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My Cat From Hell - General Discussion

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On May 15, 2016 at 0:08 AM, Bastet said:

Now that I'm done with the episode ...

Even more kudos to the father/son team caring for the community cats.  They will never again find one frozen to death. 

What must have happened to Sweet Pea in her previous life?  I've had an easier time taming a truly feral - never had a home, extremely limited exposure to humans - cat than they are with a cat who's had a home of some sort.  Good on them realizing they're her not only best but pretty much only shot, at least for now, and sticking with it.

I had a feral once from a hoard house. Oooh, she was a 5-pound ball of hate and spit when I brought her home! It took years to get her truly comfortable. She'd stay under the bed all the time, except for when I went to bed, then she'd roam. I didn't know then everything I know today about working with feral cats, and I got to the point where I was resigned to the fact that she'd never be a lap-cat--I was simply content to know that she had food and beds and toys (and love and affection, even if it was one-sided, haha!). My other cat, a total mama's boy who she liked a lot, was very nice to her for the most part; I think he knew she was "special" because of her previous life and the fact that she had only one functioning eye. After a while, she'd hang out in the same room with me but not really allow me to pet her (I could gently touch her but not full-on pet her). Eventually, she'd sit on the couch with us, but on the far end. It was a slow process (again, I didn't know how to work with her, and I didn't want to force anything).

After my other cat died (RIP, my sweet boy! Mama loves you!), she stepped up! She must have thought, "Oh boy, this lady is a mess and she needs me!" She slowly but surely became a confident lap-cat, and the boss of the place when I adopted another male. Even though she never grew any bigger and was never quite as social as other cats I've had, she had her own routine in our place and she always wanted to be with me on the couch--I think she knew she was safe and loved. Today, I think I could make that happen much faster, partially because of Jackson and this show.

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44 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I had a feral once from a hoard house. Oooh, she was a 5-pound ball of hate and spit when I brought her home! It took years to get her truly comfortable. She'd stay under the bed all the time, except for when I went to bed, then she'd roam. I didn't know then everything I know today about working with feral cats, and I got to the point where I was resigned to the fact that she'd never be a lap-cat--I was simply content to know that she had food and beds and toys (and love and affection, even if it was one-sided, haha!). My other cat, a total mama's boy who she liked a lot, was very nice to her for the most part; I think he knew she was "special" because of her previous life and the fact that she had only one functioning eye. After a while, she'd hang out in the same room with me but not really allow me to pet her (I could gently touch her but not full-on pet her). Eventually, she'd sit on the couch with us, but on the far end. It was a slow process (again, I didn't know how to work with her, and I didn't want to force anything).

After my other cat died (RIP, my sweet boy! Mama loves you!), she stepped up! She must have thought, "Oh boy, this lady is a mess and she needs me!" She slowly but surely became a confident lap-cat, and the boss of the place when I adopted another male. Even though she never grew any bigger and was never quite as social as other cats I've had, she had her own routine in our place and she always wanted to be with me on the couch--I think she knew she was safe and loved. Today, I think I could make that happen much faster, partially because of Jackson and this show.

Once upon a time, I was that father and son team learning to care for a feral colony. A single food bowl evolving into trying to provide shelter in improvised houses  (yep, I tried cardboard boxes). One of the neighbors was the one who started TNR, back before I'd heard of such a thing. It literally took months before our version of Puff Puff would even come to eat if a person was within 20 yards. It was truly a memorable day when I was sitting in a lawn chairs and he decided to hop into my lap, probably a couple years after the first time I saw him.

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For a while, we had a neighbor who left his dog outside in the yard with no protection here in a New England winter, and one tip I learned is that if you put out very deep hardwood chips (like a foot deep or more), they will heat up even when it's below zero outside. We did this, and the dog used to lie on the chip pile when it was snowing-- the chips stayed warm. I am NOT suggesting it is OK to leave a dog out like that-- it was a shorthaired pointer which made it even worse-- but we couldn't get the owner to change nor the local dog officer to intervene, so this was something we were able to do that helped (we also used to go over and sit with the dog and give it affection). You should use hardwood, not pine, because the oils in softwoods are hazardous and irritating to the lungs, and are especially dangerous for cats. Also, make sure it doesn't heat up TOO much (you can do this by spreading the chips less deeply) so you don't cause skin/hair burning or actual ignition.

