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Green Arrow In Comics


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I bet Lodai will be one of the comic characters popping up on the show sometime this season. Along with the new Brother Blood (Caleb Green), maybe.


As for that two-pronged arrow, it kinda looks like one of those tools mechanical/electrical engineers use? My brother-in-law is a robotics engineer and I think he has a tool that looks just like that two-pronged arrow. It's smaller and, obviously, not retrofitted to be notched on a bow but it looks similar. Maybe Oliver can use that special arrow to fry the circuits of a frakking toaster or something. :)

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I liked the 2.5 comics this week, the artwork for Felicity was much improved although Oliver and Diggle still look nothing like Stephen and David.


Interesting as to who the new Brother Blood turned out to be, guess I was wrong, it's not Able.  


Yeah, the new Brother Blood reveal was definitely interesting. Guess Diggle and Felicity better watch out - Felicity especially.


Do I need to put that under a spoiler tag? IDK.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 1

Yeah, the new Brother Blood reveal was definitely interesting. Guess Diggle and Felicity better watch out - Felicity especially.


Do I need to put that under a spoiler tag? IDK.

umm i wonder.. could it be possible that it's not Oliver that is the target on their date, but Felicity?

have the EP confirmed who the target is?

I mean if the new brother blood knows who she is he may be trying to get back at her (btw the new brother is the guy from the "bitch, with wifi" scene right?) in fear that she may discover his secret.

Edited by foreverevolving

I liked this issue a lot more, despite Diggle looking nothing like David Ramsey at all, Oliver changing his look yet again, and the whole "sure, I can fight with my arm in a sling." 'Cause, you know, comics.  I think the art was marginally better - one or two of the panels were cool.


And the Brother Blood reveal was great.  Now that's the sort of thing I'd like to see a lot more of in the third season - past events catching up to the characters.

umm i wonder.. could it be possible that it's not Oliver that is the target on their date, but Felicity?

have the EP confirmed who the target is?

I mean if the new brother blood knows who she is he may be trying to get back at her (btw the new brother is the guy from the "bitch, with wifi" scene right?) in fear that she may discover his secret.


Definitely possible. They could both be the targets since

the new Count (is he a spoiler, still?)

might be involved/newly recruited in this new Brother Blood's cult.


That was a pretty good twist in the 2.5 comics. I didn't expect that at all, in part because I was under the assumption that Diggle and Felicity turned over that guy to the SCPD after they were done with their unconventional yet effective interrogation. Then again, after all the events in the finale, I can see how the SCPD might've lost track of him once the smoke cleared over Starling. I'm going to bet new Blood will go after Felicity and Diggle, as well as connects the dots to the Arrow/Oliver. Perhaps, Team Arrow's clash with the new Brother Blood is why

Oliver hallucinates someone in the skull mask in the premiere? Which leads him to decide it best not to pursue a realtionship with Felicity since, now, Blood is another someone that can be tied directly to Felicity's involvement with the team. He hallucinates the new Count, the new Brother Blood then the new "Oliver" fighting the Arrow. All men who, in Oliver's mind, have or will put Felicity's life in grave danger. Ah, I love the smell of male angst in the morning.

  • Love 3

You know, I really like that thought:

Oliver and Felicity both agree that this is something they want - but if they start to date, he'll be IDed as the Arrow and she'll be in even more danger, and they realize that if they start dating in private, they won't be able to hold back in public. If this is combined with deep distrust of Ray Palmer and not wanting to let him in on the secret, that makes even more sense.


Oh, man, @SleepDeprived, now I WANT this to happen, and it probably won't. AUUGH.

Edited by quarks
  • Love 1

Can you just turn it off entirely like that?  Wouldn't it be easier to date in private and pretend to be formal in public than put the lid on that kind of pressure-cooker?  And wouldn't it stop Felicity from dating someone else if she has unresolved feelings for Oliver?

What exactly does Oliver need a double-pronged arrow for? Is he having a cookout?

