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S07.E15: Don't Be All, Like, Uncool

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Bethenny: if you don't want to be mentioned in the press, get off reality TV and stop alerting the paps. Also, consider being nicer to your co stars. In an episode of overblown arguments and resentments, I think the Bethenny-Kristin dustup was the silliest. It's not like Kristen alerted the press to Bethenny's dating status.

I understand why Luann was so anxious to flip the narrative and make herself a victim. Have we ever seen the Countess so drunk before? Too drunk to keep an f-bomb from slipping out while preaching (TY Dorinda!) on the non-elegance of swearing in Europe. Too drunkover to show up without sunglasses the next morning and embarrassingly short on details of what had transpired the night before. I suspect that Luann, like Sonja, has probably nursed a hope of finding a gentleman to boost her back into her old Countess circle; she is damned handsome. But she's also shown herself off as coarse and sloppy. Maybe Dorinda's not the only one that needs to lay off the martinis. And the autotine.

I see why Ramona is good TV but I can't imagine putting up with her in real life.

My guess on why Luann lunges at Carole: Adam may know a lot about the Countess's indiscretions.

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  • Love 5

Loo was not lunging at Carole, she just took a few moments to get some exercise in during the reunion.   Gotta keep in shape for her next date, yanno.

I wish people would get off Loo's back, she needs that area to stay clear in case a man wants to grab on while she is doing exercises on her chandelier.

Edited by Crikey
  • Love 6



Luann plain and simple got dumped for a younger more exotic model.  So there should be the same level of sympathy Ramona is extended over the end of a marriage.  LuAnn had it worse as she had two children still at home and had to forego some if their previous lifestyle.

The interesting thing is that I think Lu did have a fair amount of sympathy leveled at her. From everyone except Ramona. Ramona said at the reunion her situation "wasn't the same" because of course Ramona will always contend that Lu was as responsible for the failure of her marriage as was The Count. I think that the others have always given Lu the benefit of the doubt and rooted for her. She had kind of won that battle for the most part. Certainly she owned the last reunion and completely made Ramona look like a judgmental, unsympathetic bitch. 


But she has taken a win and turned it into something else. By going after Carole hard on Twitter right out of the gate, she opened herself up for a second look at her own behavior. She was questioning Carole's morals and ethics in dating Adam, saying she had basically taken him away from her Niece, and mocking her for being with a much younger man. She was relentless for several weeks, and eventually Carole bit back. Then there was the song that was all about how Carole and Heather had betrayed her.  Now lots of folks are giving Lu a second look and finding that perhaps she was not such a sympathetic character to begin with. Again, these bitches want to start stuff, but they don't like it when someone decides to finish it. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 7

The interesting thing is that I think Lu did have a fair amount of sympathy leveled at her. From everyone except Ramona. Ramona said at the reunion her situation "wasn't the same" because of course Ramona will always contend that Lu was as responsible for the failure of her marriage as was The Count. I think that the others have always given Lu the benefit of the doubt and rooted for her. She had kind of won that battle for the most part. Certainly she owned the last reunion and completely made Ramona look like a judgmental, unsympathetic bitch. 


But she has taken a win and turned it into something else. By going after Carole hard on Twitter right out of the gate, she opened herself up for a second look at her own behavior. She was questioning Carole's morals and ethics in dating Adam, saying she had basically taken him away from her Niece, and mocking her for being with a much younger man. She was relentless for several weeks, and eventually Carole bit back. Then there was the song that was all about how Carole and Heather had betrayed her.  Now lots of folks are giving Lu a second look and finding that perhaps she was not such a sympathetic character to begin with. Again, these bitches want to start stuff, but they don't like it when someone decides to finish it. 

I think Ramona was engaging in gossip when she said the deLesseps had an open marriage.  Forget about gossip it is maybe the millionth example of how incredibly inappropriate Ramona is regarding other people's children.  When Jill brought up rumors of Mario cheating, first thing Ramona cried is unfair because of Avery.  Yet repeatedly we have Ramona taking shots at Luann and her children.  I did have sympathy for LuAnn because I think she felt like she had made a home and family with the Count and they decided to raise their children in the USA when they reached school age and she seemed to be left to make her own friends and life for the she and the kids here while he travelled extensively.


My issue with LuAnn has always been that she is dismissive of others feelings and seems to be behind the scenes teaming against people.  The only thing I can say about Adam and the niece thing is perhaps Luann was privy to inside information about the relationship between her niece and Adam. Maybe her niece wasn't over her feelings for Adam and now the very person who employed Adam, LuAnn, had one of her houseguests hit on a man she was not entirely over.  According to LuAnn, Carole and the niece had had conversations about Adam and her feelings for him.  Here is another version of Girl Code  http://thoughtcatalog.com/kovie-biakolo/2013/02/top-10-girl-code-rules/


I just don't have issues with these ladies using Twitter as a means of communication because even Bravo has their RHONYC Social running of the episode that has tweets. I think much of the animosity on twitter comes from the confessionals.  I have no idea how many times these people apologized off screen, during the season, after the season, immediately after the episode airs.  I think the Twitter stuff has been pretty much abandoned since the Reunion.  So the guilty parties either realized they weren't doing themselves any favors, or they realized the tweets were hurtful.  To me it seemed Carole gave as good as she got.