I just want to cry -- from sadness over this poor dog but also of happiness that you helped him. 

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Yes, I wasn't completely convinced Jackson was as thrilled at the outcome as he said he was. I'm afraid if one kid pulls Twinkle's tail one time and gets scratched, the dad will have Twinkle back in a shelter within the hour. But I also had the feeling Jackson was pretty desperate not to get landed with Twinkle as a project for himself. I'm sure he's inundated with requests to find homes for cats. I can envision all his friends hiding behind their front doors as he trudges up the walk with yet another homeless cat that needs someplace to stay. "C'mon guys! I know you're in there! Open the door! I promise, no more than a week!"  [muffled meowing from behind the door.] Exasperated friend, "That's what you said the last eleven times! It's been seven years and we still have eleven cats!"

Edited by Ketzel
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23 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

Yes, I wasn't completely convinced Jackson was as thrilled at the outcome as he said he was. I'm afraid if one kid pulls Twinkle's tail one time and gets scratched, the dad will have Twinkle back in a shelter within the hour. But I also had the feeling Jackson was pretty desperate not to get landed with Twinkle as a project for himself. I'm sure he's inundated with requests to find homes for cats. I can envision all his friends hiding behind their front doors as he trudges up the walk with yet another homeless cat that needs someplace to stay. "C'mon guys! I know you're in there! Open the door! I promise, no more than a week!"  [muffled meowing from behind the door.] Exasperated friend, "That's what you said the last eleven times! It's been seven years and we still have eleven cats!"

Yep, I  let a very pregnant kitty in during an ice storm. I told her she could stay until it warmed up. A week after letting her inside, she had her litter. When the kittens were weaned, I took her to be spayed. I had her for 13 years, and it never did get warm here in frigid SW Oklahome. I kept the runt of her litter 15 years. ?

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10 hours ago, SRTouch said:

Yep, I  let a very pregnant kitty in during an ice storm. I told her she could stay until it warmed up. A week after letting her inside, she had her litter. When the kittens were weaned, I took her to be spayed. I had her for 13 years, and it never did get warm here in frigid SW Oklahome. I kept the runt of her litter 15 years. ?

You have a good heart. And your little rescue was obviously one of the many feline lawyers roaming around out there. "You meow call meow this meow weather meow warm?! Ha! And also, meow!" :-)

Edited by Ketzel
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The thing that worried me the most was the father's refusal to catify. He's basically saying he doesn't care about the cat and will actively obstruct anything that protects the cat. He's waiting for something to happen, so he can toss the cat away. It's true that Twinkle/Tucker looked pretty chill and relaxed around the kids, which is a good sign. But it's also true the adults were really not willing to make much effort.

In the past, they showed the show providing catification, and I thought it was notable that they don't do that anymore. I guess the budget got cut. But it wouldn't have been much to put a few shelves up, and the family didn't want to do it.

I also wondered what was edited out of the "private conversation" the father had with Jackson outside the house. That looked very staged to me. Who knows what they were negotiating or why it was cut.

I'm not surprised if that was the only placement available, though. Millions of cats don't get placed at all because there are just not enough homes. And most people who take rescues don't have a household where there are no other animals, so looking for a no pets already situation that also had no kids and also had people who wanted a cat? That's a really tough assignment.

Still, Twinkle/Tucker seemed like a sweet dude, if you did have the right kind of house for him. I was really hoping Jackson would be able to show us how to move a cat from hating other cats to accepting them, though. That would have a huge, huge impact because it's a problem I've had and not been able to solve in some cases. Him basically giving up during the first visit surprised me and left me feeling discouraged.

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16 minutes ago, possibilities said:

The thing that worried me the most was the father's refusal to catify. He's basically saying he doesn't care about the cat and will actively obstruct anything that protects the cat. He's waiting for something to happen, so he can toss the cat away. It's true that Twinkle/Tucker looked pretty chill and relaxed around the kids, which is a good sign. But it's also true the adults were really not willing to make much effort.

In the past, they showed the show providing catification, and I thought it was notable that they don't do that anymore. I guess the budget got cut. But it wouldn't have been much to put a few shelves up, and the family didn't want to do it.

