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Green Arrow In Comics


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“When we have a character like Black Canary rising to prominence in the Arrow TV show, rather than trying to mirror what they’re doing there, we just want to produce the best version of that character possible,” he said.


This sounds like a dig at Laurel's character on the show. Like Laurel isn't the best version of BC. lmao

  • Love 3

Agree with wonderwall. That does not seem favorable to the current laurel version of bc on arrow. Maybe they did like Sara's verison better. Who knows whatever makes them money I guessbis the model. It is true that there will always be multiple versions of the characters as long as the comics/tv/movies go on. Afterall the show is based on not a true adaptation of the comics.

Marc Guggenheim retweeted

Morgan Mitchell @MergMitch  ·  8h 8 hours ago

#FelicitySmoak "I have a difficult time dating". Lol great stuff @mguggenheim



rjwnorris asked:

Are the 2.5 comics available in book form? I have searched for them without success.

They’re available as individual comic books, and then will be collected into a single graphic novel once the entire story is finished.


Edited by tv echo
jeinworld asked:

HI MARC, Looks like Laurel Lance must have been in a coma during the hiatus and was barely to be seen in Arrow 2.5. LOL. WHY?

It’s been hard to work her into the main plot.  Trying to.

mgmaz asked:

What's the animation studio that is doing the Vixen series? Also who did character designs, they look very remincent of Young Justice

Warner Bros.  Which explains the Young Justice similarity.


Edited by tv echo

All of the characters are getting costume upgrades/look changes,  I actually like the New Wonder Woman Outfit, the Superman outfit is like Smallville, T-Shirt and Jeans, surprised he's not wearing a Red Jacket.  Don't get me started on BatBot...Batman's got his own Robot suit now...


Green Arrow looks...?? A Mullet? Really?


Is it Me or has DC gone all Steroids with their art work, while Marvel has actually slimmed down/de-muscled their characters/art work?

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 1

Okay. I like the Wonder Woman costume. Even the arm blades work for me. Green Arrow's is okay too. Sleeveless may make using the bow easier and he doesn't really need the hood or the mask since everyone knows who he is, don't they? Maybe the mullet is just easier to draw? Flash doesn't really look different enough to be worth commenting on. But the other two...Superman's isn't a costume or a uniform, it's a sad cosplayer. Or Clark is just tired of trying. As for the Batbot...that may not be the stupidest costume design I've ever seen but it looks pretty hideous. Not so much the dark knight as the loud ass mech. 

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jeinworld asked:

    HI MARC, Looks like Laurel Lance must have been in a coma during the hiatus and was barely to be seen in Arrow 2.5. LOL. WHY?

    It’s been hard to work her into the main plot.  Trying to.


When you have to work really hard to write a character into the plot, then the character doesn't belong there (kinda like on the show, if you have to write everybody in a way inconsistent with how they were written in the past just to accommodate a character, then that character doesn't belong there. Ship the character off to Monrovia!). I'm actually very, very glad they haven't forced her presence in the comics. With only so many pages per issue, I'd rather they focus on the story they're telling right now.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
  • Love 10

When you have to work really hard to write a character into the plot, then the character doesn't belong there (kinda like on the show, if you have to write everybody in a way inconsistent with how they were written in the past just to accommodate a character, then that character doesn't belong there. Ship the character off to Monrovia!). I'm actually very, very glad they haven't forced her presence in the comics. With only so many pages per issue, I'd rather they focus on the story they're telling right now.


some of the responses to that ask was funny. "She's black canary, she should be easy to integrate into the A plot"... LMAO That's like their reason for everything. "but comics!" ugh

Edited by wonderwall
jeinworld asked:

HI MARC, Looks like Laurel Lance must have been in a coma during the hiatus and was barely to be seen in Arrow 2.5. LOL. WHY?

It’s been hard to work her into the main plot.  Trying to.


Yikes. Doesn't that just sum up s3 though?! I know trying to work Malcolm Merlyn into this season hasn't helped either but still. Wow. Explains why I'm enjoying the 2.5 comics so much...

And then you wonder when they say things like "it's been difficult to integrate her into the main story" if they know why it's difficult. They have a wonderfully coherent story without her, why is she still around?

