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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Well...it was a typical Friday episode, that's for sure.


Brandon is acting like he's won an all expenses paid cruise to Ibiza. I don't know how he's having such a good time, maybe getting to spend time at work with his wife again helps, but hey, more power to him I guess.


If only all this didn't revolve around Lulu.


Dante and Dante's unkempt hair really need to have some seats, the pair of them. The jealous look is not the slightest bit attractive.


Why are they forcing Julian to spend time with Sonny? What a waste.  


A Lucas sighting! It's a late Christmas miracle. And he's in a doctor's coat! But no Brad. Ffs show come on they haven't been seen together in months, literally. This is just beyond stupid.


But oh no, why waste time on Lucas and Brad when we can all witness Sam and Patrick coupling like a pair of teenagers, fan fucking tastic that...and really, how desperate was Sam supposed to sound when she told Alexis that they "had" to get it on that night, that they just had to. that they'd waited long enough (such the hell when??) and that it was past time for them to do the deed.


Yeah, how cute and sweet was that to hear...it's a wonder she didn't bring up the sex dream as well and giggle like a giddy little school girl.


The Rosalie actress can't even manage to fake a limp very well. Oy.


Michael and his tiny mouth need to be slapped hard for a good hour, or fifty.


Shawn, notLuke and Helena should have all perished today in a house fire.


Hell, if the real Luke is in the basement still then that would have taken care of four useless sacks on this show in one fell swoop. Missed opportunity much show?


Jakson is on the "hunt", if only I cared. But at least he can hit a target so I'll just hope against hope that Patrick will end up being a causality in this sure to be botched hit on Sam.

  • Love 2


I dislike that particular cliche of women not being able to cook. Anyone who can read and follow directions can create a dish.


Don't be too sure. I am a complete disaster in the kitchen. It stresses me out. If I put my mind to it, I can make something yeah, but it's just too much of a pain in the ass to cook for just myself.


Liz, UGH. Why does she have to constantly try and butt her nose into stuff that doesn't concern her? Not that I'm surprised, but she just continues to look fickle and desperate. Clearly, her theme song should be "Love the One You're With".


So waiting for Shawn to completely botch this.


Until Michael said that ELQ would handle the medical bill for Rosalie, I would guess Helena would take care of it. Pocket change for her, I'm sure.


Dante, you really should have just quit when you weren't ahead.


Aw, poor Morgan. :( Love that he takes Joss to the movies. And I also love that he's shooting pool by himself at TFR, drinking probably. I really would like an addiction storyline for him, I think he'd be good at it with his MWOP skills.


Samtrick. I didn't hate it. *runs away*

  • Love 10

what the hell, why was Lucas practically ripping Morgan a new asshole today?? Saying he lies all the time?? No he doesn't!! And where is this fantasyland where Michael was always there for Morgan? Michael was in a coma, then he was too busy angsting, and then he went to prison, and then when he got out Morgan left for school. This is the kind of revisionist crap that keeps me from fully warming up to Michael.


Dante: he's done other stuff besides kill anthony [rest of sentence redacted because there are still not allowed to mentioned ColenHope]


Dominic and Brandon have good acting chemistry though. I wish Johnny and Dante would team up on something together. Like make fun of Spinelli mercilessly together, muahahaha.


Liz's hair was fabulous, Sam's dress was great, Rosalie looked good too. Keep it up ladies.


blah blah fluke. get a therapist.

Aw, poor Morgan. :( Love that he takes Joss to the movies. And I also love that he's shooting pool by himself at TFR, drinking probably. I really would like an addiction storyline for him, I think he'd be good at it with his MWOP skills.


I would too. I really miss Morgan actually. Bring back my boo Ron.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

I'm glad Lucas hasn't followed in the footsteps of his other father, the mob one. Look at Micheal and Lucas being all professional like their fathers who weren't in the mafia. But were both screwed over by Carly. Don't bring the name of Tony Jones in the room and expect me not to remember that.

Shawn is on the job. No worries. Lol.

