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S03.E02: You Hung the Moon

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After discovering that poachers have begun taking out werewolves in the bayou, Elijah and Jackson grow concerned for Hayley's safety when she fails to show up during the full moon. Meanwhile, Davina, the only one with the answer to Hayley's whereabouts, plots ways to use that to her advantage. Elsewhere, Cami approaches Klaus with her theory on who is behind the series of murders in the French Quarter, while Lucien delivers to Elijah an unsettling warning about the war brewing among the sire lines. Finally, after receiving a dire prophecy about the future of the Mikaelson siblings, Klaus takes extreme measures to determine the validity of this potential impending threat.




So Hayley and Jackson are living in an apartment under his name (to keep vampires out) with Hope.  Two people who actually know that their curse is only suppressed and that if Davina wants to release it or even if she just fucks something up (which, come on, that's her M.O.) they'll turn back into wolves.  Two wolves in a room with a toddler.  I'll take Stupid Ideas for $600, Alex.  I hope they invite Elijah in, and I hope they let Freya put a lupine-o-meter spell on them so she'll know the instant they start to transform.

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I guess I'm a Klaus apologist in general, but I have to say it was so grating to hear Hayley talking about missing so much of Hope's growth without the least bit of self-awareness that this was her plan in regards to Klaus all along.


(And nitpicky, but as for the mother always winning in the 21st century custody cases, someone needs to show Haley Kramer vs. Kramer. The mom does win in that one but it influenced so much of family court since that custody isn't anywhere near so cut and dry. I read recently that in the majority of cases where a father fights for full custody, he's likely to get it.)

  • Love 4

I guess I'm a Klaus apologist in general, but I have to say it was so grating to hear Hayley talking about missing so much of Hope's growth without the least bit of self-awareness that this was her plan in regards to Klaus all along.



I'm with you here - what Klaus did was cruel, but Hayley brought it on herself. Maybe if she had actually had some kind of actual plan, I could buy the whole, "I did it for Hope!" nonsense, but no, she married Marble Mouth and figured she could just substitute him as her new baby daddy instead of having to deal with Klaus. Granted, that would be a challenge for anyone, but just taking off with Hope was both stupid and selfish.


Joseph Morgan is truly a marvel in how he manages to still give such nuance to such an over the top character. On the other side of that coin, I will never tire of Elijah's perfectly casual yet elegant violence.


I've listened to two recent podcasts featuring Daniel Gillies recently and he is such an intelligent and charmingly profane delight.

  • Love 5

I guess I'm a Klaus apologist in general, but I have to say it was so grating to hear Hayley talking about missing so much of Hope's growth without the least bit of self-awareness that this was her plan in regards to Klaus all along.


(And nitpicky, but as for the mother always winning in the 21st century custody cases, someone needs to show Haley Kramer vs. Kramer. The mom does win in that one but it influenced so much of family court since that custody isn't anywhere near so cut and dry. I read recently that in the majority of cases where a father fights for full custody, he's likely to get it.)

I'm not a Klaus apologist. I'm a Haley hater and I was irritated by her attitude. Her grand plan was to marry Jackson and run away. Run away when one of the most powerful witches they'd ever faced was after them. A witch so powerful she'd cross continents and millennia. Haley is no great tactician. It was a spectacularly awful plan and her dumb decision to cut Klaus out of Hope's life with her dumb plan is just more of the idiot plotting I expect from Haley. She can miss me with her selfrighteous indignation.

  • Love 4

Klaus cockblocking that frat bro was hilarious, but poor Freya - she just wanted to hook up with that guy and forget about her family feud for a little while.


Obvious sign that Lucien sucks: he walks around his house wearing a bluetooth headset. If he had all those vials of the cure in his closet, why did he wait so long to inject himself with it? I know, I know, I should be focusing on how he got a cure.and who he got it from (and what it is since it obviously wasn't hybrid blood).


