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A Case Of The Mondays: Vent Your Work Spleen Here

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I recently started a new job. I've worked in this field for many years, but I still have to learn new employer's way of doing things.  The first week my boss kept asking, "do you have any questions? Do you have any questions?"  At the time I didn't because I wasn't really doing anything. Now that I'm starting to do things I have questions and she gets very condescending in her responses.  I told her the other day I want to make sure I do this the right way and she just tells me, "I trust you."  They already fired one employee (who had been there about four months) since I've worked there "because he made too many mistakes."  I'm already on my countdown wondering when I will be fired.  The boss is someone I knew before and she seemed like a good person, but working for her is a totally different experience 

Edited by Lisa418722
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So some good news came this week. I have a phone interview on Monday and then a virtual meeting with a recruiter not this coming week, but the week after. Hopefully something breaks my way soon! 

I also have a professional development meeting on Monday but the management I’m meeting with made it clear that this doesn’t guarantee I’ll get one of the jobs available. (There are three roles open right now but like I mentioned in another post, the department is in a hiring freeze.) So I will go to the meeting and be open to their feedback but I’m not stopping my job search either. (Which obviously they don’t know about/will not know about.) 

  • Love 4

My boyfriend got a whole 51¢-per-hour raise today in his annual review. It's less than 3%. He's been a commercial delivery driver with his company for just under four years. He has an exemplary record and has been awarded internally. Meanwhile, the company had been giving new hires sign-on bonuses for a while during the "height of the pandemic." Only one of those drivers remains with the company.

He has a very strong lead on a similar job at a competitor for hopefully $2+ more an hour. It has a shorter commute and a shorter day/lighter route. He meets with them Thursday.

  • Love 10


1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

My boyfriend got a whole 51¢-per-hour raise today in his annual review. It's less than 3%.

We got a 2% merit raise last month.  Whoopee?

Then I heard about this.  Wish I could do that!  I'd give myself much more money.

Meanwhile we had some good news - one of our morning anchors announced her pregnancy this morning and managed to keep it a secret from all but 2 people!  I was one of the first to hear the news before the announcement since we had to edit the announcement video which was filmed last week.  Then we got to edit all the reaction videos to the news.  Baby's due in September.  

Edited by magicdog
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I was all set to post this in Chit-Chat, but it really is work related, but not a venting my spleen, so there's that.

I returned to the office this week and it feels GREAT. I know, based on the comments I've read here, that I'm in the minority. My firm has done a very good job of making sure that everything is sanitized and that we're protected (they've put up the plexiglass in front of and on the side of my cubicle, as well as installing hand sanitizers at strategic points) so we can feel safe and comfortable.

Anyhoo. It feels really good to be back in the office. And weird. It's like we've been in a two year time warp. Almost literally two years to the day that I returned.

I had a goodie bag with nice office swag waiting for me on Monday. 

We had a hot breakfast event yesterday. My group had its first in-office lunch meeting and a Happy Hour at Fogo de Chao.  The firm is holding its Happy Hour/St. Patrick's Day celebration tomorrow night in our large "ballroom" where we had Holiday parties pre-pandemic. Plenty of room to maintain the distance.

Not everyone has returned. A lot of staff and attorneys have moved, but still remained with the firm.

I'm loving the EXTRA workspace I've come back to here.  And the stairs! I can get in my unofficial workout by taking those stairs instead of the elevators.  And sappy me is happy to hear the sounds of the office and sounds of other people talking. I just needed to make that separation between work and home space.

But I'll be starting my hybrid schedule next week, coming in three days and working remotely two days, so I can deal with my liver situation.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 8

Good luck to your boyfriend, @bilgistic!

We got a 4% raise this year, which doesn't even cover cost of living increases at all, and it was the extra push I needed to start applying for new jobs again. I hate being in the office 24/7, gas prices are ridiculous, I'm working even longer days now since I lose time in my commute that I would normally be working if I was at home, and the workload just keeps increasing with no approvals to hire additional staff. I love my boss and my team, but I can't keep up this lack of work/life balance with no measurable salary increases. 

