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S31: Ciera Eastin

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I am curious to see how much "power" Ciera has next week. Will the others just get together and vote out Ciera, Abi or Kelley? Will the witches plus Stephen & Jeremy remain control of the vote? I think she would be an easy target to finally get rid of but she's the only one playing the game. <eyes roll>

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The continuous loop and the last ep's boot and Stephen's, Spencer's and Probst's insistence on the voting bloc thing make me think we are going to see something different.  Ciera's nagging (or something) did get people playing something besides Bayon Strong or whatever, so that's probably why we saw it on loop.  


We can say "people are playing, just not with her" or "Stephen's full of shit with this evolution stuff" but I figure they were out there and know (1) the other 99.99% of what happened out there we didn't see so far and (2) what happens next.  So correcting them on some of these things doesn't make much sense.

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Thank you Dalton Ross.  From his recap at EW....





Oh please, Dalton Ross is the biggest hypocrite around. He complains constantly about players who don't make any moves. Season after season he complains about this. And now he is complaining that Ciera and Kelley are talking about making big moves?  Trust me if Kelly Wigglesworth made it the end of this game and won as many on this season apparently thought she would he would have given her the Natalie White treatment.




Natalie’s opening speech to the jury contained NOT ONE SINGLE REFERENCE to anything she did well in the entire game, just that it was ”the hardest thing I’ve ever done.” Hey, hand her the million then! Later, she talked about how her big strategy was to NOT be aggressive. That was her strategy!!! Don’t do anything. Again, hand her the million!

Edited by LanceM
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I stand corrected on Ciera. She's apparently seen as the leader of her crew while Kelley seems to be falling into the "Amanda" role.

If she survives the next vote with her amigas, then the majority is offish in trouble since I can't imagine that it's not a fractured alliance going against an alliance that accounts for one third of the remaining people.

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Dalton Ross is also very creepy. Go search Reddit and you'll find some very weird things he's said in the past that have creeped people out.


I would never log onto Reddit, but in his writing, he tries to be humorous, and sometimes says creepy things in sort of a tongue in cheek way. That kind of humor doesn't always work for everyone, but I don't take any of it seriously. I don't always agree with him, but I enjoy his enthusiasm for Survivor, and his interviews and videos with the boot are always fun. 

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I guess South Pacific made the list because of Cochran. thats the only reason it could have made the Top 10. And, this is someone who actually likes Sophie.

I suspect Ciera is one of the people booted on Wednesday. I think that Fishbach, Jeremy & Spencer are going to dump the witches and form another stupid "voting block" which is really just another word for an alliance, right? Which is okay with me. I like Ciera but if she says that stupid line about others "not playing the game" I will scream. The others were playing the game. That's why you were always on the bottom pumpkin.

Edited by ByaNose
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Voting bloc, sub alliance, sub group, whatever, is still an alliance as far as I'm concerned.  Nothing they've done this season has been any sort of evolution.  People have worked together in the past that didn't like each other.  People had plans for when their main alliance got down to just the core group.  I haven't seen anything done this season that we haven't seen before.  Maybe alliance flip flopping a little more frequently, but that is going to be more common on a returnee season.


Also, I legit always forget that SP was even a season.  I remember people from it, but in my mind, Survivor goes from RI to One World.  I don't know why it was so unmemorable for me.  Of course the people I remember I can't stand (Cochrane being the biggest one from that season) so maybe that's why I block it out.

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LadyChatts, you mean don't remember Whitney and her Survivor love, Keith? They were so memorable. <eyes roll>

I agree that a voting block is just another word for an old word. You're right. It's been used before and it will be used again. I also think it is more crazy because it's a returnee season. I guess it could happen on a non returnee season and we just wouldn't notice it as much.

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It's funny that the only person on the ballot from SP was Jim rice who obviously wasn't getting on.

I must say that I'm noticing a lack of Ciera and the other two Amigas in commercials. That can't be good for their Wednesday prospects.