I dislike Phoebe Tonkin as an actress but I really felt for Hayley. She has only been able to see Hope once a month and she has missed so much, not just her first steps. I'm glad she was finally able to get through to Klaus when she reminded him that they both had crappy family situations and that she just wanted better for Hope. Loved that Hayley stood up to Klaus and told him that this isn't about him getting his way. How long is he going to let her live across the street before he has another temper tantrum and tries to take her back?


Davina really needs someone. I wish she would stop pushing Marcel away. I think his biggest mistake was telling her that she was too young for this burden, which just made her defensive, but it's true. Being a leader is a huge responsibility and as powerful as she is, she isn't emotionally mature enough to handle making tough decisions yet. There's no shame in that because she is still a teenager. I hated that Davina and Marcel were yelling about the dead witches in the cemetery. If you want to keep that a secret, try not broadcasting it loudly in a public place frequented by the people who you are keeping it a secret from.


I still don't completely trust Freya and hiding that blue jewel in her pocket from Elijah is not helping matters. But I did like that the reason she kept Jackson from jumping into the Hayley/Klaus fight was because Klaus would kill him (not because she was trying to protect Klaus from a two on one fight).


Since both Freya and Davina were both shown bleeding while doing magic in this episode, are we going to get another "magic can kill you!" storyline like on TVD? Or were we just supposed to assume that the ancestors didn't want Freya doing that spell?


I'm still not totally interested in Aurora and Tristan (or Lucian & Klaus's obsession with her) and I'm not sure that what this show needs is even more characters (see: Grey's Anatomy and their cast of millions) but I am withholding judgment for now. Maybe they will end up being really interesting. For now all I know is that Aurora has serious impulse control issues and a bad temper.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 2

Boo! No Vincent.


Klaus cockblocking his own sister made my night, lol. Klaus annoys me SO much but I love how JM portrays him. Elijah continues to rock my world.


And how cute was little Hope tottering around! Squee! Although I WAS quite unnerved at the same time, thinking "my God, she's up there alone, are there baby gates?? can she somehow slip and fall??" before realizing that A.) this is a tv show and B.) her parents were up there with her and can rescue her with their super speed.


I still could not care less about Hayley, the curse on her, or anything else. I guess it's nice Jackson is still around, he irritates Klaus to no end, which I enjoy. :-) Davina is too damn young to be regent, I understand her pushing Marcel away in a way so as to appear impartial to the witches but she really needs some damn guidance in her life.


Are we supposed to see sparks between Dohring and Cami? 'Cause...I'm not seeing any. I do like how he checked up on her past, her family, etc, I have a feeling he has suspicions about the supernatural in the city and will explore more which, hey, more Dohring is always a good thing, right?


I'm guessing that with Lucien's millions (billions?) he must have had a scientific reproduction created from Klaus' blood in a lab and keeps a supply from himself to treat any possible werewolf bites. With all of Klaus' battles over the years it wouldn't, or shouldn't, have been that difficult to score some Klaus blood laying around (like when Davina magically gathered up all the blood post-fight from another season) and invest in replicating it, maybe with a bit of magic mixed in. I'm interested in exploring more of Tristan and Aurora's pasts, did I miss this or has it been mentioned who their sire is? I guess since Klaus sired Lucien, I'm assuming Elijah and Rebekah sired Tristan and Aurora, which means I'm most likely wrong.

I'm not a Klaus apologist. I'm a Haley hater and I was irritated by her attitude. Her grand plan was to marry Jackson and run away. Run away when one of the most powerful witches they'd ever faced was after them. A witch so powerful she'd cross continents and millennia. Haley is no great tactician. It was a spectacularly awful plan and her dumb decision to cut Klaus out of Hope's life with her dumb plan is just more of the idiot plotting I expect from Haley. She can miss me with her selfrighteous indignation.

I don't know if I'm a Klaus apologist or not I love the character but I recognize all of his flaws and just hope he actually freaking learns from his mistakes this time (sadly, he probably won't).  


