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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I found everything today pretty lackluster, aside from, mirabile dictu, Carly. The whole idea of getting an instant DNA result is laughable, of course, but I thought she had the most realistic reaction to what was happening to her.


The other Spencers disappearing from the story to make crystal clear this was a triangle story still irritates me.  I refuse to believe Bobbie wouldn't have been all over Valerie, supporting her, offering her a bed at Carly's, etc.  And when we finally got that scene, it was too little, too late.


Carly has been sorely lacking in this, too. It makes it very jarring when we see her being so maternal toward Valerie. I always have to remind myself they're related.


Morgan (paraphrasing): We were good together.

Me: ...when?


When they were "hilariously" drugging Michael so he wouldn't get custody of Avery.


I wonder if Valerie was trying to find Lulu, to narc on Dillon.

Lulu won't want to hear it right now.

  • Love 3

I know you and I have discussed this before, so I'm not directly replying to you as such but just re-stating it here for the sake of the other posters seeing my response - I don't think it's throwing a character under a bus if they're specifically created for that purpose. In fact, I wish more characters created for that purpose would go away already :looks at Franco: I do think the way Valerie was introduced was cheap writing though. If you're going to introduce another Spencer, than actually have her do things with the other Spencers, instead of just using her as one side of a triangle. Well, actually, the way she was introduced was fine. Once Dante invited her to stay in the loft, it went downhill from there.


Good point - the initial introduction was fine. But Valerie's writing went to hell in handbasket when she was so quickly and totally thrown into Lante's - or should we say Dante's - orbit.


And, yes, some characters are introduced  short term to create stories for established characters  - and this approach often works.   However, when a character is introduced into a key GH family (Spencer) and in a story based on heart and GH history (anniversary episode)  ... then I think expectations and writing treatment should be different.

  • Love 3

The bridge will n-e-v-e-r signify Jason and Liz. N-e-v-e-r. But good try, show.


Jason Morgan brought Liz to the bridge years ago and told her all about his beginnings with Robin and Robin's heartache over Stone's death.  The "bridge" has been a part of Liason history since 1999.  It is where Jason taught Liz how to box in 2000/2001, etc..

  • Love 2

Jason Morgan brought Liz to the bridge years ago and told her all about his beginnings with Robin and Robin's heartache over Stone's death. The "bridge" has been a part of Liason history since 1999. It is where Jason taught Liz how to box in 2000/2001, etc..

The bridge will always be more Robin's than anyone's. That's just how I feel.

  • Love 4

Sorry, Aurora, I just don't think there's any reason for Valerie/Dante to be having scenes right now except for Dante to say, "I don't blame you for anything but I can't be around you outside work", if he's actually serious about being sorry about what he's done to Lulu.


We'll have to agree to disagree on this - because I want the full-meal deal - I want ALL  the interactions as part of a well-developed followup.  Overkill, maybe.  But, after the crappy, plot-pointed, character-damaging, soul-destroying way much of this story has been written, I don't want to miss a single beat in character POV going forward.  And, as the central players in the night which created this fallout, I see an epilogue with Dante and Valerie as essential.


IF the epilogue goes on and on - then I'll look at this premise again - but I won't do that until it actually happens.

  • Love 1

I mean, in this clip, they basically said the bridge reminded them both of what they learned from one another.


Thanks for standing up for the team, HeatLifer. Reading along I have points and you have already made them. Then I'm thinking, yes he did infer that he rebuilt it for her and you have the link.

Hopefully your suffering ends in the next few weeks. I'm anticipating and dreading watching the show semi-regularly again.

I'm still grateful JT decided to leave.

  • Love 1


I know the answer is soaps, but could Carly really instruct the DNA doc to run the sample against someone in the PCPD database without permission from that person or, you know, an actual law enforcement official?


Does the PCPD even have Jason's DNA?  I thought Helena's minions removed Jason's file from the PCPD so that when they fingerprinted Jake Doe when he first woke up no matches would come up.  I thought we had a scene where Helena told specifically told Luke (or someone) that.  If Jason's DNA was in the system, wouldn't it have matched Jake's before now?*


*Granted, I stopped watching about two months ago so maybe this was addressed.

