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My guess is that the CW is counting on viewers doing exactly what lots of people are doing on this forum or over on Tumblr - trying to figure out how this wedding could end up interrupted or a trick, but I think it's a bit of a stretch to assume that viewers, and especially viewers with Nielsen boxes, will react the same way this forum does.


Which is to say that once again, I'm refusing to predict what will happen to the ratings in the next two May sweeps episodes. 

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What episode is the courthouse scene supposed to be in? I could see Thea visiting Roy and being like "you know what, let's get married" after what Felicity told her. "He's starting a new life, one that hopefully includes you... if you want it." I'm thinking there's going to be a ceremony between Oliver/Nyssa in Nanda Parbat and one with Thea/Roy elsewhere. The former will get interrupted while the latter completes.

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I still say Roy/Thea spend the majority of hiatus together.


Possibly. Thea shows up in her new mask in the finale (if the Van paps are to be believed), so I'm wondering if she'll sacrifice a life with him for some kind of higher heroic calling. Or maybe they'll all go their separate ways after the finale - but then, why they'd bring Colton back in 3x22 and not 3x23 if they were going to do something like that is not so clear to me. Unless Thea just says "I'm gonna go hang with Roy," and they don't actually show them together.

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What were the courthouse spoilers? Fingerscrossed for Thea and Roy. Though Thea had her fling with the cray LOA dj and she and Roy just got back together. No one should be getting married but better them since they love each other.

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What episode is the courthouse scene supposed to be in? I could see Thea visiting Roy and being like "you know what, let's get married" after what Felicity told her. "He's starting a new life, one that hopefully includes you... if you want it." I'm thinking there's going to be a ceremony between Oliver/Nyssa in Nanda Parbat and one with Thea/Roy elsewhere. The former will get interrupted while the latter completes.

Yes let's hope!


Besides now that we have seen the episode and preview, I'm not sure Law's spoilers about the wedding make sense if its just Oliver/Nyssa.  I mean, unless they have snuck the whole of TA into the ceremony and we are about to get a Red Wedding, I would say she would be more involved than the rest of TA in a O/N wedding.  Plus, it wouldn't be a shock to her - though it might be to the rest of TA.


On the other hand, her comment about being involved as the rest of TA and everyone being really surprised could apply to a Thea/Roy elopement that none of them find out about until 3x23.  Hell, I'm holding out hope here lol.   MG said, they were putting a punctuation mark on the Thea/Roy romance, but he didn't make it sound like a sad, bittersweet ending.  And Colton said he thinks the two of them have a chance after he would have known he was reducing his role on the show.  So I am holding out hope the EPs consider a "wedding" an ending and their marriage will just occur mostly off screen since Colton won't be around as much next year.


By the way, I am not 100% ruling out that Roy/Colton gets recruited to be the floater and they just aren't telling us this because it would somehow spoil the end of the season.  You know, like if Waller is basically forming a superhero team to fight against organizations like the LoA and she recruits Roy to act as a liaison to Flash and Green Arrow.  And Roy is the perfect person because he is technically dead and clearly Oliver will have ended his relationship with her at the end of the season after fulfilling his promise to take down the LoA. I am living in my own version of this show until next week destroys my little world.

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If Ra's was a real dick, he'd make her watch.

I don't think Ra's is that petty. He seems more like a "any means to achieve my plans" kind of guy, but not spiteful.

I wouldn't put it past MG to make it happen, though. Do we know who wrote 3x22?

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I personally don't think it's completely insane to think that Oliver/Nyssa gets interrupted or whatever, while Thea/Roy actually elope.  It is a little surprising that they're being so open about Oliver/Nyssa.


Counting against that, though, and please do not underestimate the importance of this to Guggie, especially this season, is BATMAN.  Also, they have pulled off exactly one surprising twist all season.

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I personally don't think it's completely insane to think that Oliver/Nyssa gets interrupted or whatever, while Thea/Roy actually elope.  It is a little surprising that they're being so open about Oliver/Nyssa.


Counting against that, though, and please do not underestimate the importance of this to Guggie, especially this season, is BATMAN.  Also, they have pulled off exactly one surprising twist all season.

Ok but against the Batman argument is that Bruce and Talia were in love, right?  And their child was conceived in love not a forced, drug, brainwashing, whatever induced state.  So no O/N please!