In any case I don't like Haley much and have been on Klaus' side in this issue because Haley wasn't acting altruistic she wasn't protecting Hope from Klaus or the MIkalson's.  The scene was pretty clear, Jackson essentially gave her an ultimatum and she chose Jackson/The Pack over Klaus and was going to runaway with Hope.  Even if Klaus managed to take care of Dahlia she wouldn't have brought that baby back or left Klaus see the baby.


Klaus merely did to Haley exactly what she tried to do to him, prevented her from seeing Hope...except in this case, he let her see the baby once a month, which is something she had no intention of doing.


I hated Davina in S1 but started to like her in S2 and I'm not back to hating her in S3.  She's too arrogant in her power and she's been raised to super special snowflake status by everyone around her.  What's even worse is that she acts as if her love for Kol is so much bigger/larger/better than his siblings which just isn't true.  These are people who spent centuries with Kol (on and off) and in the end, all he wanted was his family, not Davina.


Cami is just useless, and I really don't care about her plot with the cop.


I'm actually starting to like Freya, I still prefer Claire Holt/Rebekah but Freya and her relationship with both Klaus and Elijah is interesting to watch.


The Originals, Original children are interesting.  I was missed the premiere so please let me know if I have this wrong.  Klaus sired Lucian, Elijah sired Tristan and Rebekah sired Aurora?  If that's the case, did the Mikaelsons sire people just like them or did the children become like their parents through influence?  Not sure about the Bex/Aurora bit .

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 2

I think both Hayley and Klaus have been in the wrong, and Hope needs better parents, in my opinion. Both parties are 110% responsible for everything that has happened and neither of them are innocent in everything that Hope has been through. First off, Hayley. She was going to take Hope away from Klaus. Of course he's going to retaliate. Has she met Klaus? In what world did she think that would turn out to be a good plan? Of course he was going to catch her and punish her. It's no surprise. And now, with her living across the street with Hope, that is going to end badly. All I could think was 'Freya just said you guys could turn into wolves at any time. Why do you want your daughter to be caught in the crosshairs of two werewolves shifting unexpectedly? I hope you have invited Elijah in and have Freya keeping a spell on you guys'. Seriously, just a dumb move altogether. 


But Klaus....honestly, of course I'm going to feel more for Hayley in this situation, no matter how much I don't like her. Klaus is powerful; no matter what, he would have been able to find Hope and bring her home. No matter what Hayley did, she knows Hope wouldn't be without her father for long. But Hayley? She has no power over Klaus. He would have been willing to kill her, if not for Elijah. Klaus would have been happy to have Hope all to himself and only allow his siblings and Marcel to be in Hope's immediate life. So, he places her on a curse to initially save her life, but also mostly to punish her. And I'll say that's definitely a punishment. It's basically an extreme supernatural form of parental custody and visitation rights. And Hayley can't do anything about it because she's trapped. All she can hope for is to be able to spend alone time with Hope once a month, during the night no less when Hope's probably asleep the most. She missed moments that Hayley wanted to be on. Of course that's heartbreaking. I'll even admit I thought that was one of Tonkin's better acting moments. But she's right; what happens when Hope grows older and wants to know why her mother abandoned her? What if Klaus tells her a different version to make Hayley look like the bad girl, and because of it, Hope refuses to see Hayley? That would be on Klaus. 


Sure, Hayley may have been asking to be punished. But neither of these parents are the victims here. They've both done despicable things for their child. The difference is that Klaus has more power than Hayley does. He's also taunting and throwing it in her face constantly, while making himself a victim. No, you both brought this on yourselves. I wish Freya would just take Hope and zip to another world. Hope basically deserves a lot better than what she's given. 


Cami's storyline is so boring. I just don't care. I never watched Veronica Mars, so Dohring has no appeal to me. 


Well, Davina's storyline is going to suck. I wish I cared more about the witches, but I don't. But yeah, if she's still mourning over Kol, she's got to stop. It's annoying to me. I'm really kind of over her and wish it was a more interesting and appealing storyline.


So, Lucien has means to heal himself from werewolf bites. Sure, ok then.


So, we got crazy Aurora and Tristan. 