I also wondered what was edited out of the "private conversation" the father had with Jackson outside the house. That looked very staged to me. Who knows what they were negotiating or why it was cut.

I'm not surprised if that was the only placement available, though. Millions of cats don't get placed at all because there are just not enough homes. And most people who take rescues don't have a household where there are no other animals, so looking for a no pets already situation that also had no kids and also had people who wanted a cat? That's a really tough assignment.

Yeah, you're looking for someone who loves cats - but oh they don't have any cats. Oh and we're talking about a young cat who needs lots of play time, but gets over stimulated and might lash out, so the new home should be with an experienced cat lover, with no cats.

16 minutes ago, possibilities said:

Still, Twinkle/Tucker seemed like a sweet dude, if you did have the right kind of house for him. I was really hoping Jackson would be able to show us how to move a cat from hating other cats to accepting them, though. That would have a huge, huge impact because it's a problem I've had and not been able to solve in some cases. Him basically giving up during the first visit surprised me and left me feeling discouraged.

I was a little surprised. I think the hopeless part was that it was not one or two cats who he could recognise and slowly grow used to and accept. We're talking a home where multiple fosters rotate in and out, never an easy situation. 

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1 hour ago, possibilities said:

The thing that worried me the most was the father's refusal to catify. He's basically saying he doesn't care about the cat and will actively obstruct anything that protects the cat. He's waiting for something to happen, so he can toss the cat away. It's true that Twinkle/Tucker looked pretty chill and relaxed around the kids, which is a good sign. But it's also true the adults were really not willing to make much effort.

In the past, they showed the show providing catification, and I thought it was notable that they don't do that anymore. I guess the budget got cut. But it wouldn't have been much to put a few shelves up, and the family didn't want to do it.

Yeah, that guy! He didn't seem horrible, exactly, just oddly stubborn in a way that leads me to believe he knows nothing about cats--maybe he's one of those people who think a cat is the equivalent of an animated houseplant? The way I see it, my cats live in my place 24/7 while my BF and I do not. Of course it needs to be as comfortable, if not more so, for them than it does for us.

I don't know if we can speculate that the budget for catification got cut based on just this episode though; last episode, there was a whole lot of donated stuff and before that, a guy was shown doing new shelves for his great big cat.


Still, Twinkle/Tucker seemed like a sweet dude, if you did have the right kind of house for him. I was really hoping Jackson would be able to show us how to move a cat from hating other cats to accepting them, though. That would have a huge, huge impact because it's a problem I've had and not been able to solve in some cases. Him basically giving up during the first visit surprised me and left me feeling discouraged.

Sometimes it's just the truth. I work in a shelter and we have a few that won't be adopted out to a household that already has cats in it. They, like Twinkles/Tucker, are really good with people but just don't seem to dig their own kind. 

I wish they'd kept his name Twinkles! I thought it was so cute for a boy cat!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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55 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

My cat Samwise, aka Sami, died last night in his sleep. He was only ten but had had health problems for awhile. Sami was a beautiful, sweet, smart, funny guy. :-(

(((Condolences on your loss)))  ?

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10 hours ago, SRTouch said:

I was a little surprised. I think the hopeless part was that it was not one or two cats who he could recognise and slowly grow used to and accept. We're talking a home where multiple fosters rotate in and out, never an easy situation. 

I was surprised too but also pleased because I also think this was not a case of getting Twinkles/Tucker to get along with some permanent cats, but as you said, he'd have to get along with a bunch of fosters that would keep changing week by week and month by month.  I liked that Jackson acknowledged that he was not a cat that was going to be able to really deal with that.

I do also understand that people who like cats usually have one, since god knows they are literally being given away.  Thus making it hard to find a home for a cat that needs to be the only cat  - every time I have gone to a shelter to adopt those are the ones the shelter folks are always trying (hoping!) to get you to adopt, along with the special needs cats.  But like most other cat lovers I can't do it either since I always already have at least one cat.

So, what can I say.  I will light a love candle for Twinkle/Tucker and hope that things work out for him and his new family.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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5 hours ago, LittleIggy said:


My cat Samwise, aka Sami, died last night in his sleep. He was only ten but had had health problems for awhile. Sami was a beautiful, sweet, smart, funny guy. :-(


I am so sorry.  But you do know that at least it was a blessing that he died peacefully in your home, without stress or fear.

