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S11.E15: New Blood, Old Wounds

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Sig saying cock blocking made me laugh. I loved it. And Sig and his messed up hair made me giggle. I agree with Sig, he does have to find his own way. Wild Bill sometimes people get hurt and this guy has seen it all but come on how can anyone work with a hand like that. If it had been one of the seasoned guys he wouldn't have been so douchey. Sorry Bill shit happens, your greenhorn has been taking antibiotics and hello it looks worse than last episode. Why would someone go back out after having his kneecap dislocate once before on someone else's boat. Wtf? Guess you should have kept the girl. Sure she didn't work fast enough but at least she didn't dislocate her knee

  • Love 3

Sig looked like the devil tonight, and rightly so because that's who Jake made a deal with.  


As for Jake, I'm sorry, but grow a pair already.   I cringed, literally cringed, when he picked up the radio and begged Sig to help him AGAIN after being dressed down so severely.    Sig was right to go silent.   If he cares about Jake -- and I think Sig does -- he needs to let him sink or swim on his own. 


The revolving door of greenhorns is furnishing some comic relief.  Rigel was out there for what?  Three minutes?   I suspect Discovery casting is hiring the greenhorns knowing full well that these characters are ticking time bombs.

  • Love 4

The Bait was kind of tense, wasn't it?  Between Edgar calling the Saga a death trap. and Keith blasting Bill on sleeping (looked like Johnathan agreed with him but kept his mouth shut), and Jake throwing his "other" captain under the bus.  


Every time I feel bad about hurting Bill's feelings, the show gives me some scenes that make that feeling go away.

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This episode was an interesting contrast in how to deal with injuries and people in general.  Let's compare them:


Keith, who can be a major arsehole, had a crew member who withheld information from him that directly led to the crew member's injury and incapacitation and left the crew short handed.  Keith had good reason to be unhappy with the greenhorn.  It's insane to be going out on a fishing boat in rough weather with an artificial knee that's malfunctioned in the past that required surgery to fix.  While angry, Keith controlled himself and actually talked with the guy about what needed to be done related to the injury, trying to balance the guy's well being with the need to operate the ship.


Wild Bill had a crew member who was doing his job, communicating freely about his condition, and who became incapacitated and left the crew short handed for a while.  Bill essentially told the guy to suck it up, that they all should be able to work with something like that, and the crewman's well being was of zero concern.  Then, in port when the nurse or doctor (not sure which she was) said that the crewman had to go to the clinic, Bill bitched that that means he'll probably be sent to Anchorage which would inconvenience Bill.  Bill suffered more visibly through all this more than the guy with the massive infection.  No thought for the injured guy, except to basically doubt his manhood and personal strength.


Bill, you once again look deranged and without any humanity to you.


Keith also handled his talk with the female deckhand well.  I have to say, though, that I enjoyed the fact that he asked her to leave because of subpar performance and immediately found a man for the position who was much, much worse.  In every way.  That guy should never work on a boat in the open ocean.  Near shore or in bays, probably ok, but he shouldn't risk his knee and mobility again.

  • Love 7

It was a nurse practitioner who came out to the boat.  


I thought Bill & Keith's little dust up was interesting.  They were both right.  Sure, the boat took that wave because Bill was sleeping, but he's also right that if the guys were on the deck, it wouldn't have happened because he wouldn't have been sleeping.  They were kinda arguing different points.



Except everybody on board is just as dead if they're in the galley when the boat sinks as on deck.  The weather was foul, and he fell asleep at the wheel.  And then passed the blame.  


When he dozed off, nobody was out there, but he expected them to head out soon.  Do they traditionally ring a gong or something when they go out, or do they just trickle out and look expectantly up at the wheelhouse waiting for clearance to set or wait to pull up on the bag to haul?  If clearance didn't come, no doubt somebody would call up there to see what was going on.



How Bill would "magically" know that they had gone out on deck so that he would wake up and stand up and watch for waves escapes me.  And Keith wasn't having it either.  

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Sorry, Amy.  You were fired.  You simply could not do the job.  You said so yourself.  Yes, you displayed genuine character.  If only everyone would accept their limitations with the excellent good grace you did.  It appears you gave it pretty much all you had.  Good on you!  But, facts are facts.  You were fired.


