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Supernatural Fanfiction

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Do you have fics that you'd love to recommend or specific types of fics that you'd love to read and are hoping others can help you find? Do you have ideas for fics that you'd love to bounce off people? If so, you've come to the right place! 

I'd love to read more about Bela (yes, I'm odd!), so if anyone stumbles across any fics that delve more into her background or relationships with the boys, please let me know! 

I love a good cop show/FBI crossover fic, like the Criminal Minds guys finding out about Sam n Dean/Supernatural whilst investigating the boys or getting mixed up in a case. I've read a fair few of these, and I'm always on the lookout for more! Plus, I love a story where a character sends their memories back in time so they can call do-over. I'm addicted to those. I blame the Harry Potter fandom for that one! If anyone can think of any that fit the bill, please send them my way and earn undying gratitude!

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I love General Supernatural fanfic.  Wincest and Destiel are not my thing so I can't help anyone with those. 

My favorite fanfic author is GaelicSpirit.  She is wonderful at capturing Sam and Dean's voices, I can hear them saying the things she has them saying in her fics.  She posts her stories on FF.net and LJ.  I recommend her to anyone who just likes a good, angsty, Supernatural fic.

I don't know how to do the hidden website link thing so I hope posting the web address doesn't get me in trouble. 


Aren't Gaelic's recaps awesome! I love reading her insights - she tries so hard to remain fair and positive. I haven't tried any of her fan fic though. Is there a particular story or two of her's you would recommend?

She is my absolute favorite!!  Her recaps are the best!

Gaelic's fic is even better than her recaps, IMO.  I started with Holding On to Let Go and then Within My Hands.  After those, I basically have just worked my way from the bottom of the page up to the top!  I haven't read any of the virtual season or zine fics yet so I can't comment on those.  I love the way she writes both Dean (my favorite) and Sam.  I don't think you can go wrong with starting any one of her stories.  I'd love to know what you think of them too.

Well, I believe I'm now approaching fangirl status with this post so I'm gonna stop before it gets awkward. ;)

I think this would be classified as crack fic but IMO is really more in character for Sam and Dean in some ways based on early season cannon. This is the first link in the series known as the Jimiverse.


This one is Cas/Dean they are put in an AU but acknowledge cannon up to season 8 I think.


I suck at summaries.


My name is NoWillToResist and my (not-so-secret?) shame is Destiel fan fiction. Yeah, I know, shut up...I'm not expecting anything from the show. ;) 

There is some truly awful crap out there but by God are there some gems! 

I've read some really great fics but I don't think I've encountered a writer as consistently good and reliable as lastknownwriter. She's not too prolific (probably because most of her stuff is long), but what I've read has been consistently well written, funny as hell, touching, sexy and sassy, and usually includes a wonderful extended cast of SPN characters and lovely brotherly interactions (all the affection and sass, none of the bullshit angst and ugly co-dependency). I keep an eye out for updates and new fics from her.

"Past, Present" was the first of hers that I read and that made me fall in love with it, ripped my heart out but then put it back together again. "Freefall" remains one of my all-time favourites for the fluff and laughter and I re-read that fucker ALL THE TIME. I believe those two carry the 'explicit' rating though, so...fair warning. Ahem.

And now I will go and hide...

Edited by NoWillToResist
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Do I dare admit to this?  I write supernatural fanfic and some others as well.  I started writing in 2006 so some of my earlier stuff may be awful. I miss the Numb3rs fan rush board, because I got feedback that really helped me grow and kept me trying when I thought I just sucked and shouldn't be writing at all.

I'm not a fast writer due to my job and health taking so much time but I do have some pieces that are short and finished.

Right now I writing Vanished and it's a pre-series and most likely will go AU.  I like both Dean and Sam but I admit that right now Sam isn't coming off that great, but he has a purpose and the brotherly bond will come later.  I did enjoy one reviewer that told me I am very imaginative...I'll take that as a good sign.

https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1080405/7kstar - This is my page and it has my favorite supernatural fan fiction suggestions as well. 

If you have suggestions for my writing please pm me through fan fiction net as I really do want to improve my writing skills.   If you hate my stuff, pretend I was never here.  :)

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There is some truly awful crap out there but by God are there some gems! 