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Is Wed. a double elimination or a double episode or something?


I really don't know about this evolution for sure but I'm getting the impression that voting blocs differ from sub-alliances in that they only have the lifespan of one tribal council.

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Is Wed. a double elimination or a double episode or something?


I really don't know about this evolution for sure but I'm getting the impression that voting blocs differ from sub-alliances in that they only have the lifespan of one tribal council.

Wednesday is a double episode. Episodes 10 and 11 will be airing back to back. I believe Episode 12 will be a double boot episode, with two people leaving in one hour (ala Candice/Danielle, Reynold/Andrea). 

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I really don't know about this evolution for sure but I'm getting the impression that voting blocs differ from sub-alliances in that they only have the lifespan of one tribal council.


But that hasn't happened. The Brolliance voted together for two alliances and was planning on voting together for a third until Stephen (IMHO, influenced by Ciera) decided to ringlead a betrayal of Kelly. We don't know what's going to happen next, but given that Stephen has been trying to target Joe and did target Kelly as a proxy for Joe, IMHO Joe/Keith/Kimmi/Tasha (and especially Joe/Keith) would not be wrong to view Stephen/Jeremy/Spencer as having done a routine flip on them rather than some evolved voting bloc maneuver. I haven't seen anything that suggests any group understanding that voting lines are per TC only. 

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The only person with anything to worry about from that group is Keith since he's connected to Joe, everybody else should be wary of JSS but not dismissive of them just yet.

So yea the girls should definitely approach Keith and Joe and really work on converting them to their side.

Edited by Oscirus
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But that hasn't happened. The Brolliance voted together for two alliances and was planning on voting together for a third until Stephen (IMHO, influenced by Ciera) decided to ringlead a betrayal of Kelly. 

It wasn't just Stephen who flipped for one tribal, though.  Jeremy and Spencer did, too.  It seems like it's been kind of going on all season.  Spencer was out, now he seems in, Abi flopping between sects, Kass saving Spencer one week, Spencer saying aloud at tribal a while back that he might be voting with the women this tribal but not with them tomorrow.  


I don't really know who's aligned with whom this year, unlike in most merges where there are clear lines and if someone crosses, they've flipped for good typically.  

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I really couldn't stand Ciera coming into this.  In fact, I was eagerly awaiting her exit and was so tired of hearing about the whole mom vote.  Then she was such a non factor in the beginning, only being seen to say she was sitting the challenge out (though in her defense, she wound up on winning tribes until the second tribe swap).  But she is someone I actually wouldn't mind seeing get a third chance.  I was bummed she was idoled out tonight.  She made this an enjoyable second half for me.  Glad she didn't go out quietly, either.

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I'm very impressed that it took another a HI to take her out. Seems like she did have some game and she did do an effective job of getting into people's heads and making them reevaluate their spots into the game. We could have easily had some relentless death march of a Jeremy/Tasha/Kimmi/Savage/Stephen alliance steamrolling everybody, tip of the hat for her playing a part in making sure that didn't happen.


And fuck Savage. 

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After Ciera's first season, I thought she was heavily overrated.  After this season, I think she is somewhat better -- loki makes some excellent points in his second sentence above -- though she's still heavily overrated. 


She made one big move this season.  Problem is, within a few days that big move put her near the bottom of the heap.  After that, she tried to finagle things, and did plant a few seeds.  But her fate was entirely in the hands of other people. 


I didn't like her, but she didn't bore me (unlike e.g. Keith and Kelly).  Somewhat a legend in her own mind: even in leaving she takes credit for other people stepping up their game.  Blechh.  My guess is that if she plays again, unless her tribe wins (like this season), she goes out real early.  She's a liability in challenges, and now everyone knows she's out there to play hard.   

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1. She got another big move done this very episode; Stephen was going home.  It's not her fault Jeremy used his idol. 

