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  1. It's starting to all gel together, isn't it?! I think this is going to fill that Leveraged shaped hole in my life. Yay!
  2. Aw, man - it's so hard to pick a favourite season! Season two was probably the best over-all, but saeason three had one of absolute favourite run of episodes from Fresh Blood up to Ghostfacers. Season four introduced my favourite supporting character (Castiel) and had one awesome mythology episode after another and is when the show really seemed to hit it's creative stride, continuing right into season five. And (small voice) I actually kinda love so much of season six. I hated it when I was watching it through week-to-week for the first time, but I've grown to love many of the episodes in rewatch and wouldn't want to give it up.
  3. OMG! I just took you suggenstion and gave Past, Present a try - and it was awesome! Thanks so much for the rec. I'm gonna devour the rest of her work and then try some of Gaelic's fics. Thanks everyone, you're keeping me busy on my week off work, lol!
  4. Aren't Gaelic's recaps awesome! I love reading her insights - she tries so hard to remain fair and positive. I haven't tried any of her fan fic though. Is there a particular story or two of her's you would recommend?
  5. I love a good cop show/FBI crossover fic, like the Criminal Minds guys finding out about Sam n Dean/Supernatural whilst investigating the boys or getting mixed up in a case. I've read a fair few of these, and I'm always on the lookout for more! Plus, I love a story where a character sends their memories back in time so they can call do-over. I'm addicted to those. I blame the Harry Potter fandom for that one! If anyone can think of any that fit the bill, please send them my way and earn undying gratitude!
  6. Ah, the 'Ackting' has always been sublime! His eyes and mouth - his whole demeanour, really, manage to just go through all these emotions in a split second. It's captivating to watch! Remember how dead and defeated he looked in All Hell Breaks Loose 2, over Sam's body? I love the other moments too that Jensen contributes, like when he's sniffing his laundry in the background, checking for freshness, or sharpening a knife, he always catches your eye, and seems so in character to Dean. Didn't you just love the moment in Mother's Little Helper when he racked those balls with his arms?! It just spoke of years playing pool in dingy bars all across America. Such a Dean thing to do. I wonder if that was a writing choice, directing choice or actor choice? I'd bet my money on actor...
  7. Hi everyone! Been a long-time lurker on TWOP and decided to make the move over here. I'm hoping to be a little more active this time around and join in the discussions. I really hope this place can become as active and prolific as TWOP has been. I'm gonna miss going there straight after an episode airs. Think of all those amazing recaps lost! I yearn for Raoul, sometimes, lol!
  8. Gosh, there are just SO MANY amazing moments that stand out over the course of nine years! I've always loved the wink Dean gave to Sam just before attacking Zachariah in Point of No Return. Total Bad Ass! The boys talking in unison in Mystery Spot... Dean's intensity after his return from Purgatory... the entirety of Man Who Would Be King (Go Castiel!)... Sam telling Gordon that Dean's the only one allowed to call him Sammy (and a season later beheading Vamp!Gordon with is bare hands! EPIC!). Guh, so many wonderful moments - funny ones (Pudding!) and poignant ones (I had one job, and I screwed it up) to bad ass (Dean beheading a room full of vamps), this show has always known how to deliver heart-stopping moments. What are your favourites?
  9. Watching Dean racking those balls with his arms was too cool. I wonder if that was in the script, or if JA added it. Loved Sam's use of the exorcism phone app as well - need to get me one of those! It reminded me of Jus in Bello.
  10. I completely agree - Alaina rocks as Abaddon! Can't wait to see where the MOC stuff leads - hopefully something nice and juicy for us readers to sink our teeth into. I wonder if Crowly will survive the season...
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