  • Love 2

Thanks for standing up for the team, HeatLifer. Reading along I have points and you have already made them. Then I'm thinking, yes he did infer that he rebuilt it for her and you have the link.

Hopefully your suffering ends in the next few weeks. I'm anticipating and dreading watching the show semi-regularly again.

I'm still grateful JT decided to leave.

The disrespect of Robin's character seems to be neverending, apparently. In one single episode, you have her child and the idiot she loves (for some reason) snuggling in bed with another woman and you have the man she sacrificed to save to bring back to that woman go to the bridge and not have a single feeling or memory of her. It's sick.

  • Love 3

If Valerie and Dante are smart (ha! that's a big if), they'll stay away from each other even at work. Maybe this will make her change her mind about being a cop, and she'll become a nurse instead. (Doubtful...)


Wellll, if she really wants to become a cop, I'd like that she doesn't let this personal mess stop her.  Something similar happened with Natalie on OLTL - someone (stupid Gigi, probably) pointed out that it might be awkward at the LPD because of what happened with Brody and John, but she was like, "I like my job so everyone can kick rocks."

  • Love 3

Unpopular opinion here;  I was on Maxie's side.  Well, not so much the part where she accuses Nathan of choosing Dante over her, but the other stuff about preventing Lulu from getting hurt.  It seemed the worst part for her was that Lulu was humiliated in front of everyone.  Had she known the truth she would have told Lulu or forced Dante's hand.  I LOVED the scene at the end when she found Lulu on the docks, wrapped her in her coat, told Dante firmly that she had it, and led Lulu away.  That's Maxie being unselfish and taking care of someone other than herself.  And I thought KSt played it well.


ER and DZ.  I don't know.  There were moments of brilliance, when Lulu was sitting on the steps at the end and just seemed so drained.  But the beginning with her hitting him, just didn't work for me.  She's so tiny, that she just looked like a little girl having a temper tantrum and not a grown woman who's had her life shattered.  Had it been me, Dante would be lying on the docks with some punch prints in his face and maybe my boot print on his family jewels.  


Liz, I'm a fan, but oy vey, the choices you're making are so wrong.  ONe more reason why Liz should have never known he was really Jason.  


Kiki, shut up already, you annoying drunk.  

  • Love 6

Does the PCPD even have Jason's DNA?  I thought Helena's minions removed Jason's file from the PCPD so that when they fingerprinted Jake Doe when he first woke up no matches would come up.  I thought we had a scene where Helena told specifically told Luke (or someone) that.  If Jason's DNA was in the system, wouldn't it have matched Jake's before now?*


*Granted, I stopped watching about two months ago so maybe this was addressed.


Good point!


ETA...oh wait, did they test his DNA?  Or just his fingerprints?  Still, very sloppy, Hells.

Edited by TeeVee329

Wellll, if she really wants to become a cop, I'd like that she doesn't let this personal mess stop her.  Something similar happened with Natalie on OLTL - someone (stupid Gigi, probably) pointed out that it might be awkward at the LPD because of what happened with Brody and John, but she was like, "I like my job so everyone can kick rocks."


Yeah, but I'm guessing that was well after Natalie was established at the PCPD. Unless someone is actually leaving the PCPD, there is no reason to not make her a much needed nurse or doctor. They haven't established any passionate longing to be a cop.

  • Love 2

I wonder if Valerie was trying to find Lulu, to narc on Dillon.


I hope Private Mayo gets his douchey, bland ass kicked in


Wellll, if she really wants to become a cop, I'd like that she doesn't let this personal mess stop her.  Something similar happened with Natalie on OLTL - someone (stupid Gigi, probably) pointed out that it might be awkward at the LPD because of what happened with Brody and John, but she was like, "I like my job so everyone can kick rocks."