2. Everyone's fate is entirely in the hands of other people: that is in fact the entire game of Survivor.  Planting seeds and finagling things is the whole game!

3. I believe she's totally right that she at least helped get the wheels moving in people's minds that they needed to start making moves themselves to win. 

4. The big move that "put her in the bottom of the heap" wouldn't have done that without an unprecedentedly early merge. 

5. And, this isn't that big a deal but I enjoy it: as someone said in the episode thread, she seems to have been the glue holding herself, Kelley, and Abi as a tight trio.  As far as the evidence of the show presents itself, the only times that Abi has not acted nuts was when she was voting with Ciera.  Ciera leaves, and it's back to Abi craziness instantly.

Edited by KimberStormer
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3. I believe she's totally right that she at least helped get the wheels moving in people's minds that they needed to start making moves themselves to win.



I disagree with that. Stephen and Spencer were the two catalysts of the big moves that happened post merge. As we've seen in their previous seasons, those two were going to play hard with or without her in the game.


4. The big move that "put her in the bottom of the heap" wouldn't have done that without an unprecedentedly early merge.


That's entirely on her. In a game of twists, you have to be prepared for anything to happen and to vote accordingly.

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Come on.  Anything can happen and you must vote accordingly?  Tomorrow Savage might be struck by lightning, so the best thing is to vote for Spencer?  You have to go with the best information you can, assuming the merge would happen as usual is a pretty solid bet.  In fact, twists are one reason to make her move--not knowing if Spencer might have an idol, she can't risk having him voting for her, even the one vote.


The other point is a matter of perception, but I feel like Stephen himself said Ciera was lighting fires under people, and if he was going to make moves without her kicking him in the pants, he could have done it earlier.  And she's the one who saved Spencer for him to be there to make moves...anyway, Spencer has never been in a position to make moves until basically these two episodes, I disagree he's got a history of coming to play hard.  He has a history of being a socially and strategically hapless challenge beast, sorta like Joe, but he looks/acts like a nerd so we all kind of assume he's a strategic player.  He's finally proven himself to live up to that reputation this ep.  (Also, why give Spencer all the credit for this in the first place?)  This season was heading towards "first day 5 person alliance Pagongs them all" snoozeville, now it's wide open; I personally think Ciera's hard sell was a part of that, is all I'm saying.

Edited by KimberStormer
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Come on.  Anything can happen and you must vote accordingly?  Tomorrow Savage might be struck by lightning, so the best thing is to vote for Spencer?  You have to go with the best information you can, assuming the merge would happen as usual is a pretty solid bet.  In fact, twists are one reason to make her move--not knowing if Spencer might have an idol, she can't risk having him voting for her, even the one vote.


Leaving a power player in the game because  targeting his minion is easier is seriously just asking for it.  Either make big moves or don't but don't expect to be in a good position because you half-assed the boot failed to weaken the opposing alliance and scared away your own allies due to the fact that you weren't thinking ahead.


I could talk about the fact that either she or Kelley decided that the two of them should put votes on Kimmi, expecting the tyler perry idol to be played when they knew that there was three people not in the know, but  I'll give her a break on that one.


And she's the one who saved Spencer for him to be there to make moves...anyway


As did Jeremy, Kimmi ,Stephen, Kass etc. Point being that she's hardly the only one to save Spencer in this game.


This season was heading towards "first day 5 person alliance Pagongs them all" snoozeville, now it's wide open


Not really, there was enough dysfunction in the game to avoid that. Besides, if anything, that was on Kelley's idol. Since despite all her urging, people were still insistent on going after her alliance.

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Kimber, I disagree with you on just about every point. 


1.  Idols are a fact of life on Survivor.  Don't account for them correctly and you pay the price.  The majority didn't a few episodes ago and Savage got tossed; this time Ciera and the others didn't and she got tossed. 


She made another key mistake in this attempt as well.  She told her plan to too many people.  Word got back to Jeremy, and that was the end of the blindside. 