Well, now with his no-kill rule he has to capture them instead.  That's an arrow to pin down teeny tiny foes.

I find Oliver's aversion to hospitals kinda weird. Like I know turning Roy into the hospital would give away his identity but what if something really bad happened lol? And in the promos for season 3 it seems like when Felicity get hurt Oliver brings her to the Arrow-cave instead of the hospital for some reason.

Edited by ban1o

I just read this weeks 2.5 and I really enjoyed it even though I don't like that the origin of Roy's suit happens in the comics. I feel like that should happen on the show. I mean, Roy will be in this shiny new suit in 301 and everyone who hasn't read the comics will be like 'Whaaaat?! When did that happen?' Crazy. 


Loved the reveal of the new Brother Blood. Really didn't expect that. 

So, I just read Green Arrow #35 (yeah, I got suckered into purchasing the digital subscription because I, apparently, have lost all sense of self-control or reason once I learned that GA!Felicity Smoak is a hacker/ASSASSIN), and I have a couple of questions for the more knowledgeable readers of the GA comics. When did Lex Luthor become a reformed supervillain that he is now touted as a superhero (Does. Not. Compute.)? Is he really on the good side, now, or is he playing some sort of long con before vying for world domination again? Who is Mr. King? 'Cause the only "Kings" I know of are the Clock King and the Royal Flush King. And, lastly, they're just now bringing back Mia into the new52 reboot, right?


All in all, it was a pretty good issue. I wasn't lost much, even though this is the first time I have ever read a new52 comic book. I like the artwork a bit more than Arrow 2.5. I loved the Diggle and Oliver buddy vigilante comedy hour. Especially Diggle sassing Oliver in almost every panel they were in together. I, also, like that the Glades Doctor knows that Oliver is GA. Oliver's girlfriend(?), Zehra, seems pretty cool, too. And as much as I like Batman, I still prefer his DCAU-JLA/JLU and Batman:TAS depictions to most of his comics or movie incarnations.


Oliver Queen, Bruce Wayne, and Lex Luthor in a room all together reminded me that the DC Universe has a LOT of billionaires who are superheroes/super villains. There's also Ted Kord, Isabel Rochev, Ra's al Ghul, Maxwell Lord, Carol Ferris, Vandal Savage, Dr. Strange, Arrow's Ray Palmer (don't think he was super rich in the comics, though)... Seems as though when one is the CEO of a company/has boatloads of cash and jewels then they're probably prone to donning a costume/super suit/cape/mask on their downtime. It's just too bad that with all their money, Oliver, Bruce, and Lex can't seem to employ a good tailor that can make them everyday business suits that actually fit their very well-formed frames. Seriously, what was up with those ill-fitting, unflattering menswear?

I don't know when Lex became good but I know he's been good (ish) for awhile. IIRC he saved Dick Greyson's live during that storyline (right when Nightwing switched to Greyson Agent of Spyril) - Forever Evil?

No idea who Mr King is, I think he's a new villain.

The introduction of Comic!Felicity was interesting, I'm curious to see what they do with her and how she interacts with Oliver/Diggle.

The rest was a little difficult to read because of the way Broken ended. They sort of continued while altering things as well. I get the first few pages, Oliver is trying to clean up his city after Richard Dragon pretty much took over. However, the questions come in with Queen Industries, under Jeff Lemire, QCorp was destroyed and QI was lost to Stellmore, Ollie was flat broke, only living off his Justice League money, now he's back to being a billionaire?

Also, sone of this stuff seemed right out of the show, the stuff about the clinic not getting drugs reminded me of Identity, and Bruce totally reminded me of

the clips we've seen of Ray in 301


I'm also surprised how quickly they ditched Fyff, Naomi and Emiko...as a Arrow viewer, I look forward to seeing Oliver/Felicity/Diggle in comicbook form but it feels a bit cheap that they ditched Team Green Arrow just to bring the show stuff in.

Going to keep reading (for now) but I hope it won't be so clunky going forward.