  • Love 4
19 hours ago, bilgistic said:

My boyfriend got a whole 51¢-per-hour raise today in his annual review.

Ah yes, and the person that gives the review sits back in their chair and beams at you like they're Santa Claus.   To yourself you think,"Great!  Now I can buy an extra burrito when I go to Taco Bell."

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

I work for the government.  We're lucky to get any raise at all.  Ever.

As far as cost of living “raises”, yup.

As far as salary increases, it would depend on grade and step. Remaining in grade, but moving up a step gets a small increase. Going up a grade gets more. A lateral change doesn’t earn a salary increase.  I think the location pay is at about 17% - 18% by now.

3 hours ago, Angeltoes said:

Ah yes, and the person that gives the review sits back in their chair and beams at you like they're Santa Claus.   To yourself you think,"Great!  Now I can buy an extra burrito when I go to Taco Bell."

This reminds me of an actual conversation I had with a manager when I was still living in Germany, very early in my career. I got a "merit" raise that amounted to about 1.7% percent pre-tax. My manager was this no-nonsense, East German guy, and when he saw my less than enthusiastic expression, he shrugged and said "now you can buy one more hot meal each month." I appreciated in that moment that he didn't pretend like it was a generous gift from our corporate overlords.

Edited by chocolatine
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22 hours ago, magicdog said:

Meanwhile we had some good news - one of our morning anchors announced her pregnancy this morning and managed to keep it a secret from all but 2 people!  I was one of the first to hear the news before the announcement since we had to edit the announcement video which was filmed last week.  Then we got to edit all the reaction videos to the news.  Baby's due in September.  

I'm sorry; what?

Granted, I'm a child-hating shrew, but a pregnancy announcement video WITH REACTIONS is just too much.

Did y'all have to re-enact the reactions if you didn't look giddy enough in the first take?

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@GHScorpiosRule Glad your return went well! My company isn’t really doing anything of the sort except having the office open for people who want to work there, and I’m in the same minority that you’re in in that I do like some in-person contact with my coworkers. I’m envious!

Job search update for me: I had my phone screen on Monday and it seemed to be going well for the first 15 minutes, but after I talked a little about my current experience and team structure, the HR rep said she didn’t think I would be a good fit because they wanted someone who had experience with instructional design plus graphics and video editing. (It’s not unusual for ID jobs to also want people who know video editing and graphics and animation programs, have project management skills, etc.) So they didn’t have time to train me.

It really seems like the experience thing is what gets me more often than not. And on top of that I got three other rejections this week. 

I have an interview this coming week for a writing and editing job with an education company so I’m hoping that goes better. I’m also going to take some time to catch up on webinars for skill building and add a few more things to my portfolio now that my class is done for the quarter and I have three weeks until the next one. It’s just such a long, hard process. 

My boss and a couple other managers had a professional development meeting with me this week and we talked about me helping with some things, but I still have yet to receive a recording of a workshop I was promised, even after a follow-up. Just a reason to keep looking elsewhere, as there’s no guarantee of promotion anyway. 


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15 hours ago, bilgistic said:

a pregnancy announcement video WITH REACTIONS is just too much.

Did y'all have to re-enact the reactions if you didn't look giddy enough in the first take?

No.  We had multiple cameras recording the one special moment and replayed it in subsequent hours of the show.  One of the anchors had stepped out during the announcement (not knowing anything) and she was told during the commercial break so her reaction was also filmed and replayed.  Then one of the AM producers (also in the dark) was filmed with someone's phone in the booth during the original announcement and we played that too.

Now the pregnant anchor blames everything on the baby!  During a St. Patty's Day food segment, she said the baby was hungry!  Gonna hear a lot of that through September!  Then again my sister did it too during her pregnancy.  

12 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Be careful with this. It can result in ongoing extra work you slowly absorb without being compensated for it.