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On May 23, 2016 at 5:26 PM, LittleIggy said:

My cat Samwise, aka Sami, died last night in his sleep. He was only ten but had had health problems for awhile. Sami was a beautiful, sweet, smart, funny guy. :-(

I'm so sorry. I believe that it was probably comforting to Sami to have at least been in your home, where he felt safe and loved until the end.


I do also understand that people who like cats usually have one, since god knows they are literally being given away.  Thus making it hard to find a home for a cat that needs to be the only cat  - every time I have gone to a shelter to adopt those are the ones the shelter folks are always trying (hoping!) to get you to adopt, along with the special needs cats.  But like most other cat lovers I can't do it either since I always already have at least one cat.

I always think along these lines when I am doing shelter adoption events at a local Petco! While the events are advertised, most of the people who stop and take a look are at Petco because they already have pets (and they all say as much in just about the exactly the same way: "I wish I could but I already have two of my own!" I don't blame them; same here). I always wonder if we'd be better served in a different venue.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

I'm so sorry. I believe that it was probably comforting to Sami to have at least been in your home, where he felt safe and loved until the end.

I always think along these lines when I am doing shelter adoption events at a local Petco! While the events are advertised, most of the people who stop and take a look are at Petco because they already have pets (and they all say as much in just about the exactly the same way: "I wish I could but I already have two of my own!" I don't blame them; same here). I always wonder if we'd be better served in a different venue.

Yep, our local Petco always has cats from the shelter on display hoping for a forever home. It's always heartbreaking to watch the behavior change as time goes by. Cats are friendly when they first arrive, coming up to greet you when you stop, but after awhile they sort of get used to people looking, and start to ignore visits. The really heartbreaking ones are when you read on the info sheet that a cat was surrendered to the shelter because their person died or went to assisted living. 

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I have to confess, I sometimes don't even look at the ones that stay there--I feel bad having to eventually just leave them! Ours don't stay; we bring in three each time, and they come back to the shelter after. But, yeah, we have a few who have been surrendered for those reasons and worse, IMO, e.g., two brothers who had a home for five years and just weren't wanted anymore.

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On May 23, 2016 at 5:26 PM, LittleIggy said:

My cat Samwise, aka Sami, died last night in his sleep. He was only ten but had had health problems for awhile. Sami was a beautiful, sweet, smart, funny guy. :-(

I'm so sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences.

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I quite liked this new episode where they re-did the cat shelter. Pigpen was quite striking and cat had some moves!

And the director of the shelter seemed like such a sweetheart  

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I love the idea of a show all about shelter makeovers! They could showcase one particular cat's rehab while also renovating the physical environment, like they did this episode. I would watch that for sure.

I wish they wouldn't feel like they have to do the "oh no, we're up against an impossible deadline and something went wrong and CATS WILL DIE!!!" stuff to up the tension. Surely there are better ways to keep the show interesting.

Did anyone notice on the original sign, it mentioned dogs and bunnies, too?

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34 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I love the idea of a show all about shelter makeovers! They could showcase one particular cat's rehab while also renovating the physical environment, like they did this episode. I would watch that for sure.

I wish they wouldn't feel like they have to do the "oh no, we're up against an impossible deadline and something went wrong and CATS WILL DIE!!!" stuff to up the tension. Surely there are better ways to keep the show interesting.

You're right, I could do without the manufactured drama. A couple more minutes of Pigpen doing flips while playing would have been better than looking at the broken cage and calling for a rush replacement.

34 minutes ago, possibilities said:

Did anyone notice on the original sign, it mentioned dogs and bunnies, too?

Yeh, you could see a bunny in one of the cages, too.

Something I'd like to see more of would be make-shift toys for the cats. I'm not knocking the fancy store bought toys and cardboard furniture, and realise that some of that stuff may be from show sponsors. But I why not show potential adopters that you can have a happy cat without investing much money. One of my crew's favorite toys ever was a broken section of a fishing rod, a string, and a feather picked out of my cocktail cage. Paper bags, cardboard boxes, etc - one of my joys is finding stuff and wondering if the gang will play with it. I do have store bought stuff that comes out on occasion, but the gang don'the show any preference based on what stuff costs.