I liked that she stuck to her guns but I liked her better working for Clint at BE

Edited by Oracle42

Yeah, but I'm guessing that was well after Natalie was established at the PCPD. Unless someone is actually leaving the PCPD, there is no reason to not make her a much needed nurse or doctor. They haven't established any passionate longing to be a cop.


True, Natalie had been back at the LPD for over a year at that point (off-topic: I hated that, because she was being repaired with John, they jettisoned her working at BE, the family business).


But Valerie has shown some passion for police work.  Her suddenly being all, "Oh, you know, I actually had another minor, this one in nursing!" would be a little harder to swallow.


ETA...ugh, knowing our luck, stupid Darb will be GH's newest nurse.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3
Wellll, if she really wants to become a cop, I'd like that she doesn't let this personal mess stop her.


True. I was thinking more from the standpoint of no one working for GH anymore except Liz. The hospital desperately needs staffing.


Kiki, shut up already, you annoying drunk.


Someone must have told her to stop holding out her pinkie, yet holding out her index finger like she did today is just as distracting.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

I don't know, I like the way DZ played it.  He knows no matter what he says, he will be wrong,  He has admitted that he made a terrible mistake, I could see his pain and his fear but he knows he has to let Lulu release a lot of her anger. I don't know how else he could have played it without looking like he was trying to deflect his guilt.

  • Love 4

I think Dante snapping and throwing Lulu running off with Dillon in her face was about the best Dominic did.


Oh yea, that was actually really good. And it's not that he had to be so aggressive the whole time, but there's understated and then there's 'you look like you don't care' and that's what DZ was giving most of the time imo.


I meant to ask: why was Lulu's top half unbuttoned for most of the confrontation? I missed a bit of the ep because of breaking news. Did it unbutton itself when she was thrashing Dante?

Edited by peachmangosteen


Yep. ER was killing it today imo while DZ just gave her absolutely nothing to work with. So disappointing

Which is so weird because he always brings it with the emotional stuff, especially when he's blasting Sonny for something he's done.  So maybe it's the material, since I'm sure he never wanted a cheating storyline, or his scene partner.  


Or maybe it was the location.  It seemed weird to me that they were on the docks.  I kept waiting for Lulu to shove him in the water.  Maybe it was like that so Maxie could find them and take LUlu away, but it just didn't add anything.  



Oh, you know, I actually had another minor, this one in nursing!"

You'd think that would have come up when she was endlessly talking about her mother, being sick for years.  Her mother died, you know.  



I meant to ask: why was Lulu's top half unbuttoned for most of the confrontation?


It was unbuttoned in the first place because her costume was slutty cop, but it was really distracting during the confrontation scenes.  

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 1

So maybe it's the material, since I'm sure he never wanted a cheating storyline, or his scene partner.  


I think he probably did want it actually. I believe he had been saying he wanted a shakeup. But yea, I'm sure he's disappointed by how horrible the story is. And he wanted Dante to tell Lulu, which imo would've been better and more dramatic anyway. The writers are so dumb, as always.

  • Love 4
peachmangosteen, on 03 Nov 2015 - 6:38 PM, said:

Oh yea, that was actually really good. And it's not that he had to be so aggressive the whole time, but there's understated and then there's 'you look like you don't care' and that's what DZ was giving most of the time imo.

Perhaps not so much not caring so much as trying to play Dante as defeated and knowing that there's not much he can say to explain or defend himself.  Like he knows he deserves everything Lulu wants to unleash on him.  Hence why he didn't shoot back as hard as he probably could've.

  • Love 4

Perhaps not so much not caring so much as trying to play Dante as defeated and knowing that there's not much he can say to explain or defend himself.  Like he knows he deserves everything Lulu wants to unleash on him.  Hence why he didn't shoot back as hard as he probably could've.


That's a good way to look at it and it works, but imo DZ just isn't bringing it at all.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

Which is so weird because he always brings it with the emotional stuff, especially when he's blasting Sonny for something he's done.


