other about Artemis or Wild Dog or The Vigilante.

Give me some Diggle and Felicity spoilers if they want me to start pimping the show again.

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How is the wig back though? Maybe I didn't pay enough attention during the flashbacks but wasn't his hair still super short at the end of them? 

The one thing I'm looking forward to is seeing  how Oliver gets to the season one look of the long hair and a beard. 

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So flashback time jump then? If his hair has grown that quickly and he doesn't have the Bratva tattoo yet.

Edited by Guest
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Also LOL, Oliver really is gonna be in a fight club because he's so ANGRY and that's probably where he gets spotted by the Bratva. So original!

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Just now, Angel12d said:

Also LOL, Oliver really is gonna be in a fight club because he's so ANGRY and that's probably where he gets spotted by the Bratva. So original!

Or ya know.. Maybe Anatoly spots him :p

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Just now, wonderwall said:

Or ya know.. Maybe Anatoly spots him :p

Could be! I forgot about that. Either way I hope this is where we see him become a bit more ruthless. I'd been expecting that in s4 flashbacks but it never really happened.

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6 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Also LOL, Oliver really is gonna be in a fight club because he's so ANGRY and that's probably where he gets spotted by the Bratva. So original!

You know, I actually assumed the fight club was IN the Bratva when he was still lower on the food chain and this was one of the ways he proved himself. I don't know whether he'd get the tattoo as soon as he joined, but I could see it having to be earned.

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I have to be honest on two things: 1. I actually really don't hate the wig. And usually I detest the wig. 2. I am actually impressed with his physique. (SA must also be so proud of himself) I mean, he does look good, at least to me. I don't mind this look :-)

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He does look good,  but he's a lot bulkier now then he was even the show started.   I wonder if that's just him getting older,  not constantly training or he just does different work outs now. 

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He looks bulky to me too but I guess the lean look is in the past and I should forget about it, LOL

I'm glad the wig is back because last year (when I noticed a FB was happening) it was confusing to see him look the exact same in present and past time. And it doesn't even look that bad.

Edited by Midnight Lullaby
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I think he has looked bulkier the past couple seasons (wardrobe choices not helping), but recently looks like he got back in S1/S2 mode. He looked slimmed down to me on the Turtle Tour and the BTS material. He looks wider in this pic and I'm thinking it may be the angle of the shot.

I'm super bitter I don't get Olicity sexytime with him in that shape.

Edited by Chaser
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He definitely looks like he's heading back to s1 fitness/appearance. He was a lot more muscular/bulky back then. I can always notice a difference in SA's face in s1.

Is it weird that I don't mind that wig? Is it because it's wet? IDK. But it's working for me. LMAO.

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9 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I think he looks great and I like the wig. He looks pretty hot IMO.

I credit that pic and the insanely hot FB wet wig* for reviving me post surgery.

*I'm currently immune to eye rolls 'cause I'm hopped up on pain meds and typing with one finger!

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I'm still trying to figure out how his hair grew so quickly 


This reminds me of one of my favorite awful movies, Far and Away. 

Damn you!  Now that's all i see ?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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2 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

This reminds me of one of my favorite awful movies, Far and Away. 

"You're a corker, Felicity. What a corker you are."

Crap. Now I want a Far and Away Olicity AU

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