Just saying if a potential adopter is watching their budget (like me) and they're totaling up the cost of the adoption fee, bed, litter, litter box, food etc, it may help the kitty to find their forever home if the shelter shows the cats sleeping on/in paper bags and playing with toys which are homemade or cost next to nothing. The shelter looked great when Jackson and his crew were done, but I kept thinking I can't afford that stuff, and wondering if it might scare off potential adopters when they learn the prices. I say put out some cheap alternatives. Sure the shelter workers will have to watch to make sure the shelter doesn't look like a mess when folks come in, but it might get a cat out the door if potential adopters see cats choosing to sleep in a bag or cardboard box while ignoring the store bought beds. 

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I love the idea of demonstrating inexpensive toys. Nothing is better than a crumpled piece of paper, a cardboard box, or a paper bag. My cats have often preferred those to the fancy stuff I bought them. I hope they at least have a handout they give adopters, or they tell them when they come to browse.

I wonder if they have another section of the facility where they keep dogs and rabbits. It would be sad if they only renovated the cat section and the other animals are stuck in a dreary conditions across the hall.

Also, does "sante d'or" mean "golden health"? Or is it an idiom I'm not familiar with? Or is it Spanish, not French (Saint of Gold??)-- I'm confused.

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1 hour ago, possibilities said:

I love the idea of demonstrating inexpensive toys. Nothing is better than a crumpled piece of paper, a cardboard box, or a paper bag. My cats have often preferred those to the fancy stuff I bought them. I hope they at least have a handout they give adopters, or they tell them when they come to browse.

OK I didn't have anything better to do, so googled sante dor and looked through the site  http://www.santedor.org . Lots of pix on the FB page  https://m.facebook.com/santedorrescue/  Here's a pic https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10154213271509869&substory_index=0&id=23496354868  of one of the success stories. All cat owners have seen this - Spend big bucks on cat tree - cat plays in box the thing came in. 

1 hour ago, possibilities said:

I wonder if they have another section of the facility where they keep dogs and rabbits. It would be sad if they only renovated the cat section and the other animals are stuck in a dreary conditions across the hall.

Looking at the available animals, I see lots a cat's and only two small dogs, and both have descriptions say they get along with cats. Maybe that means they get to come out with the cats

I can't look at pets on these sites or petfinder without thinking that could have been my cats, as mine are all rescues.

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Hmmm.   I did not much care for this episode.  It seemed to me that the shelter remodelling was not worth an entire episode, especially since it didn't involve much in the way of How-To-Do-It.   I felt like I was watching Kitchen Nightmares, complete with all the cheap composite board furniture..  Pigpen's story was more interesting but even so its resolution seemed a little pat and easy to me - like they had less time to spend on it what with the whole Makeover thing going on.

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21 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I haven't watched the episode yet but this made me laugh:


21 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

cocktail cage

I would like a cocktail cage at work please.  And I'd like to be locked in it all day.  Thank you. 

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I just watched it and thought it was good! I'd love to have that much space at the shelter where I volunteer, man! I just wish the very tall shelter lady would have pulled her stupid pants up...or worn underwear that fit inside of them! 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I really liked that shelter after they were done with it.  It looked like the cats thought it was fun, and it was so much more inviting for adoptions.  That painting of Orangey in his wing was great.  I hope the publicity helps a bunch more kitties find homes. 

I'm glad Pigpen found a home.  I had never heard of the kitten infection he had, but he seems to be doing great.

Jackson was obviously very passionate about this, and the women at the shelter were thrilled.  Nice change of pace episode.  It's cool that we're seeing more of what Jackson and his foundation are doing.

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Australian viewer here who is only now getting to watch this latest season, so forgive my rather untimely remarks.  I've watched two eps so far.


Sebastian had been acting out for a long time and these people have been in denial all along. It seems obvious to me that if your pet is acting crazy the first thing to do is check to see if there is something physically wrong. When Sebastian bit the neighbor and sent her to the hospital, you would think it should have been a wake up call. And why would you wait till your baby is starting to crawl before you get off your a$$ and call for help? I mean, why didn't they start trying to find an answer to the problem as soon as they learned the woman was pregnant? When they finally admitted they had a problem and brought in Jackson, they ignored his advise. It appeared that once they followed the advice, the vet was able to help. I'm afraid that Sebastian's problems will need to be monitored, and these fools have proven far to expert at hiding their heads in the sand. I think it entirely too likely that they will blissfully ignore future problems if and when the medication needs to be adjusted. Hell, I'm not sure they can be trusted to refill the prescription and give Sebastian the meds.