The 2.5 comics have been delightful as of late. I have considered waiting until they're done to buy the whole graphic novel.

  • Love 2

I agree that the stories are great as-is and that Laurel isn't missed at all, but I think the reason they're having trouble incorporating her into the storylines is because they're all pretty action-packed and there's not much need for a district attorney in them. If she were BC during the summer, I think she'd be in them more. 

^ So, I guess that means that the 3.5 comics will feature more Laurel vigilante-ing in Starling? I'll have to enjoy these 2.5 comics as much as possible, while I can, then. I hope Diggle comes back from his Suicide Squad trip in the comics soon. Since it seems like the remaining issues of 2.5 will be the last vestiges I'll be getting of the Team Arrow that I want instead of the one that MG insists that I need.

They could have given Laurel a reason to start training during the summer. Hey, maybe she could have been the one being kidnapped, and since it would have been the 99th time, she decided she'd had enough of that. They could have killed Sara anyway, since they reaaally had to, but at least I would take her scenes in costume a little more seriously. Except, who would have bought the comics with the storyline centered around her?

I think so? Who knows. But if the kidnapping arc were happening this offseason, there's no doubt in my mind that Laurel would be out there trying to get her along with Oliver and Roy. Or maybe they'd give her her own storyline? People don't read comics for courtroom drama, so it probably really is difficult for them to work her in. 


While I do enjoy the comics, I hate that they're doing well and being generally well-received. I don't like the message it sends that people are willing to pay to get the storylines they want to see outside of the show. I don't think it bodes well for the future of Arrow, but then again this season of Arrow doesn't bode well for the future of Arrow either. 

  • Love 9

Green Arrow's is okay too. Sleeveless may make using the bow easier and he doesn't really need the hood or the mask since everyone knows who he is, don't they?

I was wondering about this the other day. Is his identity known in the comics? He obviously can't be much of a public figure or tabloid fodder as he's been on the show, can he? I mean, that mustache - like the goatee I've seen him sporting - is pretty distinctive. Kinda makes the mask pointless, doesn't it?

I know I'm late to the party commenting, but those character designs just remind me why I'm not going to be encouraging my kids to get into comics. The muscles, the angry eyebrows, and Superman with bloody fists? Are we working back into Superman being the villain? Because all that goes against everything Superman was when I was a kid.

  • Love 1
smoakandarrow asked:

Love the preview for the Arrow Season 2.5 #15 comic. I can't wait to get mine on Monday. I swear, if you ever incorporate a pissed off Oliver holding the bad guy at gunpoint while growling, "Take me to Felicity!" The entire Olicity fandom would probably dissolve into a puddle of delight. Such a great storyline. I know I was one of the first people say say, "Uh, Brother Blood? Really?" But seriously, Marc, this has been so much fun. Thanks!

Thank you!  It’s been a joy to write.  And the best is yet to come.

rosemariedavis asked:

Any chance that we'll get same amount of Olicity goodness from 2.5 on show as well? Season 3 or 4, it doesn't matter. It feels like you've been writing all the things we wanted to see in show and putting them into comics. Don't get me wrong, I love the show. I just want to see it all these comic scenes on the screen as well. Can you just imagine Stephen and Emily delivering all those beautiful scenes you wrote for Olicity in comics? Damn!!

The reason you’ve been seeing those scenes in the comic — and if you’re an Olicity fan and not reading the comics, shame on you! — and not in the show is that the comic is set before Ep. 3x01, during the time the characters were growing closer to each other.


Edited by tv echo

So the city essentially knowingly elected the Green Arrow, not public figure Oliver Queen, as mayor? Interesting. I am curious how that all worked out. IRL, I can't imagine a man used to working outside the law, violently, no less, is the best fit for an elected official.

(And way to sidestep the point, MG - the reason a lot of people like Olicity in the first place is the actors playing them, making your comics a sorry substitution and a cheap grab for fandom money.)

Season 2.5 #15 is out now if you buy it on iTunes. It ends in a terrible place. And I feel like I read most of it already based on the previews that were posted.


