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Did they even put her body in a coffin? Or just dump her in the ground? What if they left a foot behind? Would she come back without one? Things that make you go hmmm


She was placed in a very nice pine box.  They really went all out for her funeral.  I'm curious exactly how they are going to do this.  Will they show Laurel hauling the pine box out of the ground, or...?

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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They also buried her in old grave that says 2007 as her death date. They couldn't even spend the money to get a new gravestone made because they had to keep it a secret. Or they didn't think Sara deserved a proper burial. 


Anyone but Laurel bringing Sara back would've made more sense. Even Quentin doing it because it appears Sara's his favorite daughter.


As for Rip, I was thinking he could've dug Sara up after her pitiful funeral, brought her to the future and put her in the LP when it might be hidden or buried by then. Then no one would've known that Sara's body was missing and she could've introduced to us to Rip when they returned to the present. 

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Yeah, Laurel being the one to dig up Sara to take a dip in the pit doesn't make sense. I feel like that whole plot line goes against what the show has attempted to portray Laurel as. We hear that she loves Thea as a sister, but she's going to ask Thea to speak to the father she hates, to resurrect her sister? I am assuming it won't take much to convince Thea, since she feels so much guilt over killing Sara. On top of that, they're going to have Laurel go against Nyssa, who has the most information on the pit. I may not care for Laurel but this situation, in my opinion, goes against Laurel as a character.


That said, I'm super excited for Constantine (in ep 5). My concern now is that the episode will be less about Constantine and more about Laurel's guilt (which holds no interest for me). Also, watch the show throw a: life for a life or some darkness will come to even things out bs. All-in-all, sounds like the show is throwing Laurel under the bus again, which I wouldn't care about if it didn't affect everyone else around her & it probably will.

Edited by JJ928
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I don't think it's against Laurel as a character. Laurel always does whatever she wants and never listens to anyone elses legitimate concerns or reasons. Then she does it and someone else has to come in clean up her mess.


Sara: "Oliver's a cheating tool"

Laurel: "Not listening".


Oliver: "You shouldn't go out there without proper training"

Laurel: "Not listening"


Nyssa: "Don't put Sara in the LP, it will destroy her"

Laurel: "Not listening"

Edited by Sakura12
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Notice I said as the show tries to portray her.  However, I think  the show has succeeded in that portrayal a few times but it's failed mostly, imo. The way the EP's talk about her though, tells me that's how they write the character, it simply doesn't translate (for me at least). 

Edited by JJ928
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I interpret WM's comments about Sara and Laurel this way - Sara's Canary has overshadowed Laurel's BC the past two seasons.  So the EPs really want to separate out and disconnect Sara's Canary from Arrow by putting good closure on the sisters' relationship and moving Sara over to LoT.  Then we're only left with Laurel's BC on Arrow and, with time, they probably hope that we'll forget all about Sara's Canary ever being on Arrow and that whenever someone mentions BC, we'll only think of Laurel.


It baffles me that the writers are still trying to write themselves out of problems they themselves created. This board alone has created multiple scenarios that would have led to Laurel becoming BC in an organic way that didn't dismiss Sara. (Imagine if we got paid for our ideas.) The writers chose a shock value death that they backpedaled on so quickly they must have leg cramps at this point. 


If it plays out at it sounds, they are once again putting Laurel in a no win situation. I could write a dissertation on the way Arrow has failed the character of Laurel Lance. I don't think KC is good in this role at all, but Meryl Streep couldn't make these ridiculous plot points work.

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I don't think it's against Laurel as a character. Laurel always does whatever she wants and never listens to anyone elses legitimate concerns or reasons. Then she does it and someone else has to come in clean up her mess.


Sara: "Oliver's a cheating tool"

Laurel: "Not listening".


Oliver: "You shouldn't go out there without proper training"

Laurel: "Not listening"


Nyssa: "Don't put Sara in the LP, it will destroy her"

Laurel: "Not listening"

Oliver (and others): Don't go down into the Glades Laurel

Laurel: Not listening.

More or less repeated at the end of season two.

Laurel: I think we should move in together Oliver.

Oliver: *visibly reluctant*

Laurel: I'm going to look for apartments while Oliver's away on the boat with his dad.

