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I'm sure she'll flatline. We must have maximum drama, but then she'll be okay. I'm a bit surprised we didn't get the hospital stuff tonight so we'd have a month long coma or somesuch. The question is will there be long term injuries and what kind? WHEELCHAIR WATCH 2016!


I nitpicked in the ep thread, but this was a really great, fun episode. I'm bummed that the BM stuff will eventually rear its head again, presumably when Daddy Smoak comes to town. Until then, though, I'm gonna bask in the glow from tonight. 

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I nitpicked in the ep thread, but this was a really great, fun episode. I'm bummed that the BM stuff will eventually rear its head again, presumably when Daddy Smoak comes to town. Until then, though, I'm gonna bask in the glow from tonight. 


This episode actually made me think they might defy convention and not break up? They probably will, but maybe not?

Why would those writers or whoever puts there promotions together do this. Most everyone knows its straight up bullshit. Why is this show messing with its fans. WTF are they thinking or NOT thinking?


A lot, and I mean A LOT of people think that's real and that Felicity's dead. 


I'm actually surprised, but then again a lot of people thought Oliver was dead last year, too.

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Why would those writers or whoever puts there promotions together do this. Most everyone knows its straight up bullshit. Why is this show messing with its fans. WTF are they thinking or NOT thinking?



This is the same show that spent last winter hiatus insisting that Oliver was dead. They're counting on most of the audience not being spoiled (and not knowing how to count to 6 months) to generate buzz. 


I kind of want to paste today's BTS pic of EBR wearing the ring in response to every hateful "Hhaha, Felicity's dead!" comment.

Edited by lemotomato
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A lot, and I mean A LOT of people think that's real and that Felicity's dead. 


I'm actually surprised, but then again a lot of people thought Oliver was dead last year, too.


Someone literally just quoted one of my tweets saying BYE FELICITY!!! And htey were excited about it and all I could say was "Oh, honey..." :p But I was also satisfied as hell.

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Side note did it look like Damien suspected Thea of possibly being the small framed woman in red who reversed his whammy to anyone else? To me he gave her sort of a stare when he saw her. Glad he didn't notice that Malcolm didn't have any facial hair. Not too many complaints about this episode. 


So Laurel is still in the dark that her dad is currently dating Felicity's mom. Writers don't change its like a running joke now that Laurel is always the last to know lol!

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This episode actually made me think they might defy convention and not break up? They probably will, but maybe not?


I think they will break up because I think TPTB will love the angst, but I'm a bit cautiously optimistic that it won't be as dramatic and drawn out and I was expecting before. I also now believe it's clear that MG sucks because last week was so different from tonight's ep and the previous Arrow eps this season. It feels even more out of place after tonight. 


Fingers crossed. I will be on RingWatch from now on. Are they shooting 413 now?

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Someone literally just quoted one of my tweets saying BYE FELICITY!!! And htey were excited about it and all I could say was "Oh, honey..." :p But I was also satisfied as hell.

I really don't get why some want Felicity to leave the show or die on the show. She really contributes more than she takes away. But I guess people have characters they will like or dislike for all sorts of reasons. I'm the same way but damn I just feel like Felicity is such a universally loved, generous, and giving character that no one should dislike her. 

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Someone literally just quoted one of my tweets saying BYE FELICITY!!! And htey were excited about it and all I could say was "Oh, honey..." :p But I was also satisfied as hell.

It really disturbs how some want Felicity to die. She's an amazing character and brings more to the Show than doesn't bring to the Show. The only character I want to die is Malcolm a true scumbag lol.

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It really disturbs how some want Felicity to die. She's an amazing character and brings more to the Show than doesn't bring to the Show. The only character I want to die is Malcolm a true scumbag lol.


It's okay. We all have fictional people we'd love to see bite it. Felicity isn't everyone's cup of tea. I can't believe anyone is falling for this though, LOL.

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Side note did it look like Damien suspected Thea of possibly being the small framed woman in red who reversed his whammy to anyone else? To me he gave her sort of a stare when he saw her.


Yeah, DD looked at Thea and kinda made a "hmm" noise, like something was clicking for him.