I purchased it on comixology which usually arrives later :/ Can someone post up the panels on here? Or PM them to me? :D I really don't wanna wait to read it :p *sigh* This is how I used to feel about the episodes....

The reason you’ve been seeing those scenes in the comic — and if you’re an Olicity fan and not reading the comics, shame on you! — and not in the show is that the comic is set before Ep. 3x01, during the time the characters were growing closer to each other.


Such a waste.  The build up would have made this season an entirely different beast.  We would have the emotional stakes in the right places instead of blink and you miss it set up and that goes for Sara and Laurel as well as Oliver and Felicity.  :(

  • Love 3

Such a waste.  The build up would have made this season an entirely different beast.  We would have the emotional stakes in the right places instead of blink and you miss it set up and that goes for Sara and Laurel as well as Oliver and Felicity.  :(

Did MG or anyone from the comics production explain why season 2.5 is being released during tv season 3? It seems to make no logical or financial sense. Why would I want to pay for comics when I can just watch the tv show every week? And why do I care what happened in the summer, when I know how it all falls apart in the fall? I can just read some fanfiction or use my imagination to piece together how the summer hiatus went for Team Arrow. Meanwhile in the summer, when there is no new Arrow I can imagine people salivating & dropping $$$ to get new material. I would have bought the comics this summer, but I see no reason to buy them now. Maybe Ill catch up with them later at library or online. It just seems so dumb to me that they don't sell the comics during the summer. Not only are u right that we are missing the emotional stakes that the comics can build, we're also missing pertinent plot that influences the TV season and is apparently part of canon. Its not just Olicity that would have benefited from the comics being released in the summer, they could have shown Sara & LL having an actual relationship & sisterhood, so it didn't seem so SWF of LL to want to step in her sister's shoes. MM & Thea could have been shown training & bonding so his betrayal would even be more devastating. Heck they could have even shown Ras doing something scary to tantalize the audience into being excited that he was the villian. There's just so many ways it makes so much more sense to release in the summer.

  • Love 5

Having a mini-series or something to fill in the gaps between seasons is one thing. That would make sense. It would still be annoying for them to only say and do stuff there which should have been on the screen though. But doing a season 2.5 comic while season 3 is ongoing is rather pointless, considering you will most likely know the outcome of whatever they're setting up before you ever read the book.

  • Love 2

We finally have comic book sales figures for February 2015. Unfortunately, sales numbers for the Green Arrow comics have dipped below 20k:


Green Arrow #35  23,346

Green Arrow #36  21,842

Green Arrow #37  20,904

Green Arrow #38  20,207

Green Arrow #39  19,651



Arrow Season 2.5:


October  17,364

November  11,121

December  9,862

January  9,302

February 9,060



Flash Season Zero:


October  23,501

November  14,287

December  12,247

January  10,806

February 10,450

We finally have comic book sales figures for February 2015. Unfortunately, sales numbers for the Green Arrow comics have dipped below 20k:



Green Arrow #35  23,346

Green Arrow #36  21,842

Green Arrow #37  20,904

Green Arrow #38  20,207

Green Arrow #39  19,651


I know for me, I lost a lot of enthusiasm when I heard they were already yanking the rug out from under the comic and taking out Felicity and Diggle.  I'll check out the run but there's no reason to hurry up and read it since it's not like there's any more issues to fall behind on. 

Edited by BkWurm1
Marc Guggenheim retweeted

‏O & F @OlicitysArrow  ·  18h 18 hours ago

Arrow 2.5 #15 by @mguggenheim is currently available on and https://www.readdcentertainment.com/Arrow-Season-2-5-2014-15/digital-comic/1368200155001

Marc Guggenheim retweeted

↕ OH FRACK! ↕ @OlicityDreams  ·  11h 11 hours ago

everything about this is perfect. @mguggenheim #Arrow 2.5






Edited by tv echo
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So, the guy Oliver's going after in this issue has a suit that's a lot like Ray's. I can't remember from the previous issues - was that super suit ever addressed, or is this the first time we're seeing it do anything? I wonder if it's some kind of pre-ATOM thing that villains managed to get the plans to before the gang blew up Applied Sciences. 

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