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S31: Spencer Bledsoe


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Essentially, I hope Spencer is playing Jeremy and playing to win rather than playing for 2nd place.


This is certainly what I hope for too, but I just have a feeling he's actually not playing Jeremy at all. I think this move was more about replacing Stephen in the Jeremy/Tasha(/Kimmi as a vote/goat only) alliance.


But then I do think Spencer must be smart enough to see that Jeremy is one of the few people who could beat him in the end, so I can't really see how he would want to be closely aligned with him.

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It's probably the latter. Why else would he make Tasha the secondary option if Stephen won immunity?
So that he could take Tasha's place. If he still sees his endgame being with Jeremy, then Stephen and Tasha are sort of interchangeable boots. It's not like he made Jeremy the target after all. 


But that's an if. I'm certainly hoping Tasha's talk about needing to end voting blocs and return to alliances indicates that Spencer/Kelley/Keith/Joe are at least solid, with Abi as solid as they can keep her. That seems like a much better group for Spencer to win from (although certainly no guaranteed victory--either Kelley or Joe could potentially beat him).

The thing that sticks out to me is that if he was going to blindside Jeremy that he could've done it at the last tc,  Maybe he'll change his mind if Jeremy goes ballistic on him but I have a feeling that Jeremy is smart enough not to do something like that.  Spence wants to be in Stephen's seat, making moves with Jeremy and Tasha while the others get blindsided.


I also think Jeremy's " I would do the same for you" hints at a deeper game relationship between the two then what we're being shown.

If Spencer's only motive at getting rid of Fishbach was to be Jeremy's #2, then I'll be really disappointed.  I'm hoping his passive game play thus far was more because he couldn't make the moves needed at that point, and he was just biding his time going with the majority.  I get that everyone wants to be in the majority, but the way it is coming across, people think being part of Jeremy's crew is some sort of high honor.  I just don't get why they won't vote against him.  I'm glad they did get rid of Fishbach, though.  But it just baffles me that Jeremy has enough loyal allies that no one has made a move against him, and has even gone against what they wanted to do because of him.


Back to Spencer, I loved him in Cagayan and I worried he would get targeted early on.  But I've been disappointed that he's taken a back seat until now, and I just hope that this move wasn't to get Fishbach out so he could be Jeremy's right hand man.  I know he hasn't had the best circumstances early on in this game, but I just didn't expect him to do a lot of sitting there.

  • Love 4

I only saw Spencer as playing passively at the merge and the two episodes after, before that he was scrambling. And I think it was  really important that he he did play passively for a while because the other players in the game perceive him as someone that is willing to make moves, but he really needed to add 'I can stick with the numbers when it benefits me' to his resume. It was almost the first time in two seasons that he was not in the minority, and pushing for moves straight away might have just proven that he was incapable of not scrambling. This way, if he makes FTC, he can sell the story that he wasn't making moves for the sake of moves but that he was capable of taking a step back when that benefited him, and that he waited til he had an actual purpose for making a big move.

  • Love 6

I think Spencer will continue to work with Joe, Wentworth, Keith and Abi. I can't see why Spencer would want to return to Jeremy's failed alliance. I think people are underestimated just how badly Jeremy has screwed up his own game at the past 3 TCs.

Jeremy is going to need to use his idol well and win some ICs to make it to FTC. Even if he makes it, his foolishly blindsiding the entire tribe to save freaking Fishbach with the idol will hurt him with the jury.

In the past 3 weeks he has gone from a likable, loyal guy, who was playing a brilliant under the radar game, to a disloyal (except to Fishbach) bumbling fool who hasn't done squat in challenges either.

IMO, Jeremy has gone from the overwhelming favorite to having almost zero chance of winning. Only Kimmi and Abi have less of a chance than he does now.