I’ll keep this in mind.

As it stands I still have not received the recording and extra meetings I was promised. The manager who said she would send me the recording says she’s busy. I get it but I don’t think it would take her hours and hours to find and send a link. 

(I’d look for it myself but it was a recording of a Microsoft Teams meeting I wasn’t invited to, so I have no way of getting it on my own unless this other woman follows through.)

I’m just drained from this process of job hunting and trying to improve myself. One of my friends said she’s proud of me for putting in the work but I wish I had something to show for it besides managers who don’t care and a bunch of job rejections. 

Just saw Bitcheroo today - she really let herself slide lately!  Her hair is all gray (she's a bit younger than me) and really looks more like a hag!  


Maybe my mother's curse worked from beyond the grave!!

Meanwhile, for some inexplicable reason, my supervisor decided my partner and I need to keep our edit bay doors open.  We explained it wouldn't do us any good and could potentially disturb our focus on the job at hand and it's not like we can hear much outside them anyway.

The conversation went something like this:

Supervisor"Yeah.  Hey.  We want to know what would be the best way to improve your editing abilities during the show?"

Me and Partner: "Very simple.  All we need is the producers to fill out the stories on time, put all important info in the script like the source of the video and time codes if applicable and if they are planning to change the story in any way to change the video ID number.  If they're not changing the script for said story, have them copy the number over so we don't have to reinvent the wheel".

Supervisor"Yeah.  We [me and the News Director] want you to keep your edit bay doors open at all times.  In case there's breaking news and you can hear the assignment editor at the newsdesk when she yells it out.  Oh,  if you need video, just step outside your edit bay and yell it out across the newsroom."

Me & Partner"  "No, that's not what we...."

Supervisor "Good!  It's all settled!"

Me & Partner: "We can't hear much of anything over the din of the newsroom as we are in a separate wing of the building and even with the door open, we won't hear it.  Plus shouting in the newsroom could disturb others"

Supervisor"I can have these doors removed. "

So now we have a door opened for no legit reason and still cannot hear anything that can improve our editing.

I'm making a sh*t list and checking it twice!

Edited by magicdog

"Let's improve the workplace by yelling at each other!"

Fucking middle managers, I swear.

Speaking of shitty managers, I asked my manager what the computer replacement policy is because my laptop is almost six years old.

She said, "We've just been through a replacement period. All/most of the directors received new laptops and all/most of the contractors received the used director laptops that were still OK per IT."

Me: "I got mine as a hand-me-down over a year ago when it was almost five years old. It gets "bogged down" a lot and the fan runs and runs. I've run repairs numerous times on Office and Acrobat because they crash/run sluggishly. Acrobat refuses to run consistently. I try not to run too many programs at once because it just can't handle it."

Her: 🦗🦗🦗


Edited by bilgistic
33 minutes ago, bilgistic said:


Speaking of shitty managers, I asked my manager what the computer replacement policy is because my laptop is almost six years old.

She said, "We've just been through a replacement period. All/most of the directors received new laptops and all/most of the contractors received the used director laptops that were still OK per IT."

Me: "I got mine as a hand-me-down over a year ago when it was almost five years old. It gets "bogged down" a lot and the fan runs and runs. I've run repairs numerous times on Office and Acrobat because they crash/run sluggishly. Acrobat refuses to run consistently. I try not to run too many programs at once because it just can't handle it."

Her: 🦗🦗🦗


I'm not sure how large the company you work for is, but where I work, IT would evaluate your computer and they'd be the ones to decide if you need a new computer.

Had a meeting with our new CEO today. One of the first things she says: “I will call on you if I have to!” (Meaning if no one answers her questions.) Nice. That’s how you treat professional adults. The question she asked was “what gets you out of bed in the morning?” Also used the words “batshit” and “pissed off.” Where did we get this person from? This was the best candidate available? 

The meeting was with my department and she actually said to one of my coworkers, “(Colleague) I’m going to call on you; you’re giving me that look!” 