That's true in all fandoms, I suppose.  But the gems DO make it worth it.  I love fanfic.  There, I said it.

I read a lot of Supernatural fanfic back in the first couple of seasons and used to have to dig through to find fics that didn't demonize John Winchester.  Not literally demonize - in this fandom, I guess that would be a possibility too, though.  But I like John, and I like fics that include him without treating him horribly.

I'm not usually a Destiel fan, but I think I could be if I find a few good AU's where Castiel is human.  I'm open to suggestion.

My name is NoWillToResist and my (not-so-secret?) shame is Destiel fan fiction. Yeah, I know, shut up...I'm not expecting anything from the show. ;) 

There is some truly awful crap out there but by God are there some gems! 

I've read some really great fics but I don't think I've encountered a writer as consistently good and reliable as lastknownwriter. She's not too prolific (probably because most of her stuff is long), but what I've read has been consistently well written, funny as hell, touching, sexy and sassy, and usually includes a wonderful extended cast of SPN characters and lovely brotherly interactions (all the affection and sass, none of the bullshit angst and ugly co-dependency). I keep an eye out for updates and new fics from her.

"Past, Present" was the first of hers that I read and that made me fall in love with it, ripped my heart out but then put it back together again. "Freefall" remains one of my all-time favourites for the fluff and laughter and I re-read that fucker ALL THE TIME. I believe those two carry the 'explicit' rating though, so...fair warning. Ahem.

And now I will go and hide...

OMG! I just took you suggenstion and gave Past, Present a try - and it was awesome! Thanks so much for the rec. I'm gonna devour the rest of her work and then try some of Gaelic's fics. Thanks everyone, you're keeping me busy on my week off work, lol!

I'm not usually a Destiel fan, but I think I could be if I find a few good AU's where Castiel is human.  I'm open to suggestion.

I believe all of lastknownwriter's stuff is AU, so you should be good there.

When I first started reading Destiel fanfic, I wasn't interested in any AUs. Oddly enough, these days, it's pretty much all I read. Heh.

I recently very much enjoyed The Breath of All Things. It's not explicit and it's absolutely lovely, touching, funny and sweet. It always amazes me when people nail the characterizations of Dean and Cas even when they aren't in the SPN setting. Cas' unconditional love for and support of Dean always get me "right in the feels", as they say.

A Brief Glimpse by CloudyJenn is shorter than most that I have read, but I am a total sucker for an initially quietly pining Dean who eventually gets what he wants and is stupidly happy with his life.

I've heard a lot about Twist and Shout. Apparently it's a big deal in the destiel fandom but I've also heard that it tears out your heart and DOESN'T put it back together, so thanks but no thanks. If I want misery, I'll just watch the show. ;)

Pick It All Up was a big change of pace for me since I don't usually like a lot of darkness and angst in my fics (see reason above). But there was something so touching about these two damaged men kind of finding solace in each other. And it ends up well for them both. I found it very rewarding. But for the love of God, read the author's warnings because there is some heavy shit there.

To come back to the fun, Cooking with Gas is lovely. A little PTSD from ex-soldier Dean but it's mostly just fun and fluff. Happy ending (and a sequel with timestamps too).

Also, deans1911 wrote some very enjoyable destiel fics. Don't Panic is good, but I think their best is The Way The War Was Won. Sadly, apparently the author was cyber-bullied by people in the fandom and deleted all their stuff online (thankfully I had downloaded it after I read it). It appears that they have been persuaded to return, so their AO3 profile is back up. TWTWWW is not yet on that list but I'd keep an eye out for it because if the author ever re-posts it, you really have to read that. I LOVE the Dean and Cas in that. It's so fucking funny and sweet at the same time.

Oh God. I feel like I've exposed my soul by sharing some of my favourite fics. This is so weird...

Edited by NoWillToResist
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Heh. Now I'm nervous...recommending stuff to others is kind of scary!

*keeps fingers crossed that you like them*

No need to be nervous.   I've finished reading two of your recs so far ("Cooking with Gas" and "A Brief Glimpse") and they've been great.  :)  I'm glad there are good AU's out there!   I want to try one of the more angsty ones next, depending on the trigger warnings.


I've finished reading two of your recs so far ("Cooking with Gas" and "A Brief Glimpse") and they've been great.  :)  I'm glad there are good AU's out there!   I want to try one of the more angsty ones next, depending on the trigger warnings.