Re the first episode I saw with Zeus the savannah cat and Sebastian, I really enjoyed the Zeus part of the episode because there's something about a decent and devoted "cat daddy" which really resonates with me.  Beautiful cat but perfectly easy to understand how a cat of his background would be literally climbing the walls in a small apartment without lots of other stimulation.  I totally agree with the above poster re Sebastian and his owners.  Talk about unprepared!  I find it hard to relate to episodes with truly problematic cats because in all my years as a cat owner (or being owned by cats, more like!), I have never had any that have behaved like that.  My current kitty, Claude, is 15 years old and has always had the most beautiful nature.  He would no sooner bite or scratch me than fly to the moon.  And the only time he has ever hurt me is accidentally, when I am trying to get into his cat carrier, because he hates it so much and will go into a "bat" position and strike out to avoid going in.  But that's it.  I don't know how Sebastian's owners put up with his aggression for so long, unless they really didn't think there WAS a solution?


The aluminum turkey pan as a litter box cracked me up, but Chris was a great guy. He really loved his kitty.

Awww, I thought he was wonderful, and what a beautiful, sweet kitty Elsa was.  As someone said upthread, it's nice to see episodes about cats who aren't just out and out aggressive, but have other types of behavioural issues.  I also got quite misty-eyed over the blind cats and their foster carers, especially while watching the ginger one playing so happily.  The Meki half of the episode, I found myself getting rather frustrated with his owner because she just couldn't see the forest for the trees and that she was a huge part of the problem.  I've never seen a cat who would willingly want to go under their owner's shirt for comfort.  He's a cat, not a kangaroo joey who needs to be in a pouch to feel safe! 

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On 6/22/2014 at 7:39 PM, ratgirlagogo said:

Plus a thousand.  The woman kind of lost me when she had the pile of what looked like maybe seven or eight bathing suits on the bed and described them as "three thousand dollars worth of bikinis" that Precious had ruined by peeing on them.  I didn't like either of them but he's not the one that brought those two dogs in and then refused to acknowledge that the cat was being terrorized by them.

I caught this episode on a rerun Saturday and I had the same feeling.  Three thousand on swimsuits?  Are you high?  Maybe use some of that money to train your dogs.  And if your cat is peeing on your clothing, put your clothing somewhere it's protected.  That's just common sense.

My heart broke for Precious. So scared she's living on top of the fridge, where the dogs absolutely cannot get her and she can see what's going on. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together in their head would make the connection with your cat's behavior changing upon bringing two high energy dogs into the home.  Unbelievable. 

It also seemed clear to me when Jackson was immediately able to pet Precious, while she was hiding out on the fridge that baby was starved for affection.  What a sad existence for her.

Mia's people just seemed dumb.  Did they really never consider how traumatized she would be, to be alone in the house when a fire broke out and remain in the house while it was burning and firemen were running through and putting it out?  Really?  And then to have new furniture brought in and she had nothing of her own?   The stupid, it hurts.

I agree with @lovesnark - - Jackson needs to go total Gordon Ramsey on some of these fools. 

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I just started watching this show recently and I am surprised at how many people don't know how to play with cats.  Like they are extremely bad - bopping them on the head with toys.  Little kids I can understand, but even if an adult doesn't know the best way why would they think hitting the cat with the toy would work?  I've seen this on several eps now.

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On 10/29/2016 at 10:23 AM, aquarian1 said:

I just started watching this show recently and I am surprised at how many people don't know how to play with cats.  Like they are extremely bad - bopping them on the head with toys.  Little kids I can understand, but even if an adult doesn't know the best way why would they think hitting the cat with the toy would work?  I've seen this on several eps now.

I've been watching since the beginning and have had cats my whole life. I am also surprised how little people understand their behavior, no matter how many times I see this show. 

And luckily I've never had a cat from hell. The one I have now is an angel, she even taught herself to pee in the toilet without human assistance (no joke, I have pictures).