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I read on Spencer's Twitter that Stephen & he had only met once. For some reason, I thought they were bff's and hugg out. That's why I was surprised (and, disappointed) that Spencer turned on him. I don't know why or how I thought they were really good friends which I had posted in an earlier post. Sorry, if I mislead or confused anyone.

I'm looking forward to see if Spencer is the head of the majority this week. He's been scraping by and now he might be in a better spot. Of course, Jeremy & Kelly each have HII and that might prevent him from going to the Final 4. It should be fun to see how it all plays out.

  • Love 1

I read on Spencer's Twitter that Stephen & he had only met once. For some reason, I thought they were bff's and hugg out. That's why I was surprised (and, disappointed) that Spencer turned on him. I don't know why or how I thought they were really good friends which I had posted in an earlier post. Sorry, if I mislead or confused anyone.

I'm looking forward to see if Spencer is the head of the majority this week. He's been scraping by and now he might be in a better spot. Of course, Jeremy & Kelly each have HII and that might prevent him from going to the Final 4. It should be fun to see how it all plays out.


From what I have read online, Stephen and his "wine [or whine] and cheese" club group are the ones claiming that Spencer and Stephen were close friends and Spencer was horrible to ruin a friendship. It sounded like hypocritical bullshit to me since if they were such tight friends then why did Stephen exclude Spencer from the tight four alliance of Stephen-Jeremy-Tasha-Kimmi. Based on the edited show I did not see any indication that they had some previous close friendship. I'd believe it more if it was Spencer and Shirin. I think Stephen and his friends are just very bitter and trying to blame Spencer for Stephen's shitty strategy (picking Tasha to repair his alliance, Jeremy playing idol, and more). If they were close friends, which I doubt, then Stephen is the one who initiated the betrayal imo. His clique should STFU since they weren't out there and are throwing shade about events they weren't present to witness.

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It doesn't sound like Stephen is blaming Spencer at all. He didn't seem upset or betrayed when he found out it was Spencer targeting him at Ponderosa, and that was when it was still fresh. I think he was just annoyed when Spencer claimed they'd only met once because it made Stephen seem crazy since he mentioned they'd been friends on Twitter. It seems like Spencer has acknowledged he wasn't being entirely truthful and I think Stephen is right that he's trying to minimize their pre-game relationship. I don't think it's because Spencer is afraid of the wrath of Stephen and Eliza. He's probably more concerned about the criticism he's getting from the RHAP fan base. Spencer is RHAP's Mr. Survivor and probably doesn't want to alienate them.

Edited by Skeeter22
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I had no idea when I wrote my earlier post that there would be a Twitter war. Apparently, Stephen & Spencer have different views on the word "friends". Spencer had claimed they only met once and then Stephen replied it was more than once which Spencer is sort of admitting. Of course, it's all immature stuff. Stephen stated that he "thought" they were friends thus being hurt by being voted out by him. Spencer didn't view it as such a strong friendship and was playing the game. I just think Stephen was thinking Spencer was a gimme vote and took it for granted. I've always liked Spencer and still want him to do well.

I don't pick up on any genuine friendship between Spencer and any of the cast other than Shirin and I only say that because he said as much on Twitter.  He said he and she are "friends for life".


I think he tried to bond with Tony from his season with some success and Jeremy from this season with some but less success.


He is on the outer circle of the Fishbach/Jeremy team.  Further out than Kimmi, and even further out than Tasha. 

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I was surprised that Spencer bothered to lie about his friendship with Fish. I expected him to be like - 'Yeah I knew Fish before the game but I'm here to win a million dollars. What didja expect?'


And if you bothered to visit Fish at his work place and stayed at his apt, then yes, you were friends, even if not BFFs like with Shitrin.

  • Love 2
He is on the outer circle of the Fishbach/Jeremy team.  Further out than Kimmi, and even further out than Tasha.
Spencer certainly is now, but I'm not sure he always was. I'm really interested to see what Stephen writes about this in the blog. Stephen picking Tasha for the reward doesn't necessarily mean he likes Tasha more or viewed his alliance with her as more important than with Spencer. It could be that Stephen thought his relationship with Tasha was more damaged than the relationship with Spencer. I'm not sure that Spencer actually read the significance of Stephen's reward picks correctly.


