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Loving this show so far. I only knew of Billy Eichner's work when I turned it on but I've quickly fallen for Julie Klausner as well. The most recent episode (Pledge Week) seemed like a meaner version of Seinfeld with Billy breaking up with a guy because he was a participator. 

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The most recent episode (Pledge Week) seemed like a meaner version of Seinfeld with Billy breaking up with a guy because he was a participator.


Totally, and similarly with the previous episode (I think) with Josh who Billy pined for all episode and was ready to try to get past his stuff with, and then turned on a dime in the last few minutes. Very Max Blum as well.


I'm about 88% in love with this show, and I hate that hulu is dribbling it out week by week (and the commercials hurt it as well, imo). There are running jokes and one-liners in this show that rival some of my favorite comedies, but the show is dense and I find the inability to easily jump back and watch those parts difficult. Or, normally, I would watch an episode 2 or 3 times jumping the commercials to get the full effect, but no can do. 


There are so many great bits that I don't even know where to start, but I think the show won me over at the NAMBLA's 'ones to watch' joke. I was dy.ing. I like that the show just names the uber-famous people instead of actually having cameos; it should be done that way more often. The library water made total sense to me and I loved that they ended the meeting when the guy shared the name of his kids, and that they screwed up the names later on in a most hilarious way. There is some seriously good material in this show.


I feel like Billy's a little easier to love, and then I have trouble following Julie because the believably of her relationship situation is lacking. The last episode with the PBS roast helped a little, but basically there's a guy whom she doesn't seem to have anything in common with housing, feeding and caring for her. It feels like Elaine and Puddy, but Arthur doesn't get to be a character with hilarious traits. Jesus, this really is like another Seinfeld.


Oh, and bonus points for dragging magic; I knew that was going to be good!

Edited by meisje
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What I like about the show is that Julie and Billy do get their comeuppance regularly. I don't think they're actually that mean than they're a product of the cynical times we live in. 

I do like that (it seems to me) they have some reasonable talent. If they were shown to be really talented and not getting any work because they're such jerks, I wouldn't really buy it, and I'd be bored if they had no talent and complained about not getting jobs either. 


What I really liked is when they did the PBS roast because they used their "mean comedy" talents to actually do something nice. And they were funny. It doesn't seem that they realized that. 


The mother is a total scene stealer. 


The best one liner so far was Billy's sister in law about her daughter: Don't mind her. She's going through her cunt phase. 

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It started slow, but the show is growing on me.

The PBS roast idea was pretty funny. And the Laura Linney stalker joke was hilarious

I am about half way through the season right now. I started watching this and Broad City during my time off this week. Of the two I like Difficult People better. I found Broad City amusing and enjoyable but rarely hilarious. Difficult people at its best I think is much funnier

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I watched the whole season in two sittings.


I just think Julie Klausner is devoid of charm or charisma.


I couldn't agree more, Ms Blue Jay


That said, I thought he was equal parts funny and just horrible and anything with Andrea Martin automatically gets at least a full season of attention from me. 


I laughed out loud more than once and couldn't have agreed more with some of their 'observations' so I'm not sure what that says about me (no, I actually do).

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I just watched this. Loved the first 4 episodes, then I feel like it started to run out of steam. I totally want to eat at the Children's Menu, but only if children are banned.


My favorite character was Arthur. I think just because he allows Julie to be exactly who she is, and (to me at least) he doesn't seem like a doormat. And I love Julie's mother being convinced he's an alcoholic when he so clearly isn't.

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The Yom Kippur episode had me scratching my head. I mean, the main characters and writers are Jewish. Even someone who isn't religous, or even Jewish, would know better. "Chag Sameach" and flowers on the holiest day, which is spent in the synagogue fasting and praying? And how are they eating if they're supposed to be fasting? Maybe that was supposed to be the PRE-fasting meal, so in that case why is the redhead in Julie's house fasting? I'm so confused. and Billy's sister-in-law's potty mouth wasn't funny, on Yom Kippur no less. Very weird.

