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10 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

This video is a great example of what a good routine vs an average one.


Love it! This is EXACTLY why I loved gymnastics compulsories. You can see who clearly has better musicality, gymnastics technique, and just overall performance flair. If you only watch Lilia Podkopayeva, it's clear that she has clean turns, clean tumbling, etc. but when you see Eileen Diaz do the exact same routine, it's even more obvious who has better technique and a solid skills base. I would love to see something similar for figure skating. It's a lot harder to hide your flaws with compulsory routines.

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I'm interested in how dance plays out at Worlds, with a few pairs already out after the Olys. Mostly I want Chock/Bates to have good skates and have a good end to the season. It seems like the last year has been hell for them...and then seeing them so heartbroken after their Oly FD. It's a really pretty program as well IMO, hope they are satisfied with their Worlds performances.

What has slightly cracked me up about the Virtue/Moir comeback is that...they basically became the Davis/White to P/C's V/M lol. Suddenly, they were the fierce, athletic competitors winning comps because of their technical difficulty while their main rivals were doing the soft, flowy stuff. And I think it suited this latter day version of V/M better than whatever Zoueva was giving them by 2014...as performers, they had clearly developed away (particularly Scott) from whatever Marina thought were their strengths (perhaps unintentionally stuck with her view of them as teenagers?). And they knew it, too, hence the various experiments with different choreographers (Carmen, Latin FD etc.). They should have changed coaches way sooner. But...that's easy to say in hindsight.

What I also found somewhat curious is P/C and the fact that IMO their SDs still aren't as good as their FDs. Tactically, it's just such a risk? Yeah, the judges were ready to be rather generous in that portion. But the slightest uncertainty was going to cost them dearly. Or do they need a fresh set of eyes to figure out what is holding them back in that portion of the competition? Next year is tango, yes? It should suit Guillaume, not sure about Gabriella (to be fair, to me that seems one of their problems in SDs in general: She's very comfortable in the style they use for FDs, everything outside of that still looks a bit tentative).

Edited by katha
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Hmmm. Tango is next year's short dance? That's a very romantic dance. Will this be a disadvantage to any sibling pair (there are others besides the Shibs).  I wonder if the Shibs will return or take their two medals and be done.  With P/C staying to get the gold medal in Beijing, and the judges willing to inflate their scores to ridiculous levels, maybe they're content with what they have, instead of four more years of silver and bronze at world competitions. It must make other teams pause, knowing the the Gold for the next four years is already decided, barring injury.  I know that we didn't all appreciate V/M's comeback (or I should say, two extra seasons of Scott Moir), but it made the judges somewhat honest. They COULDN'T just hand P/C the gold medal every time.  They had actual competition that had to be recognized. 


I see Hubbell and Donahue staying on for another Olympic quad, since they didn't get a team or individual Oly medal, but I wonder about Chock and Bates, as well.  I just hope that they tone down the "slow burn," sneering sexual tension with H/D. If I'm going to have to root for them for the next four years, I hope they make it less of a challenge. LOL.  Truthfully, I'd like to see the Shibs stay, and maybe C/B retire, although this season, they were more likable to me than H/D. 


Little Italian skaters, faced with the prospect of cleaning hundreds of Pooh's off the ice, breathing a sigh of relief today. 


Edited by ChicksDigScars
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I don't know what's going on with Igor's teams, but imo, if Carreira/Ponomarenko want to challenge the top teams, they need to change coaches. They have so much potential and Chock/Bates is not who they want to emulate. 

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1 hour ago, Vera said:

I don't know what's going on with Igor's teams, but imo, if Carreira/Ponomarenko want to challenge the top teams, they need to change coaches. They have so much potential and Chock/Bates is not who they want to emulate. 