  • Love 3

Loved Hayley this episode, she was great in that battle with Klaus and then both of them stopping when Hope came out. And her keeping the wedding rings/sentimental jewelry so they could put it back on. She and Jackson were so cute at the end. 


I was wondering if Jackson broke his chains himself or did Hope do it? Have they forgotten she's got magical powers? 


Lucien being able to cure himself is silly. Also now there's a way to kill Klaus all of a sudden?

Boo! No Vincent.

Klaus cockblocking his own sister made my night, lol. Klaus annoys me SO much but I love how JM portrays him. Elijah continues to rock my world.

And how cute was little Hope tottering around! Squee! Although I WAS quite unnerved at the same time, thinking "my God, she's up there alone, are there baby gates?? can she somehow slip and fall??" before realizing that A.) this is a tv show and B.) her parents were up there with her and can rescue her with their super speed.

I still could not care less about Hayley, the curse on her, or anything else. I guess it's nice Jackson is still around, he irritates Klaus to no end, which I enjoy. :-) Davina is too damn young to be regent, I understand her pushing Marcel away in a way so as to appear impartial to the witches but she really needs some damn guidance in her life.

Are we supposed to see sparks between Dohring and Cami? 'Cause...I'm not seeing any. I do like how he checked up on her past, her family, etc, I have a feeling he has suspicions about the supernatural in the city and will explore more which, hey, more Dohring is always a good thing, right?

I'm guessing that with Lucien's millions (billions?) he must have had a scientific reproduction created from Klaus' blood in a lab and keeps a supply from himself to treat any possible werewolf bites. With all of Klaus' battles over the years it wouldn't, or shouldn't, have been that difficult to score some Klaus blood laying around (like when Davina magically gathered up all the blood post-fight from another season) and invest in replicating it, maybe with a bit of magic mixed in. I'm interested in exploring more of Tristan and Aurora's pasts, did I miss this or has it been mentioned who their sire is? I guess since Klaus sired Lucien, I'm assuming Elijah and Rebekah sired Tristan and Aurora, which means I'm most likely wrong.

You mean like a Tru Blood potion?

I think it's great that Hayley and Klaus had that fight, but I can't wait for them to move past their differences and become proper co-parents to Hope. They both grew up in horrible situations and want to do right by their daughter, but they both keep hurting her by being stubborn. It makes sense why they're acting like children, but they both need to grow up for the sake of Hope. They want the other in Hope's life, but they're idiots and don't know how to communicate properly. It's easy to blame the other for whatever wrongdoings they do, but they need to put Hope first and come to some common ground.


I've been loving Davina this season. She's been overpowered since we first met her and she's use to using force to get what she wants, so even though she tries to act like she's not a killer she is. But at the same time, she's still just a kid. (Only a few years younger than Hayley at that) and she can only use what she's been taught to lead the witches. She's going to crash and burn, but it's going to be an awesome ride.


I don't see any sparks between the dectective and Cami, but I do like him so far. I'm just worried that by mentioning Kieran, he's foreshadowed his death. :(


Klaus really doesn't like seeing his sisters get chummy with other guys. lol.


Elijah was beautiful when he threw the chair/table (?) piece at Lucian. Elijah is always better when he's like this and not some love sick puppy. Since we got to see Celeste's grave, I'm hoping she comes back so he can be with her and stop pining after a married woman. It's...unsightly.


Great episode. It was better than last week, so hopefully the writers don't screw things up and keep the momentum going.

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I don't like the Elijah/Hayley love story, but I was a little more okay with it when they were both interested in each other and she was marrying Jackson to transfer her ability not to transform to their pack. But now that she is clearly into Jackson, I don't want Elijah staring sadly at her anymore. I didn't like Gia but at least she was getting him to move on. Now he's back to moping about Hayley.


Elijah throwing that table leg at Lucien when he couldn't enter his apartment was the kind of BAMF Elijah I remember and love. More of that and less pining after Hayley!