  • Love 2

Would it really have been too much to ask for a drive by Brad and Lucas sighting? Maybe smooching behind closed doors as they prepared to get back to work. Or Brad teasing Lucas that he's one of his superiors and he expects certain "favours" from him, or something. Anything would have been good, I'm really not picky.


I have a feeling the next time they're seen together they'll be sharing a place and discussing where to hang their "Golden Girls'" memorabilia.




This is the kind of revisionist crap that keeps me from fully warming up to Michael.




You summed it up so nicely, heh, I couldn't agree more.


So I guess it's time to just forget how Michael felt not the least bit terrible about lying when it came to lusting after Kiki and how he basically took her away from Morgan without even feeling too bad about it because in his own head he just "loved her more" and they were "meant to be".


That was quite the load of Malarkey Lucas was spewing and how.


And frankly hearing Michael yet again spouting off about being lied to and what is so "unforgivable" in his book is laughable.


He has the same self awareness as his mother does, as long as they aren't the one having to "pay up" consequence wise then they're perfectly fine doing whatever the hell they please and to hell with anyone else, family included regardless of relation.



I like both Michael and Morgan, but Morgan has done some stupid, stupid shit. He's alright and Bryan Craig has given some great performances recently, but sometimes I'm not sure Morgan can read.




He's the biological product of Sonny and Carly genes, it's a damn miracle the boy can feed himself.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 3

I like both Michael and Morgan, but Morgan has done some stupid, stupid shit. He's alright and Bryan Craig has given some great performances recently, but sometimes I'm not sure Morgan can read.


He definitely has, but "compulsive liar" isn't something I would attribute to him.


Lucas was saying "Morgan lies all the time, he needs you". It would have worked better for me if Lucas had said "Morgan is crazy and reckless and always getting himself into trouble, he needs you." It played like Lucas has always secretly hated him and was finally getting to vent, heh.

Edited by ulkis

He definitely has, but "compulsive liar" isn't something I would attribute to him.


Lucas was saying "Morgan lies all the time, he needs you". It would have worked better for me if Lucas had said "Morgan is crazy and reckless and always getting himself into trouble, he needs you." It played like Lucas has always secretly hated him and was finally getting to vent, heh.



I would have liked it if Lucas had said: "You're both brothers; you've also both done incredibly hurtful, harmful, selfish, and stupid crap to each other, but you're still brothers and that should still count for something and you shouldn't just throw that aside because you're hurting right now. After all not so long ago Morgan was terribly hurt by what you did to him and yet he managed to find forgiveness in his heart for you so you may want to remember that before writing him off completely".


But they still seem to want to keep painting Michael as everyone's victim for now so...




Why you gotta put this out there in the universe?!




I refuse to suffer alone!!

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 7


Liz's hair was fabulous, Sam's dress was great, Rosalie looked good too. Keep it up ladies.


Agreed, they looked great. Liz' hair was the one thing that I liked about her. She needs to get drunk again and do the hangover tour. I swear, that is the only time I've actually liked her.



I would too. I really miss Morgan actually. Bring back my boo Ron.


I miss him too, but not if he's going to come back and prop Sonny and Carly. I like him so much better when he's angry and bitter. Because, ROWR.



Lucas was saying "Morgan lies all the time, he needs you". It would have worked better for me if Lucas had said "Morgan is crazy and reckless and always getting himself into trouble, he needs you." It played like Lucas has always secretly hated him and was finally getting to vent, heh.


Someone said that Lucas was over-exaggerating to get Michael to forgive him. I guess that could work. Not sure who wrote today, but the dialogue could have been a lot better.


A little less than two weeks before sweeps starts. Not sure I can wait that long on some of these plots.

  • Love 1

It, unsurprisingly, wasn't well-written, but I guess I was just happy Lucas was more focused on getting through to Michael re: Morgan than re: Carly.


This is true, this is true.


I miss him too, but not if he's going to come back and prop Sonny and Carly. I like him so much better when he's angry and bitter. Because, ROWR.