I actually frequently wonder why Chock and Bates haven't switched coaches. It seems clear that unless they try to change something up, they're team three out of three in the US and possibly falling as new teams come up. And the fact that their FD (when performed well) was consistently the highest scored of the three US teams indicates that they could possibly be doing better if their programs were presented differently. If they do intend to stick around, which is what they had initially indicated, I almost don't see the point of continuing with Igor. As a pair, they've been with him for...seven years? If he could get more out of them, it would have happened already. I understand that because of the tension between Marina and Igor, they may see it as too much of a betrayal to switch to her, and there aren't (as far as I know) any other great options in their hometown. But if they're going to do this next quad, then they should DO it, IMO. Hanging around for four more years to collect third and fourth places and finish off the podium by a few places in Beijing hardly seems worth the training hours and expenses.  It's entirely possible that they've hit their ceiling already, but I don't think they'll truly find out if they stay with Igor. 

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Anthony unusually messed up the twizzles big time. He's soooooo talented, naturally the best junior male since Scott Moir 15 years back, and if we're looking for any under 20 team that might just have the ability and appeal (that last name helps) to burst through towards the end of the quad and actually make Beijing mildly interesting instead of letting P/C sleepwalk through the next four years, it's probably them. But they can't stay with Igor until then, 100% agree. Christina might need his technical expertise right now, but his senior choreography and packaging is getting so stale. 

Edited by herbz
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Yes, the pedigree serves Anthony well. I saw a video and he basically fell out of his Twizzle. Wasn't even able to cover it up. Disappointing. 

The Russian girl (sorry, name escapes me), is scheduled to do a freaking QUAD. I'm not even excited about it. Watching a 14 year old screw up her body doing quads does not make me happy. 

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I think Shpilband is an excellent technical coach. What you probably need to do after a certain point with him is look for outside choreography. C/P are still at a point where his rather generic programs aren't that big a deal. Mistakes happen. He'll probably know how to transition them into seniors successfully. I'm never sure with Igor if he's capable of producing gold medalists on his own...this is where you need the good choreo.

Zoueva is dicey because she doesn't seem as reliable in her technical knowledge. And as was already said, Carreira still really needs to do some work there and improve. And with her, if you're unfortunate you get stuck with certain ideas she has about you as a performer that might not be all that suitable. The Shibs struggled for years with her and IMO she was just unable to tailor convincing programs for them. They themselves discovered that Coldplay stuff for themselves. Not everyone likes it, but it was certainly authentic. IMO she also totally lost the plot with V/M in 2014. How she thought that FD was a good idea, I don't know (or if you're Scott Moir, that's where you insinuate that she did it deliberately lol). Krylova and Camerlengo were in for one hot minute there, but that hasn't panned out either.

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On 3/5/2018 at 6:00 PM, Mellowyellow said:

I was clicking around after seeing your clip and saw a video of her looking significantly less scary and looking like she was actually fond of Evgenia. I tried to find one of her interacting fondly with Alina and couldn't. I've heard that she's pretty harsh to Evgenia but I am still sticking by my conspiracy theory that this woman doesn't like Alina! 

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I think the situation with Tessa/Scott/Meryl/Charlie/Marina was just a toxic one. There was too much tension in that skating group. Someone said that Tessa was once dating Marina's son and then Marina's son moved onto Meryl ... If so I can just imagine the amount of cattiness and jealousy in that group ...

V/M when they made their comeback went to Dubreil/Lauzon and initially it seemed like a head-scratcher as Dubreil/Lauzon also coach P/C but the chemistry seems much better. V/M and P/C I'm sure were rivals but it seemed as if they could co-exist. Dubriel/Lauzon seemed better able to balance the two teams, much like Brian Orser has been able to handle having two top competitors in his skating group. 

I think a similar thing happened with Aliona Savchenko. There was apparently a lot of tension between her, Ingo Steuer and Robin S. during the time leading up to Sochi. With Bruno Massot the relationship seemed much healthier and happier. You could see the compatibility and chemistry all the way back when they couldn't even skate competitively. Just the way she playfully swats him was a good indicator of how that partnership would turn out.