Well The Breath of All Things has some angst to it insofar as, in this AU, Dean has been in a car accident and is in a wheelchair. He's got lots of issues surrounding that (as I'm sure you can imagine), but it's such a beautiful story, lots of fluff and humour, and while Dean still has some dark moments, it does end happily. I think I am fundamentally hard-wired to avoid sad endings! :)


Glad you've liked what you've read so far!

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I love a good cop show/FBI crossover fic, like the Criminal Minds guys finding out about Sam n Dean/Supernatural whilst investigating the boys or getting mixed up in a case.

Check out Mask of Insanity by Reading on fanfiction dot net.





Okay this is a question about what nicknames to use.


I did a search for nicknames and the ones I like are Ace, Sport, for John to call Dean.


I have Dean calling Caleb, Cab since he likes one syllables for names.  I want to stick with the idea of on syllable for Caleb.  I think I like Cab over Cal.


But I need a nickname for Caleb to call Dean and something that could stand for two.  I found Deuce but I know that the Brotherhood AU uses that nickname...so would they think I'm stealing.  I have a very different reason for it. 


Any opinions?  Suggestions?

Edited by 7kstar
But I need a nickname for Caleb to call Dean and something that could stand for two.



Gem for Gemini might be different. Otherwise my knowledge of synonyms for two is pretty limited - Dos, Deux, Bi, Dyad...ooh! Twain? Twain is interesting.


I guess I'm the only writer of fanfic here???   Just wondering?



I used to, but as my intense obsession with the show dwindled, so did my fanfic. It's still haunting the interwebs, however.

scorpions should die.  I hate them and if they come in the house I kill them.  Now it is funny that Jensen's idea of fun is torturing them for a while instead of just quickly ending it's life.   Should we be worried that Supernatural is warping his mind?  or was it already warp?  :)  I can see a story with Jensen and Jared too....  :)

I hate scorpions even though I am a Scorpio. I'm pretty sure I've got some kind of creepy thing in my DNA against them because when my mom was pregnant with me they lived in San Antonio for a little while and she said scorpions were ERRYWHERE and she HATED it.  Thankfully they moved to Florida and I was not born in Texas LOL ( no offense to Texans)

Also, I was thinking about the name of this thread I was thinking about


SPNFamily Jewels- Fanfiction and Fanart from the Supernatural Family

I hate scorpions even though I am a Scorpio. I'm pretty sure I've got some kind of creepy thing in my DNA against them because when my mom was pregnant with me they lived in San Antonio for a little while and she said scorpions were EVRYWHERE and she HATED it.  Thankfully they moved to Florida and I was not born in Texas LOL ( no offense to Texans)

Also, I was thinking about the name of this thread I was thinking about


SPNFamily Jewels- Fanfiction and Fanart from the Supernatural Family

I had a scorpion on my bed, so yes they are alive and well in TX but luckily most of the time they die or run around outside.  It's when it gets really dry and hot that they move indoors.  It still makes me laugh thinking about Jensen playing with the scorpion, which reminds me of a cat playing with it's food.  Not really trying to kill it but just knocking it senseless just enough so it can't escape. 


I could go with the new title.

Oh great, I didn't know there was a fanfic thread for SPN. Another thread for me to lose hours and hours in!

I wrote some SPN fanfic back in the day, and I've had a SPN/vampire diaries cross over one in my brain for weeks now, but no time to write it! Probably better that way, lol.

I read gen fic and some, mild pairings, but no slash or AU (at least not ones that involve the actors or extreme AU... I can handle AU if it's close to canon)

I'm gonna dive into these vids tho! Love me a good vid :)

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Oh, it was freaking fantastically done.  Perfect use of video and song.  With 10 years of clips to use, this individual picked out the very best.  I'm just, ya know, kinda rocking back and forth keening after watching it.  So... yes, by all means, everyone watch it. Then type the words "Kitten emergency" in google and look at happy pics for a while.  


Really, it's exceptionally well done.  

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I'm credited with writing the first ever SPN fanfic, also the first Wincest, posted the day after the pilot aired. Funnily enough, it was a year or so later I found out it was the first.


I didn't go on to write many more in this fandom though I'm still watching. Haven't missed an episode.



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