I can’t wait to get out of this place. 

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

Had a meeting with our new CEO today. One of the first things she says: “I will call on you if I have to!” (Meaning if no one answers her questions.) Nice. That’s how you treat professional adults. The question she asked was “what gets you out of bed in the morning?” Also used the words “batshit” and “pissed off.” Where did we get this person from? This was the best candidate available? 

I'm used to seeing this kind of behavior from higher-ups at tech companies - dropping f-bombs left and right - though it's usually men who act that way. And I bet "what gets you up in the morning" came from a book on management that she's read.

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19 hours ago, partofme said:

I'm not sure how large the company you work for is, but where I work, IT would evaluate your computer and they'd be the ones to decide if you need a new computer.

It's small. Only the managers and executives are employed by the company, so maybe 20 people. Everyone else (another 20ish), including me, is employed by agencies, so there are no HR (so no one can complain) or IT people. "IT" is contracted out and all done remotely. How they knew used laptops were "still OK" without touching them is a mystery.

The new guy (two weeks in) has a newer computer than I do.

12 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Had an embarrassing autocorrect fail today. Sent an email to one of our tech recruiters saying that "there won't be any publications or pants in this role." Thankfully an in-house recruiter and not an external one.

That could attract an interesting group of applicants! 

  • LOL 4

Well, the nitpicking continues.

Remember my previous post about forcing us to keep our edit bay doors open?  Now they're pushing it further.  I and my partner received an email (strangely, no other editors on other shifts were included in it) stating that our doors weren't open wide enough (they never stated how wide the door had to be open, I left it open about 6 inches).  Now they want us to have it opened halfway.

I'm seriously tempted to send a polite email about this including the following:

1) You never stated how much the door had to be open.  It was open.

2) Whether it's 6 inches or 6 feet, the result is the same (see #3)

3) The open door has done nothing but serve as a distraction in my editing.  Producers are microwaving food all night long (it's directly behind the bays) and it's pretty much all I can hear.  I still have yet to hear anything useful from the producers or the news desk.

4) The least you could have done was allow us a trial period to see if this would work and allow us to give you our opinion on what works and what doesn't.  It  clearly does not.   

I'm starting to burn just a little more.  I know it's probably what they want but I'm really getting tired of the pettiness.  I'm worried if I say anything they'll pull something else out of their posteriors.

Edited by magicdog
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Today, at the end of an interview for a role of which I'm the hiring manager, the candidate told me that I "did a great job." Um, thank you?

On 3/22/2022 at 11:17 AM, magicdog said:

Remember my previous post about forcing us to keep our edit bay doors open?  Now they're pushing it further.  I and my partner received an email (strangely, no other editors on other shifts were included in it) stating that our doors weren't open wide enough (they never stated how wide the door had to be open, I left it open about 6 inches).  Now they want us to have it opened halfway.

It sounds like someone has way too much time on their hands and nothing better to do than eyeball-measuring the openings of doors. Did they ever explain why they want the doors to stay open?

1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

Did they ever explain why they want the doors to stay open?

My supervisor and the news director are under the belief that my edit partner and I need to be able to hear breaking news being shouted from across the news room.  This started when they asked us how can we do our jobs better.  We told them all we needed was for the producers to put relevant information in scripts and when necessary, just instant message us or call us (all the bays have phones) if there's something that's breaking.  They insisted keeping our edit bay door open was what we needed.  It isn't.  I received an email from the news director threatening to remove the edit bay doors if we didn't comply.

13 minutes ago, magicdog said:

My supervisor and the news director are under the belief that my edit partner and I need to be able to hear breaking news being shouted from across the news room.  This started when they asked us how can we do our jobs better.  We told them all we needed was for the producers to put relevant information in scripts and when necessary, just instant message us or call us (all the bays have phones) if there's something that's breaking.  They insisted keeping our edit bay door open was what we needed.  It isn't.  I received an email from the news director threatening to remove the edit bay doors if we didn't comply.