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I think it was a slightly different situation this time round because Marie-France and Patrice had been V/M's long time mentors and according to them had already promised the two in Sochi that they'd coach them if they ever wished to return, which would've been before P/C turned up in Montreal. I don't think there's anywhere else V/M realistically could've gone, however ironic the situation was. Though apparently their ice time was split entirely this season, which is certainly one way of avoiding tension. Patrice and Romain seemed to lean towards one team while Marie France twizzled between the two. I remember the incredulous reactions to V/M and D/W both staying in Canton after Vancouver. There was no way in hell that was ever going to work out for 4 whole years. 

I remain unconvinced that Aljona will be done now. She's gonna continue being the Chusovitina of the Winter Olympics and compete until she's 50 ;) 

Edited by herbz
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But for the next quad, I have to admit I don't see P/C staying with Marie-France and Patrice. Complaints of their programs being somewhat similar and repetitive were already getting louder by the Olympics, and I could see them thinking they need a change. 

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With a number of the big names out of Worlds, this year's competition will be interesting.  But then, the Worlds following an Olympics usually is as it gives us such champions as Kimmie Meissner in 2006 and Cappellini/Lanotte in 2014.  Who's going to be the surprise champion this year?  My predictions:

Men:  Nathan Chen or Shoma Uno

Women: Pick a Russian, any Russian

Pairs: Sui/Han

Dance: Papadakis/Cizeron (or if they opt out, the Shib Sibs)

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16 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

But for the next quad, I have to admit I don't see P/C staying with Marie-France and Patrice. Complaints of their programs being somewhat similar and repetitive were already getting louder by the Olympics, and I could see them thinking they need a change. 

There have been rumors that Patrice and Romain aren't getting along, but nothing substantial as of yet. As @herbz said, Marie-France was splitting herself between the two.

I do want to see them with different choreography. But they don't have the incentive to do so at the moment and I don't know if they want to. Whatever the complaints from fans about the repetitiveness, the judges right now are rewarding them for it. Jeffrey Cirio choreographed their FD this year and it's not like it was a departure from their usual style. 



11 hours ago, COESpiral said:

Dance: Papadakis/Cizeron (or if they opt out, the Shib Sibs)


P/C are in Montreal, training for Worlds. The Shibs have opted out, Hawayek/Baker are going instead. 

If Weaver/Poje continue, I wonder if they'll stay with Morozov. 

If they don't have one already, Hubbell/Donahue need to hire a sports psychologist. 

17 hours ago, herbz said:

I remember the incredulous reactions to V/M and D/W both staying in Canton after Vancouver. There was no way in hell that was ever going to work out for 4 whole years


I think that might have worked a little better had Marina and Igor not split up. 

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22 hours ago, katha said:

IMO she also totally lost the plot with V/M in 2014. How she thought that FD was a good idea, I don't know (or if you're Scott Moir, that's where you insinuate that she did it deliberately lol).

That was one bland program. It was like they wanted to recreate the 2010 Mahler program, but without any sincerity or personality. Then end with their hands on their hearts for no reason. Seriously, what was that? I think the blame lies with them, not Marina. It wasn’t working, and they had to realize that early in the season. Instead they believed they were so good that even a lackluster performance would still wow the judges.

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13 hours ago, COESpiral said:

With a number of the big names out of Worlds, this year's competition will be interesting.  But then, the Worlds following an Olympics usually is as it gives us such champions as Kimmie Meissner in 2006 and Cappellini/Lanotte in 2014.  Who's going to be the surprise champion this year?  My predictions:

Men:  Nathan Chen or Shoma Uno

Women: Pick a Russian, any Russian

Pairs: Sui/Han

Dance: Papadakis/Cizeron (or if they opt out, the Shib Sibs)

I predict Shomo for the men. I think Zag will take the ladies and P/C for dance. Not sure for pairs.