  • Love 2

Loo was not lunging at Carole, she just took a few moments to get some exercise in during the reunion.   Gotta keep in shape for her next date, yanno.

I wish people would get off Loo's back, she needs that area to stay clear in case a man wants to grab on while she is doing exercises on her chandelier.

The Noodle is gonna have to one-up Luanne then...prepare to see Mrs Whiggins take out a set of barbells.

Sonja will stand up and do her Blowie Bends


Will Richard Simmons make a guest appearance and rock out to Sweatin To The Oldies?

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Saying someone would have sex with "anyone" just because she has had a couple of ONSs is slut shaming to me. You don't know her criteria so you have no idea how picky she is. I haven't seen her bed homeless dudes on the street but maybe you know different.

So am I to understand that basically slut should just be removed from the English language? I mean it ain't a nice word but honestly the word is around for people to use when they think it applies. I don't think people should feel the need to apply this word in order to be mean spirited or to reek havoc on someone's life just cause.  I do think a woman that throws caution to the wind time and time again in order to get a dick inside of her and inside NOW, can't apply good judgment when trying to achieve this scratch and is dismissive of any and all others in this quest for DICK, DICK, DICK shouldn't be surprised if slut comes up in a conversation. I mean this whole outrage of the term being used aside the use of the word seems to coincide with what's going on with Luann, plain and simple.


Apparently, there's seems to be some accuracy to the point of Luann sleep with men frequently and men she doesn't know well or long. Is that wrong? Well ummmm depending on how she's going about it. I personally do feel a little disgust with anyone (man or woman) who is such a slave to sex that they can't show some restraint, decorum or good judgement when satiating these urges. I find it somewhat shameful the same way I find it shameful that someone gets to a place of stealing money from family to get a fix on drugs. It's all about the this need to satisfy one's own need, desire either to a damaging degree or to a degree where you're discounting important details to those around you. If all you can think about is Dick and screw every other alarm bell in your head (and just because those alarm bells have been numbed by alcohol, the sexual revolution, woman's movement, I am woman hear me roar, cameras blah, blah, blah)  there are still alarm bells that should be heeded like safety for oneself, safety for those around you, is this a good look?, am I okay with this look? why do I think this look is okay?


Look if there are those out there that need something jammed up they cooch 24/7 and it interferes with basic day to day functioning then my heart feels for ya but there's a difference between encouraging sexual freedom and fucking with reckless abandon. There still should be respect, dignity and restraint involved no matter how big your sexual appetite is. That's the difference between a woman who likes sex and a slut. It's all about the manner in which you are maneuvering through these conquests. Don't want to be seen as a slut then don't be messy. Hey, Samantha Jones was the queen of fucking whoever, whenever and wherever she wanted but Damn it if that women didn't pull that shit off eloquently. (Although there was that one time she fucked Charlottes brother in Charlottes house and it wasn't that serious but damn Sam that was a little messy)


Oh, and also there was on KEY point to Samantha Jones and it came out one episode when Carrie confides in Sam feeling so guilty about having the affair with Big, asks Sam "aren't you gonna judge me even a little".. Sam's simple reply "not my style". One of Lu's biggest mistakes is that if she's gonna be throwing it around the way she does she needs to take this page outta Samatha's book and apply it right quick if she doesn't want anyone coming for her about this subject.


I've said it before... if it fucks like a duck.... <shrug>

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 6

No it doesn't. I have shared suites and if my vacation or business trip suite mate came into my room unannounced, that would be the last night s/he would be in that suite. You go running up into people's rooms unannounced just because it's a suite?

The deliberate omission of key details always strikes me as interesting. Heather walked through that room because the person who was staying in that room left and now the room was considered empty. Heather wasn't taking liberties she wasn't supposed to take. Why would anyone in their right mind assume randomly, out of nowhere that a stranger would now be occupying a room that just that morning belonged to someone else? I mean I can't even begin to understand what realm of logic this could possibly live. I'm so confused.

  • Love 13

I just know that I would rather have a sword(Heather) by

my side rather than a knife(LuAnn, Dorinda) in my back.


Heather grates on all my nerves.  She thinks she knows everything, tries to control everything and everyone. She's not particularly kind or thoughtful of anyone else (reference the way she behave with Kristen during that ridiculous iron man race, or whatever it was, and during that geo-caching incident, not to mention what a total see-you-next-tuesday she's been to Bethenny) and seems to have zero self-awareness or the ability to own her own shit.  I was flipping through channels this week and just happened to come across her on one of those shopping channels -- QVC? HSN?  I never realized how unbelievably whiny and grating her voice is as well.  On the show she doesn't exactly have long speeches.  On the shopping channel, she was talking endlessly to pitch her underwear, and I had to turn the channel, her voice was so annoying. Overall, if I had to choose between being locked in a 4' x 4' bamboo cage in the jungle or listening to Heather talk for 5 minutes straight, that bamboo cage is going to be looking mighty good to me.

