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If everyone would like to 'like' my comment I wouldn't hate you? My comment was wondering when he believed that Oliver fell in love with Felicity, and when he thinks Oliver acknowledged it to himself. There's currently 11 likes so it might be a bit far down the page but not a lot..

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If everyone would like to 'like' my comment I wouldn't hate you? My comment was wondering when he believed that Oliver fell in love with Felicity, and when he thinks Oliver acknowledged it to himself. There's currently 11 likes so it might be a bit far down the page but not a lot..

Can you link to it?  It's a zoo in there LOL

Question: Stephen, is this felicity love interest solely because of the fans? or was that a long term plan?


Answer: I'd be careful calling a single kiss a love interest. Or the fact that it's just one kiss could make it incredibly important. Aren't you glad this season has 21 more episodes.


What is that supposed to mean?

Question: Stephen, is this felicity love interest solely because of the fans? or was that a long term plan?


Answer: I'd be careful calling a single kiss a love interest. Or the fact that it's just one kiss could make it incredibly important. Aren't you glad this season has 21 more episodes.


What is that supposed to mean?

His diplomatic way of saying keep watching to find out.

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But Oliver told Felicity he loved her twice, so why is SA being so coy about her being a love interest? Do you think the show is changing direction?

I don't think the show is changing directions.  However, if Oliver/Felicity are together as a couple at all this season it probably won't be until the last couple of episodes.  The purpose of the pilot was to jumpstart his journey to discovering what he wants or who he wants to be.  She is a large part of his motivation.  MG tweeted earlier tonight that he is going to be jealous of Felicity & Ray.  As much as it is their motivation it is possible the outcome is not what we expect.  You know this show and their love of twists.    

Edited by Sunshine

The same exact question was asked of MG on Twitter:


His answer (I can't link it properly, sorry):

"Neither. We've simply written to the on-screen chemistry between Stephen and Emily."


MG's answer makes more sense than Stephen (who, I believe, is just trolling fans). Felicity as a love interest is not because of fans, or simply because of them. MG has given the same answer before. They saw the chemistry between Stephen and Emily and started writing to it. The second question is "was that a long-term plan," and the answer obviously is no. Because the long-term plan was Laurel. But from what they've shown in S2 and what we've seen in S3, they've changed that plan. The plan now is Oliver and Felicity. The questioner used the wrong tense in the question. Should have asked "IS that the long-term plan now." I doubt MG or SA would have answered that one. They would have played it really coy.

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I think he meant that Felicity is not really a love interest yet with only one kiss, but that kiss could be important towards her becoming a love interest later. 


Felicity is probably going to be Ray's love interest until closer to the finale when Oliver gets his head out of his ass and decides to be with Felicity. 

Edited by Sakura12

But Oliver told Felicity he loved her twice, so why is SA being so coy about her being a love interest? Do you think the show is changing direction?

Maybe he doesn't consider her a love interest because Oliver's not actively trying to be with her right now? That's the only thing I can think of, cause, you know, he basically told her she made him remember how to be human again and gave her a reverse I love you, so he must be trolling.

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When are people going to stop asking the fan pandering question? Also, Stephen's answer to that question, I take it he meant (thanks to one of the FB comments below his answer) that if their kiss didn't mean that Felicity's a love interest, then something more will happen in the 21 episodes that will definitely make her a love interest because right now she really isn't a love interest. Oliver is solely focusing on himself at the moment, which he definitely should. 


Honestly though, a better question should've been asked. 

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That answers at least one question:

That line: "John, I don't want to die down here" was the best of the series. Thoughts about the emotions of that scene? Thanks.

Stephen Amell That scene came at the end of a 14 hour day. And David wrote a really nice tweet about it. Check back on his timeline from July 20thish... The response has been lovely.


  • Love 2

He is being vague, but he is also straight-up trolling with that answer. The EPs sold the Oliver and Felicity pairing all throughout the break, Stephen himself said that there was only one woman in Oliver's life this year, and that was Felicity - he meant as a love interest, since Thea and Laurel actually exist in Oliver's orbit. The symbolism being used in the scenes between O&F is like an anvil to the head.