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1 hour ago, Jeddah said:

That was one bland program. It was like they wanted to recreate the 2010 Mahler program, but without any sincerity or personality. Then end with their hands on their hearts for no reason. Seriously, what was that? I think the blame lies with them, not Marina. It wasn’t working, and they had to realize that early in the season. Instead they believed they were so good that even a lackluster performance would still wow the judges.

I flipping loathe that program. It's very intricate choreo, more so than Moulin Rouge, and was flawlessly skated in the IE in Sochi, but it was such an artistic snooze. They couldn't even muster up much enthusiasm for it at the time. You could sense the fake sentiment a mile away. We all predicted in 2013 that they'd do something Mahler-like after they took a big risk with their Carmen the season before and it didn't pay off for them. I'm not sure it would've made all that much difference if they'd danced to whale sounds if I'm being honest- they had the better SD and yet were still trailing going in to the FD at both the GPF and the Olympics- but I'm glad they came back if only so that their last impression wasn't that cheeseball end pose. 

P/C should go modern or avant garde (and I mean actual avant garde, not dramatic lunging to piano music) next season when they've got no competition at all. They did a cool Woodkid in 2014 and their favourite V/M program is Pink Floyd, their quirk has got to still be in there somewhere. For all their talk of being artists foremost over competitors, I might have to question that statement if they lyrically coast to 5 World Championships by 2021. Do the Macarena if they want! Anything! 

I have no idea if it's true, but I could well believe any rumours of Gadbois tension. Patrice's absence from P/C's side all season got pretty obvious. It might be different now they're undisputed top dogs once more.

Edited by herbz
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39 minutes ago, herbz said:

P/C should go modern or avant garde (and I mean actual avant garde, not dramatic lunging to piano music) next season when they've got no competition at all. They did a cool Woodkid in 2014 and their favourite V/M program is Pink Floyd, their quirk has got to still be in there somewhere. For all their talk of being artists foremost over competitors, I might have to question that statement if they lyrically coast to 5 World Championships by 2021. Do the Macarena if they want! Anything! 

I have no idea if it's true, but I could well believe any rumours of Gadbois tension. Patrice's absence from P/C's side all season got pretty obvious. It might be different now they're undisputed top dogs once more.

I hope they dance to some edgy rock or pop music. Not Coldplay. But something up-tempo and fun. Lady Gaga? If you follow Gabby's instagram she seems like a very typical millennial in her tastes. It's only on the ice that she becomes this moody lyrical princess. 

For one, skating to more up-tempo music will help them with their big weakness which is the SD. They seem to struggle with speed and stamina in the SD. It's pretty consistent that they make a blooper in the SD, although nothing to the extent of their wardrobe malfunction. That was horrible for Gabby.

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Absolutely agree that V/M needed to get away from Marina way sooner than they did and ultimately it's their responsibility to make necessary coaching and choreography decisions. But still: Zoueva choreographed "Seasons". And it was all wrong for them by that point in time. They weren't these very young skaters anymore who could believably portray "aw shucks, young love" programs. Yet she hadn't come up with anything else for them. And the music wasn't even the problem, it would have been possible to make a soft, flowy program out of those pieces, but have it still have some sort of tension and more somber mood. Yet it was all sentimental fluff...which didn't suit V/M by that point anymore.

What's more, by 2014 it was also perfectly clear that V/M were versatile performers who could handle all sorts of themes. But Marina wasn't always playing to these new strengths. Hence my speculation that she might have been a bit stuck in the past with how she perceived them. This wasn't such a big deal for D/W, since they basically stayed fierce and dramatic throughout their career. V/M evolved away from "young love" programs.

Edited by katha
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9 hours ago, SeanC said:

The Shibs aren’t going.

Oh right, I forgot about H/B taking their place.  So it's basically P/C's Worlds to lose.  My guess is H/D will end up with a medal unless they pull last year's stunt and trip mid-way through the program.  I thought C/L were underscored at the Olys, so it wouldn't surprise me if a Worlds medal was consolation prize.