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But you knew that "someone else" was also sharing the suite before you went to sleep that night. Heather/Carole went to sleep believing that no one was in that adjacent bedroom and had no prior knowledge/experience that any HW would allow a random guy to use it without the common courtesy of warning them at some point before they left him there.


How hard would it have been for Ramona to lock the bathroom door on his side before she left him alone, how hard would it have been to knock on Heather/Carole's door and say, "Oh by the way, just so you know, there is a guy sleeping in here tonight" and I locked the connecting bathroom door and how hard would it have been for Ramona to say, "Oh, I put him there, sorry I was drunk and not thinking about anyone other than myself, I am SORRY"! Any and all of these would have deescalated the fear that Heather/Carole would have finding him in that bed and or deescalated any anger over finding him in there unexpectedly and then no need to question LuAnn. 

Apparently it's "HARD" to do a lot of things that I thought were mostly covered when you learned certain behaviors as far back as in elementary school. I tell ya one thing I'm in awe.

I fully expect, that by the end of the day, someone will have decided, and posted, that Heather had no right to have even been on the trip in the first place.

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so lucky I wasn't drinking anything when I read that! LOL!

  • Love 3

Last year my SIL came to stay with us for a week. We have a finished basement with all that a guest might need while they are with us. A bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, bar and living room. When a guest goes down the stairs into the basement, it is kind of their space while they are there. One night when my SIL was there, she went to bed early. My daughter had a couple of friends over hanging out, and when it got close to the time for them to leave we realized that the light snow that had been coming down earlier had turned into a mini blizzard. I urged the girls (in their early 20's) to not drive home but to spend the night. The only extra bed we had was the pullout couch in the basement. My first thought was that I needed to go into the basement and let my SIL know that someone was going to be coming into the basement to sleep on the couch in the living room. It's my home and I can do whatever I want. Can give whomever I want permission to sleep wherever I deem acceptable. There was a door and a long hallway separating where these girls would be sleeping, but still it was in a space that my SIL could have reasonably expected was hers for the weekend. More than anything, they would be using the bathroom that she was using. She had all of her toiletries in there, so I just wanted to make her aware of it. She was more than gracious, but did thank me for the heads up. I think it's just about common courtesy. I could not have imagined sending anyone down there, let alone a guy that she didn't know, without making her aware of it.

STANDING OVATION!! And there you have it... Music to my ears and pretty much covers what I assume most everyone understood to be the case with this whole debacle to begin with.. Am I right???

  • Love 6

"BitcheNINNY" won't receive my sympathy.

Heather needs to put the lunatic in her place.

Bethenny has made all reliant upon being in her good graces. She created the toxic atmosphere this season. SHE needs to wrest her Fame'ho'ing soul from BRAVO and remove herself from the show.

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 1

That's Dorinda?!  The blonde one?!  She looks really different with longer hair.


No.  She's just comparing JillZ to Dorinda because of their fondness for Pucci.


And, regarding this episode- I still want to hear what people's theories are on the reason for the ice pick request. I'm not coming up with anything.


Kristin explains the reason in her Bravo blog.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-7/blogs/kristen-leaving-a-house-guest-unattended-was-not

  • Love 1

Heather grates on all my nerves.  She thinks she knows everything, tries to control everything and everyone. She's not particularly kind or thoughtful of anyone else (reference the way she behave with Kristen during that ridiculous iron man race, or whatever it was, and during that geo-caching incident, not to mention what a total see-you-next-tuesday she's been to Bethenny) and seems to have zero self-awareness or the ability to own her own shit.  I was flipping through channels this week and just happened to come across her on one of those shopping channels -- QVC? HSN?  I never realized how unbelievably whiny and grating her voice is as well.  On the show she doesn't exactly have long speeches.  On the shopping channel, she was talking endlessly to pitch her underwear, and I had to turn the channel, her voice was so annoying. Overall, if I had to choose between being locked in a 4' x 4' bamboo cage in the jungle or listening to Heather talk for 5 minutes straight, that bamboo cage is going to be looking mighty good to me. lol

Add  ' and Bethy' each time you wrote Heather's name and I might agree lol


Bethy was awful to demand Kristen to stop talking to the press about her.  What right does Bethy have to issue demands like that?  Controlling.

Bethy hijacked the book naming discussion because Bethy knows it all. 

Bethy's voice grates on me, as Heather's grates on you. 

Bethy's constant shilling of her products on the show was tacky.  Her Hamptons kitchen at brunch looked like a QVC set instead of a home.

Bethy thinks Heather's crying was too much.  Self awareness on that point completely escapes Bethy.