2.  Some players control their fates more than others.  Ciera did, e.g., when she booted Woo.  Kim did the entire post-merge of her season.  After F13, though, Ciera was at the bottom.  From that point on she stayed in the game only because others decided to keep her around (for awhile). 


3.  We've argued your third point for several weeks now.  I think this season has been flying since the moment they hit the beach in episode one, with just about no letups.  We've seen one blindside after another; and one shakeup of power after another.  Ciera had nothing to do with any of this until the episode before merge: her tribes never lost till then.  But 2nd Chance is one of the two best pre-merge seasons I've ever seen.    


Ciera referred to this in an article published after Second Chance finished shooting.  She said words to the effect that from the very start everyone was strategizing like crazy.  It never stopped, she said.  She said in her first season they had plenty of down time, when they could relax and enjoy each other; this time not at all. 


4.  Ciera's biggest problem was not the early merge.  It was making an aggressive move way too early.  No matter what happened afterwards, at F13 she painted a huge target on her back, in an incredibly fluid season, with top-notch players, already more shuffles and twists than any other in history, and nearly two-thirds of the game yet to be played. 


5. The only thing different for Abi these past few episodes is that she was clearly at the bottom of the pecking order.  9 against 3.  Not good timing to pull out the crazy.  (Though even then her parting shot at Savage did her no favor with the majority.)  By F9 that changed.  Various players were trying to work with her and get her vote.  She no longer was at the bottom, praying she wouldn't get picked off.  Others need her cooperation.  So she was free to revert to the behavior that pisses almost everyone off so much. 


Overall I think Ciera talks a better game than she plays.  She wanted to make big moves this season, but didn't time correctly or clearly think through the one big move she did make.  Her first season she was a pawn for the other more experienced players.  

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I think the topic of what a good player Ciera is or isn't has been exhausted. This is not something that can ever be objectively proven. Personally, I think Ciera played great, and it's a tribute to her that she went from being ostracized at the merge episode to helping ringlead a blindside and only being booted because of an idol play. I think she played hard and played well. I don't think anyone who makes it to the end this season can say they played perfectly--not even Jeremy or Wentworth. There's always an element of luck in whose mistakes end up getting them booted and whose mistakes are survivable.


I could talk about the fact that either she or Kelley decided that the two of them should put votes on Kimmi, expecting the tyler perry idol to be played when they knew that there was three people not in the know, but  I'll give her a break on that one.
Yeah, I'm really curious what went on there. I don't know if Ciera's addressed in her boot interviews since I haven't read them yet. I thought Abi messed up her vote, which otherwise would have created a Kimmi/Ciera tie situation. But no one seemed mad about it (and I think Kimmi probably would have stayed on the revote, but I'm not very sure on what Spencer/Tasha/Keith/Joe would have done in that situation).
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Zuleikha, Ciera did not think through her attempt to blindside Stephen.  She did not keep it secret from Stephen's number one ally, Jeremy.  That made it real likely Stephen would learn of it.  What if his advantage, which she knew he had, was an idol? 


As it turned out, Jeremy had an idol, and he knew he could play it to save Stephen.  Even then Ciera could have come out ok.  But as Oscirus pointed out, she only placed two votes on Kimmi, while keeping more than needed on Stephen.  Abi did not make a mistake there.  Ciera told the others she and Kelley would vote for Kimmi, and everyone else would vote for Stephen.  Another screwup.  This one got her clipped from the game. 


I agree that she has more game than I gave her credit for coming into the season.  loki described her perfectly IMO, by saying she is good at getting into the other players' heads.  I don't think she's a good strategist, though.  She wants to make big moves, but doesn't think through their consequences.  Her timing sucks.  And finally her inability to count got her tossed. 


I think she bought into the praise that was showered her way her first season, and is convinced she is better than she actually is.  Her alliance is getting decimated because of that.  Kass is gone.  She is gone.  Abi is a goat.  Only Kelley has a real shot at winning.  And if she hadn't done what everyone else except Jeremy has failed at, she'd be gone too. 