Maybe I'm riding high on my absolute insistence that they were faking Roy's death and he wasn't going to die for real, but if MG isn't delusional and they really do have big surprises in store - I really think we have called it with Malcolm working for Ra's or Darhk.  Oliver working for Waller is a stretch, but I'm dragging that one out because while Malcolm working for someone saves Merlyn's story and makes him a real villain again - it does nothing for making Oliver not look stupid all season long.  I want Oliver to be smart too damn it, but I will settle on Malcolm lol.


Anyway, maybe Darhk is the one who interrupts the O/N wedding?  I mean they have cast him already, right?

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Someone asked MG on his tumblr if Caity (Lotz) was done for season three and he said yes. So does that mean no Sara return this season? Pardon me, but what am I putting up with all this bullshit for? *headdesk* *cries*

I feel like if we are going to see her again this season, it would be on the Flash, perhaps with other spin-off members. But probably they are holding out for S4 to return her or have a quick reveal in the finale that MG would never want to spoil. The real story behind her resurrection will probably be dependent upon the pick-up of the spin-off. If we get the spin-off they will let her live & might reveal it. If the spin-off is not formally picked-up, sadly I feel like the writers may leave Sara dead until further notice. :(

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They also said we'd find out who Caity's playing in the spring. She'll have to show up or be mentioned for that to happen. It could be on the Flash or they are going to show that teaser the filmed with most of the spin off team after the Arrow finale. 

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Can we all make a pact not to talk about the dreaded wedding until it's over? Damn it's just annoying now...

Im on board. I think we have intelligently exhausted every possible scenario, rationale & theory. I trust the posters on this forum that they have put more thought into how to explain &/or disexplain this wedding/marriage. From the last episode, it seems our track record is good for being correct about our theories and/or rationales. Honestly, at this point I just want to see the whole thing play out just so we can move forward with whatever is gonna go down in s4.

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They really don't understand what being "gay" means, it seems.


On another note, I had a pretty impassioned debate here a few days ago about how upset I would be if TA just gave up on Oliver.  A few of the reviews have called TA "fair weather" for giving up on him in this one episode.  So apparently it happened, and I should be upset, but at this point I guess I finally don't really care about Oliver anymore.  Such a dumb pathetic quitter now.

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I thought they'd say we'd know how Sara comes back in the spring (the LP)?

Maybe the plan all along is/was to announce it at the CW Upfronts in May but they wanted people talking about it in the meantime so let them think she is coming back on Arrow?  I guess it could still be Ra's shocker in 3.22 although that might be whether she's adopted or his blood per MG TUMBLR.

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If it turns out they've been working together the whole time, the season will definitely be less stupid.  However, Guggie has said there are no more mysteries re Sara's death, which would strongly imply they haven't been, at least not all season.  But I guess they could split the baby and have them working together NOW.  I despise Malcolm and loathe the fact that he's been getting away with everything all season, so that could turn him back into a real villain who can hopefully then be killed.

Where was MG quoted as saying that? Just curious. Would love to go back & read it and see if there are any hints in the his wording. He might be chosing to split the difference now.

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Where was MG quoted as saying that? Just curious. Would love to go back & read it and see if there are any hints in the his wording. He might be chosing to split the difference now.

I believe it was on TUMBLR. 

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It was on Tumblr, in response to that Robert Dougherty guy, who has been theorizing all season that the only way this can all make sense if for Malcolm and Ra's to have been working together.  The language was sufficiently clear that at least Dougherty more or less gave up on the theory.


That's not to say they can't be working together NOW, of course, although I would be surprised if Malcolm was on board with stabbing Thea.  Maybe he would be, knowing she'd be LPd.  He is evil.  If that turns out to be the case, that Malcolm knew and okayed Ra's stabbing Thea, and he's allowed to hang out with TA at all from that point on without someone killing the shit out of him...well, I don't know what to say except that this show would be even worse than I think, and I currently put it somewhere below moldy Hyena feces.

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MG replied to a tumblr question from Robert Dougherty of TMN who has been posting for most of the season that he hopes there was a trick behind Sara's death. MG said there wasn't.  I think the fastest way to get it would be to read Dougherty's columns because it was a couple of months back now.  He linked directly to MG's response.


TA didn't give up on Oliver. I'm pretty sure that after all the tears at the end of this one, they're going to regroup and try to get him out now that they know he's brainwashed.  What appeared to be giving up at the end was for the DRAHMAH IMO.


I wouldn't put it past MG to make it happen, though. Do we know who wrote 3x22?