Edited by Morrigan2575

Thanks, Morrigan2575, and drspaceman10! I didn't know Oliver was no longer a billionaire in this universe. Huh. That's a pretty big detail that AK's team glossed over. But, considering how they treat and write about the Queen's financial troubles on Arrow, I get it. They're just not good at the finance aspects nor are they interested in taking some time to research it. I hope AK and the Arrow writers, at least, have great financial advisers who do know how to handle their money.


And I imagine the loyal comic book readers are not going to be happy at how easily Fyff, Emiko, and Naomi were, seemingly, dismissed to make way for the incorporation of elements of the show's Team Arrow. Hopefully, they pop up every now and then to show that Team GA wasn't completely forgotten/discarded.



Straight from their work on the hit “Arrow” TV series, join new GREEN ARROW comic book writersAndrew Kreisberg and Ben Sokolowski along with colorist Gabe Eltaeb for a signing of their debut issue. Kreisberg, Sokolowski and Eltaeb will be at Meltdown Comics in Los Angeles on Wednesday, October 1 starting at 7pm to sign copies of GREEN ARROW #35, while supplies last.

About GREEN ARROW #35 - Ollie is trying to put his life together after the grueling events of “Broken,” and finds himself back in Seattle on a mission from a mystery woman. Who is she – and what’s next for Green Arrow?

Meltdown Comics is located at 7522 Sunset Blvd. in Los Angeles.

I'm also surprised how quickly they ditched Fyff, Naomi and Emiko...as a Arrow viewer, I look forward to seeing Oliver/Felicity/Diggle in comicbook form but it feels a bit cheap that they ditched Team Green Arrow just to bring the show stuff in.



Didn't AK give an interview where he said Felicity would be interacting with Naomi & Fyff? I know he mentioned Lex, but I could have sworn he mention the Green Arrow team too. I'm not a Fyff fan, so I don't miss him. I like Naomi and I love Emiko, if anything else I really want them to bring in Emiko. I'm going to see if I can find that article I'm thinking of, hopefully i didn't dream it. I liked the issue, but I agree Lemire's run was better. I'm willing to give it a chance... though I don't care for the art.

It's hard yo judge based on just the one issue, going to give it a few to figure out what's up. If nothing else, im curious about most of the developments.

I never like Fyff so I don't care that much. I do like Naomi so I'm sad to see her go but at the same time I don't see how they could have kept both characters. Emiko is questionable, I really didn't like her initially and I can't even say that she grew on me or that the character evolved. It's kind of like they flipped a switch with her in the last 2 issues she appeared in. Im not a huge fan of the character but I was rather surprised that she was written out too.

So this is what AK said, so it seems like we will be seeing Naomi, Emiko & Fyfe at some point. I agree Emiko kinda did a 180, but I find her to be interesting, and I think GA Futures End is what really sold me on her. I'm curious what AK will do with them.


"It's fun because in a way it's sort of like its own crossover episode: you always like those episodes of "Star Trek" where the "Next Generation" group got together with the "DS9" group, and to have scenes that have Felicity and have Dig but also has Naomi and Fyfe and Emiko -- the TV characters and the comic book characters and they're all existing in their own way. It's just fun. It feels like an all-star comic"



IGN Review of GA #35 - http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/10/02/green-arrow-35-review


Most I've come across are 3/5 reviews, they all seemed to have the same issues that I did.  It's a bit confusing to pick up this title right off of Lemire's run because they just plopped Ollie in a totally new situation without explaining...how did he get his company back?  Who is this Zahara/Zatara person/Oliver's LI?  Did they have to get rid of all of his former cast?  etc

Edited by Morrigan2575

Nope, sorry that's not what happened here, not at all.  


In fact if that's what they wanted all they had to do was have Bruce/Lex show up and change the dialogue a tiny bit and instead of having them talk about how much money Oliver had and how a JV between the 3 companies could save the world; they could talk about how shaky QI is after the what Lacroix/Stellmore pulled and that Oliver/QI needed Wayne Industries and Lex Corp in order to survive.