IMO Heather has a ton of flaws, also.  She wants to solve every dang problem with these dysfunctional women and it takes a big ego to think one can solve other's problems.  Bethy dips into that realm, also, maybe to a lesser degree.   Many times, Heather is bossy.  And on and on........

I would much prefer having a lunch with Heather than the Boozy Four and Carole and Bethy.  Not sure if I would want to or if I could be friends with Heather, though.

I prefer Heather's brand and degree  of dysfunctional over any of the rest of them.


Pineapple, anyone?  Very sweet, cut from the garden this morning.

Edited by Crikey
  • Love 10


I've said it before... if it fucks like a duck.... <shrug>



Luann is a single woman and she can do whoever she wants , in this case she did the right thing and send the guy away after the deed was done. Luann is saying that she never did it with him , just made out, whatever the case it is , the way that Heather spoke to her and tried to shame her had nothing to do with the guy sleeping upstairs. Once Heather learned that the guy upstairs was Ramona's, Heather should have apologized to Luann,. Dorinda and Sonja and focus all her anger towards Ramona but that never happened.


Brandi Glanville is a slut of major proportions and I remember some passionate defenders of hers and how slut shaming wasn't cool, the difference between Luann and Brandi is that Luann did it in a vacation, send the guy away and it would have totally been a non issue hadn't it been because Heather needed camera time, Brandi did it in Kyle's house in the bathroom that is next to Portia's bedroom in a house full of people, yet everyone went out of their way to deny it happen even though they all knew it did. I still remember some of those passionate defenders who swear that any mention of Brandi's horrible ways was slut shaming.


Luann did nothing wrong IMO, she cam,e to the house with some guys, she made out or had sex with one of them, I am choosing to believe that the surprise in her face about finding out he was married was real but some might disagree, he broke his marital vows not her, then she shipped the guy off. Ramona is the one who authorized the guy to stay in the bedroom upstairs but Heather is not ripping Ramona a new one like she did Luann. Heather probably realized that Ramona was too drunk to get out of bed and she needed to have her camera time right there and then so obviously Luann became an easier and available target. IMO

  • Love 6

Luann is a single woman and she can do whoever she wants , in this case she did the right thing and send the guy away after the deed was done. Luann is saying that she never did it with him , just made out, whatever the case it is , the way that Heather spoke to her and tried to shame her had nothing to do with the guy sleeping upstairs. Once Heather learned that the guy upstairs was Ramona's, Heather should have apologized to Luann,. Dorinda and Sonja and focus all her anger towards Ramona but that never happened.


Brandi Glanville is a slut of major proportions and I remember some passionate defenders of hers and how slut shaming wasn't cool, the difference between Luann and Brandi is that Luann did it in a vacation, send the guy away and it would have totally been a non issue hadn't it been because Heather needed camera time, Brandi did it in Kyle's house in the bathroom that is next to Portia's bedroom in a house full of people, yet everyone went out of their way to deny it happen even though they all knew it did. I still remember some of those passionate defenders who swear that any mention of Brandi's horrible ways was slut shaming.


Luann did nothing wrong IMO, she cam,e to the house with some guys, she made out or had sex with one of them, I am choosing to believe that the surprise in her face about finding out he was married was real but some might disagree, he broke his marital vows not her, then she shipped the guy off. Ramona is the one who authorized the guy to stay in the bedroom upstairs but Heather is not ripping Ramona a new one like she did Luann. Heather probably realized that Ramona was too drunk to get out of bed and she needed to have her camera time right there and then so obviously Luann became an easier and available target. IMO

  LuAnn has a known history with bringing random guys back to their vacation house, St Barth's, not Ramona, so who do you believe at that point, someone that has done it in the past or someone that has never done it at all?  Ramona was the 1 that denied any knowledge about the guy and sent H/C to ask LuAnn which made it sound like she, Ramona, was putting it all on LuAnn. Heather did not make it up, we saw/heard what Ramona said yet LuAnn never confronts Ramona about that major lie! Heather never said anything remotely "slut shaming" to LuAnn, the "values/ethics" comment were said about "finding/seeing the naked guy", NOT about sleeping/having sex with him.


AND by ALL accounts, apologies were made by everyone and all was well until Kristen's bedazzle party, after LuAnn and Dorinda got their 2 little heads together to come up with this "It's ALL Heather's FAULT" BS.   JMO

  • Love 2

Ramona is the one who authorized the guy to stay in the bedroom upstairs but Heather is not ripping Ramona a new one like she did Luann. Heather probably realized that Ramona was too drunk to get out of bed and she needed to have her camera time right there and then so obviously Luann became an easier and available target. IMO


I didn't think Heather was upset with LuAnn because of the naked man upstairs.  She was upset about the man but had a problem with LuAnn for dismissing her concerns.


Somehow Ramona usually manages to escape taking responsibility for her actions.  Carole did tell Bethenny they ignored Ramona at the jean decorating party,

  • Love 5

"BitcheNINNY" won't receive my sympathy.

Heather needs to put the lunatic in her place.