Oh and then let's see, there's stealing her dad's pain pills, driving her sister out of the house and away from the parents why had just been reunited with her, assaulting an injured man in a hospital bed, trying to kill another man, going after yet another man with a baseball bat.

The one consistent character trait about Laurel is that she is stubborn, reckless, and does whatever the hell she wants without regard to how anyone else feels about it. I don't find this out of character for her in the least.

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Which would be fine if the show would let the character own being a selfish, reckless kind of bitch who doesn't take crap.... But they don't. They are still trying to sell her as this warm hearted, caring, selfless lover of humanity, and it's not working.

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The only thing that makes sense is that they're giving Sara's resurrection to Laurel to give Laurel something to do.  There are several far more sensible ways to bring back Sara: Rip Hunter goes back in time right after Sara was buried and digs her up bc he knew he needed her for LoT; Thea does it because she can't live with the guilt or is being haunted; Malcolm does it because he wants to get Nyssa on his side or just keep her distracted; or DD does it because he wants to create chaos.  Instead of any of those perfectly reasonable explanations, they have Laurel do it because she's selfish and won't just let her sister be.  I really think they just know they need to give Laurel something to do because Laurel can't be integrated organically.

I've got to agree with you. I was so excited about the potential of Sara being resurrected back from the dead. There were so many different and interesting angles to take. Some (MM, DD) I liked better than others (Rip Hunter). I even enjoyed the thought of having LL be the one who helps bring SL back to being SL. But to have LL be the one to actually choose to bring SL back, well that is the worse case scenario for how I wanted it to go. It's just to give LL something to do and has nothing to do with their sisterly bond. And I agree that LL's BC is somehow being overshadowed by SL's Canary which is why the writers thought they idea of intertwining SL's resurrection with LL's crowning as BC (with SL's verbal acknowledgement) is somehow a good idea for both of their characters. IMO, its not.


Why is it when they write LL, they always take the worst possible option? I can't even be excited for SL to come back from the dead anymore because I will have to find a way to stomach all of this emotionally complicated melodrama that the writers are inserting for reasons that are beyond comprehension at this point? The writers hold all the cards. They could have had SL brought back by another party and then have LL set out to rescue the sister she lost. That would make LL a heroic figure. That would show character growth. But yeah, I don't see LL as heroic in this proposed resurrection story in s4. I see her as in-character and selfish/self-absorbed. Which its so frustrating because this is not real life where people have to adjust to whatever scenarios are brought their way, the writers can choose how to write life's roadblocks. They can choose to make LL an actual heroic figure, instead they always make her a headstrong person that makes poor decisions again and again with no personal consequences for her actions - but consequences for everybody else around her.


I love that the Flarrowverse is getting SL back, I'm bummed that she is going to LoT (although it gives me a reason to watch it). But I honestly, have no desire to actually watch this resurrection story anymore. There is just nothing about it that interests me anymore.

Edited by kismet
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I'm sure they're convinced that Laurel resurrecting Sara will be good for Laurel because "Hey, look! It's not true that Sara died to clear the field for Laurel, Laurel is the one taking her back! We have to thank Laurel if we have Sara again!" is what they think we'll think.

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This just confirms that AK is gone from Arrow for me.


Am I reading that correctly? The "Legends of Yesterday" episode is supposed to be a fifteen day shoot?

Whoa. I didn't even spot that.

Edit: Thanks for the reminder about the holidays, apinknightmare.

Edited by bijoux
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I guess that's what happens when two characters are allowed to be together rather than kept apart for contrived reasons. Imagine that!

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I hadn't thought of that perspective on Thea/Oliver/The Huntress. It's interesting and I can see them going that direction. I hope Thea's issues don't just end when the LP isn't needed anymore. I would like it to be a season long arc. She is going to be in the public eye with Oliver. I want that to be an issue, as well as effect her love life.


I'm so excited for happy Olicity. I want all the fluff scenes.

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I think the time jump will be good for the audience to be able to accept O/F as a couple. Its a fait accompli. None of those melodramatic moments of how they fit together need to be chronicled. FS won't need to draped on OQ or have a staged apology to prove that they are a couple. Part of the reason R/F did not work for me was that we lost FS in their need to make them a couple. Which honestly, does sometimes happen in relationships - but it is still not something I enjoy seeing. We know that O/F are couple, so moving forward everything they encounter will be handled as a couple. It's a different dynamic than watching friends transition to lovers which can be awkward. I don't discount that there is still a learning curve for them as a couple. Every couple/relationship is a work in progress. But them together is better than them apart.