Bill's handling of the injury was affirmed as reasonable by the NP.  There was no real issue of greater damage in the window of time involved.  It was, and remained, a matter of pain tolerance by the victim.  Also, the dude always had the right to quit.  Always.  Of course, that would mean he would have to pay his own way home, eh?


The whole Jake arc may be the very best example of trying to shield us from Disco monkeying.  Jake was not the captain.  Period.  It was not his decision.  I believe Sig was well aware of this but played along.  If Jake had truly betrayed him all by his lonesome, I am pretty sure Sig would have absolutely lost it with him on the radio.  They would not be buddy/buddy today.  YMMV.


I noticed zero ice again.  The fleet has caught a real break the last couple of years.

  • Love 2

Kassa - I agree - Just when I also start to like Wild Bill he shows what an asshole he can be. More concerned about not having the kid than the poor kids welfare.  The NP was genuinely concerned when she saw the gh's hand and if I remember right, implied he should have been taken in sooner.  And, I think Keith was right. Boy was Wild Bill pissed and not liking being told he could have put his crew in danger when he fell asleep. Glad Zach was having no part of it saying he was in the galley waiting for Wild Bill to tell them the break was over to back to work. Wild Bill does not like being told he made a mistake.


I liked Amy and thought she did a good job. Keith was good with her when he told her he had to let her go. However, after the fiasco with new the gh I bet he wished Amy was still on board.

The Jake/Sig stuff seems so scripted for tv by disco. Both Sig and Jake seemed to get along fine on "The Bait" with no hard feelings. Those little clips of "After The Catch" made me realize how much I miss it and how much better it was than "The Bait".


Josh's voice has gotten so deep and sounded horse. His rant made no sense and obviously disco did not want to show it all to make Josh look bad.

Edited by NEGirl
  • Love 3

Yeah, if Jake was really 'the captain', what the 'relief' captain had to say would have no stand.


Bill, you fell asleep.  Own it.  You screwed up.  Stop with the 'if they were on deck' and why they went to bed.  I loved that Zack kept saying that he was in the galley - aka don't blame this on me. 


Let's zoom in as close as we can to see the ooze coming out of that infection.  Ugh....  I love seeing knee caps off to the side too.....


I miss 'After The Catch'.  But I have to say 'The Bait' is better this year than it's been in pass seasons  (but not as good as ATC).  I kinda enjoy it more than the actual show.

  • Love 5
Bill's handling of the injury was affirmed as reasonable by the NP.  There was no real issue of greater damage in the window of time involved.  It was, and remained, a matter of pain tolerance by the victim.



My interpretation was that she was merely being diplomatic, but was actually saying "This is bad enough that not only does he have to go to the clinic, but the clinic AT A MINIMUM is probably going to call a specialist in Anchorage."


This may be colored by the fact that my sister is on her fourth month of antibiotics (2 of them intravenous) for cellulitis that did not look as bad as that kid's hand.  5 weeks in the hospital, total, and still not out of the woods in terms of it coming back.  


If that kid's infection entered his blood stream he could be dead in a day or two.   Yeah, it probably isn't going to happen... but if it does, he might be toast, because even once he got there, they'd need a couple of days to identify the precise organism to target the antibiotics.  


Bill said flat out that he had the NP come because any time you send somebody to the clinic they send them back home.  So his intention going in was to circumvent whatever the medical situation required in favor of the outcome he wanted.

  • Love 9

Kassa - I agree with you. I think the NP was just being polite and was really alarmed when she saw the gh's hand. His hand had gotten worse while taking the antibiotics, not better. Bill was just being a douche and not thinking about the kids health or welfare.

I have a friend who had an infection from a leg wound that went to the blood stream and she almost died. It can happen very quickly and is extremely hard to treat. She thankfully recovered but it was weeks in the hospital on IV antibiotics.


*I am so sorry to hear about your sister. I hope that she is feeling better soon and has a complete recovery.

  • Love 4

Auntl - I think it all boils down to money. When they did "After The Catch" they traveled to a different location for each show. Disco had to have spent a lot of money flying everyone around. However, they could just stay at a local Seattle Bar and still do "After The Catch" and save money. It would certainly be much better than "The Bait".

  • Love 3

Auntl - I think it all boils down to money. When they did "After The Catch" they traveled to a different location for each show. Disco had to have spent a lot of money flying everyone around. However, they could just stay at a local Seattle Bar and still do "After The Catch" and save money. It would certainly be much better than "The Bait".