Bethenny has made all reliant upon being in her good graces. She created the toxic atmosphere this season. SHE needs to wrest her Fame'ho'ing soul from BRAVO and remove herself from the show.



She created the toxic atmosphere this year? So all the toxicity of last season was due to who?  Wasn't it all about Aviva, Carole and Heather?


IMO Bethenny's addition has added fluidity to the group, she doesn't have alliances to anybody , she has had issues with all of them but has quickly gotten over it, she was defensive at the beginning but she is finding her place in this group, Bethenny is not the one who is constantly bashing her costarts on twitter the way Dorinda, Luann, Carole or Heather are.  If anything she is able to see both side of the issue , an issue BTW where both sides have rights and wrongs.


I guess at this point of the game Bethenny is in good standing even if precarious with all of them, she has said that Heather was entitled to be scared of the naked guy but she has also clarified that the naked guy was not in Heather's room at any point which is nothing but the truth , Bethenny didn't find anything horrible with Ramona sleeping with a guy but she agreed that the guy shouldn't have stayed home, to point that in her opinion Heather overreacted doesn't mean she is leading some kind of obscure campaign against Heather, the fact remains that many viewers do agree that Heather overeeacted even when they like Heather so pointing at the evident doesn't make her an enemy.

  • Love 4

So am I to understand that basically slut should just be removed from the English language? I mean it ain't a nice word but honestly the word is around for people to use when they think it applies. I don't think people should feel the need to apply this word in order to be mean spirited or to reek havoc on someone's life just cause.  I do think a woman that throws caution to the wind time and time again in order to get a dick inside of her and inside NOW, can't apply good judgment when trying to achieve this scratch and is dismissive of any and all others in this quest for DICK, DICK, DICK shouldn't be surprised if slut comes up in a conversation. I mean this whole outrage of the term being used aside the use of the word seems to coincide with what's going on with Luann, plain and simple.


Apparently, there's seems to be some accuracy to the point of Luann sleep with men frequently and men she doesn't know well or long. Is that wrong? Well ummmm depending on how she's going about it. I personally do feel a little disgust with anyone (man or woman) who is such a slave to sex that they can't show some restraint, decorum or good judgement when satiating these urges. I find it somewhat shameful the same way I find it shameful that someone gets to a place of stealing money from family to get a fix on drugs. It's all about the this need to satisfy one's own need, desire either to a damaging degree or to a degree where you're discounting important details to those around you. If all you can think about is Dick and screw every other alarm bell in your head (and just because those alarm bells have been numbed by alcohol, the sexual revolution, woman's movement, I am woman hear me roar, cameras blah, blah, blah)  there are still alarm bells that should be heeded like safety for oneself, safety for those around you, is this a good look?, am I okay with this look? why do I think this look is okay?


Look if there are those out there that need something jammed up they cooch 24/7 and it interferes with basic day to day functioning then my heart feels for ya but there's a difference between encouraging sexual freedom and fucking with reckless abandon. There still should be respect, dignity and restraint involved no matter how big your sexual appetite is. That's the difference between a woman who likes sex and a slut. It's all about the manner in which you are maneuvering through these conquests. Don't want to be seen as a slut then don't be messy. Hey, Samantha Jones was the queen of fucking whoever, whenever and wherever she wanted but Damn it if that women didn't pull that shit off eloquently. (Although there was that one time she fucked Charlottes brother in Charlottes house and it wasn't that serious but damn Sam that was a little messy)


Oh, and also there was on KEY point to Samantha Jones and it came out one episode when Carrie confides in Sam feeling so guilty about having the affair with Big, asks Sam "aren't you gonna judge me even a little".. Sam's simple reply "not my style". One of Lu's biggest mistakes is that if she's gonna be throwing it around the way she does she needs to take this page outta Samatha's book and apply it right quick if she doesn't want anyone coming for her about this subject.


I've said it before... if it fucks like a duck.... <shrug>


Y'all have made me go and look up the definition of slut now, so uncool of me!  And yeah, Luann's picture is right there in the Oxford dictionary:


1.  A woman who has many casual sexual partners.

2.  (dated) A woman with low standards of cleanliness.



  • Love 1

 I wouldn't have taken the time to talk to Carol or have my microphone on.

I'm not sure that Heather was mic'd. There were a couple of times where she was talking, but you couldn't hear her at all until the camera/boom got closer.


 Lu is really into this 'be cool' thing.  Not working.

It's not. She looks like Panama Jack in drag.


The word 'fucking' and 'classy' do not belong in the same sentence. 

The OP was using it in the literal sense, though. "Making love to married strangers" just doesn't have the same meaning/effect.


...not to mention what a total see-you-next-tuesday she's been to Bethenny

According to Beth, it was the other way around.

  • Love 2

"BitcheNINNY" won't receive my sympathy.

Heather needs to put the lunatic in her place.

Bethenny has made all reliant upon being in her good graces. She created the toxic atmosphere this season. SHE needs to wrest her Fame'ho'ing soul from BRAVO and remove herself from the show.