This is true also. But honestly I don't mind his scenes with Carly. I think of SBr's Carly as his mom lol. Morgan kinda reminds me of her. A poor, poor man's version to be sure, but there are some things that are reminiscent to me.

  • Love 1

How rich of stalker nurse to tell Patrick she doesn't want Sam to hurt him. The same thing could be said to Lucky, Nik, Ric, etc. about you. And this stale package of bran muffins knows exactly what she's doing by asking Jakeson to come back to her house. Leave the man alone you selfish hyena.


When Rosalie is exposed as one of Helena's stupid minions I hope Michael makes her pay for those x-rays.

  • Love 5

Still adore Johnny.  I know he's done some awful things (and is still doing awful things), but I just cannot help loving him.  It might be his little smirk, and the fun BB seems to have with the role.


Gah, please please get Julian away from Sonny.  I don't want to have to endure my least favorite character ever just to see Julian, especially when Julian is wearing all those clothes.  It's just not enough payoff.


"What does that mean, Shawn is flying solo? What the hell good is that going to do us?"  Exactly, Julian.  Exactly.

"Nobody ever said that Corinthos wasn't smart."  Oh, Luke, yes we did.  A lot.


And finally, "Best chance we got is Shawn."  Sonny, that may be the saddest thing I have ever heard.

  • Love 10
Shawn is on the job. No worries. Lol.


Sonny's faith in Shawn's abilities would be almost touching if we didn't see constant evidence to the contrary.


Sam, the penthouse still feels like Jason's place because it IS Jason's place. I know decorating isn't her thing (or Jason's, to be honest), but the only way you'd know she spent time there is because there's a picture of her on the mantel.


OMG. Lucas has a job, you guys. At GH. Color me shocked one of the young'uns is gainfully employed. "I'm still just an intern; I have a long way to go." LOL. Lucas, you'll be a board-certified specialist by Monday. Don't worry.


Dante: he's done other stuff besides kill anthony [rest of sentence redacted because there are still not allowed to mentioned ColenHope]


[Awkward pause while everyone pretends not to remember ColeandHope] Hee.


So I guess it's time to just forget how Michael felt not the least bit terrible about lying when it came to lusting after Kiki and how he basically took her away from Morgan without even feeling too bad about it because in his own head he just "loved her more" and they were "meant to be".


No one has the moral high ground in that debacle, IMO. Michael was a shit to be so preemptive. Lauren was a shit to keep stringing Morgan along when she didn't love him; Morgan was a shit to hang on to Lauren when he knew he didn't love her just to spite Michael. That was such a lame triangle.


I wish Lucas had put more responsibility on Morgan to find a job. It's not Michael's obligation to employ his brother, angry at him or not. Why doesn't Morgan go to school? He was supposed to be the smarter brother anyway, or least he was until Bryan Craig was cast.


Liz's hair was fabulous, Sam's dress was great, Rosalie looked good too. Keep it up ladies.

Did the crew get sober en masse? There's been a noticeable improvement in a lot of departments. (Not sets and decorations, but I blame that on the nonexistent budget, not the folks stuck trying to work with it.)


I'm watching the second season of The Fall on Netflix, and watching a masked Jakeson sneak into Sam's apartment makes me laugh. Jakeson is no Paul Spector.

  • Love 3

Oh, I forgot about Sam saying she felt funny about having sex in Jason's apartment even though she already had sex with Silas there. That made me laugh. Sam, please. Jason wouldn't care. Hell, Jason wouldn't care even if he were still there. As long as you cleared it with him first. Jason would be like, "that's fine, just don't make too much noise, the shouts of my last victim pleading for mercy gave me a headache."

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

I wish Micheal would remember what AJ told him 2 and a half years ago and be like "Lucas, you know Carly totally destroyed your parents' marriage, dude? What a bitch, right?" Because it's totally all true. Then they can talk about how she threw their fathers under the crazy train and now they are dead.

Thanks, Carly.