That's terrible leadership. Are there any other TV stations in your area where you could find a job with the same pay and responsibilities? It doesn't sound like any amount of common sense will help you in this situation, unfortunately.

Just now, chocolatine said:

That's terrible leadership. Are there any other TV stations in your area where you could find a job with the same pay and responsibilities? It doesn't sound like any amount of common sense will help you in this situation, unfortunately

I know.  Threats are the hallmark of poor bosses, not good ones.  I've been trying to find employment elsewhere for years but nothing panned out.  There are other stations but I'm eligible to retire in less than 2 years and I'm planning to start my own business by then.  I'm hanging on to pay the light bill and keep my 401K padded.   

Personally, I think they're pushing me to quit, but they're not going to get the satisfaction.    

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I had a meeting with a recruiter yesterday for a marketing role. I think it went well and I’m feeling hopeful that I’ll make it to the next round. The next steps involve three additional interview rounds plus a skills test, and I’ve never had interviews go that long before, so we’ll see how far I can get! (My current job was two interviews—one in-person since it was pre-pandemic and one phone interview—and a skills test.) The recruiter and I are on the same page as far as salary at least. 

I also made a new copy of my master resume (the resume I make a copy of before customizing it for a job) and am hoping that helps get some more calls in case I fizzle out of this longer process. I also need to do more skills development but I can’t go on much longer making less than $40K a year (what Current Job pays; Potential Job pays more) with how expensive everything is getting. 

  • Love 1

Well, I would love to just quit right now. I have had issues with my laptop since late January. I notified my totally inept manager (she came into this company as a friend of another manager, just as an associate and I had asked so she’s going to be our manager? Oh nooo. Fast forward 2 years and yeah she is. Zero knowledge, piss poor work ethic, excellent ass kisser). Lazy ass kept saying are you sure not your internet? I had upgraded recently to 4G. Everything else connected works fine. On President’s Day took me until 1pm to get into system. Most took the day off, but stuntmen wanted to catch up. I do all of the difficult processes; one on the team will try to figure stuff out, but the others, including Lazy Ass, just throw it over the wall to another team, even though it could be resolved within our team. 
So about 3 weeks ago, finally our desktop guy, who never seems busy, said oh come into the office. He reconfigured it. Worked great the rest of the day, then bac to spotty and shitty response or no response. One day I rebooted and shutdown no less than 10 times. I googled and ran whatever diagnostic scans I could. I fixed one background process. I put in a support ticket because a window update that was mandatory would not complete. Yesterday another guy remoted into my laptop. He said not internet. It’s got to be the laptop. He could find no record of this specific laptop at the manufacturer. I said well they don’t want it either. Then he said well new laptop is what you need. Lazy Ass had told me one was on order at least as of last week, and said so during calls with other people. 
I sent recap of what the guy told me yesterday. What do I get today? Yeah a copy of the order for a new laptop, with today’s date. Lazy Ass caught in a boldface lie. Debating if I call her out on it. Other areas are catching on that she’s in over her head; during a call to remediate a user’s access with another team, she said well I have to drop, need to go get a red bull. The reps and their manager were shocked, and she didn’t return for over an hour. Same stuff where she on the hot seat at her former employer.

Unfortunately, I have still about one full year until I am eligible for Medicare. I would pull Social Security even a tad early if I could get Medicare. Insurance even through the exchange is just too expensive.

 And the due date for new laptop is April 15. Another month of this shit. I am almost like oh well, if I can’t get it to work, then the team and Lazy Ass will have to deal with it. 
I went and swept up my kitchen floor earlier today. Given that the Dip, who is just as clueless as ever, took a day off because her internet was out (everyone else opts to use phone hotspot for a little in that case, she had no clue what that was or “how to use it”), I will sit and do nothing or stuff around my house.