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There were not three people left out of the blindside Stephen plan.  There were two--Stephen himself and Kimmi.  Jeremy appeared to be on board.  Tasha was, as shown by the fact that she voted for Stephen.  Jeremy had blindsided his alliance last episode, and had lost control over it this one.  Tasha was not happy and said he had one more chance to prove himself.  Spencer argued him into agreeing to the Stephen plan.  There would seem to be no upside to Jeremy flipping on them.  (In point of fact, Jeremy did not tip off Stephen how the vote was going.  Stephen was taken totally off guard.)  If Stephen did have the idol, then they had that taken care of--it would have been 2-2 Kimmi and Ciera, and Kimmi goes home on the revote.  So the plan was very solid.


All this ignores, of course, that Ciera was, either because she made a big move too early, the kikaha theory, or because she didn't make a big enough move, the Oscirus theory, or because the early merge caught her off-guard, the Zuleikha theory, on the bottom.  There's only so much she can control.  Stephen showed the very next episode the limits of vote-splitting, even when you have an extra vote.  If anyone fucked up on this plan, it's not Ciera, it's Spencer.  He's the one in the majority alliance with the influence to set up a split-vote.  He's the one who talked to Jeremy, and was obviously convinced that Jeremy was going along with the plan.  He's the one who decided to target Stephen and not Jeremy in the first place.  Spencer got a chance to correct for his mistake in including Jeremy the next tribal--the fact that Stephen and Jeremy were such close allies was not clear to him, much less Ciera who's on the outside and whom Jeremy does not apparently talk to at all.  Blaming Ciera for this is almost as completely insane as saying that her "thinking she's a better player than she is" is the reason her alliance is in trouble.


But it's typical, I must say, for Spencer to get the credit and Ciera to get the blame.  Today I am thankful I've never been on Survivor, to have my every decision picked over by people searching for an excuse to hate me.

Edited by KimberStormer
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KimberStormer, it's a lot less complex than you make it out in your last post.  Ciera overreached, twice, when she tried to make big moves.  The first one came too soon.  It was sure to leave her as one of the game's biggest targets, no matter how events unfolded, with a huge amount of time and cutthroat players to launch attacks at her. 


On the second big move she tried, she never spoke with Jeremy.  Spence, Tasha and Joe did -- after Ciera had given her marching orders to everyone else.  They revealed the whole plan, to Stephen's closest ally.  Do you really believe that is a good idea? 


Ciera has shown repeatedly that she does not have the strategic chops to make these big moves.  Every one has backfired on her, almost immediately, in both her seasons.   

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What on earth makes you think Ciera has any ability to tell Spencer, Tasha, and Joe not to talk to Jeremy?  Somehow she has omnipotent powers out there?


If anything is 'making it more complicated than it is', it's trying to come up with some convoluted explanation of why Ciera is to blame for being idoled out after putting together a majority vote from the bottom twice in a row.

Edited by KimberStormer
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The dynamics are so confusing!  The editors showed us as Jeremy and Stephen as being thick as thieves - did anyone else on the island ever realize that until Jeremy's idol?  Why did people constantly confess to Jeremy they were voting out Fishbach? 


I got to say, Before Jeremy's Idol (BJI) did STEPHEN even care about Jeremy?  I gotta wonder, what if people floated out Jeremy's name as next vote?  I'd hope Stephen would have done something cool.  At least... he would have tried... :)

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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What on earth makes you think Ciera has any ability to tell Spencer, Tasha, and Joe not to talk to Jeremy?  Somehow she has omnipotent powers out there?


If anything is 'making it more complicated than it is', it's trying to come up with some convoluted explanation of why Ciera is to blame for being idoled out after putting together a majority vote from the bottom twice in a row.