  • Love 6

I wish Micheal would remember what AJ told him 2 and a half years ago and be like "Lucas, you know Carly totally destroyed your parents' marriage, dude? What a bitch, right?" Because it's totally all true. Then they can talk about how she threw their fathers under the crazy train and now they are dead.

Thanks, Carly.

Yep I usually like soap bad girls but two of my favs ended up going under the bus for carlys ass.

  • Love 2

Please, like Carly has any shame about what she did to Tony.  When she was advising Lucas about the threesome, she super casually referred to the summer she spent hopping in and out of Jason's bed while scheming to get into Tony's boxer shorts.


I really do wish, when Lucas came back, he had hated Carly and developed a close relationship with Sam instead.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8

Okay I couldn't have been the only one laughing til I cried today. Sonny telling Julian that Shawn isn't an idiot? That he's a professional? He knows what he's doing? Then Fluke checking upstairs but not the kitchen? and not noticing that one clear spot on the window of the front door?

Dante really looked like a Neanderthal today even if Johnny was pushing all his buttons.

But YEAH! Lucas decided to get a job at GH! and then BOO! Laying a guilt trip on Michael because poor Morgan is completely lost without him. Geez man, let the kid get a job! Or go to school! Michael isn't his keeper. And no the situation isn't 'more complicated' than it appears. Sonny killed AJ and Carly covered it up. And would still be doing so if she hadn't been outed by Franco.

  • Love 4

I don't think Michael has anything to apologize to Morgan for that he hasn't already. When the Kiki thing happened he went out of his way to try not to hurt his brother while Morgan (who had Kiki) kept actively trying to get him to double down on it - he knew Michael and Kiki wanted each other and he kept fucking with Michael on it because he was insecure. Michael was eaten up about that shit for a good while.


I think Morgan's reaction to Sonny's guilt was understandable and predictable for his needy character, and I sympathize with his reasons and feelings - most of the dumb shit he does is just about wanting love and acceptance. That doesn't mean I think he's right. I'm pretty much entirely Team Michael on that issue, and I was pretty disgusted when Morgan acted like Michael was just being unreasonable and having a tantrum as soon as they had a confrontation over the A.J. reveal. He was like 'yeah, you're mad, Mikey, get over it!' Really? Sonny killed his father and both of you knew! Fuck you and get out of his brownstone.

  • Love 6

Lucas, you can shut it.  Maybe in this situation, Michael's feelings should be of more concern to you than Carly's or Morgan's or Sonny's or whomever's.  And maybe you're the one who's looking at things too simplistically.  And maybe it's not Michael's responsibility to make sure Morgan's not a lifelong do-nothing.  Maybe that's up to his parents or Morgan himself.  And maybe somebody in this flippin' friggety frick town could ask Michael how he's doing.


Seriously, has anyone put Michael first in all of this?


I wonder how much of Patrick's desire to have his Sammy give up investigating Jake has to do with his thinking it dangerous and/or ill-advised and how much it has to do with his wanting his Sammy at his beck and call.  Not enough of the former and too much of the latter, methinks.

  • Love 4
Don't bring the name of Tony Jones in the room and expect me not to remember that





Which to me would have been a perfect opportunity for Lucas to not back down from Michael when he brought up what Carly did to AJ because Lucas could have pointed out he knows all too well what can happen to a man when Carly's only concerned with herself and what is easiest for her.


Yes Lucas cares about Carly as his sister, unfortunately, but he isn't blind to what she's capable of, he was living through it before Michael was even a thought.


I am sick of everyone acting as if they haven't already been through years and years of dealing with and healing from Carly's bullshit. Just because Michael is now finally getting a clue doesn't negate the history everyone else has with her, especially those like Bobbie and Lucas.


They should all hate her guts.




No one has the moral high ground in that debacle, IMO. Michael was a shit to be so preemptive. Lauren was a shit to keep stringing Morgan along when she didn't love him; Morgan was a shit to hang on to Lauren when he knew he didn't love her just to spite Michael. That was such a lame triangle.




That's why I brought it up.