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They are so terrible and I love them. The "Old Timey" hipsters had me dying. They seem like an actual thing that would exist. 

And I absolutely despised the ice bucket challenge (while still acknowledging that it did a great thing for ALS fundraising) so the whole "stick your right hand in the toilet" thing was awesome. I only wish that they'd pointed out to Nathan Lane that it made about as much sense as dumping a bucket of ice over your head. 

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Not sure why this is the thing that bothered me, but nobody sleeps for 3 days without being drugged or in a coma, and Julie would have been freaking if she hadn't heard from Billy in 3 hours, much less days.

This is definitely not a binge show for me since a little neuroses goes a long way. I enjoyed the episodes but probably shouldn't have watched both at once.

“I think it’s sexy that you dress like someone who can still get the measles."

Edited by lordonia
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These episodes seem more heavily plotted than those from Season 1. My TV memory is terrible, but I don't recall the Season 1 episodes even having A and B plots, let alone making them converge (the way Billy's old-timey date and Julie's networking did). It moves the show even closer to Seinfeld. This is not necessarily a complaint (though I did feel like "Keesler Epstein Foundation" had a bit more room to breathe compared to "Unplugged"), because? The hilarity. Which is surprisingly rare these days, as Billy observes: "When did comedies become 30-minute dramas?"

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21 hours ago, lordonia said:

Not sure why this is the thing that bothered me, but nobody sleeps for 3 days without being drugged or in a coma

What bugs me is that he didn't immediately run to the bathroom. Or brush his teeth.  I don't think he changed his clothes, either,before going out so he didn't shower.  But the bathroom/teeth thing bugs me the most.

On tv, whenever people are awakened from a deep sleep and served breakfast in bed, that's all I can think about, but we're dealing with 3 days of sleep here!

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On 7/13/2016 at 7:33 AM, EdnasEdibles said:

They are so terrible and I love them. The "Old Timey" hipsters had me dying. They seem like an actual thing that would exist. 

I thought this was really a thing. I was dying. I could totally have seen that as a show too, but of course, they screwed it up.

I can only think they came up with "How could we kill Nathan Lane" and worked back from that. Still good. 

"Noodles" always kills me. I'm a huge fan of specific nicknames. If he called her "hon" all the time it would infuriate me. 

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Is anyone else watching the show? There's no episode threads.

I am (waves sleepily)! Is it just me or do Hulu shows just sort of not go that well with forums? As much as I like this show, Hulu has so little to offer in original programming that I tend to forget until Tues late night or Wed that Casual and DP were even available. Binge watching foreign stuff is my jam these days, and it may be affecting what little tolerance I had for weekly fare, but there's just something about the way it's all done that gives me light amnesia a little while after watching. Who knows?! But it sort of feels like if they were all available at once, there would be a huddle to discuss the season. Or maybe it's being discussed elsewhere? I'm always surprised at the forums that are missing for shows that seem to demand discussion though. 

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4 hours ago, ganesh said:

I love the bitchy new server at the restaurant. 

I honestly love the whole mix this year of people at the restaurant. The trans person who hates everyone. The gay guy who used to be straight (?!) and the former porn star owner/manager/spouse. It's a great mix of what I'm confident is terrible service. 

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The whole Showtime audition plot was kind of sitcommy, but the accent was hilarious.

This was a good one but it definitely felt like a mashup of a few other shows/episodes. The whole Showtime story reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer's shoes and dental work win him a seat at the table with Mel Torme as a mentally handicapped guest of honor at some important charity dinner, and a little of a plot from Extras too. The whole concept of the reversed American-to-Aussie accent was freaking brilliant. Billy's search for his subtype was like watching another version of Happy Endings' "Ordinary, Extraordinary Love" but I still enjoyed it. I loved the see-saw, the 'Martin Sheen is cranky because he's forced to play a gay guy' line, and Billy's Gilmore Girls' shoutout. It was nice that Arthur was more than pure sidekick this time, getting mad, angry-sleep-cooking... or maybe he just got to be disagreeable? Regardless, I like it. I've come to the conclusion that Abby Elliott really irritates me, but the baby doll dress line was perfection, and that Julie's first outfit for the dinner was a baby doll dress too.