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1 hour ago, Runnergirl said:

I've been watching since the beginning and have had cats my whole life. I am also surprised how little people understand their behavior, no matter how many times I see this show. 

And luckily I've never had a cat from hell. The one I have now is an angel, she even taught herself to pee in the toilet without human assistance (no joke, I have pictures).

Sadly, it's not just kitties. How many dog owners have no clue what is going on with their pup? Way to many have animals as accessories rather than family members.

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I've never liked the title of this show. I think it gives (uneducated) people a bad or negative feeling towards cats. 

And it's NOT the cats who are from hell...it's almost always the owners.

I wish Jackson would find a different name for his show. He's so awesome and I think more people would change their thinking about cats. I'm referring to those people who think cats are evil, unsociable, bad to have around children,etc etc.

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My Cat From Hell has been on for many years on Animal Planet channel. I don't know how or where you could watch all the episodes from the first year it was on til now. Maybe look on the AP website for info? Wish I could be of more help. I love Jackson Galaxy and am very happy that there is a tv show that educates people about cats and cat behavior.

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Just now, chenoa333 said:

My Cat From Hell has been on for many years on Animal Planet channel. I don't know how or where you could watch all the episodes from the first year it was on til now. Maybe look on the AP website for info? Wish I could be of more help. I love Jackson Galaxy and am very happy that there is a tv show that educates people about cats and cat behavior.

I thought that the previous seasons were on Netflix--they were at one time, but not anymore.  I was surprised to see that Animal Planet doesn't stream on Sling...  It looked like AP had a streaming service, but apparently you need a cable provider for it.  

Sigh...I guess you can always get the DVD's of the earlier seasons out of the library?

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I can't even watch this show anymore . It's just too heartbreaking and disturbing to me. Why is it the majority of people don't like or they hate cats? 

I hear this from people all the time how they don't like cats cause cats aren't affectionate like dogs, or cats give them allergies..blah blah blah. A thousand dumb, uneducated, stupid reasons. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here in this forum so I will get off my soapbox and just say one more thing: Please Jackson, change the name of your tv show. The title just generates more negativity towards cats.

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On 6/21/2014 at 9:25 PM, callie lee 29 said:

I missed the first half with Mia, but was able to catch the part with Precious, the peeing cat. I have a cat that likes to pee on everything of mine (her most recent acquisition was my cell phone!) and sorry, maybe I'm just a bitch but 1.) Tenille must be the stupidist person alive if she couldn't figure out that the cat was TERRIFIED and completely insecure about her place in the family. She brings a new guy (more on him) and two dogs into the house around the same time (appx. 1 year) and the two dogs favorite activity is to bark, chase and try to attack poor Precious. Dumbass. 2.) Chris. I was done with him when he called Precious "it". Just an ass.

So apparently, IIRTR (if I read this right), she'll let the dogs chase Precious all around the house, terrify her, drive her crazy and just push her to her wits' end, but Precious is wrong for reacting to the dogs as she's done?! Incredible!

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 I love all animals no matter what species, I'll rescue any critter that needs help. But cats are what God (or whoever our creator is) made for me as my special gift. So....even though I've tried many times to watch this show (I love Jackson and he's so gifted) I can't do it. It just breaks my heart because (and I've said this on other forums) I don't see many cat lovers and most of these people on the show are f'n idiots. 

God bless Jackson for his kindness and patience because I'd have smacked the shit out of most of these selfish cat owners 

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A Bengal cat named Cheeto scratches and attacks her guardian, Allison.

Caramel attacks Scout, who is terrified.


I thought the show had been canceled, since it had been so long since I'd seen a new episode, but I guess I was wrong. Last night, the "season premiere" aired and I liked it. They cleaned up some of the things that had been annoying me about previous shows, especially the repetitiveness and the prolonged fake suspense maneuvers. There was a little of that, but waaaaay less than before.

I also thought Jackson was more blunt about what he thought was going on, including criticizing the humans to their faces as well as to the camera. Maybe they thought the message was too subtle in the past!

They also did another of those mini features with cats who have disabilities, and the people who they live with. I like those. I have had disabled cats, and I'm disabled myself, so I like that he's dignifying the situation and trying to show that wantonly euthanizing is unnecessary. Nice to see some value being assigned to our lives once in a while!!