This way you know that even though Oliver has his company back, he's still struggling and financially strapped.  Hell it would have even been a way to introduce his LI (who we never heard of before but has apparently been dating/sleeping with since Paris.?) , they could easily drop in the arugment about how he brought her on to help save the company and blah, blah blah they had sex in Paris.


I mean this is clearly a soft reboot and rather than take the time to try and move the pieces into place they just said...well that all happened in between...like over the summer. :D


ETA: I know this happens a lot in comics, I've had enough titles switch creative teams on me to understand it.  This one just wasn't a smooth transition and I have no idea what people thought of Lemire taking over GA in #17, I don't know if Stellmore or QI being taking out from under Ollie was ever hinted at before Lemiere.  I just felt this one was very clunky and could have been handled better.

Edited by Morrigan2575

New interview with Kreisberg & Sokolowski about the GA book:


This part made me smile:

Kreisberg: Yeah. We were so honored when Jeff Lemire added Dig to his run. I don't think anyone was prouder than David Ramsey himself. He was just so amazed. There have been a few instances where you have a character who is created for a different medium who then went backwards into the comics -- the big one I think of is Harley [Quinn], who was created for ["Batman: The Animated Series"], and now you can't imagine the DC Universe without her.

Yes, Felicity was a very minor Firestorm character -- we really took that name, and Emily Bett Rickards have entirely given her life. We've always sort of joked how great it would be if she suddenly found her way into the comics. Her and Dig, because we're so proud of those characters, and they feel like such a great extension of Oliver Queen, that they've gone back into the comics, and if they become mainstays -- I think the proudest thing we would feel is if the next artists of writers who pick up the book say, "You know what, 'Green Arrow' really feels right if John Diggle is his bodyguard, and Felicity Smoak is his right-hand woman." And having that page be, "Hi, I'm Felicity Smoak, I was hired to kill you" -- we had that idea before we even knew what anything else was about.

And having that page be, "Hi, I'm Felicity Smoak, I was hired to kill you" -- we had that idea before we even knew what anything else was about.


I'm really tired of producers/writers bragging about the great idea they had and were sold on doing even though they had absolutely no idea how to make it work.  Makes me think of AlMiles on Smallville bragging about their cliffhangers and admitting they wrote them with not a lick of an idea of what happens next.  It shows people, it shows!!!!!


Fingers crossed that they don't mess up Felicity in the comic. 

  • Love 2

I get that shows and comics are often written on the fly, that's not new.  But I wish the writers weren't so damn proud of that - it smacks of un-professionalism, IMO.  Creativity is not necessarily regimented, I get that, too.  I've done my own fair share of writing, drawing & painting over the years - the finished product can sometimes be vastly different from the original idea.


But these are professionals with audiences, so I think there needs to be some kind of plan.  Or at least have the plan tweaked so that transitions are smooth.  Those can take time for when the plan is tweaked along the way because somethings are working or not working.  There are examples of how that can backfire, too, of course (HIMYM comes to mind immediately).  I think Arrow has been hurt in the comics AND the show because of hasty and/or lazy writing and either a drop of or clinging to characters and stories.  Weak transitions can do a lot of damage, too.  And fans pick up on that.

Yeah, I'm really curious and I always wondered if their interrogation would bite them in the ass because he saw their faces but the majority of that comic was everything we've already seen on TV. Plus we could draw our own conclusions after the reveal of the new Brother Blood last time. It felt a bit like filler.

Edited by Guest
Marc Guggenheim @mguggenheim  ·  16h 16 hours ago

It's @Team_Barrowman & @Willaaaah in comic-form! Arrow Season 2.5. Check it out here: http://tinyurl.com/m6okze2



I had trouble posting the pic (of comic book Malcolm & Thea) from that tweet here, so if someone else could do it, that would be great.

Edited by tv echo

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