Although I'm still glad for Spencer's flip because I'm rooting for Kelley, and it was good for Kelley.

so stephen expected him, in a GAME for 1 MILLION dollars, to ignore his tight alliance with 3 other people and be down in numbers all because they may or may not be friends or friendly outside the game? sounds like Stephen is a crappy "friend" who only wants what is good for him.

I do have a pro-Spencer bias but even trying to take that into account, I still think Stephen is a sore loser and trying to deflect from his atrocious gameplay by throwing shade at Spencer. It's not like Stephen gave Spencer reasons to vote him (sarcasm) out and not like he didn't have ample warning after the first attempted blindside. I thought Spencer was the one with difficulty forming social relationships yet Stephen is the one who ignored his "friend" and didn't try to work on that relationship and shoved his alliance with Tasha and Jeremy in his face (obviously closer to them). Goly (Keith accent), it's a game and whatever happened to private phone calls rather than whining on twitter.

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 2

I had no idea when I wrote my earlier post that there would be a Twitter war. Apparently, Stephen & Spencer have different views on the word "friends". Spencer had claimed they only met once and then Stephen replied it was more than once which Spencer is sort of admitting. Of course, it's all immature stuff. Stephen stated that he "thought" they were friends thus being hurt by being voted out by him. Spencer didn't view it as such a strong friendship and was playing the game. I just think Stephen was thinking Spencer was a gimme vote and took it for granted. I've always liked Spencer and still want him to do well.

Oh my goodness, how old are these two? Seriously! This is high school BS. Spencer has the excuse of still being fairly young but Stephen does not. Who cares how often you met outside the game or didn't meet? I assume this is just Stephen being hurt that Spencer betrayed their friendship by organizing his vote-out. Oy vey. He seems way too much like Lex for my liking. Ugh.

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so stephen expected him, in a GAME for 1 MILLION dollars, to ignore his tight alliance with 3 other people and be down in numbers all because they may or may not be friends or friendly outside the game? sounds like Stephen is a crappy "friend" who only wants what is good for him.



Who has a tight alliance with 3 other ppl? Surely not Spencer?

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really, non-fish-fans should all thank Spencer for getting Stephen voted out:-)

Who has a tight alliance with 3 other ppl? Surely not Spencer?


Hopefully he does have tight alliances with everyone but I doubt they are as tight as Jeremy & Stephen were. I am not sure of the tightness of Jeremy/Stephen relationships with Tasha and Kimmi since the voting hasn't been strictly along alliance lines. It seemed like Stephen valued Tasha more by picking her for the reward and telling everyone, in the heat of the moment, he needed to shore up his alliance with her (the tightness with Jeremy was obvious from the idol play)

really, non-fish-fans should all thank Spencer for getting Stephen voted out:-)


Hopefully he does have tight alliances with everyone but I doubt they are as tight as Jeremy & Stephen were. I am not sure of the tightness of Jeremy/Stephen relationships with Tasha and Kimmi since the voting hasn't been strictly along alliance lines. It seemed like Stephen valued Tasha more by picking her for the reward and telling everyone, in the heat of the moment, he needed to shore up his alliance with her (the tightness with Jeremy was obvious from the idol play)



So, who is in this tight alliance that he is in with that is suppose to be so obvious? Because it aint so obvious to me.

so stephen expected him, in a GAME for 1 MILLION dollars, to ignore his tight alliance with 3 other people and be down in numbers all because they may or may not be friends or friendly outside the game? sounds like Stephen is a crappy "friend" who only wants what is good for him.


