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S10.E05: Becoming World Class


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I actually thought Rose looked mutinous when she was called into the office and then cut. She didn't say anything mutinous, but I could read it on her face. It cracked me up because I was waiting for her to explode Meagan Flaherty style, but she held it in. Of course I could have been reading her face wrong, but that was how it looked to me.

Yes!!!!! If you're right, Rose is a super smart girl. Good for her, holding on to her dignity like that.

Post cut, Rose is really growing on me... Although, ahem, I just remembered the "rosebud" thing. Seriously, WTH. That is some seriously twisted ego nonsense.

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I think Rose is pretty too and I actually like her brows. Just not a fan of her otherwise.

Lots of Dallas area dancers are on that site. Jordan Elizabeth is on there and she was a DCC for three seasons. There have been other DCCs on there as well who aren't anymore due to changing styles. But yeah, they use the AAIA a lot. They actually had a video up of them dancing in their outfits a couple of years ago and it heavily featured Amy Caroline who was an AAIA for a few seasons and was a DCC TCC a few years back (she was cut for being-bottom heavy/robotic). Anyway...off subject so I'll shut up now.

Edited by MrsEVH

Yes!!!!! If you're right, Rose is a super smart girl. Good for her, holding on to her dignity like that.

Post cut, Rose is really growing on me... Although, ahem, I just remembered the "rosebud" thing. Seriously, WTH. That is some seriously twisted ego nonsense.

That could've done her in, or at least helped tilt the scales against her. They don't want the girls to blend, but don't seem to want any 'stand outs' that overshadow the others, or the organization, either.

That was ... Good lord. I have to say - and this is ridiculous to say when these women are in better shape than I am - but they did not all look in the best shape. Not compared to where K&J want the DCC. Did see some familiar faces though

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The haircolor changes shown did not seem very dramatic.   i agree the before and afters appeared pretty much the same.   Disappointing.  I was wondering if they let the vets make changes as well.   Remember when Loren was blonde and they took her brunette....does she ever get a chance to go back to blonde?


I loved seeing the DCC alumni!   I always liked the Trevino sisters.   I would love a whole episode of "where they are now".


Thank you Smplsimon for the scores, I didn't catch them.   Very interesting!


Can't wait to watch the show group audition clips tomorrow!  They have many talented ladies.   Fun to watch!

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I agree. Did Vivian gain back the weight she lost between her 1st and 2nd TC, cause she looked kind of thick - definitely too thick to look good in the bottom half of the DCC uniform. A couple of them had really shruggy shoulders in the moves they were doing - like the girl that looks like TCC Taylor but w/ blue eyes, she could possibly use some ballet if she dances like that.

I always thought Vivian was gorgeous even though crazy, but I have to agree with Kelli that she just doesn't look good in the uniform. It makes her lovely figure look squat. All that unflattering white!

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After watching Kelli use the phrase " world class",I think I might put up some signs around my house that say "World Class."

Just to keep my standards high.

It's a fun psychological too. l I'm sure it's a motivator for the girls who want to be there and it's great for their branding.

Edited by rose711
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Soooo...while wasting my afternoon on YouTube, this video popped up on my home page. I clicked on it to see if the quality was decent, and I almost peed my pants laughing.


I am considering watching the entire thing, because the drag queen voices make the show even better, I think.

Edited by Oranaiche
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Why did they al



Soooo...while wasting my afternoon on YouTube, this video popped up on my home page. I clicked on it to see if the quality was decent, and I almost peed my pants laughing.


I am considering watching the entire thing, because the drag queen voices make the show even better, I think.


Why did they alter the voices?

Aww, Jason Garrett, what a cutie patootie!!

I thought for sure they would change Taylor's hair from that harsh blonde to her more natural darker hair. Is she Latina?

Cortney has horrible skin.

Madeline's makeover was nice but still not enough.

Damn, but I do love Kelli's hair color and highlights.

I think her hair color is a vast improvement! She looks age-appropriate and it brings out her eyes.

Edited by Ladybugnine
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The voice may just be the way it was downloaded & uploaded onto Youtube...??? But Wow.  Kelli sounds like Rupaul.


Regarding the sneak peek tonight: Is Kitty seriously criticizing Melissa for being "too severe"?!?!  Because she is powerful and talented?!?!  

And who is that twerking?!?!

Loren: baaaaaddddddd.

I have been out of town so I am finally catching up on the last few weeks of the show! I agree that the makeovers seemed pretty mild this year, unlike years past where some of the girls got dramatically different hair colors or hair cuts. As a germaphobe, I would not want to lie down on the floor in a public place just so someone could compare my hair color to the laminate.




Why did they alter the voices?

Often when people upload copyrighted videos (like entire episodes), they will slightly speed up or slow down the video (sometimes they flip the video so that everything is mirrored, meaning what was on the right side of the screen during broadcast is shown on the left side of the screen). The more vigilant copyright holders scour youtube constantly to find videos of the material and have them taken down. Slightly changing the videos in this manner sometimes helps them stay up longer.




Cortney has horrible skin.



She really got hit by some bad lighting. Or maybe it was just truthful lighting. It makes me wonder what all of them look like in real life.  Especially the veterans. All that heavy makeup for so many years must be murder on the complexion.

Ha, this comment reminded me of that Seinfeld episode where Jerry's new girlfriend was a two face.




Poor Rose.  That girl never really got enough details on how to fix her problems and she even tried like, “what are the top three things for me to work on for next year?” and they cut her off with ‘feet’ or whatever.

After watching that video linked above, I have to agree with Judy's immediate "feet" suggestion. When you dance, every movement should be placed precisely with purpose and as short as that video was, she looked looked like she wasn't doing that with her feet. She also wasn't pointing her feet as much as she should. One thing I did appreciate earlier in the episode was when Kelli gave Rose a very specific example of a move she was doing awkwardly. Maybe if they did that more often, she would have improved. I agree that she wouldn't have made the team based on her dancing though so it's best that they cut her sooner rather than later.




Kelli was being melodramatic by saying the talk turned into a "train wreck." Seriously? That wasn't anywhere near a train wreck. Vivian was a train wreck, Megan Flaherty was a train wreck.

Ha! I totally agree. That conversation was nowhere near the level of train wreck, let along the level of Vivian's poem about lucid dreaming. I have tried to block out all my memories of Megan Flaherty though.




I remember last year Loren was waiting all by herself to go into the office (she was called last).  When she finally went in Kelli asked her why was she crying. Loren said she had been waiting a long time and thought they might have forgotten about her. It must be terrible to wait alone and then wonder what they're going to say to you.

What I really hate about when the girls are called into Kelli's office is that obviously Kelli and Judy know these girls are sitting outside waiting to be called in, yet they just let them wait for however long. These girls just had a long night of rehearsal. They know that getting called in means there is a very good chance they are being cut. They know the other girls are waiting outside in the parking lot to find out what happened. Hurry the hell up and do the meetings as soon as possible so that EVERYONE can go home.




Kelly, I think the saying is "A bull in a china SHOP", not "A bull in a china cabinet"

When she said that, I imagined one of those ceramic cow creamers charging around inside a china cabinet.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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