  • Love 5

While I agree that neither Klaus nor Haley would really be good parents, I'm fully in support of Klaus here. You know how else you could have missed Hope's first steps Haley? By BEING DEAD, that's how. If Klaus had not done what he did Haley would be dead, no question about that. By convincing Dahlia to use the Crescent Curse on them he saved the ENTIRE Crescent pack including Haley and Jackson from a simple quick death at the hands of Dahlia, all for having to live for a while as transformed werewolves under a spell that even this episode shows is not insurmountable. Haley's plan to simply run away would have gotten her and her entire pack killed by a vengeful Dahlia while she walked off with Hope in her arms, neither Klaus nor Haley ever being able to see her again. Trying to take his daughter away from him could possibly be construed as noble from a certain point of view, but pretty much handing Hope over to Dahlia? THAT is indefensible. At least Klaus actually cares about Hope if nothing else, a bit too much actually, but a life being raised and controlled by Dahlia isn't something anybody deserves.


Yeah Davina, kill the witch that tried to kill you, THAT was a great plan. Trying to earn the respect of the covens like a decent leader would was just too much work I'm guessing

Edited by immortalfrieza
  • Love 3

Klaus really doesn't like seeing his sisters get chummy with other guys. lol.


The man is pathological.


Anyway, I had trouble feeling for Hayley in this episode. When she was getting emotional about wanting to give Hope a better childhood than she'd had and then about missing Hope's first steps, she was COVERED in the blood of a woman she'd murdered. And the show spent a long time on that how much that woman's son was grieving for her. Yet, you know that it didn't even occur to Hayley that that woman had a child, too. Hayley just has no empathy. She doesn't even seem to understand why Hope and Klaus's relationship might be important *to Hope.* She seems to think she can just replace Klaus with Jackson or whoever, because that's more convenient for her. I mean, jeez, Klaus is Hope's father -- how is Hope going to react to being torn from his arms and kept from him forever?


It's also difficult for me to not feel for Klaus somewhat when it comes to him having custody of Hope, because he really does seem to think, and people are constantly telling him, that there's an expiration date on his and Hope's relationship. So my heart kind of breaks for him in that sense -- he knows that he's going to lose Hope, he just doesn't know when. I mean, it has come up HOW many times now that once Hope realizes who her father is, she'll hate him? And HOW many times have people threatened to forcibly take Hope from him so that she grows up without him (and his protection)? I guess I also tend to feel for him because he seems to be genuinely consider Hope's perspective and fear *for* her, in a way that Hayley doesn't. I mean, even when Hayley was reunited with her, she was all about her *own* feelings, not that focused on how Hope might feel or how she might have failed to help/protect/care for Hope while she was separated from her. I have no doubt that Hayley loves Hope, and she's probably the better parent out of the two of them, too, but I just don't like her and the selfishness of her love for her child is actually kind of off-putting to me. YMMV, of course.


But speaking of Hope:  I think the apartment is a pretty good idea. Elijah seems to be the one who's actually been raising Hope day-to-day, and he's still going to be in earshot/sight of her. Ibr, Elijah is the only stable presence in Hope's life, so as long as she stays near him, I'm not really worried about her.


About the other characters:


Lucien is a pretty interesting character, imo, even though this "serial killer" plotline is silly. He's so macho in this bizarrely old-fashioned way, it really does feel to me like he's from another time. The way he was ranting in that motivational video just seemed a little too "Reign of Terror" for a present-day Ted Talk. I also can see how he and Klaus would be friends, because of course Klaus would want the violent, angry, corrosively macho guy to like him. Daddy issues.


Aurora also seems like she's from another time. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with her, because that whole imprisonment and "I'll be better" thing was scary as hell.


I bet if Freya hears about this thing of Aurora's brother imprisoning her for centuries, she's going to tear Aurora's brother a new one. Probably, the brother will come onto Freya and she'll start falling for him, Klaus will try to split them up but only succeed in aggravating Freya, Freya will tell Klaus to get lost, Klaus will kill the brother, and then Aurora will unravel and they'll have to figure out what to do with her. Just speculation.