Just like Morgan, Michael has certainly done his own fair share of stupid shit to be called out for as well on the subjects of "trust" and "betrayal". Just because he's on the opposite end of things now doesn't mean he can't still remember Morgan is his brother at the end of the day and when he really didn't deserve or earn it he was forgiven his sins.


And I don't even like Morgan all that much, heh, but I'm just tired of the Michael show of "pain" and how he's been ever so wronged by all whom he once loved.


Get in line kid.



When the Kiki thing happened he went out of his way to try not to hurt his brother




Except just leaving her alone and realizing no girl was worth screwing his brother over for however delicately he did it.


The same could even be said for Morgan keeping the secret about Sonny killing AJ. The stupid kid was trying to keep the peace, whatever choice he made he'd have ended up screwing over someone in the family so his options were fucked up from the beginning and he didn't even do anything wrong himself.


At least in the case of Kiki Michael did have a real choice to make, he could have put Morgan's feelings ahead of his own and realized that, if anything, Kiki just wasn't good enough for either of them to be fighting over, what a concept.


Personally I think both Michael and Morgan are annoying little dumbasses so tit for tat and all that.

  • Love 2

The ballot box was locked and sealed. I can believe Lucy would leave it alone.

Lucy reminds me of the hyperactive dog in the Begging Strips commercial.  What's in the bag?  What's in the bag?


The coming attractions from yesterday showed Fluke walking around the main level saying Come Out Come Out where-ever you are?  Or did I imagine that?  Looks like Michael busts Shawn in breaking the basement door down.  Helena didn't make it sound like a person was down there; it was intentionally vague.


Liked Lucas in the dark scrubs.  Wanted Silas to do a drive-by on Rosalie.  I miss his expressions with her.


Is Liz's last name Budinski?


Jake, meh. Not too great with the cover story.  Like how he's so casual with the gun bag.


Patrick looks like he's into Sam *until* he kisses her.  Odd.


Alexis should have turned on her heels and wheeled out before Patrick got there but I feel she wanted her presence known.


I'd kill for an Audrey Hardy sighting!

  • Love 4

He got a warm, supportive phone call from Auntie Skye. #showinmyhead


LOL!  I was gonna say, 'cause I surely don't remember that on my screen.  I like your show better.


Michael's father was murdered and the people he loved the most are the ones who did it and/or covered it up, but he's the one who needs to make amends?  I do not understand the writers of this show, and, in this instance, I don't want to.  When FV took over, he talked about how the "moral compass" of this show had been "skewed" for years and the new regime was going to right that and I applauded.  But, wow.  Just wow.  FAIL, Mr. Valentini.  No soup for you.

  • Love 17

I don't think Michael has anything to apologize to Morgan for that he hasn't already. When the Kiki thing happened he went out of his way to try not to hurt his brother while Morgan (who had Kiki) kept actively trying to get him to double down on it - he knew Michael and Kiki wanted each other and he kept fucking with Michael on it because he was insecure. Michael was eaten up about that shit for a good while.


I think Morgan's reaction to Sonny's guilt was understandable and predictable for his needy character, and I sympathize with his reasons and feelings - most of the dumb shit he does is just about wanting love and acceptance. That doesn't mean I think he's right. I'm pretty much entirely Team Michael on that issue, and I was pretty disgusted when Morgan acted like Michael was just being unreasonable and having a tantrum as soon as they had a confrontation over the A.J. reveal. He was like 'yeah, you're mad, Mikey, get over it!' Really? Sonny killed his father and both of you knew! Fuck you and get out of his brownstone.


Oh, I don't think Michael has anything to apologize to Morgan about. I was mad at Lucas for, like I said, ripping Morgan a new asshole when Lucas has been barely around for anything between them. And of course the retcon of Michael always being there for Morgan bugs me, but that is not actually the character of Michael's fault. (And I'm not saying Michael shunned Morgan or treated him like crap, but he was in no way this always supporting, guiding big brother. Even if I wank that he wrote lovely e-mails to Morgan while he was in boarding school, I still can't really wank that into "Michael has always been there for Morgan every step of the way!")