Erik Oleson, Ben Sokolowsk and Brian Ford Sullivan.  I feel sorry for Sullivan, he seems like a nice guy and he's sweet about tweeting back.

‏@ARROWwriters Only two episodes left...but we promise #ThisIsYourSword won't disappoint. @erikoleson @BenSokolowski @briforsul


Yeah, right.


I guess they're counting on people tuning in to see how Team Arrow saves Oliver based on the promo.  I wonder how many people are like me, so disappointed with the stupidity of this plotline that even the obvious, which is the wedding doesn't go through and Oliver is okay by the end, can't save it.


ETA:  Snap (do people still say that?) to AyChihuahua for posting at the same time.

Edited by statsgirl
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"TA didn't give up on Oliver. I'm pretty sure that after all the tears at the end of this one, they're going to regroup and try to get him out now that they know he's brainwashed.  What appeared to be giving up at the end was for the DRAHMAH IMO."


I say this with love, because I have a great deal of respect for your thoughts, but I just don't care whether they did or didn't.  At this point he really seems like more trouble than he's worth.  I'm terribly disappointed that three weeks of having cold water thrown on him and being chained to a floor broke him. 


Of course, if it turns out he's faking, it'll be different, but I might be so over him by then that it'll be too late for me to care.  And until this, he'd been right up there with Buffy, Veronica Mars, Dean Winchester, and Walter Bishop in my list of all-time favorite television characters.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Does anyone have a link to that post? Because I remember the question being asked a little differently, like whether we'd find out that Thea wasn't the one who killed Sara, and MG responded that no, that was pretty much settled. I do remember there being a link to a blog, but we're assuming MG even read that. I'd like to re read his answer since clearly I misinterpreted it, but I can't find it.

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As everyone predicted: it's because Ra's is evil, y'all! It's not like there's anyone responsible for Ra's that, you know, writes what he says or does. Nooo. He's evil.


I know Ra's is evil. The creator of the character, who I really respect, said he's the 2nd most dangerous man in the DC universe. I get it. Really. I am not an idiot. My problem is that it seems like the evil guy is getting everything he wants, and when that happens on a show about a hero, I have a problem. Also, as written, your evil guy is a moron that I can't believe could manage an Arby's, let alone a group of people, who are, you know, assassins. 


The good guys have to get some wins in too, not just in the finale.

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Maybe the plan all along is/was to announce it at the CW Upfronts in May but they wanted people talking about it in the meantime so let them think she is coming back on Arrow? I guess it could still be Ra's shocker in 3.22 although that might be whether she's adopted or his blood per MG TUMBLR.

Yeah, I'm still holding onto a very faint bit of hope that we will at least find out what's happening with Sara next episode, even if we don't see her. But mostly I'm just pretty discouraged, because looking forward to seeing Sara again was one of my biggest reasons for sticking it out through the rest of what this season has turned into.

And frankly if she wasn't going to show up on Arrow, why keep who Caity is playing such a secret? I thought it was because how she was coming back was a spoiler for this season of Arrow, but now I'm wondering if I was too optimistic and she's not really going to be playing Sara at all? *sigh*. That's probably just my gloom and doom outlook today talking though. :(

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Since someone asked...

Additional MG spoilery info at http://marcguggenheim.tumblr.com/


-- Asked if the mystery of Sara's death has been completely 100% solved, or if there are still more details about it that are being saved for the final five episodes, MG says: "I think it’s been completely solved."  [This question came from Robert Dougherty, frequent Arrow reviewer - http://marcguggenheim.tumblr.com/post/115854655294/has-the-mystery-of-saras-death-been-completely]

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Didn't MG say that we would find out what happened to Sara before the end of this season of Arrow?


I just don't care whether they did or didn't.  At this point he really seems like more trouble than he's worth.  I'm terribly disappointed that three weeks of having cold water thrown on him and being chained to a floor broke him. 


Of course, if it turns out he's faking, it'll be different, but I might be so over him by then that it'll be too late for me to care.  And until this, he'd been right up there with Buffy, Veronica Mars, Dean Winchester, and Walter Bishop in my list of all-time favorite television characters.


Oh, I agree. At this point I'm hoping Nyssa stabs Oliver on their marriage bed and then goes to make sure Ra's gets well and truly dead. 


But I know a good Oliver/Felicity or Oliver/Diggle/Felicity scene will draw me back in when the Ra's stuff is over.  I just can't stand the plot they are doing now.