Patrick Chan as a model?  Um...no.

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1 hour ago, katha said:

Absolutely agree that V/M needed to get away from Marina way sooner than they did and ultimately it's their responsibility to make necessary coaching and choreography decisions. But still: Zoueva choreographed "Seasons". And it was all wrong for them by that point in time. They weren't these very young skaters anymore who could believably portray "aw shucks, young love" programs. Yet she hadn't come up with anything else for them. And the music wasn't even the problem, it would have been possible to make a soft, flowy program out of those pieces, but have it still have some sort of tension and more somber mood. Yet it was all sentimental fluff...which didn't suit V/M by that point anymore.

What's more, by 2014 it was also perfectly clear that V/M were versatile performers who could handle all sorts of themes. But Marina wasn't always playing to these new strengths. Hence my speculation that she might have been a bit stuck in the past with how she perceived them. This wasn't such a big deal for D/W, since they basically stayed fierce and dramatic throughout their career. V/M evolved away from "young love" programs.

Well Marina struck gold with Gordeeva and Grinkov. She choreographed those lovey dovey programs for them and did them to death but the audiences and judges ate it up. As gorgeous of a pair as G/G were some of their lovey dovey programs were just too much. I think she tried to shoehorn Tessa and Scott into the same formula.

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They did a cool Woodkid in 2014 and their favourite V/M program is Pink Floyd, their quirk has got to still be in there somewhere

ITA. I thought they were way underscored with that program at 2014 Worlds. I really appreciate their fluid movement, but there has to be a different way to showcase it other than more soft ethereal piano music.

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21 hours ago, Vera said:

There have been rumors that Patrice and Romain aren't getting along, but nothing substantial as of yet. As @herbz said, Marie-France was splitting herself between the two.

V/M are done for good, now, right? Seriously, what more do they need to prove? Even P/C would be hard pressed to compete with their "Most Decorated Figure Skaters in Olympic History" status unless France starts medalling in the Team Event, and even if they do, it's probably never going to be gold or silver.  They could very well EQUAL V/M's two gold, one silver individual haul, since they're fairly young, by winning the OGM at the next two Olympics.


If V/M are officially retired for good, this time, the main competition for attention between P/C in Montreal (provided that they stay) is Hubbell/Donahue, and some younger dance pairs.  And supposedly, Madison and Gabby are very good friends.  But, that saying, P/C really have no one to compete with for Top Dog status at their home rink, now. Unless Patrice and Romain are REALLY not getting along, why would they leave? 

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2 hours ago, Souris said:

Christine Brennan tweet:

Breaking: Another U.S. Olympic sport is now dealing with sexual misconduct allegations against a top coach. On Tuesday, U.S. Figure Skating suspended Richard Callaghan, coach of Tara Lipinski and Todd Eldredge. Story up soon.


3 hours ago, ChicksDigScars said:

If V/M are officially retired for good, this time, the main competition for attention between P/C in Montreal (provided that they stay) is Hubbell/Donahue, and some younger dance pairs.  And supposedly, Madison and Gabby are very good friends.  But, that saying, P/C really have no one to compete with for Top Dog status at their home rink, now. Unless Patrice and Romain are REALLY not getting along, why would they leave? 

I’m more curious to see what the dance scores will be next season. Will P/C get pushed down so to not appear so far ahead of everyone or will a couple of teams be 10 points higher?

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7 hours ago, Souris said:

Christine Brennan tweet:

Breaking: Another U.S. Olympic sport is now dealing with sexual misconduct allegations against a top coach. On Tuesday, U.S. Figure Skating suspended Richard Callaghan, coach of Tara Lipinski and Todd Eldredge. Story up soon.

I remember discussing this on another forum back in the 1990's.  Nothing came of it back then.