Davina's storyline is pretty interesting, imo, and I like watching her and Marcel together -- but I wish that Marcel had an interesting storyline of his own, too, so he didn't spend the whole episode playing backup to her. Though at the same time, I'm happy that we didn't get subjected to the ridiculousness that is Marcel's "fight club."

Edited by rue721
  • Love 1

I can't stand mouth full of marbles Jackson. He is ruining Hayley for me.


Of course I love Elijah and b/c I do and he loves Hayley I want them together. I think Hayley is mean to keep accepting Elijah's help knowing how he feels. 


When did Davina and Hayley become enemies? I thought all the "girls" kind of got along well.


I find neither Klaus nor Hayley are doing the right thing for their child. Both are using her as a weapon against the other. She is no more safe with one than the other. As long as they both play keep away they are both harming their own child.


Second fav to Elijah is Will(Jason Dohring..sigh) ugh that he is stuck with worthless Cami. I am really liking all the new character(which is more than I can say for TVD) Really intrigued by the brother/sister.


This prophecy is weird though.


Elijah keep kicking ass and looking fab! MEOW!

I can't say I'm a Haley fan, but I don't actually hate her either.  That being said, I feel (after reading posts here) that I need to turn into a Haley defender.  People comment on how stupid it was to try and take Hope from Klaus's protection.  But everyone seems to be forgetting that Klaus and Haley both agreed to send her away for her own protection before, with Rebekah.  And while Rebekah certainly could have defended against physical attacks, she wouldn't be much defense against witches.  The difference then was they both agreed on it and they both planned it.  Last season had them not communicating with each other so both parents were making choices without consulting one another.  We have no way of knowing if Haley's plan could have worked.  We also have no way of knowing if Haley would have kept Klaus from seeing Hope.  Everyone assumes, but I don't recall it explicitly stated.  Once the Mikealson's removed the Dahlia threat, who's to say Haley wouldn't have returned, or at least let Klaus know where Hope was so he could visit?


As for Haley trying to replace Klaus with Jackson....seriously, which one would you want to raise your child?  Setting aside the supernatural aspects for a moment, Jackson has been shown to be an honorable, honest, and all around good person.  Klaus has been shown to be an immature brat and bully who throws often violent hissy fits when things don't go his way.  I can't blame Haley for wanting to present the best possible role model to her child. 


A comment was made about Haley being selfish because she commented on what she had missed while being a wolf.  I don't see this as selfish, I see it as human.  Think about the military personnel stationed overseas, is it wrong or selfish of them to think about the things they are missing by providing service to their country?  But they made that choice, Haley didn't choose to curse herself to wolf form.  Klaus did that as retribution for what he perceived as wrongs against him and so that he wouldn't have Hope hate him for killing her mother.  He didn't do it so Hope wouldn't grow up without a mother, he did it so Hope wouldn't hate him for killing her mother.  That was selfish. 


As for the rest...Davina is a brat who has no business being regent.  At the very least, Vincent should be there as an advisor. 


I'm still not feeling Freya, and for me it's the actress.  The character is fine, but the way the actress speaks bugs the crap out of me.


I adore Elijah when he's not a love sick puppy.  If they must give him a love interest, he needs to be with someone who's his equal, not a broken bird he needs to save.


On a completely shallow note, there was a lot of pretty this ep, but for some reason Phoebe Tonkin really stood out as beautiful this ep.

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I hated Davina in S1 but started to like her in S2 and I'm not back to hating her in S3. She's too arrogant in her power and she's been raised to super special snowflake status by everyone around her. What's even worse is that she acts as if her love for Kol is so much bigger/larger/better than his siblings which just isn't true. These are people who spent centuries with Kol (on and off) and in the end, all he wanted was his family, not Davina.

If Kol's family truly loved/cared about him then they wouldn't have led him to believe that they didn't and he wasn't worth anything for nearly his entire life. Davina was the first person who ever made an attempt to help him and understand him instead of just seeing him as unworthy and throw him away. The fact that they have known him for a thousand years doesn't mean squat. You can "know" someone with out really knowing them.

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