They also had to pay Mike Rowe for his facetime, rather than just his voiceovers.

  • Love 2

That kid's hand was disgusting. I don't care how many injuries Bill has seen over the years, that should have been alarming especially when it just kept getting worse.

I am a cynic, but I think Amy was a PR stunt. They found a nice good-looking blond woman with fishing experience, brought her on the show, and then had her admit that only big brawny men can do this job. Now whenever someone complains that there are no fisherwomen on this show, they can say "We tried! She couldn't do it!" Even though Amy appeared to hang in there better than a lot of the greenhorn men we've seen over the years.

I've looked for After the Bait online but can't find it. Anyone know if it's available anywhere other than cable TV?

  • Love 2

Ah, a Josh-free episode.  Thank goodness although I watched The Bait after the show (recorded both) and he seemed like the same douchebag playing like a captain on there.  I didn't understand all the atta-boys from the others but I noticed Sig pointed out his crew just does the work  without him feeling the need to monitor smoke breaks/coffee breaks etc.  Heh. 


The Bait was kind of tense, wasn't it?  Between Edgar calling the Saga a death trap. and Keith blasting Bill on sleeping (looked like Johnathan agreed with him but kept his mouth shut), and Jake throwing his "other" captain under the bus.


I didn't think Jake threw the other captain under the bus.   He said it was his own mistake to listen to that guy when he [Jake] knew better and took responsibility for not trusting himself and yielding to the other guy.  



Keith also handled his talk with the female deckhand well.  I have to say, though, that I enjoyed the fact that he asked her to leave because of subpar performance and immediately found a man for the position who was much, much worse.  In every way.  That guy should never work on a boat in the open ocean.  Near shore or in bays, probably ok, but he shouldn't risk his knee and mobility again.

I loved that!  A girl working at 75% [Keith's words] would have been far better than the guy Keith hired. He said he didn't have time to vet him but the only reason he didn't have time is because he decided any guy would be better than Amy.   I wanted to hear Keith admit it, but I guess that's asking too much. 


Auntl - I think it all boils down to money. When they did "After The Catch" they traveled to a different location for each show. Disco had to have spent a lot of money flying everyone around. However, they could just stay at a local Seattle Bar and still do "After The Catch" and save money. It would certainly be much better than "The Bait".

I agree.  Of course the production value was much higher too but it was a much much better show than The Bait - which I often just FF through.  Those ATC clips just made me realize what a big difference there is between the two. 


ETA: Turtle - I've looked for The Bait before and couldn't find it anywhere - online or OnDemand.  Sometimes they rerun it but not often.

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 1

Let's face it.  A huge reason why After The Catch was such a good show was because of Mike Rowe.  I think Mike bowed out of ATC after Dirty Jobs was cancelled.  I would love to see him come back but I doubt that will happen unless they offer him a nice contract.  Too bad.


But like I stated earlier, The Bait this year is much better than it has been the last few seasons it's been on.  Anyone notice that Sig is 'supposed' to be the pseudo host but Keith jumps in (yeah, Keith always jumps in even in ATC) but he's a much better interviewer than Sig.  And I don't even like Keith all that much (but he has gotten better the last few seasons on TDC).

  • Love 4

Ah, a Josh-free episode.  Thank goodness although I watched The Bait after the show (recorded both) and he seemed like the same douchebag playing like a captain on there.  I didn't understand all the atta-boys from the others but I noticed Sig pointed out his crew just does the work  without him feeling the need to monitor smoke breaks/coffee breaks etc.  Heh. 



Sig's awesome.  He's been trying to walk that fine line, showing his respect for for Phil but also pointing out the truth when it comes to Phil's sons.   I do love the Hansen family and the Northwestern.  While they occasionally get tired and bitchy during a trip, they're grownups, they're running a family business, and actually have a dedication to fishing/crabbing.

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I thought Keith handled letting Amy go very well. They all recognized she was doing her best and was certainly not the worst greenhorn they've ever had. She was just starting to lag behind and couldn't keep up with the pace. She knew she wasn't up to par. They parted on good terms.

Then Keith got stuck with Rigel. Lol. At least he admitted that they definitely downgraded.

And of course, Jake tries to crawl back to Sig.

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