Blasting Sonny must be fun for the actors. I've never once seen a "yelling at Sonny" scene and thought, "wow, this person is not bringing it." Maybe Will de Vry is the exception . . . 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

Has the "Morgan is bipolar" story been dropped?


Was it weird to anyone else that Valerie and Dillon were screaming at each other and yet Morgan and Kiki were apparently only feet away, at the bar and yet don't notice the yelling or don't react to it.  And was Darby the only one left in there at the end.  Did she lock up after she ate her sliders? (totally not a euphimism!!)


I wanted to see what memory Jake was having.   

  • Love 2

DZ did well in the scenes when Lulu came back from Canada and they had that fight.  So I'm not sure why he is sleep walking in these scenes. I keep wishing JMB!Lulu will show up and smack the hell out of Dante. ER is good but she kinda comes off as a little girl. She doesnt have the spunk JMB had.


How hilarious that the writers forget Ethan. They always say Lulu went off to find her brother not brothers. Ha.

  • Love 5

DZ did well in the scenes when Lulu came back from Canada and they had that fight.  So I'm not sure why he is sleep walking in these scenes. I keep wishing JMB!Lulu will show up and smack the hell out of Dante. ER is good but she kinda comes off as a little girl. She doesnt have the spunk JMB had.


How hilarious that the writers forget Ethan. They always say Lulu went off to find her brother not brothers. Ha.


I seriously think it may be baby brain. Or the repetitive scene since then. 


Well, actually, I don't think Lulu knew Ethan was in danger when they went to Canada.

You'd think that would have come up when she was endlessly talking about her mother, being sick for years.  Her mother died, you know.  


See, that would have made perfect sense.  Patricia was sick, Valerie was taking care of her, and it sparked/necessitated an interest in medicine.  And then enter Aunt Bobbie to mentor her.


Why can't I have anything nice? :(

This one has spunky JMB and a Sonny smackdown.  (at the 3:56 mark)



Ummm...I totally thought that was Brook Lynn in the freeze frame image.

  • Love 2

Sorry, Aurora, I just don't think there's any reason for Valerie/Dante to be having scenes right now except for Dante to say, "I don't blame you for anything but I can't be around you outside work", if he's actually serious about being sorry about what he's done to Lulu.



For once it'd be nice to see a woman on this show, shocking I know, pick up what little, itty bitty bit of self respect she might possibly still possess and just bow out with some semblance of self-awareness .


She can transfer to another town's police academy if she so wishes, but really there is nothing for her in PC but public scorn/humiliation/hatred,. etc and rightfully so.


Valarieisn't exactly spending her weekends with Bobbie (who?) or Lucas (who?) and she will be the first to find out that in this fight Carly will have Lulu's back, and front, all day every day and twice on Sunday so she shouldn't be expecting that cousin to be filled with hugs and forgiveness anytime soon either.


The only scene she needs to share with Dante is a "I fare thee well, good luck repairing the marriage, peace out" scene.


Perhaps she can guilt that droll dolt Dillon to afford her a first class plane ticket out of town, tell him it might earns him some brownie points with Lulu to make up for imploding her life to bits on the big screen.

  • Love 2

In a town that counts Francs and Neens among its citzens, I don't see why Valerie has to slink out of town with her tail between her legs.  She made a mistake.



I personally find Valarie herself a mistake. I have no use with her, so that's why I feel that if she left it'd be no great loss, or loss at all.


And let me clarify, it isn't her cheating that makes me want her gone, who hasn't in PC at this point, what I am saying is that her life in PC really doesn't amount to much significance and coupled with the cheating I see no reason she should stay at this point.


She slept with her new cousin's husband, she barely has any connections to town that now won't turn on her for cheating with her new cousin's husband and all I see on the horizon is her hanging around like another Kiki, being pointless and whiny after having done something really gross and pretty unforgivable while trying to play the "victim" because someone took off her yoga pants in a hotel room, no thanks.


I don't need her here and I don't want to continue to have her front and center as another worthless new character who does nothing to better or improve the show, imho.