Edited by meisje
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They're selfish and negative and ruthless and ambitious and dripping in cynicism.

No, actually we're not.  Although people who move here from somewhere else and are trying to make it as actors/writers/musicians/ artists etc likely are, as they are everywhere else in the world.  Not a slam against artists but an observation - the brutally competitive market they're all in pretty much guarantees it.

What show could be more New York than The Honeymooners?  Often selfish, sometimes negative and cynical, but NEVER ruthless or even that seriously/coldly ambitious.  And what characters are more beloved than the Kramdens and the Nortons? Other than those other heavily syndicated New Yorkers Oscar and Felix of course.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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Andrea Martin is the star of everything!!

I'm not from New York and I love this show. But I'm happy to watch a show even if I don't understand all the references, and sometimes I take the time to look them up.

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12 hours ago, Pjxf99 said:

I adored the PBS/NPR basketball game.

This has to be based on a real game that someone witnessed.

My favorite exchange:

Julie's Mom: I love you, Julie.
Julie: Really?
Julie's Moms: Sort of . . . 

Also, my parents made me watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 and I had no idea that the crazy Greek aunt is the same actress as Julie's mom. She's also been in a ton of other stuff but for some reason I had no idea they were the same person. I think it's the accent that tripped me up. 

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5 hours ago, ganesh said:

#Cats had a lot of good zingers. For the Sasha Grey/Entourage crack alone it was worth it. And Method Man cracks me up. 

The montage of them pitching was hilarious. 

I laughed hard at the Entourage crack only because I consider a never-ending source of hilarity, but I'm not familiar with Sasha Grey or what the joke was specific to. After taking a look today, I found this gem, which I thought was possibly a joke, but the HBO emblem is there throughout, so I'm assuming it's the real deal. The last 30 seconds of the piece is worth the watch, wtf is she talking about?!

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Sasha Grey played herself for a few episodes in Entourage as Vinny's gf, but of course he couldn't handle it because he's a child. It was a trite and predictable plot. I actually think she's a good actor. So the joke was that she was a famous porn star, but doing Entourage was a huge step down and degrading. 

I wish they didn't blow it with Method Man. I would have loved if he was recurring. 

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Sasha Grey played herself for a few episodes in Entourage as Vinny's gf, but of course he couldn't handle it because he's a child. It was a trite and predictable plot. I actually think she's a good actor. So the joke was that she was a famous porn star, but doing Entourage was a huge step down and degrading. 

That was my takeaway without the details, haha, suck it HBO! Her affect seemed pretty flat in the scenes they show in the HBO promo video, but it was the 'dreaming of a world where a man who's been violent with women can bounce back and have a full career' that left me speechless. Was she one of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses" I wonder?

Ahhh, Joel McHale, that tall drink of well-toned (cannibal) water - it was good to see him again.

I forgot that this episode blew my mind just by mentioning Bonnie Hunt! I wish she would make an appearance. Loved the digs by Lola at Billy needing a better-fitting blouse and wishing Matthew had been on flight 93. Loved the sick burns they laid on AHS & Ryan Murphy too... priceless!

Edited by meisje
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On June 1, 2016 at 8:32 AM, Big Mother said:

And how are they eating if they're supposed to be fasting? 

I thought they made it pretty clear. Neither Julie nor her mother can be bothered to fast, as the mother explained, because it's too inconvenient. They're not the least bit observant, unlike their guest.

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The gang up on Marcy the CPR instructor was beautiful. I was laughing so hard. I don't know what's wrong with me. There was a line like "We don't agree on ANYTHING but we all agree - fuck you!" and then the tiny twink's exasperated "PUSH!" as she was trying to pull the door. Oh Marcy. (The full transcript is beautiful: http://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?f=393&t=28409)

And now I feel like I need to watch Cedar Cove. 

Edited by EdnasEdibles
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