I don't really felt that guilty - he was more freaked that Kiki was supposedly his cousin imo, but that's just how I interpreted Chad's acting. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

I have a terrible feeling that it is obviously the show's take - that poor young Michael is just angry and lashing out, and that he'll understand everything when Jake/Jason lays that good rap on him and come to terms with Carly and Morgan (and probably Sonny, someday). Morgan I can understand if Morgan would show a little remorse and sympathy for what Sonny did to A.J., Carly I can understand given some serious time and Carly actually taking a look at and acknowledging what she did (not likely).


They keep cutting off any scene where Michael is given an opportunity to re-affirm his commitment to the Quartermaines or his new name. He looks pained and then gets interrupted. These are all the usual Ron signals that often someone doesn't really feel such and such a way, that it's all just a cover for being hurt. And that's such horseshit in this case.


I think Michael has run herd on Morgan a bunch of times since Morgan's been back. He tried to intervene between him and their parents, he also put him up and gave him a job. He didn't have to do any of that. So for me that thing rings true.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 5

Lucas, you can shut it.  Maybe in this situation, Michael's feelings should be of more concern to you than Carly's or Morgan's or Sonny's or whomever's.  And maybe you're the one who's looking at things too simplistically.  And maybe it's not Michael's responsibility to make sure Morgan's not a lifelong do-nothing.  Maybe that's up to his parents or Morgan himself.  And maybe somebody in this flippin' friggety frick town could ask Michael how he's doing.


Seriously, has anyone put Michael first in all of this?


Dante, when they're allowed to interact. When he came to arrest Sonny he stopped Michael from shooting him, and then he made a speech where he made zero excuses for Sonny, he's made zero excuses for Carly, and then the only other time they saw each other he made zero excuses for Sonny again and asked him how he was doing and didn't say he need to forgive anyone or get over it. (Although actually I would think it would be more in-character if he had told Michael to take it a little easy on Morgan.)

  • Love 7

And yeah, as jsbt posted, the fallout is heading in a bad direction, a VicTodd after the rapemance on OLTL direction.


That didn't even have a wrap-up. He just jumped off a building (because his rape victim would not be his New Year's Eve Facebook date - I am not making this up) and Téa Delgado guilted his kids into feeling for him, and then Blair got horny again too.

  • Love 2
 "What does that mean, Shawn is flying solo? What the hell good is that going to do us?"  Exactly, Julian.  Exactly.


"Nobody ever said that Corinthos wasn't smart."  Oh, Luke, yes we did.  A lot.


And finally, "Best chance we got is Shawn."  Sonny, that may be the saddest thing I have ever heard.

I don't have enough thumbs for this :)


How much older is Michael supposed to be than Morgan?  He gave him one job.  Now Morgan can go find his own.  Isn't there some coffee job he can do?  No job at the Metro Court?

  • Love 2

That didn't even have a wrap-up. He just jumped off a building (because his rape victim would not be his New Year's Eve Facebook date - I am not making this up) and Téa Delgado guilted his kids into feeling for him, and then Blair got horny again too.


That's what I'm saying, Carly has an army of Téa Delgados going, "Just shut up and forgive her, Michael."

  • Love 6

Can someone NOT relying on Carly for room and board nor having birthed her talk to Micheal about this? I mean, really talk. Not "I'm on my way to my new boyfriend's friend's house to eat turkey and play adventure buddy wee so let me ugh talk to Micheal blah blah blah. Whatever."

It sounds like Morgan at least has Joss, Carly, Lucas, Bobbie, Kiki, Silas, Sonny, Giant Baby, and Pool Table. Micheal has people after his company, people after his life, assistant who lies, mother who covers up murder of his father, amnesiac, Ned, and um bad office furniture.

  • Love 3

I have a terrible feeling that it is obviously the show's take - that poor young Michael is just angry and lashing out, and that he'll understand everything when Jake/Jason lays that good rap on him and come to terms with Carly and Morgan (and probably Sonny, someday). Morgan I can understand if Morgan would show a little remorse and sympathy for what Sonny did to A.J., Carly I can understand given some serious time and Carly actually taking a look at and acknowledging what she did (not likely).