They also put more info about the cases here:

I thought the additional info about Scout's family really highlighted how much gets edited out for broadcast. I had no idea, from the show, that there were still more cats in the household than just Caramel and Scout!

Edited by possibilities
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1 hour ago, possibilities said:

A Bengal cat named Cheeto scratches and attacks her guardian, Allison.

Caramel attacks Scout, who is terrified.

----I thought the show had been canceled, since it had been so long since I'd seen a new episode, but I guess I was wrong.

Glad this popped up - I have the DVR set to only record new episodes, saw this, and sure nuf I have one sitting there. Haven't watched it yet, though.


They also put more info about the cases here:

I thought the additional info about Scout's family really highlighted how much gets edited out for broadcast. I had no idea, from the show, that there were still more cats in the household than just Caramel and Scout!

Well, yeah more info on the feline stars of the episode - but the thing I take from the links is the commercialisation of the "Jackson Galaxy" brand. Really, does his picture on the bottle make each of those bottles worth $23.95. I had already seen and passed on the toys with his picture at Pets mart because of the price.

Actually, the other thing I take from the show... it's almost always clueless owners who have these problem cats (talking past episodes since I haven't watched this one yet). Geez, so often they'd do better with a stuffed animal! Some of these idiots don't even know how to play with a cat. Always thought the same thing with the Cesar dog shows. People get animals, then expect them to behave when they never bother to exercise them or make an effort to understand the animals' instinctive behavior.

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I was really happy to see this show come back!  I agree that it's more straight-forward and less gimmicky, and I'm glad he is keeping the mini-features, too.  Jackson was definitely blunt this episode about the humans' behavior - so much of the time it's about the owners and what they're doing.

On to the stars of the show - the cats!

Cheeto is gorgeous!  I was never sure about cats using the toilet thing.  It sounds good in theory, but I always felt it was mean making the cat perch on a toilet seat like that.  I wasn't too surprised that Jackson wasn't in favor of it.   I wasn't sure what to think of Allison.  She seemed really detached when she was playing with her at first, but she said she had researched Bengals so she should have known they need to be active.  I loved seeing Cheeto exploring on the leash at the end!

Those kids in the Caramel and Scout family!  Yeesh!  How is it that they never bothered to take care of the cats before? 

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The litter box on the kitchen counter! Ugh!

This weeks epi: the "Cats from Heaven" segment made me cry. God bless those people for caring for those sweet kitties.

Edited by LittleIggy
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On 4/30/2017 at 3:32 PM, possibilities said:

I thought the show had been canceled, since it had been so long since I'd seen a new episode, but I guess I was wrong. Last night, the "season premiere" aired and I liked it. They cleaned up some of the things that had been annoying me about previous shows, especially the repetitiveness and the prolonged fake suspense maneuvers. There was a little of that, but waaaaay less than before.

Okay, starting next week (or with a re-airing of this week's episode, if I come across it), the producers can thank you for getting me to tune back in.  Because I love the concept, hate what it became.  If they've retooled, I'm all about it.  Thanks for the post.

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On 4/30/2017 at 3:32 PM, possibilities said:

I thought the additional info about Scout's family really highlighted how much gets edited out for broadcast. I had no idea, from the show, that there were still more cats in the household than just Caramel and Scout!

Those kids seemed so uninterested in even playing with the cats, it's weird that there were even more cats, I wonder if the mom just gives in to all her kids wants and every time they see a kitten at a pet shop she buys them one.  I loved it how Jackson was disgusted with how selfish the kids were.  Their catification was super cool though. 

I am so glad this show is back and it does seem less drama and suspensey than before.  And it's great how Jackson points out all the owner's flaws. 

We have bought the Jackson Galaxy toy that's the retractable (overpriced) stick with the feather on the end and my cats, Willis & Arnold love it.  But it's true what he says, you just can't dangle it or drag it around, you have to run around the house with it and pretend you're a bird to get them excited. 

And in the Cat From Heaven segment (which I love more than the rest of the show) it was cool seeing that Joey Dipaolo is still alive and is married, him kissing his kitten was just the cutest.  I remember his HBO movie from when he was a kid. 

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