Now is she as bad a character as the SERIAL KILLER? Not even close but I also didn't mind Silas hanging around and yet he's gone and Franco still remains so if I can't get the worse of the worse off then at least continue to cut some of the useless bodies from time to time.



I mean, she can still do that while staying in town though.




But then I'd still have to see her, no dice. She must leave and she can take that worthless "Dillon" inpersonator with her, and if they can mow down the Nina and Franco on their way out of town I might just feel a bit better about them. Hell, if they somehow used Kiki as the vehicle to do that in I'll throw them a parade myself. 

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 2

Sam and Patrick were ONS buddies at best, imho. Sam being Emma's new Mommy? Patrick being "Daddy" to Danny? Sam turning herself into some sort of Susie Homemaker while Patrick bites his tongue whenever her "undesirable" past is brought up. I just...no words.


HEAR! HEAR! And letting the kid sleep in their bed--Emma is far, far, far too advanced in age to be there!! Outrageous! Sick!



I don't need her here and I don't want to continue to have her front and center as another worthless new character who does nothing to better or improve the show, imho.


To each their own, of course, but has Valerie really been front and center?  She's never gotten the push the likes of Franco, Nina, Kiki, and Rebecca Budig have.

  • Love 5

Watching Sam comfort Emma after her nightmare mad me feel so angry and sad because Emma is going to be crushed by the Jason reveal.  Once again she will lose her mother figure. If Liz were not such a selfish bitch she could have spared Emma and Patrick so much pain.  I hope Patrick totally unloads on Liz and does not end up on the poor Elizabeth train.   


Hopefully Emma gets her real mother back soon, so losing Sam won't be more than a blip.

  • Love 3

To each their own, of course, but has Valerie really been front and center?  She's never gotten the push the likes of Franco, Nina, Kiki, and Rebecca Budig have.



Ron couldn't claim this actress as the same kind of "trophy grab" that he did with them so I'd say you're right there, but everything leading up to her sleeping with Dante, and all that's gone on since, has given her plenty of screen time and so far quite a bit of attention at least, imo. 


I just find her to be another Kiki, in fact I find all these new female additions to be some type of Kiki, because really in my head she's a disease to be avoided and vacinated against. You have old Kiki: the Nina, biracial Kiki: Valarie, slightly older old Kiki: Hayden, and we still have the original Kiki hanging around.


They all are grouped together in my mind, and while the vets I adore languish, Anna, Tracy, Monica, Felicia,  Bobbie, Lucy, they're all running around town as if they're the new "It" girls and I just can't.

  • Love 1

I enjoyed Nik's reactions to Sam and Jake reacting to Hayden. They said something in unison and Nik looked physically pained - I think he was doing an internal Copkilla!Eyeroll


I hope the new writers give him a better, meatier motivation than needing money. He despised Jason anyway for nearly getting Sam killed before Alexis knew she was her daughter. Jason was the reason Emily died! Why wasn't Nik's driving motivation a refusal to let Jason have a life with his wife and son since that was what Jason had cost him? 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 3

HEAR! HEAR! And letting the kid sleep in their bed--Emma is far, far, far too advanced in age to be there!! Outrageous! Sick!



What's sad is that Emma wants so to have a "Mommy", especially at her age, and Patrick just keeps bringing these new ladies into her life, he promises her that they'll "be a family" and he gives Mommy-to-be a ring and all is well and good and then bam, everything goes to hell and Emma is left out in the cold.


it's as if Sabrina never existed for the girl, and that to me alone is just so stupid and wrong because before she ever promised to marry that twerp Patrick she supposedly was all about being there for Emma, blah blah, and now look, who would guess she might even know the child's name at this point.


And Sam is about to do exactly the same, oh come and have a cuddle on my lap but just you wait until my "real" husband returns, it just...it does none of them favours and makes all the adults look like cold, heartless prats toying with the very delicate emotions and constitutions of small children.



Hopefully Emma gets her real mother back soon, so losing Sam won't be more than a blip.




Robin needs to file for full custody once she's released and just take off with Emma to places unknown to that daft daddy of hers.

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