They keep cutting off any scene where Michael is given an opportunity to re-affirm his commitment to the Quartermaines or his new name. He looks pained and then gets interrupted. These are all the usual Ron signals that often someone doesn't really feel such and such a way, that it's all just a cover for being hurt. And that's such horseshit in this case.


I think Michael has run herd on Morgan a bunch of times since Morgan's been back. He tried to intervene between him and their parents, he also put him up and gave him a job. He didn't have to do any of that. So for me that thing rings true.


Yeah, it was definitely nice of him to give him the job and the brownstone (no sarcasm). But he intervened a bunch of times between Sonny and Morgan when he should have been on Morgan's side, being all "hey dude don't be so harsh on dad sleeping with your girlfriend." It actually would have made sense if Michael had been like, "I know it was gross that dad slept with your girlfriend, but she was 20 years older than you and kinda evil, so maybe it's better in the long run that you guys broke up", but he never actually said that, he was just like, "dad's dad."


(It actually makes me think of the episode of Friends I was watching last night, where Joey lies for Monica and Chandler and says it was his underwear in the girls' apartment - "I'm Joey, I'm disgusting, I leave underwear in other people's homes." I feel like that's what the other characters are like when it comes to Sonny, just a resigned, "It's Sonny. Yeah, he's disgusting. He fucks women on other people's graves.")

Can someone NOT relying on Carly for room and board nor having birthed her talk to Micheal about this? I mean, really talk. Not "I'm on my way to my new boyfriend's friend's house to eat turkey and play adventure buddy wee so let me ugh talk to Micheal blah blah blah. Whatever."

It sounds like Morgan at least has Joss, Carly, Lucas, Bobbie, Kiki, Silas, Sonny, Giant Baby, and Pool Table. Micheal has people after his company, people after his life, assistant who lies, mother who covers up murder of his father, amnesiac, Ned, and um bad office furniture.


Morgan has Lucas? He just spent this episode telling Michael how much Morgan sucks. And who is Silas?

  • Love 5

Yeah, it was definitely nice of him to give him the job and the brownstone (no sarcasm). But he intervened a bunch of times between Sonny and Morgan when he should have been on Morgan's side, being all "hey dude don't be so harsh on dad sleeping with your girlfriend." It actually would have made sense if Michael had been like, "I know it was gross that dad slept with your girlfriend, but she was 20 years older than you and kinda evil, so maybe it's better in the long run that you guys broke up", but he never actually said that, he was just like, "dad's dad."


And that was shitty. But I think it's still an order of magnitude removed from, "I know Dad killed your real father and I covered it up, but c'mon, Mikey!"


And yeah, I think that was Michael's take on Sonny then - resigned.

Edited by jsbt

And that was shitty. But I think it's still an order of magnitude removed from, "I know Dad killed your real father and I covered it up, but c'mon, Mikey!"


And yeah, I think that was Michael's take on Sonny then - resigned.


Oh, for sure. But my main point just was they keep bringing up once in a while how Michael was the best big brother ever and that just didn't really happen on screen or even off. Like when Morgan wanted to tell Michael that Sonny slept with Ava and Kiki said "oh he doesn't need this right now" and Morgan was all "did you think that maybe I need him?" and Kiki replied "come on Morgan, Michael is there for you aaaall the time, can't you just think of him just for once?" I know, I know, it's Kiki but I'm pretty sure it was the show telling me those were the straight-up facts. The man tells Kiki that he needs to confide in his brother and she just stampedes her way in and . . . ack. Gotta repeat my "Kiki is almost gone" mantra.


Oh yeah, and after all the "OMG Michael, how can you throw Morgan and Kiki out on the street, he's an evil Quartermaine now!" nonsense...Morgan's living at Carly's, it's totally fine.  Ugh.




Or he could go to Bobbie's, or Alice's, or be roomies with Duke. I wish that had happened, that would be freaking hilarious. 

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