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S02.E07: You're Not The Man

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Boy....finally Ghost is thinking properly. I was wondering why Holly (who is supposedly 25? LOLZ) would change her story like that, but Ghost pulled a ookey doke on Angela. Lol.

Shawn is soo fucking dead. No pussy is worth your life son. Especially when she's not even going to be ride or die for you. Tasha wants to maintain a certain lifestyle and you're not able to provide that, so move the fuck on before Ghost catches your dumb ass.

Cant say I blame Tasha for being a little paranoid and doing a sweep of the house for bugs and/or blackmail material. If only Ghost was that proactive about his shit. I cant believe he would leave anything out in the open for Angela to put a trace on.

Edited by FuriousStyles
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lots of sex, you gotta love lots and lots of sex, tommy's threesome.  damn, that was hot, esp. when tommy kicked them to the curb while hugging holly's puppy.  poor tommy  


have missed having kanan on my screen these past two eps.  he's the brains behind taking ghost down, he needs to be seen.  


there was some thinking going on by everyone.  what a refreshing change.  

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So ummm, Holly is supposed to be 25 yrs old?


She's a walking billboard for easing up on all the smoking, drugging, and boozing at a young age without a good moisturizing routine.

Loved that the judge smacked Angela down about not knowing how to do her job properly. And right afterwards, she again goes to the person she's investigating and presents him with all the evidence she's collected. What competent lawyer does that?? And does she not know the words please and thank you?? She was really annoying me, more than usual, with the way she was just rudely demanding people to do things for her.

Tommy needs to ease up on the coke, he doesn't need a reason to be more paranoid.

Edited by luckyroll3
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So Holly is now taking directions from Ghost all of a sudden ?


I was just left wondering why Angela didn't just check his call history and see Holly/ Monica's number at the same time she was talking to him but I guess that would be requiring some form of competence. For instance why was she asking for how to clone a phone while Ghost is in the other room instead of prior to visiting him.




People used their brains a little this episode but everyone is still incoherent with motivations, Holly covering for Ghost, Tommy thinking that murdering a DA in public would go well, Tasha putting up with Ghost's whiny bullshit about her checking out the prenup, Santos being all cool with Ghost rifling through his desk, Greg covering for Angela still after spotting her going on a date with a potential suspect, Shawn being all moody about his dad being AWOL, Ghost being shocked that Kanan might talk to his son about stuff.


I liked the soundtrack this episode. I find the sex dull and repetitive and a desperate attempt to mask the lack of plot progression and decent character motivations.

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So ummm, Holly is supposed to be 25 yrs old?

Holly is the "rode hard and put up wet" version of 25 years old.


Why doesn't Ghost have either a) a burner phone just for business, or b) a password on his main phone? Makes you wonder how he got this far being so sloppy with the minor details.

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So Holly is now taking directions from Ghost all of a sudden ?

You made it seem like this made no sense. But, it makes perfect sense. Holly is trying to get gone. More money so she can disappear for good. Tommy made is clear he would kill her if he got his hands on her. She's just using Ghost as a means to an end. Even if she stills cares enough about Tommy to not flip on him she still knows she has to bounce now.

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Holly is the "rode hard and put up wet" version of 25 years old.


Why doesn't Ghost have either a) a burner phone just for business, or b) a password on his main phone? Makes you wonder how he got this far being so sloppy with the minor details.

Seriously. That is basic shit Stringer Bell taught us on The Wire.

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Okay, now how did Tommy get out of the handcuffs? Did I miss that or did they skim over that part?

I wasn't fully sure, but it looked like he somehow destroyed the bed.

I'd be bringing up the noise in that apart at the next board meeting.

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Ok I'm slow to understand sometimes. What did Angela do to Ghost's phone?

She cloned his phone, which from the looks of it, means she'll be able to see any text messages he receives or sends and I presume phone calls as well. That is why she sent that test text message "I love you" and it showed up on the other phone.

While we're on the topic of Angela and Ghost's phone, you'd think his phone would be the LAST thing Angela would want to deal with in terms of gathering evidence. The second his phone records get subpoenad, she'll be in deep shit too, because her number is all up and through his call log. Not to mention the text messages, one of which she just sent saying "I love you".

The actor playing Tommy does crazy quite well, but he was kinda cute when he was sitting on the bed with the puppy looking all sad. As far as how he got out of the handcuffs....in his first scene he was sitting on the floor and in the background u can see all kinds of tools all over the place, so I guess he just broke ahit up. But my question was how did he get the tools? I guess we're not supposed to think too much into those things.

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Tonight's episode showed the characters to be a little more savvy, but there's no way Ghost and Tommy have near the smarts to be criminal masterminds. Have none of the writers watched The Wire? They should take notes on all the criminal conspiracies.

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Ok I'm slow to understand sometimes.  What did Angela do to Ghost's phone?

Didn't Tasha find out about Angela by going thru this dumbass phone? Even after that he still didn't put a simple damn passcode on it?

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You made it seem like this made no sense. But, it makes perfect sense. Holly is trying to get gone. More money so she can disappear for good. Tommy made is clear he would kill her if he got his hands on her. She's just using Ghost as a means to an end. Even if she stills cares enough about Tommy to not flip on him she still knows she has to bounce now.


Well lets see Ghost originally wanted her gone because he thought she was a loose cannon saying his drug dealer name in his club... So he hands her a wad of cash and a train ticket and apparently some fake ID and lets her go...


Then after she tells his mistress that he's the drug kingpin she's been looking for since episode 1, Holly apparently tells him about that off screen and for some reason he's going to trust her to be reliable enough to sell his bullshit story about it all being a misdirect on Tommy's behalf. I highly doubt that.


There is no way a drug kingpin would just hand over another wad of cash to a woman who may decide that she wants Tommy back or wants to bring down Ghost or because she's a crazy red hot mess. He's basically allowing her to have power of him. She could ostensibly blackmail him for money forever.


In Holly's situation the safest bet would either stay clear of Ghost or get a new identity (and a new hair color) with immunity for her crimes. Not rely on Ghost not tying up loose ends and putting a bullet in her skull for outing him in the first place.


When the hell is Kanaan going to enact his revenge on Ghost already ? This show feels like it's building up towards nothing interesting. Ghost may get his club back or may go to prison. I don't care about either of those things. MMV

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Didn't Tasha find out about Angela by going thru this dumbass phone? Even after that he still didn't put a simple damn passcode on it

Sheesh, seriously. If they don't show Ghost dumping that phone and activating a new phone next episode, I'm calling him the dumbest criminal ever. Because, a dealer leaving his unlocked phone around his US attorney sidepiece is not a good look. At least Tasha has the foresight to get the home and car swept for bugs, so kudos for her being proactive. Now, if her estranged could only take note...


I just can't take the relationship between Tasha and Shaun seriously. Maybe it's because this fool really thinks that he can sweep Tasha away with her three kids and she'll be happy with the kind of life that he can provide. I just can't bring myself to believe someone could speak of that fairytale to someone else. When he started spewing that BS, I was like "Kanaan, come get your son!" At this point, the best hope he can has is that he doesn't end up six feet under by way of Ghost finding out about him and Tasha or getting in the crossfire of father's war with Ghost.


Wondering who is the "birdie" that Lobos mentioned. I'm wondering if that is someone on the FBI task force, like Angela's new boss or that other guy that always antogonizes her (can't remember his name right now)? 

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