How did Bethenny create a toxic atmosphere??  Dorinda's screaming and crying and drunk every 2 minutes, causing huge fights about absolutely zero; Ramona and Carol are each starting shit by running and telling others things that are told to them in confidence; Heather's being a complete bitch by not allowing anyone to make their own decisions; Luann's proclaiming anyone who doesn't let her do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, "uncool".  Bethenny?  Bethenny said she needs time off to spend with her daughter and asks people to please stop trying to focus attention on her marital problems.  Yeah. Wow. Really toxic!

  • Love 2

Luann is a single woman and she can do whoever she wants , in this case she did the right thing and send the guy away after the deed was done. Luann is saying that she never did it with him , just made out, whatever the case it is , the way that Heather spoke to her and tried to shame her had nothing to do with the guy sleeping upstairs. Once Heather learned that the guy upstairs was Ramona's, Heather should have apologized to Luann,. Dorinda and Sonja and focus all her anger towards Ramona but that never happened.


Brandi Glanville is a slut of major proportions and I remember some passionate defenders of hers and how slut shaming wasn't cool, the difference between Luann and Brandi is that Luann did it in a vacation, send the guy away and it would have totally been a non issue hadn't it been because Heather needed camera time, Brandi did it in Kyle's house in the bathroom that is next to Portia's bedroom in a house full of people, yet everyone went out of their way to deny it happen even though they all knew it did. I still remember some of those passionate defenders who swear that any mention of Brandi's horrible ways was slut shaming.


Luann did nothing wrong IMO, she cam,e to the house with some guys, she made out or had sex with one of them, I am choosing to believe that the surprise in her face about finding out he was married was real but some might disagree, he broke his marital vows not her, then she shipped the guy off. Ramona is the one who authorized the guy to stay in the bedroom upstairs but Heather is not ripping Ramona a new one like she did Luann. Heather probably realized that Ramona was too drunk to get out of bed and she needed to have her camera time right there and then so obviously Luann became an easier and available target. IMO

So being on vacation deems  the term slut null and void? That's news to me. Lu can fuckity fuck fuck all she wants I'm just tired of the carte blanc that is given out to anyone who owns a vagina that putting miles on it without rhyme or reason is something to aspire to or at the very least not be concerned about. Do I think Lu does this to truly detrimental proportions? No, not really but her actions shouldn't be considered absolutely appropriate either just because she's "a grown woman" on "vacation". There's still something very relevant about being discreet, having some dignity, and being respectful to yourself as well as others around you. When you throw all that to the wind cause you need some dick up inside you right then and there at any cost, well then there is in fact something wrong with that. To tolerate  irresponsible behavior just because it's not nice to "slut shame" someone I think is completely backwards. It's the demeanor, the unconcerned behavior, the disregard over SAFETY that has me uncomfortable with the message that it's okay to do this "on vacation" as a "grown woman".

  • Love 3

I think that the others have always given Lu the benefit of the doubt and rooted for her. She had kind of won that battle for the most part. Certainly she owned the last reunion and completely made Ramona look like a judgmental, unsympathetic bitch.


But she has taken a win and turned it into something else. By going after Carole hard on Twitter right out of the gate, she opened herself up for a second look at her own behavior.


This is what I've always meant by taking the high road.  Not that any of them can even find the high road, but once they start fighting dirty, that's when people will take a second look at their behaviors.  And that goes for all of them.  I don't care if a HW hits back.  It's the way they hit back.


So am I to understand that basically slut should just be removed from the English language? I mean it ain't a nice word but honestly the word is around for people to use when they think it applies


"Ghostwriter" should probably go, too.  It's also around for people to use when they think it applies.  It's not even a cuss word but people suuuuure lose their shit when it's used.

  • Love 1

Yes, toxic. Bethenny♎ laid the foundation for building the impolite, self absorption, Heather Hating acts UNTIL her narrative was suddenly altered to the wise guru of " Bitch Street, N.Y..


LOL, so Heather had nothing to do with the way she is perceived? I guess somehow Bethenny masterminded the way to put words in her mouth, she whispered in her ear that she will go away and that if any guy showed up in her bedroom then it was her mission to shame whoever brough him in, it was Bethenny who has made Heather behave the way she has. never mind that Bethenny wasn't even present last season when Heather was a harpy towards Aviva, nope, Heather is not responsible for her words or actions, last year it was Aviva's fault and this year it is Bethenny''s fault.  


It is never Heather's fault, never.

LOL, so Heather had nothing to do with the way she is perceived? I guess somehow Bethenny masterminded the way to put words in her mouth, she whispered in her ear that she will go away and that if any guy showed up in her bedroom then it was her mission to shame whoever brough him in, it was Bethenny who has made Heather behave the way she has. never mind that Bethenny wasn't even present last season when Heather was a harpy towards Aviva, nope, Heather is not responsible for her words or actions, last year it was Aviva's fault and this year it is Bethenny''s fault.