I don't know what any of the other Wine and Cheese folks said on their Twitters or other social media, but I read Fishbach's and didn't see him saying anything that resembled the above. He said he trusted Spencer, which is why he felt confident in the Joe boot going through and didn't realize Spencer was orchestrating his ouster. He also said he thought he and Spencer were friends, but not in a blaming Spencer or mad at Spencer way at all. Just as an explanation for why Stephen trusted Spencer. The only thing Stephen has seemed at all upset about it is Spencer denying in the present day that there had been a friendship pre-game, and even there I thought Stephen came across as fairly neutral... he said something like "I thought there was a friendship. Spencer appears to have felt otherwise" and in a couple other tweets explained the times he and Spencer had met to, again, explain why Stephen thought there was a friendship (which he wouldn't have to do if Spencer had ignored Shane's obvious shitstirring).

  • Love 1

really, non-fish-fans should all thank Spencer for getting Stephen voted out:-)

I do! Trust me. And it's more because of myJoe bias (and Spencer bias) but I'm glad Stephen went out looking like an ass. He could have just been regular blindsided. But no, he he got to get his arrogance in because of his advantage before having it handed to him.

Also I don't know why Spencer and Stephen are hashing this out on twitter. Also, Eliza and her obnoxious clique are so full of it. Apparently the people in her crew are off limits to be voted for, except when it comes to winning, and are the greatest to ever play. One of the worst ever in this game.

  • Love 8

So, who is in this tight alliance that he is in with that is suppose to be so obvious? Because it aint so obvious to me.


the tight alliance was referring to Jeremy & Stephen with Tasha as a 3rd and Kimmi as 4th (she tried to cover or justify Stephen's picks for rewards).


Regarding, Spencer? he seemed (past tense, unsure of future) with Jeremy. He seems loosely (not sure how tight) aligned with Joe & Keith & Kelley & Abi for the last 2 votes and maybe more but I don't remember all the votes from episodes prior to the last two.


The tightest alliance always seemed to be Jeremy & Stephen and Jeremy & Tasha. Jeremy & Stephen & Tasha seem tight even though they haven't always voted the same. I only say this due to Stephen claiming an alliance with Tasha and Tasha tribal council speech about no more blocs and time for tight alliances (after the reward she went on with Jeremy and Stephen).


Spencer seems aligned (or more accurately working relationships) with most people but I thought he wanted to be closest to Jeremy but hard to tell based on editing. Given the editing and my personal biases/perceptions, I think Spencer realized Jeremy picked Stephen's side when he played the idol (since they were on opposite sides of the debate going into TC). Spencer saw his relationship/alliance with Jeremy wasn't as tight as Jeremy & Stephen.


I don't think Spencer has any tight alliances anymore but seems on good terms with everyone except unclear about him and Kimmi. I have a suspicion that both Tasha and Spencer don't want to go to F3 with Jeremy and would likely work together if needed to see that happen (nothing I objective I can give as examples except for some looks they exchanged with Ciera said something about Jeremy winning). I really wonder if Spencer and Tasha have something worked out but that is just a guess on my part.


I hope Spencer has tight relationships but no one seems to have obviously tight relationships except Jeremy. Even Kelley and Abi are together by default imo.

  • Love 4

I do! Trust me. And it's more because of myJoe bias (and Spencer bias) but I'm glad Stephen went out looking like an ass. He could have just been regular blindsided. But no, he he got to get his arrogance in because of his advantage before having it handed to him.

Also I don't know why Spencer and Stephen are hashing this out on twitter. Also, Eliza and her obnoxious clique are so full of it. Apparently the people in her crew are off limits to be voted for, except when it comes to winning, and are the greatest to ever play. One of the worst ever in this game.


I know I shouldn't hold Stephen accountable for Eliza but her tweets are annoying and I start to wonder if she is doing Stephen's dirty work since he has to maintain his professional image for his survivor work. I'd like to think he was better than that but the fact he is hashing it out on twitter is questionable. I don't really use twitter or check it out but I read some of the Eliza tweets on another site. I have heard any bad tweets by Spencer and all of them should know better than to bicker on twitter. However if someone was calling me a snake and less intelligent because I opened a wrapped package slower than Stephen I would have probably just said something like I was intelligent enough to not want to win that reward, lol.