Ciera's name was the one with the most votes after the idol was played -- not Kimmie or Keith or anyone else . Her game was obvious and lacked any subtlety. That's what she's to blame for.

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Ciera gave Spencer all the credit for targeting Stephen…that's basically what she told Stephen at Ponderosa. I still like Ciera and think she was a great addition to this season. I didn't root for her on her prior season but I enjoyed her this season. She majorly impacted the game--she was one of the catalyst for the blindside of Savage (YAY Ciera!) and she saved Spencer (YAY Ciera). Major props to her for playing the game hard and for being entertaining (unlike waste of space wiggles). She made moves and played well imo even if she didn't win.

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What on earth makes you think Ciera has any ability to tell Spencer, Tasha, and Joe not to talk to Jeremy?  Somehow she has omnipotent powers out there?


If anything is 'making it more complicated than it is', it's trying to come up with some convoluted explanation of why Ciera is to blame for being idoled out after putting together a majority vote from the bottom twice in a row.


The point is that Ciera did not have three people voting for Kimmi in her plan to blindside Stephen.  She had two.  She explicitly said this.  She told the others that she and Kelley would vote for Kimmi, and everyone else would vote for Stephen.  Basic counting problem that cost her her place. 


Besides not realizing three is greater than two, Ciera made another huge mistake.  She didn't have control over her alliance, which then informed Stephen's best friend/closest ally that they were voting Stephen out.  They did this because it wasn't really an alliance.  It was a short-term voting block that included people ready and eager to boot her.  But she had  put herself in such a terrible position, she had to try and work with the enemy.  That ended up biting her. 


This move didn't require omniscience.  It had a fundamental flaw in it, though: if Stephen had an idol, or his advantage kept him safe, one of Ciera's tight group would likely go home that night.  3 is greater than 2. 


btw, she didn't put together the vote the week before.  Stephen did.  He made this move because of his Joe obsession and infatuation with big moves.  IMO that along with publicly winning his advantage are the two main things that got Stephen booted out the next week. 

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The point is that Ciera did not have three people voting for Kimmi in her plan to blindside Stephen.  She had two.  She explicitly said this.  She told the others that she and Kelley would vote for Kimmi, and everyone else would vote for Stephen.  Basic counting problem that cost her her place.


It seemed to me a case of Spencer believed--for whatever reason--that Jeremy could be brought on board, and at the time of the vote, everyone involved in the Stephen boot believed Jeremy had been brought on board. So IMHO, it wasn't a mistake of math; it was a mistake of trust. It was not a mistake that Ciera alone made; she simply happened to be the one who paid the price for it. 


My recollection of the scene is that Ciera said that "the girls" (contextually meaning her, Kelley, and Abi) were voting for Kimmi in case of idols. I don't remember anything that explicitly stated only she and Kelley would vote Kimmi. That's why I was so confused when Abi voted Stephen and no one was surprised. I'm hoping Ciera will be asked about it in her boot, so we know why they only had two people vote Kimmi (or alternately, whether Abi messed up her vote).

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Zuleikha, I just re-watched the scene.  Ciera said, "In case he plays an advantage, me and Wentworth are going to write down Kimmi, and everybody else write Fishbach."


Flawed plan.  Even more so if it required Stephen's closest ally to a) not defend Stephen, and b) vote against another of his own allies, i.e. Kimmi.  How could Spencer guarantee he could pull off either of those? 


Abi voted Stephen because Ciera told her to.  No one was surprised.  They knew she had followed orders perfectly.  All of them did. 

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Ciera herself (in her day after video) says she regrets not getting Abi  to vote for Kimmi (she had a gut feeling she needed to, but didn't follow through) to give her a shot with a tie vote at the tribal she went out in.

Edited by pennben
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just watched her Pondersosa video and was struck by her attitude which seemed more clear than in the game.  She knew it would be different playing with veterans but didn't want to play scared, wanted to play full out and take chances etc.  Not saying she managed to play that way but I like what she had to say about what she was trying to do.