It is never Heather's fault, never.

It's Bethenny's fault.

It's Bravo's fault.

It's Dorinda's fault.

It's LuAnn's fault.

It's the meatball's fault.

  • Love 5

LOL, so Heather had nothing to do with the way she is perceived? I guess somehow Bethenny masterminded the way to put words in her mouth, she whispered in her ear that she will go away and that if any guy showed up in her bedroom then it was her mission to shame whoever brough him in, it was Bethenny who has made Heather behave the way she has. never mind that Bethenny wasn't even present last season when Heather was a harpy towards Aviva, nope, Heather is not responsible for her words or actions, last year it was Aviva's fault and this year it is Bethenny''s fault.  


It is never Heather's fault, never.


Maybe Heather had on an earpiece directly linked to Bethenny when she, Lu and Kristen went rappelling on that mountain in Montana.


Bethenny was whispering, "Hey Sporty Spice. Do me a solid....even though the Pretty One is begging you to stop talking because she's nervous as hell, KEEP TALKING. Maybe she'll have an unfortunate accident and I won't have to deal with her when I come back next season."

  • Love 1

What is vastly amusing is that Dorinda's behavior is making John look like the normal and sane one. Imagine being screamed at during every martini soaked meal while Dorito asks passing brown people to shine her shoes? Now it totally makes sense why she is friends with Ramona.

A fancy for the ladies doesn't seem so bad in retrospect. Sure a little pervy but not batshit insane.

  • Love 3

Not to go too off topic, but I disagree.  Flashing, to my mind, occurs when someone deliberately shows you their privates to shock you, scare you or upset you.  Naked Guy was asleep so apparently he didn't even know anyone was looking at him.


If I was on vacation with a bunch of women friends, listened to them party with their guests through the night, and then walked into a room the next morning to find a naked party guest fast asleep, I would make a quick escape, as much for his privacy as my own. I would close the door soundly and scoot away.  And while I would be startled, I hardly think I would be hysterical, flinging doors and drapes open and ordering people out of their beds so they can EXPLAIN THE MEANING OF THIS OUTRAGE !!! I think I might actually be giggling with my other friends about it.


I'm a grown woman.  A sleeping penis does not frighten me.



I don't believe for a fucking minute that Carole gave a shit about naked man. Also, in reality, all Ramona said was go ask Luanne. Heather is insufferable.

  • Love 4

Sometimes when I a reading various boards I get the impression I have missed a whole lot of Luann and all these men she has slept with.  I saw her Season 1 & 2 with her husband, Season 3 brought us a few awkward dates with Court, never heard they were sweating up the sheets, then Jacques for end of Season 3 and Season 4, Season 5 was Jacques and the pirate although Luann has denied having carnal knowledge with the pirate, Season 4 also brought us Heather immediately sharing with the world Harry had told her he banged both Luann and Sonja and of course his ex-wife Aviva, (so none of Heather's business to broadcast that info), so I am assuming Season 3 for Harry, and now we Season 6 Luann was with Jacques until the bitter end and now here we are in Season 7, Luann admitted to having great sex two days ago, the first night on the island.  She apparently met up with don't know if she slept with some French Canadian guy, and she brought home a hot Scot who she claims to have not had carnal knowledge. 


Alex sex yes

Court unknown

Jacques yes for 5 years

Harry yes

Pirate she claims no

Best sex ever obviously yes

French Canadian guy unknown

Hot Scot No

I don't know if this many partners over eight years is slutty or not and it really feels weird to even talk about quantify it.  I keep reading and hearing how often she sleeps with different people much like they use to do to Sonja until she said -I haven't been with anyone since Dominic.  Unless someone tells me they re having or had sex with someone I pretty much let it go.  Obviously married people, people who live together, people who date for a number of years I am pretty certain they are having sex. 

My point and now it looks like I am slut shaming, is I don't think these women, nor should anyone else comment about Luann's sex life.  If it is something that interferes with Carole or Heather's  lives then by all means they should talk about it.  I just don't see the interference and the talk has been going on long before naked man.   It kind of bothers me they like to be cool with the  glib sex talk and then use it against each other to judge their values and ethics.. 

  • Love 4

She doesn't really apologize IMO. What she did was to put sole blame on Heather for "F gate", trying to make it seem as if Heather was not the one attacked but that it was her getting attacked by Heather for NO reason. She makes it sound like SHE never spoke about Heather's daughter, a minor child BTW, not an adult daughter that has had a few words "bleeped" out this season so far.

I've read several times that Hannah had a few words bleeped out this season, but I re watched the earlier episodes, all the way to T&C, and Hannah has three scenes, and she's not bleeped in a single one. What "several" bleeps are we talking about?

Also, Dorinda never mentioned Heather's child.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 1

I've read several times that Hannah had a few words bleeped out this season, but I re watched the earlier episodes, all the way to T&C, and Hannah has three scenes, and she's not bleeped in a single one. What "several" bleeps are we talking about?