I like how Kelley called out Stephen in TC for using the word alliance in reference to Tasha….lol…and Stephen tried to downplay it as a colloquialism. HaHaHa Busted! Kelley is great! It's great how we are pretty deep post merge and the show is still keeping us on our toes and surprising us.

  • Love 4

I do wonder if Spencer & Tasha have an unspoken "pre allaince" to the finals that we're not seeing on air. Tasha seems tighter with Jeremy & Kimmi which is being shown. It is funny that Spencer is bff's with Shirin since she's been gone so long and didn't even make the merge. I guess that could have happened when they returned from Cambodia. I do agree that Spencer would want to go further with Tasha rather Jeremy. It might come down to Jeremy's HII to foil any potential deal between Spencer & Tasha.

  • Love 2
I'm not sure that Spencer actually read the significance of Stephen's reward picks correctly.


Funny - I missed the part of the Survivor credo which reads "Outwit, Outplay, Outlast, Out-telepath".


Assuming there was a miscommunication, any misread of that nature lands on Stephen's doorstep - not Spencer's, nor any other player.

For good or ill, Stephen made a strategic choice. 

I am not Monday-morning-quarterbacking the wisdom of that choice. 

What I am taking issue with - and this could be totally dependent upon the final edit - is Stephen's apparent total lack of follow-up with his own allies.

As the discussion here amply demonstrates, the reasoning behind Stephen's choices is ambiguous in a vacuum - with no additional clarification, the significance of the choices is open to multiple interpretations.

An alliance is a relationship - and like any relationship, if you value it you go the extra mile to communicate and clarify whenever possible.

If you don't, then that's a clear and direct signal to the other party the relationship is not valued - either it's fake, or it's taken for granted.

It is not incumbent upon Spencer - or any other player, for that matter - to come up with a rationale whereby Stephen's choice is not a betrayal, or an indication of preference.  If such a rationale does exist, it is Stephen's responsibility to explain it to his allies - assuming, of course, Stephen actually values the relationship. 

If Stephen doesn't care, that's great - because that is exactly the message he is communicating.

  • Love 8

The way I read it, Stephen tried to be all passive aggressive with Spence and his "betrayal" Spence called him out on It and Stephen tried to save public face by saying don't do this on twitter.


It is funny that Spencer is bff's with Shirin since she's been gone so long and didn't even make the merge. I guess that could have happened when they returned from Cambodia.


I'd be friends for life with the person who sacrificed herself for my game too.

Edited by Oscirus
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Huh? Where did I say there was? I didn't say Spencer was an idiot for (potentially!) misreading the significance of Stephen's choice; all I said was that Spencer may have misread it.

May just be me being overly picky about semantics - but when you say Spencer didn't "read the significance of Stephen's picks correctly" or "Spencer may have misread it", both statements come across to me as implying there was a "correct" way to read Stephen's picks, and the mistake was Spencer's for not viewing the picks through this lens of "correctness".

My response was simply along these lines:

  • Communication is a two-party affair - originator and recipient.
  • Within the context of Survivor, the onus is generally upon the originator to actively do as much as possible to ensure his/her words are interpreted as intended - to "focus the lens" of communication, for lack of a better term - because it's usually the originator who will experience any negative blowback from incomplete/insufficient communication.
  • It's entirely possible Stephen did go extra lengths to clarify his pick rationale, to Spencer and others. It's also entirely possible Spencer and/or others chose to disregard Stephen's clarifications, or regard them as secondary to what was best for their game. If this were the case, however, we saw none of this in the final edit. What *I* saw was Stephen tending to his relationships with Tasha and Jeremy, and largely neglecting the others until it came time to try to sway their TC votes. YMMV.
In short (I know, I know - too late), Spencer didn't misread - Stephen miscommunicated.