Seemed like she has a little bit of a food issue that I hope she gets over.  I think someone said somewhere that a few contestants from the seasons where they really truly starved (Africa?) had to  seek counseling after. 


I was really surprised by Wigglesworth.  She seems the last person to not at least stand and greet someone at Ponderosa.  And try to say "well I didn't know her that well" vs. being bitter about being voted out.   

Savage you expect.  I'm glad he doesn't hold grudges though.

Edited by marys1000
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Seemed like she has a little bit of a food issue that I hope she gets over. I think someone said somewhere that a few contestants from the seasons where they really truly starved (Africa?) had to seek counseling after.

I heard that too and that's what I was referring to when I said I hoped she wasn't 400 pounds by the finals. I'm mean about Ciera but not mean enough to really wish a weight problem on her. I'm her same body type and weighed about 112 when I went off to college, but circumstances caused me to go down suddenly to about 100 pounds, after which I yoyo-ed wildly for a few years.

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Ciera's Ponderosa check in had her at 112 as her normal weight which is very light. She said she put on extra weight for the season, I want to say five pounds. Based on what she was eating at Ponderosa, which was pretty much everything, I think that she has a sick metabolism.


There is a two minute segment where everyone is talking about the food that they are sending her way. Andrew is laughing as he talks about her eating five breakfasts, Kelly is sending her cookies and burgers. Hell, Ciera says she keeps meaning to only eat two pancakes instead of five. So I don't think she has a problem with food.

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I thought with her lightning fast metabolism, Ciera would have lost a lot of weight during Survivor.  Really surprised me when she said only about 5 pounds or so.  Any thoughts/explanations?  Maybe her metabolism slowed down while she was so food-deprived?  Did she go on a lot of food rewards? 

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Ciera said, "In case he plays an advantage, me and Wentworth are going to write down Kimmi, and everybody else write Fishbach."
Thanks for rewatching and clarifying that. 


I was really surprised by Wigglesworth.  She seems the last person to not at least stand and greet someone at Ponderosa.
Yeah, I was, too. And disappointed. It's not even like Ciera betrayed her. They were never aligned.
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Modded, but just let me quickly put the argument out there bare-bones:


Math was not the problem, controlling Jeremy was the problem.  It didn't matter if Stephen played an idol or not, it would have been 2-2 for Kimmi and Ciera and 7-2 Kimmi on the revote.  Not a failure to count.  Ciera cannot be blamed for a failure to control someone not aligned with her.  The people to blame are the people close to him who brought him in, i.e. Spencer and Tasha.  But they shouldn't be blamed too harshly either because they had good reason to think Jeremy was not going to flip: it wasn't in his interest to go against the numbers.  And indeed, now the ally he went so far to save is still gone, one idol is wasted, and the man who has been in the center of every vote he's been a part of is now left out of strategy and has lost control of an alliance he used to be completely on top of.  The last three votes have been IMO disastrous for Jeremy.  Expecting him to not blow up his own game that way was a reasonable expectation.  In any case Ciera is not able to tell people who they can and can't talk to, Boston Rob in Redemption Island style, and there was absolutely no failure of math involved.

As for her weight, when you're that little 9 pounds is huge!

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What makes you think that Ciera would've been safe on the revote? Just because they were using her to take out Stephen doesn't mean they wouldn't have jumped to take out Ciera on the revote. Especially over Kimmy. It  still should've been three people there anyway.


That being said, it was pretty stupid of everybody else to think that Jeremy would be shortsighted enough to blow off his two closest allies.


it wasn't in his interest to go against the numbers.  And indeed, now the ally he went so far to save is still gone, one idol is wasted, and the man who has been in the center of every vote he's been a part of is now left out of strategy and has lost control of an alliance he used to be completely on top of.  The last three votes have been IMO disastrous for Jeremy.



I'll address this in the Jeremy thread.

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