Also, Dorinda never mentioned Heather's child.

I heard bleeps on Hannah's scenes and Dorinda even corrected her.


LuAnn started with Ella and Dorinda joined in, even when LuAnn backed off, Dorinda kept mentioning that Heather was not setting a good example for her daughter.


I heard bleeps on Hannah's scenes and Dorinda even corrected her.

LuAnn started with Ella and Dorinda joined in, even when LuAnn backed off, Dorinda kept mentioning that Heather was not setting a good example for her daughter.

Where were the bleeps? Which scene?

Dorinda never said Heather was not a good example for her daughter. Never.

Edited by shoegal

Hey hey hey ixnay on the Jillzy-nay talk. I'm worried that it may be too late. I think her name has already been uttered three times. Runnnnn

Seriously though, I could handle the occasional cameo of her snark worthy assy self, but if she came back as a regular I would be out. If you're not sure about your feelings about Jillzilla, just re watch the season when they went to Morrocco.

  • Love 6

LOL, so Heather had nothing to do with the way she is perceived? I guess somehow Bethenny masterminded the way to put words in her mouth, she whispered in her ear that she will go away and that if any guy showed up in her bedroom then it was her mission to shame whoever brough him in, it was Bethenny who has made Heather behave the way she has. never mind that Bethenny wasn't even present last season when Heather was a harpy towards Aviva, nope, Heather is not responsible for her words or actions, last year it was Aviva's fault and this year it is Bethenny''s fault.  


It is never Heather's fault, never.

No, of course Heather has to face what she did but there is editing to contend with as well . As MCM has pointed out, the editing has been really bad this season, re-watch the dinner at Dorinda's to really get how bad it was. Add to the mix that Bethenny had 3 - 4 TH more that anyone else, especially Heather and the show becomes slanted in order to give 1 HW an advantage over the others or in this case over just 1. I do believe it is possible that had Heather had the same amount of TH, some might think differently about her now. And, YES, I do think Bethenny laid down ground rules to return to the show that included a "good edit", a "sympathetic edit" and that her SG products are in most scenes and placed higher than anyone else's products. That's great for Bethenny to get these things but I don't think anyone would ever have the same chance at them given how tight/close Bethenny and Andy are in real life.


Think how we would all be reacting to this latest fight in T&C if the apology Ramona gave all of them, which was filmed, where she admits what she did was 1, her fault and 2 was wrong/dangerous/stupid was seen on the episode, if we were shown Heather apologize for going nuts and then apologizing and all of them making up before leaving the island and then we see LuAnn's idiocy in going after Heather at Kirsten's. BUT, of course, the PTB have made this "takedown Heather" season in order to build Bethenny up IMO. Bethenny will never stand for another strong, successful business woman/mother, and especially wife, on the show at the same time.

  • Love 5

I was reading the blogs for the episode, interesting that neither Sonja or Ramona have blogs up. 


Dorinda wants to believe that she was just a little over-served at dinner, rather than that she was drunk as a skunk.  When you start slurring your words and crying, you're more than a little over-served.  I also notice she seems to be moving responsibility for naked guy over to Luann:

But Naked Man—who apparently goes by other names: Smart Man, Civil Man, and Married Man—heard the commotion and bailed out of that burning mansion and onto his pedicab ride of shame back to his little resort

But married man and Naked Man are different people....hmm...


She also wants to minimize the event by saying nothing happened.  But since her example of what "could" have happened includes the guy going into Heather/Carole's room to stare at them while they slept, no go.  No one knows whether that happened.


Bethenny still wants to control other people.

I'm sensitive to people commenting about me in the press. I have enemies to do that. I don't tolerate it from people that I know.

First, who are these "enemies" of whom she speaks??  Who has enemies anyway?  [ignoring Jason here].  And so it's not just "friends" who can't talk to the press, it's anyone Bethenny "knows."  Jeez, that's a lot of people! 

Edited by Mrs peel
  • Love 6

How hard would it have been for Ramona to lock the bathroom door on his side before she left him alone, how hard would it have been to knock on Heather/Carole's door and say, "Oh by the way, just so you know, there is a guy sleeping in here tonight" and I locked the connecting bathroom door and how hard would it have been for Ramona to say, "Oh, I put him there, sorry I was drunk and not thinking about anyone other than myself, I am SORRY"! Any and all of these would have deescalated the fear that Heather/Carole would have finding him in that bed and or deescalated any anger over finding him in there unexpectedly and then no need to question LuAnn. 


Lol, I had to read this twice to make sure we were still talking about Ramona.  Because, hard.



I didn't understand Bethenny's outrage at Kristen. Basically all Kristen said to the reporter was that Beth was not as much of a humongous bitch as most people believe she is.


This.  And I don't even know if Bethenny is capable of thinking any statement is rhetorical so like an idiot I'm still waiting for the response to "who said I wanted to be your friend?"

p.s., what's with how prominent the Report this post clicky is?  did we go all narc-y? 

  • Love 8

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