Time to play the lottery again. Oh we did get raises thus year; most got nothing last year, but old manager rated me the highest rating, as a final thank you, and I got a pittance. This year, not much better. I did not even read review from Lazy Ass, as it would piss me off. Betting she did everyone as average. Yet if there’s a problem or meeting where she knows nothing, yeah she calls me (and only me).

I think I will treat this as a mini vacation. Sorry can’t get into xxxx, someone else will need to handle it.  

  • Love 2
37 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

In reply:  "so then pants will be mandatory going forward?"

Technically that won't work since the bay doors are clear sliding glass doors.  But I love the suggestion!

2 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

Unfortunately, I have still about one full year until I am eligible for Medicare. I would pull Social Security even a tad early if I could get Medicare. Insurance even through the exchange is just too expensive.

Have you considered this?  I hear a a great alternative to insurance.  Some retirees use it as backup as do many self employed individuals.


2 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

Lazy Ass caught in a boldface lie. Debating if I call her out on it. Other areas are catching on that she’s in over her head;

Trouble is, if you have reasonable management they might let Lazy Ass go quietly - or perhaps put her someplace where she can't cause much damage.  If you have idiots like mine, then they'll blame you for everything and promote her.

Well I have managed to work on some stuff for anew client. Would have taken me half the time with adequate equipment, but it is done. Going to wait awhile before I send it off. I am going to say laptop is slow. Lazy Ass has had to cover for me; when someone asked if I could do abc because one person is out, I honestly said well depends on what it is, everything is running slow, may take me awhile. Lazy Ass said oh I can do it later. It’s not difficult stuff, but LA typically logs out by 2 pm. She’ll respond to emails via her phone. Like no one can tell that means she’s not working when it says IOS message. 
Anyhow I was cackling before because LA shot herself in the foot by not getting this laptop ordered for me a month ago. Now she has to stay online and work. Heh, heh.

8 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

[...] Then he said well new laptop is what you need. Lazy Ass had told me one was on order at least as of last week, and said so during calls with other people. 
I sent recap of what the guy told me yesterday. What do I get today? Yeah a copy of the order for a new laptop, with today’s date. Lazy Ass caught in a boldface lie. Debating if I call her out on it. Other areas are catching on that she’s in over her head; during a call to remediate a user’s access with another team, she said well I have to drop, need to go get a red bull. The reps and their manager were shocked, and she didn’t return for over an hour. Same stuff where she on the hot seat at her former employer.

I wouldn't call her out for such a small detail. She can always claim she put in the ticket for the replacement last week, and the order just went through today. Depending on the higher-ups' attitude, they may think of you as petty for calling that out. If there is something much more egregious she's doing on a regular basis, do report it to the higher-ups, but frame it as a "concern" rather than a complaint.

Well LA told me she put in a request 2 to 3 weeks ago, during a meeting, too. She does crap like that all the time, so I guess management thinks it’s ok. 
A windows upgrade, which had been running 0% completed) for over a week, dated around the time all of the major problems started, failed and stopped. Laptop is working more normally. Not saying a word. It still sort of froze momentarily in Excel.

The two desktop guys, said oh no, that update doesn’t impact a thing. Almost like you silly little woman. 

The thing that gets me, if Dip or anyone else had these problems, they would have had new equipment ASAP. Because I can work around or troubleshoot on my own, I am penal.

39 minutes ago, hoosier80 said:

The two desktop guys, said oh no, that update doesn’t impact a thing. Almost like you silly little woman. 

I'm as far from an expert as you could find, but not for nuttin', just about every crash I've ever experienced was following an update.  

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

just about every crash I've ever experienced was following an update.  

Our computers went through a "blowout" back in January to purge them of old stuff from Meredith (old owners) and to install whatever Gray (new owners) want to use.  They haven't run right since.  Just this morning, the archive system went down AGAIN!  

This morning, my supervisor (aka "Toolbox") told us we were likely going to switch out AVID (current editing system) for one called, Eddis.  He thinks it's still in the discussion stage and TPTB might decide to keep the AVID license so we'll have to wait and see.  Like I really wanted to start yet another training session for a system that takes twice as long as the old one!