That was the sole response I was trying to make.

  • Love 5

Spencer certainly is now, but I'm not sure he always was. I'm really interested to see what Stephen writes about this in the blog. Stephen picking Tasha for the reward doesn't necessarily mean he likes Tasha more or viewed his alliance with her as more important than with Spencer. It could be that Stephen thought his relationship with Tasha was more damaged than the relationship with Spencer. I'm not sure that Spencer actually read the significance of Stephen's reward picks correctly.

That's pretty much what Stephen said in his blog.  So you're probably right that Spencer misread things, at least as far as where Stephen pictured him in their alliance.  

but when you say Spencer didn't "read the significance of Stephen's picks correctly" or "Spencer may have misread it", both statements come across to me as implying there was a "correct" way to read Stephen's picks, and the mistake was Spencer's for not viewing the picks through this lens of "correctness".


Stephen had an actual intention. Spencer was reading Stephen's actions to determine it. Spencer came to an incorrect conclusion (per Stephen's blog, so no longer a guess). IMHO, yes, that is Spencer misreading. We can debate about whether Stephen or Spencer is more responsible for Spencer's misreading (although I suspect it will be an agree to disagree situation), but factually, Spencer misread the significance of Stephen's choice. 


I do agree with you that the burden was on Stephen (and Tasha and Jeremy) to keep Spencer confident in his value to them and their alliance. We saw Jeremy try to do this and be dismissed by Spencer as insincere. We didn't see Stephen try to do this, but per Stephen's blog, he did speak with Spencer and thought they were good. Of course, why on earth Stephen and Jeremy trusted Spencer in the first place, I don't know. Spencer had proven actual eagerness to vote Stephen out when he argued with Jeremy about it and unlike Tasha, Spencer had no action-based reason for that vote. That was prior to Stephen's reward picks (and Jeremy's use of the idol to protect Stephen), so I'm also skeptical that Stephen's choice of Tasha had anything to do with Spencer's flip. 

  • Love 2

Stephen had an actual intention. Spencer was reading Stephen's actions to determine it. Spencer came to an incorrect conclusion (per Stephen's blog, so no longer a guess). IMHO, yes, that is Spencer misreading. We can debate about whether Stephen or Spencer is more responsible for Spencer's misreading (although I suspect it will be an agree to disagree situation), but factually, Spencer misread the significance of Stephen's choice. 

So - the Spencer/Stephen miscommunication was Spencer's mistake because... Stephen said so in his blog...???

I think you're right - we'll have to agree to disagree. :)

  • Love 4

I'm not a huge fan of Spencer or Stephen. I find them both overrated and my issue with them both lies with how the show tries to portray them as huge superfans.  Spencer has admitted to only watching since Redemption Island while Stephen only watched the first two seasons and was recruited. Which I would be fine with if the show didn't try to pigeon them both in the "superfan role". So my problem is more with the show than either individual. With that being said, I thought Stephen was fine in his reaction he explained why he trusted Spencer and that Spencer is playing down their friendship. I do think Stephen tends to over explain things and should have left it at that instead he is going on reddit and trying to explain himself over and over again. I don't think Spencer did anything wrong. I think the RHAP fans are trying to create drama and Stephen is fueling the fires.

Edited by choclatechip45
  • Love 1

I'm not a huge fan of Spencer or Stephen. I find them both overrated and my issue with them both lies with how the show tries to portray them as huge superfans.  Spencer has admitted to only watching since Redemption Island while Stephen only watched the first two seasons and was recruited. Which I would be fine with if the show didn't try to pigeon them both in the "superfan role". So my problem is more with the show than either individual. With that being said, I thought Stephen was fine in his reaction he explained why he trusted Spencer and that Spencer is playing down their friendship. I do think Stephen tends to over explain things and should have left it at that instead he is going on reddit and trying to explain himself over and over again.



