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Green Arrow In Comics

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Silver Age Black Canary (Dinah Drake) had the Canary Cry too, so that's not taken from DLL that was Dinah Drake back in 1969 (pre mother/daughter split).


Dinah Drake Lance (current Black Canary) has a brand new origin story that is different from both Golden Age Dinah Drake and Modern Age Dinah Laurel Lance.  She is a unique character that merges the two identities back into one character.  Remember pre=1983 there was only Dinah Drake and then Comics split the character into Mother/Daughter in order to deal with Dinah Drake being older than the current batch of heroes.  


I would not say current Dinah Drake is 90% DLL, she's basically the reformation of what was split post Crisis .

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I think his comment about putting them together closing doors rather than opening them says more about what he thought about the pairing - and what he was intending to do with it - than Oliver "becoming that guy who dates Black Canary" does. 


Not that it matters at all at this point anyway.

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I think his comment about putting them together closing doors rather than opening them says more about what he thought about the pairing - and what he was intending to do with it - than Oliver "becoming that guy who dates Black Canary" does. 


Not that it matters at all at this point anyway.

If we're talking about Lemire absolutely not, Lermire had no intention of putting GA/BC together and didn't during his run.  AJK turned GA into a cross between Arrow and pre-52 (brought Mia Dearden back and Tommy Merlyn as the Dark Archer plus introduced Felicity Smoak to GA) and Ben Percy turned GA into Batman/Detective Comics with a Dash of Lemire.


I did Google searches after the last time this was tossed out and I couldn't find anything, I went all the way back to Krul and Nocenti and no one have ever talked about putting GA/BC back together and Ben Percy isn't going in that direction either.  

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They've been consistently disengaging Black Canary from Green Arrow, and moving her closer to the Bat family ever since Dinah divorced Oliver. And that seems to still be going on.

My store stopped giving me the DC Trades since I only get Constantine now but, last I looked the Black Canary comic is listed with the Bat Family group, I don't think that's going to change much.  

Edited by Morrigan2575
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She appears to be a trained ninja with blonde hair as White Canary. It would be awesome if she is Sara. 

She'd probably be evil though.  (Or have brief hopeful redemption before returning to evil) Would be nice to be wrong though. 

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That's interesting since the title has been selling decently under Ben Percy. Last month it was at 29k, not super great but we'll above the 20k line. In fact Black Canary and Red Hood and Arsenal are selling less and they're brand new titles.

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I have a had time understanding the strategy behind what they have been doing with the GA comic.  THey keep ping ponging around on writers.

The tone and direction of the series has in the last couple years turned on its tail several times and just as one thing starts getting interesting, the writers change and new dude pushes his agenda.  Like Kreisberg.  I’m not an expert so maybe he was a terrible writer but it is terrible WRITING to do all these resets and changes in direction.  Dropping and adding characters, ignoring directional set ups.  It seems to me the lack of consistency is a big factor is driving off readers.  It drove off me.

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The writer changes were because of lagging book sales. Basically sales start to drop and you bring in a new creative team. Sometimes writers change on successful books leave because their contracts are up or they get put on a more prominent title.

I have absolutely no idea why they pulled Lemire from GA for AJK, shame though he was writing a great book.

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The writer changes were because of lagging book sales. Basically sales start to drop and you bring in a new creative team. Sometimes writers change on successful books leave because their contracts are up or they get put on a more prominent title.

I have absolutely no idea why they pulled Lemire from GA for AJK, shame though he was writing a great book.

I just think the decision to swap out writers is an overreaction to lagging sales and shortsighted re:contracts expiring.   Work with your writers, don't do what is essentially a soft (sometimes hard) reboot every time.  How do you build up loyalty and trust among new readers?  Why ever should you get invested in anything when you know the next dude is likely to just rip it away or recharacterize or push to the background. 


Really what would make most sense is to have a constant ideas or plot person and then hire writers to translate the story.  That way creative control stays more consistent. 

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smoakandarrow asked:

Hey Marc! A question on the Arrow Season 2.5 anthologies. I bought the Volume 1 released a few weeks ago and it contained all the content from the digital first comics. Now Amazon has an Arrow Season 2.5 Volume 2 listed as coming out in the summer. What's in that one if everything was already in the Volume 1 issue? Thanks!

That’s weird.  Season 2.5 was released as a single volume.


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Apparently Felicity Smoak was in the DC Bombshells comic? IDK what that is but here it is :)

It's an ongoing series based on those collectibles/posters. It's an Alternative Universe set during World War II where the female superheroes are fighting the war.


I haven't been following it but it's cool that she was included. Thanks for bringing it over.