So, either the producers weren't being forthright with everything they teased over the summer (which, honestly, wouldn't surprise me at this point, but would be terrible both for their fanbase and for the actual story they're telling thus far, which is pointing heavily towards Oliver and Felicity), or Stephen's stirring the pot to get people talking. I'm going with the second option, especially since he could've easily given some non-committal answer to that guy's question. Although I agree with everyone above - I wish the shipper questions would stop, but I know that's never going to happen.

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I always always get the impression that Amell answers questions with the mindset of the episode he's currently shooting, and my educated guess [no spoilers, I'm really guessing] would be that we're going into the Christmas break with Ray/Felicity in an actual relationship. So for the Oliver scenes he's filming right now, Felicity is definitely not a love interest.

And then the ratings sucked so he tackled on the BUT watch the rest of the season!!! Because they really really need the Oliver/Felicity fanbase to keep generating buzz for them.

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I really agree with this. I think that Felicity is the one out touring love interests, and Stephen may be mirroring Oliver's perspective. One kiss...what right does he have to protest? Not exactly staking a claim, that.

I always always get the impression that Amell answers questions with the mindset of the episode he's currently shooting, and my educated guess [no spoilers, I'm really guessing] would be that we're going into the Christmas break with Ray/Felicity in an actual relationship. So for the Oliver scenes he's filming right now, Felicity is definitely not a love interest.

And then the ratings sucked so he tackled on the BUT watch the rest of the season!!! Because they really really need the Oliver/Felicity fanbase to keep generating buzz for them.

I really agree with this. I think that Felicity is the one out touring love interests, and Stephen may be mirroring Oliver's perspective. One kiss...what right does he have to protest? Not exactly staking a claim, that.

Hannukah is the perfect moment to shift Ray and Felicity into a romantic path. And it is yet another thing Ray has with her that Oliver does not. Paper perfection.

Edited by thecatbastet

Question: Stephen, is this felicity love interest solely because of the fans? or was that a long term plan?


Answer: I'd be careful calling a single kiss a love interest. Or the fact that it's just one kiss could make it incredibly important. Aren't you glad this season has 21 more episodes.


What is that supposed to mean?


People are obviously expecting something to happen between Felicity and Oliver since the EPs and SA pushed that relationship so hard over the summer, so this is probably not the best way to answer the question if you want these people to be excited about tuning in for the remaining 21 episodes of the season.

  • Love 1

I imagine he is just hoping people tune in.


Olicity is the carrot you dangle in front of the rabbit to get it to run in circles. The EPs are asking us (the rabbits) to run through volcanoes, mud, and other icky stuff in the hopes we will at some point get to taste the carrot. 

  • Love 7

I imagine he is just hoping people tune in.


Olicity is the carrot you dangle in front of the rabbit to get it to run in circles. The EPs are asking us (the rabbits) to run through volcanoes, mud, and other icky stuff in the hopes we will at some point get to taste the carrot. 


Unfortunately, I've probably been fooled a few too many times at this point.  It's taken a long time, but I've eventually caught on that these guys aren't very honest, and they rarely deliver on their promises.  They've eroded all trust to the point where I might not still be here by the time they're done messing with me. 

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I honestly think there is such a thing as too much connection with fans. There is just too much of it in the world now. Too many interviews, spoilers, twitter, etc. I don't know how anybody likes any tv show, in particular, hanging on the word of casts and creators of tv shows. They are in a position they can't win. Everyone wants information but I think there needs to be a situation between the creators and the fans. They shouldn't have to tell anything about what they want to do or plan to do. They should be working on making a show and we should be enjoying the show as it comes (IMO). It's just too much these days. Now the EP's and cast almost have to lie to preserve some sort of secrets about the projects. I have no interest in hearing these guys in particular talk about the show when comes to the future of it (what's planned). That's not how I want to consume my television. I might hate some of the stuff coming forward but I'm certainly not going to enjoy already knowing too much information. That spoils like half fun.