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Maybe Double Down was one of the things the reviewers were told not to tell.

Felicity said "I never liked her", which was true. Talking crap would be "Moira was so awesome,such a great businesswoman and mother, I'm really going to miss her".

Slade was the one who told Thea about Malcolm being her bio-dad, not Felicity.

You can talk crap about someone without being sarcastic. Felicity spoke negatively about Moira.

Slade only told Thea because he was gunning for Oliver, who only knew because Felicity can't mind her own business.

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402 looks like a good Oliver/Thea episode yay. Also Laurel looks so much better without the terrible wig but you can tell it's her. I hope no one recognizes the ADA that's all I'm saying.

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I saw someone refer to Speedy and Green Arrow as Sparrow. I thought it was kind of cute. Looking forward to that team up. 


So much better without the wig. 


I'm surprised no images of Diggle, Felicity and Curtis (for his debut).


Oliver in a leather jacket. No words, just sounds.

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I think the bedroom is already built. There is a shot of Felicity and Oliver in bed. I figure that is episode 4x02. I can't image them spending the money to build two bedrooms.

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I think the bedroom is already built. There is a shot of Felicity and Oliver in bed. I figure that is episode 4x02. I can't image them spending the money to build two bedrooms.

Not necessarily, if the bedroom scene is from 401 than it is probably a bedroom inside the house they filmed in - i mean they obviously didn't build an entire set just for those Olicity in Suburbia scenes.

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The TV Guide article said that Laurel will be the one who benefits the most from Sara's resurrection. Per WM, Sara's resurrection gives Laurel a "second chance" at having a better relationship with her sister, that her journey this year is tied a lot to her sister, that Laurel is a "key player" in the decision to resurrect Sara, that Sara's moving to LoT will give Laurel a bit more of the Arrow spotlight, and that "with Sara coming back and then moving on to go on her own journey, we have the potential to change the dynamic there in a really positive way for Laurel. [We] kind of put the past to rest." (TV Guide article)


So bringing Sara back to life will be most beneficial to LL. Not Sara. Not Quentin... LL. Once again everything has to be about her *eye rolls* This is just supremely annoying. Sara's resurrection should be about SARA.

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So bringing Sara back to life will be most beneficial to LL. Not Sara. Not Quentin... LL. Once again everything has to be about her *eye rolls* This is just supremely annoying. Sara's resurrection should be about SARA.

I'm not surprised this is how they are selling it. They can't sell it as Sara's story because it's Arrow and it would piss off those who were really frustrated with Arrow not being Arrow last season and the LL fans who don't want Sara to get the spotlight. I always figured they would try and sell it as about Laurel, I just didn't figure the extent they would make it her story. And I figured they would be a little (lot) more creative with the material.


How it actually ends up for Laurel and Sara is anyone's guess. They oversell Laurel a lot. Her venti's tend to end up tall's.    

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I think they will make this about Sara and use Laurel to set up her spinoff.They're just selling it as about Laurel so they don't piss off her fans.It's not like bringing Sara back was ever their plan as a storyline for Laurel when they killed her off and now it seems to be the only storyline she has.

They don't even seem to care that they're making Laurel look insane with digging her up after a year and using Thea to get to the LP.

I'm actually really glad about this.Sara was used for Laurel all season 3 and now that she's one of the main characters on LoT they can't just do that anymore.

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Yeah, I kind of expect everyone's scenes or moments to be really short because the crossover is where they're essentially introducing like 6 other characters? There's just no time for everyone, I guess. 

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You mean the Flash half? And what am I missing either way for this assumption? Thanks :)

Is Laurel not in the crossover? Her name wasn't on the scripts posted with C/O. If so, that's good news for me. 

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Yeah, I suppose she could just not be in the Flash part of the crossover.Then she'll be there for Arrow portion when they go pick up Sara and Ray. 


You mean the Flash half? And what am I missing either way for this assumption? Thanks :)


It's from this.


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