I just checked and Spencer was watching since S19, not S22. There are more than one way to be a superfan and it was hardly possible for Spencer to have 'watched from the beginning' since he would have to have started watching when he was 7.

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So - the Spencer/Stephen miscommunication was Spencer's mistake because... Stephen said so in his blog...???

I think if the question was "did Spencer understand correctly what Stephen felt was Spencer's security level in their alliance" then yes, Stephen does hold the correct answer to that.  


Is it a game mistake that Spencer didn't feel secure?  Moreso for Stephen, sure, since he wound up out.  Which he readily admits.  


I just checked and Spencer was watching since S19, not S22. There are more than one way to be a superfan and it was hardly possible for Spencer to have 'watched from the beginning' since he would have to have started watching when he was 7.

I am aware there are multiple ways being a superfan. However from reading and listening to Spencer's interviews his observations of the show has never impressed me. He always talks about Survivor like it is a game of chess and leaves the human element out of it which is a huge part of Survivor..  Also, I am 11 months older than Spencer and I have been watching from the beginning. I wasn't a hardcore fan in the beginning, but I also would never self-classify myself a superfan like Spencer.

Edited by choclatechip45
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I think if the question was "did Spencer understand correctly what Stephen felt was Spencer's security level in their alliance" then yes, Stephen does hold the correct answer to that.

Is it a game mistake that Spencer didn't feel secure? Moreso for Stephen, sure, since he wound up out. Which he readily admits.

I don't believe for a second that Spencer was secure in the Jeremy/Tasha/Stephen/Kimmi alliance. It seemed rather obvious that he was #5.

I think Stephen is trying to convince the world that Spencer made a "mistake" when he knows he made the right move, because he is bitter about that move.

  • Love 5

Fish is doing a great job of convincing the world that Spencer made a mistake by giving him the Fishy.Thumbs up.


What is the Fishy Thumbs up?

Does he think Spencer made a mistake? Sounds like he maybe leaking spoilers if he is telling people Spencer made a mistake. Then again I don't know what a Fishy Thumbs up is? Kind of sounds like a thumbs up for a good job but that goes against making a mistake so is Stephen now changing his mind or deflecting from his bitterness and realizing it was the logical decision based on the known facts/observations regardless of the ultimate outcome. No spoilers but please clarify your comment since I don't read Stephen's website/blog/whatever and not sure what he is saying with the fishy thumbs up.


Edited by Vicky8675309
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Spencer and his girlfriend are adorable together.  And he said I love you!  Does that mean his story is complete and he's hitting the road soon?  Watching Spencer is like watching some coming of age dramedy on TV.


I'm kind of disappointed that Spencer seems to have slipped into Stephen's spot in Jeremy's trio, but I'm wondering if that was really his intent or just where he wound up.  When Jeremy saved Stephen with the idol and told Spencer he'd do the same for him, I'm curious if that'll be foreshadowing to an idol save by Jeremy in the near future.  I think Jeremy would be a fool to use his only idol on anyone other than himself, but I guess he may figure it'll be worth the risk if it keeps an ally in the game.  And possibly look good to the jury, or at least make Spencer look bad if he ends up voting him out.  Anyway, I feel like Spencer finally got his head in the game but might be too little, too late.  Some people waited too long to make moves, and I worry he might be one of them.  But at least he went from being a target to be able to fly UTR for awhile.  If those girls intend on sticking together, I can't believe he won't be targeted this week. 

Edited by LadyChatts

I'm kind of disappointed that Spencer seems to have slipped into Stephen's spot in Jeremy's trio, but I'm wondering if that was really his intent or just where he wound up.


He had no choice in the matter. At the beginning of the episode he was clearly buttering Jeremy up for a jury vote, but once the reward c picks revealed he was at the bottom of that alliance, he had no choice but to go back to Jeremy.  The female alliance reveal that happened after didn't help matters.

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