Everyone wants information but I think there needs to be a situation between the creators and the fans. They shouldn't have to tell anything about what they want to do or plan to do.



Sure, that's fair.  And they don't have to tell anyone anything...they can just say "you'll have to watch and see."  Simple as that. 


Now the EP's and cast almost have to lie to preserve some sort of secrets about the projects. I have no interest in hearing these guys in particular talk about the show when comes to the future of it (what's planned). That's not how I want to consume my television. I might hate some of the stuff coming forward but I'm certainly not going to enjoy already knowing too much information. That spoils like half fun.



They don't have to lie so much as word things carefully.  The pre-season stuff regarding Caity Lotz's role this year was very dishonest...that felt like lies to me and they could have just said that she won't be around much or something similarly vague.


With most shows, I avoid spoilers and enjoy as I watch.  That's nice because you have no expectations and you're more likely to be surprised by things that are happening.  With Arrow, most surprises on this show are not what I consider enjoyable.  I prefer to know what's coming so that I can bail before I invest too much time on something that's going to majorly piss me off. 

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For me it depends on the show, though overall my enjoyment isn't hampered if I get spoiled. I don't search out spoilers for The Walking Dead because, for the most part, I trust the show to entertain me, even if I don't agree with all the decisions made. It seemed clear to me that the Breaking Bad writers were smart and had a well thought out plan on how to craft their show. Arrow severely disappointed me during 2B. I don't trust that these writers have any idea how to logically write a show, and based on their interviews, they definitely don't plan things in advance. Arrow gets a lot of things right but so many things wrong, and in this instance, I'm glad for spoilers so I don't descend into a giant rage ball after each viewing. 


Also, sometimes I care too much about the TV that I watch, and I enjoy all the behind-the-scenes stuff. It's fascinating to me how TV shows all come together, and I appreciate that I have a greater access to the creators, writers, and actors. Too much access? Probably sometimes. But I prefer that insight so I know where the show is coming from.

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Hmmm...several entertainment reporters are on the Arrow set today and asking for questions (GreenArrowTV and Eric @ IGN).  Guess which actress isn't working today? Emily Bett Rickards is off today. I think she's in LA with friends.  Coincidence?


I was just going to post that. Why doesn't she ever get to do interviews? It seems like she's been in LA for a few days, so she might not be in 3x09 all that much...

I thought she was in Van on Wednesday? Colton Haynes tweeted a photo of the two of them (it looked like they were on a beach, but with the trees and rocks it did not look like a LA California beach) and made a comment about watching Arrow tonight.


I suppose it could have been an older photo.

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She along with Caity Lotz took the lead roles from the female lead.  I think they are trying to re-establish their female lead (KC) who comes off badly when compared to EBR doing press.  EBR will probably get to do some PR right before 3.05.

David Ramsey posted Foundry Friday pic earlier, she's there. Unless he posted an old pic, but I don't see why he would.



The picture is old.  Check her tweets or her friends (Carina McKenzie & Tierney Bricker).  Eric said she wasn't on set.

Edited by Sunshine
  • Love 1

The pre-season stuff regarding Caity Lotz's role this year was very dishonest...that felt like lies to me


Marc G told me to my face that they loved Sara and she ended up in a dumpster and then refrigerator so they definitely lie.  I think Amell tries to word his answers carefully but the producers outright lie.  On its own it isn't a bad idea, as a lot of people-viewers and industry people alike-want answers and will be pests if a 'no comment' is given, but carefully worded answers is the best way to go if the 'no comment' isn't given.  I remember back in Supernatural season 4, the EPs were giving out a list of things to look for in throughout the season and one was that Dean would be full frontal.  That whipped everyone into a frenzy, wondering how it could be accomplished given the network and it turned out that Dean was full frontal in a book written by the Prophet Chuck.  So, accurate statement, but carefully worded so as not to give anything away.  It also worked as I remember a lot of us having a good laugh when we realized what they'd done.

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