I'm 97% sure he's faking it though.  But I will be surprised if TA know that.

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"Didn't MG say that we would find out what happened to Sara before the end of this season of Arrow?"


He said we'd find out how she was coming back for the new show by this spring.  I'm betting that big teaser thing Brandon Routh, et al. were filiming.


Or Guggie's just a huge liar.  That's just as likely.

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I dislike this O/N wedding a lot, but more for Oliver than Nyssa. 


This is because, as cool and as beautiful Nyssa is, she was still pretty happy to go along with being the Heir to the LOA, for a long time. She followed their traditions and only left because she disagreed with her father. It was something major, but I don't doubt Nyssa will go back to the LOA if possible. If we saw more of Nyssa realising that she had a shitty life and enjoying her time away form the league and being a real person, I might buy into saving her more. We saw some, but not nearly enough IMO, in 3.21.


Oliver made a lot of dumb choices this year, but his current circumstances, he tried everything possible to avoid them. The boy has been striving all season and has denied himself so much, it is sad to see this happening to Oliver. I hope that Team Arrow rallies to save him next week. The message for Oliver all season was to not do things on his own and let people in, and to be himself, basically this current storyline has him failing at everything. I don't want to see everyone trying to save Nyssa but giving up on Oliver.


I doubt that there will be a wedding night as one is gay and the other one is possibly drugged/brainwashed and the are both just not that into each other.


As for the larger social message being sent out, it is so gross, both for "Marrying away the Gay" and having dubious consent.

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IIRC, spoilers had indicated that Oliver would do something so bad that it would drive a wedge between him and Diggle, perhaps for a long time.  It's got to be something more than just kidnapping Lyla.  At the end of S2, Oliver used Felicity as bait and told her he loved her in that mansion fake-out to trick Slade.  That was considered "unthinkable", and yet Felicity understood and forgave him for it.  So shouldn't Diggle also understand and forgive Oliver for kidnapping his wife, if they end up saving Starling City (again) as the result?

Edited by tv echo
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Based on those promo pics Oliver seems to lock up Team Arrow, so that rules out a Merlyn turn unless he gets locked up with them and at some point someone from the League comes and lets him out. But then that would mean he's working with Ra's, not Damien Darhk, unless he's got a Darhk cohort in the League too. Maybe Oliver? 


Or maybe this is is as dumb as it seems and they somehow trusted an Oliver they thought was brainwashed to do what he said he would.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I really admire those of you who still have it in them to speculate and hope this mess had some sort of sense. Really. 

Rewatching season 1, there are so many things (Robert, OQ/QL interactions, Malcolm intro, Moira's secret past, Bratva, Floyd Lawton, Fyers, Yao Fei, Diggle's entry onto TA, even LL & FS). IDK watching s1disc1 in comparision to how they are revealing & tying up/rehashing loose ends - Im beginning to feel like they had a plan. Somehow, someway its all going to work together in some big jigsaw. I would love to believe they have some masterplan. I want to feel like there has been a higher level of storytelling going on.


I mean either they went in with some type of long gameplan to get to Ras storyline or someone went back and is purposely trying to connect things back to s1/2 plot/character highlights. Either way, as senseless & dumb as this season has felt I feel like it has intentionally been leading us up this big moment of who Oliver Queen really is. That it will all make sense as triology. Part 1: Return home, establish credentials as a warrior/broken man/possible hero Part 2: Establish a hero Part 3: Push/Pull between identity, wants & sacrifices required of hero & a man. So perhaps this finale will actually finally solve who Oliver Queen is, since the other seasons did not fully establish/incorporate all the parts of who OQ is/was.


Or maybe Im just over analyzing everything to fill the void that the plot driven sesason has left....

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Omg Nyssa looks so sad in those pictures. And look at how Ra's is grabbing her by the face, I hope she skewers him. So much rage for this dumb storyline, on all levels.

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How are they going to get out of this situation this time? Will Maseo once again deflect to Team Arrow with Tatsu there? Have a feeling there's gonna be a lot of Tatsu/Maseo and Felicity/Oliver parallels in this upcoming episode.

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As Tatsu is dressed like Katana here, I feel like Maseo is going to die, although my only basis for that is comics! so I won't put too much weight on that theory. Still, I wouldn't be surprised.

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Ray looks so confused. WHY IS HE THERE?! ...sorry...I had too.


Laurel and Katana look like they are pouting in that picture. lol


Costumes/tin cans look a little stupid.

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