That is...interesting. Felicity looks like Anna from Frozen.

Hah! You're absolutely right, she does look like Anna. Edited by Morrigan2575
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It's an ongoing series based on those collectibles/posters. It's an Alternative Universe set during World War II where the female superheroes are fighting the war.


I haven't been following it but it's cool that she was included. Thanks for bringing it over.

Hah! You're absolutely rigjt, she does look like Anna.


Oh cool! Thanks for the info :D


And @calliope1975, I can not unsee that now. Hope you're happy!

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I believe that DC Bombshells Issue #7 is a comic book that includes previously released chapters 19-21 (release date: Dec. 23, 2015) - you may want to read the entire review...


DC Comics Reviews 2 hours ago

... With issue #7, Marguerite Bennett delivers a direct indictment of prevalent and institutional xenophobia experienced by refugees (here by Jews, today by Muslims) cascading in a feminist adventure story, featuring some of DC’s long lost Batgirls (and boys!).
*  *  *
Pulling together the trio of Harper Row (modern Batman), Nell Little (Pre-Flashpoint Batgirl), and Kathy Duquesne (Batman: The Animated Series) — reimagined for the 1940s — Bennett quickly expands the team to include Alysia Yeoh (modern Batgirl), Bette Kane (late Golden Age Batman), Cullen Row, Tim Drake, and, most lovingly, Felicity Smoak (Arrow). It’s a beautifully eclectic ode to the history of Batgirls (and Batboys, for that matter) without pulling in the three major women who have worn the hood in modern times. And in some ways, it reshifts the relationship of admiration from Babs Gordon to Kate Kane, this universe’s preeminent super-hero, in a way that makes sense and doesn’t diminish the future roles of those larger characters. We get a very diverse group of individuals, representing Black, Asian, Jewish, transgender, and gay backgrounds, predominantly (but not exclusively) female, and each bring to bear something special from their identities that reinforces my sense that, yes, race, gender, and sexuality matter in storytelling. It all matters.
*  *  *
If you haven’t picked up Bombshells yet, either in print or digital form (chapters 19-21), this is the story to dip your toe into. Self-contained, but super compelling, issue #7 expands out the universe of the statue line with the same vigor and grace Bennett has executed in every chapter previous. If there’s one book that nobody really asked for, but it turned out everybody should always have wanted, it’s this one. Because, as the cover says, this is our fight too! Let’s enjoy it along the way.



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Malcolm gets his own comics (go to link to read interview with JB)...


The Secret Past of Arrow's Malcolm Merlyn Revealed in New DC Comics Series
Rich Sands January 6, 2016 9:45 am

Launching a digital comic series that explores the past of the charmingly devious character played by John Barrowman on The CW's superhero saga Arrow.

Written by Barrowman and his sister Carole, Arrow: The Dark Archer, is set between the third and fourth seasons of the TV series, but also reveals what Malcolm was up to before he became the Dark Archer, the nemesis to Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) early in the series. Twelve chapters will be released bi-weekly starting Wednesday, Jan. 13 (available via the DC Comics App, readdcentertainment.com, iBooks, comixology.com, Google Play, Kindle Store, Nook Store, and iVerse ComicsPlus). The entire story will later be collected in single print edition.

*  *  *

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Does anyone else think that's weird time to place a comic titled The Dark Archer? He was Ra's at that point. I can make more sense of placing it at any other point, probably best after S1.

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Yeah, it's a weird time.  But maybe they wanted a summer hiatus tie-in comic and during that time, O&F were happily traveling and then living together in suburbia, so there was no Arrow out fighting bad guys - and they probably thought no one would buy Arrow tie-in comics about an Arrow-less Team Arrow.

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DC Comics To Relaunch Everything With #1s Again This Summer With A Film/TV Bent
Posted January 22, 2016 by Rich Johnston

And it seems like it’s time to do the New 52 Relaunch all over again, in June.
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I understand that a top down change has filtered through the publisher which will see another relaunch for DC Comics with everything getting a new #1 in June – those that survive that is.

And the new line even more dominated with Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn/Suicide Squad-related titles.

Anything tying in with a film and/or TV show like Flash, Green Arrow will be okay, anything that’s not is less so. I haven’t heard about Green Lantern...

But yes, this will mean another big issue 1 relaunch. Could this be All-New All-Different A-Bit-Like-The-TV-Shows DC Comics?

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They just did this last summer after the failed convergence BS. At least Marvel's Secret Wars handled the relaunch much better.

It will be interesting to see what comics stay and what goes. If anything you might end up with a new Supergirl title.

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