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It's okay. We all have fictional people we'd love to see bite it. Felicity isn't everyone's cup of tea. I can't believe anyone is falling for this though, LOL.

This...not to mention that Oliver literally says of Felicity, “She is the one who lights my way.” There just no way they would kill her in the very next episode when their relationship has revolved around the whole light symbolism.

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Yeah, but she really can't talk--she continues to live in freaking CC, which is infested with villainous metas and its "hero" is a guy in a red leotard who almost destroyed the entire universe and who has to be told to use his special power: Run, Barry, Run!* Can you imagine someone telling the Green Arrow "Shoot, Green Arrow, Shoot!" Pffftttt.

*Forever bitter that Oliver is seen as less-than compared to Barry.

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Someone pinpointed when Felicity gets shot. Begin injury diagnoses!




It's not a spinal or womb related injury. If it were spinal she'd be paralyzed from that point downwards, I think and they wouldn't do that. BUT it's like how Oliver's scar magically shifted to his stomach so IDK if it matters

Edited by wonderwall
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It's not a spinal or womb related injury. If it were spinal she'd be paralyzed from that point downwards, I think and they wouldn't do that. BUT it's like how Oliver's scar magically shifted to his stomach so IDK if it matters


Plus, that's assuming she just got hit the one time. That wasn't where I was expecting her to get hit though.

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Someone pinpointed when Felicity gets shot. Begin injury diagnoses!



That's amazing how viewers catch all the minute details!

Do you all think an all-GIF thread would work? They're not fan art, and they're only spoilers when they're made from teaser clips. I love all of the funny/crazy/lovely/sexy GIFs posted in the various threads and would love to be able to find them all in one place. I'm not on Tumblr or ever likely to be.

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Someone pinpointed when Felicity gets shot. Begin injury diagnoses!


Spleen, Pancreas, kidney?

ETA: Removed because as someone pointed out this isn't really a spoiler discussion since it happened in 409.


Edited by Morrigan2575
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It really disturbs how some want Felicity to die.


It doesn't bother me, because we all have our faves and non-faves. But just entertain yourself by imagining their crestfallen faces when she doesn't die.  :-)

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Plus, that's assuming she just got hit the one time. That wasn't where I was expecting her to get hit though.


Yeah, I'm actually expecting there to be multiple gun shot wounds. She looked pretty rough when Oliver pulled her out of the car.


But hey, Felicity's going to catch up to Oliver in the scar department. Okay, not really, but as some on Tumblr pointed out, it's a Queen family tradition at this point to have a death/near death experience. Welcome to the club, Mrs. Smoak-Queen. (Queen-Smoak?)

Edited by calliope1975
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Why would those writers or whoever puts there promotions together do this. Most everyone knows its straight up bullshit. Why is this show messing with its fans. WTF are they thinking or NOT thinking?


Despite the bullet wound not making sense for a spinal injury, I think they are hyping "She must be dead!" so that fans will be relieved when she survives but she may never walk again!

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Spleen, Pancreas, kidney?


*remembers all that "training" she learned from watching CSI several years ago... The spleen and pancreas are located on the left side of the body. Looks like Felicity got hit on the right side with the bullet trajectory looking like it's somewhat angling upward since she was lying on the floor and the Ghosts were shooting at the sides of the limo. Couple that with the bleeding from the mouth, there's definitely a right lung injury, besides other possible bullet wounds.


Is this a spoiler? Shouldn't this be in the episode thread since it happened during the episode?

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Is this a spoiler? Shouldn't this be in the episode thread since it happened during the episode?


I wasn't quite sure where to put the gunshot gif. The extent of Felicity's injuries weren't mentioned in this ep, and I thought it might tie into the wheelchair pics. I'm fine with moving it though if the ep or Speculation thread are more appropriate.

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^ That's a good point about the wheelchair spec. Wherever the conversation goes, it doesn't really bother me since I have an almost obsessive tendency to read all the threads in the forum, anyway. :)


I actually think I'm going to enjoy the hiatus to a certain extent since I'm 110% sure Felicity's still alive. I might even read comments at other places so I can gleefully bask and giggle at the fanboy/comic canon tears once it's revealed that hi, Felicity's going to be okay and she's not in that grave that the CW tried to troll us with in the promo. She's actually getting an arc of her own with a cool guest actor as her Evil Pops, too! Also, I really wanna point out to those saying she's dead how bad they are at math. Because I'm petty like that.