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On 3/8/2018 at 5:59 PM, HartofDixie said:

I'm impressed by the US Men's and Dance results.  Gold for the Men and Silver for Dance.  That bodes very well for 2022 in those two areas, and possibly for the Team event.  But it's clear that we've still got our work cut out for us (and a loooong way to go!) in Ladies' and Pairs.

Edited by legaleagle53
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I'm impressed by the US Men's and Dance results.  Gold for the Men and Silver for Dance.  That bodes very well for 2022 in those two areas, and possibly for the Team event.  But it's clear that we've still got our work cut out for us (and a loooong way to go!) in Ladies' and Pairs.

Men's free skate hasn't happened yet, but in 1st after the short.

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9 hours ago, redpencil said:

Men's free skate hasn't happened yet, but in 1st after the short.

Ah, I stand corrected. I misread the results.  Still, considering the disaster that the US men's short was at the Olympics, I'm not unhappy with the way the rising generation is doing.  We'll be there by 2022, if not sooner.

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11 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

I'm impressed by the US Men's and Dance results.  Gold for the Men and Silver for Dance.  That bodes very well for 2022 in those two areas, and possibly for the Team event.  But it's clear that we've still got our work cut out for us (and a loooong way to go!) in Ladies' and Pairs.

I don't think it has much meaning in ice dance.  The US already has several strong ice dance teams that are likely to stick around until 2022.  Men's, I don't know.  But the real gap the US needs to fill if it's to have any chance of winning the Team event is pairs.  There's a huge opportunity for some strong junior team to move up to the top of the ranks there, if one were to emerge.

The men's free skate was pretty wild, as far as how the rankings went.  Joseph Phan was in 14th place after the short program and came 3rd in the free skate, meaning he jumped to fourth place overall, and was less than a point off of the podium.

Sui and Han have withdrawn from Worlds due to the former's foot injury.  Looks like Aliona has a clean shot at another Worlds pairs gold.

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Came here to post the same thing, @HartofDixie beat me to it. Trusova definitely threw down, her technical score was 92.35! Maybe we need to send our men to go train with her so they can learn to do quads. Who knows how long she’ll be able to do these jumps. 

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44 minutes ago, healthnut said:

Came here to post the same thing, @HartofDixie beat me to it. Trusova definitely threw down, her technical score was 92.35! Maybe we need to send our men to go train with her so they can learn to do quads. Who knows how long she’ll be able to do these jumps. 

And she's only 13?  My mind, she is blown!

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What she did is definitely impressive and kudos to her, but she’s 13 and built like a pencil. What happens to her when puberty fully hits?  Maybe she’ll be one of the lottery winners where her body doesn’t change much and she can continue the momentum but the odds aren’t in her favor. Enjoy while it lasts I guess and congratulations on making history. 

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She was great! What an accomplishment!

Now Zagitova is no longer the reigning Junior World Champion at the same time that she’s the reigning Olympic Champion. What a weird combo that was.

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2 minutes ago, Jeddah said:

Now Zagitova is no longer the reigning Junior World Champion at the same time that she’s the reigning Olympic Champion. What a weird combo that was.

That was going to happen anyway?

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On 3/6/2018 at 8:03 PM, Jillibean said:

That post appears to have been written by someone who thinks big words are impressive even when used incorrectly.  I think he probably meant "maligned," not marginalized, and...they've been besmirched? Really? Besmirched? Is this guy using a biblical thesaurus? Nothing short of pure alteration? What does that even mean? Is there impure alteration? Did he mean adulteration? The whole thing is practically comical.

They also set up a sock-puppet account to support themselves on Twitter... But forgot to log out, and supported themselves using the AvantaLabs account. It was hilarious.

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11 hours ago, fan94 said:

They also set up a sock-puppet account to support themselves on Twitter... But forgot to log out, and supported themselves using the AvantaLabs account. It was hilarious.

I know boots take a long time to break in, but I hope Karen wears a different brand at Worlds. I hope she does an amazing job, so she can say it really was the Avanta boots that messed her up at the Olympics. I can only imagine the social media meltdown then.

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