FTR AVID is widely used in both editing for news video and for movies and TV.  We have a less high tech version compared to a movie studio, but same bones.

On 3/24/2022 at 1:00 PM, magicdog said:

Have you considered this?  I hear a a great alternative to insurance.  Some retirees use it as backup as do many self employed individuals.

Before joining any healthcare sharing ministry, research the ever loving tar out of them.  Any payments ("sharing") for healthcare they reimburse you for are 100% voluntary and never contractually required.  The plans have pre-existing condition exclusions.  They have lifestyle requirements.  Mental health care is not eligible for sharing.  They're not subject to government regulation.  John Oliver devoted one of his shows to them, and set up one of his own.

I found an interesting provision in the "sharing guidelines" for Liberty Healthshare, (the one linked to).  They've changed it to "medically necessary" now, but a few years ago, they said a hysterectomy is eligible for sharing only if the woman receives a second opinion "from a physician approved by Liberty HealthShare."  Hello.

Their current sharing guidelines exclude hormone replacement therapy except in children.

The guidelines also state that members must "exercise regularly and eat healthy foods that do not harm the body."  Whatever that means, but it doesn't really matter what it means because this isn't a contract--everything is voluntary, except members' monthly "contributions."  Another healthshare ministry requires, among other things, that members "attend worship regularly as health permits (Hebrews 10:25)."  Definition, please, so I can know what constitutes compliance.  Although, again, it doesn't really matter--they can do what they want.  There are levels of appeals, but they end at arbitration, not in court.

Anyway, there are plenty of people who are happy with their healthshare ministries.  And I do think that a lot of people's dissatisfaction stems from not understanding what it is they're buying and assuming it's insurance.  That's why anyone considering them should research research research, and understand on a molecular level what it is they're buying.

Edited by StatisticalOutlier
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I think I’m putting a moratorium on job search stuff, at least as far as talking about it at length goes. I had a phone screen today that, if I make it to the next round, it will be that round with the hiring managers and then there is a third round (if I make it to that) with “several team members.”

I also got rejected from a job today that I did want but it in a way, I did see a red flag or two when they said their process would have been four rounds plus a writing sample. Do I really want to work somewhere that needs that long to make a decision? I’m not sure. We put less effort into electing Congress. 

I’ve been eliminated from the first round in three of the last four interviews I had. The one job I did make the second round, I got rejected anyway.

I am so tired. And it seems like everyone else in my network is getting dream jobs. I was a 2008 grad and now I have the COVID/great resignation market to fight through where it seems like the interview process is getting longer and longer with no rhyme or reason to it all. Maybe I will need to resign myself to staying at my lousy dead end job. 

I’m just done.  

Edited by Cloud9Shopper

Nearly 100 resumes sent out, nearly a year of searching for something, anything so I can get out of this godforsaken state and move home, and nothing more than a few interviews with "they really liked you but they decided to go with another candidate".  Today I had a phone screening for a job I was so perfect for they had sent it to the hiring manager before we even spoke, but, despite the website saying they have remote options, they want someone in the office, which is 2 miles from where I currently live. Fuck that. This afternoon I received an unsolicited call with a recruiter who basically wanted me to do her job for her, by sending her anything I find so she can  get the referral fee for submitting me introduce me to the hiring manager, because they have direct lines to hiring managers. Pass.

I had to tell my therapist "I can't believe you haven't found something yet" is not helpful. The job market has a ton of "openings"* in the service industry but the corporate side is full of highly qualified, highly experienced individuals competing for positions at companies that are less shitty than their current ones.


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4 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

despite the website saying they have remote options, they want someone in the office, which is 2 miles from where I currently live. Fuck that.

Considering I have to drive 25 miles to and from my job (I can never seem to find a job close to home!), I'd have taken it!  2 miles isn't that bad a commute.

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