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So, the "precious" thing of DD's that Oliver's gonna take - it's gonna be his daughter, right? And DD showed that he isn't afraid to go after the children tonight with that drone attack.

I don't know if Oliver will ever go after a child, but this episode gave me the feeling that DD is similar to Ivo in a way. Batshit crazy for family. The whole thing with growing crops probably ties into his kid somehow.



Side note did it look like Damien suspected Thea of possibly being the small framed woman in red who reversed his whammy to anyone else? To me he gave her sort of a stare when he saw her. Glad he didn't notice that Malcolm didn't have any facial hair. Not too many complaints about this episode. 


So Laurel is still in the dark that her dad is currently dating Felicity's mom. Writers don't change its like a running joke now that Laurel is always the last to know lol!


Oh, he totally sensed something with Thea. Maybe they're connected on some level now. This is really one of the things that have me interested in the rest of the season. If it's not the LP that helped Thea with the bloodlust, then what is it? DD's magicky ways or something to do with Genesis?


Spleen, Pancreas, kidney?

My first thought was kidney. And thanks for the picture.

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You know, if they do a spinal cord injury storyline, I would be fine with letting them explore all the emotional ramifications but I am still having trust issues with the show and so I either need to know that it IS temporary (hence why I REALLY want to see a spoiler shot of Felicity standing)  or at the very least in show reassurances that the paralysis is limited to her legs and wouldn't preclude a sex life with her fiancé.  These are my demands. 


Agh.  Six weeks? 

Edited by BkWurm1
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It doesn't bother me, because we all have our faves and non-faves. But just entertain yourself by imagining their crestfallen faces when she doesn't die.  :-)


This please.  Please don't post about your feelings about other fan's feelings.  


And please don't sing "Feelings" either.  There's no rule against that, but it's an annoying song. 

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OMFG @Morrigan2575 wins the day with that post :p

This is what happens at midnight when you're on the phone and trying to be quick...didn't even see it. Surprised I noticed this morning...after only 5 hours of sleep. Stupid work, stupid Andrea Bocelli
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I hate to say this... but don't they only put that on your head when they suspect spinal injury?  Anyone with medical knowledge, please enlighten!

I believe paramedics usually put that on anyone that could possibly have a head or neck trauma from a car accident or fall.  If it's even suspected (Which, given the fact that she was in a car accident it would be) they would put it on automatically to be safe.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Forgive me if this has been postulated already, but could Poppy be DD's daughter? It would be a way to connect the FB's to the present. But I have to admit, it sounded stupid in my head and I'm kind of embarrassed to even put it out there. But what the hell.

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Having watched Arrow 4X09, I am leaning towards the death being a member of the Team Arrow with the exception of Felicity. They are already playing the death card with Felicity, it is highly unlikely that they will repeat this story line. Besides, they emphasized that the members of the team know the risks and it is by their own choice that they are in it and whatever happens Oliver is not responsible for it. So, they are building towards the statement that Oliver says at the grave that he is not responsible for the death. 


This is precisely why I don't think that the person in the grave is either Samantha or Oliver's kid. Oliver has basically shoehorned himself in their lives.By all accounts, they were living a peaceful and happy life and Samantha is highly skeptical of Oliver playing a part in the kid's life. (I think Oliver running for the mayor is a big part of it considering the past track record of the previous Mayors). Hence, if either of them die, it will be Oliver's fault and responsibility. He brought the crazy in their life and neither of them asked for it. And Oliver wouldn't be making the statement that he is not responsible for their death.

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I hate to say this... but don't they only put that on your head when they suspect spinal injury?  Anyone with medical knowledge, please enlighten!


I have no idea, but I'm going to predict that "medical accuracy" is not the chief goal of that scene.

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Posted a link to a MG interview. Someone else finds out about the kid and argues that Oliver didn't have a choice in keeping that promise.


I bet it's Diggle. 


Seriously if this show paints Felicity to be the villain in wanting honesty from the man she's going to marry then I will RAGE.

Edited by Guest
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